of the serec deal BAN~K OF'Nsras VE STOFTI- 1 IHE growth of the Banik of Montreal bas <i oe!y coincided with the gradual development of Canada from a suial colony to a greaf Domnion. the Bank's westward advance to the Paciic Coast, orne cfthe importaut ksi its transcontinental chain of Braniches was fonried in 1878 ag inipeg, when the Banik opened its frsr Brach wes the i Great ds forward step, taken seven years befbre railway communcation was >ned up between Montreal anid Winnipeg, mace ava Ible t h Dmig popuLationon the prairies th~e stabilizing co-operation cf a sig, conservative and at the saine tàme energeic iancial ms=etion. 0f thé Banl's 567 Branches, 12 a*l situated àinWLnnnpeg and x8o i the Prairie Provinces, inicluding Winnipeg ,ANK 0F MON TREAL Established over 100 years Tobtal AssetU in excess of~s~o.o SET pdceep proof, !on~ .- 1. Have more asphait waterproof.- ing, more coating and more siate surfacirig. 2. Cover twice the area of ordlinary shingles with a saving of over a third ini la.bor and nails,. 3. Have the distinctive arched eut- out and corne with red, green or blue-black siate surfacing. 4. Are paecd in easy-to-handle 1 e,. RICE & COQ Bowmanville MIL WORM- m? ÂYÂflN Y l144, Lfillt ) .t.74 Complimented ,AL AND OTHERWISE 1 on B iowmianville tuamber of Uoxamer Do it now. Ifl blacksmiths get much scarx we shall soon have to breed a race horses with shoes already on. Special cahowirig of Pleated Ski: guarantee'd to hold their sas Couch, Johnston & Crydernian. Conditions could be worse. Ji suppose now that you had te latI your lawn before cuttiug the gra A Camipbellford hotel keeper v recently fined $200 and costs1 having moonshine wihiskey in bis p, session. Mr. G. B. Homne, B. A., is the n teacher ln the Commercial Depa nient of Whitby Colegiate Institu salary $1900. Rev. W. H. Spargo of BtQwme ville, was entertained over the weE end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W J. Jiob, Camiborue. Pity farmers who have low lyi farnus this season. Heavy dlay s, is also late in being tilled owing frequeut ramn falls. Mr. Wni. Beiison, Bewdley, -fiued $ý10295 in Port Hope poli court for aillowiiig bis soni, Ralph, yeara of ag.e toedrive a miotor car. Rev. W. H. Spargo, Bowmianvill took charge of the services on Car borne Circuit on Suuday. Frien( were pleased to give hinm a heari handlshake.-Cobourg World. Boys' Suits with 2 pairs pants f( only $7.88-a real bargain. Couc] Johnston & Crydernian. Iii opinion of Toronto Star Wee ly, business vil! be found lined alm-ost aolidly on the side of prohib tion lu the impendiug plebiscite 0 the Ontario Temperance Act. Drs. B. J. flazlewood, C. _Vý Slemron, V. H. Storey, Bowmanvil an.d Dr. H. Ferguson, Enniskziller attended meeting o'f Ontario Medi cal Society 'at Whitby, May i 4th. Farmers are talking of sowiný buckwheat this year, being late cro p. Cold, v'et weather is gettinj ath,.er aerious for agriculture. Somn are making use of their spare tim, by pruning orchards. Rev. James W. Pedley preachei in Cobourg Congregational Churcl Sunday last. He goes to England ii Jun.e as chaplain of the Canadiai B3owlers who are going to try thel lucki against the English teamis. The annual SeIf-Denial Appea conducted by the Salvation A.xn3 endi.ng. with a Tag Day on Saturda3 met with very J,beral response local ly. The amount realized was $2( above last year's contributions. Two Cobourg hotelkeepems, cani' before Magistrate Floyd, haviný been found guilty at a previo.us couri on a charge of selling beer over thE legal alcoholic atrength and werý each 6usnd $200 and costs, about $2( each. Mr. and Mrs. Win. T. Donaldson, Millbrook, announice the engagemenl of their daughter, Mary Edna (Mae)j te Mr. John Herbert Davidson, son of Mr. T. Davidson and the late lMrs, Davi'don, Camborne, Ont., the mrar- riage to takeplace in June. A4.MçILaugIhlîn seaan driven by Miss Gladys Morris, and a uew Cher- molet sedan, in transit, driven by L. Palmatier, Picton, figured in a col- lision at Sinicoe and Richmond Sts., Oshawa, last week. The Chevrolet was badly damaged, the McLaughlin escapiug, with a f ew scratches and siight. damage. Clearing Ladies' Suits at 25 % re- duction, g-oold assortment. Couch, Johuston & Crydeinian. Oshawa mrade a record last montlt when 4,,755 cars of ahl modela were shipped frorn its local factories- the biggest shipinents for a single mont à since the first automobile waF buiît in Oshawa.ý Continued heavy prodiu[ction, is also anticipated, se saya The Ontario Reformer. Glad te hear of our next neig-hbor's prosper- ity. The Ca;nadian Horticulturist f or May, 18419, records that the spring of that year waase colci aud backward that the fear was expressed that, "Prpv1idence would neyer amie on thel iand again". The August num- ber~ reporta grain cutting in progress ,with wh.eat an especially gooti cmop nats and harley fair, with every aug- ury of a good crop of potatoes. F'rank J. D. Barnjun, JMentreal, writes: Oroson is one of sereral towns in Sweden that la free froin taxes, due i o f act that thre preceding gener- ations planted trees which yield re- venue enougli to take came of taxes. Many other Swedish mnunicipalities derire the g-reater Part 'of their pub- vil.Jack,7 is re-maining tise close cf tisesho *ior te leaving the -Mihore e gUests at tise homnecf &rs. E. C. Squire and ou vemng mainy called te bid vell and te 'wisýh thei bnap- suces lu t 'heir uew place e. Mr. -Minore during bis touýk a keen interestlu i alkhsand. lu village ving on the Public Library ailse lu churcis work. in zation cf tise local Cou- ý-ssOciatio ise wa s a supporter. Mrs. Minore, s c'hurch work and 1. 0. D., won for' hem tise esteeni ny assoiates.-Norwood 'eY are sure of a incere SBowmanville. ter going through the variQus ments of military drill the werl-e lined UP to hear the rem< the Inspector. lie complir the cadets and especially the o WiIl H. Pointen, Captain; Stu James and Robert McCullough, enants, for their niastery of th( and spolçe of the improvement last year. After the inspectic company marched in perfect down King Street and then dý ed. WHITBY REAL ESTATE D Rev. F. L Far'ewell Buys Fine An impnortant transaction it ported. One of the distriet',, modern and well equipped orwned by Mr. Fred T. Rowe -Jie west of WhiÉby, on X,,i: Road, w;as sold to Rev. F. L. well ,B. A., Principal of Ontari les' College. 100 acres witb 9-rooni brick house with more ern conveniences than are U fou-nd in city homes, fine barni ideaIlly situate,:d on the paved Way, the far'n is a g-ood one, acre being well cultivatecd and tile. Principal Farewell wlho experiencedl agriculturalist, in OPeratinz the farn on modernm tific lines, aud will use it as a suý homie. Mr. Rowe will be mai, IrX7MANV~TTT tP KAV Ol 1l'q9 1A41"x,,... t -Arv. ngstoî Fate- o Lad- a ne w mcd- L5ually i, anc high. every f et. la ai) tends acien- mnier nager. DURHAM COUNTY BOY Rev. S. Gorley Brown Preaches in Almonte. Froni Almonte Gazette of May I tI Rev. S. Go-rley Browu%,minister cfi St. Luke's Presbyteriau Church,' Montreal, preached at the aninirer- saty services in the Preabyterianý Church 'in Almonte ou Sunday. ThqI cburch was crowded at both ser-J vices, and the gallery had to be open-ý sti. In the eveuing there wa3 ro- ably tise greatest congregation that erer gathereti in this cburch. Everyl seat was occupieti, thse gallery wasf filled and there were chaire in the aisles. The service was an inspi iung eue. Rer. _Mr. Brown lsft AImoute for i ïMontreal about four years age,' and i there was sincere regret at bi, de-ý parture. Tise large congregationsi were a tribuje te the affection and' regard cf the people. Rer. J. T. E. Blanchard cf the Metisodist Churcis, accompanied Mr. Brown in the pul- pit.1 Mr. Brown preacheti two sermons last Sunday that people hiave been talking about ahl week. The subject 9f cne was Optiiism ns, the other I Charity-Brothsrly Love. Feople beleve that thew4e has been less un- friendly criticisni cf others, aud al finer appreciation of thse ditllcultiesi and trials sud aspirations, and hion- est deires cf others than has beenj tise case "0f course", as oeeof thse elders cf the church emarked, "that is what we expýt of the chujrch anti the pulpit." Editor's Note-The above is a son cf the late William Brown of Dar-, lington, brother cf Mrs. Enocis Stevens, Hampton, and Mr. Frank R. Browu, Bowmanville. 1'I FORMER AGED CITIZEN AT RESTi Mrs. J'olin Down Who Died in Indian- apolis, Brouglit Here for Burial. A former highly respected resi- dent in tise person cf Mss. Mary Casey -widov,,cf thse late John Dowu, was laid to test in Bow-manville on1 *Tuesday aftemuooni, May 20tii. De- ceasedl was hotu in Irehaud but1 came to Canada with ber parents wheu quite a small girl. She ived -in Bowmnauville nearhy al ber life. Her husband pretieceased hem abouti 35 years. For a great mauy years; she owned and lived lu the cottagej new ocupied by Mr. W. J. Williams1 ou Liherty-st., Nortb. Since lear-, iug here she speut a couple cf yearsý with ber sons3 in Rochiester, N. Y.,i after -which she came back to towuI for a short time andt tree years age she wvent to Indlianapolis, Indiana, wisere she macle hem home with ber! c.Laughter, Mrs. F. C. Lockbhart. She had eujoyed f aily good health untilj about two weeksa ago wheu she fell and fractured oee ip. She -was1 reniioved te the Methedist Hospital in, that city but the shock proved o niuch fer ber aýnd se sauk rapidly," aud passedi away on Fridlay, May 16, tiged 82 yeaýrs,. The remains were' brought heme, the funieral talci ng, lace on Tuesday froni F. F. Morris CoD's Funeral Parler. Rer. S. C.I Moore, B. A., B. D., pastor of tise M\.etho)dist Church of which she had long heen a memiber and tegular at-I The pî-eaeswere Messýrs C.ý M. Caýwker, W. W. Aiin, A. L. -Nici-1 odis, Al,1pha Pinch and ALex. HumeC. Sheý leaves t6 nmeuru thie loss of ,a good, mothier týwo sens, Sidn.ey and, John c f Rc Nse, N.Y., aud one; daughlter, Mrs. F. C. Lock'hamtf, lu-1 dianpohs, udinathe two latter! aýccon-ipaniyiuig thse reniains here. Thel intermeut teck place lu the faniuly plot lu Be>wm-anrille,'s beautif ul Cem-etery. CARD 0F THANKS Mrs. F. C. Lockhart wishes te thank ail these who ceutributeci fio- ers, autos, and lu auy other way ex- tende& their symipathy at tise funemal cf ber motiser, thse late Mrs. Mary Down. CANADLAN BACON EXPORT. Why do not Canadian farmers Vraise more bacon hogs? Do they know how little goes overseas or ,what part Canadian fanmers supply jlof the hug-e British meat imports? -lu other word-s, what share of that ,big business dIo they get? Last year about three per cent cf the total quantity cf ail meats-three billion and aerenty million pounds- importeti by Great Britian was g-rowu on Dominion fanms. Thbe proporton cf bacon, which was 'by ,far the largest share, amounted te, ten and a haîf pet cent. The.re is something te thikabu l in these figures. The depen'dçuc cl f general prosperity on Canadian agriculture, and ita importance iu national life, have neyer been more plain andi patent than in the last year. But so fat as livestock is concerned can eue say that mucb more than the fringe and hem cf possibilities have been touched? There are several reasonss for the popularity of Danish bacon ln Eng- landl. One is ita 'uniformity. Pro- vision merchants know that if they order two or three bales of Danish bacon that' ail theseides will be of similar size, weight and degree of fatuesa, aud that the suppjy next week, will be exactly similar. Aýn- oti:her reason is that the principal Danish pig breederg ef pedigree piga study the utility peints cf their breeding pigs. The Canadian Statesman is $200 a year -anid worth it. Subscribe To-day HORSE ROUTES 'The Pure Breti Imported Clydes- dle Stallion King's Ccurtship [14115] (14722), a grand sired herse with fiue style, best cf feet ani legs and capital action, the property cf Horatie Hills, Tymone, will make the season cf 1924: Monday, May 26, will leave bis stable lot 17, con. 6, Dar'liugtou, and proceed te Arthur Wehoh's, lot g, con. 4, for noon; thence te W. E. Gilbank'a, lot 2, cou. 1, for uight; Tuesday noon at Fred Hockeu's, lot 22, cou. 2, Darlingtoni; thence te Gordon Leask's, lot 33, con~ 6, night; Wednestiay noon at John McGregor's, lot 4, con A4, East Wbit- by; thence te Walter Gmeat's, lot 17, cou. 5, E. Wbitby, nigbt; Thurstiay noon at Morley Gilrey's ,lot 33, con. 7, Darlington; theuce owvn stable, night; Friday afternoon te Harry Fraser's, lot 1, con. 8, -Dârlington, nigbt; Saturday mnorning returniug te bis own stable untîl Mouday mcmii- iug. Terns $15. The Fume lBreti Chydleadale Stal- lion "Black, Mode!" [16880]. An, AI IPremium Hoers antioeeof the best breeding herses ,in this part, the Ipreperty cf W. J. Ormiston, Esnfield, 1924ri,comciuthMy,26 basfol- o 1nta-, cmwin May the seasol-c lews: Monday aftemuno-Wihl leare bis owui stable, Eufield, and preceed te Jas. Cosniu aý, dou, for tise uigist; Tuesday n cen-At Harvey' iCurtis', Tyrcue; Tuesday ai ght-At J. T. J. Cole's, Betisesda; Wed'nes- day- nocu-At Walter J. Rickard,,'s, Sha-w's Scisool; Wednesday ight- At Beith',s Waverhey «Stables, Bow- m nanrille; Thursday n on-At Fred Curtis', Ceurtice; Thursday ight- At Be,' Glaspell'sý, Taunton; Fridlay' noon-At Gordon Scctt's, Perti-ý man m's Scisol; Fiday night-Re- turu to his owu stable and remiain tÀ11 Moaday afterueeu. Ternis $15. l //L fOR YOu oiftsmeE'jRhsMn j- c 6 t 11.9a. m. 2.08 p).n. 9.16 p).n. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY TYRONE STATION 5. 51 a. n. 6.25 a. i 8.0a4 i 4.1p7 i 3oinig East .34 p. ni. )a-iiy Except Sund-iy Going WeE!t 8.15 a n. Eilectric Bulbs Tungstein Eirst Quality Bulbs 25, 40 and 60 Watts 25c each OR 4 for $1.00 k Better lay in a stock now at these special prices. Masoni & DaIe's hardware Phone 145 Bowmanville BU ySEDCR AT Hampton M11i We have been fortunate in securîng Grade No. 1 Government Tested Seed Corn, Rennie Seed This is the very best money can buy and price is right. $2.00 per bushel. HAMPTON MILL FLOUR The demand for our Flour is increasing. Try a bag of XXX Pastry Flour, also Royal Flour for bread. They please others, and are sure to please you. C. EDGAR HORN Hainpton Phone 129-r6 WGH- - CADZTS S LAWN BOWLING LEAGtJE Fred H. Neale born and long a rerident of Oshawa died at Ventnor, Herrin Inter-Co<unty Schedule N. J., on April 3th., of pernicjous oenemia. This very fatal disease, Ne'w officers of Inter-County Bowl- like cancer, seema to 'be, betcoming Teek byl ing League are: President, A. H. more prevalent. Rheumatism, too, Cadets Qreenwood, Whitby; Vice-President, seenia to be baffling niedical skiil. )r. A£- J. J. Mason, Bowmanvillle; Sec.- There is plenty of research workç mnv-Treas., A. P. Ingrani, Port Pery vatn the medical prof ession's Cadets Execut ive: Mr. Naainyth, Port best endeavors, quite as serous as arks of Ferry; MIr. Goodman, Oshawa, Dr. A. ýdiabetes. nented S. Tilley, Bowmnanville; and L. Dud -_____________ )ficers: ley, Whitby. iart R. BwlngLeage chdle: Lieut- June 1'-Bawîi-anville at Oshawa, RAILWAY TIME TABLES FOR e ork port Ferry at W hitby. O M N I L a ince June 11-Oshawa at Bowmanville, BW A IL : n , t h e W h i t b y a b P o r t F e r r y . A D I N A T O L R I W Y ord.ier June 20-Port Perry at Oshawa, AAINNTOA ALA s'-Boninvll a Wîty OING EAST GOINO WESTý- omnilea hib . 4 2 t. im. D 4.22 a. ni. F June 25-Oshawa at Port Perry, 10o.36 a . ni. D 7. 06 a. 'n. * Whitby at Bowmanville. ~ p i 2.02 p).ini. * July 9-Whitby at Oshawa, Port 6.49 P. M..13 41. i. * >EAL Ferry at Bowmanville. 7. 21 p. mi.*1.2 . n. July 16-Bowmanvjile at Port 958 p. ni. D1.2a i Farm Ferry, Oshawa at 'Whitby. 1.1i i No games will played week of July, D-Da-ily is re- lst and 2nd. *-Daily except Sunday. 8mostl Games week, of June l8th, Wbit- CANADIAN PACIFIC RAÉLWAV farmiby tournament, Friday, June 2th. GOING EAST GOING WEST SOLD DV A. L. NICHOLLS ýl 21-3w 'BL-4,ÇK MODEL Hampton 1