Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jul 1971, p. 12

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2 Th~e Canadiau Statesman, Bo man2v2iZ UîY 7, 1971 a orgieaPr agz M .Hobbs S Public Scho l Holds Anul GfEeces !aedNbeaml.Soraa n diCatdlaeru'ne? Mic 0 Marleraduation dau ET NcAt h deo h r11 neSih agh-! cycle Bulit FrToBob iMrs.,,Nellie M.rsrnYyul isoe niceil îer of Mr, and Mrs. Gordon' Stevens "The Toy Train". Ted Newman began hercareer1 in'I Sitýh, left oni Wednesday forSpearrng "Peter Enjoys A Srnith township, thenÀr Ek ol fbrgtyrloe ih Thet-bord Mines, Que, where Swing", Lois Darroch and mont tolwnship, con' ing to_ ýM n ýhe i if visîtý twe weejks with Helen Van Beef(duet) "Fairy Pontypool ini Marivers town~ omtos a Frenoh family. Marlene, Bell", Sharon Palmer "Surn= shîp 'in 19613; at Janietvilleý ... who ac ?ttends lndsay Colleg- mer Clouds",Amrita VanHai-1 from 6-7 n tGrand- ri i umre loe tat, ws ho iito particîpate tereri "Fîreflies'~, Judy Kerr1 vîew 1967l1 ~i flic Inter-provincial Ex- "Allegretto iii V", Gberyl G ran1dvicevScheel wa on tao elpc ourdniyh ye change Progrant for students. Preston "Eccossiýaîse iniY" ne ii197 rpacn ail thie that Swamaot-o.Mn Mrs_ Earl -Oliver, Canning- In group fhree were Lynn formper a7choolsý in Manversi t7,Mr-, John Knan Brad- Armstrong "Wind p ii outEd evn urgth ley adDouglas Keenan of Heather", Kathy Kloeherl pepasanndtyarida -hdsyhave been recent "Whît Clouds", Grn utsNeptf o gu~swihM ndMs"Tread wnyPirates" Grandvîew S-'elsol r"'~ for thevcaonrwoise- Edisan iMcGîii and Rîcky. Lynni Argue and Mernîe La-. hr, illbea nmbee. Mrs WUlil1îanmPhillips lias chapelle (duef) 'Homse-Show Changes in the staff of Grar-d- TogttZt Jhi' a refurncd lhome framn Toronto Parade", Paula Bernes 'Bour- ve coo eTnng h ~Aeria onsogf e hoptare in, G", Patti Preston "Spibal erm Yrf t.Toa, h Mr.Belle Smîith left on Top- Spin", TaraGillen "Sici-taird toheauche Truesdey ýfrom- Toronto Air- liano", Pml ans"u The newr Principal is Mrtxir port Snda1ndLa-Bob Bolton, wh-o cones frma zAtremie coe h a fiot fr aflre weeks holu- sette î Mtheiîeetoerfbgn day in Europe. rie Tyler (duet) "On flicSchon'berg. 'Vice-Principal li 'w' i ourstan Missz Wendy Preston is Desert",, Betty Aun Morton Mr. Wil. Capeling; Vice Prîn 1 sncnding tliree days this week "Irishi Luilaby", Sharon Sta- cipals Relief Mrs. Belle ~ at Guelph attendîng the Agri- ples- "Medley of Fîddlc Smith; Kindergarten, M r s cultural Field days. Tunes".JuyPîpfGrd MrYevta Chch alwa Frank Martichenko a n d In the Senior gopwr Carol Berrabeil, Mrs, Anne le acpct nStra children Wayne and Diane Kim Neals "On The Sands". Murray; Grade 2, Mrs. Lor *.*-f* l**eeigd uy3d ahnu bave ýgone ta Sonningdale, Denny McQueid and Dale Mc- aine Smith, Miss Denise Mal-.... veî .Alta, te attend lis parents Quaîd (duet) "The HappycoiGae ,Ms hrnMa 50fil wedding annîversary. Cowboy", Ruth -P alm er Carew, Miss Karen Warrîner; thweddn nnvraycTe Mrs.Marha auganTor- '"Hanging, Gardens", Soia Grade 4 Mrs. Thelma Wright,'"'~'"'eigwspesnl pn onta, is visifing with Mr. and Vîzino "Lara's Thenie", Hea- Mrs. CaraI Mooney; Grade 5, 'A/' " i' 'g, _Mrs, Thomas Jennings. ther McGîll and Marlene Ry- MsJa otn isNny(eoda oqioe Earl Argue lbas returried ley (duet) "The Merry Bobo- Dorel Gad , rsEne M.an Ms Jme owr home' from Cvic Hospital, link", Bîlly Palmer "Jets on fine Robinson, Mr. Wally en Mr. DaeMatr. ro Peterborough, Parade", D al1e Youngman- Robinson; G r a d le 7,M aunih Mr. ClarenceI - Gifts te Teac-hers "Birch Canoe", Carol Clifford George Atkînson, Mr. Bert N'early 500 students, and!in the gymnasium followed. ýRenate Geretshek, Sandra Pae ivtd m onuc T sestfff I rof vîw "ono",Maiane wffrdRio;drad", MrMariCpeannena, arntsan reatvesRinetel;ctreaboeteeaS',e KtMyP.waren gust Ccadpe-te chirga ehooil accampanied by their and Mary Stevens (duet) ing, Mr. Bob Trennuni. jammed into the M. J. Hohhsý famiie enjoyed a picnic at "The Lonely Goatherd", Kar- Grandview Award Day - Senior Public School gymnas-;àward winners pose for the Industrial Arts - Kevin Sim-i Stagean MrMury ai Beavermead Park-on Monday en Youngman "La Caroline", Grandvîew, Public School îum on June 28th f ttedphtgrpcrarheidsf;b~n Grade Seven Home Ec- colin a hmoos ici evenln, prio fa th achoo Mariln Y o n g ma n "Te heldtheir ward Dy andthe school's Annul Awards formai ceremonies, The win-ionomics - Shiela Marchant!cso.Tiywr hnpe ThePricialJohcCip-berwa aJuehbnMarly Threbeerovr 000cretslebatina Scoo prncialEd coi ad Sndr Wllec;Eigt HmeEcoomis0 Jocecomitt i chrge fr wic bcerland wlôio l leavingfa 'a Youngman and lier teacher and 300 trophies presented faeTaylr delivered an address of !Publie Speekîng - Kathy.Koox; Chambers (1sf), Diane Lam-! Bob edMrlnecaal new paost I Port Hope, was Mrs, McMalion "Cradle-Song". the Junior choir, Senior wloe ntdCute dIÎyl oe ed o:ý>t presented w-ith an ail paint- Lorianne Mullîgan gave-choir, for attendance, for wloe Tn'dCo isB,'Bcce toe e nart ymihoand; bene L Yellowleesd fo 1Ii ofGof ndewSeholth seerl tp dncng umertCandaFltes awrd, o ;yStikdgaecashotgpeeh f ble eadCrtnaJstlaVe- nd; Geaeatacaemc d- ereseredrThLcuncth work, of a local artisf, Mrs. in costume. Vocal solos were Soccer, Vlîcybaîl, Floor hoc- cogauainad10nm.oe;Gymnastîca - - (irs vlpmnti rd ee ncag Iteeeigw Mary uliavc, gien byHeater Gren an keySoffiallJudo.Pîngi' . ees for 27 awards set filled'Justel Vîehover and (boys) Scott Morrison; Greefeat aca-Ms.BleSiMran Mrs, Jean Argue, Mrs. Vera Marlene Smîfth. Pong, Track and Field events wihexctin and excite- Carl Dennîs; Boy AthIete' of dernic development i gradeiMs lrnePgM.aî 8arginson arî ad Mrs. Nellie Teachers Retiremetf Partfyy-and ta the Cheer Leaders, et h er-JlnTre;Gr ih ogomrh, Mrs.Mra acli ~ Asthe msnfte ithetfhe year - J uneTrnr; Gr eateat ac-Deu mic ahve Nlewman, who are retirîng The staff of Grandvîew Diane Pickering rcceived a8-rn Mrs. Rs ar r tl,îïs yenar, were given large Schaol held an informel Party trophy for public speaking. eswr anucd fhvTmes Boy Contribution ta mient' In grade seven - Kath' ndMr. aweeStps, ' ýýaumlnum fraya wîth suitable on Tuesday rnight for -three, Beverlee White for Debating were greeted with oo's -andllAthletica - Ron Staînton; Gir.1 Knox; Greatest academnic~ n r.FodSisn ncItona o G r a n d v i e w feachers who are retiring fiis ab lity; Paule Bernes far ea's and an applause whichlContribution f0 Athletîca - adhievement in grade eîght - Ontesieennga Scolyear, wlfh meny relatives,j Drema. grew in intensity la proportion 1Sandra LaRonde; House Lge.!Elizabeth Nichols: Cifîzenship Mrs,_ 1Margaret Khulman, former pupil and friendsaet-I Mr. Moorçcroff, CoboDurg, f0 the significance of the Champs - Aries, House Cap- împrovemen1t - (boys) Derek ageaino ae ahr LIra.Chery McGe, MrsPaf endin Refrshmen~ wer Suprîntedent I Sdholsaward. When it was all over 'tain of the year - Dale Met- Whiteheed and (girls) - Bren-ci tPri il rneHl th cho nvtdf egade-cef ontribuin oin recoîi naIfimril Mclellanid Who are-,leavn sLe ytestf.Petti presented Grade VIII scholar- i colivtdtegrda-cl bto oHo useide McCulloch: Cifizensbîp lýer1TJ, wre, giyen lumî- Preson and intyciasa antshitheirr parentseforaineaguela-sicndThieleareesar-rDeleueMefcelf hende; Yst-epDaoonMta be andken1 byBrra thi tem, eregivn auni Prsto ani KfhyKlophe slp aardta ennfh ernin the home ec- book -. .. Brien Gray aàI this conîmuni-ed) nurnibon-ban fraya were in charge af the guest Artliur Rowan, Manvrr rreaiets-SnyBaisînaVf eefo fci;Valectorian Svrlfo hsee Missý DonnjaHIîlfz, who is books., township represenftive on2nms rooni. A drance neldn zel, Lynda Grahami; Librery -tDaeMeclf er rSEnethîfucin 1beîngmarrieti,.thîs monfh andi Mrs..Jean (Faîrbeira) Argue flie Northumberland sud Durle - - al"- Srr areotthtMs rnvngt Nv cofia, was lias been teachîng 3 ecshem School Baerdi, presentec , ,,ClrnePg asiv:r oresenited ,with a fray, lazy- begînnîng lier cereer: et Ceira the Ctîzenah'p cutp and " t oni teC rb enlaramto tlipl Ptr susa an- acake plate. Schooil lu Ca van township ir: mediai to Clanf Pearceandti "' Jo ninthe borouhi n Frdywinfi Ai l flc eachers expreased 1928. The followirig fwo years Chia Cashen. j «., ouatg ile aMs their finaan-d their pleas- were spent et S S.No. 4 Dun- George Neals, dpufy-reeve oie dcpaineSais r.Mr re luhn ,avirng been a part of gannon in Hastings Caunty, of Menvers f ownýship, present- ~-1 1 l n C iI!ryMlomsdMs ly flic staff af Grandview. and fron 1931 -35 et Victoria ed the Manvers Cup and L~.-. I, l IIi i I c fno eesnwa hk Silver Anniversary achool in Lindsay, In 1933-34 MealtaMalee yly ndi t.-" nupsudonierbndm Mi-,, and Mrs. Ver-ne Mulli- she attended Peterborough Randy Lethapngue. ...b al a ~ gadt vrb o gte g bdae uffrdf tePg gan «i Befhany celelirateti Teaciers' Coliege for a sec- The House Cup (n'ost ... a ecat rotsm Ifi ew sar flicîr 2th weddîng annîver- ond year course. Froni 1934- pointa during-theyea r. o udsubd aue eap 1 try fe igftpaesfat n grtuaio taMi ar nSafurday, June 26fl. 41 she tauglif et Fallis achooil awarded taaleflic r)waa it place te sw M'ýr andii Ms. Leonard Dri- lu Manvers township; 1941-45 students. uoySte Jrnqisul lîfled nlunch eshore at Capeel Bey dive in the world ud t aceSeyoblg e ver, pareh iiý1o Mrs. Mulliga, et Mount Pleasant; 1945-49 et John Cuimberland, Principal ' the Ceribbean. Untîl t he mîtiPlntaion, he-.,ookection, o oat-l rulfihofaiel escrîp- whicliwl etumhe entertaînetiwit4 a femily S&S-2 in Snmith township.aIoflie cahool, congretulatetid 1~ 800's, fthc îaiand hati been , nly iiMr. Rockefeller pu.ylfions coulti le liend-fed flic dinner parfy whirh includeti Followîng lier inarriege aIel aIl the students, saying if t -'" thriving Daiai olony. Wthe resort wifh an eye to mak- remaîins of my breakfast toast Mat r.JmsGa MIr>.asud Mrs. Gervun Mlligan took sonte liolitisys froni1lied been a privilege te wo-rk ' ' ~ ms Ith ignfîasîng if the finest, most luxuri wýýhen I waded ouf ecdimor -atMLr. r.at Ms e Ouab heCerofea thec îg.Uneli ele GeîCoi Dvi Gry uoor (fi ron's ;pare5nts), Mr, achool, but began again in with them during the patl cleareti to meke roon m for ie'ia tn) uthe lie pre- Wîte raes ae aot$5c aKi tna udy 6ni rs Raph Muign,1955 ta fteadli agaîn et F-all!7,,fou ewsi ngî1m IrTe'n aar Innes t heMýILhb uîirîr(aga aticttn latalnsutntt f aJaksn al re e ay ober wif h lir 1ce u-laawliletaiga u Wsgaech; ýMr,. arndiMrs. achooil for 10 years; Irain enjayable liolidays triuring flic jbi colcoigcrmne eeDl ecef Atrfeaoiino eIcroaei on-rostndng1iaî bt umerorL e Qereld Mu121-a antifamuily 1965-66 et Ballyduff; 1966-67 aummuer and successful anti sRltadigev-seru myrero ai Agincourt, Mr, end Mr. t Pontypool; 1967-71 et lhappy future, Neuf year M lI)edCalsHzlorcpet f h iie r u14,tePatfo ftcoasei-vafion organization. off seson :rates are et a triuclilishai tQun'Unvr1 AI, Fulfler anifîy.Tor- Gran dview. Cumberlandtisl going 1ta Pari ship Award. Dale was alsa valedictorian a3nd was voted caulti n0 longer: survive, and AlI profits from running fhe'mr.mtis eelpo iKngt. oýnta; Mr,. end Mrs. Doglas, Mrs. Vera (Thorn) Sargin- Hope as Principal of The the best house captain of the yeer. they werc abandoacti. Slowly resorf are useti to carry onjApril f0 December 20. This il Te Býruceandi Ierily, Brenitforti; son ies, en 5yerhn«lcHoad TrthSloo.e -landacape reverfel fa woîtbwhîle conservation cens- a wontierfuî fiie tavisit t 511 Thibpa alypcl Mr. airi Mra MDaurîce Driver profession. The firaf 12 yeera Marlene Ryle-y, Grade VIII tropical forèsta, andtei islandles. John too. wshlia udye 1 again ooket verymudli s if is ncf stopwas t pur-home ac r.Brbr ail aifeiiyj, vMr. anti Mýrs, Bob sIc taugit inflic Bancroft stutient gave flic Veledictary ' i «'a' muaf h veColmuhs when hasneeily t w flitof fie orn li aetwlltettn nifm DrjgiverantiIeti , efrbr-arabbrordcmeg a..a.a.rss.le.isovr.. f lshani tIntaISf Jhn atitoat yu o betinei ugr stet M. eny Mtnr. in1y grogli; a hebid nt ertwahp Fo1149t5a(h)ffmoo ef< < ~ vgreen, wifh tiensely clati noua- if f0 flicUnît et States Govera,- es, anti luaivegefetion, as for- Sesk., aetadya w Ted Wilson (Dlianne) of Tom- 1950-59, et Franklin, wlien serveti hy flic girls in 'Grade fene.iar.te ent easaeNopalfyur ofntyullhv aeryti e 0naat Lran ulia.fat school was closeti for VIII for ththeir!arkparentds anticopas A licetire inivemsary leck ai pupils; 1960-63 was friends. For elmoaf a cenuytises560arso oflor akce teflc dinriug tableý,1spent ? e ýt ahett's adhool, Nexf year, sorte 60 Grade ' 20 mile square gemt.ao isola- poperfy. May ioveýlY-giffawee e-Cayeu t lownjslîp; froti 1963- VIII tutients wili attend fithiestwafn 0b eiicv ic f Jh isn i ceiet mlumganenraeti 67 et fiffar-d; 1,967-71 at~ new 1. E. Weldon Higli School , ereti. Althougl itif l only e strip, noaf vîsitoma come inta lehle r ai sîste r r- r i eýd nLindsay. __ few miles acrosa PilsbuV'y thc point of eut ry, Cruz Bey, piler adtr euntei ia radiws~ol i Sound, froni Sf. Thomas, if by motor launcli. There la Ire- 1\l, as M-vet lliBlan hcontînuedti f le'by-pesseti anti quent service froni Redi Hoak livd n Bthnyignoreti, cxcepf for a few adi- Dock on St. Thomas, a a $1r ýWhere lie laengageci in farn enursAnnouncinger. hageeah -y ingant frmely wnt a Syr a laithîs commun-1 Steve Doyle, brothers ArtvTenieomthe ecl imbes arg eI y ru-ckiig blusiness, Mrs. Ml f aetnic Ji niEm:nigad he afi al ltca o preisnciplervillaesandeh 1111- tyiseiede ti rs ob-r Jffan ar, ndgrnn otera day Columbufs, .in the O lciiui-Cu e n lgn lias ler own B aufy Jrvie lu fe sutden passing m oe r Lm. C cl Jfey.' person of Laurece Rockefel Gaorai B y with a cmbneti axedt ran te Bthany George Jervie, Vancouver, ta cently visitet i wth lier deu-edessl;wit ecePe enduas oitwhîe bechs pe. nce o ldantetya uicksee ~~onnunîfy. ~~sisfer anti brafiers, andtet cil glifer, Mr. anti Mrs. Howard "lneaoniat o'ese Cub anid Scout Charter offier relatives. George wasa Hgedrn anti famlly, aise Gilbs et Golden Plougi, Ca- Most ai tlie commercial as- >eAs -presetationformer Maple Grave boy, His lier ýsîster Flosa. pc h aitetae At nciaiiour readeW founrl e agency, e combineti cale and scaevnn was belti sister Mrs. Robert Bothwell Mr.,'anti Mrs. Don Brooks, ueo u edesfui.agîit sliop callet isllandia, plusC 1 j CL. fMU eGraintivew Scheoel on Set- brothema Stewart Jervie anti Mr. Roblile Brooks 'spent Sun- coin in lier gardien whicli j.-'narf u48094 awag# es eue mrday ,nîglit for the l ' adn ~ etI kinDeseKMan attractive boutique run by prsnato I ficiawife, Mr. GrdnJarvîc 1db tday anti Monday withb ler 1771. ' a young Finish couple.Boue flpIc sf Man- iv plane. on Sunatef attend brother, Mm, anti Mrs. Raîplih, 177nCuzByLullfa Chai-rter, Tanner anti Iemily, Stirinig, ' . Callers at the home ai Mr. a fleef ai taxis for lire, or if Peter etfodpe neiSynpatliy of this commun- Friday eveuing sunp p et r ,.. ... .., anti Mn . RAlex rMrunn o uprefaelabe. Jeps rieinfeep fli Cartr a Ml rîgt ty la extendedtietaMrs. Allen guesta with Mr, anti Mra, Dan 71- ndStîrlingai e ScotintiMr hav bee eseti o tue L wlioaccetet on ehaî aISnaowtcn anti famîly In thc Brooks were il Mr. aniMrsiniMs .Rln un sads wsîg rcptu JaeyleFir. îltr, n esn rcnl ilirn-Hrlt evgCagmas ivr, iVirqhr ansrti M nri. VCecîl ts i- eapou vi îý,YR INL-iaxie eýMr.Eit uph ten-,Mr. anti Mms. J. Wilson xveeyou're refil- cuftîng corners, ,p? ul re AIfc ef. Piao ecta MagaetCapliliani rs eietfo a olda ta .hoerSaurday aiglit Mm. anti Mma. Frank Trîpp, you are allowedtofabing yourANIURON The pujpils a L-a.JeeneArgJ. Campbellsandiitei s . di Mrhye reîcoifo Mm ianti Ima. for ler gratnDnsMc m niMrs. Frank 'Wilson, own tent, andtihlc e w Ltcalin gve a eliliful elaive etOftwa ntiMax ,wil M, ati Mms.rpyo c oy Veinot antid hltrenl Laugilin anti bride-to lie at Hectar antiKaren, Oshawa. cafyou 2prng Piano Rectal in Grantview ville. Margaret left on Frîday Laughlin anti Ddlbie visted Blair anti Dalene ai Kentiel,1thc home of Mr, anti Lma. D. iMir. Frank Genemeaux ai For more information,w-ie ti Jnir rap em Hgheshe ia engeget in feaching their cottage et Penetang an uew epartmnent*. Belatet congratulations ta Mantay, Mm, ant IlMs1'. C. Be'y Canipgmound, Sf. John,- î'~ ' C'llfforti, Gardonn ELsan, Sbe1Î- sumnier achool at tic Univer- Georgien Bey, Mm. Geraît Hardy, TarontaoI Mrmanti Lma .Fi-rdFerguson,oit d- US. Vîrgîn Ilants, 00830. An EVDR leýy sson, arn Rof, lv iCalgamy. ,Synipathy is exteatedti tavisited his aunt anti nle 1Enniakillen, on tflir giti Fritey evenîng there wcmc eexpansion i ffacilîtirs is plan- Mr dmr rdsaet~;gtiycohv iêixt dl~itohe Wodicti Lu-Mr.,anti Lra. E,,arliorane, Mr, anti L Ir nlyd Ashton Mr. anti Mme, Earl Preact eiîg anîesm. Lm.12fbe lEdie. Prizesinetibfmdfu limr u ook they loveand atili keep oartb the lyae ftii i-kSiso, onane Mu1,1llîgen, Bowmanville e, 're visîtars ant iffiy an fcie-Pssang oai'Mr. B. Datti, Montreal.i Gardon VnamBwnn, ee arertetitaMira, A.4if'asf11 beat ta reserve several brdibde îhccust aoo ttaev faue ebaFlî,Kenny ý,Palmer, anc day lest wcek wtî chem er brother Mim Ga(rdonlvîsitrt isliaparents, Mm, anti ville, anti Mr, ani Mmx 7 R.rieei.burgJeC. Cool. ira. montisin atvast, 1~s HyJaetcCeJohTný- sîstem, Mm. andti Mmc. S. S.Werry, Toronto. BuLril a t LIra T. C Dotli'Gibbs visitedt fiir stet cm nd BihLalîey, LIre. Antiy Mann, The niagnificent Caneel BayTherma.-Engrovnq- onaIlamzlyrith asd etr Cu ts em y S e rng otnBefleada Cenetery. Mm ranti Mrs.R. Gîbs me- brofler -lu lew , Lm a , Van iMr, GaryI lMun ro, M . A dl l n ai remania fe only m rlhip -yeî cosuss clife. Dorseia"e ct in eel yi r-Clifiord, Helen Naf- uWettiug liells are riuging MisasfBarbara Bîlrr, Lau- 1centîy enjaoyedtri tnînfaCrvCamp eturd hoewilMoo;5 Q rwwnbrerertufeisadIsiegodateddsicioofhefetcaJ-, . fluatiscommuuîty tlsweelc, don câllet an frienta ln the! tel Beach ant i vstet wît1h l ieier, Mr. anti LImaR.1 MrsAeti; lucky ciairpurposely low-kcycd, but le- of-canternporory and traditiomal type faes.-ac eec groupp,; twfrA w v e tia M nt il'. . B o n il g ,relatives. Gibbs for a few tiys. Lrs M orton. gant enougli to atract cou t- /U Staplf sr yeMr.wDavideBfly",llanti Sonr.'DavîtilBmawn apent j Mranti Lra. Leslie 'VImfue Mme. Ralph Glespeli. Miss Lma. Tom u at sn MiaCGforiAllia Bow- irslamons pesonalities, in- Jenef Da-rrodl E ccsabe, elong weekeud et LakejOaîawa, Mm. anti Mira. _ralGwcndalyu Glaspel attendet Osate, Locust Hill, visiteti Mm nauilevirtd 'emgrant-ltnr c-n iî yPei etewcsJfv blriaaHwe"lliraT'P1t, New York, also vistet Shw antiCliarles, CoartîceDecomation service et Zion anti Mrs, T. C Dotit teugliter Mr. anti Mira, Lloydtient ani Lr. Nixon.so cnaSn" Scr yeyadhmsîster , LIra. Art Busheil, werc callema ao' Mr. anti Mmi. Unitedi Churcli on Suntiey. Mm. anti s.Ted .alson Fancey anti Dean. i Aiter flie initial Aaloi-ke flaw Whie (def) Merc Ni ara Feus. E n ,XVirtue. m, Jîn Morris, Richmnntianti family 'vere Suntay sup-'Enniskîllen anti Tyrone will gucaf r fi'd fthe lack of amo ai licMaorete", 'nVan Mii Mry nu Doye, Mr.ant Mra . . HarB C.,LIra Eugene Kranierl per guests ai Mr. anti LIra.unte for services turing ý-the key (unîcssreucateti) a roo !4'lteeu"Tile Ta Wlks, ueîph tJnïve.raity, Gucîpli,, visif et Mr.' anti Mms. Macl anti famty are vacation-ing, Jîn Wootiley, haute' eýs io n altrrnatfe telenhore, aud airconr1itioiý~ Daroiy miatoun "Te l aent ftie long iveekenti wîtli Han'lton, DBawmsnvîllE. wîth Mm. anti Mira Carl Clark.; Mr. antiLMa. R,'Gibbs Suntiays july 1 iti, .10an :talievery apîiealiug. LIMaij !ree", Bvery Meabe Bi-her Parent.1, .M1.,anti Mra, Mi'- anti Mrs. .Davidl AUI-1 Debie James, Courtice, la visiteti hic mother Mmc. Clarae. Enalalill.en. 'tcoe 0 onar ii

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