Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Oct 1924, p. 7

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The Good Cook. Buys Good Groceries The thoroughhousewife knows that good cooking doe8 flot start in the kitchen. She realizes that one must have good Groceries beore one can mrate toothsome and wholesome dishies. That's why she buys here where quality is high and prices low. ARC HIE TAIT Phone 65 Bowmanv Ille 9t1 Im Th-e Afternoon free, Three or four hours' complete release from' kitchen duties, because the' dinner cooks without watching in, tot Electic RanS The onlv range with McClarî/8 Tor -Red Protected Elemene BOWMANVILLE, OCT. 23rd.,,1924 HONORED ON THEIR GOLDEN WEDDING DAY (Stettier Independent) Last Sunday, Septemben 28th, was the fiftieth anniversary day of the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Soucb. The congregation of the Methodist ehurch and many other friends and admnirers seized the op- portunity of expressing their good wisbes ln a tangible way. Near the conclusion of the service Mns. Gri- ffith and Mr. Bahl escorted Mrs. and Mn. Souch to the' platf orm and Mr. Colley read a. beautifuily illumina- ted address and presented them witlh a purse of $50.00 in gold. Botb Mr. and Mrs. Soucb were taken comn- pletely by surprise as this anniver- sary blad been pneviously celebrated during tbe holiday season when thein cbildren and grandchildren could be present. Their many friends, how- ever, were not to be denied the pnivi- lege of wishing them, many more years of happy inarried life and hence this expression, of good will. Perhaps no couple in this or any other community have so thoroughly1 won the bearts of ahl citizens as Mn. and Mrs. Souch. The secret is their continuous practice of d e-d Christian service. May they live to celebrate their Diamond Weclding! TORO~iT WEDINGacta of kindness exteiided to theni duning Mrs. Veàle's long ilinesa and, Keachie-Smith for the expressions of sympathy and the beautiful flowers in bis bereave- A beautifull autunin wedding wasmet solemnized on Satunday afternoon in ___ment.__ St. Anne's Anglic anCburcb, Toron 1 to, when 'Cora Miidned, eldestl OSHAWA BUSINESS MAN DIES daughter of Mn. and Mrs.W.S- f ord Smith, 43 Delaware Av.1 Tr William Ambrose Luke, Oshawa otbecame the wife of Ronald Paterson Keachie, tbird son of Mr. The death occurred in Oshawa on and Mrs. John D. Keachie of 66 As- Saturday evening, October llth, of quith Ave., Toronto, Rev. Can~on L. one of Oshawas most promainent men Skey, performîng the ceremony. , and esteemed citizens la the per.son The bride was given in marniage of Willianm Ambrose Luke, in his by hier faither and wore a bronze 49th year. The late Mr. Luke suf- brown charmeuse gown with b-at and fered p stroke on Mon'day, and was shioes to match, and carried an arm in an unconscious condition until bouquet of Rusette blown chrysan- death occurred late Saturdaýy even- themums. As the bride, leaning on ing. the arm of bier father, came up the Coming to Oshawa with bis par- aisie, the organ pealed out the wed- ents at the age of five yeans fnorn ding march from Lohengrin. The Columbus, lie was educated tbbre, groom's gift to the bride was a dia- and followed the dry goods business mond dinner ring set in platinuni for miany years., Later bie was bead and gold. of Luke Brothers', Furniture Com- The churcb was filled with the pany, whichposition hie has since friends of the bridle an groomi, aud heîd, Mn. Luke- was prominently was delightfully decorated with flow- connected la Masonic circles, being ens and tinta of f oliage.11 a Pastmasten ý of. Cedar Lodge, a Mn., Jack G. Keachie was best member of Cointhian Lodge. He man and during the signing of the was also an Oddfellow. H1e ,ook a registen the organ was n eard inl keen interest in curling,-being on the sweet strains of music. Mn. and Building Committee of the Arena Mrs. Keachie left for Montreal and'j no* unden construction. He was Quebec and points east amid a nain- on the Board of Managers of the ing shower of rice, confetti and best Simcoe Street Methodist Chutcb, and wishes.was Treasunen of the, Oshawa Rotary The presents to the bride, wene Club. H1e is survived by bis widow,I numerous, varied and valuable. four brothers, Fredenick 'of Osbawa,j ____________Guy of Hamilton, Charles E. of Van-1 couver, and 1.* G. of Toronto; two:1 ist.er.%- Ms-A.A. Crowe A T iss DOUBE WEDINGEmma of Oshawa, and two daugh-1 ters, Millicent and Margaret, also of Ferguson-HylandOsaa The funeral on Tuesday afternoon Ferguson-Hyland was conducted by 11ev. J. H. MelBain), Two unique and intenesting l.ed- bis pastor and attended by memnbers dings took place during the past ofthe___________ge week in'Hope Methodiat Pansonage, Toronto. On Wednesdsay afternoon, OBITUARY Octoben 15, Venora Renetta Hy- land, was united in marniage. to[ Dr. W. Honeywell Aibent Roy Ferguson, and on Satun-, day evening, October 18, Adella Fay Dr. William Honeywell,'Charlotte- llylan in, iked up f or life witb Wil- town, P. E. I., who died on Sept. 21, liam Dalton Fenguson. The brides 1924, was the eldeat son of the late wene sistens, daugbters of Mn. andRceadDbab onyel 1e Mrs. Thôrnas Hyland. The grooms was bora Oct. 24, 1849, near Centre- were cousins. Ail'parties bailed ton, Haldimand township, near Co- from Cartwright township, where bourg. thein grandparents bewed their orig- H1e received bis early education in inai bornes out of the pnimeval for- Centreton Publie Scbool, and fromn est. The;ceremony la each case thene lbe went to Cobourg Grammar was perfonmed by 11ev. Dr. J. 'J. ScbooL. 1He then got a certificate Ferguson, uncle of the former groom to teacb. 1He taugbt school at Ed- and cousin of the latter. After a, dystone, Ontario, from 1873-1874. bief boneymoon both'couples will 11e matniculated at Kingston, Ontair-1 set up thein new homes on the pro- io, in,September 1874, and in Octo- ductive soil were thein ancestors did ber of that year be weat to Trinity sucb beroic service. Medical College at Toronto, where he graduateýd la 1877. H1e served One of the commoaest, complaints for ten montbs in the Toronto Gea- of infants is worms, and the most eral Hospitbl, prion to going to, New effective application for them is 5Glasgow, P. E. I., where be practiced Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator for a, short time. 'He then went to -Hunter River, P. E. I., whene he made bis borne for about 26 years, ~ and wbere hie had a very large pnac- tice, aad-was belovèd 'by ahl withi wbom be came in contact. In 19061 bie moved to Ceballos. Cuba. Dr. Honeywell spent a great many of the summers of the past eighteen years jat Prince Edward Island, near bis old - Ihome. In 1881 bie married Margaret de Laird of New London, P. >E. L,- who died in 1887., Tbree years laten hie married Effie A. Bruce of -,Cart- wright, Ontario, 'who died in Manch, 1898, leaving one son, W. Bruce Honeywell. Later be marnied Etta Proven best Bruce Bnyans of Toronto, who is left Smnce 1867 ' to moura bis'lbas. One sister, Miss Susan, and four brothers, Rice and John of Centreton, Ontario; James M àkesof Castieton, Ontanio, and Etheibert Sof Geneseo, N. Y., and one son, W. Brue Honeywell, of Toronto, f orm- h ~erly of Tyrone, survive bim.' FREE, BABY BOOKS Corna are caused by1 the pressureI Write t* The Lorden Co. ftgtbos Limited. Montreal. for o ih bos ut no one need belj two Sa>i, Weif are Bou troubied with' tbem long when soe simpole, a remedv as Hohlnowav's f1an Reinoer is availabie. FBest In Groceries 1 PRETTY TY~RONE WEDDING Wright-Wight A quiet wedaing was solemnized on Thursciay, October Oth, at the home of M'Is. Eý A. Wight, Tyrone,I m' hen ber daug.,ter, Mabel Loretta,I was united in the holy-bonds of mat- rinxony with Charles Russel, eider son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wright, also of Tyrone. The parlour where the ceremony wasl performed in the presence of a few i mmediate frienda,. was prettily decorated, with autumn flowers. The bride, who was unattended, was giv- en in marriage by her aunt, Mrs. T. R. Hoar, and looked most attractive, in, a suit of wet sand colored poiret twill with ail accessories to match and carried a bouquet of white roses and asparagus. She wore the groom's gift, _a rope of pearls. The nuptial knot was tied by the R1ev., J. W. Down of Tyrone.. After the ceremony and a brief re- ception ail adjourned to the dining- rooni wherê a tempting repast was laid, the table heing prettily decorat- ed in pinkand white. Soon after the bridai partyd....t- ed amid showers 'of confetti and good wishes on an extended trip to west- ern and northern points.1 On their return they will residle on' the! groom's fanm on the Manvers Road. Previous to her marniage the bride was the recipient of many beautiful and useful gifts.- On Monday after- noon she was pleasantiy surprised by the children of Tyrone schéol, where àhe taught previous to ber marriage, who invaded hier home and presented ber witb a china salad bowl with sul- ver servers.. On, Monday, evening saine day she was the recipient of a sbower of miscellaneous articles from the inembers of Tyrone ChM~r and League in both of, whicb organ - izations she has. been an active and willing worker. DEATH 0F AGED LADY Mrs. James Veale, Salem An old resident of Darlingion in the person of Elizabeth Ann Thomas, bel.oved wife of Mn. James Veale, Salem,, passed to rest on Saturday, October 4th., in ber 82nd year. Mr. Veale was theý daughter of Thoa and Elizabeth Dyer Thom1as and was born in Bowmianville in August 1843. She lived in Bowmanville untîl ber marniage to James 'Veale in April 1868, afterwards living in Dariington township, Titusville, Pa., and Colotado until 1900-when she returned here to care for her father a Id resided in the Salem section un- tif ber death., She was a faitbful member of the Congregational Cbunch for many years. The funeral took place, from the family residence on Tuesday, Octo- ber 7th., service being conducted by 11ev. J. W. Down, pastor of the Methodist Church, Tyrone circuit. The bearers were 4our neighbors, Messrs. Geo. A. Stelshens, îîrank L. Squair, Charles Pollard and Arthur Welcb, The floral offerings,,f rom sympa- thizing friends included sprays fnom ISalem Chunch and fnom, some, old 1 friends of Bowmanville Wemen's In- stitute, Mrs. Veale being a charter I member of this, Bran6h. and froni neigh.bors in Salem community. Telegrama and messages of sym- patby were receîved from relatives in Bracebnidge, Lindsay and other places. Besides her buhuà'and she leaves to mburn ber loss two brothers, Mr. Geo. Thomas, Glen Ewen, Sask., and Thomas Thoimas, Colorado Springs, Colo. One 'sister, Mrs. Geo. Stevens died in Lima, Ohio, about 30 years ago. C*RD 0F T HANKS' Mr. Jas. Veale wishes to thank bis frAz n1. 41 en IJuL fn1a IIi4L1 UARRV PHONE 184. e ALLIN L F. J. MITCHELL Distributor Uprîght, Grand and Reproducing Pianos Church and School Organs Useci instruments, some like new, at ba-.rgain prîces-easy terms. A Guarantee with'Every Sale Write Box 353 or Telephone 105 BOWMANVILLE' ITO-MORROW is on the way. If you.knew to-day that to-morrow's Jire would destroy your home, yoti woul-d prepare, to-day. But you cannot know what wiIl happen, to-morrow. You cap protect yourself agalnst financial loss, however. Fire insurance is the only one of the many forms of dependable proper- ty protection we offer to those who, would be pre- pared for to-morrow's eventualities. J. J. MASON & SO Real Estate and, Insurance Brokers Phone 50 Bowmanvi11è SUGG EST IONS Fi your coal bin with Genuine D. Scranton Coal at SUMMER PRICES. L.& W. SCover your roof with Artistic Ruberoid Octab Siate Surf aced Shingles. Colors-Sage Green and Venetian Red. Very best material and manu- facture. Also roll roofing of various grades and prices to suit every purpose. Replace.,your unsanitary, dust-laden carpets with'Beaver Brand HardwoodFlooring. Ch eaper, more wholesome, more durable and better in ap- pearance than other floor covering. Estimiates cheerfully furnished'on all kinds of building material. MeClellanl & Co., Limited King St. East Omfce Phone 15 Bowmanvfhl. Uoinse Phonos 228, 274, 218 Like everything else it always pays to i. DOuMINION OF, CANADA VICORYLOAN BONDS MATURING lot NOVEMBER, 1924 THE BANK 0F MONTREALunder authority of the Mvinister of Finance, is prepared to redeem the above bonds in full at maturity, without charge, at any of its Branches in Canada. For the convenience -of owners of the bonds, the Bank of Montreal will accept- the bonds at any time prior to November lst, and will make payment in each case on November lst, either by issuinga cheque or by placing the' amount tw the owner's crtdit in the books of the Bank, as the owner may desire. The onlp range with McClarp's doublv- Insulated, porcelain ename-led, seamiess, round - çornered, heat - retaînlng oven. THE HYDRO SHOP GREENAWAY & ELLIOTT, BOWMANVILLE buy, the' best quality of Groceries. That is one reason why this store has such a large steady trade. Customers know when they buy here they, get thé highest grade of 'goods and at the lowest prices. Join the happy contented throng of shoppers that patronize this store.

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