bhas not gone away fromn the Lions or'ganization a richer lu-, dîidWual1 He couuselled members ta participate fuly i lu fuu-rais-1 iug projecte. He urged tlhem, ttake timne to explain, to dSn- !ors the meaning end signifi- cance of theprps bhu each fund-raisQing campeign. Hie reminded member"s Of Somerset 1Maugha's statement that -if you are willing ta ac- cept the beet, then thet lewha you velll get" And he adjured that no mnat- ter how small a role a persan ay play ln the club il stili bas imiportance and relevance 5 tu the operation of the whole. Mr. Jones is mniager of Doris Metal Limitedi, a division of Nyberg Lt,. le is an active Meson, He bas a long record Governor Donald Jones with Lianei disîguished by 15 years perfect ettendance. He- he sad, quoting the famou1s bas beld a number oif key axiorn, posiions lu the district. A pet president and em The speaker -was introduced ber of the N'korwood, LionsIby Jack Muuiday and thanked club, Mr. Joues delared thaàt by Ralph .Hîlîs. Pres'idenltDoug he bas neer mt a a vho ep presded. -- _----- District Governor, oues of Nawoiod pidl lail visit ta the Bow- cclub ou Monday te32und club he bas ju a Sc) club itiuerery villi teke hlm ta every .a-rtered grouip lu the by the end of bis year office. oke of thie Itnets thet meember siould try ta ud epplauded the -Bow- eclub -for the hîgh 1it bias meiutaiuad [ut its 36 years o)f e- nr achjieviuïg the, orgeni-, aime. oted thie ab)sence ofý lui the cl-ub and lu-; bspoke well f10e1, n itude in theaaH the attendance reco-rd local masbers, wIch',ý ng 90%, wa a otable lishuent. g is talk wtb nhumnor- rables that reiforced li he Vwas man*k ing, Mr ired bis fellows taî tryý gthe public into doserý Àon wvitb the affaire- of ustify tie neas" <RMPGEO > ____________It dtaeste slgnfcntly frornm tisaaid plan in ps-OPOsng al d.ivision of tise rasditias arease 1nt tisre categories aCcco-ting ta dwallîiug unit dausitY sud ta location lu. respect ta tisa arterial rond syseam. lt radaes- ignates Idstriel areas (an tisa b-asic of general Os-rareict It' sUggests tisa open'iag of0 areasealong tise major s-asti, rUtas as bîgisway commrcia ashes. ani ves deaeils on, what SlndJ !if daVelopitlent it W-uLd en-1 courage in tise central cas-e ged6 th 0ae-esof tawu.i >000, i t dae.s-usc3a as efor Lurbaný ff YOU devalopmrent sud tisosa for' .000rural; it autlines wisara tisa -todaymajor apen spaces wîîî ha anti it platStshis regloual tsasportq-ý çb e I;on facilities sud major locail Lly pil8~ -asts. It breaks dtowu s-a 1110use inta tise rive parts, rasi-1 Farm dential, comrcialindust'al POU c major- instîtutional anticn your tral area. It designatles naigs-1 'swrtborboati planning araeS lu t É. wbicb davýelopmeut may bha M mprittad ou tisa basis om -l- ation prebeusire tevalopient pro- rq posais os- specifle davabiOpmeu guidas ta ha adoptati hy coun- clQrmtiat ime. It dates- maines tise raeewal sactore tioedistricts wbcs il comaetintes- tise hanmmai'oa us-bau ranawal plans and ti ro- rame (ail contingent, it laJýIess ou -mtisefirnanciAl .participation ofraseSeniorlEre7ls i ar. esueu) L~~. ~"Tisougli tisebunee e irunhi.mimain, at tiis stage, tentative, à GENT tisa teralolpment oa I tie isnc ou tise bacie o! tise policias and flownauill reulaiauoaitise coise-vatiai-, A 21 utJisoity, wiatar resourcas commission sud healtis unÎl STATEFARM re defiite," Ms. Tisompeorl and CasIusav CCoMrafIP sait. ~DIA'J OFWE Tise Plauiug, Boas-t wsate ORONT0, ONT. liu thias repart tisat tisa uew Plan was e uceeasy becausa of CONTINUES DRESSES One Rack VNALUES TO $O00ec ALL SALES FINAL NO EXCHAINGES OR REFUNDS ~flcL C S/oppe 4 ING ST. E BOWMANVILLE WIGSIWIGS!% ALORE!l Yeu haveli't trieci on à wig u're luat dyîng of crist oo Corn1e on in to tbc UT In oX7URL BEAUTY SHOP lots, of wigs, Ailcolors and styles oee how you Ilook as ani auburn, blonde otlher shadle, l'. Short o1r long hair? erth saying 'uriosity killed the î't let if kill ou- mcorn lu nd ,Cr how you look. WeIl be. glad t4.>hrlp yo)u ~ S. . BWMNVI LLe, Pkunning Board The anaianStaesmn, owmanville, an.27 197 itrict Governor Con gratuae S Ms Cluba on Their Acehievements certain daficiencies u is.'Le aid ana. Tise 195,i plan titi nat teke Into consides-ation "tise feesi- bility anti timing Of servicing for the tiesignatati us-ban area; tisa tiamanti for bousing ai vrs-oue types, particulerly thec increasati damaýntfor multipfle isousing; ttie ncssîty of Ps- vidiug au adequate rsod sys- 'tamta sppothtie praposed rbnderelapmleut; and tin prablema of aging, detaniaratioc eut renewsl." Tisaugis tise -nw plan len n rntendied leta a pnccea it i luteuetiat a tisfy tise us-bei requis-ameute of tise towv whau ït echieves (as ex1,pecteti) a population of 15,000 people, lu 15 yesrs tîme. Batweau 1800- 2000 new dwellings wi a - q(-uiretioves- that i estlmatad tisat two-tiirds will ha Single dwelliug% and one- thirti in tise f orm of multipla- Ifemihy isousiug. It is not sui,rnill tera fora thet bY fer tise las-geli ,ares bias beaura ý-ses-ratfar -sidential-low density. But, aý oua membar of tisa autiien7e poiutati out, tise arees rases-va ta accomimodtea igises-dansi- ties saem cram-pedtota bnile tise atîcipated davelapmaiei -multiple-famîly bovsing. . Thougis the report asgerEn tihe accessiility of industria] lentdbas-e, it appears ta em- pisasiza tise importancii ftis -community As 'a darmnitos-y foi 1Osawa'. lTt states', "Nevertbele5s ise fuýture s-es:- denaialgrow,,tb of Bowmrauvil] ;wil udohtycontinue tI ba 1e relatet I taI ticseoresal -growtb -of thse (Osisvaa aco, ami e rglan, and tise eblity o Ithe Towu ta suppot a SUl davalopmIent will dapentia jleast ïl, pertt outha .establisl metof Some for-m af raglna c gorerment-wich -p-onides fu smme reellocetion of tise reg ajouai Pecolioaic base," The Boarti listetiaseonoua its objectivas a goal ta achie, a balance batweeu tisa indus ts-al/com-rmercial anti resitia! ftial deralapments but did rn indicate wbat tise propos-tici shloulti ha, Tise Board ramas-se thti tise Oshawa Area Planning en' Derelopmant Stutis- may bav a significent influence on th plan andi therefore suggeseE that tise repart serve as a, "interlmn guida for darelop ment" until thse regional gov as-umacint proposais hava beei completeti. It axplainedt iat tise Off7ici plan wes beiug praparad i accos-deuce witiste requis- mante unas- Tise Planuin Act, Tise Plan will be table lu tise next Town Councîl se slou aut, if passeti, will the ha fos-was-dad ta the Otari Municipal Boardfor approv. sud ratification. Be os-e any af tise racot mandations 'in thse Plan Ca take affect, councîl wîll be rE quir-d ta peess zoning by-lav "Tise community is lu a Pr( case f aiiage," Ms-. Thoisa soi, said. "Lu os-des- toa ar slumt, trame cjamesud tise 11 sud prepaire for os-tai gsowth and progrese w. nee a plan." "Tise alternative - chanc - l nat acceptable." "Planning i5 a concaru ta all," ha dadas-ad, Ha einvitet fus-tises-publ iscussion on tise plan anutel cauraget anyana lterastet mnakiug h1s,15 vWs on tise mati kuown ta suismit tisamn in wri ing ta M.Hletisas-ngtouluntI TownuIHaîll witiy' tisa nxyt fe Rabid Skunks ýStili Around Tisainideceairables' ekS cik S ua d foxe i sa,3 lnc ea I lu tise past iew yearo udil Ontario flepe)s-tm ent of Lail aud Pas-este biasi sued aIwar ing ta ke(p a a e-Y eye OUt I 'etsa-ng' baisaviaus- lu wilidl Rabi ekuLnkesud foa maî pa s- iidly os-e pastmenit nwarus anti ad parents ta educate theis- chil s-an takeenapaey fs-rna Mutton Sheli Service 2-19, KIlNG -ST. E. BOWMANVILLE Phone 623-7311 PROMPT EFFICIENT 24 HOUR TOWING LAURIE THOMPSON ec\ %Class A Mechanic is in charge of repaîrs j and tune-ups. \\ ~ Also specialîing in autoatictransmissions& OPERATED "Y RON M U T TON foremerly of MUTTON & GOULD SHELL 1 on re( rROM PAGE ONE) Red Crloss 'Le gion Pipe Ban nthe day of the cllnic. A specjal request for ORh gtvetype blood 'has beený Aived to 1prov de drv M e o yf Sc t checived toor provde loo fo Toot earl Hogerytat.o dHono rs filsh Bard Former 1971 Miss Hopei (FR0M PAGE ONEY gauatd an aeronaiitical eng- iner Bt after stinte with Aývro aînd Ontario Hydro, he returned home te manage the farm for his father. Once < back, the~ charme and thrills of bis boyhood days on 'the farai, urged him to stay. Besides, now he wae run ning the show, and that".~t brought a whole new dimn-l sion into farminjg which hec had hitherto unknown. 1 Hie ideas were alwdex-i pres3sion, anid it was not longý ,before certain change were jbeing made. 1The first wae a doubllnig of the big population to 3ù00,ý, 11 don't like milking cows and 'f can't stand chickens, so that j ust left pige," he said........,.~ Because he waes not getting.....ý a steady enough supply, 01 weanling pige, he decided to raise, his own. He acquired a boar and made space for it and the.- 50WS. "And. in the procees acquir- - ecl trouble," hc declared. The old bar asae nt pre- p Vared for such an onslaught of pige; the ventilation was An Oehawa nuirse, Marilyni ïtprrible and cleaning the pens Edgeley has woni the 1971 M1iss a rever-ending job. Hope Conteet, held thîis year_ The solution weas obvious- at the Westbury Hotel in ToUr, b"uild another barni. Which he onto on Saturday ,2vnight duirîng did. It wae part farrowIng the campaîgn cnfrnc f and part dry sow barn. There the Canadian CarinerSocîety. ewere 16 farrowing crates Mieîs Edgeley avncdto -where the sowe bore the young the provincial finale after Win- 9piglete. And there was a large ning the district, rounid here in ,area which was able to aCCOM- Bowmanville last Novemnber. m rodate 48 sOws. Mise Edgeley, age 20, is a it was all part of a grand third year student at the - design. Oshawa General Hlospital. She "The Idea was te breed the le the daughter of the IRev. i50,w herd lu groupe Of 16 Se and Mrs, A.' J, Edgeley of cthat every 51 daye a new Mllbrook. e group of ,ows would enter the, nfarrowing crates, bear a litter icontlemplating the posibilities which averagzes 10 piglete, and of growîng a eoybean crop te itrsix weeke lat himeself). Ser," he eaid. He irstalled an electric ham- ,Thie l'ooks great on paper," mermill and aUgur eystem t o "he, remnarked wryly, 'but there roi., grindi, and deliver to thie are't miany sows that can self-feéeers 'read." By mnakirtg ail thesechang- The-Idea. he assured. is till es,-Mr. Staples bas reduced hie Sa 6ound one, and It remaîns labor coste 1and hbas now a Ifor the manager to make it «"littie more timne to try to keeP workable.on tpo the breeding and he are stili working at 1t,7 disease probleme which are a te old hie fellow VRotariane. constant threat to any lire- He went out of the eattle stock business." -and Chicken businees, and Onl Disease îs always a menace. rh Rep. o f a friend, Ag. and le difficult to haît once il r e.Dal Daîrymple, started to gets established in a penful of cultivate crope of corn. pige. There le a virus pneu- His proporty was porus and monia infection which, ener- sandy, but by'planting new vates the pige,ý and retards hybrid corn varieties, spray- growth and development. The le ing miracle weed killere (such afficted animnais cough and Ln as atrazine), and epeadIng sputter, making a noise not .plenty of fertilizer (which was unlike humane with bad colds5 t supplied ln; copious quautitY its apparntly difficultte awere deemed Most succeseful. bcuepgmake the same ne Th rext stage lnvolved an- noise wheu they get haire, etc., 'other capital develoPment - caught in their throa whilst building a finishing barn, It foraging. It tak;es an nttentive was to provide a new home farmer to prevent hie etoci le for the feeder p)ige, those pork- frm an.Lr ge as1-g carQ or er-etnd for the abattoir. round worm infecion -1 The new barn e indF ie-pedtoo, and t rogý ý dat1ing 400 pige 's(50 pige uis doe Seigbt pene) at onle timre. Veýn- Breeding bais beucomp o alt t4ilatinl ematicarillY pex scienc,,and to N rStap. ecoïtrolled by ýa eerîe of e-ls h bsmd cieucE 'hutfanes. The air Is blown of bhis business,ewn hueban. Lal downi a perfjorated polyýeth-y- dry le the major concern a1 r lene tube,.uc like the kind the f arm. one e (es iniusýe lu greenhouses. lHe breede a crmos-bred 5Om o l Te pige are fed by auto- (Landrace Yorkshîre) to ofmatie feeders. They can eat pure bred bHams1r they want. Some of them take a more vigorous, faster qlro', lo ýadvantage of the situation and ing offspring le produceed," bl . . ha le that cliche, "1make said. on igs oftheinselves!. . . but "By mating the firet cros etmost don't. 0gon ou o-gilt (the unbred sow) to nd The dllet i rudcriy purebred boar of a. third breed vebean meal, vîtamin minrii one cen gain thrie ost advar Spremiîx, and water. It Ile auto- ta-te from whatb le sknowu a Ilmetically mixed together lu hybýrîd vigor1,ý' bhe etated. -praper proportion and con5Jl$t- Today, Mr.Staýples' OPer8 p-eucy to form, a taety gruel. tien cmrss7 osa ~"The peus are washed dowum four boare. V daily and all the scrapsan Together thhpe to Pro enmanure are augured outside duce 1200 irket pige ra into a tank whlcb holds about year. -three months starage (capa- '"n le ny production Larget' 111 city 40,000 gallons). he explained, "i have rot b: .e (The smeil is fantastically it yet."1 "Ipeuetrating and to the neo- 'He feele hiesîz of operatio: ed phyte, grossly offensive. Dur- le the beet "to weatber tih i ng a tour of the f arm, Mrï cost-price seueze f armer S0the said te this reporter, find themeelves lu today." rl htthis vataf bubbling amn- There are- only a f ew 2,00 monia and organic wastes mey 50W operatiotis lua Canacla, I r become se offensive that he said. Most how,,cver are in th an, wiîll have.ta change or modify 20-40 eow range. Twenty yea a Lt n rs 0 re a it- o0- by 1971 plates bas-a. This mreasselA bas1, coinciteti wîth tise reloca-, tioni of tisa Os.hawa licence plate agancy ta tise western section of tise City. Sales hava pickst pts p aet faw weakeutie. with Fr1- day' sud Satus-tey mornînge tisa be eetpa-lds. ",Wa axpect ta taise on tbs-ee or four extra staff towars- tisa ant af Fehruas-y," sait Ms-. Cs-owa antîcîpetiug tise inevi- tabla lest minute rush. Automobile icence platesi cost $20 for a 4-cyhîndes- rehi- cIa; $2750 ion a 6-cyllutes- oue; sd$35.00 for tise 8-cylindes-. Motoniste bhavetutilFais. 27th ta obtain tbis 1971 plates. Higgon Electrie le locatati et 16 Tamipasance Street iu Bow- manville. COMPETITORS NOW Rarnembas- Auna Fardas- and Rick 'Staphens, two of the bast figure skates-s evar dereioped ini lus area? Theas aaptus-ed a Canadien Pairs aicPioneiP and an OlYm- pie bastiinot so long aga, wisile skatIng out of tiie Port Pas-sy Club. 1Tisas have bath retis-et fsrn campatitioi andi ara no% taaeiig. Sn, histeeti et baing a matüheti pair, tbey are Unw pittlng tis ottdetS against eaeis other. Appas-ently, 1h is à friendly" rirais-y, but quite keen. Engineer Available For a Price if tise Public Utiitias Cam- r mission waut ta) have tise Lces-v- iîces of a civil enginees-, tisay cen contreet tise ses-vices aif Chaslas Watt, tise tawu engin- aeer, by epplying to the muni- cipal officeý But it is going ta cost tisam.' "115o% le the rata set up wii 1ia lest auginiees," Ms-. Mc- ýils-ay, cesk/atimiistsatoî' toldý coniloslst weak. Wrisichle sost ai liSe taklug fram oua- poakat sud putting1 it lu, anatises-, yat somewhas-e eagtise way adtilug baif as mcsagain. Tise questiole , fs-arn wharaf? -Dig aepJohn Doe, 'You FSPECIAL! PCThis Week OnIy Double Bed CHESTERFIELD ON, LI $86.6 SEE OUR CLOTHING LIME Prices Neyer So Low LADIES' DRESSES COATS - SWEA'TERS' MEN'S and BOYS'DEPT. SUIT PANTS - PUL&ILOVERS Etc. Etc. ONE ONLY 3 pc. Sectonals275 Reg, $399,00 THRZEE TO CHOO10SI E R Frencrh Provincial Ches'terfiîeld en Chair $230~MI MATTRESSES ALL SIZEIS Must Be SoId TO MAKE ROOM FOR NEW STOCK Greaitly Reduced! IMPORTED PROM HOLLAND BL AN KETS NowI'% Reg. Price $20,95 Double Sz ____ for$350 M U LDER'S FURNITURE end CLOTHUNG 23 RNG S. E.BOCWMANVILLf, February 4tb. If yau have this blood type please mrake ih T a ton Dne REMImMBER . . . blood cen- not ha menufactured . . . it by De'rek Sidenlus "The tremnbhing a arth 1-7- of roael-t beaf an sunrlr rauoul cme romvaunter Saîrda ws BrusNibt t oundcs bis ted' vegetablas. danon o Pese om.yolu par t ur , a un Ngt tthe conclusion of tbe ad- A presentation -as rmade ta tonosure thedeqyu t pt tisa Bowmanville Royal dres, the dish lei lowered .to Mr. Marin for, hi, e dcation1 plies, wll ha mintained at Ciandeplegiorn H all e the two bearers and cerried ta the Burue ýSui7ppere in trhe thie area Blood Depot. GIVE Sadpopermfe ndta the kitchen. Shortly there- peet. LIFE .. GIVEBLOODI wide came ta teke part lu the ater, it re-amargas, îookingEtrenetwspoi~ LIFE GIVEBLGOD 1 festivities that included e dia- uow more like e brown w uer and dance. cubigdesn u ep part 'way through the evening, by teBowml-auville Pp Burns Night, as arerycue ed lui emooth porcelain bowl. Baud and by the Legi nhîgli- Send Your knows whn tha ne picy o Neophrytes ta the ceremonyiland dancers, a group of eight th yartremble et the ight of the honnie lassies. poetry of Robert Buýrus and etuff. lesIt not, thay uikl .ornplaints the. livarish teste of haggis are noeM itr ftehat proerl hnoresl, induhgedthe iver, ights etc., ofa To Town Police lun and mixed together, cas- sepo afbeddwt iTo Tow Police ing auyoue witb th e ost,,otiel t-ai 1Bowmauville Council hec sauit ivîtya dond kilt auJ wrapped lup lu the stomiach of tN AN EAR,"IVÊ r iequiested the town police erup itoewid 2dwo nyuanimial? Too rmutch! force ta keep a record of the he îug. rbsalasbe But, nearly everyonefi-! XCI T/iiIN 5NEw num.iber of complainte they Tesperbsewasba ows the bold aud brazenI ex- Hïf7 TNO EW receire from people about theagrnocsintdneut ample of tha bighilaud gestro-1 use of suowmobilers hera, prsaeibbe u oe a-nomes and dig- uin. .if nati FOrTo ' The reason behind the re- tainoly ta av agIdtle fr7n-proeniIlihl quest, council declared, wsRebbie's glist muet glaw ta then for a fine; OJFA toobserve the affect of tese such carryluge-an. teste. newý by-lew restsictug, tise Itle tradîtional that a hag- And as thisnigtwron o p er a i onof eowmo i gis b. brought lu befare the the floor trwrubled withthrr withini the towu bolindas-ias dinner starte, be properly ed1- dnig ra Beýfore the new by-law w si ress.ed with Burns' sang taý pessedth police office had the 'King O' Food', au is hehe tbeçoesedo apaenthy beau flooded dhy cousumed 1by ithe Mr. and Mrs. Ah Mavin,Ms.' celle from rasideute protesth r iungry guest. aud Mrs. Fred Cola, Mr. an;d p g Mrs. StanDunsd M.and tise noise and opes-tian of thse, Who kuows if' that le thse ,Mss*i e.M- et machines lu rnoue sections, way it bas1 gone on sic rsident of the Bowmanrille, Of towu. Rebbie dîed 175 yeare ega. Legion Pipa Bad,.ctdas But et leeet lu Bowma -1-Master of Cesemonies. NOTHING TO DO? ville, e semblilauca (and a rr There was adsa ada An eiderly woman 'Phon- plabl sembleuce et thet)!nube of prizes w war ed The Stateman tise other f tise tradition is caried out. ed ta lucky ticket holders,~%JPAT day suggesting a projet for Tise haggis recliniug regal-' The Legion Ladies Axh-' ' OOO0350 tisase wiso aim t tey are ly, on a cliver platter le ery ,,psepared aud servd jthe borad bacause tisera je notis- brough ito the diiugn, area rmeal which, besides hggs 6580 OME HEAT 5ERVCEý iiv for tisem. to do ini this ou a boardsupported batweeu cousisted of generous partions7 ton.two pales carriad shoulder -_____________________________________________________________ She suggested tisey could higis by a pair of men (lu this, 1 rendes- a real service by vol- case the drumnmers lu the uuteering tii- nasgi.. te Boý,mranvile Pipe ad Drumii arisovel tise snow fsrn .Sde- Baud), Ps-eceded- by pipers DE 0 walk s lu frotof homes occu. piping, the. strange processionDEL T , « id by od r people w e w n sis w y t one ed ofa ca' horal it tisenselves, tise hall, then marches up aS I S & E L ancid havau't the funds avail- center aisleway between two' ) alle to pay for having It very long . dinner tab lesqC ar e e c o n a t d coua. Any voluntears? crowdad wlth guaste, ta tseý - NOT URB isad table situated on a stage OFCSR AO AAINCTE *USE RAMP -NT B about four feet aboya theliOCSANW A JENRE - OIA IWA S Careless drivers are dam- fSAWloor.- SHW taglug tise curb on tise roati Te 150 gueste are quiet, I'ARTNERS: GORDON W. RIEHL, F.C.A, R.I.A, boudlg is ne prkngalmaet revereutial. Their eere BURT R. WATERS, C.A. flot east of tPirse Hall. twitch as tise pipers pipe off -Tise mates- was bsought ad ampty thair bage. Tise 2 -5 - p by Coun. Don Alliain wail becames a whimper aud, PHONE 72à 7 2 scoccuel meting Monday then ahi is silence. ___________________________ e igist of last week. The haggis is offarad ta Ah d Tisare ls a am p to drive M v ,tise mari who will give R ýt in o he parking lot, oun cîl M r n ittie. the addrass. Ha reecises down, L A .S T ' E D ")A Y L noteti ad implos-ed drivers ad with tise heip of on. of 0 't o e Rsa e. pipes-s, places tise pleti-eri ad ite noble cargo on tfhe' . I haad tabla iu front of hlm.i ~G ,L o~u p iy giHe graspe a sWord and ie-:: "Fais- fa' your honeet sui ý Radio - Phoneacifauo iepd "im"Qaiy ~ lt f ~~~~H For Fre Trck lhe racitation RUHE - ou. ooper ,subrnitiedihelcietlisc e-eiori n sSo if ,-Iquattiiron, a a new sý-edia-92- alilcamaes feis-hy uaturally ta ý waY tahephone frthe fis-e hlm. Tisa addsee l bricksudý ROOM LOTS and REMNANTS 0F trc at the Bowmlauvilhe lirely, but only the vas-y well nll T owu Council Imeeting last initiatad realiy, underetand I Sweek. T1he tenders, $673.80 tiese trauge vocahulery. 1 r .Pa td W lp es v fs-arn General Eectrlc,' $675 Ha jabs tise haggis wîtis hie LAIGFO afroni Motorola, and $831.00 sword, cryiug out: fsrn Pye. "Trauching your gushlng 0 ýo t -O iF IS Subject ta a techuicel point entrail brigist re Adminfiets-tor will bave the. Andti e0 what a gloni- authority to purchase tise ous sight. SS equipment. Was-m-raeki,rci! ALL FABRIC BACKED andOf P lateTise feint-bertd %tûr. PAPER BACKED VINY LS O f Ms-. Marin le flawlese and _________________________ 'p 'vliin hu is delivery. Pit n asThraugh Bus-us' vword ha nfessa cogeut argument for A ER NETHy > , alaer S elles eatiug tise food ana pronoun~ D NHY ~ Wlppr Id as that for tise Rustic, haggis- 55 KING ST. W. PHIONE 623-5431 (ROM PAGE ONE) fai, ILL ai ~ 1 -sea sa -uchsn tisais- flu *t- in, ed tisa Mr- fo if e. xas ex-hý j 112 il! - -- --i m IF m