Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Jan 1971, p. 11

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Mrs. Bruce Tilisor, Ediicr £~tte rs ta the R R. 2, Jury16, 1971 Muýcb talk la beard n Nes<ie o!f"secre" Meet- ings of Council wiere, be- l'4nd cosed doors, the bus- iness &AIis illage is irns- acted. Sucha metingwas hb.id on Jaury 1 j, net by decree nf Couci, u"r behinds clos- ed doees but iitb the sanc- tion o! ,hlb. tapYerS O! Newcastewo chose net te Conmmte. a;ppoimrents wèe macle ail Ameeting sud aýs Counlcli wa atis- fiedï wi.ibl asi yéaer's boards ever-y memrber wa;s se-sp- Reconitin by Council for work 'well dons is coin- meýndabIe. Recognition e! other citizens' willingness te, serve the village sbouid fol- 10. I1 write ibis lettes tu ,ge recognihien te the foi- iowlhng persous whose naines were submnitted by me ta serve on the Community Hall Board: Mss. K. P. Bars, Ms. Ivos L. Ba thy ie Rev. RobertiHHayne, Mss. Narda Hoogkýampn, Mss. William Keaïn, Mr-. T. H. Smitb sud Mss.- Paullue Storica. M Ny letter wss not read eut ai CouncIl but was passed le eacb Couneillor, who, without exception sud wîth- eut comment, igaered il. After my resignation Iai August as Secretary-Trea- sures e! the Hall Board, Newaste -Our lî f~or n t mb g87-4213. ewatefriendl' and neih lease remember he arc boarecenitly or Sat1 iit op-o Dirnes- will take place the talis aqielenigthy, Somne Of last week in January. t-hen'i i'o1no shw r jack Crago attended the Bowm71-anvffe1h1 pîttl , o. houldice, reunllon ln Toronto's thiosýwho-aestl confned We Royal York Hotel on Saturday. wmrh the a speedy r oerv in Toronto hospîtal, Mr "Chaý!r- bc Aquiiilin,M5MranMkw as ctý- mcim Charlotte iN i-rd. luOha-wahept, Mat i 0,cer uBwmnil bospî,tal, Ms Mre ai Mr. Frardk Rickarcl bas recet e eeRceto )v reune ome irid reSing1 Tupsday,, Jan. 12--Newýc.,sstle cofotalyaftr Surgery Mrs. ly1 ewlyativIMlblrook, WmV1-. SioMrs-. R. Stel anîd îosing , 3-2. ewaslegeais by Yr, Dick Bierstiieker haeasO' Tim Jenkin and fDon WlkS. recently returned home flo-Bwlygoals.ý by Ted- Jack- ing surey on,ý Cavin Varey, Daniny ihme v in arningbags. Thrda Jan. 14- --New- This we,ýek, Mrs. ayan cast1s played Bowmanvilîe at 1)iis presenlted thre sxer Ncati, winning 4-2. New- wit-h tars, Jin nn rpceiflgn1 castle goals- by Je!! Clancy 2, the Blue Star aînc! the Elaçk Jeff Bugdien and Timn Malice- Star, with Maiy Lowry an wic. SeatTilîson receivirg the1ir SaturdlayJan. -16-New- ,:el tar. Jumin nis, Danny arnd(1caStie played Fera Hi1li Park, ~rian Alalso receivedth1en Oshapwa at Newcastle, loslug At011i- Bdgs arned during 4-2.Nwasl oals by Je!!, the sumrùer. The, Sixers and Clancy and Jef!Bgdn Secondler8 Fare preeniiy plan- SundRa, Jan. 17--Newvcasilel nin)g a Pack PRmble ,which 15 play,,ed H-arman Park at Osha- toj imclude ithe parents. YotUl wa, winninig 2-1. Goals by beflp in Joinimg il with theivr Jef! Bugden, assisted b-y DavMd pln sa big inspirationtORwyad Charles GoschP; theraDale Mililson, assisted by Jeff Please rertmeber t cal] Clancy and Don Wilks. Thursdlay, Jan 14 Tykie iNewcastle iook q 1-(; leaclon "~.j- ýi aby Mike Smlith, assisted by W &L î.i Ma rk Lake, but Wooview '4pE Park came back to score and NiATEDROMS ncithe gaip ne a a1-1 tie. N'iO c&iQ 7-T FEATr, !D'avlddMillson of Wewcvaýtle te- ,4 "WEN Y04/ Èed theonly penalty ilu the Z INS TA 1L Ateni Jf , p Newcastle overpowered th-e M DE)R' visiting Pickering club, drop- /IEA TM . ig thenby a score rd 6-2. Scorng ivogoal performances for INewcrastle were Robbieý Coolahan and Brian Aflin andu Don Uowley. iNewcastle firnished ffPthreir *regular season play wvith a 6-3 e - triumph over SoLvle Scor- ing for Newcastl.e ln the firsi period were >Gerry Thomapsoai ee ý H AR1VEY frein Randy Tnal (Ih0BhhI% RDoug ,Rickard f rom GIes ~<5O ARTNE Murphy 10 iv Newcastle a PARTNER21 lead after Stouffville had ORONýO 983-5206 taken a 1-0 lead eariy ln the ESSO 11011E rHEAT SERIVICE period, In the second period New- castle scored three unanrswer- SOîFTREO VINYL FOAM FLOORING ,Amazing new comrnfort: Soif, Warmi, Quiet So bautfulaid so easy to care for ,A ndrfuli new kinid of comnfori! Warm. Sa.ft, Quiet. Luxurlous, easy te dJean, vînyl flooring cushioned with vinyl foamn, Softred i richiy embossed to hieip hïde heel marks -, Mak uneven floars. Just rall it oui, No mies$-. No cementing needed. Ideai for suspe-nde-d floorz, So iovey. 50 omfrtabie - ,so inexpensive. 'Stop i tociay and sce. althe loveiy Softred patterns anid coIorsi WEEKEND SPECIAL! TH-UPiS. - FRI. SAT. ONLY $2*?Y9ýd. Partner's borouigb. total 10 59 5.9 0 1 receultly bad1 avurbh .--By David Shearer report frer i y seca ieH _______________ doesanet tink il will bc necessary te bave surgery ir e the immediale future. Bo-igThe past wePeksý, Oronc RESIDENTIAL LUNE i M11ONDAY LADIES 17,5 and Oves C. Pickering 305, 1-. Farrow C E R A M IC 0TILE i305, E. Pecrsins 287, M.L Major 44A"s. e.59 13-,àooe - B., M jo '152, T.Huthon 247, G. Stapie- WVEEKEND Aoc ,12 1 SPECIAL 4 9 er 233, B. Lake 2:33,l.L Pattoni _____________________________________________233, T. Langsaaf 221, H. Cour- oux 218, B. StaPîsten 216, A. LUbEaEU IADAKrLangsaa!!215, I.Lrwn214, R. McGRGOR' ' '.. -ae HjRDUÀRE.IUrF ercer 212, G. Couch 207, F. Luani 204, M. Wade 200, D. PHONE 623-.2542> Goodie 193. M. Kent 192, J. 95 KING SiT. W. BOWMANVILLE Sierl1 191. K. Meces 190, C. ____________________________________________Knelanen 18!9, V. VWahson i186,_ The Canadian Statesman» Bowmianveille, san. 20, 11971 I DMerer187, D, Nai187, C. Duguy 18, D.Langîta"f! 185, E.MeadowsU183, iP.Matl19 & itor SIN - 210 and Ovesr C/1 FB Lewis, 320, E Nesbt "S13,ý ConilrBreet n tokB, Burley3'0 1, j. EForresit'r 28 6, th scrtaia dhisE, Taylor 260),_B, -Farrow 253, ov.r teitrSE Cowiag 20 G. Kimbalil unitil a replacemeint could be 24, W l-tf! 5,C(Rvr fondr and unflesq she la re-23 J. Kueliangea 234, J. Bu livdof this adpstoFo'21 .Tyo 1,M she cannrot be a votlng inein- Huy25 1 Robinisrr 213, G. ber of lIbe Boardi. Council-Coln21 orBreen would rath1,er 1E have -a> vote.!, knw, ibut n ETNJ LADIE tii this is; made possible a 175 and Over vaican'cY exista ýon the H-lall H. WUleI1ms 2:1,F, G. uhs Boad31 .W 'lm 23, A, Vog-ela, I c Counciil 1f sny othKeýr 203, A. HIo1ý1loni.01,_I.Vogels- names were presented te1G95,M uk16,E uhr tbmfrappoininmnt týo aay iandm 96,C. eath1erup19,M. cemîteesud i s, ere Sih18,JWlter 179, H'l ibey networtyodi ref cog- Cî 7,W.Sms 176. And I' aicthetapyro!20sd ve ewsile - docsaanyene M lewis 29, J.Mithel Lewis ý201. ed goals Bruce Aldrsd cere FRIDAY MRIXED unassisted. Rickiard bisý sec- 20adOe ond freinDan Ncýoron sud '00ail Oe Thompson; Aldred Ibis s -od E. Jenkist-,, R od282, from Bria Anrson hlgvucry 82). oel 76,. Newcsstle a 5- lead. ~. Ptmr 2641, B M!3, 58 ia the ibird perlod Nwc- Powell 29, . Henry 2487, A. catelet lup a bit and wr eac 4, M. Par 27,,J. outsco)red 2-1, Keni Parridge Tenu sut 23, , Neabhi 26, J. scorig frrq AJrÉý to McCrackc-,[ 224, E. Embleýy 21,I Newcastle ihe icor.ROY ., ne2'0 rVerburgb la tlhe Yi casle-net D. Budel 21(;, P. Kiîdd 215,J faced 23 sbots, while the Holmes 206, J. Powell20, Stouffvihle goalteuder faeced 30 Kupêry 204, R Buley 2(13, M. sbois. Burley 202 Newcvýast-lereceived 18 o! the 14 pecnalties handed eut. New- watfor, Word MA L R VE o!ibieir playof f opnu Friday, Janusr15 M. ad Ms.c JP. Swallew 1ta their final gaine o! ie lser Ms.M.A. Deu1sem. lu seas n1e. 7vwC astfi1e ,wasî,tiho r - St.mic h aeal's Hosp.itafl, Tor- ouhl iumedby Boklaohalse aetersiter, Mrm by ai score o! 7ï-1, Bria Mlk- Frank Cruicksbaa3ks,, AJax.1 les SCOred Newcatie's olyv Mrs. L. C. SodeMr. go, unasstd.Newcastle Bob Snwdren -aînd Mrs. H.. G. was ouitzhot by 28 to 14 Frreemran were ca Wra the BanamArmrstroag Funý-eral Home on Newcatejpe te aSaytpay their lestr- carly 1 -0 lead but StoFfvhlepeieb.ie M .H. ove cal-re ibis quiki an Eersnwbem ail bad lnown w-1ent on lho ia yl t a sore e!for a numîber o!yeas.They 4-1, i Wagar get t1he geai, wresupper guis3o!QIlb. efor- asaiated by Jas Hartoon. Ne-"mr 'du trand usbaa, ,casle received five o! the lbtM ad ss ohiHbad penalties banded oui sand iheyOswa outsbot th.e ihr 21 te 17.1 Ms ay Aa Dys Sundayý, anuary 1 ulp avest, ulb Tow-n League speu vtheweekead CiWvith lei Tn the first gaameElnutpret. r.udMs ev scored two goalssilales than e ndbr'-'rsArh eemnttera a. -all e e Doy ad Rari, nsud rar.cd i wetibJobnstoa's. _Je!!- f Scorlng : Elnhu1LrSi mether, Mrs. Rva Jeffery. lPearc, ilgoal, 22assIst'L- B M3 s su ad Mr.dw,ýiu Jeao W vri ghbi, _1goal, 1 ass na Dien Mls eedn Tendain 1 goal. 1 asslsh A ner guiests oee day lasi wee iGreen, 1 goal, P. Stinson i witb Mr.'aIdMr.Fe R asFss. Stevenis, and aise caliedor * Jbnson'-T.Fis, 2geasMr. sund Ms.S.S. \orton assts; P. Hiender5en, 2 gol; ,d-Ms! W,(Jk)tid R. Douiinchel, G. Cow,îlng, B.î Yin aad MIss. Jainpe; Marin Neil, eue a"Sisi sacb. asuid f a imil- y 30 ' ,7owman1v i l e, Cowa4nvilie Icei ibeir iun- 1wefre sunday supper guests defeaisd streak ahive as tbey w ith hri moier r, Mss. Char- dumped Pantnera la lasi paelsGenao by a score 'D! -4.Msfr sud Mrs. arueSa Scoring: Cowanvllle C pies, hn, were, Tuesday Green, 3 goals; Pets M\ýcCujl- svening ls ekvîsitors log,2gols; P. Heasrrnen, 'L ,rth tercuia r u goal, 1 assist; L, rou,1 ga, .The Fole, sud andr iC. Van Dam, .thre asisa;Peai ocicin, BaseLie Pau Mcullugb 2 ssita; Mr. and Ms.Lloyd Saew- SFred Aldred, 2 assista,; AI!Adl dMs Al lanwdn-n red, 2 assists; C. Rowse, 1 assisit; MS RyVnCam, Bn.ase Y . siater, I assisi. ia. o acal,îSý Pataier's-J Cunlngam, , weP.r e Turda asiL i 1goal, 1 asSsai;Bill MoCCL- wecvstr ihtersse ýj1_gh 1gol,! l"SiI. *B.Bud- sud hbuSbap1d, AMr.and Mrn, l~ugb, 1 goal, 1 assisOshaNab len, 1 goal; D,. M\cbeRn, 1 goal O15 ecafOsa, N., Petherick and H. Lihile, È PR e me , in b e r the U.C.W. assisi eCbm. rmeeting this Tbursday even- Town League Standiangsinlg, Jan. 2lst, ai p.m. iu tb. Team W L T Plis., C. E. Hall. Cowanvilllê 8 0 2 18 Jobnton's .. 5 4 1 il PO T1P O ,Elmhursi 2 6 2 6 PO T P L Eartner's .--- 2 7 1. 5 Top 25 Scrers 1 Due ta ihýe siibzero wvcatb.er Jh . the E u F.chre hFld ai Ballydufi C:-Gary Van, Dam làl 1 1 Fri'day evening wvas net large- 12CaîeGreen Ili)920 y attended. Prize winners J-P:ete H4enderson 13 6 1 were: Ladies' higb, Mrs. Vio- C (-Pete McCuliougb 8 10 18 le Phillips; second bigh, Mvrs. C-Fred Aidred 8 10 18 Marjorie Powers; geats' bigh, J_-Terry F'sk 8 10 18 Mr. Charîca Preston; second C--Pauil 1McCullou.gb 6 12 18 high, Mr. Keith Stinsen. PBob Stiles, 6 10 16 TbeloalU.C.W. helda -WaynePearc 6 1612 he ocarl vun al s I ibat should inierest ai loi o! Manvers Township cit-Izen. Mr. Alfred Jobuston wmbo was hemn, lived, sud farined suc-4 cessfully on the Jhsa bomestead near Manvers Sa tion, He was Townsb-i'p Ass ses lu Manvers for s afew years sud then ilse becýameil assessor for Clarke sudrnv ed te Orono. Wýhen provinicial assessineni wvs inirodu)ced be spent pari o! bis lime luinhe Cobourg office. Recetly be'Ii Jretired sudws the recýipieni, o! soien. nie gifla, Prviousiy he spent a hotoldy in1 Floridla each wne.Afe ànd hîis gloodwcel re o farîngwe eliveth-t AI,- fred was the first on. te wia tho, geid wiatcb in the 500 Bush-Iel Potaho C]1lb.W e Jlin wîb anil wjihig thec rihs tons ý,many years o A poit uck ý ýsupper pee the a n nu a I 1Congregtna ,Mýeetin)g of thje ie Chuircbý helid Sua1day evein laCth churh bsemnt.The pastor,ý Rev' Norihey chaired the b1usines meinwithiMirs:. YvneFaIlla assecreta[ry. The curh reasurr, Mr, BPihl Hajrper,mgave 'the reporit oni the finan11cs, This ,report was1 accepted' on motion. The3 sented y Mr. arper,wh tin nmotion, tbi:ýreiga tewasccepted wiithrert Mr71S. Ruth 1-1Ric1hsrdson was Noeted t h, epostion. ders' report, saigthe nm wediug. r. rvlleAder-! son gave t-be n n S, pot yOunjg propl&5zorgaiztn were atv, Mrs. Verdua report of hework o! l U.C.W. A report frein the ýCemetery Board wîll b1e avail- able at a ltrdt.TePr sonage Bordwa presented by Mrs. Hazel ols Ahi these rz-peptswereac- thauka ere exend1ed te ýthe eraî,ca retaý1ker, (trustee an, past. Favourable comr- Mentreain th rnv- tien o! lb. ýbaseýment -was pre-1 serited. Or, motion ail fo-rme1r officers were reele '3-Jsu AA CAA cUBLIE0 P 1CHEE Thkg. e Bowmanville Lawyer Heads County Board o! Education The Nrtubei ndid Frsinnbeard mmhrs, fis Isaëlt ew yeDi Durhani.count Bar ! d-T.WrdnFasgVen the p T b.psantuet ris u ication lbas a new chinînan lpeinimeul as thbe bo)ard's re on the Bs.3iishImdia Steaina sud vice chairmrant, floigpresenlalîvetet -beOaaw Nviaton Compauy shîpa, T iirs d ay nui gbi'a inauigui.ares planning asud develOr,- th. S.S. Nev asasu eS.. meeting in Cobourg. ment alstudy. - Uganda, have cbeen limiteid te Bo0wnnvllle lawyer Aln lTe Royal Banik at Cobeurcg n'etropoltatîo ares stuidents. Strikýe wa ioposd u is wasn re-appointed as the The cruises are now being ldi for 'lie principal positioýn board' officiai bank. Sharpe, offsred le ail Canadian stu-, wýhiie, Bob Rakias suad FHowa,,rd Laugb;orne, an cd Townsend dents ion a first corne, fixai S'heppard e upâ le siÀng a' comipany of Cabourg sud Port srebss h eio h coin te ses wbo would te Hope were re-appoinied board ieachlng cruise la boïrne lui se ndl comiaud aler a audiiors wbIie the firin o! total by the parents wilh tie vote by broard memnbers. Honey, Brooks sud Harrison noihing asked efthie board. _jl-fowrd Seppard, a Rose- o! Part Hope will look afier Director o! education J- et h ar es milk praducer, the bosr'slegs! bu1siness. Frauk -Thoi said he was i o teba udIe o.Re-locate Offices familiar with the pregrain and Board mmYbers A.,J. r, The Beard's plans tase- said board members would be c"G T. WhïFifin sd W, L.locae is am staieof- fpieasantly aurprised whe-s ,rVroe wre elctsl aItic ai lb. Cebourg Indusý- tbe-y fJui oui whsl a saving ou thle aiseyvconitilPark were coniflrmed'by ibere ila for studenis Iravel- comnileawbiie nn-ead . rank Thomn, directes o! ling together Ibis way. "It's pIl e, t h tmnt-euato.cuite s bit> inteesa than 50 er te-e wcre, gi VeecS. E. Casasu ln He, said the board hi3s been cent o! tb. regular fare". o!f Brighton, J., KR DeCeeo! p1romaised ibe aId admnistra- Lukewarm on Univpriiy [DaliglA. T- Je!! ries ! ie building aI. ie;ept Board memibers exprsse Coebourg sud Howard Siurrnck wbhich is lu exýelletcni-rlirlueammueeil of Bowmsnviiie. tien and wIl b. Icased te Ihe the establishuin !a nvs The board menibers coenb ard a svesy rea3sonabe siy in the aresas on jt7ued'by r lesil on thbe advisery eni~ rate. HHe sald Ibis WOUI be the -central Ontario joint plan-1 initie. for trainable retaed înuch lesa empeusive thant ning board. aire C. V. Johnson, A. J. Rewýv building new board o1ffices Tebadpse eo aisud J, C. McKague, Three Pwith comparable facilities,. 'Tie bodraedpby ied a i appoinhmenis wîli be confîrrin- to rtedbHh dmlI ed ai a laies meeting o! trHe 5said papeicrs are. ln the iration ,as !oliews: "The om board whea naines are sub roces o!beiigdsawn up. thumberiand a n d PDurhamn rnite fomth trp PeiWhle nothiig au be sgned cuty board o!f dcain diistrict associatio)ns for the untiltear finally MOvEs being cognizant e! t he faýct -cnentaily, seiarded. Oui, 1hE sad tere' doesa ual hat Oshawa ila e eo! ther West hîgh aheer rncpal ppeartrlIE b ayother boid, largest urban enre l he! Colonel XKing ndiii te the u lps su-d the board would 1ke province wlllioui local un boad ha b.nelogerw'h-te aove lu durinig the suin- versily faciliticEs suppor t ihe ed te serve- as the board o!f e eîa aaîsmn !auîesl erducation'a appoînles ýote he AppsveF Cruise rogreni ai the appropria i lie. Cobourg Library.Board. The The Boalrd bas, given lisl The board takes the11po,01-i- job was passed on te central bleasng ale sistudeni dua-tie faiay rmuuicipaility ori ares SU erintendeul J, Wall.tilonal iseprogra in-at as s1,, egion wishîng b develôp in P~I . hion nn i-, ri _Cjr, sndsfor i veraitv facilities withiu ils univerity a% mrs h ir t uryI woul eamileail tacets relcatve tà the need and ad- viab iy ! uch an institu- tionj anid where uch need la idaedwoulà rgive tentla- tive apea In the interest of good business pocedure final' approval wou!dc- be witlS hld lutl existig uri- ties, apra dotmmen- rolments especialy in those fields ii whîch tie e w u-ni- versity w VOuld Jendeavor tc specialze'" The joint plaannn board la talJk!ng aýbout establï,shlnùg -a university specialjiig in tàae broad tield oetrnpttos engineering and aRegea medical science ùentre iîncr-r poratîng a medical aýchnol, ir-- gional hospital and mnedical research centre. Education irct J, Frank Thorr -inn bis ,remarks te the board trssdthe miorJs, "at. the opprepriae Urne" in the resolujt ion. H ýei eat 1 n n aijnht te"me te" ttiud and stressed tha-t 1need and] finacia vibilty us!be 1t11 Most importaint cnieain iu suppcrtý-i uh apeet Nlew Road Supt! For Darlington townshîp be off red te Jack~ D a i lQOper 7anu1JrI accepted the Twsi' fe and MID Hlkely atart rwk os% or abolut Mare s,acrd te pksa in the DsLi8rng- 1

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