~tRte ni With Which îs Incorporated The Bowm-anville News St1 LM~. M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. 1 Dahlia Bulbs Over 200 varieties to $2.00 each. .1 20c i Each year labels are lost and gopd varieties mixed. To clear these, we off er 1 dozen-'....îo ( aild eet Dahlias, to color only dozen ............... $1.50 Named Dahlias 20e qacht Dozen................ $2.00 <A,-k for List.) S. J. Jacknman & Sons Florists Phone 80 Bowrnanviile This W eekL's -Special LADIES' WRIST WATCHES Gold Filled ,White G old Filled, 14 kt Gold and 18 kt White Gold, 15 and 17 Jewels. Regularly sold from $15 to $75 NOW 25% OFF i A lex. Elliot Ye Olde Jewelry Shoppe Bowrnanville 'I. BOWMANVJLLE, ONT., THURSDAY, MAY 29th., 1924. Royal Thea SBOWMANVILLE Wedniesday-Thursday ,May '"The Drivin' Fool' With Wally Van, Patsy Rut and Alex. Francis. Friday-Saturday, May 30 ',West of the Water To With Glenn Hunter, Ernest1 May McAvoy and GeorgeF Monday-Tuesday, June Ceeil B. DeMils "Triumyphi" With Beatrice Joy and Rod La Wednesday-Thuraday, June "The Lone Bandit" A story of a logging camp Special Cast. Friday-Saturday, June 6- "The Breaking Point' With an ail star cast Monday-Tuesday, June 9-. Gloria SwaWson in "The Hum.ming Bird" Clearing Ladies' Suits This Is Your Chance Ouir Suit Stock is ever smnart and nexw and this policy o:f 'fresh goods' compels us to sacrifice the balan~ce of our suits to ensure a complete clear- ance-aild that's why you may buy these beauti- fu'd suits now at 25%7, OFF NEW DRESSES 0F CREPES, VOILES AND RATINE, ETC. . A very special showing of New Dresses that have just corne to hand featuring embroidered Voiles, Crepes, Ratine. p Ail are made in the styles that will be most popular for this season and in designing these you will find many new and effective little touches of becorng beauty. Truly a splendid choice with exclusiveness throughout the entire range. We bought thern at a bargain and have marked thern accordingly. SPECIAL SHOWING PLEATED SKIRT'S In Wool Crepe and Silk C repe, newest shades, Pleates guaranteed to hold their shape. to see these skirts. Be sure MEN'S DEPARTMENT Two Holiday Specials We are featuring for the holiday Men's Grey Worsted Suitsý for $18.50. Boys~ Suit.s with 2 pair pants $'7.88. Straw Rlats just in, newest styles, ail new as we cornpletely Sold out' last& season. coucli, Bowmanville ,rydermian. Limitea 13OWMANVILLE MIETHODISTS EDITORIAL BRIEFS CUTHBERT W1NS MARATHON DURHAM COUNTY BOY3 ttre Fifty-One Added to Memnbership Mrs. Nellie McClunlg gives lier iAT BOW<MANVILLE oys)ý,ceve Sunday ast. vi-ý\County boys receivedtro Sundy Lst.Vies onGovrnmnt ontOf Victoria~ Day Seorts Postponed ta cons,ýiderable promninence inWdns liu~ sleinBrtih olmba heeDomninion Day,. dayT's issues of The Toronto Glode Afew weeks ýýgo we published a she is livin,' on another page of this L_____we heeatrtn ew tm 28-29 legty sec fMtoim su. Shie nmakes some startling The %veatlier mian cheated Bow- appeared: Bowmnanville fromi 1832, înicluding- statenients from hier observations. mianville out of its atfternioon r- Rsmnieatvsadfinsi th Mill nmsoch insesfo ht o' alt ea h ril.gra irio sport on Victoria Day.. .1r01 his native village of Newcastle hieart- early dat~e to the present time., The We give aver our edlitorial col- during the night' and early moruiing l ogauaeRt e.CalsH article has been very widely read and unin on page twvothis week to Mr. hours put the trac' n ieda gi Brenrt shp fet ern Nýe York comeutd uonandno .out iasCha. M 'ce's article on the recent cultural Park in an impassable co-\ ho wýill have the Deg-re'è of LL. D. ~been preserved in inany a famlily utterance of President Butler's at, dition sa thaýt the ofFicers of t.he Bowv- conferred on hini at the Coniv-;cation ý-1 bible or scrapbook. ,In this issue- the recent Republican convention in mýanville Amateur Atlietie Associa- of Toronto University. ower" -we have obtained froni the church New York. When the head of Col- tion vwere foi-ced to cancel their Dr. J. C. Devitt, Bowmianville, and Tornerecords data for another article cov- umibia University~ niakes such rash splndd urora, with the exception ~'wetering the five years pastorate of Rev. statements ou Prohibition the world ofte1-ie marathon race,. aiv fCatrght onhp S.CMorB_.,B___te___-i trlel esuet ea r he1-1i was honored by 'his fellov dentists S. . oor, . A, ..D, h~ reir i strt.ed B sre ciii.tardMi. Edetly wet inclemlent weather in the province by being elected ing pastor, and givixi.g a record of re- Bice's dean cut crtiisb as nIo trrrs for the long distance Vc-rsdn iteOtroDn cent changes in and electians.to the ihlw edi al Gieta unr s 25 of thenm from varions tai AsPsiaetofatheitsariaDco- 24 arius oads nd ocitis i co- PrtHop istheprttist owninparts of the pr.ovince lancled in Bow- vention which was held in Toronto nection with the church. Canada and in the Qaily Timues the mlanville Saturday mnorning with their this -week. Dr. Devitt is also a Sunday last the services were of report of Col. E. E. Snider, Public flinisy running regalia ready for the meiber of the Oral Hygiene Com- ,aRocque unusual interest, for at the re- Sehiool InIspector, on the shocking 10-m1ile grind. lunjustice to the mittee. Heartiest congratulations, ception service fifty-one persons were condition of one of the town schools'loyalty of these athletes the associa- recivd htochuchnsebeshi b' w cnno hlp hikin tatthe tion 'decided to put on the road race Mr. W. Normnan Tilley, K. C, e - Pastýr Moore assisted by Rev. E. A. health of the children mnust be 'ter- without charging the spectators anTontyugssnofheleDr Tonkin, Mr. H. L. Quinn, Superin- ribly neglectéci. Inspectai- Snider's admission fee.W . to, ynd M sooftellaceDr wihatendent of the Sunday School, Mr, Tb report should put the citizens ta mhe usual Oshawva to Bowmanville BW E.nvilke, as n retaind y o wihaC. Jewell, Secretary, Mr. F. A. Hl- shame. o anilhsbertied y dly and Mrs. H-. W. Poster, Superini- W i ~ M route w'as changed ta a varied course the Provincial Governiment as C2rowui We ong-ratu1ate.Mr ofs M macadam road, pavement and dirt Prasecutor in the trial aif farmer tenidents af the Morning Hlour, Mrs. Reid, Presîdent aof1The Ritchie Cam- ,roacl, ith plenty ai rolling country Provincial Treasurer Peter Smith Chas. A. Wighit, Leader of the C. G. pany, the leading ldry goods firmin ~tQ put the couriers to 'the test o-n ivhich is expected to b e ld~ sonie- ;-7 1. T., and Mrs. J E ERiatt, Leader the City of Belleville, on the corn- hI. Terc tro t1acoktm of the Mission Baud Itwas truly pany's record of 67 years inl busi-hat R. R Tevraes crner, ab out a m ie in th m umn heyaPer-,mem- a mast impressive servicýe and very nasa. Mr'. Reid is well and fayor tR..Stvn'creaotaml soia mngheyue ir- gratifying ta see the large numr ably knowu aniongZ Methodiatz and -west ai town on the Ki~ngston 1-igh- bers ai the le-al profession i- this o-faiyoung members ai tliese socie tietaseveral citizens af this, towu acntne atthbgiRn-t ~vnc h ewibsxa ,ïy ta ta Liberty-st., aloug Manvers Road the top as rapidly as Mr. Tille,,-I t is~ uniting with the churcli.1 a promiifent, publie-spirited citize.n t olrd onr hn wstt woik that wins and hie is ani *1veter- 10 Seven af those receive4 came by aio the Bay City. Itwas the pleas- oPlar' onete ws oft okr letter af tranisfer and _rt~four_, uire af the senior editar of this jour-,Tlgt iIadsuhaln)Suo t okr eig t h a ds ai a m lie -a x d t ioe y a l t a b e a g u e st ai M r. an d 1r R o a d t a K in g st., e n d in g a t th e c i - -sxyui Reid in theix beautiful home duringý ner ai Agricultural Park MJNISTERS AND CHURCHES si ,an people were adnvltted ou the sittings af the Methodist Confer- Twenty-five runners started and profession ai faith as the frutage ence -when last held in Belleville. ail finishedl within the tuiie limnit but Ebenezer Anaiversary will be ýheld larg-ely ai the earuest efforts .01f - aithful and zealous Si.inday SchooJ We wish many more societies would one. The big- attraction, -of course, June 8 and 9. imitate the example ai Orano W, C. was the presence ai Jolinnie Cut'h- Rev. W. A. Bunner of Pickecrinlg, <orke rs and y.auug people's leaders,TU.yhoin medal cantests in bert, the bri,,ght-eyed rosy chedbaaseXosurnnai nn- th~eetd ytesep~iga elocution. We uinderstand that the Scotchiman ai Guelph Y. M1,. C. A., count ai illhe.alth. He bas preacheif teî± Pastor. selections were chosen by the So- whp will represent Canada in the 35 years. ThisP grntifying ingatherig itt ciety and given ta, the contestantsý comning Olymipie games ta be hli t alsCucRv ) W churcli iellow.ship ýmarks the close ai who were selected one scholar fi-ar France ùhis summner. i a SPu' hrh e.D W intrnfitful year ini the spiritu~al ec ifu erb a11ol nd TeGasoeClba ootBet iitr la. .'ay anather eab ualshol n TeGastn lu fTootside Weeds and Garden, Flovers" lufe and work ai this church and, we one from Orano School. The con- came dlown with their hast runners- 7 p. mii-"Open Secrets". 2.3o01p. 1m. learn, mnakes a total ai 440 persans ý-est w%,as open ta sehalars not abave 10 in all-wlio were on hand ta show ,-Sunda1-y Shaal and Bib1p CIans.es. received inta church-iellowship dur- fourth class. "We w.ere pleased toi the wiorld that at least one or niai-e Trinity 1qhdstCu~CfPtr ingraev. Mi-. Maesie-year 26pas- note that Miss Frankie Wood, daugl- ai oftheir stable favorites sahoulcdhave brnw tns clarai ailPetr tort~214byleterani 26 n er i r.and Mrs. Chais. S. Wôod, heen cehasen for the Olymipic tears. and hlas a surplus ai $10,00 o t praossion ai faitli-and during the va s ucce.s*sful in winning te$le But inu making such selections actitonsd cnemltd u~ terni th toale<iberionsavngSUPPly oWrsacnept-dS - thetotl ~eiia~ .p iuvngMedal danated by OronoW.ç ' u speakla uder'than words, and from a'eol a4sanedfio 60 atin- a eotç uOoo tm the actions shown in Saturday's race e.Frn crease ai 2960 or just4 Per cent. If we had neyer known anythuigj there i 1n dubt that Cuthbert isi ev rn Langiord, To onto. Recet Reports ta Boards about Barrie before reading The a leasby hîîsl.(ehstesai ieoe i 'r Hope Metiadcist Atte rcn eua fiiiExaminer ai May lSth we would ina and uses his head at all stages ai ChnrchSlca it beîng. Young Board meeting, eots soe know ai a certaiuty that Barrie is the gaule nakinZ it possible for huin People's Day. The Sunday Schaool ted prgsranpiras sedi aslendid business tawn. Indeed, we ta autgeneral is opponents. afficers and teachers -were. installed. miembers anci finances in alm-ost have seldam seen clearer evidence in -The fi-st mile was a rea:l sprint, the Ris tnany iriends in this District evrydearmet. Bah heSu-any newspaper that the business nistance being coyereil in record time will be very sari-y ta heair cf t'le daey Seool antW. M. Sthe n meni the towu in which it was ai 4.42. At the baU way post the serions illiless of Rev. J. E. Beckýel ai 1a bnnr easin e MdS a e dpublished give unmistakeable ,war- wt' rgserd2.5adwle ateawho is iii %vithi ppeumui nt1ranty ai their up-to-dateness, enter- Cuthbert breasted the tape %t tead it is feared that typlioi'd is set-' ierest, secrvice rendeed and iunds prise and belief in the chief auxil-fish iim as5.1' t' l raiod. TheW.M. . rpots 582iay a evrybusnes cocen-te fnih h~ tmewas55.4. Th isting in. Muei symlpathy and con- M. . rpors $3,2iar ofevey bsinss oncrn-hetimie was cansidered exceptionally cern wiIl go out tp) hini and hi, fani- - an increase i, $ 1 Q - h l the local new spaper. W ith su ai gener- ood consi ering the s ippe -y and ily at this t un-e. M is. Be kel ha s total miscinnaryocontribtions ai th.'ans patronaeornd e]inence aiatdri, cawgregation for the paSt Year and pi-garessa on the part aiof hs-ha odtina h od. A en i o oteadiss 1 -nat aiaunt ta 2S2.0.a increase ness firme Barrie is a paradise for Allision ai Gladstone, last vear's reeovei-ed. dring tepa.st five years ai $655 or the energetie ptiblishers ai The Ex- Wînner over this course, finished Methodist Churcb, Rev. S C. Il, per cent. The total conti-ibu- mier-<i .A Mca-u uscond, aboutl 250 yards behind Cuth- Moore, B. A., B. D., pastar. Sunclay tions ta, Conexional Funds have xiow aiod Enniskillen Boy, and Manager i-t i u en 63.Rudn services: 10.30 a. m.-Boys' r- reached the bandsome sum ai $8,- W. C. Walls.' the corner at Scugag-st. lie madea ing Haur-Father and Son Meetýing. 620.60-an increase dnring the pi-es- desp)erate effort ta avertake Cnth-1 11.00 a. m.-Freedoni and Fappi- entpasora teni f $,15.60orbert but the winnei- iomped home iu ness thi-ough Truth and Trust. 2.30 nent1pastorl erni i$1. -0Oi DUST OF THE EARTH' easy fashion and finislied in excellent P. m.-Sunday Sehool. 7.00 p. ml.- r i- -condition. Fathier and Son Service. Father Peop Le's es'agnte i, the Yon- Tat very popular four act dirama Good sportsman was shown by AI- and son choir undler direction of G.I . h isinCrl a The Dnst ai the Enith" was pres- lison ini being the fitîst ta congratu-1 Mi-. T W tanley, will have chlarge the Tuis Boys and Trail Rangers ented by Newcastle Methadist Lad- late Ci utibert Oa bis well earned ai the msclsrie aIl aveta ther c e i nolry a es' Aid Society ia the Opera H ase, victory. Coandh Art S cfoes ai Glad- Nora m Mletodist C iurch a- aio pedi sric.Bowmanvilie, on Saturday eveniug ta atone, was also beard ta reiai-k aiter pointment will be attached ta ak R~cs. Eeci9s a ~~I~ a vei-y delighted audience that near-1 the race that Cuthbert is a real rua- worth circuit. Beginning witb Juiy, ReetÉetost ors ly filied the audi torium. Not muny net 1924, Warkworth Metliodist Chureli In the personnel ai the officiai-y plys have been put on in ihis town Other runiiers ramped in in thiý! ill' be chosed every alternate Sun- som nteorty hageshae e-in receut yenrs that have given re udte ,,AtSlils day nig-ht, wvhea the service wiil be centIy taken place. Aiter some 35 greater satisfaction., On Fe'biuary 4, J. Deliow, 59.19; 5, Chas. White" given ta, Norhian. The Norbam, con- Yeasofa earnest and efficient ser- 98 last tJhere appeared a fuli column 1)9.25; 6, P. Wyai-, 59.48; 7, E. Beg- g-egation wiil came ta Warkv-arth vice, Mi-. P. C. Trebilcock lias i-etired repart ai this draina on the Newýcast- 1er, 60.38; 8, E. Edgell, 60.54; 9, A. Methoidist Citaich for, other serv:ice, frian the secretaryship and af the le Independent page by a iclever Rbrs 61.18; 10, C. Snell, 61'35; except Sunday School; whidli wilI be Trustee Board and bas been suceeed- writei-, so that we need only say1 11, G. Hackley; 12, S. Osien; 18, j. held in Norhnm Churcbi. ed by Dr. J. C. Devitt. The members aweysldiyitaspto McGibbon; 14, Gea. Cooke; 15, E. The C. G. I. T. meeting On ed on behiaîf of the church have plaeed liere ' and how Bowmanvilie citizenls R.Banks; 16, W. B. Brown; 17, H. unesday, May 21, was well atte.ided on record their deep sense ai appre- were captiyated by the clever pi-os- G. Carter; 18, B, S. May; 19, E. G. and gi-eatiy enjoyed. The fi-at ciation aiMof reicc'sln n entation. There was not a weak Gokhewrtby; 20, R. Noaks 21, R. prt aie pi-g-r a bal :,nme most valuable services on the Board cliaraeter in tie cast. Those tak-1 G. May; 22, A. Goldsworthy; 23, Geo. fi-rn 7 ta 8 on ýthe Higli Scioal Mr. M. A. James who bas filied the ing part inclnded Mrs. Hlarold Cooke, urel 4 .Rei,6.5 grounda. Te eonIarlatni office ai TrusteeBodTearr Mrs. W. F. Riekard, Mrs. C. A,.Cow- 4uwl;2,G ike 925 eodpr a Il ever since the union aitf w an and -Misa Lilian Colwill; Messrs. H pn rtri g t h Bwm a n at te gave i w en Mr Ruassell Os- Mehois hucis n t henbas alo T. W . Jackson, N raan L. Rikard, H ase Alan Campbell, President of 4ne g v a veiy interesting ,talk retdsigadCad lahee n n uceedelsby Irsin Colwll, Clarence Alli, W. F. the B. A. A. A., in a very neat on "Hone Nnrming"ý Mrs. Osho)rne bisyauge~son Mr GergeW.Rickard and Hl. R. Pearce. The New- spehpeetd ladoe sle expeets ta, give three more addresses hisyouges so, M. Gore W catleOrciesrafurnishied abund-1to ista the first four marathon-1 and demionstrations dnring the aneaigadmmes.in i ee- rwhile the other 20 ruaýnera re SPi-ing terni Al membexi-e h ouhd The Board -ai Stewards bas recent- 1ing. e odmusicaddtit the paye en- ed das.Presidient Camp>belli hear theni. Miss lane Quinn fvr iy beeni re-elected for anotheýr yeai- g.vnhr ne asie fteannounced that the postponed events ed witb a musical number. as follows: Mi-. P. C. Trebilcock, C. 'Metbodist Young l'eopie's Leagne. ion the day wod elc nDmi- MsDrth SalyhelLr M. Cawker, Dr. J. C. Devitt, Johnn Day, July i stiwlien a marathon vocabist ai Toronto, danghter ai 'lx Stacey, T. C. Jewell, C. Relider, F. -w wouid be iacludied with the sprints T. W. Staaley, Choir Director aund A. Had'dy, W. Trewin, F. C. Vani n aealgi, gnsi h el itCurh stone, (Recarding Steward), W. F. Ladies' Aid resnhted in the re-,ec- idbseah am.oranstithe adineloiStCu, la Dae, A M t hel W J ar-ea, tin ai Mr. H. L. Quinn as S. s.ý The visitiug athetes expressed w eek xith a vocal solo "H aw L a ,'i y B.le A.MicelW.J 1rion Superintendent, Mrs. B. M. Warnical theniselves as higlily pleased witl the -are Tby Dwelîngs" by Liddle. A il, Tenai he 2 ScLty eprs~na-as W. M. S, Pi-esident, and Mrs. J.tramn given theni by- the local as- were dehighted ta hear lier 2 un. t es h e 2lSo ie n e - e e t - E. L.C le as President ai the Ladies' sclation and itin-ate d thnat tey i trained voie agin. T he aoo- 1 ii oc a uop $2.00 a Year In Advanee rio. 9 C.nTýýT py -NO. Z)