Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Sep 1924, p. 6

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RAILWAY- TIME TABLES FOR BOWMIAN VILLE CANADIAN NATIONAL RIAILWAY GOING EAST GOING WEST .42 a. mu. !D 4.22 a. ru. JP 10.36 a.ru 1) 7.06 a. m., 1.26 p. Tl F2.02 P. rM. 3.09 P. * ,7.13 P. m e.49 P. rm. 8.24 p. . D 7.21 p. iru.-1.2 .m 9.58 p.m. D 112L . u CA NADlA N COING FAST 10. 18 a . 2.Q8 p. 9.16 o u 11.28 p u 12.26 a. DL, PACIFIO RAILWAY GOINO 'INESI 5.51 a. ni. 6.25 a. ru. 8.20 a. mi. 4 .31 P. ru. CANAD!AN NATIONAL RAILWAy TYROINE STATION Golrg EstGoing Wn 8.34 p. m. .5a ni. Dally Except Sunday' IYou hirst realize what Scott',s Emulsion is, , by the strength ît brings to the body. ScOt Boulle, rorento, Ont 23 5 TIPED 1ETSU-~IAlM RIE JAR8 1, la 6.,-TU58 80.A il DrgSes Gr~'at EIzhPEpaa-n 1 nsan the whoie ol en.Used for Nerî'ous !W~eblty entai and r,,ainiWrry. De spondenrv , loss f Energvy, Palpitation of the Heart, Jai in Mmry rice $2-pe? box,3*O for $5. -,Sold V,> ail druggis!s, or ïnailed in plain pkg. on receipt of priçie. New pamphlét majled Vree.TI MWOOD0r MEDICRNE CO.JORoNTDOtT- Cook's Regulating Compound 'l efe. Meiable regulais 17ledicin n. Sold ini three de- gree ofstrngt-No i.$18 No., 2. $3; No, 1, $5 per box. p'q "d oureceipt of prie. Freea pam)phleýt. Address: TME COOK MEDICINECO. WORKING GIRUIS Read How She Found HeIp in Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Comnpound Ârnprior, Ontaro-' 1 must write and tel you my oxperience witb your medicine. 1 was wvorking at the factory for three years and becaine so rndw that l used to takze weak spelisan would be at home at least one day each week. 1 was treated by the doct ors for anemia, but it did't seemn to do me any good. 1 was told to take a rest, but was unable to, and kept on getting worse. 1 was troubled mnostly with mny periods. 1 would sometimes pans three mon,)tbn, and whe--n it camne it would last around two weekIs, and I would have such painnat times in rny right side that 1 could hardly walk. 1 an on1ly 19 years of age and weigh 118 pounds now, end before tak- ing the Vegeta1ble CopudIw only 108 pounda,. I -was3 sickl for twoc years and some of my frienids tol)d me about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound, and when i Ihad taken a. bottle of it1Ifeit achange. M/'yr mother bas beeni takiing it for a different ailment and has found it very satisfacetory. I arn wiiing to teil friends about thse medicine and to answer letters asking about it. "- Miss HAZEL BERNDT, Box 700, Arnprior-, Ouýtarjo. A day out each week shows in the PSY enivelope. If you are troubled with some weakness, indicated by a run-down con- dition, tired felnspains and irregu- larit~ , et Lydia . Ikha' Vege ta- ble npo-und help you. BOWMANVILLE, SEPT. 18, 192-1. KEDRON Miss Marlon HdskFIin, Harmony, visited _Ms. THamold Mouutjoy. Mr. J. Shiarp f cil from 1 asncaffold sud broke a numn-ben of ribs. Mrs. W. _M. Honkin Ella and Bert viited -Mr.. G. Armour, Zion. Mn.. sud Mmr, W. N. Hoskin sud chbiIlden visited Orono relatives. Mn. sud Mim_. Merlini Hepburn, En- fieîdl, visited ut Mr. J. Moutjoy's. H-ousewiý,ves fean for the supply of ripe tom.atoes, ripeniung very sîowly, Mn. John Lee celebrated his 91 at bithday uit bis dlaughter's, MmIr. J. MeCregor. Threshîng is progressiug sud grain is s better quality. Apple c-rop lai practicaîly a failure. M. sud AMm. Chas. Fox sud sonI Charlie, Toronto, visitedl o-ver the week-end ut Mm. John McGnegor's. Miss Moetta Constance White, New York, was guest of ber cousin, Miss Bernice Weriy ansd othen rela- tivshreabout for a week. Dr. Mark Pascoe, Taft, Califomnia, Mr. J.e T. Roupdle, Sollina, sud Mr. IL. T. Pancoe, Hamipton, were recentý visitons ut Mn. Hl.L. Pascoe's. Mrs. (Dr.) Wsuusn, Osbawa, Mrs. Suiden, Chicago, Mlrs. W. GlaspeIl, Zion, sud Mms. T. Shortridge, Colum-1 bus, visited Mms. A. D. VaniDyke. iMiss Minnie Mitchiell returned homel to Boston after a few weeks with mrel- atives beme. Hem sisten, Mms. A. D. VanDyke, accoipsnie:d ber to Ton- onto sud visited relatives. Itching, U17eedmg, rtut.îng ulaor Ilemorrhosds. N sugclo)ratmý,n required. Dr. Chas,'.s Oinmet whireIeve you ait oceand nffýi'dling bene-fit. 60u s box;«il deaiers. or Edmnanon, Bates &'Co., T.îmIited, Toronto. 3aruple box re Say "Bayer" - Insisti For Pain Headache Neuralgia Rheumatism Lumbago' Colds 'zk-~Accept only a Bayer package whichcontains proven directions Ilandy "Bayerý" boxes of 12 tablets .A1so bottiee of 24 and l0-Druggists Aâspirin Is the. trade mark (reglstered ln Canada> of Bayer Manufacturecf MoMno. oftcaiete tSalicylicacld "lEczena MIl Over Arms Suffered for 12 Years"9 JirMm Nray HoUgia, Wsrton, onL, WrTÎles 'l had ecziema for twelve years. Every once in a while it would be>eak e"t -an1i spread ail over~ my arms. 1 tried ail kinds of treat- mewnt, te relieve2 it, but without success. One Spring it broke out and nothing 'gave me relief, evesi the salve I get from the doctor cid no good. At last 1 tried Dr. Chas", O'I'ntmnent and it healed the eczema in a short fime. That is over a year ago, and 1 have had no return Dr. Chase's Oitnient 0 e~ a ox, il eaies o Eshans.. Bt ,& (o, LSd, Toronto A quiet weddiug took place at the home of -Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Scott. Princess St-, on Wednesday, Septem-1 ber lth, -when -Miss Bessie Cooper and -Mr. Arnold Dummett of 'Maple Lake, were united in marriage, Rev MONUMENTAL ART WORKS ESTABLISHED 1857 Importer direct of SCOTCH AND SWEDE GRANITES aandonly tise best grades cf VERMIvONT BLUE MARBLF Iemipioy no cemnetery caretakers as agents preferring ùo sel1 My Own gooda tises saving thse purchaser the agent's comumission. A çauI solicited.l Pisone 32 [ý- F. H. BOUNSALL Dr 1 Bowmanvilie 26W Box 9 B IN THE MATTER 0OF tise estate of Richartid Henry Soucis, ,late of tise townJ of Bowrunanvihh,intsecounty 0fo, ur hau, ,aretired famer dceased(L N"OTICE is isereby given purnuatnt f0 sec. 56 of Chap. J121, R. S. 0., fIat tail persons having dlaims or denmanda againat tise estate of le said tiad H-enry Soucis, deceanetu, wiso diea onýov1 about tise seventis day of Novemiser 192, are required fo send ly pont, prpaid.or deli!ver to tise undersýignei eectoTs Trusta and Guarantee ComipanyL ied Trnoorto tlise und.,rsigýne W. E.N. SincairtaScli(-jror, on orberets firat 1day 0f Otoler, 1924, tieircratn and unae and addressea witi fiti parf!icuJIlarS in writing of tiseir cdaimis, aud tateent f ifleiraeounts andtisej natur 0f ts secrifies (if any> isehd sy tisru ulyverfle bystatutory declara- NDt,,KE Npi OICEorsa afr ' tisef execor îhlproeedf0 dno!Iltrbue ise lae ot'ewad i,s aaid executor wîll t Ceef OMAN YpemNon r Ern f wloa dai n3t2 Bsa, St lve e James J. Warren, Pr',aident. W. E. N. SINCLAIR, E. B. Stockdlaîe, Genera'l Manager.; 20 Siruicoe St., Norths, Oshawa, Ontarlo, Soiio.for tise si, excutOr. ORqONO ITEMS RINGS STOLEN PromThe ewsof Spteber lthAFTER ACCIDENT Mr. Cal My1es ]has retuarued from Ane noo tetaey hc c N',ew Ontario. curred on July 30 at Adama--' Cross-1 Mrs. Hiarrison left Tuesday night ing near Newcastle, has been for ottawa adRselbrought to, lighit when the Criiminal N.YInvesýtigation D1epartinent of tePo M r F ranilk Shlie vlini, Buff alo, N.vincial Police beaasa uorto visited her sister, Ms E. Dean. lvaluiable diamiond rrg Ia- Mrm. Jamies Canetoni, Port Arthur, peared fronuthehat o u. f h wvas at Mr. R. Gro' recently. vctms Mrs. Davis sudi family who have Beor rean fMa eatOn been resýid'ing in the Smith bloek have Stew art, were rmvdfro0 u -the gone]2 1o)Millbrook. cene lber c.dýimoud en! ýigagemîenitring Mrs. S. Cutteli enjoyed a v1ý ini su a speciýaily conIstr-ucted diamnond froni fher friend, -Mr, Fred G. Cros-! clusten vere stolenl or lont, He by, Si-arcamenito,Cailif, husbandu is particularly anlXious to Ms. Ed. Dean and sons Msr. aethe missing1 rinigs foun-0,nofr H-esper andKnnt enjoyedl a miotor their valUbt for ia auhtr trip to Midlsud and Houney 1-lrbou. ______________i___ There is no poisoniousý ingred_ ient in ollwa' orn Remover, ando it S. T. Tucker tieing the nuptial kuot. can be used wýithout dlanger or iu-! Mr. Dumminett is assistant at the pick- jur y. 1ling-vts ere. Mm. .Jamies Moffatt and nec, Modynigh-t recorded thethi M1,iss Freeda, Wilson attended the ifire whic as occurred in this coma- funeral of Hermian Carnie, Port mlun)ity within the last fifteen days. Hope. j 'During a sevene electricul stormn on Hydro Electric mien under direc- 1tetat night at 9 o'clock the barils andiL tion of Mgr. Jno. Pointon are mialt- additions oun the fammi of Wmi. iug a clean-up of the hunes tbroughi Brough, mile esst of this village thevilage caugbt fire sud was totilyI destroy- the vilage.ed(, togethien with the season's crop. Rev. sud -Mrs. S. T. Tucker, Miss Nto-ieFm.Teei en Gladys sund Mr. Ewart Tuce, Nto- motqie-Teei er oredto Mllbook n Mudaysudcely a corner of this great Domuin- ion where the merits of Dr. Thomas' called on friends. Eclectric 011 have not been tried Dr. and Mrs. James Colville ofý an'd proved. It is one of the world's Northwood, spent s few days witb miont efficient, remedies f or sore bis miother at Leskard, and brother thot aebcksdmn te here, Dr. Neil Colville . ailuients arising fnom inflammation. Wormis feed upon the vitality of R ubbedi on the skfin its healing power child1ren sud endanger their lîves, A! is readily absorbed, sud it cau also simple suld effective remiedy is Mlotheri be taken internally. Graves' Wormi Extermninator. Mmlr. W. D). Todd of Victoria, B. Rev. Thon. Wallace, Newtonville,' C. daugbter of Mr. J. H. Yeo, si peached in the Pnesbyteriau Churchl formier Oronlo boy, spent a day or -here Sunday. Rev. Mr. Rae takiug t-wo with her uncles, Messrs, S. D. anuiver.ssny services at Kendal. 1 sud Jesse Yeo. Mrs. Todid repren- Mr. Fernando Perin, eidýiug 0on ented the womnen's Inistitute aud lot 20, con. 1. esst of Newcastle, bad 1Britisb ColumIbia Products Bureau at one of bis bestmic cows killed by jthlie National Exhibition at Toron31to lightning iu Mouday night's storru. this vear. She visited Ottasbe- _Mr. Venroîl, Mr. sud Mrs. George, 1 fore returing9. Mrs. L. Coninell sud Mms. C. Fowl,v î Mr. M. J. Bradiley a ýn old Leskard Lindsay, were recent visitons atth boy, sccomipauied b- his anf sd homnes of Messrs. Rübemýt Fowlem sud Y OUug 'sonwsi uStma R. Z. Hall. 1 last and called oun h ew u At a special meetifewoothetrse wOter fniends here en route to At sspecal metin uof h tus h odb stead farmno rtb of Les- board of the MethiodlintCmi t the, kad weeh born u hc decided to instal suorchestra in con-jbe ad .Thseren fm-sorn3 yeads. Man ptection with the mniing servie1lebc o enfrL yirs-Ma,-1 under direction of Suuday Sholex-J son,ii like mnauy other Clarke boys of ecutve.'amb Iinsd eniergy, h~ reachedi ecutive.distinctioni, beîng sP. o ssrin Miss Donothy VauLuiven, of tileo chemnistry iu the State Uniiversity of H-igh Sclhool teachiug staff, Oshawa,l Illinois, situated nt Chamapaigu. 'Bis and Miss Kathleen Staples, Potfte1 u ote, M.aî m Hlope High School teaching staff, Frank Bradley, reside in Tononto.' spent th'e week-end at the home CepntooifOt.Cusdrn MissStapes.the qualities of Dr. Thomias' Eclectnic - nMr. James Hunter, wbo han been 0,1 it is the câeapest of ail prepara.. ipoor halhfor spublic.has.. been colniued to bis bed the- past to be fouud lu eveny drug store inI week. Mn. Hunten is a Pant Master Canada from coastto coast and aIlý of Orono Lodge A. F. & A,4. M., aud country merchauts keep it for sale. a mian very bighly esteemied. So, being easily procumable sud ex Mr- sud -Mm. Jas. E ihrsa-tneruely, moderate lu price, no one teud(ed lthie wedding of their daugh- I should be without s bottle of it. te r Miss Gladys to Mr. Chas. Mo0watt, On Septemiber 63th the b"Iar Ilsud wc okplace in T omonto . The! sean'on's crop of Mr. J. E. sObrueý blappy couple are now reujoyinig .wr oal esryd m s honeySaoon tnp to Detroit. borne, while add(inlg somie extra Mis an Yun, B. A., Wesprpr-ops urnderneath the -barni floor lur hanz taken chlarge of finit fomm w\-,orký preparation for t'hreshing operations iin Our HghSchool. Owing to lu- while handling ponts ln1u oe way cressed atteuncne more accommo- kuocked the lanterul over, settingý dation sud an extýra teacher had toi finet re0 stna sd witb the high be arranged tIo meet requirements. wiud prevailiug ut thie time, no Mn. D.. J. Gibson is lu the uorth1ca'used thee whiole buildlin-g to becoru-eý country judI---gîunt a circuit of faim ignited, causing s bOsn of his barns sud exhibitions for the Departrueut isud( seasou's cmop. This property is of Aýgriculture lu classes of fruits,! knrown as the late Lewis. Clarke's sud, vegetables sud flowers. His itiner- sîtua,.tedl on COb Hlill, adjacent toe thiGn anyv includesý North Bay, CochiraneI,l place. Added to the above wase Pwsan sd Trout Creek. 10sn bY causes unkuown of the Dm111 The addition of another teachler of Shed, lu Agicultural Parký, 0ouAug- our Continuation Sehool staff raines erýtieaeste wep the' standard tio grade A sud sîso lu-, rj n ee pantially covered b y ï creases thie annual- grants. The sunance. School Board, out of somje seveltyý Spa re the children froru sufferi"ngYý applications chose Miss Sans Youing, froru womn by usiug Mille's Worm; B. A., Of Westport, for the flms,3t forny Powders, a mont effective veÉYiifuget wr.withi which to comnbat these siou wQk.f oes of' the youhig sud belpless. lit Asthmla Does't Wear OffAlone., is an excellent worm destroyer, sud; --Do not make the mnistake of wait- wvheu t ulte eoekonl iselfor ashma tyou weway by t-. Ia 1houehold no other mwill be used. das ile eyou are w aitng the T e me dicine acts by itself, requir-ý disaseis urly atbrin astrnge ig no Purgative to assist it, sud soý foothold sudd you live lu danger of tomugly that ihgmresd- strongen snid.yet strougen attacks.1isrd Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy' taken early, will prevent incipieià condition froru becoming chrouic sud ! Mjor Fred Wolfrai i, Coîborne, saven boums of awful suffering. han been gazetted LenatC- Mn. Thon. Cowau on bis returmu' onel in commnaud of Northumiberland front the National Exhijbition, Tom-ý regimeut of Iufantry lu suc(ýession to Onto, wbere 1A, had remiankable suc-1 Lieut.-Col. Boggs, Cobourg. cen-s withbhis splendid exhibit of bornes, left nim-edi'ately for the Nia- gara District whiere 'he was sent by T teDepartruent as s judge of bonnes otc ut. a circit fof faimsI 1...r u rs (C h~/ 07)1) Play m»ore! anid you'11 get more out of 11f e! Keener miiid, physicial zest, hearty appetite. Better f ood! Meals cooked wi th ail the richi juices saved! Anid cooked while you play. Trust McClarp's Electric for better food and more hours o! freedomi Thzs range does flot need watching! The onlv range with MeC farp's doubp- The onlp range with in-sulated, porcelain - enameled seamýless, Mc-Clorv'e Tor - R4ed round-ceornered heat-retaining oven. Protected Elements. Greenaway & Elliott The Hydro Shop Notice To Creditors ESTATE 0F JAMES MoMILLAN DECEASED NtJTICH is hrJygiveýn that ail pier- sons havln n disor emn against ÀJames MMian ae f tise Township of of IYarington in ile çoun-fl ty of Durh'lim, whVlo died on or~ about thse 2Otht day 1of July124 at thse said Town- I ship ofî Da'rlington, are requjlired te sena by post peadorder to tho undeýr- signed, Excuitor under the WiIl f tine! saidJae MeMlla ,hir nmes andl addresEù,s an ul ii atiulrsini! lt ing of thir dcaimis and stateme nts ot their acut and the nature of ts securlitie-s iflanyhld by theru AND TAI<E NOTICE that after tise Six-,th day of October 12,thie under- signed will proceed to distribute. the as- sets of the said deceaed amona tLie persons entitied th-lereto, having regard only to the cdaimis of whiich he ,si-ah tisen have had notice, and thiat the undeir- signed wili not be liale for thse saiîd assets or anyprttheýreof to aýny per- son of whose dcaim hle shal! net tien have received[ notice. DATED at the City of Toronto in, tise .County of York,. this Scond dýjay o f Se- tember 1924. D. G. MA. GALBRAM-H, 611 umsdn Blg.,Toronto. Executor under the Will of thie above named James MeMiilant,deesd 36-3w N-otiçe TÔ Creditorsý IN THE MATTER OF the sstate et Bo wm aniville, ln tise, County of Durfri, NOTIE i iseehygiveni pursuant to, Se.05 o CaN 21 R S ., tfIat ait persons laving datii is, or demandal I againat ts tteheftise n aid alac DBruce Soucis. deceased,1,wlisodiedonr about the fourteen-itlisdaiy of Auigunt 924 are required to nenid by post, preýp,d o d'eliverftiso udesine eectoTise ed, ,Toronto, or to t-ise uudverged . E. N. Sinclair, its Soiitor, on rbfr thse first dlay of Octoberý, 12,tsi dhristiaiýn adsramsadadra with full particuha-rslitn wrîting or tiseir- dlaims, snd saeetof tiseir acut and tise mnureof i ise ,enrîties(u auiy) held by tJiserudiy vrile y stat- utory declaratioýn. AND TAKE ýUNOTICE that a:iteýr tise Saaid flr, t day of Octobeýr, 1924, tise 'aîd acaca oftisesaiddeceaed mon1g tis. parties ete teeoliaving regardPI only te Ise- amsof wl il i ali (hisen have" note, sud tiýýse aid executo wf niot le Hable or ssets, or aypar1t flereof. f0 anly pro" or persons11et whoe aim notice sisl nt lave1 bee received by if or it saidl icitor at ie th1me cf sud iatr'iIution1. Dted Septe'mbe r md., 192-4. THE TRUISTS AND GUARANTEE COMPANY, LIM/ITED, 32Bay street. Toronfo. James J. Warren, E. B. Stocl<dnle, Prenident. General AMager. W. E. N. -SINCLAIR, 20 Simicoe St., Norths, Osawa, Ontario, Solicitor, for tise saidl executor. WhIold-ýt't percet-a tc lep 1 Oncs nQ e lFacl n i y, tcrfo ,1s th- topslare aiJich thoy terhertd~o c1 25C Pi sisernabo.y POe-%U'LTRYil WANTED Hlighest picspaid for any quantity of hens anrd Chiekens. Write or phonte H.Neskel, Phone 2 Box 296 Whitby frce Qfecîce goo- Write th-- Borden Ce. Liaaited,Motel Eat better food. j r .5.- 1

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