Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Mar 1971, p. 12

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Dîst. Corn. Mrs. D. Arscott, former Com. Mrs. Ross, Hawke, her daugliter Iirn and Capt. Mrà. Robert Long. On Wed., Match lth, 1971 Boumie BishoD read the re- passed to Kim's mother ,ho the First Courtice Guide Co. quirernents. The badges were very proudly placed it on lier h-eld a Gold Cord p resentation theu pînned to a large reîc daughter's shoulder. Onrb e"ahaif of hier f amily, Kim wa in honor of Miss Kim Hawke badge scarf by Lieut. Marg then presented with the Gold et the Courtice United Church. Goyne and Mî s. Patsy Morton, Cord Pin by bier sister Karen. Kim is the daughter of Mr. her former Guide Lieut. With Gîfts and congratulations were- aud Mrs. Ross Hawke, Cour- the completion of this part of extended hy Mrs.Wilma fics and granddaughter ,of the ceremony Kim was then Goyue ou beblaf of the Paru Mrs. Walter Hewke, Orîll igven lier gold caudie with Comnittee, Ms ed o and Mr. aud Mrs. Joseph whch to liglit her way around ou behaif of the girls iu the' Cooper of Barrie, Ont. ithe Guide borseshoe formed Comipany sud Miss Shelix Con- The eremny began with by hier sster Guides while neli on heheif of the SeconduI the icbm1ig iu of the colorsteY eceled for ber the igh- Courtîce Browne Peck. Kn followedA by the sîngîng of o lihts inulber Guidîng years. Itheu expressed hler apprecia 1 Candalie colors were thenl Kim's gold candis was rec-Itîou to ail for their belp and reevdby the District Com- eîved by the last Gold Gord encouragement to ber in the jnissîýone-r, MIrs. Dermott Ars- recipieut, Miss Suseui Leger, attaiiinent of thîs higliest cot.Tbegut of honor was who extended ho Kim,,lber con- award in Guiding. then esc-ýorl't toa chair whîch gretulatîons. Congratulations' The ceremonial part of the had been especîally decorated and well wîshes were tlieu ex- eveuir'g was closed wth the for the occasý-ion Kirris guests tended by Dist. Commissiener girls singiug for Kim "Linger, were wloe hy Mrs, Rob, Mrs. Arscott, Kir's former followed by Taps and the, ert Lnle former, Guide Brownl Owl, Mrs, Ruth Wal-iGuide Prayer. Kim then invit- Captai, 1olwn whîch the lace and Mrs. Pet Long on be- ed ber guests to joîn lber for girls dîplye cop3y of ecd haîfdof henssîf aud the other refreshmeuts 'as she cutbe cf the bags u mlem Guiders, trefoil shapedcae a ift K'im lid eerne3. a Lieut The Gold Crd as then lfrom hier Guiders. r Appreciatî ri of h1 group was expressed to the speaker hy Miss 1 Doreen VanýCarmp, r.,;nd M r .WilamHpp d. ra o Thompson Lunch and a social timre cou- jetrnd vryreceutly fi oui landed in a qult top alougý cluded the evening. eî- ,k' vcabion iu lie Be- with thie iaherial for anotherý Miss Dorsen VanCamp iï haies ud r. sud Mrs.I ouîlt. A crîi quilt bas hecif oot s pn gtewin-i Fruk}iskn rehome again given tao Mrs, Parsons. Biblelter vacation witli lier arents frni theurholiday in Florîde, Study was taken hy Gladys Mr. and Mrs, Stanford Van Miss ary Frances Grills, Thonipson on Womeu of the'Camp., Jocal KXidergarteu teacher, Bible, Rehecca was cliosen M.adMs ihr a left Saturday moruiiig ho frthsmetn.Camoeand faimily entertained spidthe wîniter holiday un Ms ln amr COfl-Mr. sud Mrs. MerrilVr eruawith hrrpa.rentsý. ducted thée tiene, "Mission Camp isud femily, Mr. sud Recentgucatsof Mn.and Sudy l-, on the Auericas". rs Keî ý-th VnC n su Mn Harold McLeý_ughli and A miost interesting taIRwt lruyM r MsSaf farnily were Mri and Mrs fine illustrations ,vas DreS VanC-amp sud Mis Dorec James Grant and faniy* ete Ema Strong closed VanCamp for .unday dnner BowmnvIlls aud Mr.jý the nmeetmng wth prayer aftsr to celebrate Rîchard's birth- Mrs. Bob Prosser of R.R, which e deliclous lunch sud day. Oshiawa. e social time' was euyiyed. On Saturday, a -nu-mhr of on Wednesday, Match -i7h Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Gra- local curlers perticipeted in ýhe W. held thin reguîe' hem, Mr, Roy Graham.enisd the Crest Hardware Bon roiel cer naty it 14tabesMrs. Wm, Mehaffy attendecd et the Port Periy Curling plaîn. Wmirswere: Lad- -unrl fth cousin, Clubý Roy Turnen's rink cap- jes' i, ,Ms Prescott, sec. the late Mr. Stanley Flett, tured fîrst prisze wlille a-rInk ond, Mrs. Vîv-ien Carl; gents sonof Mn., Flett and the late made up of four curlers froi B-owýers; 'second, Mr. W. A. Flett, in Feucelon, the Blackstock Club took higi, eore dor 'Falls on Saturday. Whilethird place - Keihh VanCamp5 Iole loase; or prize,'tnr îyclc Mffn. ive Gîýýmblett. The uexïthee hycle on Mr. sudi Herb Swaiu, Harold SwaIn paýrty wîllb l u i two weeks Mrs, Alex Flett sud are pleas- sud Neil Werry, .Anotlier rînk ouMach1. ed tiat Mrs, A. Flett is en- made up of Roy McLaughlmn,' Miss heron Larrner, Osh- joyîng 1nr-proved health now, Harold McLaughlin, Vernan Qui te a nuhiher of lien Assestîne sud Merill Van ewa, spet e few days lest neighhors and frîeuds clled!Camip also enjoyed the day : week wih hr parents, Mr. on Mrs. Russell Mountjoy ou tiere, and Mrs Raîlih Lamer, De Sunday to lielp lier celebrete Mn and Mrs, Gordon Pa, vîd sund Peul. John Lermer, lier 8th i brtliday whici lied iey,,Craîg and Cathsy speut a -,etr University,' Ha- il- occurrcd on Friday, After-lfew days itngrlivsa to, -,as homne for' the weck, noon tes -aud birthday cake, unuville,vstigrliest sud. ~~~was served. Meny liappy ne- Ecletcod hruh Mix nd rs. eanOnînis-turus, Mrs, Mountjoy! toni, Breeklu, were Saturdey Mr, Jimniy Evans liesn e- ly enoyjed the three fine one- guesîts of tlieir deughter, Mr, turucd ho Bîackstock to ste act pisys preseuted hy thc sud Mrs. George Bryant adwn însd MsAînBa Cartwright Iligl School shu. family. wcock r.sud Mul roni lan Bex dents on Thursday and Sahur- Lest week several of the tended holiday wth reletIves day evenîngi - the event liad lasses eat Cartwrighit Central lu the Metmes, te lie pestponed on Friday Pulic Sciool held Open Mr and Mrs. Raîpl Lrernr evenmng due te very nuf aven- -lu i wen thc parents were andbiuywr Sna i-ale weather and road condi-, uni" o coen" o tlic 'chnnl uer gues of lier parents, M. tiens. We wîll ýhope te have, te o-bserve the activities ofadMr EerSwenM. a detaied report of these pIIj!ls Thse vsitshadC, ortiet pîsys in uext week's news been1, pianned for Education Mr. end Mrs. Orr Vennîng, Mn. sud Mns. Harold Mer- Wekbu:,t lied te be Ostpon- Cohoconli, elled ou Mrs, Ellei tyn sud Todd spent the week- ecd due ho hie stormy weetlier Vennîng on Thursday. Mrs.i end et Port Lorîng in Non- hiat wcek. Vennîng is progressing very theru Ontaneo, as guesis of Se pleased te report that slowly from lier injurdMnr and M\,rs. Clayton Yeo Frainces Joainne, infant deu- sieulder,' (fennienly Ruth Stevenson of gîtier of MU ndAMrs, Glenn Mr. aud Mns Bill Ferguson Enniskililen). Tliey joincd two Groves, is home from Sick of Oshawa ivere Thursdayl snowmobile safaris travplling,' Chîldreu's Bospital, Torontocler, of Mns. J. A. John- over thie country, crossing at Tis ftrnouunt f ieston. - leest twsnty lakes sud vani- 1 C W. met ahthe homne ofJ Mr, sud Mns Keith John- eus portages, Mrs, Kenneti Sameils onC ston *an d amiy of Belleville' Thc Mrci meeting of the March 9Oh witli uinememibers wenc Suîîday visitons of lus O.N.O. was ield et the homne sud oue visiter attendin1g. mether, Mns. J. A. Jolinsten. cf Joan Paisley on March 17. Mns. Gordon Stroug, leader, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Rahun Joan Tiompsen pcesided in extended a wecomc te tiose, spent thie weekend ln Toronho tic absence of the President ladies wio were brave enougi as guests of theym son, Mr., Donna Kyt,sud Nancy 3ry- te comne eut on suci a miser- sud Mrs. Paul Rahm. ans acted- as secretary lu hie aile dlay sud opencd tic Mr sud Mrs. Jmm Swein, absence of Wiima VnCmp meetIing hy readîng hwO Toronhe, werc weekeud guestsIMinutes of tie lait meeting verses of en old favourite of Miss Helen Swaîu sud wereread sud.appreved. AIo hymu., "Wiere's tic Soul's Harold sud Weîr Swaiu. 1tic correspondence weî nead Sîncere Desrc?" A reeding Mrs. Nellie Crawford celc snd attended te. A donation was gîven on Tic Fîve Great brated hier 87thl birtlidayi of $25.001 was' voted te thel Ways of Prayer. Tic Lord's quietly this weck, On Sundayl Red Cross, 1h was aunounced Prayer ni unîson cnded this Mn. sud Mis. J. W. Pcarcelthat Mn. Malconi Poilent hs partof te program. Tic oh- enhrtaîned Mn. sud Mrs,lbeen heoked for this yer' ferhig v. taken sudi dedct- George Carnocian, R.R, Port New Yean's Fin dance. Ic Perry, and Mr-. sud Mis.roul cali, wliici provcd te l1 Harold Crawford, Janîce aud[ most cxciting, was to e aes 0 Ken for Sunday evenîng dîn- wrapped percel brouglit ho hei , ner in honor of Mrs, Craw- auctioned. This auctioningý' ford*s hiltliday. Congratula- was capebly doue by Jeant tiens, Mrs, Crawford. Paisley, Saily Francis arive(' 4 f~S7~ ef /F Mr, sud Mr$, Keti V n l lten un the cvenîug foilowiug ~V TSEODOANi~i Camp, Deliîsasd Ja, et- the Recreaional Board me- flON.T#D ýiw tended a Holstein sale in Lau- îng brînging wth liber tic w, ~casher, Pcnnsylvanîa on Wed-1 proposed plans for nenovatloni F(TI/M6/4TON.. ncsday sud Thursday of lasti of tic Rec. Centre, The mem- j week, bers tlieroughly e n j e y e d Mn, and Mn., Rois Asitoil perusîug ti es c tentative sud famîly, Haydon, wene1 plans. A delîious lunch of hot S Sunday dînner gueîts of Mn.1crescent relis wîth ianisu 1 ~and Mrs. Harod McLaughliui angel cake witli bot lemon Drain nabec and Vent System wîth Why not pick up a book for tie do-it-yourselfer? They'l help you plian and biuld that projeet you've been thiiiking about ail *inter. Each book îs dovoted to one subjeet - Guide ho Paint- ing, Finishing aud Redocor- atiuig, Firepisees, Bath- rooms, Add-A-Room, Pat- ios and Fonces, Handyman Tîps. Each of, the above books are availabie at your friendly Beaver store, for only 29C., DELTA WASHBASIN 19" x 17" vîtreous china, ledge baek, wail hung bgsîn, Drilled for 4" centre. (Faucet not included) Ideal for home or cottage. BEAVER SPECIAL ABS plastic pire van soive your drain pro biems f ast. ca he easily installed in a fraction of the time reqtured fer other types of pipe at a lower cost. You can do-dt-yourself with ordînary hand tools, no metal welding reqmried -joîn together wvith a simple solvent weid. Sce your Beaver Lumber Dealer today and find out how you too can do your own plunihing. 1 0 OFF ALL STOCK ITEMS Pre - finished Panelling -15 DIFFERENT.TYPES 1- ALL PRICED BELOW IIEGULAIRLIST 7-1/4 Ci nier Saw 1 HP motor gives ail the power you need to handie the toughest jobs. Cutting depths - S 2-3/8" at 90* 1-%" at 45' April Tool Day's Price 3.8 1/7 HP Jig Saw, makes straight, curved, irregular cuts in ivood, metai or pias- tic. 3000 strokes per minute. Wolghs only l 4 Ijbs. Blade sud wrench încluded. Apnîl Tool Day's Prive 16.88 OPEN ÏMONDAY- THURSDMAY 8- 5:30 FRIDAY 'TIL 9- SATURDAY 'TIL 4 DELTA TOILET Vitreous china, close coup- led closot combination ln regular floor model. (Seat Not Included) A low cost unit for home or BEAVER SPECIAL 32M9 TOILET SEAT White bakod-on enamol fin- ish, Mouldod contour ho withstand the hardest use. BEAVER SPECIAL ELECTRICAL DEVICES AND ACCESSORIES Swltch Box .39 os. Brown Single Polo Toggle Switch .25 os. Brown U-Ground Recep- tavie .29 os, Brown Single Gang Switch Plate .08 ea. Brown Single Gang Recop- tacle Plate .08 os, Dimmer Switch 8.95 os, BAVE8I PAINT White New Beaver lntorior Latex Paint. Fîrat qualitv, excel- lent hiding quauîties The best doal in town. White Oniy. - 4,99 a Gallon CILTONE SATIN LATEX Dries in just twenty minutes with no uap marks or streaks. CompletolY Wash- able. A wide range of col- ours ho chooso from. 8. 9 a Gallon MUELLER KITCHEN FAUCEi Mueller' Niagara, 8" centre dock fauvet, 9"' swing spout, triple chromo platod with integral copper intlet. BEAVER SPECIAL 12.88 LU Plain 41 ' 'X hrbad panel. Easy te shape wîth or- diuary saw. Can be ieft natur:al % or paintod.Pe BEAVER SPECIAL panel AS PENI TE Large flake chipboard with a waterproof, wea-ï therproof resin bond., Takos paint or stainPe beautifu ly ! , 1 h e BEAVER SPECIALSho UNDERLAY1ý 4' x 41 x /411underiay shoot, Use for shoot floorîng, ab inet backing, etc. BEAVER SPECIALSht P LYWOOD 41' -1 x 8'i / Good One Side. Ideal for home and cottage. e BEA VER SPECIAL %e 5/16"1 Fir Sheatiing 4' i8 BEAVER SPECIA1 , F er ~"Fîr Sheathing 4'1 '5 BEAVER SPECIAL Fer Sheet SHEATHING Asphait îmsirognahed for moisture rosistance and coated On both ides ho resist rain or snow. Ideal 3 for Homes ,... Utility.. sud Farm Buildintgs. e 4' x 8' Panel BEAVER SPECIALShe 4' X: 9' Pane! ,5 BEAVER SPECIAL INSULATION SPECIAL Fibre Glass insulnting blauket batts, Ideai as insuistion wheu building your new home, rec room or roem addition. 21/" THICK 6c SQ. FT. 31/29 THICK 9v SQ. FT. BEAVER% SPECIAL Ln BEAVER SPECIAL Ln BEVR PIA Ln BERSPECIAL Ln COPPER Ft. 14/2 Nmd - 7 "Romex Type" Copper Wrè with Grouad. An ail purpose building wlre. BEAVER SPECIAL 12" SELP=STICKING FOAM B"ACK 5 COLOURS TO CHOOSE FROM c REG. 69C RT - 9î 1 R Easyto sseblewith Foam Back sq. yd. KING 5St. EIowranille Phione 623-338 M

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