Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Apr 1971, p. 10

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O The Canadian tesa, Bowianvî1le, Ap, 21, 1971' parents ren¶aîn!ng to chat ai-d - play cards. It was a wonder- flevening and everyone was Pee e S ptic En sorry ta see the eveningan Pee, W ee,0 S nfic End t'he season close, But, as Mr., Farrow said In bis speech, Seasn ih B nqu t ;nly 18 weeks beforo w -Stiiso w i-4 anq et Il be startîng hockey agmîn2l Ou ridy eenlgAprîl were flamboyant c an dl e s k Ît!,aIBwavleCuty floating ln large glass bowlsi Clu th cochs, ponor rand lu the bottom of oach J.PlippncfCaitreSptrbowl miniature plsi o-11 VII Ladie Seyv e a MrsPhipen, ey players posed as If le! pe nt s 'l, ienmetbr fadlness for suap shots, Suteilffe 205 BawîavilePe We B"Chef Don' Cox had pýrepar- nar _______200 e :9logwîh1rJFm- ed most delîious turke-y din- Partner 200 ynw Pesdet f hoBo- ners which wms thoroughly Gould ____. 199 sunvll Mnc- oceyAso-onoydby ail. Campbell.19 natonmcdMr. Frrw hld Individumi trophies were. Bruce ------ _____ 195 a nas sccsufl înerhanded eu tefamembers of Westover _-___195 :atthe team and thrae special Whitney - 90 T he dtbge ee achieveýment' awards pi-osent- Blake 188 Ai- A MsJh Coby, ed. Mike Gsc won the most Gray-------- - 185îýiï ~ach Mr.mcd rs. . Fr-impl'oved player, Joey BurnsHghSne Mi mdMr, a-iytbe most 'goals scared and aise Westovei -----262------- Rowi-l (sa. oac),Mi- d-he matassîsts, which weut High Triple MrcJc Lke -managrt-%iK Jamnes Who was ne7t Partner --- ----------- 0 and ~ ~ ~ ~ r Mi5ndMs.nPîpe u iein- this category Tem ta47 i 0 tspnsr.Ain unexpected> andm tPts. Optei a-ia, h ed aatpi-esentation in the Sutcliffe 33' -~~ tabe ad gus wre i-- oi-m of a shield wit suitable~ Annaert _________2, aened lt ioel cosaeongrmvIng was made toMi-,! Partner _________23ý cd the tables wee at-1 and Mrs. John James fi-om' Blake ________ 2 tlvey dcortedwit dafo-the boys in appreclation c etvr ____ 9 di'adpsywlos hethi efforts on behaîf of the~ Bruce ------------------------ 15 weealsple oreyc em Gaines over 220 Flowes byJa kmn. l tho The team laft later te skate! Westovei- 26, ,Partner 28 centrecf eac long able t Bowmanvilîe Arenu., the ý241, Sutclîffe 254', Hwath REGULAR PRICE GElTHNE REGULAR NEXT1 FR ONY leooPRICE GEI the NEXI1 THIS$ î5 A "FIRST IErFE Any ea- o EXTEROR,01 LATEX QUART -278 OR,88 FOR 2 GALJONS .88 OR9.88 FOR 2 Beauti Tne l fo mulated espenîaýlly ilmates * ake.advantage of flua treniendous ~it avïng -Remember offeai-expires Aprîl 30 SDra iPn and e fhe fiendly "Red Cote" todmyl 1iN9T ERIOR kLAT EX GALLON'S - 7.98 - OR 8.98 FOR 2 QUARTS-2' 58-0R308FOR 2 GALLONS978 OR 10.78 FOR 2 QUARTS e-78 -OR 328 FOR 2 ffrExpires April3î[~7 Your - 57 Stores BESURE TO(0VISIT TH at ithe O-SHAWVA HOME SHOW -A PRIL 23ýrd, 24th1 51 OSIIWA CIVCAUIORU LANDER F1A RD WARE & ELEC TRUC LTD -cGREGOR HARDWARE LTD, E H'SARDWARE 6&1 GUFT CEN TR E Cou rtice S. S. Students in Snooker Trophy Wihners of a snooker competition w,,hich hias beený Four teamns comnpeted in the event which Mr. Richard- runningfo the past 13 weeks at Royal Billiards in son hopes, mnay becorne a regular snooker or billiardi Bowmnanvi;, i the team, above, who pose with Royal league. The Royal owner donated the trophies to the owner Waye Rclurdson, centre. The boys, ail stu- boys. The competition was a close one - on]ynn dents at ý;Cour. te Secon,.dary, are 'fromn the left, John points separated the winners from the second place Langley, ' -Le Eridge, Dave Coty and_ Eric Peggie. team. 237, Vanessa 2426, Annaert 224, Gibson 224, Bruce 223, Rich- ards 222, Gould 220.ila d L a e F n l Special mention, Irene bom-l-, ed 208, 206, 208. That le what 1 I caîl steady bowling. Nice The Royal Bîlliards league - onors and cograulatLions, achievements w i th Randy' going. final was held Thursday night' are in order for the second Rogers runnîng 86 consecu-. at Royal Bliliards betwern place tram who ne-ýer gave tive points only four short of[ the trams of Len Eldrîdgr. up untîl -the last point was the room record of 90 points EriePegie, aveCot andscoed.set byBill Laskaris in No-ý John Langi y versus AI My- This was a day for notle ember, 1970. ir tsWoodcock and Ernie Manzo. 4 j Coombes 27169 3 h emacnuaigthe Kirkton 26025 ihghest point total over a 32- Rober-ts 650 game match to be the winner' Bna Girls Teani Standin Etcher 25q62 2M and take horne the trophies. T. Gray 4, H. Gray 1, 11o1 raer45 Bradley -- 257931 21, Conitrai-y to the relaxed royd 5, Edmondson 0; Luxtoni Bain 41È McDonald - 24941 21, atmosphere during the regu- 5, Aide 0; Gibson 5, Farrand 0. Woolley 40 Gîbon2579 10lar league schedule, the final! Team Standing ---rm ---------- - .- 2 Miller 253 18 was played in a terse, quiet'Lxo ------------- 4 ihSnl -.Bi 0, Lawton 24114 17 manner as every player con- Luxon . L--- H thSinge182.Ban20 Bate ---- - 25000 îS centrated on each shot, fully Aide - 46 LiLoam 8 Hg n1e- Fý Bradley 268 awai-e that a nmlstake cou1d HGibyd 4 High Double - H. Bain 332, Hih inleGison .È40L. Lootsma 293, Higi- Double - F. Bradley 524 cost bis term the champion- Frmd. 4Jno il Games Over 200 shîp.arad31 JM GhJ F Badey26, 56 ot AI t ee dof18ga- sEdmondson 3 ____ 2 D. Piper 5, K. Piper 2; Mutton 201, 207, B. Kennedy the Iml way point of the T. Gray - ----------291Cwe7fredrlks0;Cate 257, W.Combes 243, C. Koss final, Len Eldridge's teami led H ry------. 2~sPret2 239, M. Gibson 224, R. Shack- AI Mye-s' team by _ý a 108 111gb Single - C. Farrandý Team standing elton 217, B. Fo'-rsey 216, P. port margin. Reaii'ng that 186, V, Farrand 153. Carter---- - Cornish, 09, F Steadmiar 208, this point mai-gin must 3ýbre Hîgh Double - C. Farrand D.Piper 68 Bý MmcDonald 26,- Falla jovercoma, AI Myers md earù 292, X. Aide 286 K, ie ________ 203 E Dmso 20. atteddown in the second Bantam oysCol ________ 1 Averges ver 80 hif, Going into the fnlPret4 C. Roberts __ 23 0 roun-d thaîr effort gave the-M ,;Wooley 5, Ki-amerý 0, B n'rdik--------21l F. Bradley ____28a lmlr o orpins 5 areli 0. ihSnl .Bok 3, W. Coombes 213 Len Eldridge, Erie Peggle, E. Etcber 22 John Langley and Dave Coty B. Forsey_______ 200 won the last round by 1 A, Wilson ____ 19)2 points ad the Irague carn-, V. Millar _____ 1 ponshîp by the slîmmest of M. Kîrkton __3__ 88 margins - 8 points. The cham- BStephen _____ 8 pionship was decided by ar, H u Shehan 1 84 îcrdible 1/4 point per game: ýM. Gibson -_____184 ovar theo2 game final mat% hI Dot Mutton 13 Congra tulations to the win- F. Luxton -11n team for takingth Tyke Basebail pactîce will be held Thur -d t5 00 p.m. on the narta diamnonci'at Memorialt Falk., j& FIGURE SKATING CARNI VAL Th-e Bowmanvîlo Dapartment of Recreation Figure Skat- ing Club will hold their Annual Skating Carnival on Friday Ievenîng at 8:00 p.m, and Saturday afternoon, two o'clock in the Memorial Ai-ena, Headlîning this year's Caî nival will ho, Gînnie Greico adJohn Rait, Canadîmu Novice Dance Pair Champions of C11anada, alocg wîth Angola Watson, a peppy 11-year-old skat- or fi-arn the Unionvîlle Figure Skating Club, who la the Cent- rai Ortario Junior Ladies Champion, The Carinival theme fa- 1971, will ho the "CreuËs', with members of theo pre-schoo-lrs, Juniors, Intermediates and Seniors c f -the Bowmarvlle F igu-re Skating Club di essed i- vurious costumes. The Club Prof essionals, -. Kari Benzîng, Miss Mar Jane Oke and Miss Cheryl Stuil have been very buay these dmys preparîrg thr.ir your g skate-s for the up-camîing Carni- val. The Junior Couches, Miss Barba-m Cook, Miss Lindu Reid, Miss Jane Noble, have also beau busy ussîsting the club pros, loug wîth pra.ctisirng i-heur owu routines,. So don'tf- ge "Cai-nival 71", Bowmuuvîllo Memorial Ai-ena, Aprîl 23rdsuA2th. -Tckets mayi o?) ui-cl1m.sed at the Depmrtment cf Recrea_ tion office ir the Tomwný Hall from 8:30 ta 5.-00 p.m. until Friday and ut theMemorial Ai-ena an Thursday fi-rn 6:00 pni, ta 9:00 p.m. Tickets are adults $1,00 and chîldrou under 14 yoars 50 cents and ail seats ai-e reserved, GOLF COORDINATOR Dave Zînk, 28, urtîl. last year head pi-ofessional and man- ag.er ut Bowmanvîlle Country Club, bas beau appoiuted Tour Coordinator for the Peter Jackson Cunadian Golf Tour, 1 DavE, who .,,Illbe di-ectly responsible for -. the many dotaîls înovdin the ai ganization cf the Peter Jacksoip-n Tour, wîll work throu gh the office of the Canadian Pfe.,ýssional Golfers' Association and wîll hoil close liaison with the vari- ous golf bodies conductîng thbe aeven ovents acrosa Canada. In announcîng Mi- Zîuks appointmeut, William T. Hamil- t-on, Executîve Dîrector cf i-be Canadîmu PGA, sid:- "Basically, the responsibîity cf the diractor and coordinutor of the Peter Jackson Tour wîll ho ta strive for as mach unîformîty as possible lu te conuci cf i-ho avants that make up thae'leur.', "In e -ctag hemae, we soughtsomeone wîtb a goadi background know-fladge of the game as a professional, wîth' public relations qualificaions and gaod executive potential Dave Zink meetsalal these requirements," "Iu addition, Dave wîll mt us an assistant to Mr. Hamilton ini orbe' Canudian PGA maltera as bis tîme parmits, Duve, was born in Nova Scotia, where hîs mothor, Mrs, Mai-y Lucas Zînk, was a proficient and well knowu golfor. The famîly lîved in Halifax and Amherst, until'moving ta Ontario 17 yeurs ugo, "I bocame intorestod in golf tbraugh my niather,' Lave aya, She ecuao me ta play ilion 1 was about savon anýd 1 cauied n played tor the next f ew years at -Amherst "Alhoub Ihav plyedtournament golf as a prafes- sioal hae awuy hed mi-eintnroat ln the business mcd C-'grru~tîo~ ïo~i-i dfir io ave Zînk, and the Make a mave that couid make you a winner twa way -'. For a start, drive thbc '7ý1 Impala and sec how the changes we mnade gave you more of what yau want ini a car. Always a smooth ride, Impala is evenbetter thîs year. Thanks toits longer 121,5 ". wheelbase, improved suspension, wider stance and wider wheels. And a car that moves as well as the Impala also needs ta be able ta stop vcry surely, Sa power front diso brakes are standard equipmeht. C. Cowle 230, L. Conahan 228, Cain _________55 B. Taylor 224, K. Piper 210- Brunt _____ 51 206, D. Piper 203. Holroyd ________45 Ilîgh Trile - K Piper 615, Lyle ---4 Ce Cowle 564. Davey ------3î Junior Boys MVacDonald 29 Mosher 5, Brooks 2; AdamsI Righ Single- W. Mount3oy 5, Lamont 2, Roberts 5, Welsh 311, R. Bouwmieester 287, J, 2. Pearson 274, J. Stephen 272 Team Standing ID. Martyn 261, J. Carter 255"- Roberts -- - 66 277, De Bradley 251. Bros 61 11gh Triple - J. Carter- 722, Moser -------- R. Bouwmeester 720, Je Ste. Adams --------51 phen 710, D. BalýV W Welsh z---40------ey-6--- W0 Lamon--- 40~ Mountjoy 684, DeMrtn 77, Higli Single- G. Coombes De Terry 660. 255, W.Mosher 251, BBranch 234, S. VanDriel 933,B, La- ZION SOCCER- SOFTBALL mont 227-202, M. Chittîck Zion Park Association ad- 220-208, Ký Joli 218, De Gray vises boys and girls up te 200-205, J. Welsh 202, W. Hol-' 20 years of age, that they royd 201. will be registering for soc- Hig.h Triple- W. Mosher cer and got tball on Satur- 640,1 K. Joli 600. day, April 24th froin 10 a.ni, Senior Mixed League to 12 noon at these schoo1s, W h it eh ead 4, Brunt 3; Mfitchell's Corners, North Bouwmneester 5, MacDonald 2; Coirtice and West Courtice. Bradley 7. Davey 0; Terry 7, Cain. 0; Lyle 4, RoI oyd 3. GTCS OA Team StandingGE ABIO Y Bradley ---- -- ----------69 THOItïrH Terryn TTSA Whltehea 69 S-TCAT-,SMFANP Bouwme-ser~ --- 8 cL S1ID - FIHP L AYOF F GA4ME 8: 30 P.mr . CEK l 8:30 p.m. PIay-by-Play - Kari Edm-andaýv Comxnentary - - -l-- larvey Webster-, Co-Sponsored by: BOWMANVILLE KINSMEN CLUB GLEN REDAIRY ffIf Ogl A ILINS EN11 AT THE JOHNHAMRFM 2 MILES NORTH 0FBWMNLE ON THIE OLD SCUGOG ROAD Merchandise l Requized byCnigmn or Donation ARTICLES MS BE IN BY APR.L C27th PLEASE CONTACT ANY KiNSMEIN MEMBER or HARVEY WEBSTER - 623-2612 JOH-N HARMER 6354 There's also a dual master cylinder, warning light and corrosion- resîlstant brake lunes., We made 15 nieaningful impravements ta the '71 Impala. Mast of thcm, jist for you. But anc of thcm is for evcry- one's benefit, A new contrai system hclps eut down fuel evaporatian inta the atmaspherc. And ta 'w further fight air C pollution, ail 1971 Chevrolet engines have been designcd 2 ta opcrate-efflcicntly. and with loWer cxhaust emissions, ra.n 1aw- lead, no-lead oirtregular fuels. Insade and aubtside, Impala has thre look of leadership. Gaves you a vecry goad feeling whcn you'rc bchind tIrev.heel. Whe'ýAt abut the $30,OOO) Sweepstakes? Look for this Mioncymniles Sw!eepstakes sign at participating Chevy dealers. You could win up ta $30,000. Thre dealer Iras ail tIre --- detafil .I-urry on dowsi1 uùe al wi-M Tçlýr77ll CI

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