Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jun 1971, p. 10

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4-IlConerene Dlegae !ln Lthis ypaity, Lthey ase 1 lecedyaungileýr m merain 4-11.lun- BacI yer, te Otari 1 -stand the 4H rgrmand ~atmn a Arcutueand aid them in camipleting their I Food aotn r oprtsproj ecis. 'WeLkýnow bathTo in !hodinýg 4H Canfpiernces and Jim xill represe-nt aurI arn fScience Seinar1.-foaunty well at Provincial ý deeevîn Ontria4-H em-Conference. IDers,4-H Sciene Semilnar The PoviniU HConfer- Each year a serlesna' ScienIce ence n etd eah ,year t the eminars are held atth e Agri- Uln 1er0ity iiGuelph '411dicultural Schaals acroîas 'On-. 4hîs yar itle 7.being hidfrom itarlo. These Seminars are -ue20t 2.Th bjcivsapnta yaung people in Grade oef th'rvicaX-HCne- Xor v1, ho are intereeted ee aýre , in biaogîýcat sciences related 1. To roie edesi taAgiculture. As well1 as îrainig. meeing Pand talking witb Ag- ricuIturel teeiching staff, the 2. nebe prtiipate a yu~gpeapte bave.an oppor- ~dicut agicuturl pogrme unt ametother young 4taf a th Unverity aiThis year, C es Stevens ai 'Gelh.R..6, PBawmenvilte and 3. T reognie chive-Arthur D)oyle aio R.R. 3, Baw- ilrti , n ijo tnodý r, I ng 4 H manville, Jhave been selected ber ii ac Cuny ndta attend Science Semninar -jjîrCIL. Pragram et the Univ ersity ai) uha Coty as tw Guelph iîom J une 27 ta jun]el delgats t th Cofernce29. Both ai theseyun men1 tn 971 iThy are, - Tom Bar- have a desire to) fuither, their ~îeafRH.4,Bomanileeducatian in the agcriculture1 -n im alerofRH field. We knoýw they' wil,1 .~apbl1crit Bth aithf gainî a great &eal from the« young eope hvebeen îin program. ~araueclus. hiayea, tey Junior Farmers and e hire bat ac;tng as JuiOr, 4-H Fid Day eaer i te4-HPrgra. lTe Dirllaam County Junior1 Fmr'Club will be holding 'a heir Annual Field Day on1 -Fridlay, June 18l starting eti 7:00 p.m. at the Pine Ridge Schoot in Bowmaville. Thec Y#ETt/4FtD AP Junior Fairmer-s have extendr- ed kan invitation ta att' 4-H RBC&///STOO. PP memnbers in ]Yrharm County eP164r'6 TAKET7 /S 1 1 ta attend the Field Da. There Wtll be a number ai track and, ~ t/TTîi("c id vents end equîpirment w-ill aiea be available for 'volte-yba1l, badmrinton an d ,~ asbal.Thiie le an Àctln 5 î 'ý .- pparruity for 4-H members -~ p l get together, meet thel Jumol rFermenýrsa and jusit gen- erally have a--n ev'ening oifun, Herd Boar, Selection t AAffects Profit Acrîgta Mi, Han Den- iasm of the Ontario Depaît-1 ment i Agriculture and Food î- LA D %W&EV petrform",ance traits that con- ef ~V tiute dire-ctly ta ecnoamic ~ Rretrneahuld be coirýd c 1%SOJ A KEll fist -henselecting a lher-di O NO983 -206)fboar, Beet setections cen b esueif prime importanicei ESO OM HATSEVICE la pi paced on average. backfat" __________________ _____ ickness and age et mari 4- .4 'e- '1" 4". i 't". GRAND PRIZES MONTKLY PRIZES Sl,17 tleS.Lawcr. oe l", May l lreg tober fer 2aJ~.. .,.,,. ......2uu........,..I,Ïoo9 l0ries....$IOOeah 20d .............. $06eac F'ntre!e r omain îeliible 'mir ail mortthly draws until ran Amm TootOntlo I tceso$2 eaoh. neead htec icktmkme teligibte A frmuet 9Wp zsas WeÈis the grand phizs draw In N--embor, iz M' peddPýyGapd-ou drv rûê mes a un n New Building?. Buleding Ad d itiîon? Coveingan Old Building? Ijnla UArmco up ildingÏý jilý S yt thDealenr !e.Thsnip" h çiranzed taorfe Lresosblt aihsetl construction projecl. V B Authorlizd Dealer ARMCO ýUILDNG SYSTEMS (OLORSPAN BUILDINGS rorenral Cnrcosand a ýýdiviîsion of ippContrutio,165 Eloor St. West, Oshawa *H AWIVA ..E.TjOMPON576-6066 ~ PETEEOROU . A, ORRISON, 743-3697 I-ýthe way1taC, Pdco thinato the WeghP obe dex. Th1i In-de-x istemasr fa] boaîq 'a gni oe ntielfor beckfat tikesand aee 200 pounds, rmeasure-dagit the ~ ~ ~~o Onai vrg iboa'rs W Piehed(d robe 01 d . A Wboar sbaould nat beà con)sidered,( un-1 lems bts Index is 100 or higýh- A boaîr shauld 'oe bougbti fromý- herds with good heelth statutenod liste oi sucb berds cen be obteined from the Vetertneîry Services Brench. A boyer sboutd examine feet and legs for eny abnormal- tics. Uddere should be y-1 amined and there sbould bel 12 evenly epeced rudimenitery teets. Boars wlth a hîgh 1l- dex, buta sali genetic -feuit, sucb as a shrivelied ear s-hould not be ignared. Finaly, cautiorns Mu-.Jens, the selli's guaîentee shold]i be cbecked. The Onrtairia Swine Breeders' Ass( (oii bas adopted e Code ai Fair; [Practice and StandaRrd Ga anteýe for Boar-s, BedSows and( Open Gilta. B u er shauld obtlain a copy tlao u misunderatainigs b e twe e n que nd seller, For mor'e ifrain t.hese Or anyagiutrlop ica, contactth Bomenilt office at 623-3348. Area Twirlers Win Trophies At North York CourticeAbandonsý Starting next f all if you ask a student at Courtice1 Scnay School what grade Ire is in Ire will probebly laak et you rether stI,ïa-,gely and reply "none", Eut idant be too shocknd, lie will, if you Aetim, go on ta t'NU you tIrehIr, like Iris 1100 other fellow studients, il- on anun diiuel study pr'ograin. By thet Ire man-stiret ýhe is progressing thr,3,igh tIre systein, anid lis eho oubjets, et hs Own sped le Iras five leveés ta com- ,plete in eacli subjet <be hIe cen grduateThe aver- age student wîll likely take fibye years -- and thisý wvould correspond ta the presentA system.i The 'brigliter or slower stuent cen either spe)ed up or slow down ,the Pace aeccordingýz ta Iris native abilities. TIre systemr will ae alýowtIre studenit ta brandIr ouf, more into study aretas ai prectical interest nd fLancy. One(-ai the probleins, the echoal envisages, which will arise out ai BowanvlicTwirlers won auciî a ray temis the vidns îl[no lone e gt severai trophies et the an)-ualI _ _ Beton Campetition honsted by I a the Boriugh ai Notb ok lR . Blake, Ontaîto Advanced DFuety Champions, placed i-itoncei ru ag:kznin ::ovîdetSoo.L ear s AbutPo Criehiý lceien ber si c - byEelnPud peene tbhe-spingowl-ý Sh-aroni Farrow bmghthoe ]wmîileeth site a)i er sow e secnd iplace ta Novice "T'" asscConser:vation Area Coucitor eurce r Strut.atagthe valley cxt en ding 1drew t he winin )g ticket for e The Slli - Kideýttes ýIJuenii fom Varitones ta the Ga-pwrmoe.LodPucet lie Corps piec'ed third in) their yeer dam, and rigbt dawn ta ai Oshawvja wqtheluckyÉ fietty ît nw o tiehelake. holdr. Mie, J.C. Buî'dett oai withi Capteii Slaron Fairow. 'iUntil pollution te cantroli- BowanVilte woçn theý secondr The 1Jll-Ete" edb,,.cd il would be a wasted effort prizo.c CiaPhillipa, won Second in to dcveiop it," asserted Hev. Mia.LereceC. àMasoir Junar wir Tem.T. Gracie in bis, eddress ta wbo was la chare 0ite ; th Bwnvle District Hor- raiffie îepored th.etber cam- tîcultturel Socit tita May mittee had ciere d $3.T NE TO VILEj eld in the 1u JI '-CIusdobyThe Fe CalilrILetMis-.BrIyllpecdte wmeetinig. EHe com- Mis.AdrwSutlwih the leJst weepk wî M.ad .lmned Mis. J-IH.Ferguson prize for bvigsold the great-S Clin Bur1y1cM-. ad Ms.1on the seasonet lfloral _display est number nof tickets. il Ronal ~ Mrey, -wc-sle;- _-_ Mr;-. Frgsotanedths lnd -ý/1s. BuceBurey aJJi)n paliitn Trontoý Police Force who ha d cantributed ta the i Scott of B racebr lidige. lest 'Tuc(sdey. flower show. Shint raducede Sorrn ta rpart our eguer M-sEa-t McEwen, Peter- Mu-s. Eau-i Sanidord ai Oshà-- corepadet u-. rak i1- borougb, setSunnbey wtth we and Mr, F. Semis aifBW- S myer haan niotae ,ci-broher Mue C. Burley. menville, who exptainied what c d1ent et the PoslI Office Thurs- Ls ady Nwovletbey looked for ýwben judigi*ngn daY mou(ý-ing and la aaw in Hoaduunners bho.ted Garden flou-at exhibite aýnd arrange- th-Je Memaprn1ial H-1ospî otafl wîth a Hill, losing, 42 to 25. Thelfmente.e cecI on Jher kee gme bawever, wasrnot as' 'Itwadcidtahdth Elevn meber ai he ne-sidcd as the score wouild socýiety pic'nic 1,th-eCosr U.C.. wre gueJsti Kendalindicate; etter thu-ce and e vtion -Aiea in Enniskillen o LnCW, a ear Mu-js. Decke, bahinnings Garder Hililduy2tb Fu-ride'y evening4,,Ili o, ber lue e acoIimmendiag 36 ta 4 tead ;ýMis. K ~thu nrde wh4illaJam-aica1. !but the lest bh ai ofthe gaee ed the gueet spekri The ranisand Gutides wes ,dominated by the ya unger Grta CieP. bepld a Mohrand Dauïgbter and tes exp erienced He- Dllrio nmeke I be dii-l B3anquet, in the SayShool raesby, e 21 ta 6scr.mnyweeterm th H.omSaurayevenînig, wilth Newtanvultepitchilig w a sfrae. iw pt ther thletrrisîig adled by .Theresa IHoora- ar," esered Mr Gracie A A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~o. prsnainw hed: eJd ron oneVg incing few wrdpa h at the hall Satuurdey reveninig for ils and Jony illemls wiaindthecexten tota wi ci Mu-1. andrir M1is.Alv iin Souchl, Joanne i Vogels1 a nd Cindy plluilaeve!pyafet Scu-aaubspent StraRya h oadrunnmers arin(11 Mu-. Gracie Jba;s long been witb M-,C. Burley. a league with Garden Hill, active uin th- iight taave-- Mese7rs. Don Vinkie, îi lw tema fîo Cm Welcome and camne Public apetbl-ytwas Brawn iand T'rueman er- huceteame ,from part Hope. pollutti. erson spent the weeen e Newtonvi]te baste Welcome The gaverunment tiud a ToryBih.A lage nmberOak on Wedresdey, Jure 23rd werds D.D.T. le an exceln I attended e saler et THugýh!ead tu avel ta Port Hope ta exemple, he said.Fnel cn SStpleta's WMiil on SatrLJdeyplay the Elms on, Monday, virced oi the' dangers-, the ai whenbir son, Frank, he- JurIe 28th. gaverameat bas mvd t ed with th[le auctianeerirg. B On Sunday the Lare fain- ban it end eradicate ecxieting j1' iepd abtained his, licence thi -ll-bed a very enjoyabte gel- stockpiles, except la one vitlfil peet werek. tgtjrand pi a t Mr. aiea - the tobecco inutuy M id Mu-s. PBut Wede Bob L euty's -ottage on Stur- "oe ee- sn 2 ettended tfheýRR Hoda Sit go ake. During the aiter- tons ai D.DT. or 7-5 per ceýnt Baqu t nd enterteirment, rnoon Mr-. erd MîMs. Metville ai the peek lput before:i Surday eeninjg et the Hall- Jones wcu-e puesented with :D.D.T. was benred 1: Mn. day ti Inn 3Oeawa. iloweu-s, e cake and gits ta Gracie eeid. "This paoilnous j Mu-i. oandtMu-s. Bert Tompkins hbonor their comirg 25th Wed- substance soant permeeates the' I ard Mu-s. Austin visited Mr- ding Aaniveu-sau-y. lenviroment erd reacheiýs us>h and, M,.Rn vrTnmnk-ine ànrr _ _ I. (childie-n aI Ibeir cottage et Hi(e Lake on Sunday. MisDorotby Ellb0tI, Wat- erlano, spent [the weenat home and on Suýndiay visîted h r fathewho 10e sa patient lu oTronto East General Boa- pitl. Mu-ied M-.Clint Farrow' ý1&> M-.and MiTs. Gien Fr row, Cabouu- 1l'g, vs ted Ib: SereCentre, Toroýnto, oný Mu-lad Mu-a. TH. C.Lae OwrSournd, apeat the week-, er lwt Mi. ard Mia. C. H. Tl Mi ed Ms lineGi- mer, Bhad ay Fac, 1irdey; Mi. ard Mu-s. Bibi Ciaîtk, Ethe;li Mis. Pal Mýc-1 Donald, Heaboron, apeat iLSet-1 uurd-dey wih M.and ]Miu-s.Do n Mu-. Doniald Adeima wes e cateon Sunla-y with Mu-. and Mu-s. Jim dae/Mu-. Hobeit Jeoifroy, their grand- sn, ilavisitiag la Cooktowa for a week whiie Mu-. Adams is la the hospitel. Mi. and Mrs. WaleBaugh- en bad dinner wthMu-. erd Mu-s. Alvin Yeo and Scott, Orano. On Thrsdy he rae :i ta 8 pupîls ofNewtonviliera1ýv-! eled by us taO ckeiaghe the GO train ta Ihe, Unioni Staion, sbwapaaisteecar, ta Fart 'Yor-k Perd by boaDt Centr, Isand. TIey ae visited thle Parliemnt Build ingz, and the City H-all in Ibeý aileinoan.i Lawîveei-Glmetr)r>r, lBur;4ejo,i viste Mis.Fraak Glier l the bosýpital anSndy .Barry Lane joined Mta S TAY S BRJGIHTJ eCOLORS THAT ARE REALLY SUNFASI e RESISTS BLISTERING 0 DRIES IN 30 MIINUTE-S * SOAPY WVATER CLEANS TOULS 55 KING >ST. W, PAINTS erdiç PHOINE 623"l-5431tâ The Cana3&i Statesir--n, Bôwninvilile, Junt 16, 1971 D urham Agriqc -News by Rod Stork Assistant Agricultural Representative ety l1ution lathe food we et, ee I tbe food bas neyer ben i- recPtly treeted witb D.D.T.l "Finally we are awatre i the dangers oai mercuiy, Ibey - ing tuu-ned a deaf eau- ta c entlsts wbo warned ai thie mercuu-y-tu-eeted seeded- cated by OUR OWN Depeit- menit of Agriculture," he-, went on0. "A 1968 studly showed thal common Americen foode exceed the safe level ai .034 per ce-nt ai mcu-cury by) as m-"uhas 10 limes tbiat mun. Graphicelillustreýftg hbue ownexeecs -wîtbcali sides, Mu-. Gracie e howcd btow I naue1 cueaegiven the c.hanc. Citing Pelerbaou)mgi,ý bis, homne t, Mu-7, Grcie expleiaed bï ow ltatlicen libeen uneabi ta iind the- sore ipoltinwbih hed iclosepd local waters to sports- Tbea Canada Paickeus clo)s-ý Ad Up operatians. Shou-ltly' atrQuaker Oats taok cameý meiasures ta cantrol itsow efftuent, and coincidently the -waters eu-e now open ta xswîm-, ýmers and englers elike. Mi., Gracie descîibed is. (Iwn continuing battie wt icuddbottles, beer cenýý 't.,on the graun1deaif St. laiia's Anglican Chuu-cb, j0f uvhîchbe la mîisfter. "Util the rfurd ;,,is i- ,eope'swhie, tey iltcon-~ tiueF ta faut Ithelndcp ýver ta the point i mek1ý1ing9 t hbdo,"he Said. 1 He tld the, gatbeuinrg thiat pollution wiilwaya bewith es until the direction oainaur ivea-. is cbenged iu-om aonc ai :orsune :and discerd ta one frecycle. He pointed ouIthath,0 le 1,wina boggies, thet pollution as the produet oa i-nse -popu-, iation end that il is lurevers- iet>, have been abat down. "Larndon and Berlin are wa greet cîies wbich arei rising ira mîbe eccumuletive fiith ai centuries of epethy,"1 he said, "because the peopie- hav e decided ta pay ta, do amretbing about- il. "Tbey aee eready beginiýna o, reap the reluira fuom Ihe-ir invesîment." " Notbiag ile going ta ep mr bere la Derlinglon wn -hp ou- Bawmenviile unitil anough people eau-e enougl ho do ,something aba 'ut il. ,'And $10,000 would Only! >e a atarI" he said. d lb ELIZABETH VILLE ther mtn g àt aMe Ax mMu. hte pîeidecid an 1Mis, l wbl-lcllreaid thlmiute Mu-s.CM. eAlîletr hbad the pîogram. Arreprt on0 the1 C sick and cardesSent was gîver by, Mui-s. L. Mde.We planvi ta cace ur Juy ad ug Lusi meeting. Fou- Jumlie Cpla a shopping tri n a0 awa; wltb a tour i McLaughýýi lin Gadn.For teAgs mreetýinve lbave been v- edc( ta bave a<1 picie e t R. !Miss!Nancy alî eun tnip from Wolf 1Lake b ton ry LaPke witb thri Tritý T,(rmpera aveu- a Ilong we M.H. Ticýksýor sprint Thurýisdcy wïib Miad M H-. Moore, Toronoi..Moe wba ba 'Wag9neî' Disse lc(-J' Chu-ch servicresuniserebl Miur. 'Tam isa, elyve ;pnk- on Frevedom".Tbhe choir reildered anL anthem. ,O i irdaPy vnight f 11 , l;îies. mit et th ýe baseent ano( yeaýrs nnvesa for Mr. aind M rs. V . eacck. On Satur- day the ladies Servies lunch cake end floral rageet M, and rsni), Fe.c erl umeruscardon and m c,- saeThe Pfa,1mily aete a coo V.; t he omu i a oigt tabe endpoteJari. FUEL OIL Ask< Operator for 668-3341 or Dial 16834 DX FUEL OIL CAI-L US TO-DAY FOR PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE Ke ir k go 0t and turned an old irîind into a passing acquaintanc, Overtire pesîfew yeers Kei cn lajdcI< 1nPt , w l n sialfrtune e" t Harry's grg ta keep o hie AIdcar gaînïilg. rinaliym iirk tire hel p of aînoliefr are rçpairesiee 1lia rry -avn ced Ken to buyrý: a ilw ca%,r,. And we tooki ý'ix (om her, FuretKen iala ommeCe I Bekpan. oaur, One die,,,iged w i tihR a1epa y" La ieauat'cifit hic own per.(,tsl iuation, Theî's wiry ve cai t 'a B-ankple an. An,[n ire anly limeý IKensceeclry a1 u a tank aioef Weieyou need ane caa îu-uck or a trailer, a-sk Iî'a jual teaftiemn Ways marree fusdnoefr you attire Commeýcrce.- re of us do more for you11 el ed Gra erSynds and rel>atbive sital ysem frno alospoints attended.P ... M ar M,. . olden, Weekly Report MrsH.Qunti]loe heWeek cafJure 7 î- 13inclh ve Mrs .Mar hi hoi bAmi ioeu . rest home jrl'rt oP.rtth aeifmk4 asut frthe wdigDshre .' clertinse M. nd MS ajr operations ------- 8 u~ ecc .M n r oeratirns -------- 3D ." uiy okh clbaio mrccy trramnt,1 we:Mr.-land Mis Nick YVt Vîsîtîng heurs 3-8 .rn. daîl Duaryand Mrk, cl n<j,Ï, ton,, were with Mr., andî-! bN!,ý,nz ua ý'R. adhite.M i Mr.~ndMi H taa~,For OId Appliaunes Dekoker, OshýAwa.eewt hog P'. Sce u d ,iliamjit , B eil, CLA Mr. ard rs . J. -aoc hoo6210 àand.( boy, Iapuka qs t, Mr, ____________ A. Paok nue i v nafkacident ard wa 1Mr. ianicl vMr . J e f, _ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ O. ercr.Mr.Mereran O p Geieïral Irnsurançe Sa turd-clayv. FREaîd AUTOMOBILE Mr adMiNick e)Lng 1N S URANCE over te weeend. ARRY VOERMAN ard Mrs. urtn dMli à.t 3 1K(xGST.E any organized group or cls n\htafeln TiWlrs wr.ihM.ar OMNIL identity may become wnîn.Trtyîng tal)fiid a sl-Ms .fety tion, Jim Speers, school prnialadsmeokh s7tudents are workinig on a projectich~udcet f ive school houses, or as te tdetbpeert cc them, 'syndicates'. The mn ritrionfor nmaFking theý ý selection is geograph-icl djiributiîon oai thestuent in the township, "Some schoN v onimed theiiWr syn- dicates by taking thenaneof stdeisi n aphbeti-0 C cýal order," one td odte reýport ,"u efe it wvill be better ta baýýse uso hr h tdn lie. t involves muLc1li work, hr ahstdn ie is plotteýd on the ma,,p. hntepplto ,ste1MNYO are ta be studied and i-dlineos drawýn dividlilý in~te map, OE0N into f'ive areaýs crepnigth dsiis. A chai- Ieniging probimfor i rae 13, er, excue m, lth DX PREMIUM [eve, mahemticsstudnt.QUALITY àr 0ýýW' 10,00 -L - 1

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