Out7lmiSWKt b., fort in lie it you have a modern equipped bath- room in your home. Have it installed now before cold weather cornes. Es- free and without way 8& Elliott ta and Consulting Engineeras Phone 18W WA rd. FeRED MITCHIELL Bowmnanville wketou LU Mt. vans, -*Efl. .j.u rsel., Wiýson. SiJngle Carnge- Smîith. potatoes, LE. Fitehette, Miss G. Lewis, Mountjoy, Albert1 A-. E. Fitchette. Gentlemian's Nesbîtt. Potatoes, ut-C. Evans, Ed. Harris, Mis McGil1l, L. Swain, N~ Fitchette. Lady Driver- toes, ied-Chas. Mc .Lewis, Mis. W. Adams, Ruth rane, Mis. J. Elfoi V. Shetland Pony-Oîiver Hamilton, Fred Willai ýry item wei addition, y price ýower )rices Boys' Driving Cotest -J. Coch- rane, W. Cochrane. Best teais on1 grounds-J. Stark. Best horse onI rein--Le.s, Wilson. CATTLE Judge-Arthur Hlowden, Colunibu3 Shothons-ulî 2vears-Garl 0 1 eD~ cfermott. Two pieces of Home Peas,' Dying-Mis. W. A. VarnCamp, Mis. R. Hams- Chas. Smith. Ladies' Blouse, laand- lan T'ay- ered-Mrs. A. L. IM/tDermott, Mis.1 Cochrane. W. A. VanCamp. Worked Rug- joy, Ear Mrs_ F._ Cozier, _Yrs Jas. Parr. Rag ýblqk- Floor Runner-Mis. L. Whitfield. 6 row- FINE ARTS Barley, Beans- Painting in oil-Mrs. A. L. Me- r, Chas. Deriitt. Painiting in Water Color -Norman -Mis. A. L. Mcflermott, Miss F. ,Harold Pari. Painting on China-Miss F. white-C. Pari, Mis. A. L. McDermott. Penci [or. Pota- Drawing-Mrs. W. B. Ferguson. ('0 Coch- Crayon Drawing-IV!iss F. Parr. ,ips-R. Carving in Wood-Mrs. R. J. Rid- y Taylor. çlell, Mis. 1. Whitfield. on, R. C PLANTS AND FLOWERS table- L, Rbt.. Table Bouquet of Asters-Mis. C. W. Ven-~ Smith, Miss L. Venning. Table Brown. Bouquet, Dahlias-Mis. W. A. Van- on, Har- Camp, Mis. F. Ciozier. Table Bou- Puinpkin quet, GIadiolas-Mrs. F. Crozier. Tlor, Chas Collection Cnt Flower-Mrs. C. Smith, Smith, Mrs. C. Wright. Collection Beets, House Plats-Mrs. C. Smith, is. -oier, 1. Fred Bailey. Bryson's Special foi -R. C. girls-Miss Ida Bell, rTaylor. 1C. Me- IFTYI LX!A!J The Reward 0f Years of Toil IF YOU contemplate an aiuction sale, the closing out of your years of effort in building up a complete f arni eqnipment, the. Standard. Bank is splendidly equipped to cater to your financial needs. Oui local manager and his staff will gladly make ail arrangements for the collec- tion and discounting of ah sale notes and for furnishing an exten- sion of credit where xnecessary. A successful sale is entirely dependent upon sound and financial arrange- mnents. Âfer, 2 years-Albrt ifer, one year-Jabez d 2. H-eifer Calf-Albert d 2, J'abez Wrig'ht. Bull Forder. Herd-Jabez -Cow-Trewin Bros., . Hifeî, one yer- 1. Calf under one year yers, Earl Dorrell. Cow :-Murray Bvers 1 and SHEEP' -Jas. Swain, John McG:eeo ioId-F. B. Glaspell, wonaýIl -W. Ilooey rin Bros. ')'man Tay- )nhs-Tre- w, under 7 1 and 2. Wrighit moths- Pen Ba.con 1Noriman Bowma De Luxe Touring $1540.00 Delivered ail tax, Bowmanville MOFFAT Happ y TI labor. W. H. DUSTAN Phone 74 furnished 41bs. .NK Lapp, iM/atuger Orono. Oshawa THOM 1 Judge-Dr. E. easy C"ioach Sedan FA 1 au OLD