Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jul 1924, p. 4

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Bread 18c Loaf *Owing to the acivance in price of flour, being an increase of $1.80 a barrel, we are compelled to incerease the pice to 18e a loaf purchased at the store or fromn the wagon. Althoughi many other places have been selling bread ,at 18c a loaf it is only since this drastie increase in price of flour that we have deemied it necessary to charge this price. Eat more of Corbett's High'~Loaf Bread---the cheapest and best food you can buy. W. P. Cojrett (Successor to Thomas Tod) Baker and Confectioner Bowmanville MAPLE GROVE Misses Maynard and Newmian, Toronto, visited Mrs. _M. Munday, sr ...Miss Berena Munday, Court- wright, visiting relatives ...Miss Ruby Lanatr ort Granby, spent the weei-enId wit fIriends here. Mr. and Mrs. John McGregor, Mr. Lloyd McGregor vîsited their cousins, Mr. and -Mzs. Thlias Snowden and- Mr. T. J. Cole. . .. Cong-ratulations t~o Misses Elleen Hockîn, Mary Se- ward and James Armnstrong on 's- ing entrancue examns. . Mr. R oss .and Miss Viola Stevens motored to Ux-1 bridge and Sutton on Sunday andj visited friends, Masters Wallace andi Russeli Goul'd returnedi home with them after a pleasant week-e, dnd t Mr. R. R. Stevens'... .M is s 1a rio ry Stevens has returned home after a pleasant week spent with friends at Sutt on. White Shoes 15% discount at Ives'. Hard and soft coins both yield to Holloway's Coin Remover w1phil entirely safe to use, and certai and satîsfactory in its action. COURTICE Misses Alima and Carnie Courtice are home from Chicago spending holidays with eltie.... The C. G 1. T. girls held a picniýc at Trulls beach on Satuîday... Reeve W. R. Courtice. was in Cobourg last week ateading Counties Counil. ..iSuni- day services were well attended, Rev C. C. Washington preachingý in the morning on "A Tower"' and la the evening he gave a very interesting and inspiring sermion on "Mountains" .... Mr. and _Mrs. T. Sanderson, Toronto, are holidaying at Reeve W. R. Courtice's. .-Miss Florence Cour- tice spent the week-end with Miss Margaret Pollock, Bowmianville... Mr. John Walteî's new store is about completed and adds quite a good deal to the appearance of tht. village. WJat'nd Bradery vokes zay if er cud zee en?. . Miss Dorothy Brooks was homre over Sunday. . . Courtice lad-, ies and children held their "-An. nual" at Osha-\a-on-thie-Lake, anlong1 the £guests being Mis. (Rev.) T.1 Bîowvn, Lindsay, Mrs. T. G. Msn Bowmnanv'ille, Mrs George Morrow, Winnipeg, and Mis. James Storile, Oshawa. Ail report a good time.,. .Mr. Glen T. Courtice spent Sundfay at homne. .,. Mi. Elnier Rundie anid friend, Toronto, were with Mr. and Mis. A. E. Rundle over Sunday. ,.. Thîee Mission Banda-S. S. No. 4,1 Maple Grove and Courtice held af pienic at Air. W. E. Courtice's grove. Sports were enjoyed by the childien an ice creanm booth beirxg one of the popular features. The final treat was the supper which was thoroughly enjoyed. We wish th- Mission Banda every succers. Other Courtic:e items on in ner page., White Shoes 15%7 discount at Ives'.* Worms sap the strength and un- 'emine the vitality of chýIldren.! Stîengthen them bhy using Mother Graves' Wormi Exterinator to drive out the parasites. il LAST CHANCE Bankrupt Stock Sale G. N. Thurston 's HIGH GRADE STOCK 0F GENTS' FURNISHINGS SALE ENDS IN TEN DAYS Store has been rented and wýýe must vacate, Balance of stock and fixtures miust be sold regardless of price. We hiave stili a coinsiderble stock of Balbriggan and Sumn- mIer Underwear, Winter Underwear, Felt Hats, Caps, Batbing Suits, Sweaters, Gloves, Ties, Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, Belts~ Collars, Shirts, Silk Hose, Garters, Men's Work Pants and Shirts, Overails', i Winter Overcoat, size 36; 2 Suits, size 35; 4 House Jackets. Store Fixtures for sale including Stands, Counter Case, Moirrors, etc., also a J & J Taylor Fire Proof Safe, 24"i x 34" x 24", godc as new $50.00. F.-F SAYERS F. NORRIS 'South Side of King Street, Bowmanville SOLINA Recent visitors: Ms. (Dr.) Ellis Reynolds, Erin, at Mr. A. J. Rey- nolds'; Prof. and Mrs. J. B. Reynolds and son Jim, Guelph, with relatives 5here; _Mis. Arthur Gibbons and _Miss Vera, Toronto, at Mi. H. G. Argue's, Mr. Jimn Reynolds, Toronto, at home; Mi. and Mrs. Ellis Pascoe and i,ýllss, Grace, Bîooklin, Mr. and -Mis. A r- thiur M~oore, Enniakillen, at Mr .R. J. McKesoc's;Mr. W. J. Bragg, M. P. P., at Mr. John Baker's; Mr. Will Lammîman and H-1ilton, Oshawa, at Mr. T. Bakeî's; Misses Helen sud Murel Baker holiýdaying at Mr. How- ard Couch's, Bethesda; Miss Audrey iShortîidge with Starkville friends; Miss Hilda Wonnacott in Toronto; Mr. Jack Reynolds at Cherrywood; Mrs. Ada L. Knight and Misses Ruby and Lela. Oshawa, Miss Draper and, ,Mr. AIf. Hardy, Hampton, at M4r. Harvey Hardy's; Mr. and Mis. J. T. Rundlýe with Orono friends; Mi. Rus- sel J. Smiith and Mr. William R. Westlake holidaying at Coesaîea. Misses Lena Taylor and Anniel Williams are sttending Summer School at Robcsyg-eon. Several from this section attended the Gold- en Weddinz celebration of Mr. and Mis. Thos. C. Osborne, Whitby, oni Monday afternoon ...Solina foot- ball boys won the last game of the League at Bowmanvîlle Saturday, making them. the wînners. Good boys, shk!..Haying is pretty, well over with a fair crGp. The Garden Party under auspices ofi Solina Women's Institute held on beautiful lawn of Mr. W. J. Cryder- man on Thuraday was a decideti suc- cess. Mr. and Mis. Cryderman and family are ideal entertainers andi macle eveiyone feel at homec, snd the spacious grounds were prettily dec- orated with fiagsasnd bunting. Delc lights added much to the attractive- nes of the platformn and grounds. Tea was seîved fromn 5.30 p. m., tili all were catislied. At 6.30 a fast game of foot-bahl was played Solina vs. Ebenezer, which was a tie. Mr. R. J. McKessock was 'chairman over1 ,l first-clsss entertsinment given byl Mr. Bob Wilson, coiedýian, snd Miss1 Grace Bonnick, Tor( nto, interspers-1 ed with music bý,-t".e <'ox Orchestra of Oshawa. Proceeds ;,210.00, Miss Ethel Gil'bert. Toronto, with IMis. W. T. Baker; Mz ases Betty sudi fMildred Snowden at Grandýpa Bak-1 jei's; Mi. and Mia. 1McKýenzie Peu-1 found, Oshiawýa, at Mir. W. van-1 Nest's; Rev. sud Mrs. W,- C Frank, vict(oria, B. C., at Mrý. A. L. Pas- lcoe's; A ple'asant surprise party, gathered at the home of Mr. and Mis Albert Hillis on Fridayý afternoon to join wvith Mis. Hillis in celebrating her '73rd birthday. Among those [a'tteuding fîom this section weîe Mrs. Elmer Wilbur, Mrs Thos. Baker, Mir. audl Mis. Caerl Wilbur, Mi and. Mrs Peter Lessk, Miss Jeunie Le:ask anid Mr and Mrs. Gordon Leask. White Shoes 15% discount at Ives'. EýNfLUSK11.LEN Oui basebîll girls played Scugog 1Island girls lu Blackstock on Friday, Score 26-24 in favor of the Scugog- ers. Oui girls play in Blaekstoýck on Friday at a garden party. Better luck this time girls!1 Mis. Pyne and daughter, Picton, are guests at her aunt's, Mis. H. Rogers.... .Miss Winnie Ashton and Mi_. Stanley Mae, Toronto, are at Russel Griffin, Toronto. is at home. . "Mi. and Mrs. John Slemon visited at their sons, Dr. C. W. Slemon,' Townr..Miss vera Shakleton, Hampton, is with her cousin, 'Miss Madeline Btunt. .Mi. Francis Weriy aund fîiend, Aurora, spent the week-end at his home... Mi. and Mirs. Theo Slemuon accornpanied by Mr. and Mrs. Hu.gh Annis miotored to Toronto to visit friends. .. Mr. and Vis. Norman McGilI, Janet( lvs ited at Mr. G. Jeffery's.... Mr. Jas. Potter, Scarboro, visited at Mi. D.* Burgnuaster's..., Miss Luella Jeff eîy. Scugog, visiting her brothers Messrs. Orr and Gordon Jefi'eîy. .***Mis. Bergman and Mis. Murray visited at Rev. E. C. Belknap's. Congratulations to Misses May, Lam'b, Madeline Brunt, Phemia Hall and Messrs. John Slemon, Charles Stainton and Leonard Stainton on sueessAjilly passing- their Entrance exams:- Ladies' Aid meeting- was held~ at the home of the Prest. Mis. Theo Slemon's.' Enfield ladies weîe guests and, some Buiketon ladies. 1Thev gave a delightful pîogism: Mis jE. Ormniston,- President, took the beautifully a piano solo; a duet was sweetly sung by Mis, Orr Jeffery and Miss Reta Ashton, accomipanied by, Miss Re:va 'McGill. Miss Reta Ashton favoîedi with a piano solo. Readings weie ziven by Misses Gladys Stain- ton and Myrtle Brunt. Meeting, closed with Mizpah Beuediction. White Shoes 15%U discount at Ives'. h -~ k A House for Shielter A 1Home for Happiness--- What a distinction between four 'bare walls and, what the f Our wvalls contain ! The inest mansion would be a .poor home without proper furnishings, The modest abode is transformed into a glorified home with them. lf We help folks to transforim houses into homes-to pro- vide the correct setting for conterntment, ,pride and inspiration. The thinIgs you need to match your home spirit are here at prices to match your income. "We've been furnishing homes for over 50 years". F. F. MORRISCO. Branches: Orono andi Newcastle Bowmnanville _______________- Il r; ~- B BOWM-ýANvILLE, JULY 2-1, 1924.: HAMPTON Mi. aid Mis. C. P. Starling, Mis. Dlkson, Mýiss Waxd, Toro,an SMiss E. Deguire, Mis. Dea, on tËee, Mi, and Mis. Roy Rowntreel and son Stuart, Woodbîidge, at Mi.ý Thomas Elliot.t's. White Shoes 15% discount at Ives'.! TYRONE Recent visitors:Mi and MiUs. Jas Curtýis, Hampton, at Mi. and Mis.' Jamies Hiodg1son's; Mr. anld Mis. L. F. Byam snd Doreen at Mi Lillicrap's, Çanniugton; I. and Mis. Earl Coulter at Mi. Wmn. Faîîell'a; Mi. L. Keeler, Oshawa, at home; Mi. and Mis. Thos. Richardis with fnriends in Bowmauville; Mi. and Mis. Freld Moore Suuidsyed at Mi. Wmi Moore's; Miss Ida Jones, Whilby, at Mi. Jas. Hodgson's; Mi. Lewis Phîlip, Lind- say,.at Mi. B. Gaîdiuer's; Mis. A. WVý Wilson, Haileybuiy, at her fatheî's, Wm. Brent, wh o is very iii; Rev. sud Mis. J. W. Down visiting relatives in Keene; Mi. and _Mis. A. Smiith, En- field, at Mr. T'hos. Scott's; Mis. Har- old Skinner with ber parents, Mr. and Mis. W. C. Lake, Newcastle; Mr. and Mis. R. Hathierley at Mi. H. Hooey's, Bowmanville ... . Quarterly meeting- will be held here Suu'day moînîil-ng ..... Several fîom here attended the bsîn-îaising at Mi. 1H. Colla'cutt's on Monday.. More Ty- rone news on page 6. White Shoes 15% discount at ives,. BAKER'S SCHOOL Report of S. S. No. 19, Darinig- ton. Casas V--velma Orchard, Edua Carir. Entrance Class-Marjory Harris, ('honors) . Si. 1,1 to Jr. Iv-,George Millson <hon), onad Harris, Rets Cari, Ina Cari (rec.)i Jr. 111 to Si. III-Dorothy Rarris. Si. II to Jr. II-Doris Milîson, (hon), Wesley Yellowlees (hon), Leons Bradley, Myrtie Bradley Si. I to Jr. Il-Howard Milîson, Gladys Yellowlees. Si. Primer-Manda vàrnum, Earl Bradley, Mary Strong. Jr. Priier--IDorothy Wonaacott. Marjo-ie H. ColIacoltt, teacher. White Shoes 15 % discount at Ives,. BEST VALUES IN JE WELR Y No need of goîng out of town to get bargains in Jewelry. We take second place to nione when it cornes to offering highest quality Jewelry at lowest prices. IRîght now prices are lower than ever. Our large stock makes shopping easy. ALEX. ELLIOT Y. Olde Jewelry Shoppe BowavilI Gurney Electric Ranges ,may be purchased on 'Che deferred payment plan. Telephone F. J. MITCHELL Distributor Numbers 86-92 or 105 Save Money on White Shoes 15 PER CENT DISCOUNT Owving te thie cold back-ward season up to the present White Goods have not been much in de- mand. But there is stili two months and a haif in which to expect real hot weather when White Shoes will be the most popu~lar footwear you have. Friday and Saturday, July ?5th and 26th we are off ering ail our White Shoes at a straight 15%7 discount off the regular price. Ail this, season's goods. Regular Prices from $3.00 to' $4.50 at 15% LESS We still have a f ew pair of those well made Sandals in Smoked Elk, Grey and Blue Caif and Patent Leather at $3.50 per.pair. Get yours before they are gone. See Our Table Full of Shoes for $1.00 Pair. Pay Cash and Pay Less YVES'

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