Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Apr 1971, p. 5

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Hobbs Student's HoId Pioneser Exhibit V i~ T1he Cannaia faesman, Eowmanville, Apr. 28, 1J171 ;54 LKER' Tol learnti he present theýthe public response, the exhi-1 In order to complete theirýship; geography becomes an students of M, J. Hobbs are' bits will be there for the next survey they had to devise a iexamination of the land -for- turning to tUe past. And thelweek or two. set of instruments to give themn mations, such as the drum- subject of , their enquiry a' Five of the grade seven stu- the measuremenits thcy requir- in, in the area; science delves study of the township of Dar-ldents in the senior public ed to map the drumlin area. into the physical characteris- lîngton, is pruviding an cffec- ischool demonstrate. in the pic- For seven cents, they made anItics of the area and the in-ý tive theme to make their stu- ture above, some of the pion-1 alidade, for which more sophis- ýdigenous plant and animal: dies at school more mcaning-leer items the public can ex-:ticated surveyers pay up to f e; mathematics becomes a lui and intcresting. ýamine. Such as the cup desigi- ,$60. For a pittance more theyltool to help students work out It has been a ycar-lonig pro- ed to keep a man's moustache made a cross staff, and lining statistics and mnake measure- ject and is f ar frori over; but. dcean and dry when he drinks'up the two instruments to-ments to give meaning to their the students and their teacher!his tea, wbicb Edith Aistein gether, were able to work out researcb studies; and English Wayne Brooks have decîded to ýho]ds up. Or the copy of an the etevations of the drumnlinlgives themo the skitls to put, put on a display of their workid St. Lawrence paddle' aid thus plot the contour linestheir llndings together and ex1- to date. ýwheelcr which was drawn by On their graphs. Yes, you saylpress their feelings and exper- Examples off the research stu- young9 artist Joe Potipeo. Kim with a sigli, scjiool has chang- iences. dies tbey have made have been !Edgar holds a bookiet which Ied a lot since your day. -Teeywrisnegai, set u in the Bowmaîx'illeIshe' prepared on pioncer home I It's an oldam u i' anwcording to Mr. Boks The Public Libre.y. Depending onlurnisisg,' and OK4t44-e-4!dedication in education to materiat from these studips is Conneli and Pat Chambers re- 1make schoots a stimutating used in ali the school prog- view some of the old timeland interesting place for the recipes. ýstudents. To achieve this end, as It's ail there, plus research teachers such as Wayne Brooks By making school attractivel findings off a pollution studybelieve in what tbey cati a to the student, Mr. Brooksl made ýon Hampton Pond thîs thematic approach, that is hopes that the parents wilIl winter (it is flot polluted, they!picking a tbeme, and then get-ibecome more involved ln the say) and a detailed laccount of lting the students involved in!educto ytm a survey made .f a drumliî he subject in ail their differ-ý "We want to let the people, ncar Mtchet's -Corners. cent classes. know where their money is! What's a drumlin? Well itl Take the Darlington studylbeing spent," he said. "Weý lina ai frmtin auedby for instance itoylssonsiwant to show them we are the scraping action of, a glacier become centred on a study off doing something really worth- as it mets away. ___ the history Qf Darlington town- while with thein tax dollars."' 0 -" YOU'LL3ON b E FACING T HE PROBLEM OF INSURING Il You did a lot of thinking before buyng, Malte sure you do the same before insuning. As independent Kemper in- surance agents, our goal is to l pro.vde you with home insu- anceý tailormade for you at a riethpts right. 1;efore you insure, give Us a aWe cena hclp yOI %1ithi broad, ion -cost pro- tection from a Kemper In- surance ctompany know n f or its prompt, fair dIaimý settiements. JO-ln Meila S HO - I L DA< ýimî1_ted " l 3ý0 Çilng St. V'est Fes Pone o-623-7752 _uML m'~MuuiCsualty CmPiný a division of Kmper insurance Symathy 'off the commur'i- Bowmanivîllc, second stting, ment Off Yout il th, _hrc ty is extended to Mrs. George oidest lady, Miss Eva Parr,l and Society." The choir whmch1 Skelding aid ffamily on the couple with the closest anni-lwas made up of Hi-C mecm- passing of Mr. Skeiding on vcrsary, Mr. and Mrs, Ver- bers sang a numer It is in-, Saturday. Atno to Mrs. N. non Asselstinc. deed a pleasure, in timesn Crawford who received word The Thursday 'Guild off the when so much, publicity is3 off the passing of bier brother St. John's Anglican Chureh given to unfavourable comn- Mr. Harry Olver in Vanco.-1 met on Thursday evcning in ments about young people, toi ver, 'B.C,, early lest week.1 the Parish Hait with Manion sec our Hi-C group take cm Hlm many friends, particular- ,odle-,ctirg ashotes. uch iplctel charge Of the evie ly in the Curling Club, were of the evening was spent and do such a fine job. Con- saddcned to learn of the pass- with final plans for the sup- gratulations. iîg of Mr. Joe Durand last per, including setting up Mr. and Mis. Harold Mc-1 Sunday enroute home from tables, etc. Plans were made~ Laughlin were Sunday after-i Florida. Sympatby i% extend- for the Dessert Buffet which noon caliers off Mr. and Mr$.! cd to Mrs. Durand. is to be held in the Recrea- Gordon Sturriock, Bownai-ý Dr- and Mrs. MaeShane tien Centre on May l5th atIville. and Julie, Brampton, were 8 p.m. Miss Ethel Chapmanl Mrs. Courtney Graham qaid recnt ucss f hr preinwill be the guest speaker aid Mrs. Gerald Kelly were Wed- Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mountjoy the Rangers will provide nesday cvening callers of Mr.l ai os some musical numbers. aid Mrs. John Medland. Bill On Saturday, May lst, the, At the United Church thel and Barbara, Brookihi. Cubs aid Scouts will conduct H-C coriducted a Coîtemn-1 Mr. aid Mrs. Bob Bryans a pperandbotiedrie, n-porary S e r v i c c. Presidentl and famity were Saturday cludiig candboard and non-1 Gord Malcolm wetcomed the! supper guests of Mr. aid retrnalebotle. Fr i fine congregation anid con- Mrs. Merlin Doble and fam-1 up plesse cati itber Bilt ducted the service, Rev. V. ily, Cannlington. Francis 6-4744 or Jean Ad- M. Parsons dedicatcd the ncw Sunday cailers of Mr. aidl am a 6474.Organ aid also a portable Mrs. Bob Bryans and familyl *Mr. aid Mrs. Grant Fergu- Communion Set for use in were Mr. aid Mrs. Bruce: son and family. Toronto, were optl d frsu-ns. Young aid ffil Port 'Per-l Surday guests if Mr. ani This set was a memorial gift ry, Mr. and Mrs. Allen' Mrs.Lloy Wrght id fm-n memory of the late Ratph Thompsoi aid famlly, Maple' ily, andBruce Stnong. The cong-rega, Griove, Mr. aid Mrs. Philîp MadMis. Paul Rahm, hon sýng thrce songs during Balsam and Todd, Mr. Chris Toronto, were weekend guests the service, "Joy is Like the Balsam nand Miss Jean Bell, off Mr. and Mrs. Stan Rahm. Ramn", 'Blowîi' in the Ran"ý Hampton, aid Mr. and Mes., Mary off the local folks rpe- ýaid "Lord off the Dance'% Neil Lee aid family off Nes- i turnced from Florida this Susan Thonmpson read a poem,l tîcton. week. ar themn wereMr Leanne Dorrell sang a solo, Mr-. aid Mns. Wes Mc-_ aid rs. ahla~ MalowDebbir Swain read the scrip-Mhn M.Gia c Mr ad Mr. Stnley Maiture passage aid Kn Craw- Mahon, Bethany, we Satur- colm Mesrs.Clarnce lar-ford Il din orayer. The gucstda nigbt supper gueqt5 off low and Wcîr Swain. Aid! speaker, Mr. Grant Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. Ted McMahoni accordiîg to ail traditions, weý Toronto, _spoke on "Involve- and famnily, had a snnowfail upon their ar- rivai, The St. John Anglican' SO L INA Church Sprin, Supper on Saïturday evcnhîg was a fine Solina Home aid School Aîiiversar3ï practice will be- succeýs. Roy Turner had Club beid their final meetiie, gin Sunday eveîing, May 2nd kindly donated smre geran- Wednesday, Aprit 2lst, as the et 7:00 p.m. for the Junior ium plants whieh were given ischool is te, bc used for other Choir. as the foltowing prizes: Firsti'purpose., next 'terma. A very Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Larmer' setting - Oldcst lady, Mns. F. interesting programme was aid Paul off Blackstock were Fee; lady with the closcît planned and -a largýe group was Saturday evening visitons with hirthday. Mns. George Carter, h attendance. Pauline Tay- MVr. and Mrs. Harvey Yellow- lor favoured us with a piano lees aid family. Miss Susan solo; Amben Taylor gave hen Vice was Sunday guest with aspeech that she prescnted at Janice Yetlowlees, aid Den- Bunketon and the club honon- uis aid Wayne Yellowlees ed her in the usual way; Jane visitcd. with Ronald aid WHilîs favoured us with a Walter Vice, st f Lving M piano solo, There wcre two Mrî. aid Mrs, Ken Knox, jspeakers in attendarice that Princeton, w erne weekend Down" told of theworkings off Alco- guests with Mr. aid Mns. John ie 1aboe sttemnt wuld holic Anonymous which pnov- Knox aid Nancy,, y to strong critieism but ced to be very interesting. Miss Ellen Cryderman a ur snit. Hweve, wat Luinch was serx cd aid the a gucst with Mrs. Frank Ross cosro stai How ve, wat metlgcsse.aid Louise off Oshawa when yte opitlstyi a e Mr. aid Mrs. Richard How-Ithey hetd a luncheon showe'- en for smrgery aind child- cnroft aid Andrea off Londonfo Miss Deborah Wray'. a few years ago. werec weekend guests with Mn. 1 Mr. an4d Mrs. Harold Yel- aid Mrs. Ex erett Spires. lowlecs, Bowmanvîlle, were 'Cost off Living" is down WStnday guests with Mr, aid icines that we are now a Mr. aid Mrs. Metro Lucyk Mrs. Wesley Yellowlees aid lay are more poient aid -arid Janet off Columbus vîsit-Mury Lfls that with most illuess- -d with Mr. aid Mrs. Clar- MraidMsN"rllCn cibe drugs that il help > ence Vice on Sunday aftennoon.Mran s.NGil,Çy- and lise Iess time f rom i Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Broome nigton, were Saturday even- aid alewcreSd ng guests with Mn. aid Mrs.1 utine. We anticîpate that ln ae e unday 5P ap ai. Sel i c ~vi1 ontnueto dchie - perguests with Mr. and Mrs. KvnKsazofByRde ,e illconinu todecine Joe Snowdcn aid famîly. Mr. eiKostofByRds )CTOR CAN PIHONE us M aid Mrs. Maurice Biekie, Osha- also visited ait the Davis home. - Miss Pearl Leach visited livery. We will deliver ýwa, wcre Sunday cvenîig ith M.an n. hni ra charge. A great many callers with the Snowdens. Dwney, M owanvirs. hle. i rtheir health needs. We Mn. and Mrs. Ross Broome, Mm'. aid oMas. cCaehlo dcli-very service. Tororn , called on Mn. and Om emie cri weekend giîests Mrs. Lloyd Broomne on Sun-.wit Mrad Ms.Wle llaid Mrs. Clarence Bray His aid ffamity. Mr.e it r nd Ms Mr. aid Mrs. Charîles Smith, vOssiwad with Mu.said Mrs. o p John- Benitz off St, Catharines. hwwr Tedydne 'Mis- Bentz is a patient in the get ihM.ad Ms hospital at the presct time. IEverett Cryderman. iMn. aid Mrs. Bruce Ormis- B0 WMANV 1iL E W toi off Reglan were Sunday GET CASH TODAY E 625-246s spen guests wth Mn. and FOR OLD APPLIANCES ~m Mrs. Bruce Tink. ' THROUGH ~ IEdad Suri Schorlt wll S T A T E S M A N IWUÎR4Um IUmUUIUbe Rt 10:00 'a.m. aid Church CLASSTIMPS i Serviée wîll beé at 11:15 a.m Phone 623-3303 FABRICS CRIMPLUNE and CRIMPKNUT Machine washable no-iron Polyester knits. Large -selecion of crepes, blisters, jacquards, herrîngbones in new Summer Colours. IReg. 4.99 -TARGET SALE PRICE 3 6 Ail -weather coats, This is the coat event you've been waiting for - aind weve gené ail out to make it bigger and better than ever before! Take your pick froni 12 stunning new styles (Some reversibles) frornia famous Canpain manufacturer. Included in our water-repellent fabie eletin ae: anvsduck, deni.m, weathes'rsheens, Cana-, dianMis, Bnni coclsandnovelty cords. We've also got the best colour, election this side of ýthe rainbow - banana, tur- quoise, avocado, skipper blue, mint and navy- just to name a few! Best of ail, this fashionable selection is not limnited to one age group, welve got styles for juniors, misses and oversizes. Specîal Purchase ecd culotte dresses 4 to 6X cach Cute 'n caretree styles in assorted easy-care fabrics and colours. 7 to 14 each 3.-99 Assorted group of comfortable culotte dresses. girls' scooter skirts each Choose from assorted canvas duck weight fabries in a variety of colours. to 14. washaoble - t - shirts First quality, Canadian made, washable cotton T-shirts l available in six flattering styles to mix 'n match with skirts,1 shorts and pants. Assorted colourful stripes and plains. S-M-L. Special Purchase each 37 Cotton boucle scooter sets Special Purchase 6. 9 set, Sleeveless striped top teamis up with solid shade Jamaica shorts. ,Three styles in washable cotton boucle. Available in navy plus assorted pretty pastels. Sizes S-M-L. wabasso "highlander" sh- ,eetsî & cases Reg, 3.29 to 3.69 MATCHING CASES Reg. 1.69 each 2.99 pair1.4 9 Stock up now and save on quaility she,,ets Uiat are guaranteed for 5 years! Sizes in the group are: 63" x 100"; 72" x 100",- 81" x< 100", twin and double fitted ...ail at one low, low price. ist qualityshae tATH TOWELS HAND TOWELS FACE CLOTHS Regý 3.98 c ad I 219 7 Rfeg. 1.98 CcdI e 14 Reg. 98C each 79c; A luxurious assortment of sheared f owels in avariety of colours. Choose from "Starýburst" - secen print with fringe; or "Diplomat" oldshd with dobby bordcr, hemmed, Colour c-riaig substanda rds BATH TOWELS HAND TOWELS FACE CLOTES Group 1 each 89c 3 for 79c 4 for 79c Group 2 1.99i each 69c, Special purc hase of 2 colourlul groups of twi.Asre solids, prints, stripes and jacquards. each 1.99 IExtra large size - appFox. 24" x 45". Assorted colours. swealt shirts Short sleeve, fleece lined shirts i yellow, orange, powder, brown, red and black. S-M-L-XL. eacli 1.29 boys' perme prOes po rt sh-irtgts Ai-i assorted group of short sleeve, permanent presssport shirts in a variety'of solid shades. Sîzes 8 to 18. eaeh 1.99 polo shirts Short sleeve, crew neck styhing in assorted plain -shades a-inc ýtripes. Sizes 4 to 6X. -t-shirts Reg. 2/2.98 2 for 2.39, "Walker Label" white cotton knit underwear T-shirts with short sleeves, and crew neck. 2 in a poiy bag. S-M-L. kriefs each 1.79 permanenit press dress shkirts Ordinarily.4.00 each 2.99 Short sleeve, cotton andpy. ester dress shirts witbrreguý l ar collar and cuff s. Hanýds,' oe new Spring shades cudg tans, lavender, coral and gohd. Sizes 141/ to 17. Reg. 22/2.39 forr11.9 "Walker Label' white cotton knit- briefs - 2 Îh a poiy bag. S-M-L. "Waiker Label"' white cottlon, knit jerseys. 2 ti apoybg %Umm" ý 1 "îonelle"' bath sheeis - subs.

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