Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Jan 1971, p. 9

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Sb&d & fersonalaGre Phone 623-3303 WVesley ille. ,'lext Sunday Rev.r with u17a Recent visitors with Mirs. E. now the baby lambs make Port Hope High School are V. Hoar, Kng SCt. esweoe thi r appearance any tirne sponsoring a winier carnivaf1 MFr. and~ Mrs. HL Farnil and ater the first of January. So, vwhich opened en Jan. 22nid vk1ss Mary Farneil of Clvif you hear of somne woollY with1 a dance wben Mss Doris land, 0%i. 'bales making their appear- Batt ows crowned queen of, Mr. and Mrs, DonaIdld uds, ance, it doesn'tinecessarily he anvl hsnfo D)ia]-nne and MiChelie , weln man an early Spring - not other gis. Miss Colleen Mc- Sound, spcint the wekn in this day and age. Gowern was rùnner-up. Miss with r. and Mrs. Lloyd Ay-re Mr. and Mrs. Allyn Taylor Bea2tty- is the dauLghter of Mr. ond family.JandgiSecond St., were and Mrs. Ross Betty and Mr. anci AMn. Donld Cramp Sunday evePing dinner guests, grandidaughter of Mr. and, o1levlnd, Ohio, wrewih thher paresirand 3Mrs. Nrs. Clarece_ Beatt. O lis parents, Mn. and Mrs. Reg HoASken Smih, Hampton, the Sunday a somoierally ý Crm, rdeik 1vnuoccasion being a birthdlay -,as beld at Mrn and Mrs. over past weekend. party for Mr,. Smnith. Also at- Noray Gohee,.n's farm, contin.1 Mn.an Ms.Brue urayteadîng were Mr, and Mn uing festiviis of the car of Guelph we-re weedRySihadfml fMh nival. Miss Beatty wvas pre- guets f Ms. oriy Vn-ton, Mn. and Mrs.Donal sented wîth a bouue of yl-, gustoneadMssBraAle.Van1 Prescott and famnily1 of Bok low- roses, a silver bracelet, atne BecVAene. -ipn M. and Mr-S. Glenn Smith, and several ca)sh vouchers1 Slieryl and Brenday of Hamp- from,- different stores in Port Mlrs. Nicol MýcNic-ol of Ton- ton, and Mr. 'RusselO itoI Hope. Miss Beatty and Mirs. onio and Mn"s. Jamrces Paterýson lof Enniskillen, Williami Creighton, Port Hopeý nmd two sons of Bramtn The Canadian Cancer Soci- attended this dance and ral. wore recent guests of Mrs. P. yo nai è nrA- M % McKiTe M'ielh, W. A. Eder, Mr. nd nicarré Campaign Meeting at spent Sun-day witb Mr. and, N1i4, 'W. andthe Westbhury Hotel, Toronto, Mlrs. W. Boyko, Kingstoa. MI2s. John M. Jamies and Rîck on Saturday and Sunday. The Miss Marlenep Beatty spent wereweek r AssOf M".ifolîowing membens of the tne weekend with Miss Malr-1 and Mrs. jolh],E.",Jamies, Sus- Bownville & District Unit rulh Cpwker a, Oak Hili,l anne and Tom-my, Montreal, attended: Campaiga Chairmran north of here. Que Dateý Stolicker, Unit President Mr, and Mrs. T. Passaflumne, Clanence Bell, and formierh Suniday School was held and dauhers Paoila and Tania, Campaiga Charian Jan Oleg- ere as usul. Thornhillwor Sunday visit- ema. Tis year's campaign Mr. and Mrs. J. Curier ors with lirse Passafiumne', will be held in Apnil, with the and eblidren, Port Hoi3p, parnits, Mlr. and Mrs. J. J. local uni's objective set at spent the weekead withMr Flett, Centre Street. ý$7,200. Last year's receipts and Mns. H. Quantrill. They WVe would be happy Io rec-wereS s over the $7,000 also enjoyed the snowmobile eijve information for- this col- mnark. eiuib's outing Saturday night., urma of your vsits or holdays M. and Mrs. V. Peacock'ýs away from I1,10me, or of ourt-of- -ad was lown i0 so hey towavr guests entlertaiaepd in às ýdd' e u udy yor omsJut ha 233313 Liberty Belles dd~ e u you hoesJus dil 23-~0On Su-n(aay Mr. a nd Mrs. H-. Mris. T Wesiey -Caw,ýker, re- Mluldrew, Mn. and Mns. B.ý turined homne on Tuesday after Tearri Stan1dings 1_M c n toshI- and boys helped >peniding, a few days with her P lins Pts- celebratlewt Mr. and Mirs. frîend, Mlrs. F. Hniet Tor- 'Coomnbes---- --601 8PR. Averywos son was one oýnto. Durir-g her visit, Mrs. --ch-r--- 5326 7 year Old, at Oshîawa, recetLyv.1 Cawker attended a palesfr- Miller-------5330 6 Mir. and Mirs,. O. erc' ance of the Ice Foulies, Bradl ey -------- 5127 6weure at Mn. and Mirs. J1. Fjt'sý Word was necived rmeetly ,Lawton --- -------- 5113 86onSnd,ý. that Mrs. Gordon Jury passed' Kirkton ---34-4--on-Sunday. awý,ay oin December '26th. Mrs, McDonald-----5088 4 Mr. and Ms .Wsoe Jury wh was84 ears o! age,. Roberts 549 2spent SuncdaY -ithtMr. and had beeni hospitalized after Gibson 5M7 2 Mrs, H. Thickson.r breaking lier leg Bunrial waF Be, 4479 0O- 1------ in Waterdow>, besidje ber buls- H. Single -W. Coombhes '2-P, band. H. Double W. Coomnbes 597 O IU R y7iSitOlrs during ýthie Christ- Gaies over 200 inas bolidays with Mn. and W Coomnbes 2_78, 249. F. MRSE AfO Mrs, Tom nShneehan were their, Bradley 277, F. Luxton) 264,ý snn Aloi fom Devert E Etcher ?.59, P. Johnson 219, on .F01lowing a iengtby llne'ssý so Lean-1from BaDenis, n, H Cook 233, C. Roberts 227, 0f aver fÎour years, the death als L. ndJon ensorg-R. ShaýýckeIton 220, r. Corih f rs E. Froaged 81 inlowines of Denny's Cafe o in Prince Rupent, B.C., now 205, 'V. Mller 204, J. Luxton ýyears, occurred at Meoraýlý living in Mastacqui, B£C. 201, Ml/. Mlllonald20 Hospital, Bowmaniville, on Sat-1 Dr. nd rs.Howad w p' Top Ten Averages udaJanuary 9, 197,1. RcindleBrfdley-------------2-331 Daughter o! the lpte iiamn Rinde ! ornt wrewek-W. Coonibes 214 Andrews andMagrt on end guests of bis parents, Dr A Wlo . .22rv' h omr Mraè andir Mrz. YH.1B. RnlQueen 'EEtcher ------ --207 Beatrice Andrews was bornn la Street, and wtbthýem atendc.Roberts 24ClarkeTwsip adatne rd the Ratary Ladte' P ohsnÈigbnt-an fcdd hld at'te Flyuing Dutchm,an .Jhao -23puiblic schoal la1Car1 eTown- Mtor [rl i onFriday eveinag. 1V- Miler . .-19ship. l 91 he mairrie n LiJ. Chapple --nck- D 199, Erwinm Farrow who peees Lios Cub ocey raWF Lxtn -- -.,199 ed ber ia June, 19q48. winnersaremas follwe KNH.L. B, ose . i_ 9 - Feb. làd, J. Brough, Alan ______.._...._ ..____ The desmed hacl resi ed Raby Feh 6th, C.McDoaldNewcastle on Canoline street', Ozzie Wiha V;Fe. l3th., D. in, i approximataly 10 year, PrsoJ. Bruce; and F i J >t FIiaILKS flving tihene from Garden lil. 4t.,B. Johalston, Paul Kow- A housewife, she was also a Pl. Jr-. "" ïeb. 7th., Hop ,soekee oraot10yas Sjng; FeK. tth,,RsiCX.apostoffce n Garen I Aceo)riïn t the POtforeca ri t, l pur ny, warmen uwether no! Iam[ T g-, She was amemierof Nw the Ittwao r three days wili . cn Sadns catîs Unltedchuc ad0 bce replacedro! lb (usdyj. Mins - - 389 7Nue! P severe rap in the ictemï- K. Camphel! ---- - 7914 7ei p~atre- t asmc wiltC. Bruce 81 Mrý, Farrow0 srivdb itlasted. Tl"a few ,days, the F.Brue,, 7762 5 a dughter, M ns. 'nheoore ege:bun his swp4r Ici e, . a7858 2 Stephens <Dunwreabh) a0 ergef oi he wnte~ hoeHA înê e IBOwmarivlIC7, and a son, Arth- take a bah around, and if h e Dyktra - 273 Lur Farowo!Newcastle. psets bifoar w sury ac -HzgliTriple Also surving are fivegrand- agm fo a thr ix ees ~K.Camnpbell - -666 children, Starflcey 6nd Annra-ý iter. No drubt, the suai wil 220 Gaies and over 1belle Stephens, BilIy, Lynnanaa c-hine btatdy A. Dykstra 273), K, Camnp- Lester Farrow. Tt used to be that the ma entbel242-42 F. Bruce 221, B. The funeral service as -hld OÙ thelambîng seas0n" Was Piper 20, J.Mains 250, D, on Tuesday, Januany l2tb fmon ar' arbine r o! rng ont S ge 2,J. Row\ve 235. the Morris Funeral Chiapel, a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 yToerngesaprn- ~ o iples amavlland aicn I la the ri g o seep as Cciîî6. . yk idctpedby Rev. T. 1H.Smith o! cl1ngd hîsSpîn evntan 1stra 641, J.Mar 616. Newcastle. Inteunment was tn Averages tbe Lang Vault, Orono Cerne- J. Mans 23 îry. SA.nu' 1D. Ogdea 1 110 L L K. Caxnpberll .-06 Plbea rers wvr, e 1 P s , ~fl~e ~tirciiC. Bruce .- 1Z 204 Fred and Normian AndrewS, i~linster1. Wright !. . 96Cilton and Brenton Farrow,. ReîV. MA. Turiner, L.Coombes 1t05 Car-, eBurley pand Tracy' BA, n..AJRowe--------192' mbîy.i rgi tA . Bonrs ---- J>? Numraus floral tibutes andi Mn RMetelf, F. Bruce--------. 11 dotonal.hrmmr t ACTA.C.CeM* A, Dykstra--------- 190 tesýted ta the esteem lain whic'h QA Curh h E. K MitcPhl------ý.15 fticei decc1e wsheld. Arnsoag ~t4 am. Cuich eholA. 73111,,e ss - . 14the floral trl-bter were thoseý il ,mB Wl~r .18froni Necasl Untccd hurcbý CHURCUSERVIE F Lad -.. 174 Wma, nd Beau Villa Nurs TRINTY U ITED ij ~Per ry came fro bohîu1d t TRINITY UNITED CHURCHScorng for the local Mldg-etsý ~Mmi5iater - v. George K Ward, BA., B.1),. werc Pal-l Farsey wt w ýranis--t --Miss Gail Thorapsongol danasatMx g Jahasa~~ne ncgoal jdtw SUNAYJAUAR 3, 171assista; Bave Tahb, aone goal1 SUNDIY, JAUARY 1, 1-71sad two Fas3its, Steve VWaÎtaa, 11:0 ~on. goRIa aadSteve Davey one! goal, wth a s1ssaging Lta Don g, Suiith wt two and 'Wayne, -COM,,E, LET US WORSMIP seymrour w!tbaore. Rev. George K. Ward §cornag for 'Port Perry Midg'ets were 13ourgeoni withi The Sacramnenit oJ Raptism wiII be observed twoeoals and c o asists Heard. twe goals sdami as CHURÇH SCI O ~UiR eS; mccoy, ane goiiqa sudonoe sst ansd Cochrane gtttln g Jttnibor5, btei,uvxiates and Seffiors will inecet euep goal. Other asista, went ~41 te Nghttngal. Dan Campe1 nt 9:45 a. ;sud ronson casciiwIth iee port and chieri therp. on tai

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