Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Apr 1971, p. 2

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T'he Canadi an Statesmnan, townianville, Apr. 28, 1971, orkon Nw colHere Ii ghtfy ehind Schedule Due to fInclement> Weather -Wark on the aiew Bowrnan- Mr. Hoimes saîd that, the ville Higli Scbool is :contin-lcunrent overiapping cf trades uîing steadily.. on the project wîi help pick - Acordig teG. M Holesup tisse lofit earliet in the job Accrdig t G.M, olms'wbeai inciesseait xeathem cur- supervisar af plant for the taiîed activity. United Counties Board ai Education, the total praject is In the past ssonth, rougb tbrea xeeks behind schadule. gradiaig bas been beid back Sasse ai the. openations, because ai poor site conditions. hoxvever, bave slarted four ta The faundation xvalls li al ~five weeks ahead antfinie. areas ai the building are aoxv comnpiete, five Weaks hehind scheduie. Masoairy work la proceeding fiva weeks- ahead cf achedule with xvork started -on the sec- ond floor ai the nexv schaoi. Structural steel, is about a moath bebind scbeduie, but the installation ai pans aud forms an the second floor is as ssuch tisse ahead ai its prograss ai activities. TuesdaY, APri 27, 1971 Juidge Baxter presided with As--sistant Crownj Attorney K.1 Stuingonduty counsel D. -Barber. Boyd Watson, Orana, had bis case adjourned one week >to have caunsel in court May 4tht explain w,ýhy counsel'; wasn"t here today. If coun- sel from Torontao fails ta ap- pear M~ay 4th to, tell court« wheri trial can go on, Mr. Watson will be put i cis- tady. Townishlp of Manvers ver- sus Joan Gallagher MeCKen- zie, a by-Iaw case, was put over to, May i lUi for trial asJ Mr- Lavekin was unable to attend court today. jMr. Woodlhouse, R.R. 3, Cwara, charged April Ist with unlawfully having a dog mun- ning at large La a deer area. Constable Hardixig, O??, tes- tified he observed a type af Germnx shepherd dag eating1 at a deer. Depaýtment of1 Lanldsra ad Farests were cal-. ed and the deer destrayed.z tr, Woodhcouse wmas found1 gluiltY. Assistant Cran At- torneIY K. Stubingtan read aý memoranida from thle Depart-c 'Ment 4of Lands and Foreets,t Lindsay, reportiing 56 deer liad been killeci froni Jan. 1,1 1971 ta April 6, 197L, in thlq istrict, Couns,-el D.- Barbert zaid îit w'as the first time Mr. 'Woodhouse had trouble wlith, ~the daig and they have dec-,î zd ta have the dog destroyed, -Jilrg(e Baxter saidj the fine ý wi be $100o, cosis $3, Ini de- faiilt ten days, and the un- dierstanding -the dclog will lieN destrayýed. If" the same inci-a d1enlt ]happes in this areaD agairi the fine wM bce 500 Harold C. Landon, Barrie, elharged I 1969 witfh striking1 MTrs. L, Secord, 1had th charge withdrawn by tý.e: Seecords, Sebas3tan wap R, 63th hLiEOwmarnVille, dîd ,in-'t * DEL"* HASKI NS. Cbartered A OFFICES UN MAJOR (. OSHAWA CENTRE, RIITNErts: GORDON W. - BURT R. WA.'J PHO ýNE 72 lawfuily aperate a mator l8th as ha plaaded ual guilty.l, vehîci e canlnary tô section Wray Randaîl, 22, 28 Or-! 68, $uli section 1, Ipiaaded chardviexv Blvd., Bowman- guilly througb caunsel D.' ville, w-ho bas beau in custodyl Barber, lb w-as aileged ha bit I anaexeek, sud, wbile heiugi a car at Quean sud Brawu under baud for ana yaar, didl'l Streets. Ha stated ha dld notl commit a bnaach ai bbc bondj sce the other car cassIug.ý on Apnîl 18th, appaarad for There was considérable dam- trial. -Ha pieaded not guilty agge ta bath cars sud no ana !ta the, offense.- Constabie burt. Ha luas found guilty Tillsou, O??P, stated underJ and levlad a fine ai $20, costs oabbha saw Rendel igu bbc, $3, and given two weaks ta bond in court Feh. 23nd lsat.11 psy. In deisuit tbree days. Mn. Donald Wright, 3 Flatbl Steve Demnecbuk, R.R. 1, St.,: Boxvmanville, bpld I Newtonvilie, cbarged xibh he-arng an abject bit bis car,, beiug ,latoxicabed lu bbe w-hcb w-as tlu tbcdrivaw-ay, Trowusbip ofi Clarke, plaaded Ha ýrau eut sud foliowed a guilby. A funthar charge ai persan ta the back aif bis lo)t haviag liquor In othar than sud saxv Randali go lu bbcr7 bis residence w-as aise laid hack door ai tbeRedl but Demechuk cauld ual ne- home w-hase lot ruas corneýr,1 member about tbis. Thé case to corner ta bis owu., Thrce w-as pub over to May 4th in eggs bad bit tw-o cars panked order ta have witnessçs m,.. lu the Wright -drivew-ay, Mn. pear. Frnk Gray, R.R. 1, Nexvcas-1 James Cascaguette, RR. 3. lia, a visioratedth Wnight- Port Hope, chamged Octoher denconnThe ocdthi eI-d 1969 lu village ai New-castle nc eTedpoliewenatcia wsud artasbed Rhedailhato11:4 witb~~~~~ lavp b cn f~ ,m. Rendel stabad' ha neyer accident,' driving witbout a left bshm hteeic license, and wltb bsvan"g no is hCome tat eveul,Ï<a iicaused driver while oun sitnCov tonyK temoray lçene, ad heStubiaglen askad hlm nif ha temorry içns, .d hekaiew-thea minimnum isentence', charges wïthdramw-u fer tbe for perjury and Reuda'li re-E tisse belug willioul, prejudice. pliad '"14 yaan-"_ Rendali ab-at-l The niatter xvas pub aven 1toc la earteevnigha May 25Ui sud not ta gel mix- coakad steak sud aggs fan ed up lu euylbiing duing that saseb0 ozlgust tbi issa. Judga Baxter urgad ssatber's home. Alil xituasses Casgassnette tota nisd gel for the defauca xvercexu- ajob, d fmass the court roomi. Each1e Wss. 'Nveîli, il IDuk c-cSI., vtness statad ha did nat t Bow-manviile, charged Mardlihaaeg.AstntCxv 3Ot wib filue t copiyAttorneayK. Slublngbu said i with a breasîalizer test a there hava beau dlfferences8 requaated undan section 23,between the Wright andS xiUiout a reasonable excuse, Rande,, famîly. Mn. Wright asked for au adjournmcat la'aveevîdenca lu sa dean c May 111h for plissud taoh-1 mauneir. The cnaw-a alsa stat- n tain counsel. a d the defencae-vidence is Robant Taft, 50 Wast, Beachýý ,,ut ual cradibie sud the ac-a Boxvsauville, cbargad April, cused la a sSelf confessed liat.ý; 251h wibb asaaulting R. Rob- biais by grabbiug hier b h Uic Juidge ,Baxter nlassm lace, pie.adad not guilby ,aidU1P, said tha edafenca xiluess- tri date set for may l8tb. aes agrce eaRndaIl neyer li A funjtrar chargr ifhcbinmg lu- th bhouse. i ass satisfied h. toî'atd ,-a;et ave ta May ls"lot talliug, the tnatbb aud; iiows htleultaliug bbc I rUbth. Wbilie st inlahl' ccliha constnucd tup Ibis story,. Wbau b'is counsel Mn ITTE, Iba itn ass boxh aclad n thelibtncallad oZhm back t(ýa] explnaton r th egg. I & SELLS aul.0satisfied gga w-;\,enaic tlbrowax n d M.Wright saw- *ccountants * w-ha thnew- hemo. Mnr, g impressad me as ual givan la LAAIN IIS ceatiug problenîs. From tbbc UANADAN CIIESavidanice I final thc accuscd - OSJAAgilîby i falling to kecp the' M F L FCA 1R. A. ternis, oi tbc Febr uary 23ndIrf rER, .A bond. Dci enca couisal asked that Uice recoguizance baud ha ot al bakn up. The craw- S8 1-8-7527said that la w-by 1 insistcd SI somnice go surety for hlm TI 1' 1-2-3-4 5 -67 111 -8-910, rI S0ME ONE ONLY: REGUTLARý $151,95 UNIT, . NOW FURNITURE ý& HOME IYRNISHINGS 37 -41 Kîng St, East $ 115.00 witii the puirchasiýe you get ,i pair ûf pilomw cases YIREE CH ESTERFI EL DS 2 9.0 KITCHEN SUITES A s 1-mv OCCASIONýAL TABLES Save Upto30/ MAIN'Y SOLD11 IN SETS ONLY __ THJRS. - FR1.- SAT. ONLY 200>S Off, ALL LAMi'rPS, PIC'rURES, MIRRORS, HEAS-SOCKS S 1anld CUSUIONS Bowrnanvilla and 1 bad Suspiciong. Anyone' Who uindertakes responsibality of going bond should ku" v Recre wa tionr' Revew% e Hope to Attracit what they are dcoing. The vi w He; haý7 ked f orlia tped tIlaeaî ret eeWeIiea1 starting at 9:00 a.m. at hNewv Ind ustry from Thre xiii be a p)ractice for!, There wlill ha a practice for Central School diamoaid. have 1ic edss reoRen l.the Recreation Atom hbasehall this age group, 10 years ta 13 Boys Softball Vih F de tNe tow nrpoliere Redol. tcamrsIbis Saturday maorning :year.s of age as of Januar.y lst There will be a practice for I ih ,F le He hascommated sveralat 9:00 arn. at both Lord Elg-ia ai the currerit year on Satur- boys interested, in friga Tetw i:omnil other acts ;of 1harassýmentfriga Tetw fBwnail since *-"l-boiir Februar- Schôol and' Memorian Park.1day mTol'ning, May lst, atVic soithail league, for boys 13 and the local Chamber of crng onec More boys arc n-eeJdd in IbislettMNassey School grounda years, and- under 18 years of Commerce bave agreed to cdRedei n usod fr neage group ta form tcanis. This The registration fea is resideaits ge as of January lst af the share ln the cast ai praducing Mwee o nil istefo nce IsiS for boys seven y'-ears and $2 anid non-residents $3. current year, on Monday aven- au information falder on pased. A itfi s estuece1 undier 10 years as o? aur Girls Sofîball ing at '6:30 p.s. at -the Mess- Bowmanville and have piaced observcd 'heing made by Heut- itaite uretyer TThere wîilearctcfoaalPk.Traxiii, be no an initiai ardar of 10,000 dci aMr riit n Rn registration ice is resideaits$hs group, seveai ta 16 years, practiêe for tbis group on copies. dclixva scercy rpniand and non-residents $3. of age an Saturday, May ist, Satu-rdayatronMas. Tefdrwcbhseu cd hy Judge Baxter. IHib Schooî musical rdc the subject aifaiiuch dehate I-twrioa s i es "Masse". withthe hmeinteps A il S etMrs. Charlie Waters of Tor- tawn and generai information A MI S etauto xvas an overnight visitor on the businesses and ser- A"11xviUi ber father, Mm, Raymond vices found bere. Itl vii Fo « k C t B r g d s U SBruce, Frlday. distrihuted by the toxvn's In- (FP0OM PAGE ON E) ISa far this montb' there a test its snowssohile tracks. aBse nsd officiai carsbave been 19 grass fines la the * The busiest day was Apnil xii ha on the route tbnough- Darhingt on and Boxvmaavail 8tb xvhen firessen xvana calied Outth da lahptos area. If the trend continues the ta put out tbrea grass fines. h da lu difficuity.number for April shouid bha On April llth, 12th, and -Leae yur pts I hoe xell bclow the 31 repioted l9tb, firanien xvere caiiad aut The xval,)k e a o te n nd extinguisbed hy the local txvce durng the day ta extla- ssaýy he t2 oo bar u bem ad iebigade iast yaar. guisb grass aud brusb fines. -Rada euiped arsand Finýe Chiai Jiss HJaymýau at- Single calîs were attended ou thie St. To3-,r's Ambulanceý trihutes the- reduction lu nuni- April 7tb, BIh, gtb, lth, 14th, Brgae viicirculata rudhna iest h uiia 15tb, l6th, l7th, 201h and 2lst. the roule. by-laxva raquirang persans W-ho -An Emergency C e nP, Lnrelight fineslu tbe open haveaa compîcta xith phones f or. permit. xvalkarsviii openatea aj the The chiai said Ihat the nuin--, Civic Auditorium tro ,,otlhan w-as doxvu despite dniar the day ai the valk. ý spring wcather this ycar thanfOr 1-Yau ore remnded i fthe lu 1970. office phone number, 576-9532 'The worst grass fine was ana MO AEOE Peaeda o ual lter thewxhich swapt aven 160 acreýs O AEOE route. Use the garbageý con- ai a fars oxvnad hy WaIter seýquteatiy, adequale collections lainera at bbeChcakpons Frank Realty at Lot 3, Conc. are esseatial ta the Canadisai --Walkers sbould aran 8 an Darlingtou onApril 2ûth. RdCosBao rnfso their ~ ~ ""' a n tanpra ionwh winds lmpeded firessfea i Service. Wbiie hiood conipon- bosse. h took ,mare than Ibreaent therapy bas miade possible -Cletyour pidanshust xiguish the blaze, more effecive use ai blood, lb soon as possil itrbcThe f armis used hy Goodyeamas asnaemreaprn xvak ad trnl any r hekthe iuecessîty for coutiaiuing oakR ur n o b cletio n dy at DDFE WS ON PARADE recruitmsent ai douons, 7000 or o th colecicn ay t OD FLLOunits penrxvaek are aiecessary your school. The Indepeaàdent Onder ai ta meet the naeds ai Outsnio's --,Ramiemnbar, every stan Odd Fallows xvwiii hold a hospitals. Ressembar you are you lake x'iii ha a higstrida church parade in Bowmanviile flot giviaig yaur blood ta Red ionward l'Or sosse aiady on Suuday, May 2ud. The Cross but ta a feiioxv Cana- cause. Good Luck! parada route xvi le mass the dian. Buses xiii pick up xvalkers Lodge Hall on Quean Street Tnained staff xviii enhaanad at Bawssanvîlle Higb School w-ast ta Scugog, uonth au Scu- ta pr*oceas the donors quickiy sud et St. Bernadetîe'ls Scbo gag ta Church, then ta St. andi efficieutiy. Only a bauf hour iu AJax aI 7: 30 a.m, Paul's Church. ai. yaur tisse is aieeded sud lb ------Aitar the service the group W-il niesu the difference ba- CHZURCH WALKATHON xiii move aiang Cburcb ta bwean ic or deatb ta sasse- Thc> Anglican Cucl Temperauce, stopping at tbe ana Scarbonaugh xviii bold inuCauotaph, than back ta Chunch rPeas lnuw aatn athon ta the Anglican ChurchsudwulDisontKug the clinic Ma tsubig lu ewcsti ouMaylSt su theucealaong King lu Scugogpa friand! intb Newatgeoup, xvblch xiind dback ta the Lodge Hall,. ______<___ luclude Sssa epeople au bi- cy7cles, xviii Irak ta NewcastleaE T N IL on the'l'tb sud, raturahmNEW O VL E STUDENT REPORTERS Orono Weekly Times read- ers vi be, in for a surprise tisý week. The articles and cýditoriai.s have been written in entirety by the Grade 7 and 8 students at Orono Public School. The pupils have 'attended council and school board 'neetings, , onducted i n t e r- iews, reported on commrunity ictivities accurring during the past week, and inýstructed the publisher, Roy Forrester, what pictures they wanted for their edîtion. The children have ,vrîtten thieir (owF'n headings and design the ýfront page Mr. Forrestrrsaid he has given somec advice and sug- gestions -. . buit this week it's the student's paper through and through. Vote to End Study (Fr-R rM PAGE~ ONF ) romr- the wesýt ta théelest of hJetrc. A government policy statement is ýsued at that tisse, aid quite clearly that this shift sýhould be stimulated, Tbat of cýourse Imeans dollars, ndr dollars spell incentve prdgrams. The- problem i s what kîmd fni grns No one seemrs to :nowv For sure. Everyone just asurnes atthe governenit has them an xii praduce its bag of inc-,ntives et the proper fass1ent. Everyone, tbat il, cxctpt lthe mýrembers o)f the )APADsud executive sub- Plaýinly they want tn know, NOW! They, want to have hopesç allusive growth incentiv- sc epecified , . . or they are aot about to make any sort ai decision on the proposed reg- ion. This stand hints that there ;another reason, a deeper and aonre critical one,- for the-ir recommrendationi. The mub-comiittee icither aninot or xviii not Imake a de- isive statement on their own. They apparently are afraid of being held accountable if the rgional scherme is trîed but [ails, And ro they are saying, i.,et's put Uic decision squarely In the hands of the gaverai- ment . . . if they provide the mcentives, then perhaps wo -n expïore the regionaP-gnv- zrm-ettproposal mnore seri- usy,,if aid, weli, tht'a Ther air,- two points ta o- derr here. !arst, wher, th*-eiou zveraimeait study w-as ropos- cd three years ago, theý area .uracipalities wanted nana ai- tunless they had the rïîght ti pake their own decîsion es pý- lcting it. The iference was- Jiat local gavemamnent sol ,ke rreedeaice over the pro- inilgavemment îin settiing p and determining the sudy. Second, the incentîves mirake: ip only one part of the prob- onm. The ather part is equaliy iressiaig anId perhaps. much 1ure imý-portant. Are the OA- ADS muiîaiisprepared accept he govMr-,nt ~anewrkasp!ro-poeed --iithe ;udyrepotsT'he mutcipedî. ;Cs hae tîltadeie xe- ier a façttbywatrégional Jarn againt th abilty, aiý Thea Irmsluin ancomilng grîe vlh the latter point a tec heattitude of one try- ng to push hbis. team i fhorses vïth bas cart. a: b ci ic is ci T fi ir fil il n t] s' i vw. Bo0w, out (ROM PAGE ONE) Dainy sud bbc Kinsan Club. lb w-as abviaus Ihat commen- talon Harvey Webster w-as dloing hsbis'hast ta kaep Bidw- mauville lhabanera opiuiistic by b is remindcrs that the Eagles bad cosse back ta w-lu an Sunday sitar beiug dowa 1w-o goals. This time, they just dIdn't maka lb. The Eaglas w-are witbout the services af Ken Hoisses w-how-as sufeieng mass e broken w-nisb sud Rick Ellis w-ras cras'ied intca ic h oards sud ui ued b~ shuitirFo waS nipiayIag fIn tw-o pcr& ioda. The busload aipf yenasd fana arrivad bossa abiouýt 3:15 arn. aud w-eut ita bi Mess- anial Park Club-housa w-banc breakfast had beau prcpared b y relatives sud friands. Glan Rae Dairy supplied fracl milk. Sa, thc 1970-71 season af hockey bas couciuded, the ica la meitiug et the arcua sud basabali practices arcemnder- w-ay. It's beau quitea a sea- sou. but lb w-ould bave licen a grahar finish if only the Eagles couid bave'came home lu triumph last ulghl. Appar- antly, lb xas't ta ha.' twenty members ai bhc Baw- manvilie Nurses' Association met at lie homne ai Mrs. C. R. Farrow. John Eardiey informa us Ibat Mrs. Wayne Eiiiott w-as tie w-muer oai'bbe dnaw-heici recaatly, ta raisa manay fan gow-ns for the New-castle An- glican boys' chair, the pnize being a jexvelry chest. -h Local ladies abteudingth U.C.W. gathcning at New-cas- tic United Chuc.hi hall, Wed- nasday eveaing, indluded Mesdames Bas Joues, Shirley ,Mantali, ,Mary Jones, Larcheai iAdams, sud Violet Gimar. Aiso on Wcduecday aven- ïng, atbending tVia Palestine 1Lodga Ladlies' Nighb, w-arc MZ n sud Ms. C. R. Farrow,,ý, min. -udMrs. Roy 1Hall, Mn,j sud Mrs. S. J. L ancaster. Mns. A. Bougian aiPor Hlope spent asat Wadne-3dayl -eew-tb Mrn.sd AMns. Wal-1 lace Boughcn. Tiare werc 14' babies 'in pla.y abthebacard party lu bbc Comssuniby Hall au Frlday, n.igit. Wiuuens w-ena as fol-i 10w-s: Higb lady, Isabel Wat-' ers; iaw- lady, Jean Penni1n;ý bigla man, Walliugbon. Far-ý row-; loxv man, David Tbnow- an; 50-50 draw- .D, Oveny. Mrs. S. Lancaster aud Ms C. Farrow w-cnt la Cobourg' Fiday evening, te see the Provilncial Court HeId in Bowmanville branches aud tourist centars' in the province and ta in tarested persans xvho write. for information on. this area. 1The tawn 'hopes ta have~ sasse copies availabie -for theI guests attending Its Industrial dinner at the Flying flutch- mnan Motor Inn Ibis Friday, April 3Oth. Zion (Hope Township) Mrs. Chanlie Raby who wag admaitted ta the Part Hope an& District 'Hospital a xveek ýago with influenza, is ssaking *set- isfactory pragress. Mr, and Mrm. red Tuiford, Port Hope; Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Meneiliay spenit Easter Suuday with Mm.and Mrs. John Meaeilley and fassily af Beleville, Mrs. Lao Titteriugton and son Raymond returnedi Satur- day fass a tbree months vaca- tion speut in South Africa,1 CanaryIad, Engiaud anid other points ai iutere:st. Miss Heather BasI bas rom- pieted ber terniat, Waterloa and is speuding sasse tisse now with b-er panants, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Best. Mnr. and Mrs. David Raby,1 Bleiespent the xveekend1 was at the card party here. Il was recovered in Toronto: and the six ascapees from the Piue Ridge Scbaal, xvho hadj taken it, were arrested., Attending- theaûopaenaet ta, "Tam SaWyerz", au Crouk Hall. Port Hýope, ou Saturday evening, were, Mrs. BeaJones, Mrs. Wianifred ElliattI and Mrs. C. M. Jones. Mr. and Mrs, F. Gliser, whose grand- son Jeu Gilmer was a mess- ber ai the cast, aiseasttended the, show, a f t e r vislting Messrs. Harvey Osborne an HarrylHoidaway in Port Hope Membrs oaithe, Eastera Star Lodge xvere included lu aur ýSunday ssorning congre- gation, adding cousiderabiy ta the attendance. Rev. T. J. Saielgrove's thame-xvas "Pa- teince", the virtue xvbich is oue ai- the berdest ta acquire. "How Great Thou -Art" was the anthem sung hy bbe chair, ad Barry Lane's njoyable, solo xvas the spiritual, "Jiust a, Closer Walk with Thee." Wbile' church wass in pro- grass, the home aif Mr, and Mrs. Frank Glisser xvas brak- au into and nansackecl and a sum ai mouey taken. A de-. scription ai the thieves an& car was givan the police 4y, neighbors._ Two former residents ai Ibis lacality'died durlng the, weekend, namely Mr. Aifred' Grahass, Toonuto, and Mn IGeorge Skalding, Port Penny.ý Ba-th funenals taok place oni Monday siternoan, and syrp-, pathy ai the communily isý expnessed ta the relatives, A "Parent and Son" ban- quet for the First Broxvn's Scout Group was bel d ln bbc Suaiday School hall on Salur- day eveningxith -approxi- ssat.ely 90 people attendiug,ý camprised ai Culis, Scouts and Vent.urers. The meal was provided by the Ladies' Aux-1 iliary, snd served by the! Rangars'sud Guides. At baadý table xvare Father Cla.ary ai Port Hope, Mr. Bah Nichois,ý chairman ai the District Scauters' Club, Mr. Les Peck. marchant, oi this village, and Mr. Ken Lyle ai the Nexv- castie Reporter. Proficiency Badges and. Stars xvere pre- sentcd taý Cuba and Scouts, ,aud two Vaniturars xvcre -n vecsted. Anu excellent meal xvas senved, foilowed by pre- sentations ta the five laes andJ a novie Tf1oawed ta1 rounid off the avauing's an,- tertalamient. A Food liie was bad by al, On Satuirday, May lst, at Cauntice Hîgh Scbooi, there- is ta hea a"Sing, ot" for h Scout rmovement, orýgsnizedi by West Durhass, Councl forli Sccuting. lb as boped that ailý boys ssay ha able tb attend, raud parents, In fact averyaue I w111 bea xvecomne. Commences et 7:30 p.m. Plans for aý paper drivaeaaebeîing mnadaý and date xviii hea nnauncedý as soon as passible., OSAP A POLICE CARS! Ontairo Provincial Police Cars 1 BUT YOU >- WILL KNOW IT'S NOT NEW ... 1969 CHEV. 4 Doo' r From Lie. 119A 1970 PONTIAC 4 DOOR SEDAN 1969 PONTIAC 4 Door Sedans FiiIIy .quippsd with VS automatier transmission, whîtewalls, vinyl trîm, ail heavy duty- oquipped, vinyl roof, licens,, etc., LISTED EQUIPMENT VARIES WITH CARS. 'UcDO AL 815 KING ST. WEST (ot' Thornton Rood) 05HAWA: e576u1800 s,' r Town of Bowmanville NO0T ICoE THE COUNCIL 0F THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE WISHES TO POINT OUT TFIAT BY-LAW NO. 1966 PROVIDES TIIAT THE TOWN GARBAGE DUMP IS FOR THE USE 0F PERSONS RESIDING, OR CARRYING ON BUSINESS IN THE TOWN 0F BOWMAN- VILLE AND THAT THE USE BY OTHERS IS ILLEGAL. THE LIGHTING 0F FIRES AT TUE OUJMP IS ALSO ILLEGAL AND ANYONE WHIO IS APPREHENDED DOING S0 WILL BE PROSECUTED TO THE FULL EXTENT 0F THE LAW.ý THE CORPORATION OFFERS A% RE- WARD 0F $50.00 TO ANYONE GIVING INFORMATION LEADING TO TUE CON- VICTION 0F ANYONE LIGUTINGT SUCII FIRES. APRIL 28TH, 1971 Jý .. IcLOAMC. ÇOrop iii, browse arouncl -ail diree /!oors ',Ç4 are cý!eeÉýt rain-g WÏ14 largains îAr pouý! ODD MATTRESSES, AND, BOX SPRINGS by SIMMONS F. Al. KRAMP'Limited iý 'l' st ivir. ., L. u-asweirs carlewas ý uustriai, uommission anct byl olen, Fridav ni-«ht whi he the Chamber to itsl affiliatetîl wîtlh relatives at Roseberry MHiii. Visitorg with Mrs. Norman Gerow over the weekend were her brother-in-law Mr. Don Mordon and other friends from, Wellington. HOLD GYMNASTIC DISPLAY On Thursday and Frida.y of last week, students Pf Courtice Seeondary &hi held their annual Physik__»ý Education Displays, with large crowds on band on both nights. BATON RES(T,,S Local resuits of the Baton Contest at Hespeler last'Sat-. urday, April 24 were as fol- lows: Sharon Farrýowý, A dvanced Solo, 2nd; Novi 'ce "'T" Strutt, [5ti; Advanced Chamiplonshiip, 4th. Janet Lovekin, Ncivice "*T" Strutt, 4th. INDOOR HEATED SWIMMING POOL Forget Winter. . . ENJOY A REFRESHING SWIM FOR THAT CHANGÉ 0F PACE Mon. to Fri. 7 to 9 p.m. $1.061 per person at the MoTOP INN I4,iberrty St. S. at 401 Phonke 623-31373

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