Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jul 1971, p. 2

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2 The Canadian Statesman, e*ll, July Î, 1971 H o d'ec pion for 12 iOnulSclrsisNewton villeCouple Instalis Lions Club Executive for 1971'-72 Joseph Gerrits F~0 ACEE) kerL , Brian Burge.ssthr tph Reyna!d.s, Viýky IRay- ,Mi',Speea aadtt 50 cf, Crydermail, Marlon Elli, l-Ucb- nolds, Weridy Robertson, Mai- îhe 60 suet enrollcd l t r d Ellis," Addrea Ewercit, loi yn -Ryen, Olga Shirchariko, Gi7ade 13 progirm ill receive Farrow, Cher yle FuIt1on, Jas- Paul Shmnyr, Barbera S-uchor- their dipfloias thisyer They eph Gerrits, Thrnlas Gordon, ski, Therese Suchorski, David q're-, Gary Goýrr, -Mrgaret Hermid- Thomias, llarbart Tink, Ter- Cou.rtice Scoday ehIool on, Susar i enry, C-arol ils2, rance Trav,,ail, Ronald Van De Hoacr rauwe Donald Hujtto-n, Gerald RKing, Wlkar, Daberab Vetykl?, Rab- Rlcharç Allen, GienAbtnKel Laveuder, Hlo Luck, art Vogt aren Webster, Louanne Ayre, Judy Bceach, Welter Miclejko, Edmund Anmn ge uCyrthia W1ýis- Jea n Bell, Bonnie BisheIip, N'obl, Hans Pats, WTayne anar, Baïrbarei Wright, Karen Leonerd Bowler, Wjll"ýim Bun- Pappinî, Nadine otp chk io iaeTmtby Zevitsky. For ,war Sketch Plan for A ddaýitio;0*-n ajnd Alterations At nnikilenSchool Ari applicitin fQI ke jean approva of the proposed additon and ahalats to înlf1er. lublie Sehool, bas been fraddto th )e D- latient ,)f Edrtcatln bv the Unit'ed Coti5 Bado Zdrucaton. The ropsdadii n 4eludetheclsrmon ~oure ceàter, a gmeel pr-i P ose an ,Jdicange room) ,a! belth uni, a uinee3 ler andanadtoaluc loom. Thekîdrrtnwlbua ýýeparat'e efcnand ni facînag suhand havmig tt tiwÂn entrancie. Tue hbruArUwilbecnrald ly lced n become the ,oCat point of i te riew sehool, 11llowînug forayacesblt frn t(!-, c la' ýss criim ar ea,-, Nýearby the heltlrtandguid- ance centeri WHllbe loated, The generalpu seror will. Provide fonr mn ii Wood Gny L'i-iited i ment of Mr. G. ý.Tod Wýrîght tlathe Oshaw officcPrviu (0ti nove,, Mf %. Wriglht a employedo in the lHead Office in Toroimn. ties, suceh as physical eua Two epen concept educa- cation, -large greup îustructoaipdeahcnisigo tien, plays, etfc. Can ito îa ocms, wîî h a citgou- reoms wili ha located adacstructed-. Adjacent existiug eut te the large rom B side swiiliavthi the general purpose room, tha ciasarOawil aen Odthain_ eniargad lunch room wifll hý a waletions ramoed tan bulit and IpeIdaan ai-!lreteoe ra teriuativeareafar large grOup Dtaison antiCtpata'd cois ass embiies. are Jrot know t present Plan Bi g Day's Progrcum for Highland Games at Oshawa On StJuIy 17 W len h saaHighlanid ac mare than 200 cempeti- Games gat udewa t the týors perforni lu the Ontario Civie Auditorîium ýcompleý'x in jOpen Highland D an cin g Oehawe ou SatuLrday, Juîy Cb.Pioship, l7itb, you cen bel, the1re -Wiili If sports i!F your ferte and hai semethfig fra iwide 'Van -i itrest thera e -t he Oshawa ety ai' tactes, :ibeit ScoLtiSh «îghiard Gamas Inviîtatîional inspired ues, Track and FPld Meet. Wil- Fo eapl, fyeu ae heiem ivnto Jr., chairman type h nespp bneada nzr of jthe gemea;, you wýiil ha able te eaand bas ýprcînised ai reaily big hear 20 bandeaparform, fi- show thet cold prove the ing the eftaruoon air with largeat sportiug atraction of their chnli soundc and d1rum the year. Sema of the top relis. Anti ithgusto. More niames lu Canadian track aî,nti than $2500 lu cash prîzes J' fietIC are expeceted te tekaý' at stake. The beest baudth part, With the Pan-Ame,ýricen General Motos Bad will ha Gamas ouiy týo we u" tter cemnPeting of course. Anti ethe Oshawa nueat, this wili will thýe Worcester Kiltia providle the athetes with Baud frem) Worcesterý, Mass, coma excellenitVwarm.-uIP can- and the RAF Pipe B3aud patition befoca theY leave for freom CFB oceife Ont., Cali-.Par tlue peOle èf this te nrme lbut a faw.ý area, it wil ha a chanceta see wcrld-cliîhra track andi Or perbap5 you are imprasý- fieldi avents, ced wt ScoËtish dancing. Promn earîy imorning uritil lata The games will bu- offtcially aftrneuyo w]1ha aýble 'copaned at 12:3,1 p.m, hy the - Henarabie Rcbarvt Stenbury, miister w' il-bo ut portfolio aneud M.. for Ycrk-Scrhor- ougbi. Henry- Shannon: has Iof Scottish programm-tiug on gf/; it. ITorouito radie station CFRB w il act as Officiel gamas M GSAVINGSI DRESSES and HOT PANTS Reçîuiar $U ny$4O ALL SPORTS WEAR 2Ote 3 Oý,o R ED UCTIOQN S HATS CLEARING AT !J/- Price AL L %YEATHE R COATS UP TG 4OV co ALE S7ALES FINAL 48 KING ST. E BOWMAN VILLE The Oshawa Chamnber cf Commerce la sponsoring the gamea as a tributie to Colonel R. S. NMcLa.ughliu lu, bis cari- ternial year. Police Find S11tote n Car Inr Burks Fails A ear ome y Fr ed -A, Krampcnowaiijare tweu riira pm. anti il pm. PFriday fearing, w! ocatEtiý eaeriy aturd1ay Mrirg et Burka Pele ,where ià hati been involveti n 1an1accident. Police et Burk,, Pelle, aetiriy cenimunily 147 miles rotmf Bowmaîivilc Ie, esteti two persans allegadiy ti pessesior cf the stolon vehicle. Both, fram Bowmar'lville,5 they wr Panai John Jonesr,* aea25, 'cf 41 Liberty Streat and Daeid Lloydrt amier, aea22, of0 !Welirngton St. Tha ý-twa mariapeaa baf ora Bawnuar)vi lie Court, ycaterdiay and wr rmantict for plean Urtil July2th Th ar, IM1M0 Pr"iîn station w agon, was a Compiete wvrite-off, acorir ti e ioBurka Feus Police. it WRirafuliy - surati. On 25th Anni*versary~ On Sunday afternoon. June J'rom Wrkoth Cmbel 2Oth, a ve2ry enioyabrie recep- ford, Port; Perry, Burlmrgton,ý tion was h-eid ni the Unitedi Oshawa, Bw nile ort Church Sna School ior Hope, Orono andNwate Mary ;an d Miil oeec Netdon ville, tLnhilp tIel th aterooniar celebrate their 25t[h wedding Dri ha ormern o telephn annîversary, r, n arrivrd ilu worký The roeom ws ea-utifly loh-ul decorated and rse, eoles, stai a eq.ulppeýd to in-ý çarnatinrs and orange blo- tee.hne-f.te Jne. sos ad very attractive choice for them -a 11 magneto set or Ra moderni . . witlh a suitabiy îced thr- cade et tiered wedding cake. Fo )r I11GW. groups sre Weli over two hundredi refreshmenrts and everyoneý frlinda and relatives attFiede ejoyed a Lso itie Mrs. Workmaon's Pupl Give Pia n oRecital A most delightfil recitai wîth a gît rom the pupils.1 presented by the piano p.) up is At the close of the1Prrm of Mrs, W, E.C. Workman lunch of icream hclt was held on Thurcday, June milk and coke for theý 24th et the Lioni Community ohîldren, anlid coffee and Centre. The recital ha3 be- cookies for the aduitswa s corne an annual! event, and as served. Mem-nbers of ther- usuel was attended by a larg.e freshmênt- commijttee w e- number of parents eltieMrs. Don Kennedyb, M.G. and friends cf the pupils.;Patter, Mrs. Don Andeirson,, Lovely baskets of pink and' Mri, W. Townsley ,and Mrs, The Bowýmanvile Lions Club white ponjis, orange, blo-1- Brown.,i som5, and pink and red Weci-1Tefolwirpuis a-siate of officers for 1971-1-2 last MV gela, anid A beautiful artange- ticipated, in the program: ,District Governor, Maurice Tamblyr, ment of red carnations en-i SharonKney Sarah Le-lu-b and formerly of Bowmanville, hanced the spacîous roolym Gresley, Amber Tayl!or, RPon the picture aboya ha looks on wlh where the recitlas held. H1-aass, Marlene Ci-ai, KevHIn l gKm istapei tsb ,Mr, Farncomb LeGresley of Crage, Suzanne Bail, Karen Newcastle, wxho Is a memiberAnrsn Kathy LeGreley, ef Jack Munday, incomijng Prasicid of the teachinig st aa Bow'-inu Rimes, Laurie Jennings, and officars form a haf circle arour manville High Schoel, wasi Peter Craig, Angela De Jog-- master cf ceremnonies,. Duiring Nancy TIaass, Sally Bradley, the program .he reLad the : Jethroy Potter, Charlie Oege ý-Rotary Classification Talk name of aach pupil who had ma, Terri Aun Townsley,l- ____ beau successful at the Tor- Wally Marti, Judy Jeunings,i onto Corservatory cf Music Dawn Morris, Cindy, Vivien, examinaticns, askiug, each Sandra Cox, Joanne LeGres- c -d I pupil to stanid arid receive the iey,- Licha Beliman, JanejWn conigratulations they se richly His, Margie Craig, Je'yriel desrvd.Bradley,' Carol Lewis, Patti Onbha!ci heppisVan Meer, Janet Tigbe, Cyn-1'1 JanBuMorChng Miss Janaet Towrisiey express- thia Bail, Jane Morris, Mer-ýZ 'ad~~~~ tertak fo Mr.gie 1Van IHeuvelen, Lorie-Van, Workmran's efforts on their Camp, Velerie Taylor, Jane(t' behaif anrd thenopreepnted ber Tewne, PattiLeGreley, Hafaiways wanted to be athir 0WA 1Bey Taylor, Lourise Nmgn usi~. Ever sinca ha "tiron YOTUH HARD AT WORK, Hilary Johnisoni, Shelle 'Y Bai, cf remember. But in 194Wuc Shapron BDurrxs, Cathy Tighe:ý,haeltd a different kî;rdnd ake arlï The publlcity departmenit David. Anrdercon, Jaulce unf vocational target .- the t,ýheir fre( of the Grono Youth Theatre Merry Bridges, M'vies Ci-Mnsr.Rev.i hasn't ben keçing us uip- tick, WilI Tn:ylor anid Rose- rom that point hbas set,, most eýf1 to-dite on their activities ili mary Kennedy.1 bis sighits on tring te epboog reeent weeks, but it is un- po)( idot,"ýhl1 t o derstoo4 thley are oparating TO CpeANGD ýataout find eut "wbat lif la t lie aud working bard et play TW ASDMGE i buwhtteflnea0 hth joy rcally is". parishesc prep~raions., two car collisioni on King! Se Tom Gracie, recter o eetn Accordiin8 to the Orono Street rear Tem-peraucie on St, John's Anglican Churchf, cari get Times, therte is stili a nead Frlidey a t about 6:30 p.mr. re-1toldb1is feliow ,oai'insl quite quil for acolrco1modatioe apid sulting *ir about $100 dameges. bhis cassifiçation taik et the poone'd It anyanee n Orono who ean Drivers' were DonnaMau- om vie club'sluhenurtr hepi skdt onatae ilnof Naw-castle andirmeeting heid in the 'Min'lae ,l Mrs. H.LHW Barlow. Laur>ence lHelmier cf 17 R-ing Dtchmnan Motor Inn oune i5 realiy Street Wes. îth posedt sez MONTEAL WANHURT"Wha lathe rministry ail red'. Hé A 45yearold onte~f1 PETEBO~~IGH abouit?" le shot eut, "'iïtîlthe 2a-(.h mari,, riH.Vredi s frema what tbey are into what iotd li n Bowinanvilla Memoriel inaeamenand woiuea jthey shouid be. That l5 the! HJospitai recoivering from n h l romi this area wmjj converge reward. And the hope". înjury ta i righit fshoulder' on Peterborough fuis Satur- -Ha saîd he was seeig au c after Iiis car cllicied with day, July 10thi for the an- incre-iasing number of people anothpir in the eeastbourid lana anal wàlk te commpemorate who we wre asking "why are we of H-ighwýay 4M01 near Courtice the Battle oftthe Boyne ia here2?" and "'what cari wa doI lIoad,( on Mhonday at 10;55 p.m. 16?8. that is worth while?" To Tom(F The driver of thae, ther car, G7racie, the answers are found Vit Kin. was unijured. L I lachristian conviction. whlcb w Preopertýy demege figures are In thie caitors MilIcesai htMost people requirem ______________ DA JNGTONCHAMPS kriow wbat, the eccnomy îsa al qie notIGT7 available. about, but net encugh about spousibili DerM. July 3, 1971 mie, bappiness arid how te binding Dea Mr.James,' s retm.as e r 1 î n t o .n Pleasa be a'ivisad ithat the us feaim. les e picture cf the Hampton H-e fired a predictioii that teies ect softbll tam was muchwithin 25 years 85 per cent of te e sfbl emwFvcry , hChief w Soccer appreciaec liowevear, 1 tbe' paeoe tha85prM n The Darlinitar Soccer Lea- 1Soth d fal rybgoys ti tiýea cent of the work-week freea1for n g the gue axtends tulr.,cteepesrl islot qulte trua since they 9sympathy te the Peufournd eet~te$uhDrig fanlily on [lie daath ai' their ton champions and vwon the fson Lac. The oilwiu C ou rt ic aDarliigtouti itie. -an ' ili a e-sbdue' Wa will ha wvatcihinig for M\fondia.y, Juy tb, Ceurtica v., the, pictures of thie Beaa IZ*Ion wili ha played on îychildren in the naxtissofe 26th, Wedneasdy 7th, Sln your fine newspaper. -vs Coiirtice will ha piayadli Your.ý vary tiy Auguat :2nd. G lia Senior Juna 2M - Rab Smart led Saiam wilbtwo goal1s aunfd Boyd Knox plcked uip oe ai Salem de&fe.atad Ziori 3-0.. Larry Welsah lu goal pickedE,ý fl up bis tiret shutout cf te W 9AP P 7 year. Salineaud Tyrane fought (aojýFPROM PAGE ONE) ta a1-1 tic. îm MP. a4sc as;kad constitu- In the Alýitar game the ents wbe bhave net raturad D)arlington Alistars bad iittla their questionnaires to do se tro:ubýle dumpning the Whitby at once. If tbey bave beëen lïayais witb ea '-0 win. The lest or mispiaced new ques- locais werf llad by Jlin Baker tionnaires wil ha sent eut on with tbrae goals. requaat ha said. Meuday 28th - Hampton "The' respoes from My defreaed Courtice 3-1. Scor- coustituents bias beau eue of ing for Rampton, Don Rogers the nîost baartenlug experi- witb two ed Waruer Wai- encas of my ulue yaars ini Ot- rafi' one, twa. It is proof positive of Wedluasday 3th - Sauinaithe desire cf Northumberland- edged Salem 2-1 in a close Durham electors teo partici- gaine, S>oriug for Solîna' pate lu the decisions cf the' wera Jini Baker wvith onea nd1 f e d a ra 1 goearment," Mr; HnBakerth second. PIck- Hauney said. tmng up the 1101e Salem goal, wes Peta PIrisent. Hanupton downed Zion 1-, e wib DonRgeadoing th IFiIVIl rdged Tyroa c PBriai Bu ges picked u p t he huu forCoutia. flWeekend 3cOrýiug 'lead witb twO gasDarlingtn,. omevil as 2'SOlina edgad Hem0pten1 2-U. iremen had e touigh time get- GrabarnDallas pickýed 1p tetiga decent night'i sleepti lorie Hanauptan goal. weekend. Tonigbt Salemi playa$ n ary Suuday nucruirig tbiey Tyrone. weî'e roused from theirsl- Junior bers when a deep fryar caught! H1amptari and Sollua fought fire in au apartmaut hbeiong- toae 1-1 drew. The Sellua iug te Ray Pester at 16 Divis- goal wvas scored hy Boyd ion Street. The fiareesiguited Kmox and flan Smlitb repiied the wall and ciîrtâmns lu the for Hamupton,. kitchen area. 'The eaxtent cf Courtice adgad Tyrona 3-2 the dý3aage bas miot yet ba 1 t T lyrone. Scering for Cou)Lr- ',deterninedi. tire wce ave Johnson, Tq1j'hn Eariy Mounday mrîg ei Tamblyn -amd Bruce Oshoýrne -dentso Smso-veu a ,il witb oua. Tyrane goal's calied we hysidacn iweaby. Dele Griffin aud flagratien luinbe ald or cha ýrd Rary G7ibbs-, opposite their oms Firemern Senilor Lau Standings 'discovered a greup cof child-, G P Pts GF GA ren, Camping eut for, the nigb-t Souis; 12 22 26 7 had tbrown semae barbecue Sz1ir il 10 9 13, fuel onto a smal lire tbey haël Tyrone I1tln1 16 19 lit. Neediase te say, the H ptn 12 9 20 25 1youngsters spant the remain- SsRlenu Il 8 20 19 der of the night. sans fire te CaurOLItiçe il 7 13 23 kecp thenu coirpany. installed it-s new from the f ar laf t, Diracter VIonday nIight, Past Maurice Richiards and Don ' fmrm the Linidsay Lush; Secratary, Gord SzIi did the honors. In Cuthfbert McDonald; Se, hile PaIst Presidant Frank; Thîrd Vice-Piresid tn io the lapai Tamer, Fred Morrison; Ti Jent. The directers abseýnt :from the picture. ind therm. Thay ara, ____ ___ bea ~d 0 of Ilhe ta s ks ,o f th will be to heltp people nj)-oyable use of e ti e," a sid. Graîie, ho s Pen1 bis life iu the Peter- area- before comm;p 'manvlleremnarbed fouind the ,smyaile2 more pPrsoflally ilu because tha mniister te kiew everycrion .ckly. Ile gentiy lamri the Anglicani head- lu Toronto s "h heree n es to i,0 f he ?gÎoodý" and h u ýat o-f evrtigsac- e diweit briafly upo>i hean hlerarchical syl- unji the chwrch and eta prom-otion hed riE *undln ruvns Pnom PA$ýF ONE) Vould set up a iCenC neut ,procedureý, rn -caffetinsureuce -Prîu lity, and establis,,,h, fe tarifi'. It would standards for, tb and certain jiuspac- uLiremeints. The poliJC vould be gjvLn sSen [ilities lu administai. by-i1w. -e i ne protection tI the communîty or tc thie leg;- timata preprietors agaims sbhort4~erm, cut-rate fare eut tig f oparators without any control avec standards and L iberalsitlg rasponsibility," Mr FROM PAGE ONE) ýBarber taid cauncil.' The b'- meetîings lri different parts efl law was medelied eftar oni the province, 1uinaffect lu the city of Osii The foilowing appcintmeuts awa. were made te the Durlham Council asked if there werE County Liberal C a m p a ig9in any fly-by-nigbt opacators in CemmIttea: Poil Orgenîz7a-itowri. tion, Harry WVade, Newcastl Ne, the Alionds replied. Dispiay Materiai, Ren Goode-, "But we are cencerued about Port Hope; iFoiicy, Roger~ the future," tbay said. Kirkpatrick, Port Hope; and Councili feit- that tariff-set- Publicity, M r s. Gleubolme ting would eliminate fair Hughes, Bowmauville. compatition. Mr. Barber con- it was anneuuced that a ceded it waa a good point and Liberai Caucus wiil ha beld e seriaus ona. "Howevax, et Yorkr University ou August there wiil be pieuty of cern È0th, 2lst and 22nd for ail petition lby service," he a ca nominated candidates, pro-land -poiutad ta the bauking vinciai and federal rýdîng as,- business as an analagçus sit- 2oclations' presideuts, caucua uLation. mnembers, and c a mpaei g n ýMüst urbani areas bave chairman. A repart on1 the sucb a by-i.aw," Mr, Barber ,s.uccesful banquet held lu rgued. "Irraspousîble, un- houer ef Robert Nixon at regulatled compatition shoubd the Lions Community Centre, mnot be prmnitted ta disceluc Bowmanvile, was prasantedlaga respoutsibla usnesin by Presidant His. I thc avvlOwu o wmanvilie.", rs Ralph His, Don BagnEil,. ,Marsdan; Treasurar, BruceF isIl; Fir-st Vica-Presidenit, coud VePrsdn.Jim ient, Howard Wightý1; Lion ail Twister, Hlary Akey, is Éad te tour the faciltias. Arthur B. Fnithe local dîrector of the Childreu,;'s ;Aid said hae wanted to kae-cp tbi' oui ay "very informi n d ,nI (unsrîtaesece" "Y aoutmi70 hclriretod a,i7n unicia ofiiasepntg. h ,Tbese would iýiincIp o3te Itpecific réference toara ord- childiren, those awvaitinge :dop,- Le I'rly progression up the ledder. tionchlrr le For the toppositton, Primateouin ometinad blreng aVven the lowiy deacon bas a home. ýchance of being elected, ha b blrrisAd r ~ remarked. Finnie said, prima cncrn -He said that oeeof tha joys are te providec-tounseiliirg arnd 9 aOf being a priest (eue step family srie Sabeve the deacon), is tbat ha "More 'andmoeppear rbecomes soenmuch irivalved coming te us and aayirig 'l - wlh PEPle.have a problem, cari you help c"Like the doctor, lawyer, ina'," Mr. Finnie saidl. "This -teancher and undertaker," ha ta a new trend. We carino - said, "the priest's job is tet- deal wxith the problemo befere a, lIv dépendent upeu bis cou- it erupts. Le tacts witb. people. The doctor "eour service i"s hcm -delivers the baby, the priest morepavn ive ather thRan -anneints and baptizes. The ýn teecher teaches the child, thepretve pretgives spiritual guldancee Mc. Finnpie said the oi4d imi- ,and eduocatien. The lawyer ac fti-CifinsAdi IIIp flipcheYoung rman get ~ecmuut a. htc estabiisbed with a home acldcitbr and'or business, the priest la Tî ru fsm wn there -te marry him. The aia em -brs was iresns~ unrtc(r aker puts the mani to ible fer outfitting thal-, rieýw hic final rest, the prieat iq piayreem and nursery there te officiate over thé Oria warker at the ,ýagenc(Ir huril. dascribed their rolea aslook-L "The priest dees twica the iig efter a11ilie littie im-port-, werk" harit extrafar the childran. he daclared eand then, "Anything wa can doe te Îadded with 'a amile, "but ie dispel this is fine, hasaidJ, dees net get bai' the pay. "W mutci'ntinuIe tn encaur-. a Rev, Gracia, a pepler ae people tn fee-] fra- c t ap- d -speaker at Rotary, was tharik-' d byRtra1et ilt.proacb US." IeJed y 'otaia Keth illU.Much ocf the renovatlon of C-1 fthe building cen be said tc he directed toward this. ,eýpU liC V eWS, The front et the building îis P ri longer. austa-re. Iriside.- carpeting replaces the ciel at tles and attractive wnod Renovations tlaueîîirig o st, Each worker bas ano office fr interviewing clients.Th, ,ylChidrens Aid is aso a nursery anci plae,- dApproxixmately 8() couuty as the nucleus cf a lîbrar' cresidents and friands tourad wbich the pubic wýi]l be the reuovatad Cbildren's Aïid ccuraedte Louse. e lbuilding lu Port Hope, Weýd- The building is weil laqid 1nesday, June 23rd. eut. The-affectis bath pra The building bas been in anal and warmr. ,e use simca Marcb, but Wednes- Tee and cakes were eserved iday's opn bouse was the by the Society'a Ladies Au-. afirat, apportunit tha public iiiary during the openi bouse,_ rd L ,e s M DELOITTE, HASKINS '& SEILS Ctiartered Accountants OFFICES IN MAJOR CANADIAN CITIES OSHAWA'CENTRE - OSHAWA pARTNXERS:; GORDON W. RIPHL, F.C.A., ltJ-A. GORDON F. SEDGEWICK, C.A. BURT R. WATERS, £.A. PHONE 728-7527 âe .f William Bunker Marion Ellis M-il- v-

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