Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Apr 1971, p. 15

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Approximatel fy 7< Cdn. Club Ladie., '1he ,iannalLadies' Nigh1t of toacy itty tonies, he cý bbcý Bowmaniville Mcný'a C 3,1o1Mc. Evenc-tt Browna adiiani Cluib was beld at the for someý selections on Tiaffle Grove United vbuchorgn h wene well Hall on Wednesday igî.c 1ve )y bbc gatbering. April >7th wibb approximiately' TWo appropriâte vocalr 100 present. bers by Miss Fîva Kin Prior 10 bbc dinner Mca. woec endered with acec Eveccît Brown of Ocono enter- aim-ýent'by Mca. Brown. Iained bbe gatbering with a A quartet 'from bbce 1 medley of oid songa and popu- Canadian Club comprise( lac number on a Thomas Fier- Mesrs. Ron Bieble, Wes D trie Organ which waa kindlY Wait PascoO and John S' supplied for tbc evening by on witb Mr. Leslie Colî tbc Thomas House of Muir, 1!at bbe piano, sang twor Dundas St. East, Wbibby. ber s. The meeting was caiied boi iss Kinniear Ihen gave orden rby bbc Presidienb Wes more numbers foliowed1 Downr, alling for bbc singtiing mediey 0of songs led by of Go'd Sav e The Qucpen foliBrown and Misa Kinneai lowed by the Toast Io ibbc The speakèr of the ever Queen. A delîcious dlinnier Mcli. Jas. Cane of Radio was secvedi by thbc U.C.W, of lion CKLB and CKQS- Mapie G nove United Cuc.Oh wa, as introducec TLfad table gucata inrhuded, Mr. C. Eihiobt. Mc. and Mca. Bcrt Mutton. Mc. Cane was born in To President Wca Down and Mca. to and after completing Down, Rcv. D. Harris and Mca. education, bis work took H{arris, Mn. and Mca. Frank ~to Montreal, Calgary, Fdr Doland, Mn, and Mca. W. H. ton, Lebhbridge, Lloydmîî Brown and Mr. and Mca. C. Thompson, etc., before cor Elijott. to Lakeiand Broadrasting Foiiowing bbc dinner a short in 1968. sing song waa held, led by' Mr. Cane reviewed bis r Mn. Walt Pascoe wlbb Mca. intccesbung yeacs in bisv E-erett Brown at the piano. and related severai hunu The toast 10 tbe ladies was and witby anecdotes and capabiy pcoposed by Mc. Bert peiencea in bis varied MotIon, immediate past preai- cer. dent, with the response in a He pointed out that CI unique and charming manner waa celebcating ils 25th A by Mca. Wes Down. versaay and tuther At Ibis time Mca. Everett'CKQS/FM was bbc final Brownagain rendeced severai tion in Canada 10 broad beautiful sciections on the aepacately froin ils ister Thomas Flectrcr gan. station. Pres. Wes Down then tur-' The speaker then pres eC tbe meeting over 10 Mc.lcd a moal interestingc 'W. H. Brown the progcammentany and pictucca on chirmi-)an. 5th Annivecsacy ofr Following a few of bis rus- broadcasbing-. The many A, L. WEARN LTD, Enniskiller,, Ont, PHONE 263-2291 GEOa STEPHEN 138 Wharf Road,>Bowmanville Phione 623-5410 À LOT 0F PEOPLE TI VEGA'S A L LITTLE CA like the people from Motor Trend magazine. The, littie Vega, they presented it their Car of thei several other nominees, they said "For the mone can deliver more". Car and Driver says: "Lt provides an excellent coi and economy". VEGA 2-dr. Hatchhack Coupe ONLY AT YOURCI SNichols h ijOWMANVILLE S 623-2556 GET THE DEr MONEY -MILES You Could Be a make plans for the bu.ti ~~ A to the St-Lwene 1 C nrc A t[tend.jJ Company. Port Perry Hos- W W pital Auxiliary Tea, April 10; n 0 4- AcieveentE Fo Re airs w 17 at Hampton. O R p Mrs. Grant Thompson gave s 1 Jight ~a resume of Mrs. Malcolm Êqýwy3 caled recesto ado pogams01 ericetoNestieton Wmn Alex (Carruthers, ,P. aaie ferce to ratdnposaalgoeInstitute. MrS. Emerson, -3 Durham, in a press release, agi1omryas rae otli Life Member, has fiiied most from Queens Park, announcesi itheïmemories for many present. offices over the years. On the awarding of a contract by re-' Among the mnany programns April 12, Mr, and Mrs. Emer- the Department of Higbwaysj referred to including Such son observed their Diamond for grading, drainage, granu- num- losely followed old favorites Wedding nieray .Ilrbsendhtmxpvg mp-r antAos Fibber MGEde an Mr ofthis unique occasion on Highway 35. The contract --op- antrFiredAlnTee andpy r Thompson presented Mrs. inc]udes, that section of the 1Molly, Fe liTi ap Emerson with, a beautiful highýway - irom the-south juine- Mens Gang, McCartby ,anid Bergen, hrooc.h. tion (-f Highway 7A northierly d o~f The Lone Ranrl , Jck Benny, 'For théerool rail 16 paid td Highway 7, a distance of own, Bing Crosby, Fostu er Heitt, their annual fees. Nestletonll12.27 miles. Slem- and many more. has thqree "Life" memrs. rna ain fHml arutt Réferences were also made Mrs. Cecil Wilson,' District Benaen Pavi of hme- num- to the bard newýs broadc2"asts Director, had attended the oton as en awaed thýe of such as the Jack [Demnpsey District Executive meeting and -conrt o nyst as 0'o etwo 'Fights, The Lindbeýrg Fligbt, reported' the DistrictAult h 1.7c216.aTy'stedr of by a the explosion an1ld burninIg Of will be at Solina on MaY 20'$3date17for.the smnchieduled Mrs. the Zeppelin Hlindenburg, the Each voting delegatfe is asked daefrtecomneeto ir. Kennedy Assassinlation and t bring the value of $1-00 frtecnrc sMy1 91 nng, others. the bake, sale. Collection and Sta- The thanks of the club were Pennies for Frindship closedBE H N 3Fvery capably expresser by ibis meeting.D TH N d by Mr, Frank Dorland to the The treasu*rerý's report show- speaker, to ail of those taking cd a balance of $ý14956. Mca. Members of Bethany Wo- con- part in the progcam and to the Wilson read the auditors' mens Institute met at the. ghis ladies of Maple Grove U.C.W. written report in the absence homne of tbe President Mrs. Shlm for their fine dinner. of the aucitors, Mcs. R. w. Addison Scott for their annual, [mon- The Quartet gave a final Jackson and Mca. Ivan Proutt. meeting on Monday night. ister, number "Good Night Ladies" Standing Committee Con- The roll rail was anslc )ming followed by the singing of "O veneca gave reports of the ed by payment of fees, nam- 9Co. Canada" which brougbt the year's activities whicb showed Ing the first ownec of your,- evening to a close, a busy and sucessful year. property and the year yourý work New Canadian members. play-,bouse was but. worked an active part in one Home Mrs. Vincent Jackson cead' carx- demonstrated foods in, their and gave the financial report.i car- a so ativeland and in onfe Citiz- She noted there had been an LBensbip meeting whcn they 'average attendance of 25 UKL N E M R gvW dtie account of members plus guests present Ari -5 obtaining Canadian Citizen- at the 10 meetings b'eld br that *' L I sip. The gcoup participated the past ycari. Seven mem- Sta- clcstin a Local Leaders' Training bers, Mrs. Addison Scott, Mrs. lVI by Linda Eyman ýSehool, Fail Fair Exhibits, Robert Ryley. Mrs. Levi Mc-ii , aAcMoiay r get made two anniversary presen- Giii, Mcs. Earl Weatheriit. sn-esea oli when ac weate tations (25th and 601h), re- Mrs. V. Jackson, Mrs. T. R. ýset- speialy wen he ýàflprmembered the ii], abut-in, and Jennings, Mrs. John Neals romn- la glorious; but tbe good Ije bereaved families, gave cash were pnesented with prizes for rio baekdin lat feerais f oe- edonations tb organizations, perfect attendance. nedi- workiproje csand deahînies gceetings and gifts were ex-1 Mrs. Glenn Preston report- r it nor pdecand ght uni aum- changelà witb our siater W.I. ed that 13 4-H Club girls ha-d Wifi nc untl srn-in England. Nestieton ladies complctcd their course "The mner hoidays. were bosts to two local groups Jacket Dress" and wouid at- Sping bas to he bere to stay and were entéctained hy one. tend Summary Day ât Wel- sine or greecnhouse la hurst- The Tweedsmuir History li corne- inga ve at ed argri t -being compiied. Mra. Emiery Smiith gave the centS ap rin Conrthed at Mrs. Harry McLaugblin pre- Auditor's Report. uptbe Bowmanvinertown H all sided for the élection of offi- Public Relations Offirer. prsninhh(BHS Bn n cers and Mrs. Richard Davisor' Mrs. Thomas Jennings, in bier our Chonir. TheCoiune was apl3ointed secretary. Mrs. report, noted excellent pro- th xpr drcto o os enDJog cnennof the grams throughout thé year. a odpe-nominatîng rommittee pre- Each meeting was pubiicized Melcaiàïtf, gave o Yr sented the slate of officers for in tbe local newspapers, new- formnice in spite- of thein ir- .1971-1972. These resuits are: comners 10 the rommunity An tera en lt fPast President, Mrs. Cecii wce wclcomned; several open Aonc tementa gen a on-O Wilson; Président, Mca. Waltér meetings wcre held which thb' ceniungýthis year's pr-,n omwihWelts; lst Vice, Mrs. Charles genecal public attended; a bus its Zir tbeme.' cars Th, ia the Earnshaw; 2nd Vire, Mrs. Ben trip was taken when memfbers i onldfral ofThiyear the DeJong; Secretary, Mns. Jos, visited the St. Lawrence Starcb' oneniht he ev yneWygecdc; Treasucer,, M r S. Co. at Port Credit and the 'dresses to the bult, and bas a Richard Davison; District Di- Scence Fair in Toronto; thé, god im. hedae is May rector, Mrs. Cecil Wilson; AI- 4-H Club sponsorèd; delegateal goodtime Thedatternate, Mrs. Harry McLaugh- sent to District and Area Côn- 7thandtheprice$50a lin; Branch Dirertors, Mrs. ventions and Officers' Con- ncohuCle . Gco. Bowers, Mca. Fred Dayes;, fecence; meerl had heen Last Friday ngt ...Mca. Ben DeJong; Stand- interviewed over CBC Tele- j hlda ane fatcig heing Committee Conveners, vision cegarding thé need for "Surprise" band - Brandy. ArclueadCnda n doctor in thbcrommunitv; dustries, Mrs. Malcolmn Emer- serving cefreshments at oren son: Citizenship and Educa- ing u.f the new Townsbip Gr NESTLETOIN tion, iVrs. Arthur Hlad;ag; adassistcd with 'bbc HTome Eç,)onicýqi ùlti'j ic> f. imecs, tbh Cncre Ns ieton omen's InStitute Mirs. HÎaccy MLu1 r; î-Fn anid Red Cross drivefs The anua metng oftoricai Research, Mrs, Ahli -fo funds, nd had sent giftsý NeTetonn Womeetitutof Beacock; Resolutiona, Mrs. Mi1.tothebbcinmates of Goldenl was hcld in the United Churcb ton Fisher; Public Relations, Plougb Lodge at Cobourg- ail on Wcdncsday, April 7 with Mra. Bruce Heaslip; Curator sick and shut-ins had been th PstPraien MsCciiof Tweedsmuir .History, Mrs. cemembered with gifta and K Wilon ceidig.Lawrence Malcolm; Sunabine cards. Wlowring eocnn deCmitee, Mrs. G. Bowcca, Mca. Addison Scott ccpocted and Mary Stewart -Coliect Mca. G. Johns, Mca. Wiil Ash- The Twccdsmuir Histocy he- Mca. Richard Davîson, serre- ton; Audîtors, Mca. Mca. R. W. îng kepi Up 10 date. tacy-treasurer cead the min- Jackson, Mca, Ivan Proutt; Ahi Standing Commir c utea of bbc Macch meeting and Pi'anista, Mca. Lawrence Mal- Convenons repoctcd bbc hîgh- reoredo fnace.Con-clm. Mca. Grant Thompson; lights of their programa,ý Imunications included thank Social Committce,Mc. .tbogth patyawih you carda and receipta foc do- Ernerson, Mca. R. Sadien, Mca. had featurcd a gueat speaker natonsmad borgniztios.C. Wilson; Hospital Auxiiiacy, on Social Service Work; the * A letter aiso announced that McaR ain ok0 oa tm olr DEthel Chapinan will spcak Delegatea 10 tbc District toc; a tour 10 Kcg Pinecicat at bc Rcreaionl Cetre Annal re:Mc. W., Welts, and Regal Stationecy; a dem- Býlackatock, on Sabucday, May Mca. C. Eacnshaw, Mca. M. onstration on physical edunca- 15 a 8 pm. concaîlaoyEmerson, Mca. C. Wilson. thon hy bbc, pupils of Grand-,, aid wa in.d fonrMiss Rosie The May meeting will he ai vicw Sehool; special Christ-' Frey who won bbc Pu-blic the home of Mca. M. Emerson mas prograin: a gucat speaker1 Speaking in, Petechmo ougb. wbn the annual plant and on "Education Today"; A The social rommitîe w,,,Î"bulb auction will he hehd. gucat speaker on pollution and1 - Mca. George Johns, tbc what can be done '10 prevent bostesa, -was assiated by Mca. lb; a gucat speaker from ilthe G owers and the executivCuty eah Unit dealing G. 13ie ontiea -in acrving lunch and Mca. Mil- witb heéalth rare; a speaker preciation. in ber presidential report 70ï- 17 GMca. Scott expresaed thanka t o ail exerutive officera and OBITUARY opecation. frterfn o HN I s, -ROSSCarr residd ft K C, L DEANthe élection of officers as foi Tu-akeSasktchwenforaScott; Vice-Prsident, ..Mr. O Tlon-oim ceaidepnt and pion Rohert Ryley; Secretary-Tcea-ý H4e teaves t0 mourn nias s thein leadership -'in a Short. four sons, Jeffery of Eibow, Course, "Accessories For The: Leonard, Nipawin, Arthur, Home" witb Ma. Keith Adams Tugaske, R ay mo in d (Sic) , indMca. John Neals présent- Cciaik; also tbee dugte theig bcgifla. ,Mca. R. Smith (Floca4), Vc1Mca. Thomas Jennings led, ,Iodia, Mca. R. Kemp (Br l iveiy Sing-Along. nice), Craik, Mca. P. England ýMca. John Neais expresaedc (Lydia),, Central Butte; 41 t hanks 10 bbc Preaident Ma grandeilidren and 24 great- Addison Scott for ber excel- HEVROLET DEALER gcandchuldcen. lent leadership. Ltd ~ Relatives In this aresare Lunchwas s,,ved by Mca. l'» nieces Mrs. Alfred Birbel ) Keith Adams and Mca. Roisaý' Bowmanville, Mc 1s. AnchieaNeals and members of their"ý Lunn of Orono;' and nephews groupa. COURTICE and Chanlie Deanî of Oshaw-ii. d Ianka to the hostesaý 728-60 Parkview Funeral Chiapel of groupa. j 1 Moose Jaw waa in chiarge 0f1 Aý number of the membera i ______________________ arrangements. 'wihi attend the 701h anni-1 Palibearers werc siýx grand- vcsary banquet for East Duc- TAILS ON THE sons, Lyle Fngiandi, Waynle 1ham District Wornen's Inati- Kemp, Jack,. Donald, Russel tubes in Milibcook. Apnil 16. 5 SWEEPSTAKES and Gordon Dean. The nexb meeting wîllfa- Many lovely flral 'tribuir's w -e orn Economir an, Wînne Two-ays tbested to the high estecm in Safubî aloi'g witb a barbequ" iwhich thbe cceasec1 was 1161c,ýdemonstratïon. M ~~~~~~~~~~~~The Cnda ttsaBwavle p.2,17 No rthumberland and Durham County Board of, Education Revenue Fund Balance Sheet as aàt December 31, 1970 ASSETS Accounts Receivable Municipalities for Undér Requisitions- - Other School Boards ---- --- -- Government of Ontario General Leg,çisiative Grant -- --- --- - - ._------------ Education Mill Rate Subsîdy --------------- Canada Pension Plan Reimbursement------- Cost of ýEducatîon (Tuition Fees) ----. -- - - -------- Fre'nch Language Grant ----------- - ---- Payroll Deductions --. ------- -- - Othêr School Boards for Deficits of Former B oards ------------ Government of Canada (Tuition Fees) -- ---- 'Local Taxation Other ------------------------- Sundry Receivables from Municipalities -.-. Sundry Receivables fromOther School Boards- Du e fronl Capital Fund ---------- ----------- ------ Du-~ from Scholacship Fund . --7------------- -- - - - Deficita of Former Boards at January 1, 1969 - . -------------- T otal --- - ------ -------------- - LIABI LITIES Bank Indebtedness ----------------.---------------------- - Accounts Payable Munieipalities for Over Requisitions ----------- Other School Boards ------.---- -------- Munîcipalities Other --------------------------------------- Accrued Liabilîties ------------------------------------------ Trade Creditors ----- P-ayroll Déductions --------------------- --------- Other School Boards for Surpluses of Former .B o a r d s - - - --- - - - - - - - - -- --- --- - - -- - - - .1 - --- -- --- Government of Ontario Canada Pension Plan Reimbursement------ Surplus of Former Boards at Januàry 1, 1969-- , 3,765 276,616 14,482 2,500 90,918 61,2610 7,551 348,169 Total ------------------.-------------------- ------ -$ - ---- 819,900 Sécondary Sehools 51,329 327,322 25,916 215 7,209 23,,484 1746 $438,521 1,702 61,179 1900 40,065 $542,367 359,996 55,193 16,079 2,490 108,609 $ 542,367 Revenue Fund Statement of Revenue and Expenditure for the Year Ended December 31, 1970 REVENUE Local Taxation Requisîtions ------ ------- - - Suppleniéntary Taxes -----------1--------------- Adjustments for Under (Over) Requisitions Other Sehool Boards-------------------------------------- --... .. Gove'rnment of Ontario General Legisiative Grants ------------------- Education Mill Rate Subsidy -_------------ Canada Pension Plan Reimburselment ---- Practice Teaching --------------- ----- Sales Tax R efund ------------ ------------- French Language Grant ---------------- -------- - ---- - - .------ Governmetit of Canada Tuition Fees----------------- Excise Tax Refund------------- ~. -__ Individuals Fees .- O ther Revenue ---- ------ - ---- - ---- Transfers from Other Funds including Prior Year Adjustments -------- -------------------- ------ - Total Revenue -------------------------------- ---- EXPENDITURE Business Administration ý-------------------------- --- Computer Services ----------------- Instruction --- Educationo.l Services -- Attendance, Health and Food Services ------- ----- P lant O peration - ----------- ------------------- Plant Maintenance --------------------------- - ---- Transportation ------------------------------------- Tuition Fees ---------- Capital (Non-Allocable)------------------- ----------- Other Operating --------------------- D ebt C harges -------------------- ---- - - -- - Non-Operating ---- --------------------- - --- - Total Expenditure ------------------ $ 2,899,920 34,742 301,765 $ 3,236,427 17,766 6,1 $ 6,~ $ $3,261,362 33,859 (359,096) $2,935,225 55,329 U6,610 5»571322 8,5,771 - 61,588 42,160 4,121. - 858 1,284 - 25,916 ,L08,948 $5,666,682 28,068 35,466 - 7,847 28,068 $ 43,313 3,14 6 -20,24,4 18,914 19,414 123,650 $9,736,919 $307,509 10,123 6,272,169 2,458 4,277 805,768 208,526 880,293 13,265 38,750 16,087 $ 9,736,919 $8,740,207 $ 207,494 6,824 5,775,014 1,109 71,053 603,279 98,277 571,025 643,067 15,911 Capital (Buildiýng) Fund, Balance Sheet as at December 31, 1970 ASSETS Land, Buildings and Equipment, - at cost -------------.-- - -.- - $17,029,257 LIABI LITIES Unmatured Debenture Uebt --------------- --- -- - Accounts Payable --------- ---- ---------- - - ----~--- Bank Indebbedness----..- - - Due b Revenuie'Fund ---- . ---------_ Equity in Fixed Assets - . - - - Total ----------- ------- - - -.- - - - -- ------- - - $7,8214i 40.499 10,756 63,134 9,093,379 $19,900, 150 $ 1119122000 Î-Il-i39,46 Apprôved on Behaif of the Board on April 8, 1971: Chairman Director of Educa --------- --------- ------ A A. H. Strîke" signed atiol? and Secretary ------------------.-- ---"W. Frank Thom" signed AUDITORS' REPORT To the supporters of Northumberland and Durham County Board of Education. We have examined the Revenue Fund and Capital (Building) Fund Balance Sheets of the North.- umberland and-Durham County Board-of Educa lion as at December 31, 1970 and theReee Fund Statement of Revenue and Expendilure for the year then ended. Our examinatî ,io înce a general review of the accounting procedures and such tests of ýaccounting records and othe.r supponting evý,idence as we considered necessary in the circumstances. In our opinion these financial statements present fairiy the financial position of the, Board as at December 31, 1970 and the results of its operations for the, year then ended, in accordance wîth accounting principles generally accepted for Ont ario school boards applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year. Cobourg, Ontario March 15, 1971. 1 «J. A. Langhorne", C.ANe. 3884 -Sge of the firm of Sharpe, Langhorne, Townsend & Co,. Canadian Staiesman, Bôwmanville, Apr. " 21, 1971

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