Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jun 1971, p. 14

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The taiadian Statesnian, Bowmanville, Tune 9, iC71 Births Cards of Thanks In Memoriam ANDERSON-Don and Elîza- I would like to express my-v MATHS, Alex-For Dad, June beth are happy to announce sincere thanks to ail my 13th, 1967. the hîrth of their daughter friends anid relatives for the -Sadly missed býy Bill, Molly aetElizabeth on May 2lstilovely cards, flowers, gifts and and Bonnie Lee, 23-1 1971, at Memorial Hospitai. A visits duriig my stay in ïcjster for DJavid, Karen, Kevin Oshawa General Hospital. McKEE-In loviîng memory and Robert. 23-1 Reita Hobbs. 23-1 of a dear mother and grand- _______ -mother, Mrs. Ada McKee who BIZI-Paui1 and Muriel (nee We would like to tliank our passed away June 5th, 1970. Stevens) are pleased to an- friends, neighbors, for their Beautiful ni e in o r i e s are nounce the arrivai of their expressions' of s y rn p a t h y treasured ever, son Steven Kabulu on June shown during the loss of a 0f happy days wlien we were 8th, 1971, ini nshasa, Congo, dear mother. togethe'r.p ~Africa, 231-1 Royce anid Verna Sargin5ol-Sadly missed by sons,ý1 and Famiy. 23-1 daughters and grandchildren', ~OWERSflcrtandi Marilyn 2- <niee edn are happy to We wuîsb to tiiank our MILLER-In fond iieniory ennounce the arrivai l finl and neighbors for E-ieir son, B5iran Keith, wegh1tei toughtfuliess a n d of a dear brother Frank who ~~ing~ S b.6oe nSnakindness during the recen t nassed away June 9th, 1967, Jue6th, 1971, at Oshawa loss of our mother and grand- Fnl eebrd b G-eneral Hospital; 'a brother mnotiier. sister Audlrey and family. !or John. 23-1 Herman, Clara, Paul, Terry 23-if and Scott Sarginson. 23-1 MLE nmnoyo ,17IUTRRIE-Doug and SylVia W ol iet dear husband and father, 'le Ag) r poLit an- eps Frank Miller, who passed nniunce the safe arriva1 of a our sincere thanlks to the aa oc9 97 son Oshawa General 1Hos- menibers of the Fîre Brigade Thoy uis td, emorie ~pital, Ste-ven Jonathan, on for1 theîr fast, efficient work orever.da, neor June 4th, 191l ndegin and also Mr. MacDonald whli frvr '71,, ibs A brother 'for LZee turned in the alanm. Thank -aEer re fmrnbeed 23y-if1 Ann. Special thanks to Dni yualsomcHze n aml2- lý:ckct and Fourth For The Farrows. 23-1jiHMSNI oig1eý ____._ 23-_ 1 I wish- to thank Dr. Syl-1 mo'ry of a dea r father, Frankv ~IcAYNeso (ardy a v ester, ýDr. Pearson and the Thonipson, who passed away l-apy to annonce they, ared nurses and staff of Memorial June 13, 1970. hmi a Tay (e Gdar HEosptal, Bowrnanvîlle, for God took himhoei a happ to nnoncë thebirt i care and kindnesr, -shown i-e But is will, Pf their daughter,, Laura while in hospital. Also to Bu nor ers elv El-zabeth, 7 lbs. 10 ozs., on friends for fiowers and mnay us m rlsa drtdy JLune th, 1971, at the Greater kindnesses. ayHsmm,Îis sda oa 'Nigara General Hospital.,lv ors, -31 A ntehu epse F'irist granddaughiter for Mr. lv orih 31 a n1hehor e ase and Mrs. Laurence Goddard. We would lîke to tliank our We ofien sit and think of _________________ 23-1_____ -1 ,uîgmo aau -- i tives for theur good wushes,ý Engagement__________ flowers, carde, gftte and lov- Mn. and rs. C. Fielder lIy surprise Darty gîven us un Coboccorîk, Ontario, wish in hon or of, our 35th Anni- arnnounce the engagement of vensary, June 5tii, Ither edest daugliter, Leuna Dave and Bernuce Bothwell Jeanne, in James Richardson and femily. 23-1 ef Upha1l, West Lothian, SCLand. 23-1: W. would luke to thank _______ veryone who heiped in env Mrn and Mrs_ John rtaiston, way 40 nieke our 504h Wrecf ~.. , owtînvllare ding Anniversary sucii e haýPpy tDaoTnonce the engage- îiem-orable occasion. Specuai inent of theur only daugbtcr thenks to al out friend"', ý'andde Janet, 40 Stanley yeo, faniîly, neugbbors. for the soi, -f Mn. and Mrs. Clarence ,iovely carde, gits and flowere. VeHamipton, Ont. Weddîng Speciai thanks io the Lord. i1nso be announeced et e Abert and Jeteche Taisma. Iar date. 23-1 23-i" M-, and Mrs Saini Seymoutr. MY very sîncene thenke tol' Mapleý Grove, announce the ail fruends, neîghbors andi '.o'rth-cornung marriage of their reiatives, Beehîve Rebckeh1 dagtrSheila' Ann, io Ho- ILodge, United Church Wo-( b51,'-Randoipb Snowden, son nmen and Club 59 for carde, -fIr. and Mrs. Bert Snow- gifts, flowens and visite dur- slei, Mpe- rv. h mr ng my stay un Memonial Hos- 17agIe wîil teke place Stur- ptal here and un Toronto day', July 10, 1971 et 4 o'ciock Western Hospital, Special, In Maple Grove Unit .,d thaîîks to Hev. George Ward CiMuch, 23-I for visits at both hospitals. ________________________ Eva MeMurter. 23-1 Death.s 2 I1would like in incerely' CA_ýrY'-Joscpb .-uderiy taiîk ny hushan-d and fani- June 4, 1971, et bis res-iderIce ily, relativesý and fiende for ', Moton1yAeTro-terany vîsits, ioveiv flow- t, beoved husband of the crs, beautiful carde and acte laeVera E. Hooey, brother- 0f kindness durung mny recent î-awof Mise Luea Hooey, stay un Memoial Hospital, 'Toronrto, and A. L. Hoocy, Speciai thanks to Dr. Fergu- ~oravil.23-i f son and the Nursing Staff on ' ______Third Floor. RONGFrederuck William, Mrs. Leslie R. Graheam.t r,-Entered unto test aet the QshaIwa Genuerai Hospital on Fowier-Mrs. Annie Fowler kodajune , 1971, Wiliam, and faniily wish in express Roernigk, helovcd hsbend 0f their sincere gratitude t40 rea- mVuric1Maletinhi 74htives, fiende and neighbons, year, b-jrhr f Mr, . IT. Oshawa Wood P ro du etse Humb (Rta) BulintonandCouice UnITiited Chunch, Loyal Ma rkTL. Renigk 0 f Bwmn-Truc Bl3uE, Lodge No. 55, yile. redceaedby two G.M.C Punchesing for floral ~ites Crnand Flrne tiue nd messages of rnd onebother, Loun ese ymah during tlieir recent at th-e Armistrong Fnnbr~vmnSpecia;,l taniks Hom, Ohew. wth uneal o Rv. rscott, A1r-îisrn sýervice in thechepel on Wed Fuera Hoe and donore to edaJonc 6 et il arn. In-Ithe Heart Foundation, ferment Oshawa Union Cerne- Annie Fowler and Famîly. ýPrv'23-1123-1-1 WESý7TON At Memroiel- Hos- pîtal Bowanvîlle "on Seatur- daJie 5, 1971, Gog Wesonfonielyof Ottawa, ln us 1s4yea, lusband 0f the iateViol Brown, dean fater WllimHamipton an-d VWayneIý, EBurketon. Serv- fe esbid in the Morris ~tnrlChepel, Bowmanville, ou11Tu1 eat 2 o'ciock. In trent Anglican Cçmetey, Reception A pulic reception honoring the Rev. F. K. Malane prior to bis depearture for a new i-ar-ish will be helddin St, jo-sepih's Auditorium on Sun-1 daJonc 134h from 7 t40 91 p.Ail friende and acqmeint-1 ncsin the community wil -r Ian- M1ounitoy cordu- èlly, invites friends and neîgh- ho-rs to a Trouisseau Tee in lionor of ber dauýigilter, Judith A1fTDrgare.t, nt heýriom-e on Wcdrncsd!ay, Jurle 16 fronitwo to four p.ni. an tseen iiine1 Our siîîcene thenks to rela- tives, friends and neighbore for their carde, florai tnuh- utes and donationis to the Cancer Society and to the nres and staff on the Third Floor of Memonual Hospital, Bowma,ýnville and Dr. Syl- vester for their excelcnt cane, iso,40 Nortbcutt Elliott Fun- e ral. Home, St. Paui's U.C.W f land Re.v H. Turner for their lkindness and bclp during the, ilînese and lbec of e ioving wif e and niother. John Cruickshank and Famuly. 23-1" With grateful hearte we wush to express our incenef thanks to or many fniends, neèighbors and relatives for beautiful floral tributes, don- ations 40 Heant, Cancer, Cippied 'Childrcn's Society, expressions of sympathy and many acte of kindness durung the ilinese and 'deatb cf e iovung busband and father. Special thanke to Rev. Ward and Rev, Miîîer for tlieir visite eând consolînig words: Dr. Ferguson for bus- kind aLttentioin, Northcutt Elliîott Funeral Home for theun effîci- p ni ~ ~ent service. Keitha Alldreed Noieto Creditors and Family. 23-1" NTýliI O CEIOS In Memoriain end otere CRAGO- iî loving meniory In teett 0 HMSof our dean Mom and Grand- PtENRY BHFàOOKBAMd-teM nIiel Louise, who ceecd.pasedawe,ýy on Jonc 10th, Ailperonsbavng aims 1968. eganettheestte f Thomas Theres a ced but cweet HcnBro okhe,rile ;te of the reniemrbrencce, Towo Bwiavhln the There leï a mremory fond and Conyof unawho dued trueP nio abo(ýut the 2 974 of Marcb And ai tokeni of affection 197, ac equred40file proof IMctherr, therof itbtheundreined Ania h earteche stîhi for Juue111 atrhlio dte-vb eimbrdby Jack, the etaýte will bu- distributed, Stan., Duinn end families. heigrgard only t40ci>ais2- of h wchcushah then bave h oic, HLE Iç1vin-gfmcniory DATED et BownVm-ivulu this of oui ea daughter and 25hdaofMy 1971. sstr Darlerne Denise who FPA i 0HEDGIN 1tS, paseed awey Jonc 134h, 1967, 10Duýe Street, Bow1nanvile, agud four dys Execurix. Sadiy -mussed, Muni, Dad, 2~,3 Sephn nd acke. 23-P* Wbeni we are ail atone, 9 For mnemory is the only friend Tliat grief can eall its owr' -Ever remembered by Hon, iNa-ncyý and chidren, 23-1* Coming Events Decoration Day Service at orono Cemetery, Sundai', June 27, 1971 et 2 pm._ 23-2 Dance, Saturdav, June 12, Pontypool Chamber of Coni- nience Hall. Music by Faye Adanis and the Country Hite. 1 Admission $3,00 per couple,. t 23-i f WHAT'S YOUR HOBBY' r Outdoor Hobby Show anda ýSale, starting il ar.. runnîngï tlirough Saturday, June 12.1- 27 Horsey St. Information 1 623 3587. 2A-1 E-,ben-ezer Sund-a eho Annîversary Services, Sunday, June 13 at 2 p.m. and 7:30 p ni. Guet speaker Major A. MacCorodale, froni the Bouse of Concord, Toronto. Special ,music hy Suniday School and'- Junior and Senior Choirs. ------23-1C Grade 6 of Knox Chnistianý School. will have a car wash5 and Pony Rudes on June 12Il froin 9 arn. - 5 p.m. at Gulf l Service Station (Slagbt & $ Cook), corner of Waverly Rd.s and Hughway 2. Car wash, 75c per car includîng a free vacuîum. Pony rides across the street, 15e, age 10 and ii under. 23-1 Mn. Fanmer . . . You are invited, to attend an informa- tion meeting on Baler Main- tenance at J-Mar Equupment Co. 134 King St. E., Bowman- vill-e, on Tiiursday, June lOth at 8:00 p.m. This metngh x.l provude you with tips on haler and haying m-achineh maintenance and adjustment,.E Movies and refreshments, p 20-1 ROWE TOURSt escoiirted WESERNCANADA AND UNITED STATFS TOUR JULY 273rd - AUG, lSth T~ 24 Day- il NEWFOI'NDLAND AND P 1EASTCAS SEPT. 4th - 254h i22Days EASTERN UNITED STATES AND ATLANTIC CITY JULY 124h - 204h - 9 Days NIAGARA FALLS AND ROCHESTER Cîvic Holiday Weekend ' JUJLY 31st - AUG. 2nd Il For information to above Tours, Phuone or write ROwF TRAVEL AGENCV, Port Hope 885-2527 - 33 Bloomsgrove iAve. - 22-5 JOIN THE SCOTS E UXBRIDGE Highland Gain es ELGIN PARK Saturday, lune 26 begining at 9 a.ni, Pie Band COMPetitiolis, Tug- of-War, ('aber Tocs, Factern Ontario Highland Dance Coni- petitions, Admission $1,00, children free. 23-2 TRENTWAY TOURS S PEýCIALS eTO GASPE - JULY l8th lVOOSONEE JULY 184h, 25th andi 304h QUEBEC CITY - JULI" 304h MARITIMES AND) .NEWFOUNDLAND' AUGUST 7th MARITIMES AND) CAPE BRETON SEPTEMBER 114h For information contact JURY and LOVELL TRAVEL AGENCY 19 Ring St.E., Bowmanvillu PHONE 1-623-3182 Coming Events]Articles for Sale Articles f or Sale O-ld Tyme ance, Round an-d BOAÂT-tra'ler and 9x-1-2 tent. CEDARtres for -hedges, etc.; Square. Tyrone Hall, Satur- ýCalI 623-2052, 22-2* post poies, cedar lumber, ail day, June 12. Music by the Nl ISH pgski cadde an sizes.' Phone. Smith Tree Country Swingers. 23-1 fencing. 263,-8860. 23-i Fanm, Newtonville 786-2283. Unit7Trnit U..W. 9f-~T,12 ïT aumium un-22,2 fee Party, Antique Siiver Dis-'2f.,aumnmrn USED Furniture-Chesterfield play, Mrs, Alan Strike's, Wed- about. Phone- 623- -5788._ 23-2 and chair, coffee table, end oesday, June 16, 10 arn, - 12. WATER for sale and delivened. table and lamp, reg. $350; Babysitting pnovided. 22-2 Cali Ciiff Pethick, 623-2313. selling for $125. 987-4733. Special - Every Saturday 3-f23-i night -Ail the Fish and Chips OXYGEN-Acetylene weiding VIIGwiger washing ma- you can eat for 99e at The outfit. Phone 623-5847. chine, $10; Inglîs 22 gai. edec- Acres Restaurant, Open seven, 23-1* trie water beater, ideal for days a weck. 20-tf TO 6 well tule; one, 36", cottage, $20, Telephone Orono Anyone wishîing 40 g-o on a weli top; $20. Phone 987-4423. 983-5658. 23-i Thousand Islands Cruise, June____ _____ 23-2 FARM machinery-Elevatori 27th, Sun day, also a Mystery FARFISA organ and stool, a bey chopper, haler, hale Tour, Sunday, June, 134h, gond condition, Asking $500. stocker, bale pickup, hay Phone 885-2527 'Port Hope or 987-4546. 23-i mower, manure spreader. 372-5279 Cobourg. 329_3 MXD-ri $tn x- 723-2694 or 576-1538. 23-1 Grades 6, 7. 8 of Knox lent quaiity, Newtonviie Christian Scliool wiii have a1 786-2247. 23-1 Pets aty h 4hson l f 1th TANDEM horse trailer and KITTENS, 7 weeks old, free at8pa. at th c e atur- jog cart. Phone Newcastle to good homes; litter trained. îng a play, skits, niock fashion98-87.21Cai8746.31 show and a toy salte. 23_-1l8-86_3iCai9746.2- Dane o ay Adni ad 70 HONDA, motorcycle, 90 MALE pupe 6 weeks old. Dais C otryeits amheRoal ýcc, only 230 miles, $375. Teke- Mothen purebned Border Col- ýCnn LegionheBoa-phone 987-4834. 23-1i lie. Cali 983-5228 after 6. ville on Saturday, June 19,,BOAT, motor and trailen 234 1971. Admission $3 peri$1,5Oo or beet offer. Caîf DOG Meat, beef, fresh-fro7en,- couple. Couples over 21 most 623-7878 or_623-7596. 23-1* cut, 18e lb. Modern, heated welcome. 2-3-2 STUDEBAKER Service, new boarding. Havelberg Training and used parts, Graham's School, Or o no. 1-983-5016, NIONSTER BINGO Gaae l-416-263-223. 19-tf corn er Taunton Road and High- THURSDAY - 7:45 p.m. RONSON Cook'n'Stir 10 speced way 15. Siioiisorçd'by blender, hiende, cooks, stûrs, Livestock FcÏ Sale Oshawa Minor Softball it even crushes ice! 623-2781. ___ JUBILEE PAVILION ________ 31ONE Holstein c9lf, il month OSIHAWA 30-tf MASSEY- HARRIS No, 6 old; one Shetland maie pony. -mower 7 ft. eut, ready to tuse. 725-6043.-___ 23-1 OPEN HOUSE 1lorvilie' Hindman 26326.59. HEREFORD bulle, qualified During Nursing Home Week '____ 23-1* on performance. G eo rg e Open Blouse wî1l be held at NEW Orientalrug, pure wool, Wolfe, RHR. 2, Blackstock, SUN SET LODGE 9 x 12 feet, cheap. Phone 986-4447. 23-1, SATURDAY, JUNE 19 263-2749 ýafternoon or even- -TWO homses, on Éeldîng 3 from 2 - 4 and 6.30- 8 ing.- 23-if yrs. oid, broken; one filly, one 23-2 BALER Mafiàintace- Meeting, year old,' red roan in colon. Decoration Day will b Thursday cvening at J-Mar Phone 786-2966. Newtonvilie, observed in Hampton Union Eqluipiiient. Sec C o nii n g____ 22-3 Cemctery at 2.30 p.m. on JuIne Events in this issue. 23-1 PRXMTL 5 a' 13. Capt, Frost of the Sal- FOUR 14" chrome reve-rse ing hens, Hybrids: Palomîno ;ra-tion Army will be gUest wheels, lock nuts, huhe and mare, 8 years old, Engiish and Isoeaker and the Saivation spinners, to fit Ford' or Western broke. Caîl Orono Arrny Band wiii assiet with Chrysier, Phone 623-5997. 983-5423, 23-1 1h- ui, 2224 IF you are buylng or selling Haýydon Tea! Start July îst 'CAMPER for 1/2 ton truck, livestock of any kjnd, cai wyeekend off the rîght way 4 alumninm windows, split Ivan- Johnson & Sons, Live- :bhis year. Come to Haydon door- at back, handwood stock Dealers and orden boy- for the Annuai Tea and Sup- frame, $275 or best offer, ers, HR. 1, Balieboro. Phone per startîng at 4:30 p.m.' until phone Orono 983-5639. 23-1 705-939-6855. 4-tf iiiareseved Ault $,00 OFFAT and Simplicity Ap- HEREFORD a nd Holstein, :hlden12an2ude 10.plianices, Boover Products. year-old and -two-year-old~ 231Large selectuon of new chrome stocker steers and. heifers. [deal for ,, suites, Paddy's Market, Hamp- Sale every Saturday. George F AT ifE R' S IA Y on. Phone 263-2241. 18-tf A. McGowan 778-2213 Have- Gift Book of NW d - - lock. We delver. 22-2* NEin Used Parts for _____ __ C'AR WASH TICKETS allniakes of Washcrs, Dnyers7- -- 5 for $3.00, - 10 for $5-00 and Ranges. Paddy's Appli- ___Carsfo Sale FLTNG DUTCHMAN ance Parts Ltd., 344 King St6. ODMBIETfehn GIULF SERVICE W., Oshawa. Phone 579-1332. 62167. ____ 23-1-"phon Liberty St. S. at 401 18-tf ,2-71.67.__ ____ 22-2 - ------ -'62 VOLKSWAG(EN du - __40 FOOT 11U4 inch TV tower -buggy, roll bars and rebult Pla o âatýend---Yclvèrton structure wlth, ail channelimtr hn 8-82 Glarden Party Supper, Frîday antenna Instailedc for $48,95.1 lune Ilth commencing at Speciai on colour systenis. ___2- 5p.nî. followed by "Horse- Phone Roy Andrews 623-2006, 1963 MERCtJRY Monterey, less Canulîage" Oshawa Bath- 0-tf power steering and brke; ýrshoppers. Admission: adulte YEW 352; $250. Phone Newcastle 4.75, studente $1,00. Pre- TPWITERS, adders, cales, 987-4730. __ 23-1 suhool free. 22-2. cash registers, desks, chairs, -- --- files, new, used, rentais, service. '70 DATSUN station wagon, Wodview Commnîity, Centre Discount pnices. Open Tucs- owner leaving country, pos- MONS ER BNGO day, Wednesday, Thursday. Bull session July 9. Telephone M N T R BN O Hamilton, Brooklln 655-4179 987-4301. 23-1* NEXT MONDAY - '7:45 ILm. 46-tf 170HND §L,_10_cero CO IMNSITYENTR NENAINL 37blrand trail bike, licenscd, ex- 19COIVIUN ENSTREW with haie chute extension and cellent condition, Telephone 109 COBORNE T, W. traier hitch, gooçi condition, 987-4216 after6.2- O SHAWVA useci 3 years; Ironage 100 gai. -- 22-4 orchard spnayer on rubber; 'W'anted to Buy PreNatl lases orDur Maco32 ft. Skeleton bale - îam Co lty snsednesdayur elevator with motor, on rub- MAN'S goalîe equipment, ham ount on ednedayber. Phone 263-2765. 23-if conipiete set. Phone 623-5997. rune 23 froni 2-4 p.m,, being -- 23-1* hcld at Nurses' Resîdence in CARNEGIE Crest Hardware, - ___ -- Bowmanviiie. Ail intenested heat the heat, 20" window MANURE, straw, irrigation please contact Halihurton, fan, reg. $24.95 for oniy $17,95. pipe, aiso 1/2 -ton truck. Caî1 Kawartha, Pine Ridge Beaith Inglîs twîn-tub washîng nia- 263-2305 between 830 and 9 Unit, 623-2511 for informa-Ichine oniy $199,98. Stop in p.m. 22-2 ion. 23-2 and browse around for that WNEDf Fath.er's Day Gîft. 36 King brNed oisenr expert, pure- EIICHRE CARD PARTY St. E., Phone 623-5408. 23-1 be ose. heifers, freshen- Memoial ark lubhuseung from July untîl, Noveni- Leoibe Prk Souhoseber. Neil Malcolmi 986-4246. LibrtY, SoUth15 8p..Beamish Draperies23* ~UESAY, UNE 5, 8p.m.NASH ROAD) )oor Frire - Admission 50c FOR HOME SERVICE For Rent Proceede Crippled Children's CALL _ School and Clinic GOOD pasture with water for _______ 23-1 728-4736 16-18 head of cattie. 263-2722. Free Estimates in Your Homne P___ 34- ROWE OURS23-i ONE bedrooni self-contained ROWE OURS HOOVER Appitanceq-Viit apartinent, fridge supplîed, BEST 0F ENGLAND, > our-showroom and inspect the Jul.y let. 623-2453. 23-il IRELAND and SCOTLAND CnI pieteline of Hoover Pro-CONRsoe nBwa- UNE 8 -JULY12 25 aysducte. Sec the exciting H-oov- vîcsmi tet prx WESTERN UNITED STATES er Washer-Spin-Dryer in ac- v esm tet prx and CANADA tion. Oshawa Hoover Centre. 1,400 sq. ft. Phone 623-3211. Optional ALASKA CRUISE, We carry a complete ulne of - ____ 23-1 JULY 23 - AUG. 15 - 24 Days replacement parts for ail TWO hedrooni apartment on NFWFOUND)LAND and Hoover Producte, 344 King St. Lambs Lane, $140,50 includes EAST COAST TOUR 1W., Oshawa,-Phone 579-1161. heat, hydro. fridge and stove. SEPT. 4 - 25 - 22 Days _____ 16-tf Phone 623-5888. 22-tf For information on above Tours Phone Port Hope 885-2527 ROWE TOURS, PORT HOPE 33 BLOOMSGROVE AVE. TRENTWAY TOURS SPECIALS TO WESTERN CANADA JULY 124h MARITIMES JULY 17th andi SEPT. 114h GASPE JULY 18th MARITIMES AND NEWFOUNDLAND AUGUST 7th MOOSONEE JULY l8th, 25th andi 304h QUEBEC CITY JLLY 304h CALIFORNIA OCTOBEIL l6th For furthur information contact Jury & Lovel Travel Aqen.cy Min.S E., Bowmanvllle 623-13 182 1 2- Dozens of remnants, al and colours. 50% Off Price, Carpets, from Ha: Celanese, Barry-more, Cro etc. Phone 668-8895 for hio-me service. County B ioom Ltd., 1742 Brock S South of No. 401, Whitby W ET BREWAER'S GB]DLr - RIGN PEOTEIN FFE for Dairy or- Beef Cal Supply available for steady custoniers Contact SHANTZ BROR LTD. 416-635-7744 TV TOwer 1 Antennas, Roto Black and Whil Color Guaranteed Workmanshil ,16 years service in this OSHAWA, TV SUPPJ.Y LT[ 1 723-8131 LitW. Frank Real Estate Liniited. rding, 2- ssley, UNFURNISHED, o ps t air s rfnee apartmnent,3 roonis and bath, road- beated; ,widow preferred: V treet, central. Phone 623-2227. Y. 23-1 22-41 _______ ___ - TWO bedrooni, beated epart-- nt.nf Maple Grove Rd. S. ýAmpl-)e play anea, 7leundry fa- UIN cilities. Phone 623-7847 or j ED 723-2952. - 1- 23-i fte APPROXIMATELY 75 acres a- fertile land for rent witb baîf t' in bey. within Town of Bow- ! manville et $8 per acre. Cal i 623-7538. 23-1R S( S. THREE bedroom brick bun- e( galow. Avaîlabie Jonc let, c, $175 monthly. Write' Adver- se tiser 209, c/o The Canadien ii, 214Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bow- Ir - manville. 23-1 gi SMALL bouse in Oronio, suit- rE te able for couple,, ail convenu-_ >,rs ences, ganden and garage, et E; bhr ouse eest sîde, of t e Churcb froni Sumniervilie or write Advertieer 212, c/o The Canadien Statesman, P.O. Box p y,190, Bowmanvilie. 23-i area ___ Wcxnted to Bent ~D. APPROX1.MATELY 5 acres bi good pasture. close to town, vE preferabiy wth baen facilîties. SI 21-4 plamoe 123-2612, --23.1 i= Help Wanted Auction_-Sales PART-TIME haindresser, edx-__Clanke Public Lîbrary Aur- perience necessary. Telephone' tion Sale at Library Ground 623-5786 after 6, please. 23-i jOrono, Saturday, June 12. WAITRESSES wanted, over 21. Appiy in person Noone'sý Botel,_Highway 115, 983-55,36.1 R.N.A. and Nurse Aid, twol nights weekiy, 11-7 shift. Own transportation. 623-5813. 23-1 PART-TlMEhousekeeper-fo-r two men. Someone who can get a hot mca], at noon. Please Phone 623-3487 for details. CA-RDEX Ci-e-rk, -pn-ef-erab-Iy experîenced in raw mnateniai inventony control Cardex, sys- Cooke, R. M. 1---ing-h il Saturday, June 12, Cleanîng IREAL ISTATE, ETC. Corp., Bowmianviiie. 2- Fanm Auction of Boîsteins and Saîes Managers & Auctioneers Benefords, pigs, tractor im- WILLIAM A. COLLINS Part Tne plenients, combine, good; new BRUCE ORTER4( iBARTENDER Ayirner Hood, located at Lot, WILSON AVE,, NESTLETON-ý 17 o.2, Uxbridge Twp., 5 1-13 WEEKENDS miles N.E, of Stouffvilic. Farn sold, Sale, I p..Atkinsoni Teudrige utoneer Phione 623-3373 and Wilsonî, Sale Mgrs. ançCwill S-11 by public aiîctioiu forappintent Auctioncers. 229 'for Mrs. D. T. Brougb, 12 for apoinmentcli.Carlile Ave-, Bowînanville, betiveeii 9 a.m. - 4 p.nî. Auction s a i e, SaturdayrnSatonday, lune 19, ail hec Jonc 12, 115pi., of furn- îus-ol ffertFr. List nf F lying £utcnman turc and antiques at Sbam- 'artijclcs iiext week's paper. N4otor Inn 'okCot.es in the Village',arn :0 ixigo oî~ opf iewdley consisting of cdin i-kpin.g. Bouse soid, Cliff 23-1 jiogroorn furniture, washslands, Petlîick, Auctioneer. 23-1 AREA FOREMAN chests of drawers,., dressr, Aciî aro untr Application il e r-rocking char, Duncan Phyfe a ui u el aI iccLi e n cevdfo th position table, Chairs, tables, clocksadueu3atce,.l en Focrc r cf ou lampu, dishes, gasae sold on coosigomcîît at port Fneian5or th jue EuArcror-ksbeds. clectrical ao-1PencVY Centennial Celebratuon,- untî 5:0 p.n. une16, 1971. phiances, mangle mron, pictou-'e Frj(Idy, juneIla73o'ik Mue bae pevius upr-ifraî,ce, books, wo tv in the evening. Bar privilege, vackoun ixperieeA tnang te- rils th e'llive entertainnient during in- biakgnoand in buidin, edec- ing consigned. Roger paon-,terniission. Ail held un the tnîcal ad mechanical systemse nister, Auctioneer. 23-li Mena. Would like to sec YouI is essntiel.thene. Old Clutf Pethîck, Aue- Aýpply in, writiog. stating ex- Aui-tion sale, pnuvate estatc, tione.er, 23-1 perience and qualifications 10. property of Mn. J. Fortescue, ACINSL U.A. MacLeod, Business Ad- to be held et Stirtevant's Aoc- ACINSL ministrator and Treasuirer, tion Hall, 27 Bail St., Oshawa, Fursuant to the Outario Northomhenland and Durhami Thonsday, Jonc 10 et 6 pim.:MchicsLeAcne15 County Board of Edocation, 9 pce. dining room suite, clec- M.G.a. SRS nA, one 1ia 335A King St. E., Box 470, trie stoves, refnigenator, ches-M,. SOT CAera Coboung, Ontario. 23-1 terfield suite, chrome suite, HMR 43/27021, Lic. 43792N occasional chairs, uphoîster- ('69 >, th e property of William FEMALE ed rocker, coffee and end morrison, formerly of Rich- REGISTEREI) NURSE tables, lampe, rooni divider, mond Mi11, wiIl be sold >7 To provide generel sume wash stand, washingmachine, relief Nursing Services in a chest 0f dnawens, wicken rock- auction f0 redeeni a debt 'of coirectional environnient -or er, laddér, TV, ecreen, iegisters, $259.47, incurred for repaire adolescent boys 13-16 years eiectrJe motors, doors and to this, vehicle. Sale will be of age, windows, 1966 parisienne 4- -heîd SATURDAY, JUNE l9th, This position reqoîres morfi- door ha rdtop, f ully equipped; 17,a lgt&Co' ev ing and afternoon shift work dishesaptils and pn.. an---- 'Stationgt &KCnkgServ-n which is covered on a rotation moiatce o u~ost e ttoKn t n basis. mention. Terme cash. Mylas1 Wavcnley Road, Bowmanville-, King, Auctioneen, 725-5751., et, 1 p.m. Terme Cash. Salary- $134.25 a week. 2-1 Auctioneer, Management Apply in writîng to: Pesone Ofier Tbursday, Jonc 10, 7:30 23-l Pesonl ficr p. ý,Evening. "Herongate Ls Fine Ridge School Country Auction". Located Ls Bowmanville, Ontario joff, No. 2 Highwav. North on iý p.m. .Piano, electnic stove, tricycles, outdoor swing set, building materiais, clothing, -bd.Many other items., FINE RIDGE, AUCTION COMPANY 7Sales Managers & Auctioneers, We offer a ('onplete Service GLENN FRY 623-5387 BOWMANVILLE TOM LOWERY '728-7639 OSHAWA Auction Sales Aucti-on and Bake Sale, Tynone United Chunch, June 12 6:30 p.m. Caîl early for free puckup, 263-2121, 203-2649. Clifford Pethick, Auctioneer. 23-1 IVEENLI' LIVESTOCK SALES at Durham Counlty Sales Arenla, ,Orono - Every Tlîurs.. 7:30 pm. 'Selling Horsesý Cattie, Swine, Calves, Sheep, etc. CharnUe Reid, Auctioneer and Pro- prietor. 23-tf ýFor Hlighest Prives, FARM -HOUSEHOLD Sales Opportunty MALE OR FEMALE We are in ýnccd 0f more sales people. If you are in- tenested in selliîîg Real Estete we are prepared to interview sales oricntated maie, or fe- male personnel, We offrex cellent office facilities, unlini- ited advertising, direct Toron- to uine, and oven 30 yeans 0f sales expenience. For personel interview call Aftona Rýd., at Rouge Hill, or Imile sooth of Whitevale, on Alto-na Rd. Featonîng every Tkursday night: Antiques, modern a nd contemporary furrîiture, -fine glass, chine, appliances, nid bottles, crocks, Ibrass a nd coppen knick- knecks, Auctioneen'e Note; A good selection every Thons- day ight. "Corne where the action is."I P. S. - Quality Iconsignments accepted, Pick- up and delîvcry service aveul- ýable. No reserve. Terme 1M4keçP Belmonte, Manager, cash Heny rtann, uoction- Schofieid-Akcr Real Estate, een, Phone (416) 668-6189. 623-4403; aften 6 p.m. 576-1908. 23-i SCHOFIELD-AKER LIMITED Acinsl ffriue 30 King Street West fAcinsl ffrîue Bowmanville tools, dishes and many other 20tarticles.will be heid on Set- u-uday, Jonc 12 et 1 p.m. E.D.S.T. et H. W. Stapleton's TOWN 0F BOW1MJANVILLE Fecd Miii Building, i block MUNICIPAL TREASURER eat 0f four corners of New- AND TAX COLLECTOR tonvilie, tom i eft off High- way No. 2, consieting of: The Town of Bowmanville -Kitchen suites, bedrooni suites, is seeking the services of ea dinîng rooni funnitone, ches- Mulnicipal Treasuren and Tex terfield, fnidge and deep Collector. freeze, electrie -stove, wood Candidates should be, well cook stove, chairs, rockers, vensed in ail phases of Muni- lampe, docks,' compicte toilet cipal Accounting. Candidates, set, ioveiy shape; cuphoards, with prectical experience in cheste,* sideboards, antique; this field would he preferred. and many other antiques. Saiary will be commensur- Table saw and drill press, ate with experience and back- eniery on stand, pliers, enips, ground. bits, files, saws, meny other Appicaion wll e re-tools, extension leddcn, 1 reel Aepvedcutil onc 3Oth, 1971 good car trailer, with trip cevd hunl e ddsed0to,171,box and small whecls, 1 old and houd beaddesse to antique cen, 1936 Plymouth; Mr. J. M. Meîlroy, A.M.-C.T. i 2-wheel horse cent, wooden; Clerk-Administrator 1 cutter, cingle hannees, i 40 Tumperance Street boat and motor, 1 gerden trac- ton with attachrpcnts, 2 gas Bowmanville, Ontario ' engines, antique; many othen 23-i articles Sale wiii be held .- inside, rein or chine. Tennis W'anted cash. Lloyd Clysdaîe, Aoc- tioneer, 23-1 DEAD and ,Crippled Fan ____ Stock. Mangwill For Fanm, Satorday, June l2tb et 1:00 263-2721. Licence 328C71. pim. - Clearing sale of an- 6-tf tiques, coilectors' items and iVATED Rie dily40and furnilure for the estate of 'nom Downtown Toronto, - the late Arthur Mendenson, Boxvmanville. Phone 416- located i mile north 0fý 491-2747 colect, 23-2. Myrtie Station on No. 12 _______________ - -HighwAi-. N.W. ,corner off Business Reaeh-Whîtby Town Line, Opportuni-ty__ Napper" (Ci réa 1810, Listed in Lodon unsmth);Seth VENDING Thiomas dlock. sp in ni n g 1S GOOD BUSINESS! whecls, brees bcd, spool hed. txcllet SaruTim Inomecast mron and wooden "tom-' Excelen Spre imeIncmecd hede", fnosted covered Our Company is expending animal dicb (citting ben), and requmes full on part mianuel gramaphone (Bruns- mc distnibutors to, service wirk), dining rooni table New Type high quaiity vend- (oek), china cabinet (oek), og machines in ' our area. rocking chairs (chat back,i Routes wiii bc establi-shed. No childe, wucker,ý etc.); spindie seling. Qualifications requin- cradie,- baby crib and high ed: Honesty, sincerity, e good car odsyeceto ca refenences, able to spend chairs (ldste), wchetaof ix 40 10 hours weekly, cash dees (iewssad invetmet o $1,0.0 $3,o h i lampe, pine chcsteset. uvestient 0f $i,000- $3,000 chairs and tables, old bench ivin t sec 'poe. Helyand chair. treadle sewing nma- iviern yur pa ned îubc chines, oxnykas.o efenenes andqualifications ,xnykes.o o: B. V. Distributors Limited, oid croche, bottles, jars, bocks, 'ept. "A",' 1163 Tecumseh Rd. pictores and marîy oid franies, ast, Windsor 20, Ontario. pressed glass china, -old cook stoves, tools, mulk cane, creani 21*separators, insolators, electrie stove, fridge and deep freeze,t Mortgages plus many other items. Aoc- W"anted tion'ecr's note: These were the conutents of a veny old esteh- TEEDED: Pnîvate boan of lished home, fcaturing mostly noproxîimately $2,000 for siali antiques and collectons' items ýusunces. Pl ease contact Ad- Plan bo be there'1 No resenve. r iertîser 211, c/o The Canadien Termes cash. Henry Kahn, 3tatesman, P.O. Box 190, Bow- Sale Mgr, and Auctioneer îainvflle,23_1! W#itby 6189', £2 , BLACK Poodie, femele, Fmi- day, froni 67 King E. Phoý,e 623-5425. 23-1 MAL blck part Ge",an Sheniherd, part Lab., enewers to Kodak. Femiy pet. Cal] 623-7558., 23-1 Tenders Wanted, CENTRAL LAKE ONTARIO CONSERVATION AUTHORITY Tenders for the purchase of a- DIESEL TRACTOR The undersigned will re, ceive tenders for a four- wheel diesel tractor. Tender forme and secfica. tions can be obtaîncd fron tche Aothonity Office, et Suite 201W, O0s h aweaShopping Centre, King St. W., Oshawa, between 9 arn. and 12 noors and i p.m, and 5 p.m. any wcek day, Tenders in envelopes dlean- ly niarked as to contents will be received in the office of the Secnetary-Treasurer until 12 Noon Dayliýht Saving Time, Tuesday, Junc 18, 1971. The lowest or any tenders not necessarily accepted, MRS. WM, BROWNING Secretary-Treasurer Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority Suite 201W , Oshawa Shopping Centre King Street West OSHAWA, ONTARIO 23-i - ONTARIO ,PUBPLIC WORKS WATERMAJN CONTRACTORS SEALED) TENDERS wiii bc recei-ivd until 3:00 pi. LOCAL TIME on Wednelsday, June 3o, 1971 for thé supply and installa- tion of the Watcrmain Re- placement, Stage 1, Psychi- atrir Hospital, Whitby, On- tario, Tenuder Documient s niay be obtaîned froni the Depertment of Public Works, Custoduan of Plans & Specifîcetuons, Room NW-1167, 114h Floor, Fergu- son Block, Patlianient Build- îngs, Tononto, Ontario, (Téle- phone No. 365-1270), or n be vicwed et the Oshawa end District, Construction Ex- change, Osbawe, Ontario, A $6,000.00 Bid Bond, a 00' Performance Bond and a50 % Payment Bond will bc required as specified. A\ Deposit of $25.00 MONEY )RDER. or CEHTIFIED CHEQUE, made payable to the Treasuren of Ontario, will e urequired per set cf tender ocuments whuch wiil bc ne- fundcd if documents are ne- tuned in good condition wîth- in thirty days of ebove cos îg date, otherwiee fonfeited, [OTE. For funther informa- on regerding this tender, please call Mn. G. WBHill, De- ertment of Public Works, Foronto, Ontario, (Telephone [o. '365-1247). The lowest or any tender lot necessaruly acceinted. T. H. HILLIARD Dcputy Mînister 23-2 D EA DLI1NME FOR CLASSIFIEDý Tuesday, 4:-30 p.m.j 623-33031 i ý

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