Mn. sud M0ýp rs Ross 7 Clark, Mr. sudvMrs. Jiro Webb, Bowma Nvi1he; qMn. sud Mes. Sheryl sud Darnu, Pont Hope, Tan¶ý Potts visitad Mýr. sud M- s.t Mn. sud Mrs. D. Camenan's ýjýF'nf.ýand fm '1il" ý r . . au Suuday. JPor u aiysdMs Mn. sud Mes. Alfred Gar- Mantn o Sunay.rard, Barry sud Lori Ana wene Suuday supper gue sts af Mn. sund Mns. Ch selle Ganrard. amauMr. sud Mes. Stan Cowling, FADY1LT 510E are Mn. Ruséell Tabnb, Miss lMes. M. Sear.s we Suuday supper guests aiM)r G. Tabb adfmily, tht' accasian, Miss May Tabh's birthday. E Mr. sud Mn. Frank Osmond, C uN Ti N E S Bowmauville, wt'ne Suuday N UES supper guests ai Mes, 'A. Thampsan. Mn. and Mes, John Jouas, * atraI~ers Whitby,, visited Mn. sud Mrs. Jack Jones sud familles. Mn. sud Mns. lyaSharp, * VIf~U DO 'CS fLinda.sud Janet, EnEuiskillen, were Suudsy visitons ai Mn. sund Mes.. Lloyd Ashton, Ron- *k4 es e4 -à aid sud Ray, Mn. sud Mes. W. Blackburn 0-7 called ou Mr. sud Mrs. Fane- well Blackburn, Salem, au Suuday. MANY MORE Me. sud Mes. Lloyd Shem- aun, Susan sud Fred wt'na dia-ý BýARG7AIN IE S rit' guPsts af Me. sud Mes. E. R. Taylor,, Enniskilheu ou Sun- day. Mes. A. Thompsoa ass s Fj. lunchean guest af Mns. A. Eisemano, Bowmanville, >an Club 21 meeting, Febnuary 3rd at 8 p.m.' 1Thera was a smail attend- Mare suce at tht' card panty at tht' Community Centre ou Satue- 49 lo c, WC day night. Tht' children wha 49 ST. W. skating.cama in sud al BOW ANVLLE had lunch. Thase getting prizes weMes. Rt'ad sud Kyle Graham. Watch Feet and Legs Un Your Young Child Ifayon chiid bias aay irregular growth ateusuc), as b owlags, kuock-knees, f eet turu- ïing ln or out, etc, ha sure ta mention it on the nex,,t -visitta vor fanii 8ly doctor or pediatrician. if lie thinks 'there may ba a problem ha may suggest thiat an orthopedic speciaiist take a 1o0c) B'ow'legs snd Lknoek-knt'es arc useIah]y normal growt-h patterus suýrd treatm eut is not necessary. Somimnes thiough theiy couid be associated with club fee, ob esityv or a nervous condition. Feet turn w t1-int ausualiy ha corrected by muie nfspia shoes with a correcting bar, 10 O VOUT, DOCTOR CAN PHONE US w lea y ' oie nt'd a delivery. We will deliver propt]y 1 -w ithiout extra charge. A great many pepere] on us. for their hea]th needs, We ecmerequests for delivery service. 67 RI;NG, ST. EAST .Bol PHONE F623-2546 &.N VILLE ,- ~ ~ II thughit 6a fargetting the past, 1 Èim near, always - Far this is Tht' Canadiati 5tatesman, tawmanvrlleý, Jan, , 19115 RKeceriîl- i arried in -Charlotfetowin P.. a1nd giving bis bbe t t reach ______. Y I hat is a head. Mrs. Eher Mrs. Pujk iradu1ýced the ~~. ~-"ae-~~~ ~. Sniovwdefn led lan prayer, and new U.C.W. Secretary,, Mn. Unit Ilpretd four tasMsinr ryrfrMs reaâd tht' pot'M "If you WatoteIL. S. Tamllinsnand thanked and ont' ca ke plate for use 'u Frances Stevens, Id-hia -)e hpy New- Year"'. Our tht' hast year'sý executive fortt'kthei Ms ukced t'ht' mceetng clo~ig hyavwa the' famil- their support thraughaut tht' Mse.Sueldl h'wihtt ka etdcfin K§'iar Sigtbem aoven again ta year. Rlk me, wodeil ods ai love." Reports' were given for tht' eý ~Miss Alice Arnald intradue- yean 1970, They tel] ai a very cd rs.Albrt Annold,, whose active sud inspine en t son tht' Rev, Milton Arnold and tendance at ,tht ennar U. wvUe 1Mýary ïand three chIld- W. and unit me.etings wa .nara'v~ en are seiugl h 'Oin gaod. Som-e af tt' ctvie ~, ~~ X fild i Zabia Mrs Aeoldwere tht' Forsythia Tea in. Ma-, braught their Christmas tape Thankoffering Tes in Nove- S,. ta share with uis. We beard ber, collecting ai nylons,! ai heiiwak, Mr., Aruold stamps, cards, used clathingý lihaving thet' rspaibrhlity for ion hales, ilowers in tht' M' i, ieht'epain sud maintenane ai church, cahendans sent ta tht' - .~'~ ~' tht vehiicles, and Ms.Arniold hospîtal, transportation service ,,. teaching nurses i n Lhtr,,h13Pi-1 fnr ht'ath unit, a hlossom tour Sta]. Tht' détails ai th(,t' rtet and drives for rest homei- bning tht' chîldreufirom their mtein-ecia * ~ .mates,' ' school ingofDominion scolwhich is 300 mil1es store tapes, pancels for Sa]- ~ti~;........away were ,vt'ry interesting. vation Anmy hampens, as wehh Tan childien sud three adults as assistance ta Indians, Men's . ~ .. madle tht' return journey Iu Hostel, Street Haven, Fred n~I~ the International truck which Victor Mission, Camp Quin- wa nean ambulance. Oulyl Ma-Lac, Five Oaks, meals an «~ ,lf~' ê four-wheel drive vehicle wheels sud variaus othen pro- ,...,..cauld travel ae tht' rùgged, jects. %i r osds,, which wt'ne à muddy Nnte ok eepe mress main tht' raiuly season. ieenboswr u ~'~ We55 a ewexcllet hids.chased for tht' Lihrary. Maiy' Weswa e eln siecahis wene made au sick asud i ~ ~ lu which we caught, s glimpse ofa the beauty ai tht' country, s tls 7 ad easn ,. ~ "'~' and 'tht' jay ni Rev. sud Mrs. at u ht ar, ilmJt Milton Arnold as they wonked nsw'eeprdlut'la] ~'ss wih tt' Zmbius.paper. A book on these ne- ,~' ns.Llod Doa epresedports and othen articles kept argratitudie ta Mrs. Alhertuptdae Arnold ior tht' delightfoi pre- The' Forsythia Tes is ta ha sentaion. riday, May l4th sud the S ~ '~' ______Thankaiiering Tesaon Fniday, 'The Jnuary meeting a1 October 29th. Tht' Cangrega- ~. ,~Trnity U.C..W. opened witl tianal meeting is Januany 27. .1,41. 44~, ~itht' President Mns, M. Pukex Tht' budget was pnesented hy' '. pressing a wt'lcomt' toalahnd the' Finance Committea Chair- giving appropniate thoughts inu, Mns. K. Sumensiord, fi _____________________________ '" for tht' New Year. Tht' hymu tht' year 1971 sud approved. ,.~ ~,.I'5I' "Wamen ai Gad' Arise" was Mns. Puk gava a short ne- A Ik \~-~n ~sung. pont on tht' Preshytenial -Ex- Wwu y UWLeU Thet' rhi Service was ecutive meetihg she had st- . .. .. .. ................... .. anducMes. CMr. . T'wuTt'tenial mee n aha Feb 0 ak codtd M by C Me. M lTe teudd Tt snalPesy m mâ es ee.kdaymnornings '<"$ theme ion thîs wss tht' New lu Part Penny United Church I Yaar. Tht' serîptune passage at 9:30'sud 1:30. Moeniu.g se r WOtWile - 1' ~. ..e.5tall was rend by Mns. Tnewiu sud speaker, Rev. Herbent.Ate- î*prayar was given by Mrs. noan speaker, Mrs. Ted Col- a~ t Sltflowed by tht' hymu, wall. Tht' maruiug meeting . t 10 m e Standing at tht' Portal. Mrs. ta, ha re-partt'd by Mrs. T. Lt. and Mrs, Michael Patrick Leddy, shawn in tht' abave photo were mar- Slute rend a short stary au Rehden sud tht' aiterndnonea IEN HERE: nied at, 3:30 o'clock ou Monday afternoon, 'December 28, 1970 in the Church of Ne'w Ytar's Eva, s paem "A by Mrs. I. Muuday., Redemer ChrlotetwnP. . I.Tht oficitiu clrgyanNewv Leal? sud closed tht' de- Spécial iutenests ion tht' the' Most Holy RdeeCalteon .E .Teofcaigcegmn votions] with s New Year's camiug yesr' are tht' same as J ili 111 I Father Paul Murphy is alsa shawn in the' photo. Formerly Miss Phyllis Helen Wish, "ý . . . That God msy hlast yesr with a new ont' add- eF Murphy, tht' bride is the daughter of Mes, James Murphy of Cherry Vahlley, lead these His awn wsy, that,I tht oiciga y'lst'. OTROSFMI TT P. E. 1. and tht' late Mr. James Murphy, and the' groomithso of Mr. and Mrs. H mychoetypheah Lu memary ai Mn, S. Craga _______________________ Jack Leddy of Newcastle, formerly of Bawmanville. day, that thau mayetstfelMs D. Rackham ou bhbalf ai LEDDY- MURPHY huie, high necklina, sud iuV Bawmsanville, Mr'. Lea Mûr- Tht' marriage ai Miss Phy,-llsý cuiiad-sleaves, trnmmed with phy ai Cherry Valley, P.E.., Helen Murphy, dauightar ai Frerich lace. A detachable sud Mr. Jeur Gallaut ai Char- Mes. James Mu1rph1y aoCery rai laoruerd wth rad nases attatownPE..Masýter Rau- Valley, P.E.'I., Psud tht' hale mail uim ht'waist, sud herinie MacDonajldl, Orwahi 11Cava, Me. Jamies Mrpysu t. ilaor-leugth, xhite' chiffon IP.E.I., was mr ingbanr, MihalPanikLe-ddy, son vert wcaugiihItotA white A caudlelighat necaption was af n. sud M-s. ,jack LeddyI velvet eapac.Sh csrrniad held at tht' Officers Mass, ai Nacate,îrmerly ai a tnsiiiiu-cýascade bouquet ai Canadian Farces Base, Sum- Bowm,>tanvîil. was soiemnized red rases sud white carna- menside, P.E.I, whaere guaits in tht' Church ai tht' M(î tions. wene raceived 'by tht' bride',, Holy Redeemer, Charlotte-ý Miss Mary MacFarlane ai mother, who ware a blue'si town), P.E.I.. at 3:30 ocok hroteor , El, w s s with corsage aiof u-ine on Mýoaday ;iternoon. Decem marid oai onor sud tht' brides- carnations.' Shr was- assisteld beri 28, 1970.Pi) isir- maiýd was Miss Shawn L eddy iunacaîviag by, tht'gaa' edi' a lovely settiýfng ion t of.aiNawcasLa., Tht' junior inathar who waýra a greepn cenemny. htsmiswere Miss Cinidy brocsded suit with crsae a Fathacr Pau Mrpy ffM ofns iCherry Valley, grean-tiute,(dcantns P 1 nd iss 1,aurenra Mac- Tht'e coujple hoeyma n was isya hy es. illim Dnal,ýd aorweh Cav, P PE, BanifAtasd acovr bell was -lit hryVslywsfoe il rd aeamoas,ý-greensu Give lumania~ hyhecThey wona forma] ]engzth ite ant-szuit opamn cassnMn CaresE.Mu- ows i greeri sud ned chui- bypacorsage anti yellow canna-ý phy tt' rie orea hon i9nvalvat stylad alaughus ias.Lt sd es Ldd ae leuth o\ aiwhte mbns- im Lntatht' brides gawa. re.sidîn2 qat Margate. PýFý.E ed aletwih mp't' alt-Thirheddeesses wer a- rduI'aiNte Damïel vi ribhons trimmed with red Acadamy. tht' bri i-1etauded rosas, sund they caniad white Cherry -ValleIy Publi c Shool fur muffsý accented with Tht' groom, wlio atteýn(ed Mr. at inih a Taontavile Hgh eholsserves asi waa best mari, and tht' ushers an, electronic : ,ssems officer weýre Mr.Neil MçGregor ai on Argus ýairerait1 Reports from IWomen's Institutes T3onmvil "le Wom n'sInti- git and wished bler much lifijl tutre met Jan. 7th in the SA- ure happiness ihmaving Js en vaton rmyhall wiýth a g-ond marrled Dec, 28th.- attedane ad fve is:ors Mrs. IBillett spoke on the were welcomed. The' Presidentmotto, "Don't try ta keep up opened the meeting and we with the Jones' unless you sang "0 Canada" and the In ýknow where they are going." stitute Ode àlso repeated the She told several, stoiries ta îbl Mary Stewart Collect. lustrate how we nite n mode]ý Mrs. Periect was in charge aur lives irorn canstaýntlyad ai the programme, and intro- miring certain persons. as aujr duced our speaker Mrs. Fitz- idals. Mrs. Bîllett closed byl simmans, home ecanamist ior saying she haped each memi- the caunty. She told us Mrs. ber ai the Institute would live Adelaide Hoodiess, organizer ber lie like a, Jones go tha t ai the first Women's Institute, many would want ta keep up last a son in his early years with, and ilow her. and because ai this she realiz- -Ouri roramecantîneýd ed the need for teaching and with Miss Rubyý Bragg, accoinM training yaung mothers the panied by Mrs. O. Bragg a.t care ai food and cleanliness, the piano, singing two sacred, and go with the' ca-aperatioai hymns "My Savior", and ai a Mr. Macdonald, Macdon- "Caunt Your Blessîngs" ln ald Hall came inta being and which ail the' ladies jained in Hame Economics was taught, the choruses, Mrs. Perfect Home econamics cavers many thanked ail whlo had helped subi ects. The science ofi nutYi-, The minutes ain the last tian and what faads aur bodies meeting were r-ead_ and apprav- reýquire. Clothing, wbere a ed. Treasurer-'s repart heardi years aiga womrren dyed waol and carresponidene read. 5ev-1 and v spna make cloth for eral items ai bvsiass were at- dotMhsuow thm Iey fhave ta tended ta, oane oi which ,vasi c0oase fro many materials. the decision taisupportthei Textiles2 areteste d n uch Turkish boy ýwhich bas ,been! valabl lforatiiipassed Ofl done nawr for several yea- ta hmemkers AI thee Ril eau was answeredcaby3 heg and iP4~nstli waL you wauldsee nnÙ9xpde guests. We wr ai~ o~e nd uriu~nalïenilnd1ed ai tht' Koýppe Kr ha a b-1rvýgeregaied Yearnival on March l1th. aga ~ ~ ~ 1 seigt~dcoig Mrs. Perifect's ,grouyp, wih tauight bymoh h h home Mrs. PRundît' as convenor, seýrv-! but l later y 91l'%girs elOng ed lunch and a friendly hAIf ta) 4-H clubg and Girl Guides,, hour was spent. hence mother's duties have __________ been relîeved ta saine extent. Home Eco>nomies courses are 1 fI ~ I~AL divided into classes. Family U.C ,YV,'NEWSY studies where career oppor- tunities are explaîned and stu- The first meeting ai 19741 a died. Aduit education ta train the United Church Women girls for jobs sucli as social was beld at 2:00 p.m, an Tues-;; workers. Dietitians ai which day, Janutry l2th, with 25 there are mainly three kinds, ladies attendîng. Our leader,,, First, there are those who do Miss Ana HaIt apened with- paperwork lîke Administrators some thaughts on the Ný,ewý lai hospitals, Then tiiere are Year. Mrs. Garnet Goyne was rtherapeutie dietitians who appointed secretary, and M1rs,. [work wîth dactors aud clinical Wallace',McKni-gh it treasurerý. dietitians who hald pre-natal Mrs. G. F. Annis, otur aiter-ý classes and plan food for eld- ifaon treasurer since 1962, gave erly people. Mrs, Fitzsimmong lher final repart. saidc Kemptville affers aitwa We apetied the w-orshi1P ser- year course and graduates are vice mrith"Let thie lower lîgbts aiten food supervisars in large be burninig". Mrs. Glen Pickle institutions and factaries. She empbasized the importance af strangly recommended these allowing aur lie ta be a it courses ta young girls, ita guide, and ai using each Mrsý. Dawnley maved a vote bour wîýýely. The offecrng wasý afiýi1F ha is a ur sekrnfr ,gatheied by Mr1ýs. ). Oke, and Plrerfect w pseatedher witàh a Artt". Mrs:, R. K uir re'ad Pau;iJ.'g - THE NEED MS GREAT ! Be Sure to Attend Red Cross Blood Donor CIclfoc Wednesday, February 3d 1:30 p.mný to 4:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.rr Lions Centre, Bowm-anvilleZ FOR TRANSPORTATION- CALL 623-9010 DAY 0F CLINIC HELP, SAVE LIVES!!*j ~- WVHITE SALE 2 Outslandi Values!' TEX-MADE -*CARNABY"e TRUPREST SHEETS Tm-in Fiat & Fitted Reg. 5.69 Double Mat & Eitted Reg. &l rillow, Cases iýg. -29 SALE 49 SALE 54 SALE24 Stock up on tiiese coorful floral fashTon sheets Ferre ad 0%cottop, teare o-e gan qwtr~. fronda~o orlfr WABASSO SHEETS & CASES 3SM Pi 3.69 SALE '9 Si'iov~whfte sheets of fine qtîality ctLori-g~ar.~ anteed foi- 5 y~ears! Sizes ~ tt~e seleetkm are: app4'oximately 63~x 100k', ~T2ex iO0'~, 8I"x iih6~, twi~n FABRIC SALE CRIMPLENE & CR1MPKNITS M~chiriewa~b~esping '714ari SC REEN PRINTED, CRIMPL ENE Reg. 5.98 SCREEN PRJNTE-D KINITS 5 6c, ruk de. 100%/-POLYESTER CREPON K"ING ST , E OM