Gar eni" enlint ie)t starit a rockerv ngsmegod size opensos in yourlaakyad, r if~ bplat alarger plant or StoneCrp((edm evn n vrgîeen ta ol hr s ag soîetof .oe a seep sipe n yur 1ist grw oo lre 1. Iail Ibîis aitseUysie fl~ot lan, arockr : my 1p ossibl, ytoicopraea Iherckr; i hv feh ~db hebeut o , qakva r 'tilu"ke patt'eru succulent bave, and oud witheiter te nturi 1flag-1ho planted lu iia wi ri You should. stant with astepad tr- to-,make this atl rangin oorfmadep ]rase so], if thle soiuihsb es 1four fooýet wide, depend-iyelbowta a of[ re, (aIdwilli ren p iactdc ori I I- at (' f ourse on the width of.ive oiupenyi color ini where you ae lanin1toth rockry-. It will be l' the r-ockery.Man mrpvn Instil arocery s gass, tegivethewhoble area a goodi ee aePvi-ao thn emvotb gas t te oai g eoepianting, ta Annuals o ro gr don, - !ý l n~ract rea wh o yauilndwahuthe uew sou arouindliscmpoewtola as i) usise, n p te sli te rcks and find out any1 somo anuis1uchash 1iai'xcsivhatcr can spots tatwouýld need some, dwarf ptt aiodo ýirain thriouIgh prepes :no ddtiug oil. Now you arelthe dwanf bine getu, or apply a layera agood lgrade ro-ady te pln.try the lvoydouble ,pa)rtu- et., gade o-ar.'If tbis loam o e asýic Rockery Plants laca which wll spread inild isz onrtho andy idem a Te ugeFlowers - Theyi ,ives a mas5 ý;_ýofbrhtcln bale of pet oss (C cui. fI.) are[ exellet material for1îseealsads te about evny)40sq, ýet i io rekerie, ad wllldo well iiY iThiagS To Do This Weekead area.Selet a ood ssort-tho Sun"] or sad.Their babil iSpray yu rssand d ment of diffent si, zý,es of lise is Zowcgrowing aud spnoading fertilizer, for belter: bloms etallimfestone ro ic,ýks wbich with, 6 ;Io 12" spikes of flow-l Prune your eveorgreenis if yau aeavailabole ai rsý during tise nonlh of Jurne. have neot doue se. Then&'s centres; thiese eaui be bought Tise toliage is green, witb a stilil ime ta spray your lawn dnivdalyor can be bouglit puripie linge as Ihe plants be- for weeds. Spray your evor- per ton, Thien tarI placing corne,'ocder; the flowers arc a greens and. cedar hodgiug for thie roksl a natural seltiug duep 7blue. red s;pider miles, Remove the het base rt tthe rockery, MoujnuAlyssum, somL-,aid flowerboads trom ail ain- bum ake sure that Jil dans timcs _clld 3Baske,ýt of Gold oîuais and rosiýes, and epincil pot look like a now ,-of soldiers Neat pat -wt olden yel- back pansies týfor, beltrrand ail standiiing iiua rew.This 15 0w owes roucd uabun-more boosIbrougisout ithe 11cas tse ardest part of dance from April *n June, andi summer. Stake tho dahlias buidig rokeyso lake cf ton cotinuing 10o looam and delphinîums ,and' othor yotir lime, eei if you have througbout the summer. itail gnowing plants. Spray tý miove tlise rocks several Silver Mound Artirnisia -_ your gladioli for thrips, Nows lims orerta gel the~ Compact mounding plia nt,lsil bpck and relax and"Y rigt sttig.Mix the large which will grow about 15 la, thee utIle paradise you bave rock s witb tise smal l7es, so 20"' wide, and is covered -wjib created, igist in your owu t1u)ftine setpttruis tolow- a silvery fernlike fou.iage..l backlard. Unlil next, week,ý edi. Then bilïd iup biste top1 Should be planted iu full suni hsappy gardening. ! Arizona Ar hit cf Ot'awa Dîsplay Shows City cf'the Future 1 The cily of the future? According te PaoloSoeon, ,an architect living in Arizona, il could vory xvell be. hiC ~ ~ 'iQlN CÂIOI,01 isi+yd I' eCUCI xvliIeb Conference Centre in Otlawa, is Mr. Soleri's vision of gr tomorrow's American city. It is called 3-D Jersey, a highly consparlmentalized urban package which would high Johin Hanicock t1ldngin Chicago is justI left of] centre in the picture 'lThe project is a joint underbak-1 ing of iRutgers Unrversity and Ford Motor Company. as a feasibiîty study for a now air/transportatiJon centre. On the inside cover of the bookiet resting on the table in the foreg,-rou-nd is a simple message. "This soar 3,462 Ireot mie lise air ancd have a population den- Is about mit-iaturizaiin7. In would oe iglteffng o sity of roughl r 400,000 la the square mile. Te give an see his dsin fr seme-thîng he considered, really big!- bOfynwn pe bts frapp3aCnu a41000janh cîvd.Ti ilidea of the size of the city, a model of the 1100 foot-____ future.1 . a ibideu isal eperetsquare mile. demand new eu oin atoul> De ontiat 0, , "(!ýigthý irNassau uUDanecostat i e~ile a toarow ba Sobonri's cilles change tislandaicndtou. lie? Wel in go t tiseuban ,image tram ise flal ý"Expansion iaud change iu Fedru GvenmntCote- iiR extensive scheornetise Iraditiraon il;y tend tâ caaCue s ta a bt uitensive iively bulk. ilouve tbise central anea i . su aýý%;;. , Theeu Ii fuy îti, aHeegroaler eficiency would couinujous sîate ef doteriota disia l ieig saw c ee o chieved bocauso lîmà ,-1lion amnen lite -roui lite mani!ls ViSion)i f wblat tsssao a are dramaticullyiloccurs ut tise peripiery- u~reisld fr is ity- reduced. Mobilîty wou]d ho Saloni believes. Ho caunbens dwLerln is PuoloSeon no langer detfined by tiseiwîtis a city wisere mun warkS an Itaian -turne - Amricun automobile eiihen. Wlking out bis cisangisig socialnes a csîeo, deigeraicills oud o e-itedcdintolwilisin Ithe, pbysically coufn wha bs advucnd l (s ot lise urban scisomo. Tise citv,îg tlî i ie cty prepen. radica idea u unhaplan igSalon declar os, tison becomesa "liogsnu t tss siae te bbi. cntuy. place wbere mnan eau lîve lu have even beenrbuilît," a aigu Th ise idea i eaieybnoywitli' bath tise urbas road neun tiseilet tise ds imple. o1 e; build higis su- soliug and tLise natunal land-Iplay urea, "tbcy, are amang, 11 a cllsscupe tise 1w-a beig adja- tise graudest nciiectural Ta elo, bsa islis lgicl cul and uvuluble witisin conceptions Ibis conluiy basg. ~ellie b s-iucis'robe a iue f one unolisor. cever seen. laed cilE:servatýie,- biirt Salon w awus bora u -inr ' polton at csuaadTui.Ialy, lu 191., firsM Cle f unpleaalne a-aci'e ides-pread publie PNYOL~ lng urbua culons. for is bridge desigsîn i19-5 5 Keilis Sts-ang bas accepd i i- rh ,,. lus>eadbf n uran pnal h insibued minatue lst-a position withb Greer,Gal of 200 squareiles 1, io ta 1ia laont n laAnizna to wu1 und soitsLi E ' ~ ' ,.*,j fixesic le. hîisSaln udKer ou bi des as cty d- guceiug onsltats Filet vo ie hi ,lz a tseriy igs. Hoba heninerat eissagi. eiisgndute nidb ipbdodta ni a d u naI nV lis!tehucal eiipnîn l lerl ig a 3 squ~re miles,300 storcys esîbel e-anc itelnu secs ya- ore tS udir"- - TisaI s lhn~ lims ai ianî -liosbut wal tierbu ghens Vgclbeo.' I-ii-"' - ~mg u lie 'xonl. pepîe ivin ussuchunLu-iskd ar commuityoeK ~'~.,~ ionfa illle syul hofoud rojcî,caîedArosanîc lped awuy hle, u wr l Aian, i iih bi Wallon w s udcls a iell Rn trilfsý i raI trci ura n ize xenti- , p r oInt nawnr onwa o .' . c.l.,- meutl Heej50pabcure d pots faermiigte '5a N owOpen, e catn~, olitcias, nbun lan-hal ganes ad wa s baR. j ner, arisitcîs, unliîs ad a inoninte esl a mmml c r i, ho l iRe leted is sncresypub ment deus t50 eocplandý-- sîdpotîaunal sri es eble a eiî bta ed s ydneo og tBhmnpws nto nteB mndmlc. N Ge pl aos-oinntinsureanl a lise Cornmsocanala-Htoe teeyugtn eosnt lm h aalyo ecakeM.Geb aetegopaCnda l nest rcgimeagintinMilbak.' rm aneTie ils p o ageu e(0,raeSinTs yunser, omCoubu Pîan adWinim l 1 . - . . 0GTDO hssJJOYMiu, ' working 1- uint ecedligi!of aicaswîtbe prnt'Mapbi s kne i blre, n isgs it n spc fagatning sci?(is, adboisiiin lisesgh Pelr 1111n1Iý(" OÏuud Misy Dave-S>nnog.tie Bahaman lie.l l isevsiton)'-,nug ad Tnate nteBbana ,iaei a %REFReSHJNG whegsl, pug-i companensthj nueder, Mgrs KennFraen, nesee acheavorli__Mi._________________the_______a_______________ Tisee units ahado aiu____________________________ mateleals surisas man, Luda ad iVlanilyn hav M4o E PRO lstcrabeepnM, os oisson a a tr tnpa s- ,asuyugtrpuonteso eet tHni a n ithrnediny serveatmultipleto uses.eSRaoodsItCwan theressur ivge lofal rowtij-4ehomeonomyi hiron aI ial-soor w as ie lda n lb aise upanîmentfe. lbltheka usos eîî chutesIliebasemeuta for Mrnnas Sa 41 beee rnseh Mn~ Lnarebardacurs aeàYnd-Dais' Tisecaernt p esreanevotine.esawecnearsesjmseunts oI ndrtsc f notisrenmat occeic mtral uh as i on,«,nl â- '4rln auila16, MrGtiecesid fa elcn owre y lu is caet, ot Tsasic cnd mexaornd ,cova- -ewtife on zmaI on Tie 23,31 caleers atwîî calîne l dobl $1ia0 Pvery flexible, and mod andatteconWesnCoaat Bowmanille ill. Ms lmsi h An miuselay.eauysiee uet oabsc ae HdosCnrlRginïhcs1ïai ons"M.Gte-t ,ts cemnmuitywod alionila tiyse eu lpnus es. R ashw bed enyfer ws iMJ i sstie Co-sso1splnfo 6 ~ 373 ewcasll accouned for aTiseblocksiugsucloun ow- 1orgblu basceavenbnt form SeirCiies vutiteir e ts bl.m und Gail e ggo,ýwea V Gereeaten e uOuu Assitanc Proeci Treugh ayindutirsur- lutgto bere Dona undHdeanwyrbae 90rcr ou ende ,7, tto ne ontuto ivnigdgese t Phone 623-2461 cally ise -,Jdesi e intoC ise i Lssy."bi tuoisIplmn e Unpceited' nresn cChue. Ti l ajrmno hntl tet e ls mo.ýt4 1,a_ýcetT lndSpnet n u Sn-t aecrlriw ee ten a)C';- card lîbr during lise wabnili et mwipawrobetoe tis (0ii! fiýcîn lday tis ý1. escre h wutes 11 bove1 j oeaiîonsc acIiv t and 0y earoudaIIbedorde ci Lbrook.t s u econ y st b cauo- Tiss profse iseW H (dnfie' inpurroil uing s1970cr, m,ý THURS. - FRecentlSAfor JULY 8y- 9c- '10 eWOaI.eXsPurrha 10 i nngwork force cou et ibis 7 te evloirt fortuneCoa upsel bisplueR mfor revnus îîîresed14pe lis e the futuue,"lsrepaira oa ho-n u r zaZde.stiTerîE Ef te itY Gorg, taxesle n ntaioerg by crOntaniefcrm br ad r1 obRedet 'nvt.; tes HyretaCntalRei7 Thouha ytea fai nor aiagra Rails(, Dnavisstes elyrla 9 eod wstis Of Slmuicpaîleldu iug i 9 7 O cfc r- 'ti c , r inonda anr elaîlves r nu l.epo t 42 iiss,<i-i-,,t ý w e'h rcî c -t o o r,5 i8,418 , U n aI y eueýe .i - j(-I lii) a GoldenuWeddiug Aunivrsury separabe scisat haurd uppnov- i ivestigale wuys et.rduciug cedinnicarif hndn u (iiMrsJeeZu-utmah ordmeing lasmbeekan. etomajradlieand blmvoetlscsaad ue ',twskm. Tiscrnerwresgtl e lo bge adv riceunusqotati2 aus old ba heendcus-onIM On Wd.,thýý, efetedGni- fre $1300vespayn i n arn-tmion ukylchag o e or up -aing lssia t 1i * EXTRA STONG eld duiug 4ise mntis ~4c anraee to leveofmpauy lu ualiliby qurinth 'bats rmecueujm I ulvfre dr ea6 eus e srbandouSu el bu ulmofîty Id ha b t2o,!tel 10yan fug.ti csoore rates0-,wihoovere ad et ise eslned aslaifur-whuvo on guran 26 3 bgswil h hdlulis prkonasvingaudreud ta ,nae utiiteast en b e tsIsutccitpwe furise sas factsi e rv ce u lwn bave11wt he Censtrald rgovd n eu tDentsehurcudtiewiîh ieser obitR povd b ucs Zn TUJL RS eu iRrouasRal. eviewaldpaLd eid, "Wisbfore c rco- OMAVJ McGregor naruware G E CAH TQAY nu adi un aal(îsetAizebe potion niii INGHuilb blaicldnghdr, SLN upae0ftseecntsw FBAowMavlE waesoesevcadnu-mnqusinbswseral STTSA rlgs ii aigtomjTs aiaLha' ilbsekn ecrscooi 271 AS 5F! E S 970 ntî lis cndai ise opn a~usua nu bou evny Igrott ycqrest-Plsgbeue hone62a254 Phno 23-3O3 tisae yax anînot wii al Wenesay venng,7-8pmef eect~c awe, I derîf III annouince no change ln "oueapP we n the drinking- age as that la part wishes to ioiia friends alter- of the considerations in con- having eaten elsewheré, or toe nection wvith the 'age of mai- a dining room w r enter-' oî,, Mr. Yaremko stated. tainmeflt is being giÎven in the Orit',"laie eveninag, some form ot îOt1her changes included: meal was mandatory." Dancingand dinner music in "To eirninate the possibility dining louages and dining of tur-ing dining lounges it- rooms will be permitted on straight, drinking louages, pro4 Sundays.pretors wîll have to see to it Liqueur candies will noxv be that the total receipts froma avaîlable with up to five per- the sale of liquor in any mniý cent alcohol by weight, do not exKceed the total i eceipti The definition of resident for from the sale- of fond," th-- liquor consumption purposes Minister said. h las been broadened to include Mr. Yaremko, aiso emphasz- condominium and apartment ed "th at the local option prol- buildings and their pools, pat- visions of the acis", will con- ios, recreation rooms, louages, tinue to bie enforced,. Citizensx lahuràry rooms, back and front coming under these provisions- yards and parking areas. Mob- wiîî still have the right to de- ile homes are included. ilermine these questions at the Residents of senior citizens'ilocal level. homes may treat the wlio1e In the employment areýa, the residence as their home. Pew regulations, make iït posý- Where demand warrants sîble for waiters andwies selected LCBO outlets will re- Ses to, work inter-chanigeably .main open until midnight. in ail lîcensed renuases, re- rOutdoor as well as indoor gardless of the claszification iOt ipermits will be availab;ie for license.- ".well organized" special tes- This meCanstht aires tivals and exhibitions. eau a-ow be employeid liiM ren', Tbe LCBO will establish a beverage rons, Foirmejrlyý7 dt-relîquor store at Tôr- they could neto. onto International Airport for c ,1 i-nntrnational, flights. "oeeluve ft Licensed establishments, get- Owoeni EqArtEmploze rt tnig in lne with previous îeg- OposreiyAtths et i siation wýhich enabled th.1e m ter saîd. opea after the poils cl1ose in1 __________s_ mu"lnicipal and provincial elec- tions, will be perntitted to fol m low thîs Une on federal elec- tion da ~ e v rfi While one a,m. final closiai1 remaiins, lîcenised establîsh-] v:ý e k n moents will be given more flexi- bility in closing fo r periods Teems aebeen I rany1 during the day if the public l5 a mtoit udayeenn not inconvenienced. wonderrig if thei wrekend'Sý- Mr. Yjaremko reported that respite a.t 01Pcottage wa ifhe recently extended -driakIng worth the snaiH.-pa.-cedjore service in the immediate open back homne. air areas of restaurants was proving successful. Traffic f erpt elong ithe Mae-- ,.Alter a fiurry of misunder- donald-Carticr _Freeway Sun,11 standing (as sometimes hap- day ateroo lad early e-v- pens) these facihîties are inuop- ening lu, what ýNewcastie OPP eration and the public tes1- cornlered a 3aie~A'ni ponse ibas _been nost favor- nra lw twsso n abl," he said. go from Oshaa int Metro Ia otlher 1areas, te$50Toronto. mr inium finie for auy ln- Acdnswr e n s fria-gemrent of the LqorLc atvl i innr. ,(anri -7 jease Act bas been remofved ani kemnreotd Vds~iintr" oIrinth e MoreaC; 1-býouiid Mlany of the aaaounced moorit hWee i asn la chaniges, are, aimed at aidiag saîi jng.Obiuy, otae the hnospitality and tourist 1in- hounds corrmutin-g t asier4 uWebehve hat the hospi- way OMe. P IKYOUR 0WN AND SAVE $e$ MONDAYS 1 7.3f) as. te12 noon SATU RDAYS 7;3U aanl. te 5 T P TP, UA L TI THRU FRIDAYS - 5 P.m. te S p. SUNDAYS 12:30 to 8, How to Get !Q There: > 1 _ o .. - - - _AY SSTRAWBERRY PAC 401 WGWAT SS-0 BICYCLE COUPON Two BICYCLES TO THE WINNERS 0F' TWýO INDIVIDUAL DRAWVS DUBING, JULY andi ALJGTST First DTaw: Snturday, uliy 3Ist SeodDraw:, 'Y 24 HOUR TOWUNG s The Canacian Statesman, I;dwManvllle, 3uly 7, 1ý71 1lAnnounces Changes In Ont 1Lquor Laws Ontario drinkers won't have' tality industry siouldt be eV- to buy a meal when they want couraged . and the regu-- drikinadin loge laions whîch affect the indus- And the 40-ounce bottie will try be more reasonable, realiSý reappear on LCBO shelves by tic and ln tune with the times-> Christmas. the Minister added. These' are but a few of the Pointing out that "our soci- sweepîng changes in Liquor ety is becolming an eating-out Control Act and the Liquor on)e" Mr. Yareinko stated,, License Act' announced last however, that the drînik plus week by the Hon. John Yar- a meal Iaw "has led to some' emkô,- Provincial Secretary unrealistic situations.', an Mîise o~f Cîize11nsi "o xape we n