Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 May 1924, p. 5

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Il AUlN ING JOMNTJKMV g1 S2I ICI M' Vuur IJigglng, raking, planting, sowing, Culivating, weeding, hoeftlg.... What a jolb to get things &rowing! But no other job~ a-going Does so cet the heart a-lwig SpriRng scented breezes !ilbwing, Woods with birds' songs @xverflowing, Then the eating and the oh.ing! If youý want to do sonie .owing, Get a little garden growirIg TRUCKIN(G Direct from Bowmanville to Toronto I arn giving a daily motor truck service be- tween the above places. Pick up and both ways. deliver ý ,You will save time and money by using this ser- vice. Orders rnay be left gt J.,J. Mason & Son's Office Phone 50, Bowmanville. H. Couners 195 Lisgar-st. Toronto PIhone Lakeside 6980,, Wall Papers REASONABLY PRICED iWall Papers of endur- ing quality and exclusive charm, beautiful imported and domestic patterns are now showing at Big 20. And here, the finest qual-- ity is always moderate in price. Drop in to-môr- 1From 10c Upwards Out-of-tow'n customers gladly sent illustrated booklet and samples on request. W.T. Allen Books and Stationery, Bawmanville VICTORIA DAY VISITIORS Mr. Russell Copeland with his mnother at 'Wingham. Miss E'dith Pinch with friends in Toronto ai-d Seaforth. Messis. Howard ami Lorne Pium- mer, Toronto, at home. Mrs. Albert Colweli with lier sis-j ter, Mrs. Cyrus D'urham. Mr. and Mvs. Lewis Corniish, Tor- onto, at Mrs. Rd. Souch's. Mr, and Mrs. Moriey Varcoe, Tor- ontýo, at Mr. Geo. 'Varcoe's. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Wihls, Toi- onto, at Mr. W. McReynoids'. Miss Etheýl Mollon with her sister,i Mrs. C. R. Peterkin, Toronto. -Mr. Howqard McýClellani, Banik ofý Montreal, Hamilton, at borne' Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Edmndcstone iwith relatives at St. Catherines. Mr:. Leonard Bottreil and i 'l-ss Edna Bottrell, Toronto, at horne. Mi:s. Johni H. Joil, Toronto, spent the week-end -with Mrs. W. W. Allun. -Miss Ethel Moyse, Toronto, with bler parents;, Mr. and MUrs. Johni Moyse. Mr. Roy Candier, Toronto., spent tise holiday ait his father's, Mr, S. Candier. Yr. S. J. Henry and Mn. Leonard Henry at 11r. Stanley Ellictt's, St. Catherines. Misses E-lsie and Irene Bragg, Tor- onto, with their parents, Mr. a' r W.J îgg. Mr. and Mrs. Lawry Cryderman with hWr parents, Mr. and(,Mis. John Dyer, Oshawa. -Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Aitchison and niece -Miss Aileern Parker, with bis father i-,atClifford. Mrs. Lou.isa Paterson spent the week-end With her sister, Mrs. Geo. Hlancock,, Newtonvile. Miss I. MWeaver, Miss Stella Rae, Mv. R. 1). Woods, Toronto, w-ith Mx. and. Mrs. Geo. W. James. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Knox and daughiter Dorothy, spent the holiday wiïfth relatives at Mono Road. /Mr. and Ms. 1B. S. V'anstone, Mis. J. C. VanistSne, Miss, May Vanstone, Toronto, at Mr. F. C. Vansto-ne's Mr. and Mvs. AIL N. Mitchell and daughtensý Betty and Mary, Toronto, with her mother, Mrs. W. E. Tiiley. Mr. .and Mis. W. P. Corbett and Mr. and Mrs. W. Claude Ives and daug'hter Ruth, with friends ln Picton1 and Bloomsfield. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Steckiey andi babe, Mv. and Mrs. Rciph Breuls, Stouffville, spent Sunday wfii Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Spry. Miss Theresa Moreau, Oshawa, Miss L. Edis, Mr. How,ý,ardl Temple andi Mr. Otho Brown, Toronto, at Mr. and Mis. C. L. Brown's Mr. andi Mrs. H. L. Creepr n son Tomi, Toronto, Mr.anti Mvs. Jas. Thompson and favnily, Port Hope, sIpent the holidayv with Mr. and Mis. H. B. Creeper. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. MeLaug,ýhlin andi daughtevs Gertrude and Anna, Tor- onto, and Mvs. W. R. Knight, Ottawa, -with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. flown, ingiston Road East. SPECIAL OFFER The Canadian Statesman will be sent to a new subscriber to Jan. 1, 1925, for $1.00 Are You. Going Away for a Holiday'? If you are you should hav )a -irof -Shoes, a Suitcase or Club Bag. From The Ives Shoe Store, Bowmanville ICI Shoes for Summer Time are to be had in great variety at reasonabile SPORING Women's Sandals are much in demnand. W e Shave them in Patent Leather at $4.50 t >,$6.75 per pair. Children's Sandals in Paten{' Leather, srnok- ed Elk and iBrown Caif $2.00 and $2.25. TRAVELLING GOODS Suitcases $1.'75 t'O $7.50 Club Bags $4.5Ô to $675 in imitation leat1h- er. $9.00 to $20.00 in, real leather, W. CLAUDE IVES Shoe Store Bowmanville Mi21s. E. Wortien is visiting bei son anti daughter la Ottawa. Mrs. Fred C. Hoeha, Oshawa, spent a few tisys with Mrs. F. J. Spry, Welling'ton Street. Mi.Charles Walters,' Toronto, spent thse week-end with bier sister, Mrs. J. E. L. Cole. Miss Jean Evans, Toronto.. spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Evans, Westmount, Miss Mildred Pinch Toronto, anti Miss Jean Switzer spent the holiday at Mn. W. B. Pinch's. Miss Ensma-i Knighit bas returned boume af.ter spending five mlontiss at Chula Vista, California. Miss E. 'E. Haycraft spent thse holiday with hier sistev-ini-law, Mis. WV,. J. Haycraft, Brooklin. New wed'ting stationery-invita- tio ns anti anaiouncemients-just ve- ceived at The Statesm-an Office. This week's speciai at Alex. ý_El- liot's Jewelry Shop-Ladies' Wrist Watches 25%",helowv regular prices. Mrs. W. R. Knight, Ottawa, has beeni visiting ber sister-iu-law, Mis. S. Stanley and other relativeshere. We wishi citizens w%,ould "send to this office promptly namnes and ad- dresses of thieir holiday and other vIýsitor's. New dresses of Crepes, Voiles anti Ratines just placeti on dispiny. Aý really wonderfui selection. Coucb,I Johuston & Cryderman. Mn. Colin Hiamly, Port Hope, re- ceived a teiegranFviday last that bis brother, Arthur, wbo lives at El Reno, 0k., had suffered a stroke anti bas sinice dliedi. We regret the name of John.le J. P., was inadverteutly oitýtedi froni the list of guests at tise Rotary Datdcys' Night banquet in our report of last week. Lucille Hairdresslug Parlors, 23 1' Simncoe St. North, Oshawa, Shampoo- ing, Scalp Treatments, Hair U1obbing, Cuarling, Marcel Wavlnig, Mass;aging and Mauicuring. For appoiutment telephone 8115. Open Moatiay, Wotinesday, Fritiay evenings. 19-4w Mrs. Mary Arg()ue was calleti to 1Fenelon F'alls last week to attend the funeval of ber brother-in-law,,, Mr James Po-wies who dropped 'tiead at the fama of bis son at Powles Cornt- ers'. He was la his 72nd year anti is survived by his wife, tisiee daugh- ters anti one son. A meeting for organization of the temnperance forces for West Durhami was held in the Council Rooni Mon- day afternoon when representatives froni ail parts of the Riéfing were present. .Mv. sud Mrs. F. R. Beatty and ber sister, MiSs Marie Tonkin, Toronto, also M,. J. F. Woods, Wyoming, N. Y., were holiday guests of Rov. E. A. Tonkin ,"Washington Place". Resuits in Darlington S. S. Foot- ball Lea-ue: E!benezev 1, Zion 0; Hamipton 1, Zion 0. S9Iiia will practice -wlth Hamnpton at Elliott Memnoriai Park Saturdlay nighit. Mr. and Mis. J. H. Weîry, Miss Florence Werry, Mis. F. Fitzgeraldi and Miss Aima J. Poliard atteudeti the funerai of the late Mis. J. R. Harnly at Port Hope on Tuesdlay. Bowmanvlle Women's Institute wiil meet at the home of Mis. A. E. Manning, Ontar:io St., on Fritiay. May SOth, for election oJf ofilcers and other business. Gooti attendauce is looketi for. Mis. (Rev.) J. S. McMullen, Souths O shawa, was presenteti with au ad- dress sud au electiic toaster by tisé C. G. 1. T. Miss Elena Stacey reati the atitiess and Miss Helen Botidy matie the presentation. Vance A. Statia, former owner of tise Trenton Advocate, bas purchaseti the anînîgamateti papers Courier-j Ativocate fronii A. R. Alloway, pies- eut owner. Mn. Statia wili take over the palier on June Ist. Do n ot miss seeiug the Operetta "Priucess Zara" iu the Comimuuity Hall, N.Lýewcastie, Tuestiay, June Bîti at 8 P. ni. Catchy music, songs, choruses, dialogue, coloiful cost- umies. Admission 50c; chiltiren 25c Mr. 'Taylor Statton, Toronto, one of Caniada's leading anti most suc- cessful woîkers among boys, will ho, guest cf Dowmanville Rotary Club F'ritiay evening. Rotavians wý%ili eacis bave one or more boys as their g'uests c'a this occasion. Bowniauville Flying Club flew their first olti bird race May 24Vb, from Action, Ont., a distance of 76 niles, but as the weather was storimy -Mrs. E. Evans anti daugister G-wentiolyn, Brandon, Mr. anti Mrs. Sidney Hugisson, son Glen, anti Mr. ant i m s~Clark Taylor anti taigitev GwynetlI, Toronto, Mr. anti Mns. Frank B. Runtile, Lewis andi Helen, Courtice', Mr. anti Mis. Allia Clemn- ensý andi sons ;Lorne anti Norman, Hamipton, Mr. isud s Norman Tay- loi, Evelyn, Harry anti Ernie anti Mv. sud Mis. Fred Battie, Dereen anti Mari-on of towuv, were holiday guestds of Mis. Alex. Taylor. Prof. A. H. Tonilin son, B. S. A., of tise O. A. C., Gue-ipis, of the Departmeýnt of Horticulture anti Laiscaipe Gardeuing, will ad'tress a public meeting in tise sciool-rooni of St Paul's Churcis on Mýonîday, June 2 a t 8 P.ni. Ibis lecture wiil be illustnate'd witb lanteru sAides whicis wilI be iighly educative. Ail pen- sýons who have problenis along gard- eniug lhues sisoulti bring tiseni to'tise Meeting anti have tisem dtis Cused No, admission. Everybody will ewl come. Core anti brng your neigh- LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Hear Mr. Leslie, Toronto, sing ai, Ebenezer on J\ine 9th. Mr. and Mis. P. F. Newhouse and famýiily, Toronto, were in town over the holiday.1 Mr.' and Mvs. J. West-,aay are visiting their daughter, Mrs. H. T'. So-we, Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Do-wn and Mr. and Mvrs. H. J. Knight mo tored to Cobourg- on Tuesday and visiteti týheir sister, Miss Jessie Knight Rev. and Mis. W. C. Frank, vict- oria, B, C., are home on a three inoniths' vacation and wiii visit their num-rerous relatives hereabouts 'Congratulations to Mr. Ross Tiiley, son of Dr. and, Mrs. A. S. Tiiley, on passing his second year Faculty Med- icine exams at Toronto University. The mieetiing, of the White Shie1i. Club will be hield on Tueýsday, June ':rd., at 8 p. m.. la St. Paul's Lecture Reooni. A g-ood attendance is boped f or. Rev. W. A. Buriner, Pickering, was ia town Tuesday . He expects to take up residencee in bis niew home on Liberty Place at the close of the Conferenice yenr. Miss Beatrie Fee, daughter of Mr. and Mis. S . Fee, Omemee, died iii Ross Memnoial Hospital, Linidsay., as -a resuit of being shot by Mr .Fr'èd MeGazughey, bier lover. Fred, aged 3 yeaïs and Thelmia, aged 5 years. childrin of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Robinson, Lindisay, were drowned on Mondiay whiie playing on the banik of the river. Ibis Bowmianvilie chumas congratu- late Mr. Elmier P. Reddon, son of Mis. M. P. Reddon, Toronto, on pass- mgil bis 'final exams with hon ors at I Ontario School of Pharmacy. Mv. Roy McMaan, Miss Ena Sar- cen, Miss Kathleen Hague, Mr. Wil- fred Shea, Toronto, Mr. Cleveland McMann anti Miss Hazel Hurst, Osh- awa, spent the holiday with Mr.' and Mis. Fred Baker, Scugog Street. W. D. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE .Annual District meeting of West Durham Women's Institute, wili be held at Newtonville on Thursday. June 12th at 2 p. mi. Miss E. RepioId, Mrs.. J. .R. Cooper, Dist Pies. District Sec'y.-Treas. THE VALUE 0F ADVERTISING (Froni the Montreai Gazette) The main speech of the _ay at thse conifectioners' convention M'as by Mr. J. Alian Ross of Toronto, on the prime necessity of advertising, la which the speaker emphasized that even tbough a business may seeni to be pvogressing to a satisfactovy de- gree ,any suspension of advertising may throw its sales back years andi cause an endiess amount of time andi expense afterward la vegaining lest ground. Few failures have occuvred in Canada, declared Mr. Ross, in wbvich the firms had advertiseti con- sistently andi well. - Hecouneled against the temptation Io "splurge"~ through thse means of large sales adi- vertisemients, but ativiseti steady and unvamitting publicity.' Most con- vincing of ail his arguments were thse instances which Mv. Ross gave of coaceras-W'hich, feeling secure in their own strength, had determined to cut their adverising and pocket thse profits. The resuit of sucis action had invariahiy been disastrous, for a tume at ieast, DOMESTIC CARE 0F MILK Rules for cave of milk in tise home that shoulti be posted in Pantry: 1. Take la mnilk and creani as soon as possible after beîng i'eft at your door and place in refrigerator. 2. Keep mulk aud cveam colti un- tii reatiy for use. 3. If ice cannot be had, wrap tise bottie la a wet cloth anti stand 'it ia an open disis of water b.y an open~ wiudcow%,, out of tise suri. Evapora- tion of the water will cool the milk. 4. Keep miik and creain coveveti until -wantcdt, antinlatise bottie in which it is delivered. Ia open bowls or pitchers it wili absoxib odoirs from food anti colleiit flies anti dust. 5. Pour fvom the bottie ouly what milk or creani is needeti for ilume- diate use. 6. Milk or cream that has become 'CEMENT AND MASONRY WORKý I amn prepared to contract for ahl kiats of cernent anti masonvy w-ork' in Bownsanville or district. Before placiug youv work give us au oppor- tuuity of submitting prices. Mis. A. Turner, Scugog-st. B owm-anviiie, phone 170. 22-t CARD 0F THANKS MIr. and Mrs. T. C. Bragg, King- siton Road, East, desire to thaýnk their mnany friends for the indniess- es extended tu the duin.g lLrtheir il]- ness, to the Superi pte nd(ent aýnd nurses in Bowm-anvilie Hospital, and to ail others who remiýeiibered themi with flowers, fruit, etc. VANSTONE'S MILL CLOSED WEDNESDAY AFTERNOONS MHr. F. C. Vanstone announces that the Mliii wiil be ciosed on Wednesday fafternoonis during June, July and August. 2 2- 2 ' LAWN MAOWERS SHARPENED 1 arn prepar e'd to shi-pen(' and repair lawn mioTI)ej-S of il malces, ami guar- an11tee first cýL"s joli. Prompt service'. F. G.Lsobe hrhan îet Streets, Bwavle 21 HEMSTITCHING Ilemstitching Ieft at W. T. .Allen's ]Big 20. Bookstore, will receive pron!fpt and careful attention. Worle done by Mýrs. E. H. Wayne, Queen's Block, Oshatwa,. 21 -tf WANTED WANTIED-Girl for general housework, apply tci Mes. W. J. Morrison, Queen- st., Bowrnanville. 21-t MILK BUSINESS -WANTED-State amnount of sales and price, etc. Poole, 96 Metca1fe St., Guelph. 21-3w* GIRL WANTED-A young girl to as- siet with housework and help wlth children. Àpply to mrs. J. I-lately, Queen Stree,,t, Bowmianville, plione 114J. 22-tf WANTED-Capable young lady w,,ith good eduication to enter the traieing sehool for nurses at Bowma nvîll o s- pital. Âpply to Superintendent. 20-3 EGGS FOR HATCHING Wyandottes, setting eggs for sale, fSrst- class bi7eeding. Mrs. T. Oslen, R. R. 5, Bowmanville, phone 181-r5. 16-tf FOR SALE-White Pekin ducc egge3 for setting. Best mnarket birds. Apply Thos. Osien, 'R, R. 5, Bowmanvllle. Phone 181-5. 18-tf TO LET FOR RENT-Furnished cottage at Eowmnanville Beach. Apply A. C. Hawv- ley, Peterboro, Ont. 2- ROOMS TO RENT-Unfurnshed. Ap- pI y to Mrs. W. J. Richards, Church-st., phione 41w, Box 147, Bewmaniville. 21-tf FIOUSE TO RENT-In Bowxnmanvilie, good 7-roomned frarne, electric llghts, 1'% acres good~ garden lan~d, situaite 1Ring-st. E $19 fier nionth. Possession June Ist. Âp- ply to W. F. Ward, Bowmanville. 21- HOUSE TO RENT-In Bowrnanvllle, 6- roo-ffie4 house, situate on Scugog Street, electric light, furnace, nice lot, rent $18 per month. Possession June lst. Apj- ply to W. F. Ward, Bowmanville. 21-2-, ARTICLES FOR SALE FOR SALE-Reed clream ba-by car- niage in goýd condition. Chbeap) for quici sale. Phone 2412 2- 1 PIGS FOR SALE-12 ýyoung pigs for sale. Aply to F. (,. Adams, Kýing-st., east of fair grounds, BowM-anvil1e, phone '284J. 2-w " COWS FOR SALE-Trwo milch cows-, due to freshien inici br Apply to W. L. LBulttery'ý, R. R. 6, Bowmianville, phone 219w. 221- 21W > DUCKLINGS FOR SALE- Youing drïcklings for sale. Appiy to D. W. ArmstadBrdshaw St., BowmnifVle. Phione 286. 2~w STOVE FOR SALE-Happy Thoughit Range. Apply to Wm. Edger, Brown St., Bowmanville. 18-tf PIGS FOR SALE--18 York~shire WVhite Pigs, 6 weeks old. Apply W'. J. dm ens, R-. R. 6, Bowinaniville, phone 237r3. CHICKS FOR SALE-At once, a Ii- lted number of Leghorn Baby Chiiclks, Clark's strain. Appy to F, B. Rundile, R. R. 2, Bowrnanville, phone 176-21. 21-1 CAR FOR SALE-Ford Tourlng 1921, excellent condition, $285.00 Ternsis f required. Phone 185 or cali at residence of A. W. Piokard, King St. E., Dowman- vIlle. 13-tf. CAR FOR SALE-Overland Llght 4 Touring, new top. body refiniished, en- gine in good condition, tires good, 5 wire wheels, price $350.00, or offer part cash and ternis. Duncan Smnith, Lover's Lane, Bowmanville. 20-3w RANGE FOR SALE-Souivenir Stîel Range, nearly new. Prîce 3 Reason for ~elninstalllng ,anieýetric stove.,Aiso ..oal oil 3-burmer "Perfection" stov", good as new. A-'ppiy te E. Williams, Bradttshaw >St., Bowmanvllle. 22-tf FOR SALE--One Jersey 00ýw great butter cow, very quIet; one general pur- pose hoee, 5 years old, souind and quiet. Apply C. Edigar Horn, Hamipton Aliii, RRnampton, phione 1.9r3. 21-3 ELECTRIC MOTOR FOR SALE- Weý7stlnghiouse 5 horse power, 200f volts, 15 amps per terminal, 8 phase, 60 cycles, 1700 R. P. M. at full speed. Just been n-verhauiledl and ail in first class condli- tion. $60 cash. If interested cali at itatesman Office. boon for the elction of DIrectors for thse sai.d Company for ensuinig year and for transaction of euch business as may corne before tise meeting. A ec el nt rv Seltay )ated at Bowmaaville, May 28, 1924 I Let us help you in1 for that "great event"1 wedding cake for you. .you, as we have others. the rush of getting ready by baking and icing the We are sure to please [CORBETT'S HIGH LOAF BREAD IS INCREAS- ING IN DEMAND DAILY. TRY A LOAF TO-DAY. W. P. We Corbett (Successor to Thomas Tod) Baker and 'Confectioner Bowmanville PINAPPmLES 20e to 30e eachNELLES' BAKING POWDER Pure Phosphate-No Alum 1-lf Pound 20c; One Pound 35c FRESH GARDEN SEEDS Governrnent tested seeds, in packages or buIk., Let us supply your seeds. W.G. NELLES (Succ essor to C. M. Cawker & Son.) Phone 62 Bp'wmanville 20LADIES'SUITS 20 AT tHALF PRICE Twenty Ladies' Suits paroled from the houses of Northway, Rother and Greenburg Smith constitute the tiggest bargain in Suits we have ever offered. They are, of course, tailored cor- rectly, and particularly well made. The materials are French Tricotine, Poiret Twill and Checked Flannel Materials. Every Suit is weIl lin ed with a heavy Canton Crepe, or Satin Faced Material which insures durability and service. We have plenty of large sizes in this lot as welI as models for the sirnaller wornan. Shop early while the selection is good. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY ONLY j AT 'EXACTLY HALF PRICE S.W, Mason & Son Dry Goods and Ladies' Ready-To-Wear, Bowmanville Ontario t t, WuyE SPECIALIZE fIN WEDDING CAKES .il 'l Gurney Electric Ranges are equipped by the NORTHERN ELECTRIC COMPANY, LIMITED the company that made your telephone. The combination of experie.nce used in the rnaking of Gurney Ranges has produced an electrie stove that is as good as any stove ever made, All styles; right or left hand ovens'. See this stove. F. J. MITCHELL. Distributor Telephones 92 or 105 Bowmanville 1 1

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