Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Apr 1971, p. 5

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Drh Club Honors Clarke Twp. Ce lebrate Auxiliary's 59 th Birthd ay Itended a ceremony at MeMas- f ter University onStc dy jApril 3rd nwhen their dtaugh-i ter, Miss Roberta Craig, rec- The fnlmtii-,o legraphed onto 35mm islides. thanked ail the participants of lier nursing science course.1 Tuham final meeting fo h hywr al iw (ffrtefn rgam n Congratulations to Mrs. Keni, Duha nutyCubfo heThywee alaviw o oiathe f in cro ram e adFletcher and Mrs. Doug Rey- 1970-71 season was l-ýheld on 1 socaou n chreof nlso hi xeln x Fi iay.Marc 26h attheNewtonvile village, fam'lie' Miss Edra Best and Group 5 iso hi xeln xi Education Cerec, Toronto. included among the families was enjoyed by ail. ~bt tteAtSo edmc The Presîdent Misýs A. Aked were Hughe,Jo sadeh- Iwsavryftigcn", ..f ently, at the Bowmanvillec welromed get and meni- icks, early bouse s in the vil- clusion of the 1970-71 Seasoni Library. ber wîb aspeialwe]omelage, the barbour, schools and to have about 50 guests from Os.anad Mrs, MBuehak- back to Mrs WV. T. Wllard churches. Later pictures tak- Clarke for the meeting and we Osaa . -ablSacl- wbo has been unable to at- en by Mr. C. M. Joncs werc hope to see a gond atternnceI on and Billy Shackleton, were tend r for n,,er acyPar. The bus of the Kendal Centenai 1970 at the October meeting whnFriday supper guests of Mr. tnip was a7 ï-nnnce.to be heid and P, few of Japan and Holng we propose to have a Darling. and Mrs. K. Shackleton. on on 2t.The trip in- fKing. Mr. 0. J. Hendesoi ton night. _________Mn. Jîm Geddes, "Maplei eld-liistf0te Nuclean Grove; Mrs. Mkabel Shackleton Plat a Pikerng nd in-werc Sunday guests of Mvr. andl ner i n the eeîgai Haydon Ký'EMrs. Gerald Shackleton, Mr.i School. Alli eqie-te for thisi ad Mrs. Glen Blackburn andý trip should be aiddressed to1 Tyrone Unitcd Cburch oni West Hill., Mr. and Mms. Mer- Gordon, Kemptville, were' Mrs. R. Stonehus111i Had- Sunday miornîng looked veryi ton Mavin and boys, Oshawa, Saturday callers. dlington Ave., Toroto or tele. nice with Easter lilies, potted, were Easter Sunday,-gucsts ofý Mr. and Mrs. Farewell plione 782-6806. The siate of ferns, and two lovely ar- Mrs. Edna Wood and John. Bakun r n r.Ge offîcers for th-,-107I-1972 Sea- rangements of fiowcrs in loy- Mr. Jack Trimni, Windsor,Bicbr, r.adMsDo son Was presentedr- by Mr. R. ing mcmnory of the late Mr5 was Sunday supper guest Of, Welsb and Tracey, Mr. and C, Stonehouse a ind adopted Addie Miller. The Easter Mr. and Mms. W. Park. Mrs. Ron Welsh and Pa1îtie,- as nead. message by Rev. R.C. Hop- Mr and Mrs. Jerry Abbott Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Savery Mrs. 0.B. ikno, con- kins was "Two Sides to Eas adejdeBuktn ii were Saturday evenîng vîsit- venor for the Mrchprogmami ter", an Easter anthem by cd Mr. and Mrs. Leslie GobieorwtbM.ad rsLay and nesponsible 1rfort the Clarke- our ladies' choir, wîtb Mrs G.an Welsh, Bowmaniville, to cele- niglit took hag of the pro- Brent, organlst. Next Sunday cîdebae M. n r.Lsi gramme. In ber opening ne- the Communion of, the Lord 's Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Stain- Welsh's wedding anniversary. mark, Mrs. Dîcklinson said Supper will be celebraled. ton, Oshawa, visited is par- Mrs. H. Parsons, Bowman- that s7h va ue Durham Saturday, April l7tb, thpre ents, Mr. and Mrs. Don Stain- ville, bas "been spending the ton. - 11 1c etae4 îlb pprdieskndlast two weeks wîth lher in Car wcas snd 1- rje iera wi be a pap rve so kind F ad Mms. Enie Miîhench Th(- Bowmanville Memorial Hospital Ladies Auxiliary celebrated their 59th daugbter and family, Mr. and point read -. verse, from oneC Contact A. Knowlton. land girls. Newca.stle, visîted annîvcrsary on Aprîl 2tnd with an afternoon tea held in the Bowmanville Lions Mns. Matthew Marchant. of r.Jams . ughs' ConieFegusn eleîaedMr. and Mrs, Jack Gibbs, Centre, About 90 members and guests showed up includfing those in the picture Mn. and Mns. Jim Collacott poems on the ,Durham Old bier 12th birthday Apnî l tîî. . H. VanDonp and fam-i (lef t to rgt Chairman of the Hooprda Tomi own Ladies AxlayRhued m r.aod MOshw, wBob Boys. Miss Vicki Harris, ac- Guests at the Ferguson homneiy spent' the long Raster rsdn Mrs, Stuart JmeDirector ofNusn Mrs, William f viitnsndJonOsaw, wemev ior companîed on the piano by were Mr. Gordon Adamis, Mrn weekcnd with lier sister, Mr. pSsdn aeNusn onsn over the weekendJ Mrs,, Nich-olss the solnistan Ms.Bh hîlp, ad n. aiMno ad of the chairman, Mrs. Tom Cowan, and Hospital Administrator Richard E. Elston. witb t hein parenits, Mn. andý 8rnd dlighted the- audience ot o-famuîy, Owen Sound.ao fi mtoe toDrMsBbClcot wîtMithrVerselertionsronhis Mr. and Mn . Joe Snowden G a at ham for the holiday. SAJLEM1 littie irl is, in Grade 6 in Mis VraCar, omoto school ançi sang w.,îth such holidayed last week at the and family, Solina, were Sun-! r and Mrs, Rani Wright Ouri, CW unit wihl mect at ýo n R q e t composur n d excellentj voice home of Mn. and Mns. EA. day dinner guests'of Mr. and o eebruhwr udytecuc nTusa pî o v e e t that wc are sur sre ill bc Vîrtue.Ms.TPeanc an chd- dinnen guests of Mr. and Mrs. J.5. Mrs. Angus Blair,Bo P "star i br field i the Mn. and Mrs, Heny Bec- rn Lloyd Fallis. Afterwands they manville, will show pict.u,ýe nf 6 9 G r n futu re. Shýe uiswell worth kctt, Stratfoncl, spent the Sunday visitors of Mn. andl attended cbunch at Ballyduff.îbhe Passion Play at Obemam-$8 6 9 Gr n henn.weekend wîtb bis s Mtr.nfMs A .Ha wr nnd' ~ Amnong others attending wcre mengau, Genmany. The Town of Bowmanvillc Miss ked nouced Miss and Mn. Lloyd Alldread. MsTo it, Mrsisua1M. and Mrs. Clifford Gilbank iMn, and Mrs. G n Black-iwiil request a grant of $8.629 Katbnn Koxwîer Of the Mn. and Mrs. Nonm Allun aI Mr. and Mrs. Johenn of Peterborough land Mn, ani!buril, Kemptvil; Mr. Bnian 'from the provincial govcrn- ni[,i , Durhami and Ms eaCfracm amriy1 , Mn. an Mrs. John Mrs. Melville Lethangue of'Blackburn. Guelph, were ment to belp provîde work for higestpoits n te Mss eraCan aconi Hamer Bomanill, M,.Omemee. weekeod visitons wîth Mn. aod seven of the town's unemploy- Counrty-Public Sekn Con- panied Mr. and Mns. E. A. and Mrs. Tom Hoan, Ponty- Mm. and Mns. Geor~ge Van !Mn. Farewell Blackburn. Mn. ed untîl the end of June. test to g ive be addmess. Vîtue and spent Easter Sun- pool. DaM.adMsJae anndMsJon ighnad Acngunthadceoa Kathryn is from theM.- day wîth thein sister and bus- Dm r n r.Jk aladMsJh igonad ciguo h dieo, Hobbs School nd ber supbject band, Mr. and Mrs. H. Won- Mn . Stanley Gobie and Dam and Mn. and Mrs, Mur- famnily, Zion; Mn. and Mrs.licommittee fommed t'o look into was "Etusamý.Sh as nacott, Toronto. Mrs. John Dennis spent the ay Logan motoned to Ram- Bob Blackburn, Solina, andýthe Provincial/Municipal Em-1 preenedwih gtt Mr. on wknd on rbu.tor. ilton on Fridav. Miss Leslyn Chamberlain, of ployment Incentive Progrn the Club And w,,lll ha eh Mn ad rsR.Bwn to Nashville, Tennessee. ., A local male resident had Tnnowreas nda u-wic h icnmn n una ConyCu Siedand family were Good FridiyTrnoweeas day nounwhce Marcb 4tb, Cunci Dil ciiiriv -i SI uppr gusts fMn. and Mrs. .adMs Leslie Goble- the misfortunc one day last per gucats. oedMac 4tCuil in br achool for tb1is yaupe-us fM.aii Mrswcek to be ini collision with Miss Katby Twist, Toronto, decided Monday night to apply ms.Dieînsn ntrducd mnod Wllims Netieonspethe wMss keryndu.wibbr - another vehicle at One Of was a weekend, viîiton with for the town's minimum en- pai- sistoraMiss MaryaLou Monîsospar- Pontypool's main intersec-111.îi.and Mns. E. Twist. Mn. and titlement to the prograi,ý ClneTownship and Mi'jU ents, Mn. and Mrs, George Widor ions. Thene was a certain Mrs, Ray Twist, Oshawa, wene wbicb la a dollar a head basedi Stone noducl-d bis co(uncil Bowers.MnadMs.CeiRm young lady walking from thelIFriday supper gueats. on the 1970 census figures., wliO ýepirpiesent and spoke Mrs. Bon King, Oshawa, and family, Ajax, wene Good -' opposite direction at the time., Mn. and Mrs. Sam Buttery, The committec also recomn- bri-rfly aboutd the Township. was Sunday dinner gueat of;Fniday visitons of bis parents. Could bie that tbis Young lady Miss Marion Buttery, Oshawa, mended that further funds Up One ntrstn fact Mni. Stone ber mothen, Mrs. Leverneý Margie Goble spent the, dnew the driven'sateio r Snyafroncl-tamxmu of$080b brh t o was that whcn Traydlor, nThn webekGedwiBian and Bob-ithe wnong way! (If you neallY ers with Mn. and Mrs. Ken rcquested if available to pro- ticUn~ed ouniestoo ovr M. ad Ms. en homettbicGobc, lacstok. ~want to know the party in- Buttcny, Peterborough, vide work for two additional the fae Depa)-ýrcnt on and Sha r on, Halibunton, Mn. and Mns. H. Hardy,ý volved, check Accident RoVnd- Mn. and Mns. Bruce Lchman men. Thc rccruitmcnt wouldi theý i st nofMarh, C"lanke Richard Bruce, Onono, Mr. Bowmanville, Mn, R us se Il Up Itsbould be listed). and family, Ashburn, wemc be 60 per cent fnom. welfamc Toxvnsýhip dîid nIlot hav one and Mns. George Gibbs and Handy, Toronto, visited Good' ' At tume of writing, JacklSatuiday suppen guesta of Mn. recipients and 40 per cent fmom welfre case to had ver, A family were Eastcr weekend Friday wîth Mm. and Mns. - Payne la still a patient in and Mi-S. W. C. aig'. men on unempînyment Isr gond record, visitons of thein parents, Mn. George Alldnead. f~~as oga oa b tlne D.OB.Die kinsjon îptro- and Mrs. R. Gibbs. PMn. and Mns. Georgeal.,AIl-,nri_____Mr- ____R__l___P_______________ du1,,ccd Mn. C. M. Joncs of Mr, and Mrs, Car] Down,ldrcad wcnc Sunday supnieri Miss Marie Beckett suffcning from piebitis. Mr .l Nlcwtlonville whose 'father, G. Ebenerzer, wcre last week! guesta of Mms., Herb. Mumrray. agtron n n Ray Brown wasý a patient in[ W.Joc, astc angr f upe gctsofM. ndMs. Oono.Fid Bckt, .nsile Bowmgnville Memoial Hos- lieClnk-Hoe lehon ue . Gbb, n ad ns Wcîe Hisgnaduated Marcb 25tb fro pital but Is iiow home again. unil199 ndwa tensu- Mr. . ayor Dan adand famlly werc Rasten Sun- Scarborough Genoral Hospital ceeded bybis son M, C. M. Danny, Mr. and Mns. Gernyl day dînner guest-s of Mn. and!Scboh fNrinwniga MJons i teoae fapctyeConiays and ushanofMr,, Mns. David Craig and family.iaward fon second higbcst ag- BT ilR Mnl Jocahwdaie ftcSnday supponR gests oan Mm MrssIsabella Murphy, Wil-fgregate. Miss Beckett, wlîo bas aýreýnI a arondii New ti e n r n Real .and sons, lowdaiePortPer century between 185and( 1900. M. and Mis. F. U Byam wîth Mrs. Edith Murphy. On Hospital, la a graduate of WILA UTt Mn. onc father iad been anil wene Easter Sunday rale-rs unayteywc guests of CourtîceSccondary School. fWlimHnen 5Ve Mn adMr.Ro cfagh-1toria Ave., Bievne tdl aaesphotographr aýthte of Mn. and Mrs. George WilIisBeMrevinde General Hospitaà if ,&f and tic pietures Cannington. lin, Blackstock. fN VPll TuIeday, Marcb 130, 197p1, r'flow 'ladhern M. anr Miý% . Triet, A famuly binthday, partyý O T P L ~bon bd ben e poto Mn an Mr. H Trvetj w hld at "Tic Acres" Sat- Good Fri.y ire in f MnHuypin, bo was in hi. urday nighit in honnir of Mr, p 85 l.te, iurhwi. csi-t he ond ofn r. nd C. W. Woodiey's bintbday, PoyooUntdCucwafctlastè0 fM.ad i M .ad Ma.R. Hog-well attended mvltb approxi-! Mrs Wilianm'Hunter. Mr ad Ms. R DýHo n-Imately 50 Young peopiei He is survived by hJ ýwife ikinson .pent tr ckn arcbing fnom Betiany tiiJa -une n i ilrn wtii te-ir dlaugiter. Mn. 8sndl Pont pool. Betbany and Pntf Mns. Richard (Nancy) Cls on Mra, J. Woodley and family.1 tyDool choira were in attend- of Princeton, N.J., and Robert .,.. ..r. Mn. and Mrs. Doug Stain-i ance, and tic following H.i-Ci of Rîingaton. ...................~. --Vf ton and Candi, Oshawa, Mr,! membens took part In tic ser-f I - srvvigare s sEns, - - and Mn, Rîck Gay, Tomonto,f vice: Dale Hylandf, Dean Fisk, - ri. Percy(Ruza) Hansom o WÎtb t hein parents, Mr. and D e b b i e ihmdoî Ann Toronto,l Mrs, R. J. (Sarah) PrehlyBa£ë "o oU Order11- 6Mil-Ues Mra. 1Henry Stainton. White, L a r ry Wcatberilt, Carr of Belleville, and- a bro- Ferl ae o orOce Ii6Mnts Friiay nigt there wcme 1S Phlip Beer and Danny Mur- ten Joseph, alan of Belleville, Peprni, Musinoromas Anciovies, Salami, Bacon, tables playing Fuchre, many, phy. as well as five grandcildren, ,9-,- Onons, RedSwe Peppers, Green Sweet Peppers, winning prises, wilcb areia ERgit pupils from Grand- Mr. Hunter had resided In ALS PIINGHOTP17A O TKE UT folow rs.AntunRicb- view School penformed CreR- Belleville since 1910 and mc- Delvecd10Your Door - 75e Extra ard, Mrs. Margaret Watontive drama Tbursday nigit tired alter 49 yeans of service wibntowni limnita) Mm, Vivian Carl, Mrs.lVaryi for tic Nortbumberland-Dun- with thc CN as an engineen. Harrison, Mr, RanI i-rcscotj mm Scioni Board lu: tic In tic community, lie was EJYTFIE MUSIC 0F Mra, Myrtie Marins. 50-50 High Scinýol in Cobourg. active in Bridge Street Unit- dna wa wn b Ms Mx-Those laking part fnom Pon- cd Ciunch and was a life N me Brock. Carrying prizes typool were Leslie Bramble, member of four Masonic Doug 'LtJxton - AI Braggwn oMa nhrRcad Diane Pirkering, Paul Rich- îodges in tic Belleville arca, WED, HUR. -12 FRI. 9 -1 am and Mr. John Boom lcky adoBbCamî n Funeiral service was heîd in chair, Miss KaY McCijaig. Grant Curtis. tic chapel nf tic Pînkston Tic SundaySbolci- Mrs. Davc 1ri-,ston epent and Lu, combe Funemal Homne, renarep ctislng fr th'ln tic Raster vacaion lanNew Bellevîlie, Tiursday, ApnIl 1 Aniniv7nsary Sevc wîe onCiy at 7 p.lmî. Mr.anvMiceMrti Dhcm Sevic wa onu t'b uvihi be held Sunday, May 16, Dm.eH.iM. as cnd nter-b it 2:10 p.m.Sec ComingD H.M.Dvs.nitr 1<1 V If ' vents5 later. mntwas Ia lie Belleville MOTOR ININ n d M -CciiRa sf emtei' litd sat wcek With Mr. and Mms. W. Rahmi Easter undayOBITUARY LserySt i. t lwl40eow 623 RserSndygucats of.-h Phone 623-337~ Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Smth iS ER EL werc Mr. and Mms. Lewis S.E L AS Sm tb ,Mr. and Ms. onld Elva Pearl Neals of Ponty- Our Carpet Centre lias a wide variety of saniples andcolors available for your inspection. Sec Our Une of FREE ntalto on any Barrymors SCarpet ordered before Apri l 7th. WEEKEND SPECIAL- Thurs., Fri., Sat. IDEAL FOR PATIO DECKS OZITE INDOOR-OUTDOOR C.,ARPET Duraval - choice of colors WFEKND PICEas low as 2.99 sq. yd. Rubber backee as iow as s3.99 sq. yd. Professional applicators available on request. We accept CHIARGEX Accounts McGregorAý,.7 95 KING ST. W. BOWMAN VILLE PHONE 623-2542 CaactyCrowd Honors St. pat ai Legion Dance St. Patriicrk's Day was cele- brated in truc Irish fa-sisoon aL tic Legion Hall on Satur- dcvY March 201h wien a esa pacity cnowd turned ouI bo be grected by the many sym- bols icld dear by only tic truc weancrs of tic green, Tihe Royal, Ambassadors under thc direction of Ray Walkcm fitted theniscives com- pletcly into lhc gay mood of thc e-vening plcasîng tic num- emous dancers with many old and new favounite selections, Once again gucsts wcmc present from Hamilton, Toron- to,, Oshawa and surrounding communities. Tic Luck rpftiheTIish came tirougi Ion tic winners of the following prizes: Door prizes-1 Mr, and Mms. Mart- in, ice bucket; 2 Mr. and Mms. Ku'knke, $5,00; 3 Mn. and Mrs, Shackleton, $5.00; 4-Mm. and Mrs. Clowes, $5.00; 5-Mn. and Mrs,- Ives, ice buckel. Spot dances-i Mn. and Mns. Hulme, ýpie Plates, glasses; 2 Mm. and Mms. Martindale, glasses, shani- ppoo and setý donated bv, Bob- c 't r,13 n.:ad Mmm. Taylor, !pie plates, glasses. Sarah Fallas, and bad been a resident of Manvens for ber entire lIfe, As a child, sic bad att'en d ed Galloway's TO KEEP YOU School. ýTbclt rs el waa a devoted memben of the IN STEP United Churci, and in ber youtb had been organist and Naturalizer styles a an active choir member of hîgh-on-the-foot Bethany United Churi. Sumvivlng are two sons, walking shoe of Preston of Lindsay and Ber- sot leather. Lets nard of Pontypool, also five grandehildresi, Douglas anid you step comfortably Linda of Lindsay, and Kim- féshlnablyberlcy, Kelly and Karen of fashonalyPontyponi. Sic la alan sur- alwas. fvived by four isters and trebrothens, Alberta (Mna. f rb Neals) .and Harry, boti of Betiany, Myntie (Mns. Pen- The Flatteýr ry Neals) and Bernard, both ofn Peterborough, Olive (Mrs. David McLean) of Black- stock, Mary (Mrs. Ca ni Parkes) of London, and Pery, of Lindsay. - Tic funerai was beld on Tuesday, April 6ti, at 2 p.m. fnom tic Mackcy Funenal Home, Lindsay, witb inter- ~ 1.95ment ýat St. Mary's. Cemetery, iAfford. Rev. David Northey fofficiated. Palîbearera werc George LLOYD EL,,LI eas Cecil Ne:ls, ap SHOES !DoalesCathcart a n vid e RING ST. W"EST Among tic many beaultiful! floral -tnibutes wcrc Ihose of i Pontypool United Chunci,ý BOWM N VILE ontypool Ciamber of Com-, W mence, and Walkwood 'Ltd., 4M Lindsay. 1TleCanâdian Statesman, towmanville, Apr. 14, 1971 L i of Life and Breat-h' ln te EdtorsMailbecoming increasing. known as families h( April 1, 1971 know first hand oc Dear Mr. Editor: diseases ail of whi May we, through the helped by our ca medium of your newspaper, Support of the camI say thank you to ail your a helplng hand to tih readers for their support of of feliow Canadians. the Christmas Seal Cam- Sincere thanks to paign. your generosity in tl The citizens of our Unit- lîcizing of the ca ed Courities gave very gen- and the co-operatic erously with the resuit that lheipful assistance. It we had a small increase through the helpc over iast year's contribu- newspaper that weé tions, This is most gratify- to keep the messa, ing. information of the The prevention and re- eases and mn mioe seareil of respiratory dis- work and service cases including tuberculosis, commounity. emphysema, asthma, chron- Yours sincerely, ic bronchitis and pllution Thonmas W. Hav effects have become of P'.V.M., Chairmi greater scope and more, Ch-rîstmas Ses] costly. Remember, bronchi- paign, Northum tis and emphysema are the ln-uhm' 7fastest growing causes, of lan-uha. -death' and disability in Can- - _________ ada. Hospital treatment 'for such cases today costs the GET CASH TOI Canadian people 45 million THËOVGH dollars annually. STATESNIA Our campaign, "A Matter C LA S S IF I E BWHAT ISA MISOeCAPNISTS __You probably know a great nîany peopl e wh giy well .earan of the,,e iich are impaigoý, Ipaign 15 housandsý you fdr the puib- smpaigin Ïon andc tis ly 01 your are aýble age and ese dis- ini theý in the,- ike, nan iCRI"- iber- TB-RD )AY Ns .- ... ...- CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY BOWMANVILLE CANCER BLITZ April l9th to A.pril I6th OB3JECTIVE - $7,200.OO IN RURAL AREAS DURING MONTH 0F APRIL Give Generonsly when canvasseqts r send donto e n Ithe Bowrmknaille Bnk e r MR, DAVfl) STOLIKER, Camipaiga Chairnan - o-r iMIL JANOEMA oCarn 92 Queen 'St., Bwmnvl hono6228

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