Articles For Sale FOR SALE-Young Ferrets. Applyi Fred Burns, KingstonRiload, West, Osh- awa. CW FOR SAL-Just renlewed, yaung Jersey and Durhiam. Apply T. Wesley Cawkeu, Bawmanville, 42-1l PIGS FOR SALE-Pure Brod York- sbire Pigs, 6 wseks o10 Cawker & Jones, Bowininville, plions 43. 42-2w QUANTITY SWEETr CIDER FOR SAL.E-Grindiii g frani 7 la 10 P.ini. Av- plyr Wn. Luxton, Prospect-st., Bowman- ville.40-4w* FOR SALE-10 Yorkshire Pigs, 7 weekl. old; goa dreliable milch cow, just renew- ed, second caif. Apply 10 Rolit. H. Bat- lie. Manvens.Road, Bownianville. 41-1 PUMP AND BUGGY FOR SALE- Waoden Puip, in- good condition. Alo covered buggy. Will sel cheap. Apply ta Mrs. Jas. G. Rickard, Centre Street, Bownianville. 43-SWO FOR SALE-SuIfremfe Steel Range, reservair and warmitmg aven,,water front attachment. Also Good Dominion Organ, in gaod condition. willsii cbeap. Apply ta Mrs. J. T. Bragg, Prospect St., Bowmanville.r CARS FOR SALE-One Baby Grand Chevrolt Truck, 11/ ton capacity. model T. Also ana 85-4 Overland. Bth in good condition. Bargain for quick sale. N,,o reasoable ffer will be refus- ed. Apply ta Inwin & Cole's Garage. Bowmanville. 31-tf HARTEX BRAND ANGORAý RABBIT Wýool in White, Jade, Grey, Mauve, Pinkt, Leturon, Saxe, Y4 oz. bails, pries post- paid $6.75 pan box af 16 halls. Angora Wool Baby Bonnet in any shade men- tioned posptaid $3.95 each. Remit Postai Ordern'P. B. Hart, Màail Ondar Dept., 12 Mayor Street, Montreal. 43-1. BOWMANVILLE, OCT. 23rd., 1924ý MARRIAGES DANIELS-SEWELL-On October 17 1924, by Rev. J. W. MeNamnara of StI Andrews Presbyterian Church, King andj Simcoe Street, Toronto, -Ruby Carolineri Sewell, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs, W. Seýwell, Bowmanvllle, to Oscar Fred- erick Daniels.11, KEACHIE-SMITH--n Saturday October 18th., 1924, at St. Anne' Angli- can Church, Toronto, by Rev. Csanon L. Skey, Cora Mildred, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Sanford Smith, of 43 Dela-I ware Avenue, to PRonald Paterson Kea-i chie, third son of Mr, and Mrs. John D Keachie, of 66 Asquith Av0enue, Toronto DEATHS FI RMA N-At Port Hope, on Tuesday October 14, 1924, Mrs. George Firman, aged 82 years. MONTrGoMERY-At 171 Pickering St. Toronto, on Thursday, October 16, Jas Elwood son of Mrs.' C. Mongomery andj the late David ýMontgomery, Solina, in his 33rd year. IN MEMORIAM In loving memoryof John J. Lord, ",ho passed away October 22nd., 1929. Wif e. In loving memory of W. E Jewell, whjo passed away on October 25, 1920.1 This month brings back a memory Of our loved One laid to rest,1 And those that think of him this fihonth Are the ones Who loved him best. 'Wif e and Familyl ____________HUNTING MOO>SEAND DEER To Let For many years hunteis froni On- tario have realized that the veuy best HOUSE TO RENT-7 roanis, al donî huntîng grounds aie located in the veniences, garage, sniall garde.,n 2 t o h aada aii blocks froni Higli School on Qens.vcnt fte Cnda aii Apply Ride & Co., Bowmanvie. 4- Railway. Hunting ,lubs, as well as Ssniall parties. -appiýeciate -the nenes- HOUSE TO RENT-7-roomed brick s aei d bouse an Queen St. AUl modemrn Oven- sity of arrangemnents aei d lences. Hardwood- floors, two fine v ance. Canadian Pacific agents are places. Apply ta Wni. Quick, Elgin-st., qualified to give you accurate in- Bowniville, Phone 19. 4-tfarmation as ta where deer, moose ____________________-- ]and big ganie can be found. They are plentiful la the French River district Property For Sale ta Sudbury froni French River; along the main lino of the Canadian Pacific HOUSE_ FOR SALE OR RENT-Bung- Railwa y frani Sudbury fo Chapleau alow on Chuncli St., ail modern donven- iences, possession Novemben IsI. For land also in the Maritime Provinces, further information apply ta Mns. Edgar as well as in the district auound Butson, corner Concession and Centre[Shaubat Lake sts., Biwnianville, phone 372w. 41-tfj Ask any Canadian Pacific agent HOUSE FOR SALE-Good 6 roonimedà for a copy of the Huntous' Pamiphlet brick bouse, furnace, eleclnic lghts1. !md 1 or write W. Fulton Passenger Agent, town wateu. Goad gaîden. Good oc tion. . ~ ,Tune 27 ApyA. E. Luke, corner Centre and j . P. R. uidingTrno 2î Cocseo ts., .now1anville, 372j, 38-tf HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT- Frarne bo)use on Elgin Street, Bowman-I ville. containing 8 rooms, town water,I electric lights, 3/ acres land, with ap- Joh nd R. llfive , stle.pton . R. 1 Johe and small fruts, tle. .ApR.y1t phone. 238-32. 41-tf ORCHARO FOR SALE--$1000 buys 2 acres of rchard in one of the best loal- ities ln Bowmanville, with about 125 trees just nicely ino bearing, mostly wînter fruit. Three excellent buildingi lots on sanie. -Âpply to Norman S. B. James at Statesman Office. Farms to Rent FARM TO RENT-126 acres, lot 3, B. F., ]arlington. Plowing possession at onceý, full possession April 1, 1925. ,&P-1 ply 10 Mrs. James MacConnachie, King~ $t., E., Bowmanville.' 34-t! Farms For Sale FARM FOR SALE OR RENT-In Dur-' hani county. 100 acres muore or less being south part of lot 2, B. P., Darlingtofl township, good buildings, and nice stone house, well watered and in a good state of cultivation. For ternis and particu- lars apply 10 D. J. Gibson,, R. R. 4, Bow- mamfllle. * 8-tf. Agents Wanted AGENTS-Gel i a profitable all-year commission business of your own. Every property owner le a customer or Pros- pect. Nine hundred varleties of hardy Red Tag Nurser products. Cash every weelt. Complete equipment, and instruc- tion& free. Write DOMINION NUR- SERIES, MONTREAL. 40191 Position Wanted POSITION WANTED-Practical nurs-, lng and.general housewôrk. Apply Jen- I nie Hendersoli, R. R 2, Newcastle, Phone 'S. L. 43-2w POSITION WANTED-On a farn by1 an experienced niarried mian, can do ai kinds of fanm work. Apply 1e0Il. I. ]RuaI, cloa Jas. A. Werry, phone 195-2, IR. 'R. 1, Ennisklien. 4-tl Lost or Found WATCS4 LOST-On Sunday ight, Lad(ie' Golfi Wrist 'Watch, between 'y rone and Bownianville. inder please1 leave at or phone Statesmran Office.43-1l CLUÎ 13AG LOST-Between New- cateand Bowrnanvillep, on Provincial Hl1gh-way, on Sunday evening, October 19. Returfi 10 Harold Diamond, Picker- ing. 43-1w For Sale or Exchange FOR SALE-115 acres choîce Clay loarn, onep large bank barn. good stab- ling, 8-romred franie house, driving shed 8 acres orcýhard. creek, a desirable'fanm 'In everyý respect. Estate niust be wound up. Price only $8500,,will consider bousel as part pay in Bowmanville. Write box 132, Oshawa. 43-2w FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE-An 5 roonied brick bouse with franie attached 24 x 36 fi., one acre of land witb fruit1 trees, corner of Liberty and Concessioni St., Bownianville, for a 6-roonied houseJ In town or Toronto. W. B. Pinot., box 17, Bownianvills. 31-14w* Notice Ordiers for cement blocks or cenient ,ork~ of any kind given prompt attent- ion and at reasonable rates. We are ai- so prepared ta do teaniing. Phone 170. ,Mrs. A. Turner, Scugog St., Bownian ville. -t Order Storm Wiridows NOW Get aur inoney saving p)riceý list showing freight pald coal of storn windows, glaz- ed c'omplets, any 8iý The Halliday Co., Ltd., HÏamuton, Ontario. 41-7w BOWMAN VILLE CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY GOING BA.ST 8.42 a. ni.Il 10.36 a. mi. D" 1.26 p.niF 7.14 Ï 9.58 p. niD 11.21 p. niP 12.29 a. ni. F D-Daily *..Diyexcept Sunday. GOING WESIT 4.22 a. ni. F 10.07 a. m. D 2.02 7.18p.m 8.24 p i Sunday Only 7.26 P. ni. CANADIAN PACIFIC- RAILWAY-1 GOING EAST 'COING WEST 10.25 a. M. 5.54 a. m 2.45 P.. 6.25 a. ni. 10.08 P. m.9.20 a. mi 11.28 p.. 4.24 p. ni 12.26 a. m. 7.42 p. mi CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY TYOESTATION Mondày, Wednesday, Friday Going East Going West 6.34 p. m. 8.15 a. m. Tuesday, Thursday, Safurday Going East Going West 5.00 P. ni. 8.30 a. ni. Articles Wanted .tGGS WANTED-10-0 dozen per week, strtky fresh. ,Apply ta Geo. Evans, 51 I C iigs St., Toronto, Ont., phions Ger- rard 3837. 41-3w Problems in Rai'sin>g Poultryý and producing eggs every rnonth in thie year are aill overcome by the practi cal niethods taught in Shaws Coldbeltm Poultry Course. Hundreds of testinion-. jis prove Iis. Write for them to-day and learno how t0 make plenty of easy money. Addresa Shaw- Sahools, Poultry, Dept., Section .. 46 Bloor Westf' Tor- onto. LABOURERS WANTED Men who will quahfy for position paymng froni $2500 ta, $60.00 weekly. S6 Iexperience naecessary. We teach yi in afew short weeks, as eletrical igni-, lion, expert auto ipechanios, dirivin'g welding and bateny work. Be a suc cess Do't lie idle., Apply Heniphil Trade Sohools, 163 King St. W., Toronto CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST. POSTING 0F VOTERS' LIST Votera' List, 1924,. Municipalîty of' thie Township of Darlington, Coutnty of Durham. Notice is' hereby given that 1 have tnansmitted or dellvered to the pensons, nientioned in section 10 of The Voters' Lista Actthe copies required liy said sections to be so transmitted or deliver- ed of the Liàt, miade pursuant to said Act. of ail persons appearing liy the last revised Assessmermt Hall of, the said Mýnicipality 10 be entitled to vote in the said Municipalîty ai elections for nien- bers of the Legislatîve Assenibly and at Municipal Elections;_ and that the said List was first posled up at my office ýat Hampton, on the tenth day, of October, 1924, ana remains there for inspection. And 1 do herby cail upon ail votera la take immediate proceedings to have any ernors or omissions corrected according 10 law. Dated this tenth day of Octaber, 1924. Clark of the Township of DarlinigîQn. W. R. ALLIN. 43-2w The Canadian Statesman is $2.00 a year --and worth it. Subscribe To-day LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Mr. John Palîmer, Toronto, spent fe- weekend at home. Mr. Nlorman Taylor, Part Robin- en, spent a f sw days at home. Miss Ida Weekes, Toronto, is vis- ;îing hen sister, Miss Edith Weekes. Mr. and Mus. W. J. MeLaughlin,. Oshawa, spent Sunday at Mr. W. B. Pinich's. Mi. and Mis. C. W. Mott, Toron,~ o, spent the weekend with Mu. and Mrs. F. F. Morris. Miss Jennie Giles, Toronto, spent te weekend with -Miss Gladys Palmer, Oataîio-st. Mr. and Mis. Freld Davidson, Osh- awa, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mis. Wm. Gimblett. Mi. and Mis. Chas. L. Brown have been enjaying a matai trip ta Ottawa where they visited friends. Progressive Euchue in the LI. O 0.F. Hlall on Thursday, October 30, at 8 p. mn. Admission 25c. 42-2 Miss Eva Wakeliù hbas had a pleas- ant vacation with her sister in Ham- iton and Toronto friends and rela- tives., Who is Marguerite, Madge and Peggy? Conie and see theni Wed- nesday evening next, Methodist S. S. Roam. Mis. W. J. Williams, Liberty St., will not receive on the first Wednes- lay of the month duîing the faîl and winter. Mise Edith Fry of the -Canadian Red Cross, Toronto, was gueest of .'Js. George Weekes while in tawn on. Thursday. Mr. and Mis. H. G. Den.seni, Toi- onto, recently sppnt a wveekend with bis uncle, Mi. F. Denseni, and other relatives here. Mi.,,and Mis. C'laience Mitchelli ýandý son John, Newtonville, visîtedi Mi. and Mis. W. J. Williami-s, Liberty St., on Monday. Mr. and Mis. J. W. Hancock, Waod- ville, Mu. and Mus. S. Hancock, Lind-w say, were recent guests of Mis. S. Woodger, (entre-st. Mi. and M"s. James Pole, Mu. and Mrs. Ray How, Mi. Fred Pale and Miss Lena Payne spent the weekend with Mus. A. Cînyton. T. H. Knight wants a large. quan- tiýty of Alsike and Red Claver Seed for which he la paying highest mark- et puice's. Buing in samples. Coie la costume ta the Hallowe' en, party an Wednesday,' October 29th at 8 p. mi., in St. PauI's Lecture Rooni., Adults 25c;, child-ren 25c. Miss Elsie M. Bragg, -Toronto, spent the weekendat home. Heu sister, Mis. N .C. Willaoa, uetuuned with heu fou a visit with T/oroato relatives. The bazaar and tea held by- the Companions of the Forest on Thurs- day afteînoaa was a splendid suc- cess and a aice sum was netted for the treasury. iFaniily 1 eîald, and Weekly Star of Montreal agency is The States- man Office, Bowmanville. See oui Clubbing- List. M. A. James & So xýs. Mis. J. Sunter and Miss Hilda, Sunter, Mi. and Mus. Gillespie, Toi- onto, were guests of the, former's brother, Mu. William .Paintan, an Sunday. Mi. and Mis. J. O. LaBelle, Beech Ave., are receiving congratu- lations fro.n their numerous friends on ueaching the fiftieth milestone of their wedded lifebon Tuesday, ýOct. 14th. The rnany friends of Mus. Gev. Farîagher (nee Kate Battle), Roch- ester, formerly of Bowmaaville, will be sarry ta hear, of the death of Mu. SFariagher after an, îllness of only two days. 1 Who are the "Three Pegs"? Who la Aunt Euphilly? Come and hear ,how she deals with theni and how they get nid- of' her. Methodist :School-rbam Wed'nesday, Oct. 29th. Admission 25c. Came ta the Methodist School- 1room Wednesdnay, Oct. 29, and hear the play "Three Pegs"? put on by the -Mission Circle girls. 25C. Mu. and, Mus. W. S. Cameron and sonfs,> Toronto, spent the weekenc with her parents, Mi. and Mirs. Rich- aid Hamlyn, Duke St., who will cele- ebrate their golden wedding on Tues. gday, November ilth. W. Mr, and Mus. P. T. Myles, Mr. and Mis. George Scott, Toronto, Mu. and Mus. Levi Robbins and faniW, Hampton, Mis. Wm. Stîutt, Roches- ter, N. Y., spent, Sunday with Mu. .and Mua. George Callan, Ontânio-st. Mis. ean tinsn weî:+he st-s-F Reserve Thursday, October 30, fai the Progressive Euchie 'in 1. O. O. F Hall. Admission 25c. -,42-ý Ladies' Fgxu Coats-z-pecial show. ing this week--Hudson Seal, Frenel Seal, Persian Lamb and Mukaki ICoats at exceptional close puices. iCouch, Johnston' & Cryderinan. COMMUN1TY, SALE Saturday, Nov. Istý-A. communitY sale of furniture,' household eff ets, etc,4 will be held on Bell Telephone Co's lot, north of Town Hall. Per- sons wishing to place articles in, this, sale should bring, list to J. J. Masoni & Son's office. Further particulars next week. C.1 H. Mrson, W. J. Chalij, Clerk. Auctioneer. AUCTION'SALES Satunday, October 25th-Richard Greenis will soîl on Bell Telephone Co's lot, north of Town Hall, a quantity of hausehoîrd funniture, mi- plements; sleighs, harnoss double and single, rubber ýtIred ' aggy, 490 Ohevrolet Car, 15 pairs la. les' shoes, electric fixtures, pictures, maîtresses,' office chairs, etc. Sa4e at 1 o'clock. Jas. McDouge, 1, Theo. M .Slemon, Clerk. Auctioneer. Monday, Octoýer 27-Gea. Lock- yer, Enniskillen, will sell by public auction alI of his household funni- tare and furnishings inluding New Columbia victuola, Buass Bedstead, Drosser, Parlor Table, New Kitchon Cabinet, Kitchen Chais, New Wring- or, Feather Beds, Springs, Q'uebec Heater, Gentlemen's Fui Coat, Egg Incubator and ailier articles. Sale at 1.30 p. ni. Thea.'M. Slemon, Auctioneer. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Mrs. F. Thornpson, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mrs. S. Woodger. How to adopt a girfl Hear "Three Pegs" in the MethodistSchool-roomn on Wednesday, Oct. 29th. -Mr. and Mis .J. AÂmes visited the latter's sister, Mrs. W. . 'Dracup near Stirlinig on.Sunday week. Progressive Euchre in the 1. 0. 0. F. Hall on Thursday, October 30, a t 18 p. ni. Admission 25c. 42-2w Miss Mae Currie returned last evening after visiting friends and relatives in Enniskillen and Oshawa., -Tweed News. Do your like castor oil? See Peg dispose of it. Wednesday next, Methodist S. S. PRoom., Farmers attention! I want any quantîty of Alsike and, Red Clover Seed. Bring in sampleand get my prices., T. H. Knight. Bowmanville- Women's Institute will meet on Friday, Otaber 31 at 3 p. mi., at the home of Mis. Wm.' Adamis, Westmount. Good pro- gram. Every member attend. Mr. W. J. M'orrison, B. A., and Dr. J. C. Devittf'gave very interest- ing addresses to the Methodist Sun- day School on Sunday and Miss Reta R. ýCole sang a solo all in keeping with the Temperance prograni which was used. Dr. Julia R.ý Thomas, 431 Jarvis ' St., Toronto, and Mis. (Dr.) L. T. IMarceau of Napierville, Quebec, both former]y of Bowmlanville, are visit- ing Mis. M. A. James. Miss Emna Hagarty an~d sister Kate, Toronto, were companions of thiese tWo ladies in 1886 in a party of eight who vis,- ited England, Scotland, Ireland and France, This year Miss Hagarty and youngeî ,sister Miss Saruh Hagarty, 59 Howland Ave., Toronto, again visited the Old -Country and on their return to Montreal visited- Mis. Mar- ceau at Napiçrville, where Miss Hag- arty who had not been well on the voyage homeward, was tak 'en ili and died quite suddenly of heat failure antl Mis. Marceau accompanied Miss Sarah Hagarty and her sister's re- mains to; Toronto-a very sa d sequel to an otherwise pleasant visit to the Old Land. PAINTINe AND PAPER H4ANGING. Now is the tume ta have- thât dul room papeued. Make it cheerful for the duli nights that are cominig. I have over 200 patterns tochoose froni. I will paper any room. Up ta 12 x 14 for $4-00. Also. quate lowest puices before doinp, that next job of painting or deeorating. Out out of town woî*k giveii prompt at- tention. Estimates fxee G Pritchard. Corner Silver arad Kng St., Bowmanville. 40-1. SHORTHORNS AT' Gea and Ted Jackson, Auctioneers, have ueeeived instructions froni JOHN'BAKER AUCTION SALE The uadeusgndbas recoived in- stucins frai J. W. WYATT, ta seil by auction an the promises, Corner Albert and Ontario Sts., Bowmanville on SATURDAY, OCT. 25th. The f allowing household -furniture, etc.: Dining Rooni Suite, Twa Large Leather Chairs, 1 Large, Rackiag Chair, 1 Book Stand, Walnut; 1 Writing Desk; 1 Library Table; 1 Brusesîs Carpet; 1 Se'wiag Machine, Singer; 1 Hall Stand with Mrair; 1 Brasa Bed; 1 Iran Bed; 1 Folding Bed; 1 Hoosier Kitchen Cabinet; 6 Kitchen Chairs; 1 Arm Chair; 1 Baby Chair; 1 large Kitehen Table; 1 Washing Machine; 'î Wringer; 1 Cross Cut Saw; 1 piece Linoleum 12 x 12;- 2 SiaIl Tables; 1 ýChild's Dressifig Table; Quaritity Pictures; 1 vi lla; Extension Table; Amber Glass Electrie Dame, 4 lights; 2î Bicycles; Child's Doîl Hanse; Child's Rocking Horse; Quaatity of Books; 1 large Galvanized Bath; Quantity of Sealers; 1 Baby Sleigh wïtiih rail; 1 8-fi. Toboggan, 1 ElecItric Magie Lantern; 1 Child's Black Board; 1 Child's Daîl Carniage; 1 Pipe Vice; 1 Axe; 1 Large Lawn Vase and Stand; Dishes, Kitchen Utensils and other articles. I Sale at 1, p. ni. Terms " Cash C. H. Mason, W. J. Challis, Clerk. -Auctioneer. Sale at 1.30 o'clock TERMS-Cash; or 6 moatha' cned- it on appraved notese with interest at 6 peu cent per annuni. AUCTION SAýà ThursdAy, October 3th,-Messrs. W. C. Ferguson & Sans, "Grand view Faim", one mile west of Black-, stock, lot 7, con. 5, Cartwrigh t town- ship, will soîl by auction the follow- ing: Rogisteied Clydeadale .hanses, dual-puipose Shorthorn Cattle,' Ox- foud-Down Sheep, Yorkshire Hogs, Imaplemeats, Furniture, etc. -Ternis -AUl sunis of $15.00 and' under, Iý cash. Over ý that amouat 12 months' credit an approv(ed notes. 5% discount for 'cash.' Sale at 1 P. M. See bills. George and Te d Jackson, Auctioneers. 42-2* C. H. MUFRD ta sell by auctian- at the f ar of Mu. Munifard Lot ý28, Con. 5, D'arlington m, miles, west of ITampton, on the Bowmanville ta Oshawa detour, on ,MONDAY, OCTOBÉR 27 The f ollowing good bieeding Short- houns comprisming such famulies as Clementine, Snowdîop, Mysie, Mina, Victoria, Mari Élora' and Mayflawer: BULLS-McGregou Chief, 170483, bora Nov. 4, 1923; Browndale Fa-- orite, 170817, bain Sept. 1 1th., 1923; The bulîs are real goad ones of good breeding, one fr'on Impoit- ed Sire and Dam and the other a Mari Flora by Browndale Motion, 150034, by Buowndale. FEMALES-Molly Gr'ey '4th, 201062;, Marigold Maid, 201424; Rase Marigold, 130922; Mina Maude,I 106222;, Cluny Victoria 2nd, 200545; Cluny Marigold 3rd, 171549;I Cluny Ruiby 2nd, 181782; Marigold, 200543; Cluny Marie, 154735; Victoria 3îd, 113144; ýClenientine Pear, 152407. The females are mostly young breeding caws, saoie with calves at f oot and ail rebîed ta jWellhouse MneGregor (Imp.), 1427951 [and Buowndale Motion, 1à0034. Ahl cattie sold subject ta test. SHROPSHIRE SHEEP-10 Good Registeied Breeding Ewes; 10 Ewe Lambs and S Ram Lambs of diff er- ent kmn will also ýbe offered and will afford a good oppoutunity foi secur- ing the right kind of sheep. :1 S. . Mason & Son Announces a Coos sal Overtock Sale of Women' s and Misses' Dresses Beautifuil SiiIk Cantons, Georgettes, Satin Crepes, in a host of georgeous styles paroled, from' the leadîng dress manu- f actures of Canada are now on sale, grouped in twýo lots for quick clearance as follows: GROUP, NO., i 39 wondierful new,ï crisp dresses. Please note that every one of these garments is of the newest'designs. The sizes con- sti tuted in this lot range from size 14 to 44 and were positively priced up to $42.00. Group No. 1 Thursday Morning $ 19.75 GROUP NO. 2 21 Gownhs by actual count.. We can safely say that these numbers, are the fns value we have ever been able to" offer. We can also safely say that the styles_ are not to be surpassed. and the, materîals are of the finest textures and of first quality. In this grouP we have plenty of large sizes-sizes that, are buiît for large women, sizes that have style and workmanship. Group No. 2 Priced at $22.50 Please bear in mind that owing to the exceedingly low prices and quick clearance values none of these'dresses are al- lowed' out'of the store, on approbation. Onë'last word-Shop Early-while the ielection is the best S, . ason&So Dry Goods andý La4ies' Ready-To-Wear Phone 106 Bowmanvillo Serve Corbett's Baking Buy some of these delici6us things at our store on Saturday or phone your order and we will be gladto deliver the goods to your home: Cream Squares ...............25e dozen Hlome-made Pumpkin Pies ....25e each Delicious'Cream Puifs,........60e dozen Home-made Meat Piés .......15ceeh 0f course we have lots, of other appetizing eats on display fresh every day. Home-Made Humbugs 40c lb. W. P. Corbett (Successor to Thomas Tod) Baker and Confectioner Bowmanville We are featuring for this week the finest Breakfast Bacon, machine sliced- at 28c IL Be sure to order a pound or two of this delicious ba- con at thi~ remarkably low price. FOR A CHtlgANG E Why not try some Spare Ribs or Tenderloin? Watch our 'window for speciail display of these appetizing meats. G.A. Edmondstone Phono 21. Bowmanville-