Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Oct 1924, p. 6

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"ChIId-s Eyelids Ilnflamed Stuck Together and Bled"' "Our l"ti.WhIfromn bath wus troubledw"th ofiarned eyelid and in spte o cf r emeie grew woms unil at the age of sà- ton ont0Dhi er e.m coeId not be oçened after dieep wdt bked- ace y mailand bath modd a littie aam box of -Dr. Chaws' Oint- ment. fhes wee used as drected, and Dr C ase e' Oiuldtn a th p -becau vSe It k eps up o het fia tngt .o btewrkand dtonret lless.Inlmainb- OXO ioe ailafd-haereal eef oo D cnn ormen wt rom thgesgrd L ~b & eef. OxorCubes aroýes Co..ty"a t iomofbef strecang t esilyosimialand asa elth- assurance alone are weIl worth the money. The Great Beef Econoniy Tins of 4 - 15c. 10 - 30c. ASK 1H18 HALIFAXNURSE She la Wiiling to Answer Letters from Women Asking About Lydia E. Pinkhani'a Vegetable Comnpound Hailfax, Nova Seotia. - I'I amn a ma- tey nurse and have recornmended Ldia E. *Piana' egtable Com- ound t rany women who were child- Iegs, also to women whe nee a good tonie. 1 arn English and my husband is Arnerican, and lie toid me of Lydia E. Pinkham wbile i England. I would appreciate a copy or two of your littie books on women'saimenta. Ihave one which I keep to lend. I will willingly answer letters from any woman asking about the Vegetable Compound.'"-Mrs. S. M. ýCoLBmAN, 24 Uniacke Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia. 1 ould Not SleeP Nights Dublin, Ontario. -"II wua weak and 1rregular, with pains and headaches, and could flot sieep niglita. 1 learned about Lydia E. Piïkham'u Vegetable Com- pound by readlng the. letters in the neWispapers and tried ft because 1 wanted to get better. 1 have got good resuits from it and I feel a lot stronger and arn net troubled with sucli bad headaches as I used to be and arn more regular. I arn gaining i weght ail the time and 1 tell my friends what klnd of medicine 1 arn taking. You "a7 use my letter1 as a help to others.' - Mrs. JÂU¶Es RAdiO, Box 12, Dublin, Ontario. KEPORNNG&I JKEPYOUR EYES CLEAN CLEAR AND KEALTHY t WwJTa OAFt IFUl ys cAa. DOK bmUSINI CAeuU When You Feel It Coming -When tbat old Headache sonda its warning that you are going to sufer- take ZUTOO. When you feel a Cold coniing on take ZUTOO. At the first siga of a pain-at the firstfeeling of sick- ness-take ZUTOO. You wîl hoail right in 20 minutes if it's a headache, or the next niorning if it is a cold. Pain ahi gene, and tbe whole body refreshed. Don't wait--don't take chances. Get ZUTOO Tablets to-day-and have thern ready te take at the first sign of a Head- ache or cold and TAKE T HEM. 25c a box-at dealers or by mail postpaid B. N. Robinson& Co. Regd.,Coaticook, Q AUNT'S EXCELLENT ADVICE Thene is nothîng derogatory ln de. siring a reward f or what you do oi to desire payaient la some f orm o: another. As a matter of fact therE is nothing we do but wbat we want a retuin for it, and in one way oi another we geneîaliy receive it, even though the return ho only ap- preciation. If we s0W we expect a haîvest. If we perform a kînd deed toward another magnanimously declaring that we do not wish to be repaid, we must be very indiffenent indeed if we continually repeat sncb kîndnesses for no recompense whateveî-nol even tbanks or a smiqe of gratitude, on at least the knowledge thnt it lu being appreciated. *Everything bas a tormination, or a resuit, and the end is usually the fruit of the beginning. Just as we strive for heahth and live according. ly, we shaîl be bealtby-on th~e other hand, if we negloct ourselves we shah h. ose diealtb; wben we are frugal and thrifty oui ieward la coif ont and affluence whether smahl on great and its attendant benefits lin the freedoni from woîry and cane. ,So my dean nieces, even la our daiiy bousehold tasits we also ex- penience rewards and repayments, althougb we seldoni notice tbem. There, is the sweet cleaniiness nfter oui sçrubbing; a weli-filled larder after a'bot day's cooking; piles of white linon aften a washing and ironing; and a bsippy cheerful home if we do oui best te, obtain it. It would be a sorry, disbeartening thing if we could not exponience these sure yapayments,, altbougb theno are many women who feel brave and beroic when they deciare tbey get notbing and desire nothing for ahi they'do-day by day, week by week-and because tbey do not look, la the proper place tbey imnagine tliey get nothing., But ,this idea tends to soun and imbitter them, for it is against nature net to e homr- pensated. Just look around yen and you wilh discoven you aie ropaid for every- thing yeu do, ne matter bow small the task, and it wilho an illumina- tion te hlighten up many a dieaiy, drudglng day, esPeciahly when you feel despondent. But yeu must look chose te the task for its îeward, and net; tee far away, and make it content yeu. Thon there is at lenst ene sure repnyrnent la sernetbing accompliMhed ami a duty well done and that la a satis - faction of doing one's best. Doeflot suffer another dlay with Itching, Bleedng, or Protrud ng Piles or Heniorrhoids. No eurgical operation réquired. Dr. Chase's Oi.tnient will rllveyo>u at once and afford lasting beefi . eabox; ail dealerso Ednianson, B ates & Co., LiieToronto. amle box free. ÇL8pp.d Ski» 7hose sore and' Unigh Iy cracks on ýIs, han dsetc, ïuickIy disappear with 7lzentholcztum ;fou féel li heal prices.1Jar 301Z60" -Tu~bes 304 BOWMANVILLE, OCT. 30, 1924.. ORONO DURHAM CLUB, TORONTO Mr. i heNes ____Mr_. John McRea has recently badi In June 1898, 26: years ago, -the bis boeuse wired. Durhami Old Boys Association was Mr. Om. Gamsby sang in Port organized. Dr. James L. Hughes Hope on Friday evening. was then elected President and Mr. Mrs. Wesley of Toronto, visited Thiomas Yellowlees, Secretary. Tbey bier aunt, Miss Jane Carscadden. have been reelected every yeai Mr. Milton Walker, Winnipeg,1 since, so that at the annual meeting viited bis sister, Mis. A. A. Rolpb.1 of the Club, Thursday evening, Oct. Mi.Adsspnafew ay 16, beld at the residence of the Ms nrssetafwdy President, 47 Dundonald St., the wtbbeyiteMs.Hreya h were again îeelected to filtbeir re Soo. spected offices. Mr. W. B. Irwin bas leased tbe old The attendance was large andi Tourjee Tin Shop for an Iniplement greetings hearty, and the initial' wareroom. meeting gives great promise of an- t Mr. Sami Staples, ex-M. P. P. and other successfui season. botb in famuly visited hi s cousin,, Mrs. S. M. attendance and intent. Billings, îecently. The newiy elected officers are: Miss Alpine of Toronto,. visiteda Honorary PRresidents-Prof. John~ with bier friend, Mrs. H. Junker, Squaiî, Mi. M. A. James, Mi. W over the weekepqd. I H. Onr, Mr. E. Fielding., Miss Ida Gamsby wiheolbas re-' President-Di. James L. Hughes. cently remodelled bier residence is lst Vice Do-Dr. -D. J. Goggin, having a woodsbed built. 1. M. A.' Soft coins are difficuit to eradi- 2nd Vice Do-Mr. W. Craig. cate, but Helloway's Corn Reinover 3rdVice Do-Mr. R. W. King. will draw tbew out painlessly. C C 4th Vice Do-Mr. lW. H. Clenies. Miss Rebecca Thoînton is borneN Secretary-Tbonias Yellowlees. froin Leland, Ill., where s'he visited Asseciate Do-W. F. Maas. bier brother, Dr. U. N. Thoînton., Tieasurei-J. D. Keachie. Auditors-W. F. Maas and C. G. of Mis. McPhail and Mis. McPherson, Gladmn. ofToronto, were guests last week' Gheadm al an.orat h o f their cousin, Mi. Jobn McRea.rs election consisted of the renewai of Astr. and M . Pkee, r .of r ont old comradeships and the iecalling sernt Su Pre o orno of old associations, wbile the, musical npn Siday at Mi. L. A. Dent's. part of the pogram was of the M. and Ms. Duncan and faiiyP cboicest, the following aîtists takingl of Garden Hill, bave moved into part: % on occupying the Mis. Tamblyn1ý Miss CJhater, Mis. R. Rogers, residence. 1 t Messrs. R. Darling, M. Brown,' J Miss Parker wbo was a visitor at ' Sneideiman, J. D. Keachie ani Mr. T. H. Poweî's the past three Il George Neil. weeks, bas returned te bier beome inT The welcome fîom bhost and host- Baltimore,.f( ess, was more than usually beaîty, Unless wormns be expelled froin 0 and afteî iefresbments wene servedi tbe systeni, no cbild can ho healtby. i Prof. Squair, in a few ciboice words,I Mother Graves' Worm Externiinator a seconded by Mi. C. G. Gladnian, and is an excellent medicine to destroy C cordially supported by Dr. Goggin, worms. I thanked Dr. and Mis. Hughes, and Rev. Frank Leigb, Hespeler, ac-w ail who assisted in the prograni for companîed by Mi. Jones a iaw stud- the very delightful evening afforded. ent of England, visfted bis cousin, B Amiong the outside guests present Mi. A. J. Leigb. o was Mis. (Dr.) L. T. Manceau, fori- Mis. (Dr.) John Chester and T1 erly Miss Eleanor Stewart of Bow- daughter, Jean, accompanied by bier rE nianville, now of Napierville, Que- cousin, Miss Mary Long, left Wed- la bec. nesday on bier return home to Des- ci boro. r r THE CA' 0' THE HEATHER Tume bas Tested it.-Dr. Thomas' fi rEciectîic Ou hbas been on- 'he market C: e Wbeîe is the tryst sae sweet as the upwaîds of fifty years and in that IY t cal tume it has proveda olessing to- ,r As that o' the purpie heather? thousands. It is la higb favor It lenps at the e'e, it tugs at the heart tUbiougbout Canada and its excell- Till wi' pain an' wi' longin', the saut ence bas ciaried its fame beyond the a 1teais stait, seas. If it weîe double the. puce Oh! the cal! the beart grippin' ca' it wouid be a cheap liniment. d o' the heather. Two of oui promninent businessc e Oh! the ppacean' the joy o' the early men, Messrs. C. G. Arnmstrong and moin,1 Hairy Hooper weîe -taken sud denly 10 e syou clam up tbe purpie bulis, seriousiy iii the past week. We i1 When the roseate mist o' thbe cahier hope soon te see them both handling3 day dawn business as usual.7 A' the sky wi' its glory fils, Recent vistois at the bomne of Mr. il Ch! the Ca'! the loud cianiouîonis cal Robt. Fowler wc-re Mi. and, Mis. Ira 12 o'te ethr Dawson and family of Bailieboro, D_ The woodlan' sang is' a gladsome Mis, D. Wesley of Nemaîket and ' viing, Miss Eileon Cooney of Port Peiry, An' the Ca' o' the wide open sea, the two latter expect to leave short- G But the saft Iow thrilfine the ly for California. in purpie bill m Wise and exporienced motheis2 Oh the cal that becons m know wben their childien are tioub- 10 O!the cal the saft sabbin' ca' o' led witb worrns and lese ne tume in 1 the heathor, appiying Mille's Wormn Powders, a S'orne nichts la my dreams, the most effective vermifuge. It is- ah- 1 pupleglemssolute la clearing the systeme of * purie glanisworms and restoiing tihose hoaithy An' be cons like luv o' a maiden,. conditions without which there can The mist o' the Bon, tbe sun break- ho no cornfort foi the cbild, or hope6 la' tbrough, of rohust- giowthh. It is a rnost Go An' the heatiber wi' diamen-d dew truistwortby worm exterminator. 5.0 Ohlh ade,th we ui'clo The Horticultural Society had a O!the ca,tesetlri'c'o very inteiesting meeting Monday. the hetihor.exoning in the Presbyterian SundayI I've sat by the sea an' its iestless School rooni. Mr. Moore who is a 'ytide, Department Lectuier spoke on I'guddled the hurn uae swift an' beautifying plots 'and borne sur- fleet, ioundings, ilhustiating witb lantern But aye the heather his tae me slides, Miss Helen Powers and Miss Hae brocht sic inemoriesfond an' Buchanan and Mis . C., A. Cbapman sweet, contributed music. -Sandwiches and Oh! the ca' the absent ca' e' thbe cake woîe sorved. heather. For Rtheumatic Pains-The pains Thle plains ail sae honnie la simmer and aches of Sciatica nd RJeuitisni pride, should be tieated witb Dr. Thomias' The sang o' the birds the îowin' o' EC-lectile Oul. The seothing ani Btkine, healing properties of tihis fanions BtScotlan's beather bell an' flower remedy have been demonstrated for Hae ilîts sae fu' e' Auld Langsyne frfty yeans. Use it aise for in- Oh! the ca' the soul grippin' cal' & flammatory pains, cuts, scratches, the hoather. bruises and sprains, eitheî in buman Ther's'naehin sa der a fhmebeings or the loweî animais. 1Tbeiesetbi's'era ame, A splendid piegrarn was given at Thuhi aweet hamoutan the Women's Institute meeting on Tbuein, e igi-u n Friday ast. Miss Edna Stutt gave boneth eahr I an instructive paper on the Life of A'saietobate us are aye the Pauline Jobnson, one of our Cana- N Aul cme, pupehete, ordian writers. ,Readings by the A-d, otasf.- h ha1brn ~isaine writoi were given by Mis. T. 5 ppoîted la Pont Hope. I The car stolen at Port Hope be- I longing to C. Varcoe, Roseneath, was found abandoned by the thief out- W sido of Peterboro. Thons was a large offering of chickens at Cobourg market on Sat-j 'wvf Tlt; rt'urday, the price nanging freni $1,.00I to $1.50 a pair.I LAWN BOWLING Mr. C. H. Carlisle Promises Anothem Cup Withrow Park Bowling Clubs an- nual banquet and presentation of prizes took place Firiday evening at Harcourt Hall, Toronto, in the pres- ence of a large gathering of mei-, bers, their wives and friends. Others present were: Mayor W W Hiltz, Mr C. H. Carlisle (of Goodyear Rubber Co.), Mr. W. R. Cockburn, President Riverdale Kiwanis Club, Mi. J. J. Mason, Secretary of Bowrnanville Club, Mr. John Ness of Riverdale Bowling Club, Mi. W. Bisseli, St. Mattbew's Lawn Bowling Club, and representatives od many other clubs. The hall was bseautifully decoîated witb feins, Autunin leaves and an abundance of flowers. The bill pro- vided for the inner man, as well as the entertainment furnished, wlere worthy of the best efforts of the club, whicb bas had the most success- fui year in its history. The Bowmnanville Cup, whicb bas heen, won outright by Witbrow Park club, was presented by Mr. Carlisle, who, in bis speech, pîomised to do- nate another cup to the Bo'wman- ville Club to replace it. AUTUMN WEDDING Murray-Hooey On September 17 ,there took place a very bappy and pleasant event at the residence of Mr. and MIîs. Wm. Hooey, Con. 9, Darling- ton, when their daugbter, Miss Reta, wvas united in the holy bonds of matrirnony with Mr. R. S. Murray, T'oronto. The ceremony was per- :ormed *by Rev. J. W. Down, Pastor of Tyrone Methodist Circuit. Only the near relatives were in attend- ance. The young bride loeked charming in ber city made and neat- ly fitting wedding costume. She, vas attended, by her sister, Miss Ruby, while the groom was ably supported by Mr. A. C. Abbott of Burketon. Mi. Murray is manager ofone of the Dominion Stores of [oronto, and Miss Hooey bas held a responsible position with one of the large business bouses in the sanie City. Tbey will be at home to their uiany friends wben- they return from their boneymooni in the Queen City. They promise to be unusual- ly successful mn the business world. RAILWAY, TIME TABLES FOR BOWMANVILLE CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY GOING EAST GOING WEST 8.42 a. ni. 04.22 a,.ni. P 0.36 a. ni. D 10.07 a. ni. D 1.26 p. ni F3.02 P. ni. 3.06 P.. *7P.13p i 7.14 p. ni8:324 p.ni 9.58 p.. D 1.21 P. ni. F Sunday Oniy 2.29 a. ni. F 7.26 p. >-Daily *-Dally except Sunday. CA NAPIA N GOING EAST 10.25 a. ni. 2.45 p.n. 10.08 P.n. 11.28 p.ni 12.26 a. ni. PACIFIO RAILWAY GOING *EST 5.54 a. mi 6.25 a. ni. 8.20 a. ni 4.24 p. ni 7.42 p. ni CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY TYRONE STATION Monday, Wedtiesday, Friday oing East Going West U4 p. mi. 8.15 a. mi. oigTuesday, Thursday, Saturday oigEast Going West 00 P. nM. 8.30 a. mi. Apples Wanted Any quantity of apples! wanted at our Evaporator at Bowmanville. J. A, Holgate 1& Son Phone 153 Bowmanville A. 1« Nicholis, Local Dealer. T he Fine Qualites h H4OS GRIEEN TEA' cannot be adequately described but they can be appreciated in the teacup. FREE SAMPLE of GREEN TEA UPON REOUEST. 1"SALADA" TORONTO E EGS from Each Hâen The use of hens is to lay eggs, and hens will positively Iay more eggs- GUARANTEED-if you put a dose of Pratt's Poultry Regulator in the feed everv day. Your dealer is authorized to give back your money if it fails. Write for FREE BOOK. PRATT FOOD CO. OF' CANADA, LTD., TORONTO We live for to-day and plan for ----I to-mnorrow, but few of us serÎous'- ly conider the wisdomn of look- ing irito the future very far, when buying household commodities. Take ectic Iamps as an example- Lookingý into the future when buying this commodity mneans considering the economy of the purchase of good lamps, and satisfaction derived from thein use thnough their ultimnate long lif and prolonged efficiency. Hydro Lampa scientlficalliy combine the qualities which radiate ail these vital characteristics. Hydro Lampa are produced for Hydro customens and guaranteed for long life. Look for this label on the lamps you THE «HYDRO SHOP BOWMANVILLE POWER ON -Tr duced on all sizes of lampa: 3 lampa for 95c i I Insist on BAYER TABLETS 0F ASPIRIN Unless you see the "Bayer Cross" on tablets you are' not getting Rie genuine Bayer product proved safe by 'millions and preseribed by physicians 24 years for Colds Headache Neuralgia Lumbago Pain T othache Neuritis Rheumatîsm Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proven diretons. Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets Also botties of 24 and 100-Druggists. Aspirin la the trade mark reglstered ln Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetie- acidester of Salicylieacid (Acetyl Salicyiic Acid, "A5. S. A."~). WIiile it la well known t]iat Aspirin meana Bayer manufacture, to assist the publie agaînat imitations, the Tablets 0f Bayer Company Wsf in e tamped witb their general trade mark, the "Bayer Cross.,' Cook's Regulating Compound A ae, reliable tregdeon sidc,.Sold inthe d- eees of strength-No. 1, 81; *o 2,143; No. 3, $5 p"r boz. SSold by aIl druggists, or sent arpionre.eit of price. Freoparap4iet. Atdr..e THE COOK MEDICINE=O W!DI& PHOSPH1ODN! >77~the Great Eng!isk Poeparatiem. I Tpnesa and invigorates the whoîe ~J~j nervous systeun. inalces new Bîood Sin olti Veins. Used for -Neripous f Debilty, Mental and Braie Wony Liespondency, Less of E»ervPuipitation -0 the Heart, Failtqg Méa"9. rc$p bx3 for $5.9SoSed by ail druggists. or niaIed in plaUa pIcg. on receipt of prim .N-w pansphlg'maf7e* "-.nig wo m EauRc oeJOoNT,olifT, Prices r ec

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