Rev. R. F. (Stiliman, Cobourg, took aniversary services at Wark- worth Sunday. Rev. Mr. Trumpour of Ce ntreton, preached with much acceptance at Cobourg Methodist Church Sunday evening week supplying for Rev. R. F. Stiliman, who preac'hed anniver- sary sermons at Grafton. ý I The case against W. D. Dykes, Town Treasurer of Whitby, for two1 charges of theft of bonds has been' dîsmissed. Friends of Rev. S. J. Shorey, D. D., Picton, will be pleased to ýknow that he ha s recovered sufficiently to be able to drive out. Hallowe' en Dance at BALMORAL HOTEL BOWMANVILLE FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31 A. J. Wadhams of the hotel is having a new up- right piano installed, thus enabling the lola Orches- tra to feature their f ar- ous Saxophonist, Jose Sardos, formerly of Flint Park Orchestra, Michi- gan. Lucky spot dance. Dancing 9 to 12.30 Tickets, Ladies 175c. 35c, gents 43-2 ~II Bring Your Maturing Victory Bonds To Us Holders of Victory Bonds niatur- ing on November the frst, next, wMl find it prftble and convenient to convert them at this Bank. We are prepareti to pay cash for such bonds of any denopination, and suggest that f'or the- sake of safety, sîmplicîty and convenience you de- Polit your maturing bonds to your credit in a Standard Bank Savings Account. 'rHE S'IAN DARD BANK 0IF CA.N-ADA.à BOWMANVILLE BRANCH-H. W- Lapp, Mar.ager Branches aloat Newcastle, Newtonville, Orono, Oshawa Shop ,Satnrday Night Watch our windows every Saturday night if you are looking for ail opportunity to save real money on your meat bill. We are offering, some very tempting bargains in choice Beef and Lamb. C. M. CAWKER & SON Phone .64 Bowrnanvil] c CANNEL'COAL Ebony Cube-the best cannel coal mixed. We have just unloaded a car for use in fire- place or grates. Now that the cool evenings are here let us supply your wants for a nice cosy warm grate fire. J. A. ýHOeLGATE & SON Phone 153 Bowmanville or and the night nurse are occupy-ý ing roons outside and two 'Of the Preliminary ýClass could not be a:.1 commoclated in the present resîdence, and $182.40 has been paid for room' rent during the year. We wish to gratefully aknow ledge a bequest of $100 frZomthe late Mary J. Bassett of this town.1 We appreciate very' much this kind remembrance of-the Hospital. TFroni public press and platform we repeatedly hear that conditions have changed during- the lisat ten years, that we are living in a new age. However this mnay be, man- kind is stili heir to various ailments and still Éeeds the good Samaritan very greatly. We wish also to thank the mem- bers of- the Women's Hospital Aux- iliary for their generous aid in sup- plying so many necessary articles and for their efforts in raising funds for building purposes. We extend our thanks to the doctors who have been so painstak- ing in lecturing to the nurses and in giving clinical instruction. We wish to thank the Board -of Directors, the various.lodges and or- ganizations that have given dona- tions, and the individuals who have so kindly remembered the patients~ with donations-of flowers and fruit. We extend our thanks to'ail who have in anyway promoted the in- terests of the Hospital. Assets Hospital, including land, boilers, heating equip- ment, etc ............ $21,000.00 Nurses present home, in- cluding cost of bathroom etc., which cost $500.. 1,500.00 Cow Stable, say.......... 350.00 $Î2,8S50.00 Laundry, machinery in- 1 clu'ding motors .... . . .$ 1,744.60 Equipment and furnishing Nýurse? Houe,-nlnding ing Piano $200.00 . ..'. 700.00 Hospital equipment'includ- ing ail furniture and supplies on hanti, also instruments, etc., in op- erating room.......... 7,822.67 $10,267.27 Accounts' receivable from patients.................710.80 Township of Clarke, judge- ment ..................733.50 Cash in S upt's. hands . . . . .42 Cash in Bank............ 8.71 Depreciation and Reserve Fund..................3000.001 $4p453,43 $3ý7,570.70j 1Total Liahbilities Accounts payable......... 190.19 XNT-é Asse-so, -# sp - il Oct. 1, 1924........... $37,380.51 W. . A Seretry' Reort192-24Comparison of assets 1923 and 1924. Hospitals net assets 1922 The Women's Hospital Auxiliary ,Oct. lst............. $37,380.51 has held ten regular and two special Hospitals net assets 1923 attendance 8. Special efforts to raise money: Bazaar heid in No- Net increase year 1924 $ 1,686.59t vember at which was realized overi Bills payable sumrnarized E $1400; annual birthday donation I Hamnpton Creamery..$ 164.00t party and the Easter collection. 1 Waterworks Dept.......26.19 jAs usuai the Auxiliary furnishedj the treat for the, nurses and staff at Total $ -190-19! Big Sli ,urprise:Sale' BOWMANVILLE, OCT. 30, 1924. Christmas, also the entertainment -and refreshments after Graduation Exercises.1 ANNUAL HOSPITAL MEETING1 In addition to the regular sup-ý plies of linen, surgical and patients'i Prom the slim attendance of citi- gowns, the Auxilîary has purchased zens at the annual meeting of thel a 2-plate electric stove, an electrie Bowmanville, H»spital -held in the! ron and a complete outflt ofi Council Room on Friday evening, china dishes of Hospital ýVilrifled October 24th., we think the, 1ces Ware. directors and superintendent may I take it for granted that the general1 wH public lis so well pleased with the W.H A. Treasuarer's Report way in which this popular institu-1 Special Acount tion is being conducted, that they Balance .. . ............. $1,37L.71 did flot deem it necessary to at- Transferred.............. 2,207.70 tend the meeting to offer sugges- Bank Interest............ 66.35 tionis or vote for a change in the personnel of the Board. $3,645.80 Rev. D. W. Best, President of the Regular Account Hospital Board, presided at thel Receipts meeting. Among those taking1 part in the discussion includedi BaL1bkce ................ $1,8363.02 Messrs., W. B. Couch, F. F. Morris, Received from various C. Rehder, J. H. H. Jury, Mrs. L. A. Activities.............. 1,823.28, W . Tole and others $,863 TheBord wa relctdthe Expenidituire............. $2,715.15 members being Rev. D. W. Best, Dr ____ John Spencer, Major R. J. Gi, Balance on hand $ 471.15 Messrs, J. W. Alexander, N. S. B. Total'on hand at date $4,116.951 James, A. L. Nicholîs and Geo. E. Chase andi C. H. Mason, Secretary- Jennie Nicholîs, Treasurer. Treasurer. _____ The f ollowing reports were pre- sented which îahow that the hospital Secretary-Treasurer's Report is well patronized, has been well1 managed and is in a satîsfactory ýStatement of Receipts and Expen- condition: ditures for year, October lst., 1923, ________to September 3th., 1924. Superintendent's Report Receipts Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen Bal. on band Oct. 1, 1923.$ 97.*52 -Allow me to present the twelfth Depreciation and reserve annnual report. The first patient fund................. 3000.001 was admitted to Bowmanville Hos- Ontario Government Grant> 2275.90i pital on Marcb 26th., 1913. Sine e Town àowmanville Grant 5U0.001 that time 3,102 patients have been County of Durham Grant 750.001 admîtted for treatment or operation. Patients' Maintenance . . 12,460.60' During the past year, 330 patients Donations for maintenance 146.39 were admitted and the total days Income from Investments 74.251 stay was 4,829. While this is a de- Received from ail other crease on last year's report it is still 1 sources................ 339.961 in 'advance of 1922. The total num -____ ber of operations performed were Total $19,644.62 176. This also shows a decrease. Births were 42 this year and 52 in Expenditures 1923. Butchers Meat ... .......$ 837.611 From the financial report you Butter and Eggs .........600.73 learn that a 'considerable sum ofFouBedMa.....186 inoney is spent each year on repairs.1 MlkuBe el.................8.62 This was almost entirely on plum'b- tab8es 32 ing and steam fittings. In addi- Goceres and Provisions 1,5e*s* 38.75 tion Pronto Pire Extinguishers were rcie an Povsns1587 placed on three floors, a water cooler Drugs and Medicines .. 571.03 was purchased ,and an extra table Medical and Surgical Ap-' f o th oerain rom ws rocr- pliances................1243.83 ed. A two burner electric -plate Sria ntuet 00 stovewas installed in the duet pantryBeWne prtsC20 as ameas o kepin paiens malGen. H ouse Furnishings 181.29 wa ameaso epngptet Brooms, 'Soaps, Brushes, wam.etc .....................74.20J The' south end of the upper sun Fuel.................... 1,781.26 parlor was screened to form a rooin Light.................... 691,99 for the treatment of tubercular1 Water................... 105.83 patients. A new heater was pro- Dry Goods .............. 78.46 cured for the nurses' residence and Ice..................... 97.56 as a result 'the residence is muchi Salaries and Wages....... 6,222.60 more comfortable in cold weather-1 Taxes and Insurance .... 59.63 altihough still very much over crowd- Advertising andi Printing. 141.681 ed. Two patients' rooms and the Laundry..........268.901i public office have been re-decorated. Contingencies............. 38895 At the endi of 1923 Miss Elizabeth Depreciation and Reseýrve,000.001j Henry resigned her position as As-'! Repairs.................. 348.861 sîstant Superîntendent and Mis Aura Rundle one of our graduates,j $19,635.49f was engaged to fil the position. Miss, Cash on hand in bank.... 913 Larine Thompson, graduate of Nichols Hospital, Peterboro, acteti as Total $19,644.621 Niglit Supervisor for eight mont3hs Financial statement for the year.1 and since then Miss Gladys Lowe has October lst., 1923, to September 30,! filled the position. It has,' no 1924.1 doubt, ibeen a benefit to the Hospital Cs con to -have a graduate nurse on duty at Cs con î.6 night but the expense incurred by Oct. 1, 1923, cash on band$ 290 this is in a measure responsible for Total receipta for year .. . 16,547.10 the increase in expenditures for $6761 salaries. $6761 GrauatonE~eciss erehel ~Depositeti.............. $16,393.85 the Town Hall on September 12 aidas ont bySu.......... 37.892 8 o'clock. Four nurses were pre Cs nhnd.........2 sented with d-i-Tomas. Dr. Middle- $6761 ton'of Toronto Public Health De- $Bnk6,aemet6or 16a partment,' gave an address on 'Public Cash in Bank .......... $ 2878.46 Health. After an interesting pro- eoie .......1,9. gram a reception was held forDpote.......16338 friends of the graduating class and $9223 refreshments were served by the Cheques issued ........ $19,263.60 Women's Hospital Auxiliary.-A Balance in bank less ols preliminary ClassB'of four have gn- accts .................. 8.711 tered the Training School. The accommodation for nurses is $19,272.31 Sale of High Grade and Stylish Boots eclipse ahl prevîous efforts. Now i8 your chance to shoe the whole f amily for Fal Winter. No better bargains werë ever off ered-men Black Caif Shoes, one strap turn sole, Cuban Heel $3.98 Brown Kid Shoes, turn sole, baby Louise heel, reg- ular pricé of this shoe is $10.00, Sale Price $3.98 Patent, one strap mocassin, Louise heel, one of the lat- est designs ...........$3.98 Black Oxfords, square toe, Iow heel .............$3.98 Black Oxforýds, square, toe, Iow heel .............$3.98 Patent one strap, fancy strap cuttings with military heel .................... $3.98 Grey Suede with Goodyear sole, cuban heel .......$3.98 Patent two strap, strap cuttings, cuban fancy heel, $3.98 Black or Brown Caîf Ox- fords, Goodyear welt, cub- an heel ...............$3.98 A variety of Women's Shoes, odds and ends, Clearing ............... $3.98 MENS'SSHOES Black ford"s, soles, Caîf,,, Brogue Ox- square toe, double, Goodyear welt $3.98 Siater Oxfords, Black Kid, round toe, Goodyear Welt, $3.98 Brown, Kid, Siater Oxfords, round toe, Goodyear welt $3.98 Br6wn Caif, bal., Goodyear Welt, one of the best' As- toria shoes ...........$ 3.98 Men's Work Shoes, Black or Brown, soft or hard toe, elk or caîf, every pair guar- anteed..... .... ....... $3.98 A variety of Men's Shoes, odds and ends, Clearing at $3.98 Brown Caîf Brogue Ox- fords, square to "e, double soles, Goodyear welt $3.98 Regular price of all Shoes included in this Sale range from $5.50 to $10.00., Many of them are this year's styles. Assort- ment and sizes are limited ini some lines so it will pay youto atedthis Sale early. THIS 15 A ,CASH SALE Copomeland Shoe Store Phone 249J P. 0. Box 443 1 1 Bowmanville Order Storm Windows NOW Get Our money saving price iist showing freight paid cost of storm windows, glaz- ed compiete, any size. The Halliday Co., Ltd., Hamilton, Ontario. 41-7w CLERK'S NOTICE 0F FIRST POSTING 0F VOTERS' LIST Votera' List, 1924, Municipality of the Township of Darlington, County of Durham. Notice is hereby given that 1 have transmitted or delivered to the ijersons mentioned in section 10 of The Voters Lists Act ,the copies required by said sections to be s0 transmitted or deliver- cd of the List, made pursuant to said Act, of ail persons appearing by the last reviscd Assessment Roll of the said Municipality to be entitlcd to vote in th said Mtrnicipality at elections for mem- bers of the Legisiative Assembly and at Municipal Elections; and that the said List was first posted Up at my office a Hiampton, on the tenth day of October 1924, and remains there for inspection.' And 1 do herby cali upon ail votera to take immediate proecdings to have any errors or omissions corrected according tp law. Dated this tenth day of' October, 1924 Cierk of the Town'ship, of Dariington. W. R. ALLIN. I 43-2w READY FOR WINTER? Ifyou are needing a new stovýe be sure to sele the Québec LU~ - oIl This Stove Bargain Heater rwith Oven attached whieh we are now sel- ling ýat the reduced price of $25.50. is Well Worth Seeing MASON & DALE The Papular Hardware --Quality and Right Prices Phone 145 Bowmanvil1g and and Ail Footwear Included In This Sale Has Been Reduced To women share alike. TrKE EuD'A'YrS ONL Y THURSDAY-FRIDAY-SATURDAY-OCTOBER 30-31 -NOVEMBER 1ST WOMEN'S SHOES Copeland's Third Annual and Shoes will il