Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Mar 1971, p. 2

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2 The Canadian Statesmàn, Bowmaaville, Mai,. 24, 1971 Flue- C ured 1Tobacco V ariety E valuation Comittee Reports The fu-ue tobacco var, lcty evaluation' committee foi Ontario composed o! rere sentatives o! ail segments n the tobacco industry includý fn g the 'Research Branich CDA, Ontario Flue - Curec Tobacco Gro-wers' Mankiai, Board, domestic and expoýri les!af a an facurngcom, panie, G naerie Farm Pro- ducts aretnBard, Dept Industry, Trade arid Coin mnence, Souls ad Cropý Brani, ODAF and certifie' aedgr0'owcrs b ve are the followiang rc ed tions. The corriritcee nimous rccoaimended t'lat. oniy tie liceased ,anietîes, namely DcIbi 34, Virginia 1i5, Rický Broadicaf, Yellow Goid, Dcl- crest 66. Bell 15 and WhItcý Gold shouild bc paintcd fiii 1971, The repr.eentatives oii the buyinig, menu! actuiIg and eiçpor-mt comrpanies stater- that thcy are. satisfîed witli the quaity proclu,-ced by thes-- Note il Imacle iaI t chex -port -mark<et prefe-rs leaf proý ducccl from the vaiety Deihj 34 over thec otienrits Corisequeritly thc v ari et y siraluation cmiterecom- mendsaiItiere shouid nol be ariy inicrease in production of other va-rielies, Delihi 341 acreage in' 1970 aceoatled foi shows CFROM pI5GS EOMF) newbnn -,avecH t ospta on the average 0.6 das lng- or There.uwere 8972ralet b Ib te enrgenî-cy creter, up C',% ver 1969 d upaý wboppng 8.9% ver168 TIwo huAndrec ddfotsi ,imar before, rpresentinga ancreasie of 35 31 le 1630, X2Ray exýaina-î tilins rose froin 9162 te 9810o, arffl 'ie >laboratoDry unts ni berecl 710,43, Upfrein m591492 Maais aadli-ep laundjry wasi-1 AUI 486>091 pounda lso! ciothing, Thehopalaet$,10l hi 1970 with a revceno! $702,931 È fei'r I edficiI of $9.082. (196 figures1," were Sainnes an;waCa Ffor Vie lime pc nui n taf ecý Uý 1pct lot$1.00oe 969' to $1.2C138 wi_'Uvth thrcee e, euli lime arii 3! more, part' Limr-eIniployeFce. 1'Ios pila Adini iator I~lchar4~1~ton a'l1an1ic fit, lanthe, aircflected( tbm differcnce betwecn th'ýe hospital'ç incone ( Semi aad priTa te ward differentili) nd the ceait of epreacioni), on fixcPd ast (for ic the Ontario Bospital evie Commirns-ion wiil net provide). -inconie -Fropn rcerIVîngi" ts- mae(50%) b! ti ciai - - -h l Te [n )t rcured acreage and this pro- r portion should not be recluc ecl Reprsenttîve o!the traci hreÏterated their strong Pb, Sjection to the production o goff-ty7pe or uinlleensed varie« tLtes such as Strain 2ù5 whict -have undesirable phiysîcal and -chemïcal qualities. Strain 20t tir sa called Burford Special is pale and anaemic ln color, Spoor in texture, lacks grain. 'diess and rates consiýderabiy lower than licensed vanjitie, -o in testS Coriucted Pat the Re. searcli Station, peihit. Usual- l' ly i-inlicensed varieties bave Sproven tW be undesiîrable ,tu various Characteristics par. iiticlarly in susceptibility ta -weather fleclk and black roct lrot, Most are notably late ln iflowering and several are low in quAality q-dricii physical characterîst,îcs.'J'le .produe' tion of such varieties Ireflect" s dversely on) the general ac- z-cpability of Ontarloi flue, cure,,' tbacce), Growers are c2auti ioned against the bazards of ex- ipenîmrentiag with unm1icenseýrm svarleties without, knowledge yof their characterîstics whun igrown in Ontario. Extensive ) testing is condccd by the n research Station, Delhi and 4those thait are fouind W be isuperior under Ontari o con- itosare licensed. pnivate w a r d differential arnounted t o $72,971. The deficit in 1970 was down signifirantly 1f r o)im 1P61l's figure of $16,793. The net coýt per patienii day roce fron-i$32.73 in 196l to $317,57 in 1970i. Mvr. Elston ntdthat tir, a vcragP per dlemii rate among> hospitais of like sîze In the roviece la 1Q,69 was £S39,25.' (The averagPes for 1970 are 4not; availabIe at preset.f) The 1970 risc wias due to a !u)br f faCcorîs, Mn Elston sujggest"ed, Such1. as salary and wage lcessduirig the year, ami nising Costs of mcdi- cal, surgica1 atidd.ruigltup- plies. The major, factor, 1h1ow- emeh. oi aiel. was the incrCas- Pdl u)tilisatiîon o! the lospital.ý He quoted 'the statiSt'cs -a ow- i,19 the increasedl numler of emnergency visits, opierations, and bed-adm1ssions and said "ýthese faCtors bav!,e def.a itel got to aýffect co);s". The renoivatien progran, wvhÎrh ý1arterf last fa,", i5 cx- ctc tebe comepleted thls 1V~.1<wdl i laolve rmajor changeste theEmergency De- be expanded and ,improved.i The PLrog-crm miii prQdtceý suibsiiary benefits tý) oFmdîill sta'ff, nusigand admn-istra- tidepartmýents as wel. other projects wbich wr îrltiatied durrig the year were age outerprogr, thr M' Aieynt TV sysýtea, and aie patint ic t acen oullng GET CASH TODPAYý FOR LP APFJ.IANcrE8 TUROVU t STA T E SMA N CLASSIFIE D11 rhouxe 623-3,30C JOIN us FOR. SUPPER DANCING Satrdy>March 27th CAPTAIN'S LOUNGE Also " NI KO, THE ORPHAN ELEPHANT" HELD OVER £ * Cent. caily froni 2 p.ni. Lasi4cOlplete show 8:30 Complete, Red Cross' wtwas awarcls nighl on March 10hfr 12 ldeWillIy Bruimsmna piciiured above, who had completed the Red Cross Pattenson, Mis. 'Home Nurinig Course' held this wintcn in Eowman- Ruby Spie, Mis ville, They are, sealed, from the lef 1, Mrs. Sandra Tay- leacher of the coL ler, Mrs. Mary Williams, Mis. Bevenly Wright, Mrs. Pearce. Marion Wnight; standing frein lefI b nright are, Mis, _____ @V@flO Present, Track ns (PIWFRM PAGE ONF.ý n panct'tic facilities. At Ibm niost 0 700-00 people can crow.d intolý aly sigi races, In Red CJ The company aanïouneced last wmeek ils plans 10 buiid a riewA ,iaress acîn tFa, onMc- presentation o! pins ani -bre aigingoa a tern Pari -1certificates was made by tih ligton, close 10 the 401,, Il basi CanaienBdCesSce lie option on 99 acres of iand 10 tiose wiho have been aÏ liere al a price cf $210.000 . tending Ibm Home Nursini If Ibm Soi! samplea ndiat course cndu.cted by thi 'Il a favorable sile, and if lie'Bowmanviile aýý n d Dlstrie township amenda is by-iaws Brandi, on W'Yednesday, Marc] to allow f'or tie consîruction loti. Mrs. G. Fo)rsey, Brancl of lhe tracl, work on tic pr-,- president, presided aI ti led wo llkely atarIt later meetingan wecmdl Ibis year, plans Cailfor a baî.r)f- members o! Lie class an( mie Àls traýck seatin- 3500 lhi g uests. pDersons, -omrparable un size te As part o! lhe course, Il' tic Garden City track in qt. ladfies submitted es;saya o1 Cathaà iine, community organît i11o n s "Provideci tfhero wcrm no Tireo! tiese were reaid dur. if e ilng lie cvenfing: Mis,. Buti hibes 0 or angatle track V'roIld e oeil orbusiness Girard! wrote o! the work o wo"t uld be op f)enfr s lite Northumberland - Dunbar, Te Juliay.» Mn, Glover said Chiidrcn's Aid Society, Misý Ti omayba parn-SandraTyo' ujcw! IY tricd foribmthepast few aTylrssbimlw ye ara, 10 gmf'thIbm sbawa Feuj.ý 13ador clý ie Cilof OshawaF lÎntcrosted in building a hiar- î ms lrack, buitt b no a eu. ag ie s F "Wc eciedbci ut lie red tape and go ahcadi on our E oýwn," ticrem-arked. t o ing for land in the arma_ for Ibmh past six monthsaend just comr1plelcd ils initial dealinga,4 As; lie Junjor C Bcd Eg on- IbmMc[Kigh1 Rd. proper'ty voîlunîcr spnor ts reportei lest noi-n. iiAccOrdliing tbMi-, vo, blIavyWese ppast Mcmhsers o! lie compen-ry fitbve lakenoff for lie arien il wasve noian olehavr e b 0 1 idays, wit A brlýJ iZtigi lrack close 10 Ibm 401 in orcler 1reeders up-to-date, weoap to p!rovid g-Zoed accesfor tIbm bave la rciey on the Port IHope propullous easte-rn finges of( Guideït for informationr. mnetro Toronto andl aurroundè- Lpst Tbursday, tic Eagles ïng arma. intvadcd Port Hoüpe, te wînd A imter cles;cibinîn s oiupChirhectirseries iwltb the rakwstbd iDa-5-2 in.To mark Ibm event, linglon Townv!stiip'a lasI Coýn- Ibm Guide fcalurmd a picturec rUi Meeing, but detaîls on b site and icveopnent Wc're 0, inchuded. Untîl suci îinormýia- tion is imroiVed, lie Couneil Bo DD G ÏI is uinable te act on fibmpro-, posai. cdRev Cal Down was qel To Osh'awa ,P arlier tIbi s wee* sayn iaI ho will roter lie poo~ ob u te lieheCentrail Onlerlo ý ointwoeIm anii -utusism or work- Planninig Board for 83ac ngwt iîre subud and~M vvi111d w bc letle fea.tuvre artisi fireclonj of lie C,O.J.P.B. a, yesterdey thnt bai w olu- ATTENTION ALL WOMEN usuel. praclice as wben ic fve Mk napiîeta b membr mnirpaiiîeso! of bCanUcer DelrinClnr o Board1 fomedsi yersag, en's Colle eHospital, 76 tihey 3gredliaI ny chanlge Geville St., Toronîto .5, On- 10o edfiî he iu zonung by-laws foali1 a"eaPap est and on their official plans iwold be a ,rorfpjececkupo!f emale refcrred final tùtahieBoard for rges.An -xa.mination !ce study ai aPppraisaL. of $10,00 l oletî u If tichre is approved OHS.,.wili pain 90% of lie Darington's zonjingp by-lae bill upon senidîngli receipl. will. have 10 lic anded. Ail pensons rover -40iare urged1 te hauve ar neîinhinof tie NESTLETON -corge Hoalp was elle b cave Part Penny Hospital on Mn. Tomn Lawvrrce, U ni- elr8ily o1 Waleïnloo, apent icp eken-d withb bis parenits, r. and irMs. Jas. Lewîre, Mn. ad Mi. oug Failil id famlly, Bowmnnivillc, isited Sunday eflennoon wti rr. and Mis. Clarke Wiliiams, id were cveninig dinnien Lisls. Mra. Lonnie Cbeapman andi imnliv Nrth Bav. %re wer noolr Keene Team Th1-e firsf gaijne cof h1r Play- offa betweea uleraKni.ghts and Peterborough takes place WednesC-daY, March 2th at -Keene, Gamellc tirne is 10;00 O'clock. The (oniY game ito le play- ed ini Bowmanv,,ille ill take place on Satunday, Nctiel 27 at 8:30 o'elock. If their'-e is a third ganie it -,iii take place Èa Eeene. a, Mrs. Marjan Sierhuis,- Mrs. Doris 3etty Taylor, Mrs. Ruth Gerardi, Mrs, s. Sanya Reitsma and Miss M. Crowe, urse. Not ini the picture is Mrs. Myrtie for cicanIng Énow voff the 351/2iPictures wcre shovwn b-' Norman Delarue of Y~et miles of 'town owned -roads,,Ms.Agus Blair., hs oigt seki omn $2.010 for sanding or cinder- were o! the Passion Play atj villeton April l4thq Tonir, Iing!, $8,050 for applying sait, Oberammîergau, Germany, in "Wa' n Your Chmt", Tmheý »and $5,875 for asphait pave- the Baai Alps. Mrs. next Generai IJ.C.W. meeing, men pachig. Bli tld ! te aa1 village, is April 20, topic "For Won en. An amount o! $500 bas been o! the plague the people had Only'".- Mrs. A. Blair report-' Iset aside for atone gravel or had in 'L632 and how the Pas- cd on her attendance at thic cin!der dust layinig for three sion Play is puLt on, every 10 Bay o! Quinte Conference in~ miles o! town roads, $1,520 for yeai,-s as a miembrance o! thle Kingston. It was a very In- the uipkeep o! crossw,ýalks, piague, anid of the pre-para- spinationafl meeting with re- $2,520 for stonni sewers and tions nccessary for it. This ports gond speakers, grou 2,l.for cleaning and repair- î u ne ca 0 ie stuidy, and other subjectsA u ing catch basins. with perhaps a dlay in be,-j intercst. Other charges iniclude, $805 tween. Many Bible scenes arc 1MIrs. S. Jameis, Citizen-sipr for trafflc signas, $705 for rail- portrayed. Mra. -K.1 Sumers- and Social Actioni Convener, Iway crossiga, $2,010 for, ford and Mrs. D. Alldnead spoke in regards to the Iettt'r I pin lean-up, and $3.520"forlsang an appropriate number on the report on the Status brrusti and weed cutting and'throughout the pictures and o! Women received lest mnon tI. IControl.i at the end. A final, hymn The report 'had been rcceiv- Toa maintenane on the closcd this Part o! the meet- d. A letter is to lie se t to culverts ias etf-t~edo 100 The business part o! the ntt al the go rnr en orskgTe about meeting ina19in charge o! lst majority o! unîts ,vere in fav- Eninerngand o)verhead Vice-President Mra. 'r. Retider or o! Pennies for Peace, and coste vw1ere calculated at $8,005. assisted by Secretary Mrs. L. banks are to be sent for. Ms S, Tomlinson., Reporta wcre M. Slute rcported on a rcn given hy the Treasurer Miss stewardship meeting la Toron- U ~~M AllUn and Corresponding to and asked "What isinu Trinity uC W Seectary Mrs. F. Jamieson. standard o! givîing." The A letter was rcad from the Misîoneary Prayer wa giventI R e o r CacerSocietyý telling o!_Dr. by Mrs. F. Jamieson. s Certif icates to dttendîng Course ross Home Nursing nd lie Clarke Townsbîp ibrary'and tie Branci E x ecui -V he et Orono, and Mrs. Doris Pl- psntd Miss M a r g~ ty lenson chose as ber topir, the, Crowe, tic voluatter instruc- t- T.O.PS. Club o! Bowma-Yn- ton,,wit 'h tokens o! apprecia- ng ville, thon for bier time and effort ce Miss Donna King, Preidet ncond.ucting Ibhis 13-wek ct o! tic Bcd Cross Youtb CIlub cus for Bcëd Cross., h et Bowmanvîlle Higi Scioni, Mr.i- Leslie Coombes, 1971 èh nssisted by Miss Pal Gibson, Caînpepign Ch-airman, spokýe he presentcd tice wards to Ibm bnicfly regardirg lie ncedl he followîng: Mis. Wiiimlmna for everyone's ielp la mak-! d 3ruinsma, Mrs., Ruth Grri n the Brancti quota ot $3000, fMrs, Doris Patterson, Mis, Ibisyer Brandi Chaîrmnan e Sonya Reutsma, M Rs. ub y present reported on theur nm Spjicer. , M ar Williams, progreins3. Two films were s. Mrs. Marlon 'Wnigliend Miss showni, 'No Red Tape' a vivid rBevenley Wright, ail o! Eow- pontrayal o! lie scope o!, Bcd ih manvîlle, Mrs. Betty Taylor Cress work icre and abroad,l 'f and Miss Sandra Taylor o! and a short film on "Mouti-ý n Orono, and Mrs. Myrtle to-Mouth Resuscitation'. ss Pearce o! Newcastle. The cvening closed witb ne-I as Tic members of!tlie nas i freshments and a social hour.1 fiishS e.;ries iný ceon Thursday#5,2' er Ln Dl sg i )e lowcr liowml;[Ibis appïoîntinenýt naay lie mede wicf,,n youan in for the fina lie. A 1nmin- al fee o! $3.00 larhagedfer Ibis examunation. <PROýM PAGE ONE) acta as chairman o! Ibis miontily drew, moulàd like 10 linnk everyonc wbe' pur- cieses tickets montbly and eniablIes 1Banci 178 ho assist lie commnually birougi do- nations tb lie varnous eppeals nd drives liaI a 4rise, as well as- assîaing la youti spor'ts, Since uisîm s Branri 178 rep70orts flc fe)llowlag lon-ia hïIsafroïniIbi' il ud: SalJv- lion Army Bed Sliicld «Appeel $ 100i , Fund foru bic etandedd (TV Tecb s $25,Legion Cub Peck $150, Behesda School !or Btarded (pur-; ch-aso o! spercial -I quipinent) $4,Orono Glirl Guides re SumrCamip -$150. ai GoeGirl GuIides (omnp eqlpmenl) $19s, B1ronichial Asthme Fouadation $50. Pub- lice Spcaking tro)piies aend expenses $20248, Býant "B" Tcamn donation re Midlend brip (Litîle N.H.L,.) $75, Leg- ion Pipe Band. (supplies) $'583.60, Bcd Cross ,$100, total~ donations $1.874,68.f lu s offly wiiitictheilp o! memnbeus and otiers selling tickets monthly tint Branci 178 lsabale to assiat whea tic need anises la oui community and area. Wben lic proceeda o! this "Welfane Fund" in- creases Ibrough lic efforts o! oui purciasers, bien Brandi 178 wîhl be belten able bo carry on, suporing suri w'ir- Iiy causes. Ygur ieip la rer- tainly apprcciated by mcm- bersý of Branch 178.L o! urestfalca Sidney hfe'Ir tremnendous c ntlbu a ;i asrn chiclhen ton tic front page. amongthe Port Hope fains Ilwas br-fuitgae wohave !olio.wed tic cne wiitc Engi1es c o i iilsIg wti great support. Jhog wttMi tic nleecd gMozals Now, tic Eagic r al -packcd by a mnixtuire o! 2,x- the Hun.1-tsville- Pen etang ai citcd fans froin Itwý,,o towynsles,. There may be a cam plus hornsa and otier noise re on Sunday, -0 fana1, makers tint kept evcryone In wouid lie well adv îsmd t,' tie game until -tic lest whi- watcb lie bulletin board, if, lie biew. Tic Guidle's sports information about tie final reporter Bill Johialon shcuId gamne arrives too late for I'n- be given cdtfor iousing srtionlibish!$edition, by Comiïng on Motr. 2~8 Lat the updomîag OshawaJ Symphony Orchestra's Family Pops Concert on March 28t-h. Gimby. who has noriw worked itAh 425,000 childrcn ithrouÀgh- out Canadla, Japan anid Ger many, will be paccomýpanlc; on stage by f60 local etilien, rcutdfnm (evenïi hw Also n tae)itiGmb wil! be anmoter local group,ý Theý Phoenýix. Ti,,-, astg dance band fromn Cenrit rai1 Collegiate Inttue whc consists of 15 highshot students, Paged 1 e .c19. The(Ir reprtir cositaof rdanlce tnusic r mthiepreabc ta,1923. PONTYPOOL Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Cavanoý must really spread the "Weî-ý corne" mat out to visitors1 from these parts, Practically, ceveryone that has visitcd 1In- tercession City, Florida, hias1 paid themn a call. We recenýtlyl had a card from Archie Hoylý o! Orono in!orming uis that lie end Mrs. Hoy had paid' them a ' visit. We were sorry to learni thatý Mr. Talbert Kellett o!Mii brook was in Civic Hospital, Peterborough.,-in scrious conu. iNDOO1R HEATED SWIMMING POOL Forget Winter . ENJOY A REFRESHING SWIMe FOR THAT CHANGE 0F PACE Mon. to Fri. 7 ta 9 p.m. $1.00 per person at the MoTos IN14 Phone 623-3373 IditionI. A few years age be I md a stroke and icen a semit- invalid since. Mr. and Ms IKellett owned and opcrate-l tie feam ereneow owned' bin Mr and Mus. 1-- S.,an The Dance sponsorcd iy ticý local Ciamber o! Commercel was fairly wel atlcndcd Set-i uray enlng wlth Fcy- Adam.,aaad Band ln attend- are. Maay o! oui incals atI bcncled in large numbens lie' dane sonsredby lthç Mm'i- a)nd biand wec playingibe ýre Mai dMia. .S. Deie.rh anird daugiters Lois and Janet are holidaying lai Toronito. Mr. Nonmie Taylor o! Ton- onho la spend-ing is boldays with bis grend4noîhjer, Mrs. R. J. Paynie, We iad a fcw days of r d.erly t1mw, lowerng tli, snoiw ronsidenabiy, but anow piaws are still in dmaand. Suiiday, Merci 21s1, knowni asý lie final day o! Spnîng,' didn'I brng muci joy. Wem bave heard no complaîntsI froni tie snowmobilers. Hiis mnny fnienda hene will be glad tb know liaI Mn, Boy 'McGhl o! BowmanvuIie la iný licIter heaiti. We undcrstand tint reccntly he Wasa cble toi welk up town. Many yenrs ago Boy and I spent a monti iandling tie crosacul saw andF axe cutting stove and furnacel wood aetiche faim homes o!' Cephas Staples (deceased) and Amblie Wilson on Cýon. 10,ý Manvers. I enjoyed il ail tieni and necded ano sleeping pilla Today 1 migit consider il suýfficIent to Put a stick ii aýtove or cmpty lhe asies. las il ld age, indifference, or Iazincas? Tow Plalns. cFR0M PAGF ON£) Base Lîne Bond bclween Wav- erley and Hunt Street. -dîtciing aad building up Ccmî_etery Bond frona Base Lfi) b2150' rsorti. ditciing, drainage pîping, and surface hreaimnt of ,Mcearas Street froin Concession jSîreet b lihe CPR iracks. - reconstruction o! Scugog Street from King Street'to tie CPB Irseka. 1_ reconstruction o! Qucen ýSîreel from King' Street 10 Temperanre Street. Tie ceai o! tieseproj cis cstimntcd .t,$74.766. Thbe Corp- oration is respoasible for pay- isg ose bal! on $37,383, *ith ice Deparîment o! Higbiways ýsubsidizing tie otier. On tic maintenance scicd- ulc, $10,060 bas been bludgeted 1 - -f - m a . The General Mai-eh Meeting of Trieity U.C.W. began with a bounteous pot luck supper wvith about 60 mnembers pres- elnt. More imembers arrivedj aftelr the supper for the eet-" The wor-ship ser'vice and program were ijn chialrge of Unit ..Wor-shir pi-eviecewas: takeri by Mrsý. H~. 'Iardy an-ic Mes:z M. WiSernan. The Cail1 to Worship lvas foIlowvEd by the singinig co! hymn 86. The Scripture PMled itati on a n I.d prayer werple on the Lentent scasOn. MArs. K. Sumersford sang the Robe of Calvary. Chartered Accountants 0FICES IN M1AJOR, CA,%NADIAN CITIES OSHAWA CENTRE - OSHAWA PARTNERSr GORDON W, RIEUL, F.C.A., JA BURT R. WVATERS, C.A. PHONE 728-7527 SAIT 1 fi'-'I VBUYI1QUART BUY 1 GALLON AT THE AT THE REGULAR PRICE CET THE REGULAR NEXT i FOR ONLY PRICE I.UU GEl the NEXT i THIS !S A "'FIRST TIME" 0FF Any car, of Beauti Ton. taý Gugarantecd by Vour Home Storqe EXTERIOR QIL GLOSS GALLONS -9238 - OR 10.38 FOR 2 QUARTS- 2.78 -. OR 3.28 FOR 2 EXTERIOR LATEX GALLONS- 8.88- OR 9.88 FOR 2 QUARTS -2M7 OR 3.28 FOR 2 ardware tores s FOR SOC Beaulti Tone la, for- mslbîcd espleciahly for Canedian elimates, for while 011,y may be tintcd your Clbeice ai a aigit extra Charge ~" Why sot di -tke anivantage WAH AINT o! this tremendous R ain ememben olfen expires Ail30 Dropi inanid sethe f nîcndly "cCnttcady! INTERIOR LATEX GALLONS- 7.98- OR 8.98 FOR 2 QUARTS 1,258 -OR 3.08n FOR 2 INTERIOR SEMI-GLOSS GALLONS - 9.78 - OR 10.78 FOR QUARTS - 2.78 - OR 3.28 FOR 2 Offeé Expires April 30, 1971 Your, Stores LANDER HARDWARE & ELECTRIC LTD.. BOWMANVILLE - 623-5774 McGREGOR HARDWARE LTD. BOWMANVILLE - 623-2542 REUS HARDWARE & GIFT CENTRE ORONO - 983-5307

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