Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Aug 1925, p. 4

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- I rû WorWltPsgést Roll Roofing Onceadli/ RICE & CO. opposite Post Office phone 60 This will be the 47th anniversary kol the Canadian National Exhlbitîon. It camie into existence in 1879 and was an outgrowth 01 the old Agri- cultural Society, 'whieh held fts -fiîst Fair 'at Niagara ini 1793, OSHAWA BUSINESS ÇOLLEGE 18 SIMCOE' ST. NORTHj Fall Term Begins Sept. 1st, 1925 lCourses in- Stenography, Secretarial, Book- *keepig, Accounting, Tel,. graply, Civil Service, Expert *Typist. Success Assured Day & EIvening Classes. Enroîl Now! J. O. MeiDERMOTT, B. A, Principal. F-or Sale Conifortab1e 5 room Brick Bungalow, one acre of choice garden, barn and henhouse, in nice pato Bowmanville. ALSO FOR SALE Colony housé, .2 incuba. tors, brooder house &ind brooder stove, and about~ 135 White Wyanidotte, fowl. Possession to suit. For furth'er Pa-r'ticulars apply to Mrs. Edith V. Scoheil Insuraiiee and Real Estate Ag-nt Bowma-nvil«, Ontario ÇOURTICE ,Visitors: Mr, and Mis. Sol Han- oock and Mr. and Mis. Mark Han- eQck, Rochester, visited relatives in this neighborhood; Mr. S. J. Court, ice, B. A., wife and daughter Iva, Leamngton, visited at G. F. Annis' and W. R. Gurtice's. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cotitie have the heartfelt synipathy of thisl cotmnunity in the loss of their littie son Dean. See obituary on another page. This week the village and, com- munity around lasin sadness again over the deathl of one of its older menibeus in thfr person of Mis. Jno. Walteî, S,. She had bee. ailing foi a few days but flt seiiously iii and on Friday evening she quiJetly slept away. Tt was very unexpeet- ed and a shock to the famiuly who weîe ail present at the time. Mrs. Walter-s always had a cheerful word and a snile for the niany people 9who cafled there and her pleasant face will be greatly niissed by ail. The fainily have the sincere synipathy of the whole community. Schooi Books and bSu.,pp-lies ' We have the NEW Publici School Readers in stockç, also blank books and nie- cessities of ail kinds forf school opening. New Spellers Buy Earlyt W. T. Allen Big 20 Bookstoreý You Can',yt F0,01 the Chidren They know -what ls best and naturally choose Ile Corbett's Bread Fedit to them at every meal and between fineals. Corbett's Bredd . is still the cheap est and best food for old and young. CHOCOLATE SPECIAL Choice high class chocolates special for Saturday only 39c LB. BOY .WANTED j Good strong boy wanted for bake shop~. Wedding Cakes a Specialty W. P. Corbett Bak~er and Confectioner Bowmanville, i BOWANVILLE, AUG, 2th., 192,3 1 SALEM Sacramnental services were he] here Sunday afteiuoon, conductei ,by Rev. J. W. Down, anti fairly wel attendeti .. Mu. and Mis. Cha Brock aud Misses Jessie andi D'ou tl»r, Toronto, visited Mu. sud Mns Ernest Sayer on Supday. Mis Douothy sang a solo veîy uicely ii Suntiay $eh ool. ýýýSorry to hear o: Mi. Chas. Pollard's iîlnesa. Wi hope f or a speetiy uecovery..Mr sud Mua. John PYing, David sud Eva Toronto, calleti on her sister, Mis F. Cator, enroute to NewcastlIe oi Satiurdazy. HAYDON Visitors: Mis. Wright and daugh ters Mabel sud Doris, Cochrane Ont., Mu. sudMis. Keck, Veina anc George, Toronto, at Mu. F. Glithro'sý Mu. Wm. Brimaconvbe, daughteu ané son of Oklahoma, at Mu. Theror Mountjoy's sud 'cailing on other olè fuientis here; Miss D'orstý Mountjqy, Oshawa, with relatives; Mi. and Mis. G. E. Chase, Bowmanville, ai Mu. Thos. Slimon 's. Those wbo were present at S. S. hére on Sunday mnornirng enjoyet ùhe ,,olo so sweetly reuderd by Mus. Wooliugas of Toronto. Ail weicorn to the chuich service on Sunday af- teunoon. ENFIELD Recent visitors: Mu, aud Mus. «rpeuwood, Buffalo, N. Y., at Mu. W. Fergusou's; Dr. sud Mis. L. N. HIogarth and -Miss Betty, Detroit, Miss Mary -Hogaith sud Mus. R. Pascoe, Solina, at Mr. L. C. Paacoe's; Mi. James Aunis, Chicago, El1., Mus. E. Anuls, Whitby, Miss L. Aiinla, Torontgo, Mr. and Mus. Gordon Leask,e Taun~ton, at Mu. Fura'k Cil- bert's; Mis. W. B. Feiguson bas been visiting* Peterboro relatives; Mu. antd Mis. Halrry T. James, Col]- umibus, at Mi. John Hepbuun's; Mu. and Mus. John Hoibbs have been vis- iting Mariposa frienda; Rev. Mu. Pettyýbury, Toronto, pîeached heue Sunday on behaîf of the Lord's D ay Alliance anti was guest of Mr. A. Ormiston; Mi. R. Stephens, Miss Stephens, Mu. sud Mrs. H. Davis, Oshawa, at Mu. W. Prescott's;: Miss Doîothy Pascoe is visiting Bîock friends. . Messrs. Wallace Pascoe anti Harolti Oruniston have gone West ou the barvesters' excursion to help in the harvest. ... Mr. W. J. Ormistoni anti Mu. Geo. Coci,%ie aie stteudîng Cobourg Horse Show. ... Haivesting operations are wel ativancedtinluthis section, TYRONE Fuidsy, Sept. 1 lth, the winniug debaters of the District will debate with a Canuington district teani in Lindsay. Ahl inteiested shoulti go and encourage oui debaters-Mias Roýse Shortt anti Mu. Will McCar,- ney. Mr. sud Mus. Howardi Rollanti, Enteupuise, Supdayeti with ber psr- ent3, Rev. anti Mus. J. W. Dowu, Murs. Hollauti remaining for a week. ... Mr. WiIl McCartuey of Toron- to la visiting frientis heîe... Mr. snd Mis, C. Woodiey Sundayed witb) Mu. anti Mus. Will Tîewin, Haydori. ..Mesrs. Clinton Big-elow anti Thomas Barr are msking s trip West fou the bauvest season. Thuusday afteuuoon the Womeu's Misiýonary Society belti its' regular meeting lu the chuicli vestry. Af- ter opeuing exeucise, s letter was reati froni. Victor Home Mission, Toronto, tbauking the So'ciety fou the$65 bale whicb was sent them. Mus. J. C. Calrna gave a splendid talk on the 11f e cf Mary Siessor. A reading "The Moments of Rer Day4s" was given by Mus. Sidney Hoar anti a readiug "Praying Thiough" by Mis. L. J. Goodman. Mus. R. Rath- erley gave a reading on "Better to Wear Out than Rust 'Out" wvbich was enjoyeti 1y ail. Attendance was veîy gooti anti meetings jre veuy inteicsting. Visitois: Miss Myeîs, Toonto, vis itin.g Mu. Johnson; Miss Mauy Richards at home; Mu. Le-wie Phil- lp vlsiting Messus. Ben anti Ernest Gar'diner; Mis. J. C. Cairns who vis- iteti Mia. Wsn. Hamley ia now visit- ing lu Bownanville; Mu. Wm. Hlau- ley, Bowmanville, at home; General John Hughes, Miss George sud Mu. anti Mus. G. A. Gillespie, Bowmian- ville, wlth Col. anti Mus. Wm-. Far- rel - uaý. A. E.Clenens -Ati-s Dîamnatic ,Club took a pleasure trip' to Osbaws. Shoulti be a gooti crowti I at Y. P. L. next week to greet Mr. Wrefoid Souch of Bowinmanville who wiil give the topic on "The Benefits of Wholesome Play." c il a n *1 c. t, n i i i I I t: DARLINGTON Mr. -Harry Mor~gan aud daughter bila, Chathami, Mi. and Mis. Fred Gale, Whitby, were îecent visitois of Mi. and Mrs, Gordon VanCamp. ...Master Bi-adley Honeyman, Bowinianvflle, spent Sundsy with his auotJher and brother Jack w%,ho are holidaying with Mis, W. H. Wood.. . . -M. and Mrs. Wmn. Cory and Mr~. andi Mis. Minaker, Oshawa, AMi. C. J. Pascoe, Toronto, at Mi. Roy Met- calf's...Mis. J. K. Stewart, Ham-. ilton, Mi. Blake Nix, Montreal, weîe receut guests of Mi. and Mrs. D. W. Downey, SOLINA Miss Mary Hogarth anti Mu. Eu- nest Hockatisy have new radio sets, Messrs. Cecil Bush, Hilton Tink, Clifford Nayl'or, Leslie Gibson, R. C. Scott anti Algernon Vice left Mon.- day foi the West. Oui football teami played Betluanyj tearn at Poutypool Wednestiay asat, score being 2-1 lu favor of Solin.. Congratulations boys! Mis. John Reynoldis andi daughter, Mis. A. Whitnell, Toronto, enter- tainiet a number of fiientis Wetines- day afteunoon un honor of Miss Joy Balf oui. Solina 'Wonieii'sInstitixte obýerv- eti Grautimothei's Day at their meet- ing Thuusday aftern'oon at the home~ of Mus. H-. E. Tink, about 45 beiug present. The giantinothers fui- nisbeti niost of the progiani. Meet- ing openeti with convnunity singin g led by oui President, Mus. John Baker; solo, Mrs. W. T. Taylor;l ueading was given by Mia. W. Moor- ey; solo, Mus. Russell Ormiston; ex- hibition 'of sanipler, matie 1829, anti 'histouy of it exhibiteti by Mis. J. J. Smith; duet by Misses Lyda Taylor anti Margaret McKessock; reatiing by Mrs. . Shortritige; solo hy Mrs, JIohn Paseoe; reading by Mis. Nel- son SmithI,; piano solo by Miss Mar- garet McKÇssocl<. A number Îuom heie atteudedti te Oddfellows' picnic at Qobonurg. Woueix'a Institute Pienic Thurs- day was well attendeti anti niuch en- j'oyed. Prograni Suntiay afteunoon pie- P>ared by Tenipeisuce Sueprinteni- dent Miss Mary Kateuson was, mucIq apprecuateti. Mr. anti Mus. C. P, Sparling, Mr. G. Sauderson, Toronto, Mus. D. Rwowntiee, Woodbridge, weîe receut guesta of Mu. anti Mus. Thos. Eliiott. Dr. Buiniacombe, Okiahonia, wbo is visitiug has sister, Mia, S. T. M'ountjoy, was successfu nI ucatr- in., a twelve-pound lunge at Lake Seugog. A large nuniber attendeti League FI%ýday eveuing when a gooti prograin 1was presenteti, Cit.izenship Depaut- ment will have charge tis week, Mu. Laveune C'lemiens in chair, A gooti audience greeteti Rev. John A. Bick Suntiay eýveuiug. Ris thenie was the "Indispensables of Lif e. ' AIl who heauti this excel- lent sermon coulti not but be beue- fitteti. Mrs. Huniter, Toronto, sang inmpressively "Jeans wili Remeiubei.", 'First annuftl pic.nic of Os.hawa Recent visîtors: _Mr. and Mia. W.ElotMe rilPk on Saturday Chas. Weriy, Oshawa, at Mr. J. T. wrben appîoximately 200 atteuded. Rundle's; Mr. andi Mrs. Ellils Pscoe, It was one of the finest events of its Buooklin, at 14r. A. J. Reynolds ; kind staged at Hamipton "his yeaî. Rev. and Mis. W. C. Wsishington, M. There was abundance of everything A., Bowmnanville, Mi. Francis J., -drinkýs sud ice cream. Food was Washington, Weyburni, Saiski., Mus. also plentiful and several baskets MskJackson, O0f ord Centre, with left over aft'er supper. Afteinoor iiss Mary Hogarth and Mis. R. wss spent ini games and conipetitions. Pasce; Ms5ei. Eva ad Iene as- Recent visitors: Mi. snd Mrs. John coe at Drayton; Miss Florence Walk- Colwill, Jr., and Mis. F .G. Ker- ington, Toronto, with Misses Francqa I lake with Oshawa friends; Mr. , nd and Kate Cryderiman; Miss NeyaM,.SG.'aean miy wh Rainy, 'rOn, gest f Mss Lc'aber eiste, at Toronto; Mr. an&d',s. Taylor; )M.Is. Edwin Annis, Whitiby, C. J. Pascoe, TOronto, at Mr. A. wvith her daughter, Mis. Gordon Trenouth's; Mis.s Rets Dickie, Osh- Leask; Mr. and Mus. Eveîett Hoar, awa, with her aunt, Mus. A. Martin; Orono, at Mr. J. J. Smith's; Mis. M,. and Mis. G. Wilkinson, Torontol El'in Traylor~ with her sister, Mrý,. at Mi. E. Trull's; Mus. R. Kateuson Wrightson Wi1ght, Bowmran'ville; Mi. a'nd fsniily have uetuined froni a and Mis. Silas Williams at Mr. John pleasant visit with fîîends in Toi. Lane's, Bowinanville; Mi. sud Mis. onto; Mis. J. F. Allen and daughiteîs Chas. Scott and family visited at hhaebnvitn- er ui, Own oud , M. ad u . Elmer Mus. R. Kateuson and ôther friends GibonMr.andMrs Sa Brokshave retuined to thélir home in andi son Glen, Oshawa, at Mi. W. N. Brooklyn, N. Y.; Mus. T. Pascoe sud Van Nest's; Mu. and Mus. Silas WilissMrae acea r .J lianis, Annie and Lloyd, at Mus. Soia Miss Maiae aco tM.R.J.r ChrlsWilim',Casxe; Mr.MKessock's' oia isMroi Chaies Wllias', aesaea; Mi.Mrtyn with Oshawça friends; Mr. and Mis. Alex Hallida2,, Chatswoith,sund Mrs. John C'owling and son Jack Mr. and Mus. James MviCalîtuni and sud Mr. and Mis. A. B. Crydeimnan son~ Colin, Acton, Mus. Thomias Pas- at Whitby aud Oshawa; Mi. and coe and Miss Margaret, Mis. L. T. MIs. Gordon VaiCamrip, and son, Pa'scoe andi Misses Mariorie and Base Line, with her niother, Mis. G. Edith, Hiampton, at Mr. R J M-Stê n Kessock's; Mi. and Mis. James IRoi- ____tephens._ top andi Miss Valdil, Port Periy, Mir. sud Mus. Stanley Miller, sud Ealby, MAPLE GROVE Sunderlandi, at Mi. H. E. Tink's; Mr, aud Mus. E4. Law and daughter, lZev. H. W, Foley, Fiaserville, oTeronto, at Mu. A. L. Pascoe's; Mr.. spent the weekend withi bis father sud Mus. Jamies Stainfon, Zion, Mu, at bis sister's, Mus. J. D. Stevens... aud Mis. Ernest Larmer andi famrily, . .Miss Vera Power visited frientis Blac'kstock, at Mi. A. J. Baison's; in Oshawa last week .. Mi. Ken- Miss Mary Hogarth sund Mrs. R.! nethi Kerr,' Toronto, has ietirned Pascoe at Mr. Leslie Pascoe's, Iu- horne afteî visitiug his uncle sudl field; Mis. S. Edigar Weriy is visit- aunt, Mi. and Mis. A. Laird... ing ber cousins the Messus. S[i.d Mtiss Susie Laird ha retuîned h-ome Saul Hancock, Rochester, N . afteî a pleasaut visit with friends in Miss Noua Werry sud Masters' Whtby .... .Mr. Ernie Laiuti, Toron- George aud Wesley Werry enjoyeti ¶tt, spent Sunday at home..Mrs. s pleasant day at Niagar.a F'alls; Mr. Bell, St. Catharines, la visiting ber sud Mis. James Potter, Pickering, atý sist*r, Mis. H. A. Farrow .. Mr. Mrs. 'S. Shotridge's; Mi. 'andiMinr u Ms on slsti lîeiut Saul ancoc, Mi.a~d Ma. M r.i John Emierson, Whitby, visited Hancock, Rochester, Mrs. Levi1 at Mr. E. R. Freemau's on Sunday. Brunt, Euniskillen, Mi. sud Mis_;.W. Miss Doîothy Harding 'bas re- C. Weriy, Oshawa, at Mr. S. E. turnied honie to Cobouug afteî visit Weriy's; Mu. sud Mis. Wilbeut Mal- ing heu aunt sud uuç,ie, Mi. sud Mrs. colm, Mrý sud Mis. W. Malcolminsd Sam Snowde. .. .,Mi. Gordon Mack- sons Howard and Murray, Nestieton, lin bas returned home after a plea.-. Mr. David Malcolm sud Miss Idia, sut visit with bis aunt and uncle, Mr. Lindsay, Mi. Joh~n Sameils, Mis. Joe sud Mis. Sain Snowvden,. .. .Mr. sud Taylor sud Marlon sud John, Nestle- Mis,. Flint sud fsniily, Whitby, have ton, at Counilor S. Williams'; Mis. rentýed the bouse fuoni Mi. Noble Walter Langm'aid, Oshawa, at Mi. Metcaif, formerly occupied by Mr. H. G. Pascoe 's. George Someuscaies_.The Mis- ______________________________ i Baud held their miouthy meet- ing at the home of assistant Supt. Mis. Cecil Jeffeîy. After the opering exercises andi business Bible readings were given by Cousins Samn- la, Ellen Gimiblett, Greta Mluuday andi Betty 'Snowden; vocal .Iut Misses Doîothy Stevens sud Ethel Hait; a couteat was then helti ou the b'ook entitieti "Chinese L-,)nt- erus". Captairus Vers Trisuble, Coisins Samis, the. latter aide wiu- uing, afteî whieh a game of hall was 'playedi. Supper was servedi on the iswu, f olio'wed by more games. ~ Miss Helen Atkinsou, nuise in train- ing at Toronto General Hospital', re- ceutiy visited at Mi. Sam Snowdeu's. ____________.. .Mi. sud Mus. Sam Suowden, ý-L Mus. John Santiers, town, motored Sniall Working Models to Cobourg ou Satuitiay sud visitedi Mi. sud Mis. Macklin, al.o John of tools, rmachines, inventions, amaîl Cochrane, Baltimore.Hý -eutic*t parts, etc., may be tievelopeti at this congratulations to Mu. Rosalyn Stevens sud Miss Marlou Morris, shop by oui explerts. liard-to-fit Bow,,mainville, on their marriage. or hard-to-finti machine or tool Parts, We welcomre Mis. Stevens to oui are madie to ortier bere. Cail and community. coiuultus o an macinig orre- South Oshiawa Agricultural Society pair problemn. bas 'appointeti jutiges fou Os'hawa RATC IFFFuair: John Miller, Claremont, on RATCLIFFshow houses; John Baker, Solina, on MACHINE SHOP fiue wooi aheep; A. J. Tamblyn, Or- ono, on daiuy cattle; Mus. V.Mac- King St. E. Bowmanville Millan, Newcastle, on misacellaneous Phone 425W exhibits. r Boys' Suits at $6.95 LOT 1 ln nice snappy niakes in the best quality of ail wool tweeds, miade of the same niaterial as in's suits, reg- tlar price $9q,00 and $9,50 On Sale $6.95 Boys' Suits at $8.95 LOT 2 A line of boys' suits ail wool and splendid hea0vy quality tweed and navy bine serge, regular $11.50 and $12.50 On Sale for $8.95 ]BOYS' SChOQl Bloomers Boys', t*eed, school, bloomers iu faucy extra values for Regular $2,25 four ..$6 Youths' Khaki Long Pants, reg. $1 .35, on sale98 Many other specials for the weelkend as usual i Underwear, IUosiery, Braces, etc. We Invite You to Our Store T.lB. ilchrist Men's Navy Blue Her- * ringbone Suits A brnc of alol Herring- boue suits, guaranteeti; also a line of plain navy blue serge, ail wool ini the best quality serges tbat eau be bouglit, regulai values $37.50 On 'Sale te clear quicly $27.95 Men's Fancy Tweed suits Ail -wool, beat patteins, al wool serge linin'gs, Regular $35.00 for $27,95 1?egular $32,50 for $2.5.95 Regulai $30,00 fou $23.95 ]Regniar $25.003 fou $19,95 Regular $20.00 for $15.95 A line of Men'a suits ii a go ot tweed, extra quality, regulai $20,00 value Diuectly opposite Bank of Montreai Phone 61 Eveuy article in the store guaranteeti to give best satisfaction. r PANO&%6S FRED) MITCHELL Bowmanville Business Is Good The ever increasing demand for our bread and baking is proof enough that you get the best at lowest prices here. A trial order will make you a regular eustomer. We deliver in town and country. JACOBS & HILILYER The Candy Shop Successois to Christies Bakery NOTICE Any dairy, person or poiscons keeping my niilk bottles aitei this date will be piosecuteti. Pearce Dairy, Bowmanvilie. Bewmanville, Aueust 11, 1925. 33-3w* Bownianville Il ATTENTION! YOUNG MEN! I woulti ieque,5t that the young lads who conie io-wn lieue to bathe eithei to wear their bathing suit-, or stay away. W, H. Halfacre, Tyrone.. SALEM Hauvest Home services in conneet- jün with Sale-ni United Church will be held as follows: On Sunday, Aug- uît 3Oth, sermons will be preached at 2.30 and 7.30 p. mi. by Rev. C. C. Washington, B. A., Courtice. Spec- il music by the choir. Collections ini aid of church funds, AIl, ser- vices in the slied. On Monday, Auguzt 31.st, at 4 p. mi. a basýebalI gaine will be played between Provi- dence and Salemi teams. Tea serv- ed St 5 p. .n. At 8 p. mi. Hampton Diamatic Club will present a three act diama "Mother Mine." A.d- mission: tea and concert 60c; con- cert only 25c. Rev. J.ý W. Down, W. G. Werry, Pastor. Sec'y.-Treas. To Throw Away This Opportunity---Is To Throw Away ]Real Money. BOYS' SUITS ON SALE MEN'S SUITS ON SALE Be 1Prepared for Sch9ol Days Ahead We bought our Boys' Suits late in the season. We w-ere able to get them at a big redue- J tion. We pDass them on to you at a saving that, will make buy- ing a pleasure. Bargains ---Éitrg*ini Bowmanville 1

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