tiresa, andti incla Mati sister o!fie groom, liritiesmaiti Tic flowec wes Teresa Miller. Tic o!flionor wore a mauve cri lene gown anti nie li W eddings naid's anti fiowcc gicl'a gc were o! rose crimpiene. gownls wccc fuli lengtli empire waist. anti short1 sîceves, anti ail were mati ticelicide's niotier. Stepi fis flawcreftes nestîcti 7ýfthein coiffeurs andtihflcsa atendants caccieti bouc of whiîteanti yeilow 'n CLAPDORP -TENNANT I prinkîcti Iln tîcir rai.fleurs. wîtli yeliow rosebutis. Thc cariei wîtemu! s c -flawcr girl carcicti ali Beautiful arrangement s of Tecantet it orae ms 0fcdfillati witi tic saieaflow, reti carnations anti white rssMc. Lawrence Mackey muma prettiiy tic cra tec i M.Gidiadaecho ehst ian anti Mc.Paul La OnoUteiChurcciwienl o! Dlii wes hast ian and1 useare.inwa hl Miss Mary Louise Tannant, tic osiers wace Mc. TcJeculiesw' e daugiter a! Mr. anti Mca. Roy Masciacla, aioia Ju eNwcastle Communify Arthur Tennant o! Ocono, anti c. onald Delhi.lwîere guesta were rce anti Mr. John beon Clapdacp,Oconlo. Captor a he licnitieca o!fie 1: sali a! Mca. Eulalie Cleptiorp Afrfi crmo e anti groomi. Tic bciie's cf Dlii andtihti late Mc. caption was îeîd af Tic Acces fii oaý w-ic George Clapdorp, wara unit-'rsarn, fioa s sembla a! black anti m cd in rcriage on Safurtiay tiance. Guesis wera rccivedlcrpet n corisaelfsa effernoon, Fcbcoery 6, 1971, by tic hritie's mather wlio kfat osg !y et 4, 'clock. ocateibo irs nirosabuds anti'moias. Tic o!!îciating cler gyman oretat c cimlee îi acndgroom s motiar chose waS Rcv. Bau baLng, antiacsoa ni crae o1mefching turquoise coaf 1 actircas wifancorsagego!oz Mca. R. Morton playeti tial yellow rosesani itts 'mimaatipickrosehufim wedding 5iO5iÇ. Inations. Sic was assistet inA i oul eto Given ici marriage iy lierl recciving by the gcooî's iOm wetAisgthecopleletoEa fetier, fie bride warea afor- firo-1cos1aprpc i e ngtride w ase nmai, lengtl gown or white at jcetipormîci ints wheanibrwns e silk ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ L vevf ii mir baltacki accessories anti corsagetra witîadhcown ecea anti long sîceves, Lace trioni o! yellow roses anti mauve anti es iow cosae Tiy accentedtheficstand-up couac f inteti carnations, adYlo osgTe anticuIts o ticsîcves.Haî As licbrid ani grom ecsiding ici Toronto. iandcufso th sleve. Hrl s te bideandgrom lftThe brida attentietiE. floor-length veil fell !rom a on their watiting trip fa oyaue Scioai anti Gar heetipiece a! roses, pearî s ant Western points, tie bride as anirScnay S beatis. andi aie narrîed a hi-i. .... - , ý anarSecndny Sd dalblou'quet oôfupink carna-, fions and red roses. Mrs, Brian CoIvill]e of Orono was matron of honor and the brldesmaids were MissGierida Tennant, cousin of the bride, and the bride's sister, Miss Donna, Tennant, both of Or- ono. Their floor-iength gowns of red silk velvet were high- lighted at the empire waist- Une by beaded trim and were fashioned with short, puffed sleeves and stand-up collar. They wore short white gloves and whIte velvet bows were Announce New Ilealing Substance:, Shrinks Piles hemoerhoids.aiidmrpir dsnaged tissue. A renownedresearch institute has founmd a unique healing substance wx-th the ability f0 shrlnk hemor- rhoids painlessly. It relieves itchîn and discomfort in minutes and npeeds up healing 'of the injured, inflamed tissue. In case after case, while gently w-elieving pain, actual reduction ýfhrinkage) fook place. -Most important of al-resuifs were so thorougli that this iinprove. înent was maint ained over a period Wf many montha. This was accomplished wifh a "e- healing substance (Bio-Dyne) wIhich quickly helps heal îiuired ,els and stimulates growf h of new Now Bio-Dyne is offered in oint- ment and suppository forre caled Preparation W. Ask for if af ail drug atores. Satisfaction or your money BRIGHTEN YOURç NEW SPRJMG A eut, color or soft bo( youl have been t! Qw ie'(Our ~~~ VIOLET - JOJi CAROL or at th JuT 'N BEAUTY 71 KING ST. E. PHONE 62 r BlihROADL( INDOOR -C c 'ARF sic DISa FOR EXAMPLE: Carved Plush 10090 Nyl was $12,00 sq. yd. ý Easy Paymeit RONALD ALL, FURNITURE andi UTonLi 1335 King St. E. Pliore 57 RecentlIy lannediiiig d 1105l iiack e Oshawa, Tic groomi, who isl Mn. andi Mca. John Le( lanna riesAca geit ofbleck emplaveti iin fie Parts Depert-' thc aboya photo as theys coesonias hitAcra o n- k~ment o! Cicysier o! Canada, rase,~~~~ at wiecrnTionTront o. attendati Wîlbccforce tl4eîc marciage in Orono U cosmle.Mr.endeiieMravellingPulie canti Haliburton Higli afternoon, Fcbruary 6, 19.,7 enemle M, nt Ma.ClP- Scioals ais the former Miss Mary i docp are resîdîng on Ciorci ________ Sf., Orono. Bath fie bridae ,Mr. anti Mca. Roy Tennant anti groomi ara amployec et W SE IL the son o! Mca. Eulalie Cial Curvply Wod Protiocta, Or- Tic eeting M._George Clapdarp. Uniteti Churci Waomen local 1 MaeDIJFF - ANDRESS graup was hl at thflichhai o! Mca. Kenneti Ashby on Tic macriage oe- Aima 'Viola Tiursday effernoon, April 15,La Elizabeth Andress, dauglifer wifh flic preaident, Mca. Har- R. l%,o rt-s fr o!, Mca. Ruby Baxaîl, andi aid Basf opcning flic meeting Clayton Davidi MacDo!!, son Ducing flic business, eppra-f a! Mca. M. Czocira anti Mr. ciafion was axprassedtiefaMca W om.' Davidi MacDuff. was soiemniz- T. Wilson fortlier effort ici *O UMI s cd ici Newcastlc Unitedi collecfing the bakuîg anti Cliorcli on Tliursday avaning, donations on fie previaus day SOLINA W. 1. Aprîl 8,' 1971, et 7 o'clock. tocrflic cancer tea, andtiet Annueal Meeting9 and Rex'. T. H-. Smith officiateti Mca. H. Barrowclougi. focrlier Election of Offelers andthe tcwedtiing nmusic was confinueti work ici making Saline omntaalia playati by Mca. Dorotly Rt Cross afghans andti ed flicin o Payne. Lovaly baskets Of! convenor Mca. A. Austin wio aiiy dcotati fenor rng o white canti yeliow 'mois anti hcliehticoncecning o t i ercmAping fothe, wcn cr lest glatioli enlianceti tiechcidl wock bcing donc. The diffi- mlae Ting oci eartVola for tic cecemony, coîty Ini arranging mon pI sec.ti ecprnesite gVola Givan in macciage by Mcr. reing avents because o!f s lfo nd wecialtheticgoat William Gardon, a x'ery closeimany actiývîtiea wadiscusset icroswwd ti ecilufest 4 HW friand o!fie tamily, fiel anti plans matie focreci girlstho wccoenguesandW bride ware a white, fermai nicîber fe make an effort taediesMruerpitegranti, icngti 'gown styleti witi fit- ceise two or marc dollars lb sinrta ess argueinteasr, ted botice anti long MiY- lier awn efforts befoce flchereacy, i- epotd cminues, poinfeti sîceves o! Chantilly ncxf meeting. A letter was odne Ou treasurers eoradcocs- lace, anti a bouffant, skirt o! readi tram fie littie girl inipodc.bur tccasuy ie fine cortiedtiaffeta witli a Kowloon wha islicîng suip ovati ute rmuat waacd deep inset o!flicesanie lace. proted at scîcol, ,asking for ehaw wpce ar mnay, awn Chiantilly lace was asua useti picturca a! anaw, sic lied ever kcîcresin. f e as f ii acoundthetic kirt. Hec' neyer sean any. Tic visiflng opporuniy caes. taio four-fier, slioulder-langtli il-1 coîmittea for flic monfli ce- te iv aktian initao lusion veil was lieltihy a& porteticaîls at avistnBrckstgk ooMae floral heatipiecca a!Iily-of-the- 'nitc rv leygv 5ti, wieii Ethel CispmanI valley sprays canfreti witi a friand anti resitient. The wblieak. Tir scketaau - sael rose. Sic cacnieti 5 pleasure was mutuel. Ladies alla amncoecr casry Bible cresteti with an an-l 'ýoughf articles foc fie clti- 1e Caer cnv aes i rangement o! pink nasebutis ing hale in answer te rol ail.u ouf ery - so ie lDadies cenfreti witi an ocidt. The volunteceti Isobn Devis The brice's maiti o! honorla tcprgcm " ~Almi aciagmaiti, Maerio0n ;was hec__sister, Judthi n-Ahi nd con crnec K rom, thei Cyene a oy luead fnie anti Elva Vice. If was ticiti- plac cfleiure ntitonin d flietwa woulti nof exhibit eduif 11e, The aciptuce*les-, son concerneti Jesus' stacy etof BaktckFî il e child.ccn et play. One c!fie lave .articles written liy Dr. M. C CFreeman froni a sanies Ini fie o ' Sondai' achool publication "Rapport" wes presenfeti ly -r Fever Mesdame K. Asi',J. al-Y o F te ve r Mca H . Reeve, assisteti by ferH. Danke anti P. Snell.1 Tic abilify te relax Ini leisura e 1 SPIRITS WITH A inie play is lecking ici sannie i -epec' lives ici flua fense9 G HAIR-DO soiefy a! modern 111e lut shouuit lic a part c! a wcll Chicago, 11.-A free offer ai balanceti plan fa nelieve fie special intercatta those whc Idy perm or that wig strain o! pressure Ini a de- heer but do net unticrsfanc hinking about.îadig !e.A anea on-wres bas been ennaunceti »y sisticig of aliat o! expressions eonAa-pcfigmt] le match with coccsponding oh- o!flice amlect Beltone aid aver ,sts a ~jacta waa Wonli c. ao atie will be given absolutcli' Isis irYBarrowclough anti MrsA. frac ta anyana answcningtfis Austin. One exemple was ativertisaniant. ~, N - LINDA "Reigning Favoucite" - an t e 01 fi Laie wrequltngonce nteprivacy ofyaui'own, id JUDY again at the home of Mca, H. bonewithout cost or obligationi Mca. George Tuffocti spant frac. It weighs icas then a third 10 part o! lest wack witi hec of an ounce, and it'salaet Car» tather Mc. W. Sanguin Ii Port1 eaii n nt1a ia et Hope anti li was taken oe Port Hope liospital an Wed- fronibody te heati. RL esaywhere he stilis. Th:se modela are free~ so we focrflic pat weak ant isla tili now. Again, wa repeat, tiare is5 untiar freatient cf reat. . ltno coaf, and ccrtainiynoi oblige-( Mesdames T. Wilson,HE Reeve, H. Basf anti Bcrnlcc flan, Write fa Dapt. 2428, Bel- BO MA ILE Bpst attandeti tic cacecc tee fana Electronies Cocp., 4201 W.1 23-019iciPart Hope lest Wetinesday. Victoria, Chicago, 111. 60646. 1 ,23-5019Mca. Carroll Nicliols was a[ soioist et a unit meting a!ý flic Part Hope Uniteti Circci Womeni on Tuesday cvcnîng o! iasafweeî anti agein et flic For Th-e1 70tli Anniversari' of flicMill- brook Womnen's înstifute cela- Sprînq and i brae d et Millbcook iest Fri-I day. She was aceompaniati Summer Bride . .. .. . .. ...... threat hepiano by deugi- fer Macylin o! Peterboroughi. Mr. anti Mca. W. Barrow- Anwehb 17 clougi, Cocinia anti DavitiAdw xub spent fie waekend witli Mc. - ' ance of Ici- IO M and anti H. Bsrrawclough to jninity anti celerat Davd'sand is a- omantie )UTDOO"ýR fsinaa which are tic sanie day. ~ lsinaat IMn. anti Mca. Brian Green- 'You IlOw If'. way o! Bowmanville were ' . ur Bridai Suntiay gucafs tiare also, antiom sil Mc, anti Mca. Stan Greenway e , amaii IE T SantiD:rkdunig - fuliy creaf cd a! Kingston. Tarant o visiteti wifh Mr. antid I toîocrow's wr. ectonD. f ui tedesigners for P Gucsa thfe borna o! Mr. !W."<ta' rds anti Mca. T. Wilson for flica w weekend wcra Mc, anti Mca.! gMai' wn Jack Whife aI Brantfford antidgeta I ron o5OMc. Don Macleodofa!Torontoj appoint ment, ~ae ~who were pacticipating icithe Please caîl us 1 Sae rie 418 59conryliat elti ta ,»,725-1912 t AvailableTrinity Colaege. Ofien tam- ~ tsAalbepoarr'guesta ducîng tic two 'K lees on liehalf the branch. agreeti te dispense -wîth thelThe Canadian Stateanan, Bowmanville, Apr. 21, 1971 3 M arriedReta respoonded wîth appre- JuIy andi August meetings. M a.rriedciation, saying how much shel Mca, H. Bradley had drawnl had enjoyed the work. up the groupa for the con- A A.I~ k Marion Broome, leader for venora. An Executive meet- %_/ NI % L-d1~ ~ the group Agriculture andi îng is to be held et Mrs. S, We, the undersîgned, do Cômmîttee mach contînuý-d Canadian Industries, t o ok,Morton's on Aprîl 29th, 8 p.rn herebyendorse and encouragý success. charge for the program, Jerri Ivrs. C. Swallow, convenor the citizens of our respectîvè Sîgned, this 2lst day of Aird was calleti on for the, of Education, was in charge aes and municipalîties to April, 1971. His Worship, mette: "The person who's ai- of the following program, "&Joîu the Walk, That Joins the Mayor Ivan Hobbs, Hîs Wor-. ways heefing is likely to fini The motto, "Education i' World"-on May lst, 1971., hp ao .cI.MNey himacif in a stew" Jrrri read la ayf ar n ecea ThSA-ulMiesfo ii-QC;Hî s, Mayor E.G .Nev a poem ori the . ad fate of the sary to earn a living" was h nulMls o i- .. i âsiMyrD farmer to illustrate the motte. 1given by Mrs. W. Brown. She lions Walkathon provides the G. Newman, His Worship, PeriLechan Ia ra ld ai,"Neyer in our historyopuiy for ail of us to Mayor William E. Le Grosý1 Pear Lech ad Ia Bay ld, af0 share ini sonie small way in Mc. Ross Murîson, Reeve of us gai insîning ha edcaton eenSO asy the needs of the under-tie- the Village of Pîckerîng, The 4-H girl.; under the, acquire. If needs no physical leadership of Aima Langmaiti prowess to carry and we ai, velopeti nations of the wocld and Berenice Watson' present- ways, have it. It is necessary and et t sme îmevtallookl ed their Spring Fashion Show. for us oe encourage our young requirements, i The stage was beautifuliy ar-ipol 0hv neuain Many volunteers have spent canged in a garden setting. to cope with the complex anti entilesa hours in making fthe~- The girls modelleti their changing world that we ar e final preparations for ftche.'- dresses in truly profesiîonal~ living in. Remember t he aid Walk and now the finie bas- style with Marilyn Knox giv-~ saying, We are' neyer toooid corne for the thousantis o! ing flhc commentary. Music - te lcarn." A liumocoua read- Walkersanad Sponsors to get Ramn Drops - sounded in the îng was given hy Mrs. Wv, behînti this most worthwhile background, a Rose Arbour Polak. Mrs. S. Morton tooklocc The ollo ing irls para eti: Marc, ani ga e a iost îOprou o apctg a t w s f and Reinbow Lane niade the us on a trp te Jaiaca by W, urge you to be generous course for the fashîon walk. slities that she had taken iflwhen the Walkers aoproach Iris Koczulab, Janice Yellow- teresting commentarv cf the leca, Kini Tillîng, Marilyn tripMca, C. Swallow thailk, and Mr. J. Multirew, Peter- Knox, Delibie Drew, Reta ed, ail those x-ho had helpedibrule etc Huggins, Ellen Crydernien, wifh fthc progr' .Ms rcBat si c Katharine Knox, WcntiyBray, Lunch o! salati pla te a bourg Hospital. Faye Lengmaid, Heather Miii- anti coffec waa serveti by Mr. a-ad Mca. W, Boyko, s;on, Sylvie Koczuiab, DonnaMca, Swaiiow's group. Kingston, were with Mr. and ........... 1 Hancock, Carol Watson,* Kar-, Officers for 1971-72 Mca, Ken Trew et Easter, also .........Renati Garetcheck was absent ton, lat vice Pres,, Mca, Oshawa. bT hecr dbooa ofwas ongdsly Charles Greenham, 2nti Vice Mc. and3 Mca. D. Harrys andi Therecrdhoo ofeah grlPres,, Mca., Hecb. Preacott; and fwo, chîltiren, Brighton, ivas diaplayeti foc ail to sec See'y.-Treasurei,, Mca. How- were wifliMc, and Mca. R. The gils, andi leaders arc ardi Bradley; Ass't. Sec'y.- White on Suntiay.I ~o Capor rcshwn~ greatly, to bc complimentetiTea Mad pc oye c n c o litbrcti f an im ýcnClpor resow non their fine sho0w. 'istrict Dicector, Mca, How- anti girls, Oshawa, visîtet i wth igntheregste folowng Mca. Broome then callet on'arti Crydermnan; Alternate Mc. anti Mra. L. Multirew, ,,îg th reistr flloingKathrin Knx .te preentValues United Church op SaturdaY Khr peineKo opeetDistrict Director. Mca. Ste- recently. 1, t 400o'coc. Te bid. Kth rie Be l huiastn miny" phen Jeffery; Public Relations Mr, Henry Sheppard came 71,at :00o'cock Th> bide Kaharne as on anyOfficer, Mca. Vir. O'Nell;Ihome this weck anti is im- b Louse Tennant, daughter of awacýda for hec very auccesa- Brandi Directoca, Mca. G. Pcovipg. t, Orono, anti the groom is fui talk. She was truly en- Besse, Mca, F. Stevens, Mca Mc, and Mca. Si Halloweil, AA o! elh an th lth lusiastic. W. Brown; Pianiat, Mca. Wm. Starkville, were with Mr. anti apdorp o eh n h ae The gcoup in charge then Laird, Audîtors, Mca. S. Jef-IMca. W. Longycar on Satur- gave us a real laugh i wth fery, Mca, E. Foiey, Good day.. ___________________their skit, The Song of the Neighbocs, Mca, W. Brown, Neil Trew spent tic week-' ý7 Lazy Farner. This waa writ- Mca, E. Foley, anti menibers endti wtliMr. and Mca. W. CILOOperfs te y ia nw oe t large; Membership, McarsL Decemno, Osliawa, anti Mr. ai JWLESLD ing par were Vi Ashton, Lila C~ Snowden, Mca, A. Vander-1 Mca. K. Tcew went up for liii29JEWELL .E.LD Drew, Mca ieotrIdaiaa Iadmebr t ag:onSu 29KîlgSt E 08 " -Bray anti Jerri Ardwho to- Cu ati membC.Gea age: Mc. ndlayMca W. Longyer Bowmanville à gether made up tic "Cow" « had dînnen at Welcome Court Mary Gordon providedtihfli Standing CnMMIttee ant i -iteti Mca, M. White ici ý'G1ýConvenors Port Hope on Suntiay. ln t t t sA very intcresting anti en- c Agriculture anti Canadian______________________________ joyabie meeting wes concluti- Idustrie,Mca, S. Doyle; 1 Thc officers' confecence la cd hy' singîng fthc Qucen. A Homeý Economîcs and Hleelth, ( the last wek of April. Mc. tsty lunch anti social tre Mca H. Prscotf; Cîizenship M 5dclcgat.e. Cîrcunistances niay low; Historicai Researchi anti 1prevent, so anyone wishîng toi Current Eventa, Mca. G, The Bank of England requires !tg emplOYe8s fo aigP a tgo to fia, contact our presi- MAPLE GROVE W. 1. Besse: Resolutions, Mca, L. C, daily register and record their reasona if they are late. Lenz~ dent, A report,'aur our Spcing Snowden. don weafher being what if la, the firsf tardy gentleman gený Luncheon was given by Ada Tic Annuel Meeting o! thel eraîîy writes "fog" opposite bis namne and those who follow, YZellowleea, Wonicn's Institute waa hald, "ditto". Doris His, our District in thc C. E. Hall on Aprîl l2th ELZ ET VLL One mornîag, the flrst latecomer wrote ini tie book 'Wt Dîrector, informeti, us al at 8, p.m. After flic usuel LZ B T VL E hdtis.U erhewcebse gnlasafeMc about flic District Annuel openîng, flic rail eau was ht wn" lne iefîebeadgîtea' an eh whîch la at Solina Hall tuis given: 1. Psy your feca' 21 Churcli services wece helti. anically followed twenty others, each wîfh udifto" dutfliill7 vear on May' 20th. Our lirancli Somcfhlrîg that impressed 'meî Mca, Howardi Quanfnill open- noted. acf as hoatesses anti provide on a trip. cd flic services. Thc choir COHS AEHN. flice dinner. Mca, His foin us A letter was reati froni aur cendereti an antheni anti Rev. COIE AI IT flice details o!flthc diffecent adopteti chilti anti ler pictuce J. A. Raniuit spoke on "The Preveaf contagion. Germa cannof lîve iq frea1bly 1ea levels our W. I. lias. Aniong was pesseti for aIl to see howý Tragctiy o!flie Enipfy Pew'". clothing. Have your garmeafs cleaned regularly. 1isfi rnil lcma she lies grown in aur tliree On Suntiey atternoon Mca. important; flic W. I. being yeara o! sponsorship. G. BlMors. . Trew, MadCNE A EBAE fountict on Fcb. l9th, 1897 et Mcas. S. Doyle cepocteti on CMBl, a. Whcelec aattnd CNE CNB BAE Stoney Creek. flic District Execufive meet-McH Tikon atnii Support your local Cancer Cam-pa-ign We ae rniioetiof te 4Hlog. The roll caîl et flic An- Plainville Unitecd Churccl Wo- AchieeinDayedft hoh4-Hnual i5 fa be: 1. No. o! mcm- ien's Thankoffccing, Colti Sclooi on Saturtiay, May î7th. becs; 2. Nuîber present paprinGarputen Hflic tpieotonalBO W M A N V ILLE 1Again we plan ta sponsor a 3. An oufstantinig pragramui calnunibeca anti Mca. fircworks display ini tic ichool There la to be a sale o! gootisiclC E N R grounds on flic May holiday. et noon anti our shaceilateFoisien, Peterboroughi, was flic Mca.JacSnodcn cpotcdbe at flic $3 velue, It was gucat speaker. She had tie- ' fliat the Oshawa Fair Boacti agreedti laf we give $3 fentiet8a KonGeSTncWo!2fie520 would like f0 lnnow if wc 'Pennies for Fricndship'. Ou t UC anti Anglican Churclies, 8 KNGSO . MIS5I wolicniirsciglnh-vofîng delegates are tefa e Niageaa Falls anti aiScîlîe In ~ Shîr iïneit." es ant cnsicaîserongflnFai- Mcas. S. Morton, Mca, H.Ccy- brouglit us an excellent, re- CLEANER , ecîiz f groundis ducing tie fair. A!- derman, Mca. H. Bratiley, witli O tunch ay ee rtK. fer some consideration tîsMca. C. Swallow as alterna1 e Tuedstiy vnigMc.K.F.________________________________ was furneddown. The presîient reportetion atrcw d ant n ca. F.Wieie Tliecoll caîl wa. psy youc aur 25ti Anniversary Dinner itnTe Caton Thanobec dues anti tell the price cf an on Apnil 19ti et 6:30 p.It tfli girls, an excellent pro- item 25 years ago, Everyane was agrecdtet give tic U.C .W. gram i wth lunch serveti after.r ceapontict well. Pearl Leach a donation c! $5 foc sccving Mr. anti Mca. H., Thickson led us in a sing sang a! aid- ant i ngfith'ilsies for our hadti wo girls andti iinbua-9 fasiioneti alections, witi Ida dinner. If was tiecid tief banda anti Nancy FowlcrC 0R >NN Bray et fie piano. aak for -a Tuppccwacc Party Sunday. Marguerite Fraser i-car tie fa caise money. On Wednesday Mca ,H. ~ IL minutes anti financiai state- The yeaciy reporta were Quanfnili anti Mca. C. Mercer P U I ment foc tic wholc year. Vie given as foilows: See'y.-Tccas. toak thc cancer bazear items also spent if. Ici ail we wcrc Mca. S. Je!!ecy; Gooti Neigh- flic bazear. Mca. M. White,do very active, hors, Mca. C. Jcfccy; Agri- Mca. H. Multircw, Mca. R. â1q% W eln Aima Lacigmaiti readtihti cultuce I& Canadiani Indus- White anti Mca, Thickson et-Ne Resuitions report. Margaret tries, Mca. S. Je!!ecy anti Mrs. tend tieti tee et Part Hope.Mae eevaosnw Haccy, our Tweedsîuir Cuca- E. Foley; Haie Econoniies & On Fcitiay cvening cîglîfM k r-evtin o toc, saiti a few words on iaw Heati, Mca. K. Hopkins rcad ladies ettend tec7ti an- P O 6 3 3 7 vaualeau Hstcylataat- y Mca. S. Morton; Citizen- nivecsany of tic Durhami Eestý o4, dents studyîng local pioncer slip anti Educafion, Mca. C. District Wmen'sInstitute helti Tennis Recqueta availeble for'rent history. Sic asked for aid Swailow; Histocical Researchi et Mibraok . An excellent snapshots. Ada Ycllowieea anti Current Eventa, Mca, G.ituckcy dinnen waa serveti ly Court Fees gave flic Public Relations ce- Be. se unable fa lic present; tic Millbcaok ladies, Tic SINGLES- $1,00 per hour part. Thia cectainly reminded, Public Relations Officers, Mca. gucat'speaker waa aur F.W.I. DOUBLES ---- -$2.00 per hour us about ail tic activities W. O'Neill. O. Presîtient Mrs. A. Zoclier, anti service, we have heen President Mca, S. Morton New Haniburg. I cxpect a engaget ii tirougi flic year fianketi allie nienbers for fuller report will ha given Thc Home Economicsa ai their suppoct ini fli past Year. witli fie picturea fiat, were Hti pog1iwaagien-y Mca. W. Brown conducteti takzen, ;i fn rdate- .1 .1 % Knox; Branch Directors, Mrs.l ut Dry in minutes But âct now... B. Taylor, Mca. W. Yeiiow- rU ~ii& hoefom150clnSale prices good for 14 deys onlyl lacs, Mca. R. Beat, Mca, R. e.ou até""e danu Vice, Mca. T. Baker, Mrs. SoC e ndra- elterhdan u Davis aild us ail we shouititr-ig îdn lie proudti fa leong ta Saline W.I1. furnedti theficchair antInicia = mî@.ignwo. 'udir co-operation in fie paf =W* guarant.a thet Roe[ llIIsatin- anti lipeti we wouiti have an- '"bejaminmooM'5 finest otiec auccesaful yeec aheati Iliterior latex wall siish. Sic invitedth fe executive and iIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIlhHIItIUIiInu( gnoup leaders anti assistants to meet et hec haie on Mon- day, April 19th, et 1 p.m. te G;ErTAMO0RE FOR YOUR MONEY NOW AT plan fthc pragrama." If was decitiedtit give flicIR PAINTS and I usuel afficers' icnocarium. Mca. Fraser, wio bas been aur ABERNEIT-01987-4422R cxtcemeiy capable secretacy 55 KING ST. W, PHONE 623-5431 98-42JW ASL foc five ycars, was presenfeti wItkî a gif f by Ada Yellow-