The Canadian Statesman, Bowynanville, June 23, 1971 By Frank Mohun ~ 373 ~ELECTRO NS IDLE, ON, WEEKEND B3owmanville Electrons will be idie this weekend, theïr scedled game against Kingston Senis on Saturday having ý,been postponed. On Wedlnesday night they'play ia Belleville, a1nd this Wednesday (tonight) the locale wMl meet Kendal 7agles in Orono. On Wednesday the Electrons defeated Kendal 9-1 behindü ,'Ciîre Osborne's seven-hitter. The Little Britain pitcher fan- n d doen batters. Belvle Juniors topped Bowmanville 8-3 on Sunday at SaperCek Park, when they just couldn't put the mità to- eteand at the sane time didn't dispiay their usual brand cýf bail in the field, coming up with several castly errors. Don Bagneil and Pat O'Reilly, the other import from Little J Bri tain, claimed two bits apiece and'Leo Kelly a9lugged a iead- inff nintlh inning home run, t il t t t LADIES INVITATIONAL GOLF The, Bowmanville Country Club held their Ladies Invita- ' ialGolf Tournament o-n Tuesday, Wth 88 members of the fairer sezx pnrticipating fromr Oshawa, Grandview, Pic:kerîng, . TundrbîdAnnandale and the hast club, IBericeVanenbrgh broke 'a tie withMrMrint takeio grass honors. Jean Pratt was next,-, flowdby Bea RuhBarclay was the low net winner. Other law neti wnigscores were registered by Jean Lennox, Ruth Parrott. ý Barb Drinkwater, Etheidla Candy, Zena Austin, Ann Turnerý andý Eleanor Fisher. There were many ahrprizes forbidden hales, longest dri, hnest golfer, etc, an a beautiful sunny day which was , opped o :)ff by a deL,l iau lunheon, A geatdea aIcreitgoes ta the gaines cammittee, coin prised of Joyce Lyle Mary Mrvin and Eleanar Fisher. t tit tt U, B and FILIGHT CHAMPIONSHIPS,' The men's club iand flight champion-shîps are currently Èndrwa a th Bwmanville Cauntry Club, and we wauldi reidalgolfers ta make sure they pay their matches prior taheUe_- ins -0stdon tl'e bulletin baard. We plrjayed Tam CLl:vins (saunds like a drink - but he is t a preýtty gaad gift' l ar en's ffight gmeon Saturday. A'lthaiugh we wr ol re oes apar ater eighteenE hailes, Tamwa the third_, faurt, xtseeth*nd eighth haies iu the first nine snd we just Hee ea~ e lecardE abirdîe -an the eighth against aur fitst ar I te day. The ,po3rts edtar parred the ninth ta beý four nud then we ,,îssed three, four-faat putts iu the secand aine th at resuited OSunay it apper-ed that history was about tarpa 1ý la armn' doubles as Jack Wiley and yours truly 1,ast the ilrt tre haesta Bob Siemon and Leif Anderson. This Seman.,_guy, a st;Ludent at York University bits the bail as f ar as nyone we have played with., The aid scribe found the range aver the first six bales, , lyug oly twa aver par- and way aver aur hea, s we takteleadl for the firat time after 15 hales, The b-ubble brtas we taoik 19 blows aver the last three, but aur partner tookove taparthe s,ýeventh ta put us twa up. ý Agret cuc utb Leîf gave the opposition heseen ~ teent~, but nce agan Wyhecame through an teegtet Inci eltai ,rAâerson rolled in an eigty-fojoter an 'the seodhie- and th1e ai scribe chipped la a -wedgez shot an the t t t t t 7(?11ïN SOFTBALL SCHEDULE Torraw n-i n l the Men's Town Softball League, Watr Frank Real Estapîys Stephea Fuels, wbîle Whyte's iJhostrywll mneet. Ellis Shoes, On TuesdayLit wili rauke'Variety vs. Ellis ia theL opeMrsu Stephen'zs playing Kramp Furniture in the night- Theiidliferun Wednesday, will have Ellis going agaiastt heVriety crw sd te Raltars takîag an Whyte's iu the1 R N P' TOWIfNG As uual, Mouday latheregular home aiht orBow- ~ s~aaviie aappa Twingin he Drha Lades oftballc zrschedule. eýx me amefor Knap:p's w!'ilhaeLarry'st an ' t aý t'tnte Oshwa ae reýgaiaed'their winuing toueb iast weect tae vrsae possession of first place inuithe Junior TChe Gaels wa't be piaying at home thîs Monday aight as sua. Isted tey ill be at Etabicake. Next Oshawa ~ hom gameis alted fr next Thursday, wîth Lakeshore * ivlape Leafaprviia the opposition, eight 'clock at the Women HîoId'Successful Invitational Tournament These are the low grass and low net winuers cf grass; Ruth Barclay sud Jean-ý Leunox, lst and 2nd, low the Lad.ies' "Invitationul Golf Tournament at Bowman- net. On Thursday, Mary Marvini foliowed up by card- ville Coiuntlry Club on June l5th, fromIn ef t ta right, iug an 80 ta wiu the Ladies' Invitatioals at Scarbarough Berniýe VaTnden-bergh, Mary Marvin, lst and 2ad, o Country Club,.__________ Electrons Look Go Five RnOt Plus Osborne's Aound Job' by JlmClrk The Loche TV Elýlecýtroas combinaed a fv-r out- break lu the fftait job, from ClaireOshrue i 9-1, asat Wedaesday nigbt. The vLtorywas Bawmnan- ville's fourtb, against twa de- mests aud "Ozze's",top chuck- ing chore ia 571, leaving hM with a 2-i record, For 4,4/s nîninga, Kendal's pitcher Ralph Kennedy sud, "Oz" were snarled in a thrilling, scoreless duel. Baw- manville had managed just three bits aver>the first four framnes sud 55w a scoriag tbreat erased an s double piay la their Iourth. The visîtars, meawhlle, b.adsersp- ed up anly twa bitýs a h balf-wa4rypoint lin erpll maig cauteat. T'le TV traap mac7ev1 mer tthUe plate intefith cbasing starter Kenedy suý,îd takinga -0lead, Fou,,rEge mî-scuesý, plus tbree wis(n iîn a bases full situation) end- ed Keauedy's stay) along wlth s bey bit by piach bitter Dave Tabb. Grant Wright greeted re- lifr Ci ey Reid with twa ruas' before the Keardal fireman retired the final two men. Osborne iost bis shut- out ia the top af the sixth, but Keadal failed ta score Èagain, despite two straight bits la their aiuth. The next three men were retired via striheouts c-Iimaxing s bril- liant pitcin.g job by the -Electrou's beaver.1 LBowmanvllle with a 5-i lead, added a lone tally ia the sixth, on Guy Parh's first borner af the season, They added their st three ruas lu th'e seveutb as Park's two-run singie eaded Reid's mouud stay. Gary Cooper faced thI'ree men ln the seveutb with Terry Carleton escspiug framn s bases full predicament in 1the eîghth by faiuniug two, Arouad Th6 Bases The Electrouis' nine bits gîves them 53 alter six gamnes, compared ta 62 by their op- paneuts. Bowmanvllle pitch- ers have faaaed 49,whe issuing' 21 walks. Osborn-e ihad littieý trouble from bis r ;e- ingou o one mj%ýitan. H e fie ta dlaim a strikeocut victim l just two ianiags, the first sud eigbth. Parks, with a hamer sud single, praduced three RBI's. Wright had quite a day, go- ir g two for two, drawiug an intentional walk sud gettiag hit by pitchers twice, Second sacker Pete Maartense bang- ed out two af Kendal's sevea safeties snd wss their ahl- arouad top baud. iBath teams' pulled off a idouble play, with Kendal 1straadiug aine men sud the 1Electrons deserting 13. The si rosby the visitars kept tir hu.rlers lu trouble ithrouýgbout. Until thîngs went awry lu the last af the fifth, ex-Electron Kennedy was ssii- Bing along lu fine form, Only Three Points Separate Top Place and Ce/tîar Teamsý I nAMe ns To wnLge.S o fftball by Tec)rry Baker lead, Stepben's. Jima Me- rers with two bits. Denis Oul1y th.ree points sepamate jKuigbt (3-4) took the loss. ,Bîchell (1-1) gaiued the win, tetptansd the remalu- Randy, Beaupnie (2-2) toss- Raudy Dauoghue sud Bab ing five teamns iu the Men's ed s great two bitter s Abbott wene Stephen's' best Town Leaeýgue falawing the Whyte's downed Kramp's. wtb three bits each. Abbott asat 'two weeks of action. Glenn Rsbb, Garth Linton (1-1) last the game on the Frnk%'Varlety lead the pack sud Beauprie paced Whyte's mouad for Stepbeu's. with 13 points, followed by with three bits, Rabb sud Bria Adams led Whyte's Knamp's, Wbyte's sud Ste ýDennis MeFeetens drave in aven Ellis lu thein close bard phiea's with 12 eacb. Ellis are tbree each for W'hyte's. Rabb fougbt game. The Doctar next wîth Il sud Wlter conaected for bis sýcond wènt 2 for 2 sud scored two Fmank folaw with 10 points, borner af the year. Daàve runs. Larry Farsey(-1 Ou Tuesday, June Éth, Wright suad, Greg Adams scattered eight bits for the Frank's tbumped Ellis Shoes spaîled Beauprie's bld foranswin. Randy Beaupnie also tai- 18-9 sud W. Frank sheiiacked ao-bitter. Denis Bicheli toah lied twa bits fan Whyte*s. Stepbea's 12-5. Wednesday's the bass. Ris record is -i George Brown sud Mîke action saw Whyte's humble Kapseutdfrs oohehdtoht'ec Knamp's 17-1 sud Frank's Kaps rpedfrsifo hu bd wabis ac avn us un the fEr-t inuing andàfrEls gaie a default wlu be W' uug an ta defeat Stepbien's.1 Doug Sleep, Wray Rendell Frank. Thursday, Kramp's tv ahr ae'i iu a aeSawe a w dlowned Stepheu's 9-6 sud WVhyte's edged Ellils 3-1 u_________________________ one cf the best games of taý seaso;. Last week's action saw Ellis destnay Stepben's 20-6 sud Wbyte's gain a def suit win1 aven W. Frank. On Wedaes- day, June l6th, W. Frank dowaed Kramp's 7-3 sud Ste- pbe's' dealt Frak's a 12-9y setbach. Whyte's e dge d Frauk's Ü-4 sud Kramp's thumped Ellis 17-7 ta ciosel D OI O NA ont last week's action. Bria Bradley laced fu bits whîle, Hanv-ey WbtD ur store and service departmnt sud George 'Scottaddthe eacb ta lead Fraak's ve, E-A1I be open lis, Webster sud Keýcih An- derson--, scored tbre timesfrm83 amt6:0pm eainl the wiu. Rot bttiag Mike nDonoghue wsEllis' T U S À P J L s besat witb s- 3 fan 4 prrm-e H R DA , J L s (2-) oo thebs.Yo ýirShopping Con,ývenience necard .at 2-2, tassing lue five su A nnd21naue- ta hewl. le ls paedth i I j cd tbrce gossals u-Solna dumped Zion 3-0. Iu Hampton, Tyrane am up with a 5-3 vin. Tyrone was led by John Hamilton with three, sud singles going ta Doug Broome sud Jimý Rickard, Hampton goals, were scored by Graham Dallas with twoançi Wally Seto onç. June-,2lst - Courtice and, Salem fought ta a S-3 draw., Courtice goals were -ýy Rick Ellis. Len Bowier snd Lee; Penfouud. Scariug for Salem were Pete Pinsent, Rob Smart and John, Coombes, ail with o nc. Junior Ou Thuraday, Salins sud Courtice foughttoa s1-i lie. Scoriag for Salins was Boyd Knox, and getting the Cour- tiee goal was Dave Johnson. Ou Tuesday 22nd, Hampton plays at Sauina, Teams are reminded ta seud player sheets sud scores ta Jim Patter. Notice: The Darlingtau; Alistars go into action Sat-' urday, June 26th. The gamel wil be played lu Tyrone.I Tykes Goir&% Pi'lle up T% tri ri HE tseach foýrElinluthe-ir je c1ýpsidcd wia aover Stephen's. Sb aendell drave luin eeMus Vi and Bruce Adams sluggedbis t first homeirun of the season, ar agrand slam. Jim Coyle hi (2-0) tossed fine bail for the W min. Raudy Douaghue sud In Bob Williams bad two eacb T for Stepbeu's. Williams (1-1) ni aook the loss. el Deanis Suihivan's second b: cousecutive 3 for 3 perform- ance sud some fine pItcbing o: cliached W. Frauh's win over sa Eramp's. Sully rau bis record. tc to 3-2 scatteriag eigbt bits fe and fauuiug aine. Steve Par- pi ker sud Brian Halroyd led st Eramp's wlth three bits each. 3 Parker drilled two home mua., F his first and second of thiel -g y ear. Deunis B1ichil (1-2) ja Wsas thè -ýýýL)s i ng pitcher, Jlm McKuifght wou bi-As' fourtb game cf the _seaso for vi Stepbea's as tbýey dowuedI Franh's 12-9. Raady Doua- e] ghue had three bits for the wiaaers. Cedric Russell, Jer- ti ry Falls sud McKnight bad 1Vc two each, Harvey Webster, si Dan Bishop, George Scott sud C Keitb Anderson bad twa each E for Frank's. Bria Bradley d ýcunected for bis second IV homrer af the year while Falls b replled wîth is faurtb and IN KZea Crydermsn bit bis first. P 'Whyte's scored ail six of th.eir ruas iu the third inuing ta; defeat Frank's 6-4. Dac Adams led Whyte's with a fine 4 for 4 plate effort. Lar- rcy Farsey an'd Garth Linton >ad two each. Don BIsbap su Keitb Anderson had two eafettes each for Frank's, Larry Farsey (2-1) tassed the wiu while George Scott (1-1) lost on the mauud for Frauk's, Hot bitting Brian Holroyd led Kramp's assanît over El- lis, gaing 4 for 5, scoring1 three sud driving acroas three ruaýs, Denais BicheIl,ý ,Greg Adams, Doug Bickell,l Larry Hollister, sud Steve! Parker had two bits each. Parher caunected. for his third borner lu two games. Greg Adams belted bis first. Harold Baker bad three, bits for Ellis includiag is second >home rua af the year. Bruce Adams, Mihe Douoghue sud bDoug Sleep eacb bsd tw.o bits for Ellis. Douoghue belted bis fourth borner af the year ta take over the lead In that jdepartmnt witb Jerry Fail1s raf Stephen's. Tbey also haveý )quite a battle wagiag ln tné' RBI departmdnt. Falls cur- reatly leads 19-18. Doaaghueý leads the league witb a fan- tastie 550 B.Avg, aud cauld very easily wlu the triple crawn (Avg, HR's sud RBI's) Roýohie Bria Holroyd is sec- ond lu the bstting race with s 520 mark. Hoirayd bas cal- lected seven bits lu bis ist aine at bats. Danaghue has hsd 16 bits in bis, Ist 24' St bats. Anather Donagbue, R-andy Is starting ta bit the wray lie Is capable of, collect- iag eigbt bits In bis last 10 at bats. Sojccer Senior on Mand ay, June l4th, SaUlna squeezed by Courtice 2-.ScorIug for Solina were Phil Broome sud Jîm Baker. The lane Courtice goal camne fraii Lea Bowler. In Tyrone an June l6tb, Zian sud Tyrone faugbt toas o-0 týe. 1,u Sslem, the h'-ome team bad littie trouble Iu traune- ing Hampton 7- 1. Salem, was led by Pete Piuseat with four goaýfls. Singles weat te Rab Sm-ïart, BydKnox sud Jim Patter. The loune Hampton goal wasscord lte lante gar-e b 8ri aîsanr,. 19nslt;- Jira B-aker E r SPORT'OPICS GOLFING PLUMBERS This Tbursday, starting at 12:30 p.mî., plumabers, Publie Tjtilities staffs and those from reiated industries in the area-, will be converging on Bowmauville Country Club for their- ,anuai golf tournament, folowed by dinner and presentatiMl. of awards. Sa, if you aeed a plumber lu a hurry on Thursda,7, you'll know where ta find one. t t t t t MOVIES AT THE DROP-IN Every Thursday eveaing, starting at eight o'clock, it wîll be Movie Nite at the Drap-lu Centre in the Mill House off Simpson, Avenue. This week tte films will feature Stan Laurel a-id Oliver Hardy, a W. à. Fields comedy, a travelogue, sky'- divlng, plus an educationai film an druga. t t t t SOCCERCLUB WINNER Wianer of the 50-50 draw heid June l2th by Hampton Soccerc Club was C. E. Goode af Brookîlai, with ticket 112. The Iseller was David Bryat, R.,R. 1, Hampton. 9i C. 0F C. MEMBERS There are naw 93 members belon.giag ta the Bowmanviile Chamber of Comimerce, one 1less than last year's, total. The target this year is ta bit 100. Bath firms sud imdi- viduals may belong. BAN FIRECRACKERS The -City of Peter14oroough has, banned the use and. sale of firecrackers in the municipality. lhe action, taken hy the city couneil on Jupe lAth, during a meet- ing , f the eommlttee-of-the whole follows ln Une with a recommendation from Peterborough Fire Chief John Ritehîe. Commuaity groupa properly authorized by the Fire Department ta stage dispisys will be ex- émpted. ig Strong iree Wins The Memorial Park Tykes geme sud scored on five of' ravelled ta Port Hope an, them. Dale Carey, Tom Fowl- riday aight su ad defeated, er,, Jaey Nowlan sud AI Bruat hem by a score of 1M-9. Ger- thrcew ln timely bits. Shippelý ard Marrisan sud Barry wias the big gmti for Lindsay .euniug haadled the pitch-' with 2 for 4 with a home rua, ng,, with Morrison getting LUne score: Bowmanville- 22~ he wiu, Dannie Farrow was runs, 14 hitý '4 errars; Lind- shind the plate. PerryJohn- say 6 r-uas, 9 bits, 12 errors. on witb two bits lu four The Miem.oriai Park Tykes lies, with onehorne rua hel d for Whitby onWednles- àrawu in. Farrow, Paul Tice da;,, J une 30th, ta play this ndý Morrisan dld some fine pawerfui team. This team ittiag. Miller 'sud Berry won the Tyke Cbampionship vere the best for Part Hope iast year. Bowmanville beat n the hitting department. this team once this year sud rhe Une score was - Bow- lost «once, so, this game wil] nauville 17 ruas, 16 bits, 7 tell the tale. ýrrors; Part Hope 9 ruas, 7 Peterborough are bere an its and 5 errors. Sat.,. Juiy iOth, at 1:0 0 p.m. Saturday afternaoa, Mem- They beat aur Tykes by a )rIsi Park Tykes beat Liud-iscore of 6 ta 5 la Peterbor- my Iu their owu back yard ogso this sbould be a ýa tune cf 13-10. This gm odgh, e leaure Gerar Morrison s Important! For those fans îitchîng toas tune of 17 wbo cut aut the scbeduieý srikeouts sud aiso bittiag îrom TeSaemn oor 1for 4. Brad Godfrey snd basdrThedSt ft hean lCobug naul Cascaguette did same - dopdatc h ege *aa,ýd hittiag for the Memar- 'LI Park Tykes. Murphy audCALN Godfrey-,were bebind the plate. LUne score: Bowman- ville 13 ruas, 10 bits, 5 errors; F E Lindsay 10 ruas, 3 bits,8 erroFR! SunayaftrnonLindsay with 10 gai, travelled bere 'ta meet the GSLN Memorial Park Tykes sud GSLN suffered 'a 22 ta 6 defea.t. FIL-UF Gerrard Morrison, B arr y HenaIng sud Jaey Nowinýo did the 'pitohing with JrG L /Iurphy- sud Brad Godfrey behind the plate. Hcnning, ý HIGRWAY 401 AN] witb s battfng average cf .310 Phone 4 pIcked. up six walks Inu this_ PRESENTS Their 25th ,Itnrnversary Wance and His 0Orc-hestra Jun e 2 8:0p.m. - 12 midnight, Seats for Viewîng On! § $3.00 per person SReserved Tables S Dancing $3.50 per p:rori Bar Privileges Tickets On Sale Auditorium Box Office F FLYING DUTCHMAN, eRVC iD LIBERTY ST. S. 623-2651 PHONE 623-3396 -e 166 King Street Est ~'Your Goodwill Dealer» ïUSED CARS -BALANCE 0F FACTORY WARRANTY ON 1967%s A-ND NEWER 1970 FORD MAVERICK 2-DR. COACH 6 cyl., standardtrnmsîu Local, one owner car. Lic. ,9944A. ---------- --- --- - - --------- ---- - 1969 CHEV IMPALA 4-DR. SEDAN V-8, automratic tran-rsmission, power steering, radio, white $295 wall tires, wheei dises. Lic. 23365A.-----------------e 2 5 1968 PONTIAC- PARISIEN NE 2-DR. HARDTOP V-8, automatie transmission,, power steering, power brakes, radio:, wite wail tires, wheel dises. Forest Green with matching $ 9 interior. Lic. 708311. ----------------------- --- 19 5 1967 BUICK LE SABRE SEDAN V-8, automnatie transmission, power steeiug, power brakes, whiîe wall tires. She-rwood Green with matchiug interior Lie. 50594A. $ 4 5 '1966 CHEV IMPALA 2-DR. HA\RDTOP 6 cýl., automnatie trans mission, wNhîte wall tires, dises. Canary Yellow wîth black top with rich blark interior. Radio. Lic. 46972A. $1 9 1965 METEOR SEDAN, V-8, 'auitamatie transmission, white wafl tires. Diploat Blue with matching interior. Lic. 5059lA ------ 1965 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN SEDAN V-8, automatic transmission, radio, white wail tires. RegalRed w'ith matchiu.ýg interior. Lic. 50592A - -- - -..---- 1965 PONTIAC 2-DR. COACH 6 cyl., standard transmission, rad.-3c No plates, Lic. 51967A. ---- -- ------------ ---- 1964 PONTIAC STATION WAGON V-8, auto.matic rnmsin power steering, power b-rakes, radio. Lk-". X41226, 1963 PONTIAC SEDAN V-8, standard transmission., good transportation,.2 9 No plates. Lie. 15195A, TRUCKS 1966 CHEV 1/2-.TON FLEETýSIDE BODY 6 cyil., standard transmission. In real top condition. Lie. 76813B. 198CHEV 1-TON WITH 10" BODY 4 speed transmission., Lic. 61749B. 1967 INTERNATIONAL STAKE TRUCK 16' body sud racks. 345 V-8, 2-speed rear axle, 5-speed transmission.' Lie. 47439B. 1967 GMC 1/1-TON PICKUP Lie. 76790B. WE ALSO HAVE 45 MORE GOODWILL USED CARS TO CROOS, FROM FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY STU P 9E S TON - RAY LATH1ANGUE - WLDN BRWNÎ - 1 .tý mi, ÈMMM KINSMEN SSupver Car Speca ' OLIDAY' DINGO $1 0,300 I RZS IncludiG2,i-L» Gaiefor $M'000.01 HOIDAY ÏGAME 3 Jackpo $,001 if û on la50 nosSP 2,0 fw'511la ý51 nos. ECA Gaine 2,40 wn ln 52 anos., GAMES 2,10 0 i wa la53. nos. If Wfl ~ 1500 ïif-won lu455osM$50,00 53 xuo'a, 1,200 ifw n la57 o. s LUC~Y PRSO - LANTO ATTEND AND 20 Bg Rgula Ganesat $50,00 each BRMAJND NEW 1971 HOLIDAY FORD MUSTANG GMSSTART AT7:0PM B-USES AT HPRATER MBINGOÈ