q of Oshawva and M0r. aind MIs. "S Lorne Bowins Ratten-ded Tthe J THE ORONO NE S gradiuatio eecises of the rov nci l C ur M, r . a n d M rs L o re fo w î ls M illson , ov er th e W eek n d . l t , t t e o a Y r H t l I i nlm attended the 25t h W edding W e e d g e t w n o o t . M r. -jack I B. afleP[l l o n b o m ayllc A n n 'i v e r s a r Y o f i e ro t ho n e r M s e n n e t h Bi a i l e i b l o s a a x a s a o g t e T e d y a n a y 2 t , 1 7 a c j o u r r e d t o F e b . l t h . T h e f i n e w a s 7 ,5 , c s t e $ý 3 , s O u n Brandrd Mrr.aJackr Scto nef rus. Aa0hei.Judge R. B. Baxter presidei 1A. M. Martin, Bowmanville, They also teceived a ftrhrko Mr. erinBoin o ~Brntor, r.Jak cht ! r5 Aa phli Cydr-with Assitant Crown Attor- througiibscuse .A in f$0 cse$,frthav-ti tyol nStudrday eniSutn.BOramnb, Mr.DonSchutofitman'amblyn, age8,wf fnyK. Stubington and LegallStrike, asked for an) acourn_ ing ria red flag- on the over- a eg , Miss Susan Bi ftelt rdTmblyn, passed Aid duty counsel M.,.Kly ett ~~9h h hniglacyrn h l Dayes of BIý 1 oro to and Mrs. Bruce. W . away t the M emoral ospi- M rB-Bm in , K9 elgi, n t t2arg e W a he , d obt a n cene a d b ck ighe vlsled vxr.andMrs.Fre Tornt ai, owmnvile, n Suday st.W,,Oehaa, ppeaed ithtashW,,mMrOshawea,, aa- Misli Trnspot Ld., 0 G Dayesof Blckstok andto- MrcerJanuary 24th, after a lengthy cuclT elyo hrepain &m surant, C. he,-hornliffeTrd.,sork inves g in n e r g u e sts o f M r. a d M M. iVs. V ic to r ob in so n a n d i î e s F n r l w s r m t e o f r a u d . T e Ks nell n c e r.e - m unpfl7 iaiedny I s p e to r H ol ist r ( C h a rle s A n r e w J r . a n d d a u - M r . T o m L e w is ý, h a v e b e e n O on o u n e d C b u r c h ro n W e d - o r t a . T e g i ve n . A s s a t D n l . r t, in ,tNe n N v m e a t e e v dA ghter Colleen of Prince Ai- patients il, the MmrilHos- edy tenon Pere~Cozntrney Kgve.Asstbngt'ecbre Nvrbe ohafn oe of $109 csts, fo ead Met.ptaïBomnvSe. Sh fmlypotlrooton 'dd fot agree with part:170dd rverieipirnb41an pca erit lad Queen' 1 nivesity oftanber ton Joh Cwa n T1(d M Crs. eRoyC.Frrstr6Mi sidh'bunlawFfully driving oin High- Q u M e s Ele n My i l ie r ofMr a d r theMi d e- C me e y. report. L aw yer K elly 19e d i dr v h l im É - paretsMr.andMrs -iMrs. Bruce Tennant paid their Street North, rtrw oiecodad n rvous with acobol o drugdîsplay two red Ki, redrndMomecod ndasked Judge Bxtr-pleaded guilty, Conist, 1White:ad repcsto the lae Mrs. W m i ast weel, from the Memorial t ihw s m înec.ley observeci a veiclecnrr te dr mKe P,sresectsearv nWd opt . -0so oelnecJudge i nertcmanro iiact. mm LONG AULT nesda aftrnu '1 oflast e 1 axtersaidlie e - i an rrMarmemainendustriesametBelletiesB rll n da ate n io t ta t wek C ongr"atula tion s-3 to M r. and a gradua i ess eing e is SL B o h br at alze. Alpljlé _ gr u L O N G  U L T e rn o ey a gre a a th o n - H s it lB x er s i he f le th re t B thbotfl r e t v l e ch arged w ith ov er oad - l h Mr. and M rs, Bruce Baker w a h y cle t te f n Mrs. GaryT Hall, h ormer going to jail. The bol ' fam ly were .21. lie w s founid gui~ ig 'o t'a e t n f 3,0 or l h o e ia nr er y heJs t e ftl À - rg a t e e ive d i e e a e r a l h o m e i f P o rtlaP e r r .T he M iss S s a n ni- e S o tt o r C a m p - w ll ta k e h m b a c k if bi e w il l c sts d g iv e n a fin e o f p o u n d0 ,0 00aa lls a n d Pa m a ,, Ou s h a w a o f w r e f u n e r a i s e r i c e w a s a s t bilo r , n h e i r m aï r r i a g e o n b e h a v e . H a i e *He a s $ g îi n v e n a u r w e e kd a s , t o u r$ l , r 0 .a f n f e and Mrs. G. Baker. Orono Cemetery. Staphen Adcock, who ap- 0f -, l S u n a y s u p er g u st o! M r T r s d a y w ie t h nt r e n s t r d y J n a ry 2 rd . M r, p e n d ed sen te n ce f r t wy o p a y a n d a l c ~ e su sp e nisio n p e arte d e f o J u d g e axter n p i Judy and Louise Kovacs.Mjad Mr. Km R hr !and Mre. H a cl ae rsdn in year. H a e is to cme back p ae eoe J d e B xe l spattFriday iand Saturclay teLct prmns Mr. Feb. 2nd ,w-len a probationoftee onh.Juayltsihewhd vice. w ith t he r rad -S babytirecentiy order w l c prepared , Eli ewi S'L 8, R R . lgal id and as r c aved no out c -iig b t s - a n d b b y rm o v e d l in t o l l s o n t e t f f o fiA rL-ew l b e H e 2 B mot ar Mr. op ie ay cs their new. bouse niear Neste- <to ge IG A wili report o probation off i- 2, ethany, charged in he r py r m hiMerc t H a -lt e Mr Wm ophns o , Ja- ne cer once 9 month. The curfew T w sip o lak ith 11- been in custody sinca January Lair vilvisited bis Maeýsr. iMr. and Mrs. Jack Bailey (o t until, he le employed will be derage drinking, pleaded guil- eo aea h rges aiof ville, p a reJo n te oT F. S in ia in e r11 I t-o sw e e]ca r e s o 'n Mr.Ba Jhsin a a j ustsawa erpe S n ntser T Y R O NEî9 .m., and w en le is en- .r Const. K zak fouind a car break and enter, Judge Bax- ge u rda, -i Mrs Flether n, T PONEployed, ha is ta make restitu- irl a ditch on seventh co)nces-1 ter toid Adcock hae did not Soulr Mr.ayJoand Johnsecho n dueteo!r parewns. adtion to Norman Smart's ser"- sion of- Clarke, Mvr, StîPICS aprcat tedaag a a Mr. ~ ~ ~ __1 JonJhsnOhwMr.LmF own.WnaS a h ubePa1rty vice station for tires, etc had passed eut onthrardn t telclaiceirn wMr. nday virsitoP. 0 Mi, aes Mý,,erle owe'Vr, Ms Fîayngt mra Mr.John ppurchased on a cancelladcre2 seat. Several botties of ai.e'whiîa thera last Tuescïay, The the oMr and rs.P . mt, a Power and liMr. a rd r oaeMe.F yadit card. The case was hiear-d were found ine the car. The destruction was uncalird for. h BownigvilltaiwereFriayPowieriet osha rmtrnedMm. Mabel Camneran, kMrs. ine court Jan. l2th last. fine was $2,5, caste $3, In de-H a rmeddifcso Queb hein istrs atJh Smith hmen .Mnda ttrspn-Mary Harrison, Mrs. live Douglas Barnes, R.R. 1, f ault three days. o e wa e. JdyersPaulndy Mr hom. ngte dysatthirboue tvimurteMm J -C C ok, 0-Hampton, charged Jan, 2nl, PHighland Transport, Tor. Seymo ur, Allan Adcock, Kimbore Mr, andMmd. Jhn Vanioyk ClrkefUn on.50dr atls wnbyMe.B ith unlawfully having a Skîi nta, charged july l4th, 1970 Brewn,'Gary Rogers, Toronto, oi sa a f i0 yonewre JliadPalHoeif o- trs. 1doo and trailer belonging ta with havrng ecs over- Gary Killens, William A. All- n Sunday atter'l'on visitr nwih hrgHracdparents.Ltia B1r a isF ety peddntguiltY. weight were found guilty as draad beard several charges nts, .ihMr. and Mme. W. Vanek.M. n M'.HraaBet tonlsils rmmova last week In He elected to bc, tried by chargad paiul n h edadtecsswl r-mr Mm. nd me.W. Ak vrth ekn.Memolal Haspital, Bowman- Judge Baxer and thae case was fine was $561, caste $3, in de- cedFb2n.oyRgrsCn viie I t r.a 1 M.apatrentJ.iDn rhe nOsha wasvla.set over te Feb.,23rd next. fauit distres.was ramandad ine custody. Th. e n Mîlîsn Satrdyveiga aatient iase (.shaaGr-Jitamnhdan p ln.Lxa, 3 ucr tBytown Motor Sales Ltd., others are on bail. M weýrp Sunday aveing vi,ýis 1n i H1iýil a no-Geuxo,2,Q nS. o! Mr. and Mrs.H.DeMillieing opitai, br.as nd Mstay aatian for appncjlýitie ir e M- Bowmanville, found guilty 6770 Kingston Rd., West Hill, Expianation '- The Sandra spenl Bomniie itbm. and Mrs. Bdr . marial Hlospital, Bowmanvillm. Januamy l2tb et assaulting cbarged November 3, did un- Murphy wbose naine appear- F. C, __________________Miîonad auhmr. We wish bath a speedy recov- Conet. Kazak, mcmivmd a sus- lawfully operate a opmater ed rcently in a report of FM FIN QATTYMr. Frank Arthur (Ginger) amy. Returnad home on Sun- pended sentence for two vehicle Ire cenijunction ith a Provincial Court praceedinge anr MINUENTSUANDT Reader, age 65, passad away day. years, Counsel T. Kelly stated trailer and the driver could is net the Sandra Murphy who ad MONMETS ND suddmniy on Sunday, Januarv Mme, Walter Park and Mrs. Luxtan bas been attending net produca a registration for teaches public clie the an MAEER 2th Fuerl asfren haWate Rahin visited at the AA and is remorseful. Hie the trailer, wa-re founti guilty. Courtice arma.fai Cha 330 p.m. T no Cem teryhome et M . andi Mrs J. E. fater said lha sem e ta bhami Reader .usdy MwGrfinashw, ni r.mending hie ways. Assistant Mr MI ~ il STAFORD Readr ws just retireti sitar Rahm's sisters Mrs. J. W. Her- Crw tony Subnn IIf1 c e ar 25yaswih5eo u-ai Weston and Mrs. Biva said when a persan does reotf.» oi BýROS. LTDU smyoe the, Dapartment of Bm'adlay of Callander last Fmi- receive a jeu sentence teoras- H a te: I o k , Q tr Lanlde & Fomets ai-i had e- day. saulting an officer it is ex- lacus ceiadbi 2 yarpi ie e-Mm. and Mmeý. jui akcpin Judga Baxter fae By Mildred-1ath Ex by t ihe wetgMt j1hrie eme.Patamboough, visited with Mr. tarn is a possibility a! e- in the Cobourg Sentlnel-Starll phy M.and Me etlC. W and Mrs. Waltem Park on Sat- fe fr thîs chap. Ha will I' emlgtalah a- Th qiietths ieAl on aron a holidýay irethe iurday. repart ta lpinobatien efficere h son areel r l ý(ne onc ot niatn w a.hava le incradibie. Wby lea it waa. S ffdErhe s utilr tis-n ilvstoca otanatedtoky ShMi eaa and ii visit smah e xeddt meetings of AA each week. Ha Thera was a turne wban the that the stick is twice the daug M u n bi -rMm, in d Mmer ssa il Ra es- M i ienar -Y ng o a t , o e t ' s a n t a l o o rd spr t i e m-anded o nily that 1 sze et the b y? *If I cart five ard Th-mets beryieFoda. tha suddî brffen asll ega! 1eronîy drive hie car when going watch the occasionial tlvi-youngsers off te, a game, that Plait: LIMITFDTa Unied uch omebrthr-i in Tomýonte le1,st, ta work. Ha le ta appear Feb, iOn gamne, brawsa throlg tha means five hockey sticks go Mr BoEx3Tecua ti ereld ainmt i n week; is ol inante land tasigre probation ordar. apor'ts section o! the new- wîth them. Sinca they won't anti ;1o ulda 133E - h t uasrieday ttanoon Iete r hs> nuriy udge Baxter steted the couirt papar and pay imy waekly fit ire the trunk ot the car, Bob: *18 Dun as t. E.8 M5Whtby rFmiendpomr. m. a nt ilMe.WmyFalagto fappeal inay. appeal the titha inta the hockey po.te aet ejmeinirePicli Phoe hiby66-352 m.antMe.a.kfiBaile o!dwM urEgtn istdMm byateisoeut al that bas changeti. __hama or there arount thea Sati Stering Mme Jak R.Baiay, ntiMme.E. Virue.A trial date Feb. l6tb was' Last feul, ire the throas o tc ei0.1teigwhe h Glai t eprt rs.Fla- set fer Lewis Whatmough, romantic inclination, Ibe o ï»O'IPssilg av. chrgedDec 5,1970 Ton. cme nvoled t a e isn't erough, the blaties on boni fac ct spogesn a-chraiDc ' 90 on a enoteiwtha the thirege are naw being thee C uaANV~gIoLEr rbyieBwavll e-si tDrntn ihtrv boseeit anra matie with tIis pecujliar curva Mr palsoaeaMm. George Alidread1 ing wbile ability was Impair- tîl the iret frceaze-aover. Not ietenta lasatsu tt who le stillin Ire onte Gae- md conrtary ta criminal code only is h are aviti folloar fwapaiaru..m asW e amal ~~~~~222 anti with falling ta coin- the NHLi gainas, but ais eanariv atlw lk oigsre UUTA m ani Mm. J. . Grffinply witb a breathalizer test, t hsatye tetfarr ie sadine onk ooiks.sist, AUTO !anti Mise Laura Grittin, 0Gsha- pleadeti net guiity. "evamyskrtinesnund play bac- cit wa, _Mme. Elva Brad, Cal- John Bonemna, 17, anti Emic keye". Whr hektsar ielly laner ntiMme Lae Gittn, onsa, 6,Blackstock, e- Hi$ leyalty ta the spart de- ulateiand my :data and I1ra A WKLS i KT Blackestock, were Sunday dire- prasenteti by T. Kelly,, heard mande thant ha o-(Oach aian- are free for the evening, do m V ~~~~ n~ler gueste etf Mr, anti Mmer. veriaus charges reati againet tam teamn, the 13 antid -er a bikIrttkne t o u WalerRam.then, other tItan wbaât weme oltis. dîn1ar n teshow f,, rs'an 2ft46..6.14rM,' -nd M.W. Park wmdeatn ae 2t.Teiiae Na newr a~ r ~01~~ nd thw- tsowniht osh ffl- bu IrenRSundaytterieteeto! 1Mm ant ,e pent c1haufaming theatfean homeor ovar ita afrienti's ïk We by Irn, Rds, attries MetllCrs MDug an rOh. Rh tU1I" ram practîce ta practica and bouse tae catch the last parioti ten and rucs fr weckng.aîorg w Mm.antiMcdIJiL1.L. gana ta gaina. I carry ire theaoa! the NHL gne on TV, anti UP dimty, socks, tha suspentiare when that gaMa le over, thse ghtei George Rehmn, Gienbenk, anti Sorry te repart that Janet. anti sticks for 'theaager tean mae it arouretidiscusslng ail Bake W. soli Parts for Most miakes of cars, angqle MmNI. anti Mme. Cecil Rabm visiýt- ville village's grand aid lady ant Inire rtures gain freeadati the records ever set by any gi'an iron end pie, et their Êster anti brothi-er-ire- anti thae ldee,,t resitiant a! our mission ta perch on colcf bard hockey player anywhere on celat PP aw, Mr. anti Mm. S, . J.Pat- Manvere, Township ta our bleachers ta watcb the great this eartb. T TWENTY-FOUR HOUR TOWING ilar of Stay ner reMonday., knewletiga, ire the persan of match. ITyuthkIm iiig n Mmani me Rglnlt Gsk Me.Sema Anne McDowell Win ýor losa tlhace littie nip- Il O uflina my past weekend. heic CUTMW LIGIn, Tomante, wvera overnght passati away this Waek I ireresare alvasraiit ttpriiyngt a rce21 CUTO W LDNGgests o! their aunt, Mme, Il ltyeam. Mme. McDowell their faces On the returre tnp night. On Ssturday my tri- ceti GeogeAitieai.provitiet a wealtb o! informa- home. Will fhey eat sOe- and,'a milti reference, tiaciti- 480, tiare carcerning the Pioneer thing fiee like coup ire a cup ati thaï; the f aam neatiatinew the timeet aur area. Deepeet or a peanut butter sandwich? hockey sticks. I prepamedt.ita e eyînpaty s xtentiedti te r No! fhay hava fa aat bat-doge jump Into the passengar seat pftt son Horace on lhem daatb, emeareti withmutr aniobssptscrThmieol A eeed covaescncetarelsb ntiFmncbtrîc oak- my seat, was a duffle bag et Utes another of Manvers Township et ine vinegar anti ketchup, hockey equipenent aredi ive The venemable citizens, Mr. Tom My car look,; lka kî'ds' day sticks left over tramn the night alec Staples, Who underwaeft sur-beoeWenInkthmta a gar ir Rae Mmomal osp- A Ib ~II~AIthrow theha g out sa 1 coulé[ kats tadreLida ti we. V fK RE IEW get In ha told .me, al con- are2 MUU ~~~~~, ~Anthar Janetvlla homne sentota aeranyg F lyReconditioned 'Usea Cars trainth e ranlgas ewneti by M. anti Mme. Derby FREDERICK THE GREAT woulti not. "Tbaf's hockey star I ws gtteti by tire on th ,ebPnei esàcwl Z ïwemkantiý duing the wnr' Nancy Mifforti - trash trameupmrthasd absnce. The bouse is asiest lhem anormously succeseful Saturtiay nigbt was are. ar VAUSTHAT SAVE YOU PLENTY; ridentifieti by the tact if was biographies of The Sin King othar 'bIg' gane. I wae tool- Chis VAUSthe fermer esitience ot the anti Madame de Pompadoaur - isheb enugh ta, thInk that if servi laf e Mme. John Burns Sm., with bas fumnedti em great talents weuld anti eariy; the ganne anti ONL 110 PIMOSTRTORLEa! sulccession a! awnars sica iie another djirection. went on for heuirs with kids Insi ONLYONE ~7O EMOSTRAOR LFT!tha'.tfine. , eikTa ra To-anti aquiprnenit emwldail off LUX RIUSDOGEPOARACUTO 2FrdeickTie xrý,ïU(T oeth ie.Sutia mmngwo LUUROU DDG OLRACUTO -DR. HARDTOP We chou ti ike fa express ai Nelsore anti Sans (Canada) a matur, e.s an, euto tow My TItis car is oateti wtb xtras. Vinyl top, V-3, auto mnatic, radio anti îany, many ur gratitude ta ye Edtr îfor s a las fa miilir subjct t1han a "l b er arranOt Ofntôw n AU< othere Oîsly4,000 iles. Itis cr n~iut go. luttemireg un the rotogmavure the other two, but îit' le s$asw iuly rîeibre afaaud wit et Yelvertan -"Asinine Art" rmaaketi f wa were piaketi for aur looks,, ha le sure ire neosurry fa meat tbe opposition. Porfunately for us, suah was naftishe case or the stof'y caulti have, hat n diffament andireg. Witb ye edite'e farbear- are, wa sisouiti lileata pey tribute te aur apposition, Mr. Howardi Quantrili anti hie gooti wife whom we have known anti haldinire ighesf as- tamin for many years. We are proudtitaProclaim that tisa campaigre wes conduatati cor the- higiseet lavai tevoiti of any et that pemeanal ïinuendo ate ire wilnin , weinreui opinion imord 1-iluk tItan gooti management. h was a plean- ure fa campee tamforoftiae with a re a! ofHoward'e calibre, wisl weli knewn antci deep- ly epecteti, deepite the tact thse eventual ouf coma was causing us grant anxiaty. As wa cee il, the neet pres- sing issues tacing aounfy council this yeam ara (1) the progrese et ragienai gavere- Ail arsadvetied cary alace o fatory5 yar 50,00 ile arrnty ment, (2) tbm establishmnt ofe a Courty Walf are Systean (hopmtully an efficient ana), (3) the corsideration of Plan- r rieg.,et Caunty levai, We have confidence that wîthin tise ranke et County Councîl thora lies tise neces- cary ability, capacity fa make dacicions, anti yaars et ex-. peianca fa tinti saisfactany solutions ta tise problemeyt that may centrant us durinig thse esuung year. Tise Howardi Malcolalme t- tandedth ie BasfterreOnt aie Abertiman-Angus banquet anti annual meeting heiti on Set- urtiay et tisa Rock Haveein Peterborough, whara applicable, 219 KING ST. E. PHONE 623-2586 bis world is etvident throuis-h ouf tItis lively, wajll-reeairh- eti volume. What rasuflts jle tae nsevireg rcord of the it.eý et a emnankabla mais. Fratierick anerges as ai camplax 1m-ani, uI memely a brillient miLitary stmtegiet anti stateem-are;but, aise n schelem, paitar, musicien anti patron a! tis2arets.e.Has elways beere aeither praisati or biarnedti fo muais li b is hie-' grephars. Miss Mittorti trias' ta presenit tisa known tacts intailigantly an tid suceaes well, but witis hem infect loue hurr et salit amy tdy tBia berg, hie, aainii ii friand, -wIt wara e nnly 'ail Frchmeyn-, ant iwLàtheh missmbr,, 0f bus large antinir- feesfhsg family. Hem tact-' paceti tory races Ibrougis hie militamy cmagne. SIte tige out tisaenlinttacts oet tha highly pictumasqua batliesý. She unravais the complicatati tiplomnacy which ha conduct- ati witIt suais bati teitibut wbich lad avantually toaa uniteti Gerimarey, dominateti by Prussie, As Is han customn, sIte ai et a brilliant sketch a! the persan rathan tItan tisa full- iengtb ail paintinsg. ,SIte aiea tries te present hlm iretise cantext et bis own environ- nent. FretieriaisTise Great ie a iistorical ýotdif y - ha lande himsel! wall té suahis reet- tment. TItis is catainiy ceaof Mies Mit forti's hast books. Untier hem peretnating eye, Frademick tisa Great camnes elive. Tisa book le Iantsiane- ly illustrateti with 48 supemb Icaler plates. It's a bantisame i volume wbich tieserves e witie n eadership. FREEZER SUPPLIES SAVE!! oni Frozen Food and Meat FinestQult (loverynmtaen,?]inpVect'ed BIEF or PORK SIDES -FRONTS HINDS >WHOLE or FRESIX CUT FANCY Salmon or Halibut Steaks Bar-B-Q CHICRRNS CUISTOM CUTTING SMOKING CURINGx QUICK FREEZING LOCKER RENTAL DYKSTRA'S Frigid Locker 7.3, Kîing4StW. phona 62-58-623-o3541 ae pnbr $env pres TI on wini Hop mi Earl Mmi ul Enx Car] Frec Tue Mr. ca eIt Gr. Bla( Swa aid Mc) lire, Mer eti and m son ïly 'Har on1 and fi 'r ne f Dr t a en th er 1 1 ,i T -,e C 'adýe i ta f t ê n a i, 'B w a v 3 e en 7 9 1 nat'e .Iai.Po ng 'h oma ne pt Mr.ud Mir, Porîut ryHMe oUri m aw nnh-a Mes. bcmaebl or weearei . ntiMmeVinentAr-Eteig inname ohaw,- weof ýe ail1 the ketchup ouf af clierBowuaesrville, Vw7e reil nn inC uet t m, aars, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ p noapjec fhýzlPaydnaouat e i oyTaylr. Suda Fvenivg lika anybo y1 -parent , . ni Me.Wilbýemtdnnrg eetMme. Taylor Archer. "(Psk1' 1;wara Mm. ,anti Me. arlTre- tid lk ayo ye' )U! aeaLI guse o! -Mm, ' winEneskihln, Mme. Qarnet w ______ Murray, Cmesswïell, Mzr. 'and, w_é_1________ mc.ocy cQYei-sMme Arrold Taylo3r antiBetty r' aniMm.Deis McLeughiin, Jane, *tY Ar. ati Mrs.. tuart Dormail. 14APLE GROV, bath et GuelpIt Universi . adfmlysetth ak Sunday guiests were Mm. aire fawa ayset, e ekeMm -cup) camitiltea meeting Me. loy iogers. ,Clarksoýýi n, Otwia usi fMr iay avenireg at 7 pi., e iMm. anti Mme.)Daviti Kytec, antiMme. Rager Dorreli anti Barmnball's. Karcn anti Jason. tml.___________ syare wishîreg te help as Congratu flations ta Trawînritý WT OY T are, please contact J. Penn Eqipmt)ent are winnig L1X J TS C UN )eboom, phone 62'3 - 7195.* a trip te the G3rand Bahlame less Susann ar eekie. Mm , Islande ,for fine saiesmeansbip. ____ iBurgess, Ebenezer, ,w Lodanti Barle Tere.,i lett, -bers of tise teaer'lstWnasday mniimng onn ei se canfamance et ENiegara On Surenday Mmr anti wh1ttnieith ocrhisnp ____ b. will report are tha pro- Riclk Thompeon anti family MLTPL LISTING SERtVICE ings ot Ihis ouhcon- were haste ta a snýowmaoblle oaae at auir cuchserv ic rty anti temnonst ration of Oshawa & Dîstrict Sunday. Other yaung pao-1 their new Apollo mnachinevtae Bo. will assist witb the car- Gueste ware Mr. anti Mme. Ar- Realci aeBo r Hope ta sce a gooti ture- thuirThomn and faiy ____________ o! teaers. Mmr. anti Mme. George Smîth r. anti Mme. Weilie Par-IMm. anti Mme, Glenn Hulber1 Peterborough, TMise Susan Mise BEleanor Tisompson at) AVRL d, Oshawa, spaeft the Mm. Charles Hewis, ail! ,ut W VE L -ken t etthe tammem'e dau- Whiy r m. ntiMme.Dore r's, Mr. nti Mmenin isBrooklîn, anti Mr. anti itaer, fa, look attar the Mme, Rocs Lana, Port Peryv idcbiitirees while Mm, adGlat interepart that Mr, Colin Souttar enjoyati C"harles Smithb baý-ra-tumtriOBOWM1ýV3ANVYILLE weakeid skiing at Suttan, beorne frern Port Parry Hospi- ýbc. tai andtilhat bath lha anti MrW r. anti Mme. Boy T.oppin!l Smith iara now recuperatig NE Mm. Tati Toppiig, Ptr at home. Mme. Ida Taylor le,2IIP, îugh, were mia aen Rowapatient. irePort Perry BUbG L W last visitars with hem par- Haspi)tal, anti wa ail wish fer B GA v v sMm. anti Mme. Fred R. hem improveti health. f rom $1,400 dowm aens, who are 44 years Sympafhy lseend toaif riati on Tuesdlay, this weak. Mmc. J. A. Jobresteon on thse 1 .n. ta 3S ân igatulatiosis. pascing lest week a! bar sis- OPEN Daitîy VIme. C h a mi1 e s Greanbam ter-ire-law, Mmc. Rowland of nf tise waekend ire Tom- Millbmoek. Semaet fthe altier OD O E o, gucet ot Mm. anti Mme. mesidant e wilI repnmber bar LE 1 M S G. Wamdell. as Lizzie Jobrestare wbo liveti Ir, antiMrýs. Mike Johnesoeire this Paenrtil the tfie of TAKEN ON TRADE tiaughte speret the bar marriaga. ýkenti with hem sister, Mm. Mm. anti Mme. Bruce Mont-ý Tura scorth offf 401 at. Waýv- SMme. Mîck Dawsan anti gomemy, Hem.a-ipton, wera Sues- ily, Windsor, .day g ueseof Mme. J. A. Jïohn- aerly St., go north 1 i1le, Ire. Ted Hoar, Bovmaià- stor, watceh are aast sida for sign1;, e, andti Miss DjireHoar, Mm. anti Mme. Floyti Argue, -nta, wema Saturday vîsi-Port P2rry, Mm. Dava Wotteni, 3with the formr's par- Bowmeanville. waera Sunday BY mMRANNA sMr. ant inme.Leslie Col- guajs'Ltife thair parants, Mm.ý tL anti Mme, Hery .Wotten anti DEEOM NS ýr. anti Mmc. Lae Goodmaur- femily,1 ranti daulghare anid Mme. Tisa 4-H groupe will ha sean, n Sesowtien speret 'thnilbegi-nnn thair spring pro- NUf4ý kanti with the iatter'e jaccte. "Tta acket Drese". The, ihter, Mm. anti M. ýH-ow- Biaalstoak two club leaders, Hagedores anti teiiy aet îMme. Henry Wotten antiMis Mmsl e. Gr iaadCamai Wotten will holti their ,~ v 8TI" Ir. nd Ms. ary ickR(1tiret rmeieting ire thse Tewnshipi Ltiaught are Menica andjti Hall, Blacketock, on Si.'turdey,' ynM Mr. anti Mme. Denis' Janulary 30th, 9:30-11:30 e.un :arti, Býowmanville, weme 1AUl girls who wil ha12ý by ertiay suppar gueste wifh tMarais wio wish f tted Ie PH, 61412 lattar's son, Mm.ranti Mme. Seturiday mno'r.iîlg club will rfa Piakarti anti family, iriýe a rnst walaomre at thie open- r75.95 ir o! Denis' birtbtiey on iÏng metin Sunday. OnWedhsesday, Mm. and twere Wetinesdey ls ek visitons with the"'co- ,Mrs. Wm., Spry anti er er, Mme. Mable Robin son, mer. Roy VanCamrip anti stitiaughter, Miss ValarïRn )wnell, Base Lina, wce day callars an MmesEhe ýwtiens, Hilltale Mnr lawr. Enr. antiMme. Lloyd Sew 1wema Friday evereing lest )pr guasf s witb their tiau- uer, Mr. anti Mme. Termy anr, Oshawa, to balp thair stison Christ opher Baker ebraIe hie tiret bimlhtiay. Ch January meeting ofthtie ted Churcis Wemen wns, i'Ire the Churais Hall, Jan. 1971. Thsa Presitiant opan- the meeting with ym followati by rapeating Lord's Prayer. Win Brown tallei tisa officers for 1971. teen ladies answareti the 1cail. The Decemben mmre- ýware reetianti approvati. etrensuner gave hem report, othe budget for tItis yeer. agreedti t senti four bien- fat overseas relief. Wa aise nekedti b ava olti aya sses, Christinas carde anti ceps. Wonld, Day ot Pmayerý 1 ehal alttMaple Grave MaIt S5tis. TisaUnitecd irais Womnragreedti t ve tise annivems,,ary dinnar 1 cean, up for the Womnas ;titut a on April, l9t11. Thse ering wae raceivati. The rship- wes prasanteti by rrf Bradley, KareneWie idmey Hurmie, tise tisane 1g "bleue printe," for the w Vear. We ail anjoyeti a =a solo by Dareen Drele, iIrma Marton's rpitures ,ere wbîle ire Vienne. Our !eting closeti witistisa Mi-z- ýBanediafian. Lunch w'as cati anti enjayati by ,ail !ent. BLACKSTOCK rhe regular W.1. certi party Watinesday esigbt attracteti fables, witb the tollawing nnreeme High lady, Mme, W. spps; 2red, Mme. E. Herie; Vs bigIt, Wm. Farder; 2nd, 1l Prascotti; lucky draw, ,.V. Bailay. Tisa next, .ira will ha on, Pcb. 3md. Vr. anti Mme. V. R. Taylor,] deskillai', were Tue5day mer gtstf se M.anti Mrs.i 1l Wright, ubs Nancy Hamacss andiMm til Pawley, Oshawa, wemfe cstiay eenrg guasf e e .1anti ?0M m.',Geraiti Kelly. On Waesastiay, a tean eto ci acurlars, Keitis VanCamp, raid Kell y, Hansor Swain anti Tritf Brinknan attentiet I.LO.O.F. Berespiel et Little1 Laire anti weme succeesteul ine nng the fmaphy. Dn Saturtiay two ofek e aketoak: curlersý, Hart, aire, Kaitis VasCapr, hem- tSwaîn, Murray By-r, B oy ULaugislin, Hamolti MaLaugis- SVernon Assaistine anti wrili VanCamp participat- ire thse Pamere' Banspiel Part Parry Curling Clubi d report an excellant fume. Ur. anti Mme. Rick Tbonp- ianti baye atien&,ti etaur-ý >gatharing iie benauro!l ck'e grardmathe-, M r s xrie et Pickemin, who was( [brating hr7t brhe Seturday. Ire. Courtney Gmeain,1 Mr. dMme. Garalti3 Kelly, Eliza- th, Bleanor anti Blaine wemec- ctiey dinner guests cot Mme. READY TO SERVE FRýeSF.I MATY PORK SPARE RiBs 6 5 PRIME RIB ROAST orSTEAKS 89 TOASTMASTERDINETTE7 7 TEA BISCUITS MARGARINE 2pkgs. 55c 14 Ibs. 1.00 LETTUCE 2chead ORANGES 2 dz.89ï AYLMERYORK 3 48o.1.00 43c SAVE 9e ISAVE 4Go BEE RIVE CORN SYRUP 3 9c-b ROYALE UANE LQI SOCKEYE SaîDri SAL MON 7 5c a Tire 79C SAVE 10e SAVE 19e DEL MONTE FA NCY PMASTins 37c WRITE SLICED 4 24-or, Loaves 7J ( SAVE 25e