Mr&. Bruce Tilison, Ed* sioners Discuss Utilities Ceitiral Region Manager Frank Uobson, discusses Compec comnissioners from Bowmnanville and Newcastle at the arnnual meet- ,manville last week. From th1-e lef t are Irvine c ICulloughi, Newcastle.. i, Dave Hliggon, Bowmanville and Johnl Rickard., Newcastle., (lOntarjo Hydro poo hers Agref ae o Homckey Tourn aments ep menu, it, was feýit4to uh auetake.Thene- n~~~ Necsl h ot is a réfreshmeont booth !i th aiways been ar- arena or a coffee bar- on tbe it wasn't feit ta anstrceet where the pareýntsý neel wvas necessary and other membeors of the ýhey recelved cameri cnpturchace a snac-k,ý .A suggestion of ýai-dndte Hce ohr would gene was mnade, ta look a;,fter thé teamis, tMeAr Wh dresirg or caema&e nagersthé érées ;ace as the player eand time-keepers. has, pannng n aking ai thé turke--ys, tartel rd1k for thé boyskand cupcakes was Welldividé rcftéfe for adullte amnong those wbo attendéd-,l 0f upckese- wl!i a blit of 'phone callng tAi imenu sered ,a finh off the WlstHelpin sérvig or sé up les ti!li Ds some discussonineeded. if you feel you cen lig the famrilies Oai ofryortm ispés wvho came f rom contact M1rs. -EBarea M.1il Wi ost weéné or Mr. arPnéRoersnAi tsnice ta be eble aveilable bands IlM be ep- r ail of them, ercd précletéd as th,1is will be1 twýO tca eoalasmfm-days of tournaeés. and c h the me-1 Next meetLing will bLe h eldci :astle (tÇPersona/ invaivece an leétlnjg, ani atune oaiËacý VILLAG-E 0 ECS kTPrIT, r(% AT T ' ' n thé nIées ITART 15 l cen At large ci, n %-baili Permit a t) Shim te rein at! Village of Nee,-.A tîme. , ýa be decmed te bhéi ti n ït ha off thé e:f le nmer amd is 17 cntrai off;aIeom- é by mmecf of a e than 10 feet ln~ J. McCULLOUG}I Clerk-Treasurer 4-1 (3IILrZ. - ~ THE NEWCASTLE LIONS CLUB MONTHLY DANCE lie held lin thée r ioim WCASTLE COMMUN ITY HALL L.RDAY, JANUARY 310 RIZES - BAR PRIVILEGES lý,U7ic bY th. PtayaI Ambtassadors $4,00 Fer Couple c b a W chairs. dewetto tend thE Baden Pw :Denp-ell Muséum. Tbey are busy gathenlng un battlés aroundl Port th-eir caw.n hmeandhoe U.J nh nighbohod as8a eP n hie fbuilding thejir funda. Som hue- anre rnow aieablglgl WaI- maney ovéi- and abave thei svee dusathat the cost at thel y of tîm_, af lthiotnpon't beé ,kend sa heav.IfyubaebatC p be o ant to get nrid of, endi that have, a Cub nreair you, plCReas tjtcaIî hlmheTll hégled ta have Il a! thés. SIn the Edîtor's Mail! h'iDimiel" me and ask fori met anathér who badr n't qo gv la elpiu Col Hockey News byDavld SIEarer 1 Tjxusda, Jn -21 ryhe1 :D é lv\id il1s o n -,cf)rdcitw o gols.bah unasslsted, ta lead1 Newcastle ta a 3-2 victor aver the vl'Siting Willo-wdale Pakcepem. Ed kaniligan waýs thCe only ater NqewcastlepMay- e'r), assisted by S"ott Fosýter and Norman Shearer. NO-vic'e The Novice Club were n wuccessful in th eir ga me a geinst s awa ,asthe-y wrover-i powered anid outplaed as they w en itcdo wnrta d]e fe at 1by va s core of 11-1. Rabbie Coolahian scotred the onfly goal for N"ew'- castie,uasstd ecstepla;yed ant.exýhI- hOition gm r hyawalted lword of their playoff Orppon-ý eýnte. In this gamre theyde feated theiGAtam b score of 9- Dan Norton iand î Gerry; Thosoî'pson were the big scorersý for-1 NewcasF-tle wlthb three aplece, singles golng ti Bnian Anderson, Rick Stephenson aný-d rijo Wal.ton. Fotr IGA Bu! sWbht hac 2. Dehn i u- man ad Wayne Pearcr it singles AJvenules reived, inf 5 palnueés handcd outl Friday, ja.,2 - ee vWé,e Inteonly /game a, f the'ý nlght the Newcastle Peea We weedowined 8-2 ,by thÉe vst lngjg Wet oue lb.'S Cr ti Newcestle'sgoals were Brian MiUklas -from Dan Qin- ney and Gra-Yda)n TMoore, and! God Blakr "unassd as Nwstewaa otutehot 30-17. Snday, Janx. 24 - Tow» e Legue I In t'he flrst game ,partnier's Mi ELcmst343 ta smainý set he sagefor thebin1re- maýtCh Inil)théfinal gamé next Î weqk ýto determine tho- final1 Scorng; lmurt - W Pearé, goa, 1ascsit B.' R Ie,1goal, 1 asslst; Trryý Wto,1 ga;B. Wigtand J, Tendaim j1 assieteah Foster, EBi IMCUlOUgh onci goal each. Ach teamrecelved 9 PEn- altýieCs an'd thuls riezt wek' gamec promise,-s ta héY, a greati V Atan t Dam ecorded Mbis second shutout s ownvil dwu led seconid place ontns70 scorlng: V. Gree,2gas Pete MdcCullugh, 2 goals, Peuli MlicCuuough, 1 goal, 1 sat;< Gary Van Dam, 1 goal, 1 assiet; l- Brown, 2asie;J Daracbi 1goal; "AifAldlredl ssst Cowvanville received four efý sev,ýen penalties hainded out, Mcc,-,. A. Martin pnesilé dur-i lng thé opening part of the lJanluary m]eéting, Thé folowlng offiýcers forý 1971 ,vereistld by Rev. T.ý Hi. Smlth: Peet President, Mcc. SA. Martlin;Péiet Mrs G Gay, jýltVcePs- lngSécetey, cc.G. uc- Mýrs. A. Penriln; Tresrn m G. Alia; Ctiznshi CIL mater hat thé caujse f thii;r eaturé indComnctns T'hé Abilityý Fuid is a ,lîtt rs .Allin, Mn. G. Kimibal; al disabled adulte l Otaio.Prés nd Publicity, Mca. 1. Cucuih;Progrmmé, Mas.F. Js;SOcauc tion], Mns. A. MarinMcc W.Rudli;Stew- eprdship, Mr.S. Powell; Sup- MONDAY LDIES rFn. J. H. Jaséi; MnsMcc. M.ý Paarmo, ImmciG.Richar,ý 115 and Over Ms.D. ra;Flawers, M E. Mée.r 317, r.,-Couch 30, B ,Rckard, Mcc S. Pwel E. ooré 70,C. Pickerin'g M0c. B. Riekaýrd -,as appoin1tedi 253, M. Mjr2,52, J. Huttn taBoard of Stýewards. 2',- . ere 231, H, Cauni- Mrs. G. Gaythenitao aux 229, G. Couch 227, J charge af thé eeting. A1dreaýd 223, D. Frth 22à2, I; The following -ur',tan Bon218. , lT. llans26 oucmnswcr madé:Th !D. Langatafi214,E. Pérrin 23,Annuel PreebytrielUMetng D). Ne al d, A. Langsetaif 206, ,711Jhé eled !in Port Pérry, M.L Wale 1198, 'T. La1igstaff 19t, Wedasdauy, Feb ruary 10th. C. Knéclarngen 391, B. tpe-TeWarl1'e Daýy aiPrayerý ton 90, . Pater 17,K. w;ill hé hield Mrc âtil et Merér 84,M. Kent 183T.3 p m.ilaNewcastle United Patton 17Db P. Breén l79, 1M. Ch1-Urcbh _i United Counties of Northumi- berland and Durbemn. S ymrpa thy lextendced t o MVrs. Bart Pyle iii the sutdden dieath of her mo)ther in Eng- la nd. M rs. Pyle- went by 'pan 0a ladto ttn be fnealan~d wlremain for a few wes MEN - 'Un and O1ver B. Burley 285e.(G. Kimbali ! 271, J. Krnelangen 270, C. Riv-ý ers 261, B. Fa-rrowv 261, G Kupery 2100, B. lhas29 G. Cowling 24,j. Robinson 24,5 , W.Flinto)ff 2410, D. Har- ris 233, El Taylor 233 B. Lew- is 220, J. Forrester 219, J Bru- ton 218, E. Cowling 215, M.ý He.ry 213, D11 sarok21 175 and Over JT Welter 265, L. Willens 234,' A. Vogelr 218, M. Turk 204, M Smith 203,W. Si'mpeson 8 V. Gray 193, C. Wea1therup 191. G. H-ughes 188, G. Hýýenry 188,ý H. Cail 185. 200 and Over B. Glanville 280, .Mc Gregor 260, F. ewis 260,.T. ulamf 258, M. Lewis 223, S, Blaýck 217, A. Farrow 217, W.ý Forget 00. FRIDAYMXD 200 and Over D.Huber 311, J. Silkma 30,3,ý JE. Hoogkamp 296, M. Henry; 29,Gord Gray 27, R Goodt 255, J. M1cCracken 5, E. Ne- bitt 242, S. Powell 239, J.1 Tennant 232, Gert, Grey, 226, ýA. Pearce 9214, B. TMadili 224, M1-Parc 220, A. Peer 216, M1. Allin 214, Thé aànnul a Vestry -meeting- o"f St. Paul's AgicnCburch eat Betheny -was hield in theI iParish hall ojn Sundiýay aftéer-ý ný-won with B ey,. Keith Adamsa Offciesh electd for thi yprare Robert Sissron, Rec-! torVardeni: John Palmercr,ý People's Ward'e1p; Mise Susa2n Matesly delegqte ta thé Syo;Mrs. Emiery Smithi, Envelope Sec-ret2ry; M r S.! Gardon S m- ïil, Trea.3ure'r, wlt nCanT'es 'Wood l zia assList-ý eInt; Bruce Smith, Hall an Cager; Miss Susan Masters, iVestry Clerk The rn.embere were dlvided into thlree ýgr(1ps -med 'gixén two questions ta ýanswer: '~btdo yau look for lin théý Chunchrb? ", "WV7lhà.t do youl 7Fac(L groulp 1ead hena- wes nd thiss followed Mr.Emery Smith in lier .nated that 43 weýre uIsinig e- velpe, a Ioneseof five, averclet yeer Christopher ïWood reortad- and th Anglican Chu!r ch, bave a joint Sunday ScoSl ChlldCren from geýS 3-8 have Sunde.y ehol t 10W30 Sun- day morninge in théUnited PChumclibasement swhere ithé ebcers are Mbc Kennet Sinclairplr, Howard Rmvwan, Miss Anné White Pand Ms Susan Nmcere. Thé bayesage 9-14YO'-4)meton Tusday nigbt;s in St. Pauls Palh halun- der the suprvision of W'el- i nglan Cepelig. ThérlsN age 9- 14 mneet on Tuesr-day ai- tern(-on et 4:30 in the Uité Chujrch hasýnemn ihMs flRrold White and Ms le Ber a ecea MIS, NORMAN 'P'. SMI4TR The deet tb fMca. Narmaa D. Sith ocre on Mon-1 day, Januecy l8th, 1971 Cn Bu[,fialo, N.Y, I. Ashwonth and Ada Wall Ashworth, thé flormi-erCle ElizabethAoth was born in London, England. Ir No- vemnber, 1916 she imariied Mr.' Narman D. Smith mwho pré-ý deceased ber, Mrs. Smitb haýd rade t 20 Jac1nianrd. for 14 yeare, mo lniene from Belleville, O nt. She wa a mrember ai Trinity Unted Chuburc a àwa, an actie ménhr aXni- ShébF wes aj-lsoamembEýr of cnnen vrs. Lâjrry hïVorcg7 and Kedal at home. Thé funéral evc held from tý hé Nortictt 'P liat ilunrel FHome, Bow"m vion Wedesday Januai 20th nndwasconducted i Rés'. ~ ~ o GK.WraiTriait United hurcb. nent -wv Palîbeairérs wmeré Mess:r Ralph AmenGeorge Fh& Normian Gibrson,ý David Fishý and Kenl Paget. Ge Csh Today l'or cGMeûAppliaccm Ilirpugh S TA TE S MAN 1,L21S SIFVIrD S Phione 62,,3-3303 ai§- son, Mrs, ErlArgue, Mrs. Boss ,Davidson and Ms Frank , White attended thep meetingse of The Unltedl ChuIlrchWmn' rebtra Il1d aet YMaqrkýS t. Unlited Chuirci in Peterborough ls Mr. and Mrs. mery Smnith left for toweeks' holiJday 1i1 Florida on Friday Mlrs. Jose-ph Raj ski îin the sudden dleath of ber mojther., Mrs 'NT e t A SchilUing,, on welil spent a week,'s hlidcays, with MAr. and Mrs. Edi The jitYouLngPeli' groupe of the -Unitedeand AnIglicýan churcçlies held a social eveing e t Grandviaw.,. schoàlî on Saturday nlght. Symrpathy ïleyetendedto BRey. David 1Northey hl theu sdden rldea,ýth of fhie grand father In COshawa on WVednes-1 ay. Members ofl r L ý1. 1 022! ty in the Orange Hall on Fb dlay nigbt with TO10 tble-s 3f' players. Prizes focr high scorea went ta Feniton 'Fallas arir M lrs. Bert MMule;secon przsto IMrs. BeJlleSmith an rs. Ina Palmier. Thoms Sapls l a paýtient ini Roisa Memorlal Hosi, Nbday lere 'oePunder- wentmajo sureryon Satu- dlay.Bis many friends are" W,,,ishlg him a epeedy rcv COTTAGE - 4 lb. Thn Strawber-Rsber A&p SPECIAL BLEND T EA B"-AGS 100%s IDEAL CREAMED CORN HOSTESS Il oz. 65C COLONIAL BISCUITS Assorted 10 oz* 3for $10 TOI LT TISSUE OK F 4 S PEAS or* 4 120Oz. d4 Ioy bags DELSEY TOILET TISSUE 2's 15c KLEENEX FACIAL TISSUE JUL 8 oz. pkzg* PRICES EFFECTIVE TNROUGH SATURDAY, JAN, 30, 1971 WHITE SWAN ASSORTED, REGULAR and DECORATOR 1 cnes , 1Pur- S a rène ti catch- i ýstairs.: from i ported ýt] dered'< iJog Licpences are !le ILABLE and may a Sd et thé M'Nunicipal .e village of New- c. OWELS Ts WAX BEANS