PAGE TWO WEST 4.22 a.ini. F 10.07 a. mi. 2.02 p.n. 7.11 P.n. 7.06 P. ni. 8.24 P. . Sundav Only 8.42 a. nýi. 9.13 a. ni. Sunday Only 10.16 a. ni. .2 6 p. mi. F 8.19 'p. ni. 7.14 P. nm. 9.58 p.ini. il 21 P. ni. F 128 .ni.F F-Flag CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY TYRONE STATION WEST EAST 8:25 a. m. 6:18 p. mi. DaiIy Except Sunday Property For Sale FOR SALE-The home of the late F. B. Wluting, sltuated et the Forks of the scugogg Read. This property Is ln ele-ý gant condition; coniste of good house an or acres of land with abundance of fruit. For particulars apply at reali- dence te Mrs. F. B. Whlting, Bowman- Vile. 23-tf HARRY WAGNER Teacher of Hawaiian Guitar. Comnplete Course in Transposition fer Guitar, Ukuiele, Uke-eno Studio over Coucir, Johnston & Cryderman's, Bowmanviile, every Wednesday. Address: Balm oral >otcl Radios Batteries Tubes Loud Speakers and Radio Supplies L. F. Irwin Phone 83 or 276 Bownanville G.uPritchard Paînter and Decorator See us for Wall Paper and Paints befere bUyiig eut of toWn,j as we have a most up-to-date lice on ahi interior decerations. Estimates cheerfuihy given on ail work. , ing St, Bowmanville Ouf you canr, mt Feep yr Eeaclea. Clear and Heait1iy. Write- fOl Free Eye Care Book. MrnCeuAy CQ.,9 LU OIBlsCbum HAVE YOUR SKATES SHARPENED so they'hh ire reedy for usýe. Bririg tireni irere -and we'Il put an cdge on them tiat will enabie te do tire outer edge, tire grape-vine and ail tire otirer fan cy stunts. emnember tee, tiret thre sharp skate is tire sef e skate. Duhi sktates meian emany falls beides poor RATCLIFF MACHINE -,SHOPý King tf .Bfraiil Importer direct of SCOTlCH -AND SWEDE- GR.-A N1TIEs uadOnly thre best grade-s of VERONTBLUE PMARBLFÀ I eloy e ceme-lteny caretneens as~ ~~~t agnspeera esel myOen goode hs eig iepurciresee tire agent's cmiso.A calshctd F, H. BUNSALL Proprietor-pBouwmlanTvil]hee phrone 3eWBx 9 RMILWAY TIME TABLES FOR BOWMAN VILLE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY WEST EAST 5.28 a. ni. D ex M o1.1 a. Ili. D 6.06 a. m. 2.45 p. in.D * 8.20 a. m. D * 7.48p. ni. D * 4.31lp. nm D 1127 P. ni. D . 7.10 p. m D *12.26a. m. D D --Daily except Suntiay. D ex. M-Dally except Moniday. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY 1.1 - gAfi I CHIROPRACTIC, DR. DURWIN E. STECKLEY bonor greduate of Toronto Chiro- practic College wiil beiren office on Temperence Street, Bowmanvîihe,, Tuesday, Tirursday and Saturday afternoon anid evening,. Phones: Offce 141J; Residence 141W. Residentieal cails made at Hem11pton, Newcastle and District. OPTOMETRY R. MI. MITCHELL Registered Optometriat Eyes examnined-latcst metirods and modemn equipinent. Opticel Parler in R. M. Mlitchell & Ce's Drug Store, Bowmen1nvilhe, Ont. VETERINARY DR. F. -'. TIGHE VETEINAR SURE ON Dayore Nigtelle p' RGmtyEtNdd te. Office: ing St. Eeýst, Bowmenvihhe. Phone 243. E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Sc.j Honor Grad,(uate of University of Toronto. Ah cases given prompt and careful attention. Office-- Hampton, Ont. Phrone 375-15. AUCTIONIEERS THEO M. SLEMON Auctioneer Fariin and bouse Sales a Specialty. Termn-ioderete. Enniekille-n P. O. Phenie 197n3. 1-tf. WILLIAM MAW Li-enýsed Auctioneer Heving met witi considerbie suc- cess incoad(uctinig sales for t1icopeat 18 yeers, 1 aow offer mysevcst tire people cf Bowmanville adve iaity. For, terme ad dates see F O. Mason, Bowmeinvilie, o hn 288, Wiitby, Ont.12t AUCTIONEER & REAL, ESTATE NORMAN MONTGOMERY 18 years' experience, ahi classes cf auction sales, pure bred stock e5 specialty. Business addre-ss 4061 loor St. W., Phone Trini ty182 Uesiden(e: 269 Havclock St., piolie Lombard! 2933, Toronto. 1~m BOWMANVILLE BAND Tuesýday Tursay Saturday BAND . AFTERNOON ANDý EVENING -ON , NEW -YEARS. DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE 110for graduate ia Dentistry Toronto U.niversity. Graduate of tire Royal College of Dental Surgeons of On- tario. Office King St., Bowmenville. Office phone 10. bouse pione 22. DR. J. C. DEVITT Greduate of Royal Dental Golge, Toronjto. 'Office, King St. East, Bow- menville. Office irours 9 a.i. te 6 p. m. daily except Sundey. Phrone 90a. lbouse pirone 90b. DR. R. E. DINNIWELL Honor graduate of Toronto Uni- versity and miember of RoyalCoeg of Denital Surgeons. ?Licefsýed te practise in Ontario and tire Dotmin- ion. Dentistry ina eh iLs branches.ý Offce-iagSt., Bowmeanville, op- posite Bank c0f Montreal. Phone 301. LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LL. D. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Meney te boan on Farn and Towni Propcrty. Royal Bunk Building, Bowmeinville. Phone 3-51. W, F. WARD, B. A. Barrister, Solicito)r, Notary Moncey te boan. Bonds for zale. Offices-Bleeklcy Block, King St., Bowmeniai-ville, Ontarie. Phones: Office 102, bouse 332w. FUNERAL DIRECTORS iF. F. MORRIS CO. Complete Motor or Heorse Equip.inent, Ahl calîs promiptly aittcadcd te. Privete Amibulance Býowm--anville Phones 10 and 34 Branch Stores-Orono & Newcastle.1 ALAN M. WILLIAMS Enihelmrer and Funerel Directer. Galle given prompt and personal et- j terution. No extra charge for dis- tance. Phones 58 or 159, Bowmian- ville, Ont. 3-tf. MEDICAL B. J. HAZLEW1ýÇOD, M. D., C. M. Gold _Medalist, cf Trinity Universit,, Teronito. Four yeare nattendiug Phy- sicien and Surgeon et Mt. Garmiel Hospital, Pittsburg, 1(s. Office andi Resîdence, Weîling1ton Street, Bow- meinville. Pione 108. C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. :Greduete of Trinity Mledicel College, 1Toronto, formierly of Ensiln Office and Residence, Dr.epitr's, ,form er residence on Church Street,i 1Bowmenville. Phrone 2591. 44-t.1 Globe ....................$6 50 "ed a very cnjoy-a1be prougrun. Tire iretakene. g. in tie reorgnizaicu 'Mail &Empure.............$6 50 ý C)d i Stribution cf l'tire gl!fts 'by santa cf tir e calIndust r na forun 'AicA Toooue ily Star ....... ..4$6-,0 Ceu ad il tire ittlýe one iap- w nittlireup ocf ogïie Farers Avcate.......3. 0 .Miss Alice Wry ecieadrlabor. FumrerAdypupils . .are tu irecoaugratlted Therej('I, is j ngada srog ib- New Outlok ............... u400 I ton tir ucees cf tireeving. eralmidie cles; tie mirerknowsl ChristÀin berald.......$.0jtiet it bii ave tire spotc Delneeor............$400 KEEP OUT THE COLD cesl vr eiiaerfrn upheaal. mployrs ad public nau- Saturday Evening Post ......$4,00 Mr.J.M.Vace, Peeroro aentthritesaremetinlaî bor rîwy Famiy Hrahi& WeklySta. ~ for he anros Cambelai Wet-greait as tire diffcuties feciag Eqg-ý Weeky Wtnes $ .0 ertrping, us îral town s. tirzwek th 1 arWIe th.ey areinot isprbe ïFtleera'Sun...........35 Mce'sMag-azine......50 CaainCounitrylman....$30 C7aniadlien Pultry Rýeview. 3.00 grts i on tire mr 0tt keeýp eut coid drafts frein looe windows ed Adoor,ýIt irelps te lueepu do-vn your felbill and ma rrkefi house mre comf oreble. Pone 33i e j ~ ~ ~ 5 wnt ese M.Vece stmae funiie fes.4 Ail imotirrscen put a-way anxie-ty' regardling their suffering ilde whien tiey h a ve Metirer Gr1a vecs' Worm Extemminator te give2 relief. i Tts, effeets are L-ure and lasting. TH~E CANAÏIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, TeURSDAY, DECEMBE1R ?1, 1925 T14E EDITOR TALKS CO-OPERATIVE STATESMANSHIP SURVEY 0F ECONOMIC We fancy not many persons pass, Editor of The Canadian Statesmnan STAINI RA RTI fromn the old year into the newv onei Sir,-Why should there not be Addeess to Bowmativille Canadian without some serions thoughIýts ,anldi co-operative cons--trucetive statesm-ian- Club by Professor C. R. Fay, Pro- with grateful hearts for preservation slip in parliament? What is the fessor of Economic History, Uni- through the past year and the Priývi- senlse of the elected xuembers 0f par-~ versity of Torointo, (late of Cain- lege of entering upon the duties of liamnent dividing off continually ofl bridge University, England.) the new y ear. T 'he London Times, political party lines andl obstructing- ,saysý that it is one of the profoundesýt the business'of governirent by nieed- Mr. Presiderit and Gentlemen- techng f arusAreiu ta less partisan debat ers? Why waaste It isý easy, to print thle situationl in Our lives are conditioned ýby 01-1 the tinte of parliament an-cl adl to Britain toô bak There are dark though'lts. E1very muan's thoughts re- 1the cost of the- governmiient of the patchles, but these are only a snall presýent his pilosophy of lifead country by unduly pr.olo nged speech- parte of the -Whole. Do not f orget it is- surely -worth while that elach of_ý es and stressing of the difference that the' good timies are sulent timies us should aszk the question on thre1 between tweedledum an'd tweedle- and that 'the industries which have pee of thle NwYerlo'w have 1 dee? ltl rntigt oili fke steered mi-y cours e thus- f ar, how01Varn Why sh1-ould not elected pa q it. rntigt oili fke 1 shapiag it nwa1]d what is mymentary represenitatives gýet down quie. etee nte rts destination1? To those who havetobsnsan cosrcvesas- Tegateet.ith Biis not yet found their course and are malInes ad manage te afs'of Budget of 1925 -was the return to in danger of drifting imliiessly Ofl governiment wthout s-o much parîey- -thegl tnad oesgetta a sea, too treachJerous to the iindîfferý- ing9 What are the mnembers of it w.s premiature an.d thlat the f ore- ent and unwary, an older travellei ing up of sterling to g-old parity de- would ecal t1ýi wods f M. Wl-parlianient elected for, an.Yway? Are pre'ssed the ex,ýport trades (of which ,woulld recalaptheeiwords ofiMr.pWil- liamn E. Gladstone: "Be inspired afar aal i aaigpbi coal is th(,echief) b',asn epot with thre belief that Lif e is a great ~ ta r h uiia on ers to receive less in ternis of their ,and noble clig not a mearlnlqndi own currcey than before. But grovelling thing that wýe are to ltis not considered necessary f or w'hîat is the atraie To revalue shufie through as wecn u nee diable for municipal counlcils to the poýund w,,ouldi have damaged Brit- vated destiiny". Truly Lif e is reel be split up into political parties for ish credit. To 'nage' the cur- an arnest and demnands our veryý the proper transaction of cou'clrnywudhv feddBiii beýst tholcug-hts and g-ratitude towards, busine(ss WhY Should it be osd commercial traditions. The restora- the Giver of ali ered necessary that memnbers of Par- tion of the gold standard brougý,ht ***liamnent should be thus divided? Why, temporary hardship which -was Natrely n eteing upn te hould there- not be more harmoün- worth vhile becauise it gives Britein duties of te New Yàea)r Our m ind ous co-operation in pa rl, ime nt? a chance of resuming its position in turn to the future. We like to As a resuit of the election held world trade. And sinice other ne- thinlr of and frcatwhat is insor October 29th., Conservatives and tions, too, are returning to a gold for usi is fresh span of if e Liberals arce sourieerly equally, divid- standard, thiere is no going back. miarked by its own date. The fact ed in the nlumber of represenitatives In fiscal policy- there has"obeen amoi!« that m-osýt of us should and do maike elected that the Porssv and industriallsts a growing feeling -in new resolutions for thecmigyr Labor an.d Independent represen.,ta- favor o -f protection against the de- proves that 'we recog-nize that the' tives elelcted are said to hold tihe preciated currencies and low labor futreisvey arel i or wnbalance of power betweeni the two standards of Europe. This bas been maigan sliepoces imst iol parties, and a situation is mie t by the safe guarding of Indu- necessa ibe trindm r' created in whicir no single perty has tries Act, but there isý a danger of les"s by your record in thie pat yee a clear majority in the Houseý of carrying it too f ar. For tariff bar- or years. The New Yeýar i s n o tef- Comamons, which may resuît ini a ries obstruct foreign traae, whlichi ter ail merely, a begîinning in oar deadlock which will niecessitate a- is Britein's clief source of strength. if e, but it becomres a prmîndier týhat other election soon. Why sýhould ThTie decliïe in tihe volumie of Brit- Opportun1ityý is sýtili ours to gresp: thi.s condition of effairs be, permnitted ýiýirex_,ports since thre war is serions. and use to ourïavatae.ilna to continue to keep the people iin a Irn1ports~ are back again above' the real s5ense, too ,every day'is a beginl- constant turmioil? -war volumle, but exports are only ing and as wý-e enter uponi its acti- Why- not try co-operative con'- 75% To what is tins (due? Mainly vities we sýhoulxrs to tic Giver structive stetesmantslhip in pariia-'to unrest in foreign countries sinice and Preýserver of our lifre our sincere meijýt and ini government manage- the war, especially in thie East, but gra-titudle for beiing permitted -to en- ment, by the elected representatives ýini India the situation iS imiproving; joy another span, of if e and the ad- of the people, and dispense with and -with cireaper cotton Lancasiee~s vantages- and opportunities it affords political partisan division? textile trade is looking up11. us1. 11n a similerinanner ve may Previous to election the candidates h elnino tee-,pr rd and sho(uld regard ev.ery, new work .0f the various parties inthre con- he dly eýnsin orheYexportltrad or enlterprise to wiich we turn our stitiaencies all declare their w\;liîing- i anyraosbefri'~mlin thoug,,hts annd energies and Put Our uess to serve their conistitueire in of unemployed. Tire increase this bands is a fresi start. Periapsi the- public intereet. WirbY s1ould year is due solely to one n st- xe do not ailways give to our lhf enothswoareecdb an- coal. Tliat apart, employmient has unm- inths practical matters the serjousý jorityof the votes cast in their f av-poed conid(leration that we sirould. or consider thienrsLelves the Crepre- Unemploymrent p)ay is not mnainly * * ~ etatves of uclrcontitencesa dole. It is made up of contributions Wevere imnpreýssed with one very rather than the tools, of a particular fro m0yr ad epoe important idea on reeding hms party? (7 5% an d froin th- state (25 Swin-'s letter which applears in oms Wysol o inue flgs %). UnI-fortuniately since 1923 ex- isýuc, nmel tht t Î a pindti i ry to c should no m er f eis- tensions of benefit have been neces- issuvienmoly tintit s asqulendid lanbck onsiered on herthi mrissary but misuse ischecked by the pla wien osibl toge sqareor ac ofmen, atir tanfronýL abor ýExchanges wiro administer tire ,ithtire world et the end o5f tire, at týipit n tesoul aies n m iatters f of should inotprinciples ire placed aliove achente. UenPloyulent pay has ,theýou, a in natorsofbusinessý, pae;ky loyalty in dealing -with moral prevented so fer a declension in the tire end of the year is a g-ood turne questions or issues? csilndrd. or riecr of tr wiadw for stockI-taking, and it mkay be bet-cide. Frrcvr ftaew ter s0 employýed than spen , 11ding - -Wrr, E. DeForest, Spring-ford, OnIt must look both to emiployers mnd precious h1-ours as we too often do nin employed. The miost pressing dilli- fees>-ting and dancing or ther am-ue- culties are thiose creeted by the ments. We are creetures of haibit, IN THE EDITOR'S MIL negetive attd fognzdlbr wrote a physicien reýcently, and _____ It is essentiel to sjýwitch [this into irenlcI tire importance of esalsha row oiod 'a1o11Ï with meý positive constructive lineý,. good habits. Yes, truly, what is Tire 'bcst is yet to be. One serious- problemi createdl by t rue o,_f tire pirysicel is aise true- of Tisseieaythwyou old t-irec unions i.s the peeto of imi- th piriýtuel side of our natulre. West Duirain resient-Carwrgt blity betwveen Job end job end be- But our readers have no doubt founid was bis wiln place in those st ir'- t-ween -place and place. A sýecond( is as we h ave thet it is not always easy ring days-aand Mrs. Sanain used t tir reative over-p)ayment of unskill- to form good habits. The old say- serve meals to 1ey Bwnnil ed and sei-i-skilledl, so that unskillcd fing issti true in a general sns:visitors to Blac2kstock Fa ir ,who, workers lu thie 'sheltered' trades i- e. "Tt isbrî t ecinod dog nwtrogdtr ioe iig ro.those not ecxposed to f oreign con- tricýks." We rpquire, to give thougiýt ieei Uncle's Tom' s annýuel letter petition ýget as much as skilled wok and refiecýtion tu tire matter of oupr i to th-e Editor: ers in thre trades Wiricir supply tire iinrprovemnent in meatters, of conduct Box 45, Viscount S ek. xport mere A tirird weeýkn.essi as ýwe mnust in our studies Of Vw ecabe12,195.s sectionel quarrels-as for ex- probleros for t, is stili ailso true tiret Dcnbe e, 95 mple, in the building trades. -r:But tirere is n-o royal roed tu leerning. . ~ Sr:1ceeLrfully enclose Biitish laborî u ot, in addition touil __________$2.00 to renew our suL>,criPtiôn to tiese short comnings, sub11versive: If Thre Canàê,adi Statesman for anotir- anything, it isý too conservative, too CELEBRATE GOLDEN WEDDINGI er yeer, just to solem'nnly'remember ettached to existing working cust- my good oid friends wiro fwoin we(ek oms. And for laýbor- it miust be said .'Dund(etru:m Fana" tire Iome of to week,] are passing off tire stage that it bas sýuffered in tire lest cen-; Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bennett, Lake Of actionl. Very many of my p1,,,pu- tury from tire standardization of mea- shore, Darhý in.gton, wes tire sen o r acqYue-intances and ively aciors chnery: Manuel skill ires been de- a joAlly gatetring Christmas Eve,ar gone f orever since I str-uckt1inîs str.oyed. Tire Fordisetion of in- wiren their chirldren, grendciilren, garden 16 years ego art Fecrr Y, dustry mey produce millions of cars nepirews and ni.pces gatirered to e-1od thier children have gr'wnfr but it does not produce even thous- brate their fiftietir weddinig anirver- byn ykolde edeeyands of mcchanilcs. sary. After nlirad part.ake(n of the article pinted ln thie paper and vr Icdnali a e ntd good tiring- prepered tire cnpavsldom sec tire naine of a prsn iet te ligtlBritisir ar is poting was-, called to order nd itins ade new 's Wain anted I aretih, en- s uti weas read by _Miss Grace Siit i, New- JOYing9 the best ofiretir, and eve-ry- tr odcro ietuitrue cati:tiring wc desire le to helnd a:id im- of Biitaini to-day). D-ar Aunt and inl--eyu ediately paid for. I amn giad to Furtirermore, labor is rigit in its ncphcluws and1 niec-es, have mnet here ul ay that we do not oeadolri conviction thýat there us no solution tonl'-Ibtto exTcnd to you our Christ- tl!iis worlI. But wce gettingoldr mrl n oe ee mias greetings, elso to juin witi you but fuil of irappinees. 1I would likelt Tirere is no generel solution for in celebrating tire fiftietb anaivcr- tu bear frona those -whom Iït1hmnk aireý labor unr:cst; bût if our attitude ils sary cof your wedded lif etiret coin- yet going strong. one of ýsympathetic undcrstanding, ColonIal Public e uiisotherf than Cand"Jwa n flt e-tceeding -iarket value) ................ Railway and ojther Bonids, Debentuires and Stocks (flot eýxceedInQ market value) ....... ........... Caland Short (flot exceedlag thirty days) Loians ini Canadaa on Bonds, Debentures and Stocks and (other Scrte of a sufficient mreal value to cover......... Cail andi Short mnot exceeding thirry days> Loansesehr than liCnnaon Bonds, Debentures and Setcks anti other Securities of a sufficlent nmarketa,-ble value to cover ý 1. . . . . . . . . . . - . . 29,407,242.28 1,630,772.26 33,S14,538.47 38,691,331.97 ______________ 3398,103,935.27 Current Loans andi Discounts in Canada (ms, rebateot inierest) after making' fuli provision for ait bati anti douibtful debi . .............................- 1190,854,642.71 Current Loans ant i Dicounts elsq"where than Li Canada (Ia eaeof intereat) af ter ksakîng f ull provion for ail bad and do'b-fu1 d ' ts.................1337922 No-urrent L anas, esti.a. d loseapov dto........2,527,576.72 -"- 0 Xe 8__ 33.710,0id7 Banli ýPrerilses at flot more uhan cost, s monswrltten off. ý............568029 Reeal Istate othler t han Bank Pr.enire................... .. ....2,55,943.44 Moitg esonRe a !cLr, tae oldby the Bank...........................95176.89 Laitisof Csoesunderf Leýtters offCretiul1 a1'petcontra...............009986 Shbares offand Loanst otolt opne....................208910 i0ey-sit ýirh the Mý1iniste-r for the purposes of f the Circulation Funti 140d00 Other Assets flot lnciuded tu the foregoing. ........... ......................93564 $788,478,778.43 NCTE:-The Ro.,ýyal Ban], of Canada (Franc) iras been incorporateti under the laits off Frane to conduet the business of 1thnanin P- is.-As the entire capital stock of The Itoya1 Bank ori Canadaa(France) is owned by The Royý,al Bank off Canada, thes aseaand liabdities off the tonner are included in the above General Staternent. I. S. l!OLT, C .NELILL, President Generzl Manager AUDIITRS' ETFCT TTU£ 5uanunte 'Tes ROYAL BAN,4- op CANAA WP ha ve eaxane the above statdxnent off iblte and Assets ai 801h November, 199-5 wlth the bocks anrd ae no' The Royal Bank off Canada at l{ead Offie- anti vith the cetfeireturna Ironsthebranches. 'We have verifieti the cash and suecuities at Hleati Office ai the close ofdsBn' fiacal'year, anti during the year we counteti the cash ail examineti the securities at severai of the im- portant branches. We have obtaineti ail the informiation anti explanations thst se have requireti, anti in ont opinion the transactions off the Bsnk, whieh have corne under etnotie, have býeenwi! Lon the poters cf thIe Bank. The above stateniet is in our opinion properly tirawn up 50 as to disclose thse true condition of the Bank as ai SOuls Noveoinber, 1925, and it is as sheesi by the bocks off the Bansk. W. GARTH T1iOMSON, C.A., off Peat, htarwick, Mitchell and Co. utos A. B. BRODIE, C.A.,} off Price, Waterhouse & Co.f Montreal, Canada, 26th Deember, 1925. PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT Balance of Profit andi Loss Account, 29th November, 1924.. $1,143,N06.90 ProBits for tIse year, after deducu1ný .ffiarges fonuanagenent, accrueti interest ondepositaý, ï vil provîioun for .111 had aind doubtfful debta anti ebt in1terest .3o nnmat(uret bil...........................................4012.2 ___________ i$5,225,435-32 - At1KKA111 NFLU Dividenida Nos. 15o, 151, 152 andi i53 at 12 % pet aasinun.. Bonus of 2%ý' tô Shareholders. ýý. ................. Transferreti to Officers' Pension Funti.. ........... Appropriation for ean1 Preýnises ... Reserve for Domini on Governumt Taes.locudngWs Tax on Bank Note Circulation ............... Balance off Profit and Loss carried f oritard........... 400,000.00 420,000.00 11249:435:32 RZSE&RVE PUNI) Balance at cre&it --)thNoveoeboe,1924...........3040000 Prenilun on neit Ca ital Stock issue t 4 Union Bank of Canada Sbaesodr....................................400000 .S.HoLTd Montreal, 26th December, 1925. 824,400,000.00 C. E. NkILL, General MansOge A HAPPY NE w TEAR Wewisl to 'cake this opportunity of thanking our mnany customiers fo.r the wonderful patronage they have accorded us this year, and added to our hearty wish for a Hapipy Ne Year is our sincere promise ta do ali in our power tmake tmr prosperous by saving you many dollars duigthe year oýn your groceries. TO ATOsoup 2TINS21 ALL OTHER KINDSU 2 TIN28 îAý1û Aiý,GRAPEN, GINGEY IGS î A TSc 17M LA'E LBPr,, 1 -1 'AC ES028îý. BACON c.5- 35,225,435.32 Th' ee Royal Bank of Canada GE NERAL STATEMENT .3th NOVEMBER, 1925 LIA.BILITIES Capital Srck Pald up ............................ 44 000 Rý serve Fund ,............... .....................$2,0,O. Ba:once of Profits carrled forward ...... ..............1,249,435-32 25,641,435.32 o>vidends Unclaitmed .,1.......41.....5....... Olvidenti No. 153 (atf 12% per annumi. payable 13t Iecemiber, 1925...................................32,00P.09 Bonus of %,pyaàble isi December, 1925 ........ ...........488,900.00 26,881,540.91 $51,281,840.91 Deposits flot bearing interest............ ............198,297,398.90 Depoalits bearing 1nterest, inciuding lnterest accrued te dýate of Statemenf.... ............................4 ,8,166 TotLailDeposits.................6167555 Notes of the lBank 1-n cjrculatIon. .............4i196,573.74 Balances due to ther Bank, li Canada........... ........,6,73,149.41 Balances due te Banks and Ba xidng Crrespen-dents else- where than ln Canada................. ........... 14,461,94-8.1% Bills Payable ...... ............ -................7,827,71.,29 -707,136,948.85 Letters of Gredait Outstandlng ............ ...................30,059,988.67 $7S'8,478,778.43 ASSETS Golti and Subsidiary Coin on band ..... ... $ 21,897,150M7 Goiti deposited in, Central Gold Resesves.. . 9,400,M00.00 -____ $___S31,297,150.77 Dominion Notes on hand..... ............ 42,567,682175 Dominion Notes deposited in Central Gold Reserves... ............. ..........10,600,000.00 ____________ 53,167,68*2.75 United Statfes -and other Foreig.n Currencies2991560 Notes of other Canadin Banks....................... 4,6.584 Cheqjues on other Banks.................51,7,0,422.17 Balances due by flherBais nCnd.............315.81 Balances due by Banka and Banking Correspondents else- 1where tIsa in Canada................................ 27,921,971.00 Dominion and Provincial Governmeit Securities, (flot exceedine niarket vaine)...............82,24,403.26