Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jun 1924, p. 4

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Special PropositionÀ by Royal Theatre In cornjunction with local merchants. REDUCE COST 0F LIVING 30% Watch This Space Next Week When list of Bowmanville merchanits will be piubished. PBrI1NE AF PP-uLE S Bowmianville Exclusive Ready-to-Wear Shoppe Many More Distinctly New Styles in Summer Dresses We sold so many dresses last week that we had to scour the markets li order to secure new numbers, for this week's showing, we are pleased to state that we have been fortunate enough to 'procure twenty-five distinctly new idividual dresses, wbièh we offer the women and misses of Bowmanville at prices that compete with any city store. If you have flot seen the wonderful assort-. mient of Dresses and Waists that we. are showing in our niew Shoppe, take advantage of the first opportunity you have and try on as mapy as you like without axiy obligation to buy. Reilly Tailored Waists in splendid assortment. CiaSduM Aso Phoiýe 161 WHERE THE SELECTION 15 LARGE-WHERE YOU NEVER SEE TWO GARMENTS ALIKE- WHERE YQU ARE NOT URGED TO BUY. ~I. i B0WMANVILLE, JUNE 5th., 1924. SOLINA Report of Solina School for May, in order of merit: Sr. IV Class- Nora Kersiake, Marguerite Wright, Allan Balson, Audrey Shortridge, Bernard McEwen. Sr. iI-Arnot VanNest, George Kersiake, Muriel Baker, Helen Baker, Tom Westlake, Norma Wright, Edgar Wright, Ev- elyn Tink, MUadeline Truil. Jr. III -Ileen Balson, Margaret Scott, Frank Westlake. Sr. 11-Maurice Baker, Bruce Tink, George Werry, May Westlake. Jr. II-Vera Kers- lake, Jeain Hogarth, Ralph Wilbur. Sr. I-Fred Wright, Stuart Hogarth, Ruby Parker. Jr. I-Perey West- lake, Russell Balson, Jimmie Parker. Sr. Pr.-Roscoe Baker, Gordon Wil- bur. Jr. Pr.-Hazel McEwen, Audrey Ayre, Allan Wilbur. R. 3. McKessock, teacher., ENNISKILLEN Mr. and Mrs. J. L. MUetcalf, Bow- Inanvilie, and Mr. an'd Mrsý. Noble Metcalf and babe, Darlingtoni, at Mr. Charles Stewart's; Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Silversides -with their daughter, _Mrs. (Dr.) H. Ferguson; 1'Mrs. Davidston a nd( famrily, Los Angeles, at her mother's, Mrs. T. Gliders; Mr. an'd Mrs. Walter Oke and family motored to Newtonviile on Sunday and visited his uncle, Mr. B., Oke; Misses I. Anr- drew and J. Armstrong visite'd at the former's home in Pickering; League Wednecday evening- was InI charge -of President Miss Aima Werry. Topic "Books", was ably taký, n Mrs. H. J. Werry; a duet was sweetly given by Miss Maudie Ashton and Mr. Claude Smith; a neading "When to Pralse" was given by Miss L. Andrew. SALEM Anniversary services of Salem 'Sunday Sehool on Sunday were a splendild success. Weather was fine, congrègations large and every- thing helped to make the anniversary ail that could be desined. The pogram in the afternoon by the school "The Cail of the Fiowers" in song and story was very interpsting and the young people under idirec- tion of Miss Effie Rutledge with Mn. Leslie Collacott, onganist, deserve credit for'thein efforts. Rev. Geo. Mason, Bowmanville, gave a shortý timely address and Mr. Milton San-' ýerson, acting-pastor, assiste inSthe service. The evening service -%as[ also largely attended when Rev. Mn.j Mason preached a very helpful ser-1 mon, Mrs. Alex. Colville, Bowman- ville, sang two solos most accept- ably, and the school and choir led the musical service. Clections amounted to $50. The floral decora- tion was very attractively donc. TYRONE Mrs, Wmi. MclDonald, (,obou;g, la visiting with hen parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Stewart .... Mr. and Mns. G. W. Mebaughlin and Mrs. A. Woodley, Oshawa, visited <ni!ends on Sunday ... . Messrs. Rcobt. and Win. Jewell, Oshawva, spent Sunday at Mr. A. Hawkey's. .. . Mn. and Mrs. Jas. Souch, Bownianville, spent Sun- day at Mr~. T. Richards'... Mr. E. Masters, Pontypool, spent the wee- end w;ith Mn. Gordon Sargeant... Mr. and Mrs. W. Hughson and Mr. and Mns. E. Hughson spent Sunday att Mn. R. McCuloughs.... Mn. and Mrs. T. Findley, Unionville, spent Sunday with f riends.Mn. and Mirs. Chas. Bail, Miss Blanche Bal and Mr. H. White, Oshawa, visitedI friends hiere on Sunday.... .A numi- ber fromn hene attended Salem Anni- vensary on Sunday .... Mr. L. Keelen, Oshawa, spentb the we-n at home ...Miss Velima Staples, Bowmanl- ville, Mn. Harold Climens, Orono, visited at Mn . Ed. Virtue's on Sun- ....... . Mn. and Mrs. H. Mc-Roberts and family, Oshawa, visited iat Mn. Thos. McRobes' .... Miss Flora -Me- Roberts, Oshawa, spent Suniday with Miss Leverne Burgess.f EBENEZER The Sunrday School anniversany wîvil be held on Sunidày, June 8 and Monday 9. On Sunday Rev. W. A. Hunniset, ministen at Fred Victor Mission, Toronto, will preach at 10.30 a. ni. and 2.30 an~d 7.30 p. in. Special music at each service. On Monday at 2.30 p. mn. the play "The Wooing of Miss Canada"r, with other exercises will be presented by 50 members of the school. A Leagite football gaine Ham~pton vs. Ebenezer wili be played duning the afternoon. Prices afternioon prograni and tea 50c; afternoon prognani and tea, children 25c. In the evening un- der the auspices of the League a zrand concert wili be given when Mn. Charles H. Leslie, weIl-known bani- tone of Toronto will sing an'd the scenie play " Aunt Mary's Photograph Album" wýii be presented' by'local talent. Admn-ission 25c. Mrs. A. F. Rundle is attending W. M. S. Convention at Port Hope as delegate from our Branch..Mrs. Geo. Inghamn, Roseneath, and Mrs. B. M. Warnica,' Bowmanviile, were guets f Ms. C. C. Washingtna the Pansonage on -Monday ...Mn.. and Mns .W. G. Rundfle, Bethesda, visited their dlaughter, Mrs. Eslil Oýe .... Mn. and Mns. Thos. Sanderson, Danforth, visited! with Mn. and Mns. Ina Truli over the week-end...Mn Samuel Martin has taken iup hou1,se- keeping at Mn. Jas. Peance's farmu .... Mrs. Louis Truli and Miss Elvai Tniîll, Oshawa, are sedn a vaca-ý tion at Clifton Springs, seek-ing bet- ter health. May botli enjoy the hoia. Mrs,- Wondenland, Ponty- pool is engag-ed in housekeeping for the family during thein absence..... Rev. C. C. Washing-ton and Mr. R. E. Osborne are attending1 the Centenary 'Conference at Picton..Everyone in the cQni-iunity is pneparing for a big anniversary on Sun'day and Monday and good weather is hoped for. HIAMPTON Mrs. Myrtie Tiylor~ is fr:iends in Toronto. visitinà Mrs. Julia VanNes7t after a brief v7isit at Mn. N. E. Wright's, has ne- turned home to Toronto. Mr. Jack Reynolds and Miss Mary visited recently at Toronto ... . Miss J. H. (Nora) Werry has resumed lier duties at St. Catharines Business College... Our football teamn played a rendly game wijth neigh:boning vil- lag-e of Hampton Saturday night. Re- suit 1-0 in favor of Solina. Mr. Edgar Horn refereed. Mis;ses Bamby, Toronto, were guests of Miss Edna Reyniolds over Sunday... .Mr. and M'irs. Elmer Waltens, Toronto, were guests of Mrs. John Pascoe ... . Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Wright and family spent Sun- dlay in Cartwight .... Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Osborne, Whitby, visited her sister, Mns,. Frank Hockaday oni Sun- day.. . Mr. and Mns. Joe Awde and children of Toronto, are visiting at Mn. H. G. Pascoe's.. Mrs. Rotbert Do'bson is visîting at Oakwood .. Mr. and Mrs. James Lane, Seattle, are visiting at Councillor Sîlas Wil- liamus'. Eldad A~nniversary has again pass- ed into hîstory. Sundayý Rev. R. A. 'Delve, Brooklini, gave a fine talk to, the chilîdren in the ia'--ennoon and a sp1endi~d discourse at -.he evening~ service'. Singing by zechool under training of Miss Lyda Taylor was very creditable at b ý-th services. Acme Quartette ofOhwa assisted in the eveming. The big shed was pre-tily decorat-I ed with fiags and b<nx The energetie Superintendent, 1 Mr, W. T. Taylor, gave a. report of the work of the school for the year which was very creditable. Monday's f ootball g'ame was play- ed by Zion and Solina Schtools in the afternoon. s Mr. Anson Balson was referee. Solina lads were o'utelass- ed. Enniskillen and Solina played later a neal gssne of football, both teams piayinz good baIl, Mr. Edgar Horn, Hampton, was referee. Score 2-1 in favon of the homne teami. After ail had partaken of the choice viands and had enjoyed a so-J cial period as a great naany were presenlt £rom the towns and villages and stirrounding country, the enter- tainmient of the Oyeni g was started with Rev. W. W. Jones, B. D., the paston, in the chair. Acme Quar- tette & Co., of King Street Method- ist Church, Oshawa, furnished the pnogram wlaic~h was goodl froin start to finish. The solos,' quartettes, choruses and readings were splendid- ly rendered andc the large audience was well entertained. Mr. W. J. (halis, Bowmanville, auctionied a few' eatables which end- ed this great annual event. prno-, ceeds were very satisfactotfy-$240. Amnong visitons were noted: Mn. Cordon and Miss Florence Ashton,ý Newcastle, at Mn. H. E. Tink's ;Mn anid Mrs. Ernest Lanmier anid daug-h- ter, Blackstock, at Mn. W. T. Tay-ý lor's; Mn. and Mrs. J. Aff holden, Miss Bessie and Mir. jim Reynolds and Mn. B. Whitnell, Toronto, Mn. and Mns. R. Somenville and M-Nargaret, Chernywood, and Miss Addie Nichols, Ebenezer, at Mrs. John Reyanolds'; Miss Jessie Heys, Toronto, Miss Atv-ud- rey Werry, Oshawa, Miss Constance Seward, Maple Grove, at Mn. R. J. McKessock's; Mn. Paul Williams, Scugog Islan~d, at Mr. Sulas Williams'; Mns. Ettie McD'ougal, Bowmnanville, a tMnr. Frank Hockaday's; Mn. and Mrs. lane Thomias and Miss, Mar- jonie, Oillia, Miss Irene Argue, Ton- onto, at Mn. H. G. Argue's; Mn. and Mns. Geo. A. Stephens, Salern, Mn. and Mrs. R. T. Stephenis, Brntan- ville, Miss Ida Jones, Whitby, Miss Elsie Langmaid, jiampton, at Mn. ~Roy Laný,gmaid's; Mrs. Wood, WTyrone, at Mn. J. R. ivel's; ýMn. and Mrs. Geo. Gibson and babe, Oshawa, Mn. and Mrs. D. Yellowiees and Jean, Columbus, Mn. and Mrs. Clarefice ,Vice, Columbuts and Mr. Hynde, Oshawa, lit Mn. Walter Vice's; Edi- ton and Mns. M. A. James, Mn. and Mrs. Geo. W. James and daughter Ruth -Mary, Bowmvianviile, Mn. R. D. Wood, MisS*5.Rae, Miss I. Weaven, Toronto, _Mn. and Mns. Ceeil H. Vice, Columibus, Miss Olive Luke, Toronto, Miss Gussie Luke, Kedron, at Mn. A. L. Pascoe's; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. A. Landen, Osha-wa, at Mn. My- non Robbins'; Mr and Mrs. Geo. Vice, Oshawa, at _Mn. N. E. Wright's; Rev. and Mrýs. R. A. Delve and sons, Bnooklin, at Mn. John Pascoe's; Mn. and Mrs. J. Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. W. Chas. Werry ,Mr. and Mrs. G. A Lantgmi-aidl, Oshatwa, Mn. and _Mns. Wil Quick, Mrs. W. J. Brooks, Mn. Harvey Brooks, Mn. and Mrs. N. S. B. Jamres, Mn. Chas. Osborne, Miss Leta Turner, Bownville, and Mis Kate H-ancock, Toronto, at Mn. S. Edgar Werny's;Mn and Mns. -A. E. Jennings,M. and Mrs. Jas Curtis, Hampton, and Mn. and Mrs. L. C. Snowden and fam-ily, 1Maple Grove, Mn. allas Thomas and daughtens, Toronto, a n Thomas Baker's; Mn and Mrs. F'. C. Patterson and famn- ily, Port Hope, Misses Elsie and Inene Bragg, Toronto, Mn. andi Mrs. L. T. Pascoe ant aiy n n Mrs. C. J. Kerslake, Hamipton, and Mn. W. A. Dryden, Brooklin, at Mr. John Baken's. 10 DAYSý' SALE 10 OAYS' SALE LONG SAULT Anniversary aervices c f 1 on,, Sault Church wili be hýeld on iSuni;y June 22, and -Monday, June23. SOLINA Mn.(Dr. Fletcher has returned home to Rviamazoo, Mich. Mn. and -Mrs. A. J. Reynolds ne- cently visited at Fonithill and Thor- old. Womea's institute mieeting at Nifrs R. J. McKessoek's this Thursday af- ternioon ,june Sth. 20 MEN'S SUITS Guaranteed Indigo Blue Worsted, fast color, ail sizes, young men's and conservative styles. Regular $40.00. $275 100 MEN'S SUITS lIn Tweeds and Fancy Worsteds, A style to suit every man, sizes 34 to 44. $35.00 and $40.00 Suits .. .. $28.95 $27.50 and $32.50 Suits .. . .$22.95 $20.00 and $25.00 Suits.... .$16-95 $16.00 and $18.00 Suits . ... $ 9.95 150 M4EN'S OVERALLS AND SMOCKS Blue and Black, alf sizes, Regular $2.50 $1.79 each MEN'S SOCKS 1en's Socks, Black or Brown, Reg- ular 35e,..........5 Pairs for $1.00 Men's Garters for ...........19c Men's SiIk Ruse ..............79f Ail Wool Cashmere Rose ...49c Wool Work Socks . ... ........ 25c Men's and Boys' Rubber Beits 29e Men's Braces ................49c 25 MEN'S SUITS Guaranteed Indigo Blue Worsfed, fast color, youxng men's and con- servative styles, Regular $35.00 $24.50 75 BOYS' SUITS Ail new goods and mRde the latest styles,, must go, lots of patterns to choose from, every suit has 2 pair bloomers. $12.50 and $14.50 Suits ....$9.85 $10.50Oand $11.50 Suits .._$8.95 50 MEN'S TIES Pure Silk, Regular $1.00O....49c Don't wait but rush to this Sale, solutely guaranteed or your nioney will be on hanci. Phoxie 61 1MEN'S UNDERWEAR» Meni's Balbriggan Shirts, ....69c Men's Balbriggan Drawers ...69c Athietie Conmbinations ......98c Balbriggan Combinations,....$1+,39 50 MEN'S STRAW HATS' Ail this season's 1atest styles, IReg- ular $2.00 $1.19 100 MEN~S CAPS Lots of patterns andi styles to choose from, Regular $1.50 69c Men's Khaki Work' Pants .... $1.98 Boys' Khaki Work Pants ..-$1.79 Men's Khakf Combinations, all sizes, Regular $4.50 for ...$3.49 Men's and Boys', Linen' Coîlars, sizes 12, 121/2ý, 13, 13½/ý, 14, 15,' 15U/, 16 and 161/',, to clear.at Se ea 200 MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS Ail this Spring's goods and the f arous Vorsyth Make, Woven Çloth and every shirt guaranteed, Regular $3.00 anid $3.50 $1.95 Men's Straw Work R11ats, Regular 41c ýfor .........................25 Boys' Straw Work Eats, Regular 80cfor .......................... i9c Boys' Blouses, Regular $1.00 .... .69c MVen's Work Mitts ...........39c 50 MEN'S FELT IfATS Ail the newest shapes and colors, Regular $5.00 for ..........-$3.49 150 MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS Ail new patterns, the famous IFor- syth Make, every shirt guaranteed, Regular $2.50 $1.49 every article sold at this Sale is ab- will be refunded. Extra salespeopije HANN'S HABERDASýHERYt Exclusive Men's and Boys' Clothing and Furnishings Opposite Bank of Montreal Bowmaxiville RIPE m SWEET - JFUICY 22c and 2'4c E4ACH. ARCHIE TAIT ýPhonie 65 j- -I NEW LOCATION-NEXT DOOR TO F. F. MORRIS CO. C. S. Mason's W'omen's Misses' Children'a SLAH-LASH Goes the jPrices Opportunity Knocks uat Your Door Owing to the backward weather we find ourselves overstocked with $pring and Summer Goods. Neyer in the historyr of BowmanviIIe before has such an opportunity béen offered to the public right in the seaso>n of the year. Every article in this store will be sold at exactly wholesale priées and somé cases below. Now drop your work and rush to this store and get your share of the bargaîns. ,410 Diays' Sale -5 tartïng Thursclay June 5th at 9,,a.m.

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