Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 May 1924, p. 4

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PINEAPPLES J - SWEET m JUICY 22c and 27e EACH. ARCHIE TAIT Phone 65 Bowmanvilie GREAT IDE MAND FOR e McCLARY ELECTRIC RANGES Don't swelter over a hot stove this summer. Enjoy your work by having a McClary Electrie Range installed now in your kitchen. IFree demonstration gladly given. Gïreenawray&Elit Conïsuling Engineers Phone 18 day or' night Bowmanvillù LISTER-PAGE MELKER Greatest Dairy Invention Since Cream Separatoir MîIks two Cows at a. Timre FILLS THE FARMERS' GREATEST NEED Lister-Page Milker is a re ally satisfactory hand- m'ilker-simple-efficienit-che-ap. FREE DEMONSTRATION Local Dealer for Melotte and Ylagnet Cream Separators. Theron S. Mountjoy. Bowmanville R. R. 6 Phione 320r23 RIPE' HORSE ROUTE PADDY B The Registered Percheron Stallion wvill stand throughout the coming season et Thiomes Gimblett's Fai;, one miile east of Courtice Corners.* 22-41X (ptber Horse Routes on page ~ Just Received, ANOTHER CHAOCE SHIPMENW 0F Peameal Breakfast Bacon i 17e pound PURE LARD 20 lb Pail only $3.25 Wilbert J. Dudley Horsey Block Phon,, 225L H[ouse 272 Bowmanville BOWMANVILLE,,MAY 29th., 19241 HAMPTON League meeting -\as held on Fi-ý day nig'ht as usuel. Mi.*Haîol Salter, 4th Vice-Presiderit,' pesîidin. Scripture lesson was read by Miss Mary Souch. Tppic, Temperence -wes ably taken by ttev. W. W. Jones, B. D., quartet by Miss Ruth Johns, Mis.' W. Wilbur, I.,,T. Saltexr an'd Mr. Wilbur. Mr. Percy Cowling favored with a reeding. Vocal duet by Msses Horn and Lanigmeiid. Meeting closed with the Leag-ue benediction.ý ENFIELD -4z Sundey School anniveîsary ser-ý vices will be held on Sunday, June 22, irsteed of June 8. Particulaîs later. Mi. Everett Ormiston, Hamilton, and Miss Greta Densem, Bowmean- ville, spent 24th et Mr. W. J. Ormis-~ ton'.., A b'y ;irl errive.d et the, home of Mir. J. Steika; on May 23rd .... The Ladies' Aid will meet et the' 'home of Mi. Arthur Ormiiston on Wednesdlay, June 4th. Roll Caîl to bei e'nswered by e verse containing the -word deliveretb. SALEM Sunday School anniveîsary services will be held on Sunday, Junie 1 et 2.30 and 7.30 p. m., when Rev. Geo. Mason, Bowmnanville, -will 'be the 1preacher. MiNl. Milton Sendersont, acting pastor, wil essist. , In the afteraoon aech ildren's service "The! Cail of the Flowers" will be present- ed by the miemîibers of the Sunday School. Mis. A. Colville, Bowmian- ville, will sing two solos et the even- ing service in addition to music by the school. Collection in aid of School funds. TYRONE Miss Claie Woodley, Peterboro Business College, and her friend,j Miss Tesse Guthie, Peterboro Nor- mal School, spent the holiday et the f oiner's home. Miss liazel Hodgson, Miss White and Mr. E. Wight, Port Perry, spent Sundey at Mi. R. Hodgson's.. . Mr.' and Mirs. Lillicrap, Cannington, is visiting at Mr. L. F. Byam's. . . Mr, and Mis. E. Coulter, Oshawa, spent the week-end et Col. W. Farrell's.., . Miss Grace Virtue and Misa Eileen Riddel, Oiono, spent the week-end et Mr. Win. Virtue's.. Mi. B. F. Gard- iner and Mi. E. Gardiner, Miss Flor- ence Gardiner, Mrs. Wm. Little and Mis. L. Hicks spe-nt Sundey et Mr. T. Hodgson's, Lindsay. ... Miss Ethel Skinner, Toronto, spent Sunday et homje .... Mi. and Mis. H. Skinner spent Sunday at Mi. W. C. Leke's,, Newcastle, .-Miss M. Kelly, London, Ont., visited friends here lest we ... Messrs. Thomas, Ronald and Herbert Scott attended the funerel of the late Mrs. Hemrly et- Port Hope on iieday Mi. and Mis. Fred Moore, Bowýinianville, spent Sundey et iU. W. H. Mclre's...-. Miss Edythe Smith, Bowmeanville, spent SuAda eatý home... The heavy snowtoîm. on Sunday9 made people think winter was retuining egein ...A number fromi here attended the tee and con- cert a' Enniskillen on Saturday. EBENEZER Holiday visitors; Mr. Howard Courtice of the Dept. of Interior, IOtta-wa, with Mr. and Mis. W. E. 'Couïtice;Mi and Mrs. Wm1-. Chap- mni, Tyrone, et ià. R. CJ.Peres SMr. and Mis. Wm. Allin, Trno with Mrs Allib et Maple HlliFaM, the hom-e of Mr. G. F. Annis; Mr. and Mis. Jos. Beere, Mis. Burns and Mir. Elmer Rundie, Toronto, with Mr. 1end Mis. A. E. Rundie; Mis. Randali,, ýEEngla, , i S making her home. wýith Mi and Mïfs. Milton Gay. .. The many friends of Mis. Gay sma pthize with her in ber prolonged con-ý valesence. A,ý speedy and full re- covery is hoped for ...The fiast football game of the season for ouiý teamn in the- S. S. League -was played on the homre fieidl on Fîiday evenîng,1 and althoug'h the gîoundsý weîe a lit- tde soft and the wind bard, e snappy g ame was witnessed by a good et- tendance. Score 1-0 egeiast Zion. Refeîee, Noîthey of Whitby.. Many of Oui itizens weîe et Eldad et Sun- day to heer their former popul4-i pastor, Rev. R. A. Delve, et the an- Iniveisary with a g-oodf nuiber re- MAÈLE GROVE Mr and Mrs. George Taylor, Mri. and Mrs. Rae, Port Hope, spent Sun- day at R. R. Stevens'. .... Rev. and MIrs. W. C. Frank, Victoria, B. C., are visiting hier sister, Mrs. T. Snowýden and brother, Mr. T. J. Cole and other relatives and friends. after1 an ab- sence of il yeaîs. M1r. an*dMIS. L. C. Sxnowden and family spent Sun- day with hier parents at Solina, and,. attended the nnvra . The many friends arounid here were sor- ry to hear of the sudiden death of Is.- J.-A. Thompson, Oshawa, (nee Polly ýTBarker). The family formierly residled where Mr. Chas. Axford now resides ........ Mr. and Mrs. George Langely and family, Mr. and Mis. H. Carruthers, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. H Wright, Mt. Denis.-, were holiday visitors at R. L. Worden's .... Rev. A. 1. Terryberry, Ontario Secretary of Lord's Day Alliance, preached a splendid sermon Sunday, afternoon. . League mieeting Tuesdfay nighit was well attendedl an~d the following good programi was presented. Bible read- ing,, Miss; Greta Munday; piano solos, Missýes Edith Semnis end Mýargairet Ah- eînethy; topie, "Faith wiceh does not depenil on Sight", Rev. C. C. Wash- inigton; solos, Misses Elsie Crago and RuoLancaster; reading, Miss Maýi- jorie Stevens; an address on "Inter- nationalism and World Peace" by Mr. C. H. Snow,ýýden; Miss Edna Swal- low spokie on the -work in the Citizen- ship epartent for the past year, especiallfy of the co-operatioin shown in the preparetion ôf the programs. Mis. John, Reynolds, Solina, re- cently visited at hier brother's, Mr. John Aldworth. ENNISKILLEN Mis. Edith Smart, Sutton West, came dowýn lest -week to be present at the Silver Wedding of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Werry. . . Mr. W. J. Osborne, Winnipeg, Maen., recently visited Mr.' W. H. M1ýoore. _Mi. Osborne is aý son of the late Alex Osborne who taught school at Er ' ý, k-illen %bout 65 years ago. Mr. arW Mis. W. J Virtue and Mi. JamesS aiunton were some of his pupils. Holiday visitoîs: Mi , n- Mis. Albert Stainton and M e Clifford. Toronto, at Mr. John 1 -' Dr. and Mis. C. W. Siemion ai family, town, Mr. and lirs. lLigh Annis, Soline, et Mr~. John Slemon's; Mrs. G. Preston Oshawa, and Mis. H. Scott, Orono, at Mr. H. Rogers'; Miss Edith Sipson and Mr. W. R. Gri- ffin, Toronto, Misses Margaret Dew- son, Laverne eand Elva Grifin, Town, and Miss Irene Preston, Osh- awa, et Mi. Win. Griffin's- Mr. Roy Webber, Town, et Mr. Afymer Her-' ring's; Mr. and Mrs. R. Griffin and' f amily at Mr. D. Burginaster's; Mr.~ Elgin Werry, Miss Hillier, Ebenezer, Misses Irenie and Marie Werry, dsh- awa, Mi. and Mis. J. D. Bro&wn, Mr. and Mis. Fred Tamblyn and Mr. 1 and Mis. John Tanhlyn, Orono, et 21r. J., H. W-rry's; Mir. anid Mis. Sidney Tre-%aln and femiily, et Mr. Hugh Annie', Soline; 3Mrs. A. Tain- blyn, Orono, et Mr. Wmi. Stainton's; I. and Mr,. W. Charles Weiiy, Oshawa, Miss Laura Weriy, Kedron, Miss Evelyn rient, Tyrone, and Mr. Francis Weriy, Aurore, et Mr. H. J. Werry's; MiJ. Walace Steinton with his fether et Mi. W. H. Mooie's: MIisses Winniie Ashton, Elenor Whitehead and Messrs. G. Hanneh and S. May, Toronto, Misses Elva Tiethewe-y,, Reta Ashton, Mi. S. Rodmean, Scugog, and Mi. and Mis. Wm. Tiewin, Haydon, et Mr. C. E. Aehtoni's; Mi. and Mis. Ayimer Herîing and Mi Roy Weieber et Pet- erboro on Sunday; Miss Alice Markl and Miss Mebel Fields, Scuo, 1tM O. Jeffery's; Mr. Charles MýiÀburn, Fenelon Falls, et Mr. L. Lamb's. Another enniveîseiy bas psedo Mey 24th. The afteimoon wevs glorious and bright. Fromn neer and fer peoplýe began to gather fromn 3 o'clock. Speciel features of the afternoon -were: The indloor basebaliý by- the Junior Girls vs. Jr. Boys. Score .17-10 in fevor of, latter. The football gamne-Solina boys vs. the Home Teemýi-the score ending 1-0 in favor of oui boys. An excellent tee was served in ýen- closed sbed fîom 4 to 8 o'cloc]4 eat whichi eveiyone -who set down ýwas capable of'doing justice to Vhb dain- ties piepared by the Enniskillen lad. ies Who are well known for~ their g00d culinary aeomplishuients. At 8 o'c]ock a grand eoncet >was given to e well-filled she4<, when o0ui Young People Presented their play BIRTHS PINGLE-In fomnilMay 23rd. 19214, to Mr. and Mrs. Beden Plagie,a 4on. DAYMA N-At Port Hope Hospital, on Wednesdy, May-1, to Mr, and Mis. Loy Dymnan, a son (Boy Junior.) ErýCE --At South View Villa, South erngnon Sundcay, MY 25t;., 1924, M1' 'Mr.an Mrs. Boss C. Pearce, a son. SOUTH EY-At Heaa -ospital. on Wednesda , May21st., 1924, the wif e of Mr. IE. C. (C. Sotithiey, Bowmianrille, of ,a daughter. MARRIAGES HALL-CORNISH-At thie Methodls Church, Orono. Mey21,lby Ber. *A. K E'dmison, M A., Viona, ldeet daughiter of Mr. Williamn Cornish and -Wilhiam Jos- ephý Hall, ail of Orono. DEATHS BRIMACOMBE-Fe.il Aslec-p la Jesus, Mondaly. May- 26, 19i24, Cassie Stephiens, deariy lored wif e of W. 1{erry Brimia- comibe. Funerai Thursdlay aîternoon et two- thirty from the famniiy resideace, -Rose- holme,,", Scugog Street, to Bowmanrille Cernetery. HENDERSON-In Oshiawe, Maiy2, Thom-as Henders (g aged 53 years. HONEVOHURO -In osliava, ay19, F7red Hae ihrc, ahis 83rd year. BRENT-Aiýt 1*aglan, on MonaIlya-my 19, BIerta Pearl Brent, la her 3th .year.ý SMAI T H-In Oshawa on Monday, may 26th, Mru F. Smith. Inteýrment in Port Hope. CAMERON-In Oshawaý,tM3ay 21, 1924, Canroline, beloved wife of Angus C. Cami- eren, aged 40. years. ELLIOTT-In Oshawa, on Mondlay, May 25th, 192>4, Jane Clarhk, widlow of the late Henry Eliiott, Hampton, in ber 86th year. THOMPSON-A,'t 110 Coiborne St., BEat, Oshawa, Fîiday, May 2n, 1924, Mary Aaa (Poiiy) Barker, beloved wif e of Mr. J. A. Thomrpsoal, aged 62 -)years. HA MLY-A,ýt El. Reno., Okia., on Sun- day, May 2,5th, 1924, Arthur Scott Haail]y, la his 53rd year, fifth son of the late MUr.' and Mrs. John B. IHemiy, Port Hope. BI LLETT-Ia Bowmiaaville, on) Sun- day, May 215, Mary Jane Akister, beloredi wif e of Mr. Aibeit E. Bilett, aged 31> years. Iaterred ia St. Peteýr's Chuîch Cemneteîy, 'Verulamn. I-AM LY-On Suadla, May 25, et the home of ber son, Colin S. Hamily, Port Hope, Jessie Scott, wjdow of 'the late johin R. Hamly, la ber 86th year. Sioter of Mi. Thos. Scott, Tyronie. IN MEMORIAM In ioving mnemnory of dear wife and mohr i. James Stainton. who pass- edl away oa May 27, 1923. lier lhf e-%as earnest, beractions inld, A geatie haad and actire rr4ad, Aaxious to please, loath to offead, A loriag rmother and faithful friend. Hlusbaad and Femily. fait oring mnemory of Sarah Elizabeth Robbins, who passed away May 27, 1923. W, who lored ber sadly miss lier As it dlawns inothier year, Ia oui lonely hours of thinklng, Tiioughts of lber are always near. Huend and Daugliters. Tai loriag memnory of Coulson Quianey, b1, ored hiishaad of Tena Boiter, who didMay 24th., 1923. No one kaows the silent heartaches, Oaly those who bhave lost ca tell, The paian of a ioved one passing eweay WVithout a lest farewell. Sadly muissed by Wife A, despa.tch deted May 22- says- Thýre is an ever increasing number of men becomnlg out of woîk la the City,. One day lest week thirtymn registered with the city relief offier for -work, who said they hald been laid off from their regulai employ- mient. Crowded outside the city buildings some 45 men could be seen this mnoining in seaicb cf employ- mient, and the wvet wveather has not helped the situation ýzny beceuse of the reterded sewer, weteî mais and street construction work. D aily neerly fifty men apply for work. Thty are not seeking charity, yet, nior relief, only an opportunity to work. Good Shoes and Good Hosieiry -e necessary to every welI dressed man, woma and child Caîl and see the following new lines: 3utterfly" Satin 'Sandal, price ...........$. kiredale" Sandal, price........................5 ýmart Set" Sandal, price ............... $. ariety of Grey Sandals, price ....$5.00 to $7.( :w Heel Patent Sandal, price ...............$5 G4JÀRANTEED SILK HOSE Variety of Guaranteed Silk - Hose,. Blael rown, Poloc, Niekie, Boboli»k, Felbert, Whil d Grey, price .....................85c, PAU NEWEST SHADES IN HOSIERY 0 ,k, IR Orange, Price .. ................ ... $1.25 to $1.75 Copeland. Shoe Store Phone 249eJ Bowmanville P. O. Box 443 'NEW LOCATON--NEXT D1OOR. TO F. -F. MORRIS CO. C. S. MASON'S WOMEN'S MISSES' CHILDREN'S EXCLUSIVE READY-TO-WEAR SHOPPE. New Summer, Dresses pf f Captivating Chairm j$3«50 to' $20,00 Delightful to a degree, are these new Summer Frocks, crisp, fresh and new, whether of fascin- k ating cotton fabries, new weaves and ratines; cool pure Irish Linens or Sheer Voiles. Although colorful in dairity pastel shades, as well as in more sombre colors, they are at home in soap and water, for their colors are guaranteed f ast. Styles siuitable for the young Miss as well as for the more mature fl'gureàyt Wonderful assortment of Riely Tailoreci Waists $5.00 to $7.50. Phone 161 Where the selection is large--Where you neyer see two garments alike- Whère you are not urged to buy. I J' - arE Ii an( It's So Handy To drop into oulr store and select the meat you want. Iii fresh meats you will find the choicest an'd best quality the market bas to off er-ali cuts very reasonably priced. If it is Cooked Meats remember -we have the largest display in town. G. A. Edmondstone Bowxnanrville Phone 21 Between ecfr Mr. Wallace Stain- ton provided some very pleasing mnusic whviceh was grTeatly enjoyed. Orono Orchestra also piovided music at alI other times. This concert wes greatly enijoyed by aIl present. Proceeds of' the day weîe about $315.00. Oui boys' fooL ^11 team vlayed Solina et Soline on Monday elvening. Score 2-1 in favor of the home teai. r1

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