Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jun 1971, p. 15

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fe 1 E t t 1 Plrb it1 - i#* il nr wvl 1 1 lTé t !Çft]i a 0 St t e',m n, f-wv r ll, ý1 M9 11 5 watan enJnoyrb1eini show. 'Charge mvan eoreanislevdb iAlso onit lJe a ir d1ilring tIp)cet b hew a 1s Work Wnted NticesReal Estcte for Salej1Real Estate for Sale Real EstatefoISleo% VmII elry ___________________ __________________ ___________ ith host H nyReed. Hri'n i l, la ee re COL F._ svrmlg I -TTAGE; , wntei ed, ew li15 i asso iated w ith Reeda F'lOr- I O ad w t QUA i1ED Siw rr*ivate REGISTRtATION FOR iLAND SPECIAL WL uiiabeuiul1201ea lg bdoms oi-56030lt n asmn yasofe- shia Giri cal siué yta sQ. ft. ranch style buglwpeel Clhd creig IG1WAV « ~ p e ops nt h ïý atyor pool. CaIliS, BOWMAN'VILLE '751 x ZO' Pre'd LOS n 100' x 150' lot hl m )ile stone fireplaice. tuflIning wton gree.Nat ýrâlJ, we An 1-0r-l shawa lý io f a retit ~Y-c 2327. 23-1* TTn*'n T r Oshawa Ski Club or r l doradt1oo xcIimn lock ýbiliding 25' l h tdoca' rwwesgiri was allegadîyishth eloib 1eKgto NURSERY SOfliy san $1900eand ' ituated in Vtaple Grovebu étOlapngforshows arm by her d até earîy Suntout H sbighl îh ELECTRIC îFOncer Service, willlft F pibeaulcb, r-ÀàeILtpn nrda lji n VFalctory sriedepot for WEn)NLSIAY & THURSDAY $100 Dowi - $25 Monthly, 7% for $4,500.Fo ifomain od f ith nTi reOyUe ora rs 6, Key ~tw ingsaytorng, ndfocd VoIpEabfoeh Bwan cal78590o 7634.FmlsnorthofHaelck rofig Lot 265' x 146'b bet îattcgieaccompainy 1hlm on a trip tovilcoronunlth ShrShc fner.Walter16ad1 Go East on 401 to Neýwtonville, ,2 hn 2-25 r6337 Ithwll01on ropertyPiecagas hnw n over 4818.Kinegstand.7 ; 017g1rl, ot7o.u1h bthdly t-bak- right, Hlacksto-ck 986-488 Southi te Lakçe - Fast 3Mls- ___ 3tf includesl property, building i. Ar iefor " 'rowina The girl, bom Newcv(aýt1Ee n, wsntsnosyîjrd 16-8* bten1 n 13 .,te sig1iks - and equlipmnent. $10.000 down im 'rýi lC l -]i( bëwe 0ad1:0am oý,nThings" is 6:15 p.mi. on Wýed-_ Ontario Prv cil oic -_ _____ VDT.ýTt'RT èlT9'IbVrT G30rrIele.veven lun Ly -me illbanie.nsay S. refuse to nain, jumped out WaiaAErwll b oredp30 ti,. Lions Centre ERNESTDALTON ÈANEW Cai Les 1hall 61151 ________ of the car near thie Kingston ECAHTIA Canada3-1 flrilliSttgonCodmranyo Oah',-awa, Phone 576-6004. Re- LiitedsIalsavailable j"3,500 REATOR _ 231 OP PSainadrnfrFRODAPIN .îréinàieHarry L. Wade, II 359,3179t-own -___Pone623530 ; Necwcastle. Phone 987-4531. For further information cati 93175 75-257Phne 23530. ______,_________ I M,.JlL The mnan took off but was SAE A 15-f RS ILEN 62-568 R R 3, WOODPflRIDGEr 3 miles north of Bowmni- Pc or ".W7'1 ul >e WIsUIIlater picked up by Kingston REjýLIABLE Hgh School stu- 23-l* Salesman on Duty Weekends vill: roi mehoer wi tyunhomse. _ iltde yope-O? naradlc.CLSII dettwould like summer ecm- ~~ ______ ~2~*aalaatet a'gi-Newcasteousirs1nl3, Hi~dieaas Dy amlpiî ployment doing any odd job NrinHome seli. Wp you may want to have donc. 'Cal -ae n celoPiedt ick ro. SXIN~Da Chauffeur's licence. 623-2757. ACCOMMODATION available Courtice area: Two bedoo KTHEE HSIINA éd1td 21-l* for up or bed patients. Reas- hiomnie with rec. room and l 6,111-4276 or 576ý-82451 former1 ,aieniber of oqwin onable rates. Apply South extra bedroom in basenti,, , Lan Boniâ Tileiilî) eréaiitaoff foar AL G. OSBORNE HavenNusg Home, New- doujble garage, on large lot.,elEtt eIWot n1tgto! fveyasudrDrco Cre Upoteycastie. Phone 987-4441. il-tf tlETTLDE Asking pnice $18,900. eîEsa 1NI Wrhnvtito! Orono Ar-a: 2yearteold, 1-tf Are te eeungalows in BUo]i Fanninz, !S doing weïl prors, !Oïon, Ara- 2 yeth il Npwtonvillk' area - onf 2: at Sir Salffordi Fleming LEAN -TYNIeER- ProessÔnlyCleaned Personal *A S* 130s.f.bnalw(vrlOMNIL RA beroiadtotrebd ollegé la Peterborough SHRRIBRATo FREE STIMATES 11.10lilIL___________ Phoe 23202 YGIENIC S up plies- (Rubbei' 34lîngSt. .,lowenvbaes57E'ubaemeomlrgelot PhoMneVLL2002 goods) iailed postpaid -n 24Kn t . oiovleMake an appoîntmcnt'to stec Cernenit Block rom.All brid ik, aodem,dioh whis fthea COSiCn IB OAT rcIb 20-tf VLLE plaii sealed envelope with 6339 this beauty, Priced at $24,500. Building 25 x 62-133 .0 garages. Lîstcd at $24,ooooo tion Leaderil. _CROSS______________________________ - ~ ~ 2. pie s.0Six sapl e rSakil:10ar fn Pieine rpry $25,900.00 and $27,900.00. Two This yonng ialiIs Joel Watoh Repairing 24splésT-28.00 Mail rer . Orono iwith 8 rooin framé homelf, and Evqlipmlent of them are locaitedi on ravinec Mcil.ight, son of M,ýr. aiBNLS FRSITNE Dcp. -2 ov-uber- rektbunaloweith botwtn i acrestrout strea- aahd 12 Lot sz 6 46f.-<1o lt.I etinb pon- i.MiryMcXnight 0 LD OST GRE EN Certificd Watchmaker of Box 91, Hmito, nt 52 Getvlei oe annes bush. There are manyil e y rsntyue or nientony.Cal ow SmponAvRnO holeT cnda eelr1 efnBatfl possibilities on this farm. car mnt~ofn.PmsbIt 0ArS - 8loo.oobscas hsyarat a oh hatin. Bautiul i-( d 4,0.beoln nana ieidrectoDr of the c b 3 b canaian eweiers Asa. tea Estate for Sàle place in recreation room i wthPie t$750 of other ses. 510,000 dow4n Vacant laild, frouting on No. heataînters. Oly $22,900 1Twvo miles north of Bow- payment will bandié. Cali 2 H-iehw-ay and also on No. coJe5,s dy cap fo 12 MarsJwley FOR exper-t, non-partial build- with reascnable iolnpay- mianville: 12 acres vacant land L ES HAL L 401 H-ighway. Has somre ti'ecs 39 King Street NVs-Qt olz eanu. hes ol 23tinginpcos and full re- n1ient. with pond site, Prîced at 623-5211 and a smnall creck. Building college cVmATsE The suhLo0 C ea ports cal 987-4436. 21-5* O$n1sooo permit available for a hiome under the f1dera0gvr~ \ V i l l C u t V T e e d s - L o a t e d i n n o t h s e c t i o n2 3 - 1 H . K E I T H L T D . 1 2 0 0 s q . f t . o r n o r c . L i s t e d m e t s o p r n t i so rW C H SL E N rom Lots 2 FO? SALE close to iclS and shopping.1 REALTOR a 2,0.0 iutd17YuhPormfrte~- GAEJIEOag rn frr osThis 3 bedrooni brick bna ___17-tfCmils esthop Nwtnvle. 04 j4l10 lw bas large lot and finish -__lcaio_____AE U1 " cI d ecreation roon. oly KAWARTHA wat. Cal nw 5 3 Tn $23,900.INSP#« JoUNW IT. 1% Miles Nortb fhw( -,y. No. 2 LONG>AULT1S 1é S 72611 2369 $3,0. url anbe U~tween Oshawa and Bowranr Ms. G. ere ord lst1ntfamJ Save 18 ___________ ____ 10acre ofhîglscnic andB eautifully wooded, sandy ville. 1,750 Sq. If. îhome on iiy wi.Eveen SudaIgcss o HES Y 111 KngSt E, owmanvillé just north- of Ncwtouie. esýhore lots, ronds and hv- langer cani be locAted on this hem roteM.Eee INSTANT COOAE8c2-b CortcAAmnDule oB2RaIoNKbic unalw udmo, custom built cottages propemty. Listcd at $15,900.00 Gallaghien, Lnkcfiel.1c i imaclae oniton dél 3 in S. asBonîDuplerxsnnl picdon m F-iituatd on lith Line. Go)odi Mn. Pand Mrs. Ryc GibsnSve30 Trenuching 1i/9 acres, one four and onie fommuter.on$28o.00. 3 ig S.EsBinauil ccd ern S ITAK twvo 1bedm,(ooni apamîment close fr omue.Phone 623-3950 or 6213.111 aaîabe.tens.2e3cSudy visitonrs of 'M,,-.1 CHEF OTADESAFOS INSALATON to No. 2 igLhway, and reas- Newcastle Conmercial Daé- 2358 and MVrs7. G. Stronig, Ponty---RERI R . R . , B O M A N V L L E fla b y p n c e d.L o t là 1 8 7 M1 1 n m i n O SH A W A : K e w a ti u t m et E c e l n i v s tm e n t a n d W l n m n t i i é - 7 6 - 9 1 o l N kïP YCL we foundc onc! A two-bed- Future potential for tp of 011 hcated. Two bath5., Gar- finm. Phione Toronto, joug flfll TTelIYBEEFRONI-Strwbery Ja Wni Moeetr2:,73 - 12 .Ti0o.n 4- - ________ rncwith a possible modern stores. Pectyýa g, Mn, ayeta. distance 4442, colleet.6 < 3m bdmomuptamsluths upexwih 15Imn-î BOWMANVILLE: 2 bcd- Go ila froni Oshawa on MRS. MOSSI ELRS~é1eSv 0 DeVITT'S 11/2 stomeyý home with a lot corne. Only $26,500. Ternis, room. 11/2 stoncy home. 011 Hwy. 401 tol Hwy. 35 and 115 A nesident of Oshawa forsai 14 S mal Engine 208xi05 aud -priced at only1 10 Acres heatcd. 3 p e bath." Vcry 73 ycans, Ms eseKeeler AMBirIOSIA CREAIMED $13,P00. 1Very accule lot with trees iean Askilng $19,900, Termï. te Peterborough,. Go north onl dléd .luhê 2, 197i1, nt the O bh- Repair Buld-Iing lots In Oshsna adjolumina the Gannmaska For- ORONO: 3 bedmooni brick Hy. 28, 55 miles, 2 miles south i wâ bGeal Hfospital aflter a RICE PUDDING 5 i oldiLwtiwr Boiight, etc. lnktn Darlington and lest lu Keudal His. $7,900. bung!ialow. Oil heated. 4 Pte. of Bancroft to 'Beutley Lnke ~ ETT thnee wecks' ilînessa Shei lived )46 T. SUTHClar c.Terris. bth. Vemy neat. Askînge states", REL EsTE at 19 Nassau St., Oshnâwa, LEE BOWMANVILLEmecef- Bwliavil Beach $350 Sales Personnel on Propemty Bomu Mlch4, 1, e- Bus. IPhone 623'-250 Odn2stryhm en omnilévnoMnvn onh SERVIETTES 22.,-2 located soilidi brick with Beautiful 3 bedroom ot ORONO: 5 bedmoom, 2 stoneëy Evcmy Weeýkend 147 Kinlg St. E., Bowmanville thiforer-esseèjackgto ---an extra'lange lot and a single tage wlth fieplace, sunl om.home. ý_Oi hcated. Two baths. 18-tf, 627 -7461 or fl23-2492 -,as the daughlter of [the atéeC Lr mvTT~flTl1T aag.Ont, of the fine old- il fumniture. Lot îýla 100 , Askýing $21,900. Only $5,l0 Emma sudi Roben,,t Shackel- ~~ ~r homesý, in Bowmnnvllle. 100 wlth excellent beýach. dowfl1. We bave Êix necw home$ be- ton. She was ncricd o,9 aé 0 0%PreVgtbeO T.~A7~c~tVkTt~V$16 500 $,00 i. Àing built lu the couintny, Just 11 n ootondha ied TATMSF Mary RYSmith --786-2283 , Wt 300dw.NEWCASTLE: 8 monthao', sosinmBomnvleTPo- uGron n dH I he nsa HTE- LIEDSJMI Brick, 1BlockFý, Stone Si ni 2-64 omnil eroibick bungalo-w. sbel t$2t0 adpr mme o h oylT and himeys Roily Spener 623-7694 CIly2bdroibnaw01haed4pc.at.oly-- chaser mny choose inrior Blues 55, the Seniior Citîzeus' RA C RA 231o cre ltl nrhseto ood kitchen, Campont. Nice fifish sud aise chioice of lots. lbadammeifCn Phorie 623-2176 of town close te sthools audilocation. Owe mnfmei altdyfrIsetion. Fln-iteunial UuTited Chiunch. She c24-os. 222 Jr ~~church. Askiug $18,9010, Ternis. NEWCASTLE: 3 bedmom _______________ ncirug' arrPngpd. j ~ ~ b e 97c~Gi ____ - ..: Peler Kowal, BJar.e uglw 11hae.4 c.Cut' ig oorroi auLoWslyKee iodiz(ltAs5n176-8000 n,2 acres of land, full base- .Auguaýit 27, 1970. FIT, SPLYI Moun1tjoy REALOR)9room brick hm pu bt. etdubegrae AkngTé éeée sP srien f 1 dUPL IED.JATR anti GENERAL INSURANCE Coul~~~~~0d, be eaily dupleýxe-d. BOWMANVILLE: bc-2-20 $18,500 with tc'Lrms.byfudngtsMsJakGvrmtIspcd Ilheevc 2Kin St. W. - BowmanVille Ncly landscaped. Askiug rooni bungalow. 0il1 heateti.62 Coole (Viola),Bonavle SýEPTIC TýANK SYSTEMS 5 gîe Country-liviug, 6 rom1Ma ai uainkOb 623l-243 - $24,9000. Teras. Tre pe ah rM reKi,3iiii qi WVater Lires - Fnndations$i ,-0 Dow fo 2 edroniSplit Level $990.N.4 bedroom olden hoién r lacres ôof la nd, broadfoinn Fr) oaTMs rn Blackstock 086-4737 brkk lýhomie near smchool. Only 4 bedmoin brick home Wvith 10 Acres witb large trôut2' l x 264' lot, close te scbools throughout. Asking $27j,5o00SulsnPey)ortÔSIS-HIS- 231$540.Go tlm. garage oe) ta, $elt ustrearm. Pond. Two sunimen sud shopping. 'Good spar*t- with tennis. five Mons, Car'oVctr prîcétfl cSave Yu$$$ _________ - oralop ertof2Nlts. tsctoro owncttages. A sk in g $18500. meut site. Asking $42l,000. CutylvubaduwHrô,DulaWsê,RnlCSO UTN MKN Coirerual roprtyo wn0er morving tei country ,"IlLTerlnis. noaville - North ê rid, 4 bedroornialumrinuni sidedd, ýr1lalilof Oshawn, RuUTOM sdII JACK BUGESS stres ud3 apartmnts. Good ý1try your off c. Akn 2,00 2½ACRE FARM with 4 néw 1, bedI'roni 1-ehoe biug bungalow with Qicncha-Oagvle n itr ele UICK FItEEZING CR ~ BUNERS- FRNACS îvestrneunt popety. $42,000. roomédhome, 011 heatcd,ibuilt,Corne ilu sud sceplana, ing, ounl1/2 acre lot. Ful ime rne 2grnudchlensdBOCKCEAAABE t1ll BREAS NED -E n5 siflg Home bath. Barn, Asking $25,000. Tebm adi écd only $17,900 vilih $,000 ou 14glatruchden PL M I REFAIRS Port Hope - Bad n la en rc1bré cen1rs, Keelerrt7ecd 3ifiat théý,,ýl,ý.ý,1.ý.ýl,-ý,,-,-ýý- PHONE AMPTON bedrooi bric bungl for pletelyfumnishiedl , as anly BWAVLL:Nc da aiaae ront sudba,C.5 râoom bungalow lý ocate i l nmtogFnalHoi $2300. il àcep tad. étms uc asbilqrdroori 3 bedrooni brick bnaow h edrooni2stmyseri n uneanbyvillage, garage andOhaawcnthseve $2J~~I3800Acres aud s a am.Flerida oorl, paio sud sun0,1hcated. 4-pce., bath. Ru- Bownanvillé. R. room su ad prnvi ted iVe. A bargaîn at was hcld June 4th et 1:45 plm 232,1ainrô îhfinreplace.: campent. Asking $23,500 with $14,900. uemn a ttoObw Mail AdlreaIiiilmuéssoth of Lna.Ask- Asking $45.000 - Temmsr. Akig 2650 eriS tnns.new stores heing h,îilt, Union Cenietery, Dr. George 'ý 30tfîg $290 Easy tenP OWMANVILLE: 3 bedreoni Oshawa - on quiet court, construction àtartiug lnextMuêly1fiit L lybnaoOnPr-A illr !0:00 pa",. cal!: bric:k bungalow. Living sud loveiy3 bedrooni brick-atone weék, only a 14w lIit, electric -Loyal True Blue Victeoria 7 I wayCramut it frp lac ;i Brnoak-Ii -72-587,ii oi 11heated. 4- buigalo w itha eta é-heatinge, reaÊonablé eut, Cail 55 held a memenial srie F O A K Tw.sw tvu DonBrok &Son aacmet aifrdtis a éea -623-18, c. bt.Garage. Deep lot. rn i lu ae u, R .meni for details, l h uealhrpJn r oon ider home( loi Phyllis McPobbie 82-19Vy central. Askîuig $21,00.fchii. Close te oolsCeuintmy-livinge, neat 5 rooni t 7 p,m., nom.su hppn.Fecdyrd, îuinum irisidcd bungalow,, CusomBuldrs$1.90,Ternis aranged. Le- ban Outshoora 63-911,Ncéylads pd ÀAkîgwihpvddvwyfl NEW 110l _ DITOSctd Jlu towu. Pn oUt 21-16 AirHuPléase Cati. $2990 tib Orm, ae suIgrae aud E OO LLNcMa e Rg1,P. 3 edo niKa ro U 62-10 Poundoc 93-15 e1 cri-nbsro. ~nit 2 YoU ain it ntiWe é ~ ric bené cu lngélot.HaSWm.TuraskyOroé 98-540 flrryVoenian- 63-797 o hei ,êiecnimhea. 80 - _______ W l HAV Tel'm. Frnk rS nps n o - )725-963 ftss lav sô 60521-2401 1 ' o. A sk ig $700 hsal eit éé JaiigrLon 10AceDar aim od rtGre _ - 2ý5t9 Bh Re - 057860151tns codig gve ni a uIer anti buiding sudland 7 mlesratAude -lain 623-3077 Wé.1sleyvansn 4 - 6239-2669 Pntypool r- 4 bodmooin i boné o n ow av ecu OSRE U UTMR NA OENAMSH Aplinc Sric N. foa.Teni. 2- 2- ît oul arg o 1 xtndwt.mls fmb7 Terr______M_1_________________ 705-211-232_150 lot. Asking $17,000ith hcay cae bt ivnabOR FIESAENO OATDA 15ngrton-Ml ooes300 Acq. fi. ef e frmen. j.Atieai .2-l1lleIl10o96-185carn blothé huide. ty glee Phoe ER SYR nl $300. oavll-4bdbre - cuti, te hihad w]avs tutaef i- 34 KI NG STRA EET A T gooticommeOisi nopeny orl plumrif éuipnint l eujoying thé èveng ZPA.t Waverly Gardens Real Estate Boasrd ha' uiteacag r _____________________thé, norn, Net O nly weru thesé sportmen é ttainiug but, (M A VILE IN QUiUTT extmemely fuuny. The cato (OW NVLEBOWMAN VILLE FN ULT with which they soews .J bult udsol biMRKERS alten-dînnér speaàkers in the Au, lcrowlà. I suppose that when AUTO ariana L'eveIopnients . aI ôVrRvov uurIs~o:OUR P'HONE' 623 3 393" \ WDE(VDC jartanna STAFFORD fli stabhisbed techuical Sap-,NME JCINE WRCKR BROS. LTD. poach te putblic speakingNMB That WaS wonf h the prime ef! 987-4636 amission. Brqanéb Offiýes: "Mmé f Ieby1rpn, Rads, Batteries, Metal, Cars 6 3 4 7 Detke' wns "Red" Storey, sud i got iIW JXrnA and Trucks for wre-Cking. Openi Ail Weekend se wnapped up at what lie wsBLLVLERCAL ESTATrLEt ni NENTOA StaffordBrother:se)ying that I conipitly fer- POTHE LNDARALEAE ýL-i gt about the two manieras LNDA We seil parts for ïmoct mAke c crs agl sd the rest of th c céw. Net FORT FERU -ê OAiD Wron and pipe. $ilÀMnuets tat théy could talk te ine; LIMTEDwas laughling se liard aýt thi3 TWENT-FOUHOUI~TOWIG flo 1.3vcmy fun- a nt NOW AT 234 KI1N G STREET EASTï BMANI CUTMWELDING LV!B?#R2F'fuds t . -Whttby world. <; TO SERVE YOU BETTER' CPIt ~"Phon Whtby 68-552 This Wéduesday aud Thuma- Phone___________668__355 _ day the tapes of the Sports,.

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