Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Mar 1924, p. 5

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CHOCOLATES Only 60e a box. Very delicieus. Try a box to-day We Seil Neilson's Ice Cream JACOBS & HILLYER Successors te Christie's Bakery Bowmanvilîe 'I Tastes Like More! Crisp, and consequently se inviting, youll just mnaturally want more. Deliicious and with all-wholesome! A sk f or the k-andy 25e package TOPRONTO VE OLDE JEWEL.RV SHOPPE-ALEX ,ELLIOT Your Favorite P, attern In Beautiful China You will have littie trouble in findîng your favorite pattern from our large selection. We have LIMOGES CHINA INDIAN TREE CROWN DERBY Aiso a very pretty~ assortmnent of Odd Cups and Saucers from $1.00 up. ALEX ELLIOT Ye Olde Jewelry Shoppe Rowx»auvilIe Whispers of Sprîng Like a Breeze From the Hilis On a Baîmy Sunny Morning These Earl- iest of Spring Apparel Whisper the Correct Mode for the New Season Fast Approaching. Spring Coats Spring Suits Spring Dresses While officiai Spring is in distance1 new fashion season has arrived with Spring's first ar- rivais. . In their typicai Spring colors they present a weicome relief from Winter's sombre shades. The modes are varied enough to satisfy those'dis- criminating womei who dote on wearîng the very -new as soon as they are stamped as correct and released from f ashion headquarters. To see them in this advanced showing is to be correctly inf orm- ed as to the trend of the mode, color and fabij and to be assured once more of our fair prices. An early' inspection of the New Spring Styles is invited. A Box of "6SMILIN' THRI ttawa and Montreal. be his headquarters ýths. shawa City Council as iaiy oere' ail re-eleec ation on Saturday exe is and A. J. Graves )where three alderME lectedl and there are f te the three seats, thet g Ex-Mýiayor John Sta ýon S. Bai, newsmen. was madqcle necessliry ige in mnuni4cipal iztat readens in and arci ,e oveIl knlow that Wh mii specially to hear do0 well te acceptt Rev. W. Hareld Yotl who is te preage1 anniveosary sei'mn has neyer preache. ýe Methodist Churcli father, Rev. W.E D. D., of Toronto, is quite as popularà regenitor. ., Don'tr v. Mr .Younig nexi Sand you willwa n the evening. ýserv7e Thuisday ,27 and 28 for leice" te be pre sa House by the lits. 'Plan opei VEET CiDER FOR S. 7 ait 25c per gallon. Wmi. oastle. 'CH QUILT WORKERS, ION! BUY NOWj ýrge package silk and ctti ' piatch q cuilts, nag nuge size, postage 10e extra; extra; two dollar size po ey back unless satiefie, r Co.. 59 Welinigtoni St. BOWMIAJYWILLE, MARCH 20, 1924 LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Snwis fast disappearing andi fielde ire bare again. Mviss Margiretta Adamis, Toronto, spenit the week-end at home. 1Miýss Myrtie Henderson, Cobourg, was g'uest of Mliss Lena Hladdy over the week-end. Miss Jean Evans spent ýthewek end in town with Mr. and Mis. E. C. Evans, Westmlounit. Mrs. W. Heniderson, Cobourg-, was guest of Mjx. and Misý. Harry W. Foster over the -week-end.» Mi. Bert and Miss Vera Colwell spent the week-end witll their une-ile,l, Mr. Wilsoni Colwell, Toronto. Mis. W. N. Tilley, Toronto, was recent g-uest of her sisters, M~rs_. F. A. Haddy and Mrs. H. W. Foster. Mesis.Pilp and Ros2s Tilley, Toi- onto, spent the w,,eek-end( with their parents, Dr. and Mrs. Ak. S. Tilleýý. MUrs. Arthur Wright and sons George and Tom oGf Haniliton, are vis'iting hier mother, Mres. Thos. Tod. Rev. H. B. Kenny, Belleville, was guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Foster, "Nýorwood Place" while in townl over the weekend. Attention o! faîmiers an-d others 15 dirceted to the great f arhni stock and iiiiplemien[ sale proýpetty of Mr. John T. Guy in this paper. Mr. W. A. Dryden of Maple Shade Stock Faim1r, Brooklini,lhas purchased 4100 acres in Cartwright Township whinch Leie ntends using as a sheep ranch. The Methodist Choir wiIl preserit thne sacîed caintata "Fromi Olivet to Calvary" on Friday evening, April 4thi. Watchi fuither particulars and reserve the date. Rev. A. McD). Haig, Ashburn, and Mr. David R. Mann of this torwn, at- ten'ded the funeral of their brother, the late Rev. Jame,ýs R. Mann at Ba Itinore, Ontario. ,Miss Bessýie Cole, Assistant Super- ilitendent at Cobourg Hospital, fell on the icy sidlewýalk returning to, the Hospital and fractured one leg a lit- tie above the ankle. Miss Belle Thompson, Toronto, who asýsisted la the St. Patrick en- tertainment in St. Paul's Church on Mon'day even-ing-, was guest of Mus. (Rev.) Geo. Masoni. Shakespeire's "Merchant ef Ven- ice" by High Sehool sýtudlents, Opera House, Thursday and Friday, 'Mardi 27 and 28. Admiission 50c. Plan opens on Frinday. NMareh 21, noon. Mrs. W. Richards, Mrs. Geo. H. Biekeli, Mi. and Mrs. R. Hl. Hamlleyl and Miss M.ýar-ioni Morris w\eîe amiongi 'those fromi town m who attended thef fuiieral of +lhe late Geo. B1ýrim--acom-be at Oshawa. Mr. and iUs. W. C. Fursey and z-on, Norman, former residents of Oshawa,wh have been living in Cornwall for seven years have re- turnecd to Osha'wa where Mr-. Funsey will coenduci a grocery business. Mr. Charles E. Goodwin, Bow-, ianville, who lias heen in Quebec ini the Customis Revenue Cutters ser- vice, is. in town, having accepted re- engagemrent with the Ontario Car Ferry Coi-npany.-Çob)ourg World. Womae's Hospital Auxiliary bârth- day party wl be held on Tuesday afternoon, M1ýardi 25th in the Coun- cil Roomi. Chldren's ginghami dres- ses and other left overs fromn the Hospital bazaaî will be for sale. Teas will be served. The usual contribu- tions are hoped f or.1 Mr. Herbert A. ~VaiNest wýritingj from Y. M. C. A., St. John, New1 Brunswick, reports business exceed-ý ingly good for the Maclean Publi-J cations. -.March 14 was the end ofi a 8-day blizzard, more sniow falling than during the whole winter before -ouite unlike the high banks, he sawj PROPERTY FOR SALE FOR SALE-Farmr for sale or rent-onel hundred( acres in tï ,e townsbipý of Dar-î Ji ngton. For particulars appiy to M. F. Colinis, 163Bleers. Toronto, Ont. HOUSES FOR SALE-l3u)uble brick reýsidence, witb s41 modern conveniences, seven rooms in each .dwelling. For termrs and particulars adciress box 340, Bow- manville. 10-tf LOT FOR SALE-A leveI corner lot with fruit and shade trees, one of the best lots in town for business or resi- dentlial puyposes. If jntt-rested act ait once. Box 444, Bowmanville. 12 -tf FARM FOR SALE-100 acres choice su, une mile from Nestietoni Station. for Sol-e with furnace, barn 150j et long wvith stone foundation and cemneat floors, drivel sbed 10 frulit trees, 1000 berry bushes elected ini bearing. This farmn is well fenced, and ed by ac- in higIt state of cultivation, fail plougli- ~ep o.R.ing done. Possession and ternis ar- cept Rai"""ged. For particulars appi? F. W. in Ward Baok Exclusive Agent, 111 5road- enl are to výiew Ave., Toronto. four aspir- t-wo others ARTICLES FOR SALER ïcey and FOR SALE-Pony,, buggy and ]arnGssl Ths flo~r~ sale, cheap. Apiy to G. WV, Attree,j Thsee- RR 3, Bowmianville. 12-1w 7by the FOR SAL-Qu,,,antityý 2-rowed Barley tus from nd B Lanne-r Qats. Apply to Hlovard 1och -R R. 4, Bowm-anvilie, phone )udBo-i46-13. 12-tf undIo- BABY CARRIAGE FOR SALE-Pm in -we lfl- good condition. Apply to NMrs. R. E. a preach- 'Yate. 2 Liberty Place, Bowmanville. the invita- 104tf1 ng9, M. A., rPIGS FORSALE-1 iorksbie50,1 months old; also several y'oung pigs. Ap- h Sunday pl y W. T. 1H1aigl, IHighi Street. i3owmaýn- lons next ville. 12-1w ýd in Bow- FOR SALE-A f ew Rhode Islandl Red i, but his Cokeel, uildI's Laying Strain. G. Somierscales, R. R. 2, Maple Grov, Bow- R. Young, m1aniville. 1-w ýhas and FOR SALE-Sewuing MaIýchine, Baby as his elo- Caiirnage and cc1,ail in p)erfect con-. miss hear- dition. C2heap) for qickel sale. 2-'2 Car- t uldyliste Avenlue, Bowmnanville. 12-1f Sudy HATCHING EGGS FOR SALE-From nt to hear Fi sher's bred-to-lay White Wyandottes. Infertile eý'Ps rpao free. $2.00 Per Fd 15. Cockenl for sale. T. A. Dulstan, laBowmianville. 12-2w 1Meîchlant EGGS FOR NATCHING-Wbit'e Wy- ed in the andlottes fromi a choie pen cf good lay- ýh Sehool e S. . C. White Leglorns, Cox strain, n Friday, lwi50perseýtting on $800 flper 100. W. H. Carnther, R.R. 1 BowanvilPone ll' s Drug 382.12-tf STOVE FOR SALE-Hlappy Thioughtl ALE-Made Ruange,No 8, in good condition; vvateri Lockýwoud, front; can hum cei or od Bargain for, 12,-1w quick sale,.tao for selling, installing - lctric stove. Apply to AMrs.W.H ATET1Reidl Centre-st., Bowmianville. 12-tf ATTENT.CAR FOR SALE-Overland 90, in first, class condition, hiaving ben ail over- Ilaule, »ew top and side curtains open- ,on clippings îng wih oors, 5 good tires. A bar- fanc-y work. gain for quick sale. Apply to Mrs. J.ý dollar size, J. Lord, corner George and Wellington- ostage free. sts., Llowiiianvill,. 1-tf 1. M. J. FOR SALE-6 direct Ferris White Leg- WVest, Tor- horn Cockerels, 260-300 egg_ strain; 21 12.w Whtte Wyandotte Cocterels. Mýartfin and - elIer strain 1 Lighit Brown Leghlorn Cockere], "Ever-Lay- strain. $3.00 n of Bow- ea'chb> R. Hl. Dilling, at HaryAlin,'s i over 50 Grocery, Bowmanville. îo-a*1 . College - - - - essential if HELP WANTED ýe a worker. NURSING WANTED--Mrs. Perry. nma- ,r tIelds for Sto learu a trnity and practics.l nursing. Apply at tantilî-way Mr. F. N. Stevens', Ontario-st., Bownnan- w appoint- e HELP WANTED-A number of re- with brief fined, dlean cut and energetie young noean IPeterboro, as sale -smen. Apply to D. El. Slater, 41 12-1w Liberty Street, Bownlanvil.e, phone 128J I _________ Have Y ou Ever Had Your BIRTHS PATTINSON-At "IClmfar Villa Rest Hlomle- on S-aturday, lWarüh 15, 1924, te Mr. and -Mrs. Frederick Pattinson, a daughter MARRIAGES VALLEAU-GISQON-M-ýondayt-, Marcb 17ý.. 1924, themarragetooh place Lat St. Geoge's Cliunchi, NFsl, . E k Jmes officiating-, of FranceGio, dughoefeMr. adir.Tos Gh son, Necste.adDvid A. Valleau, son of Mr. anid-Mns. E.A.lla. Oshi- DEATHS McCQMs -1n11 lnek March 1, John M om.aged 69 Ilyeare. VicMAN N-A\tIHLamilton Townshipj, on March 6. John MiýcMaIýnn, in Ibis 59tbyear. STEWART-In Millbrook, on Februlary' 2,Noble Stewart, borul in Hiope 83, yeare ago. BRADLEY--in Listowl,ý( on Thu"rsdaIy, Mach13 illiam radeyiniis 87th BEAG-LEY-At Oehawa ýion Sundapy,1 Mancblt nieLou "an, ,vif e of DU RRANT-In Oshawa, March ît. Mau Renols.beloved Iwife of Mr. W.1 Oliver Durrant. BARIE-Ilui ecate on Thurisday,j March 13>, 19, Jane. beloved wif e of Mr. Thos. Barrie. PUTMAN,'-At Port Hioll Hosplital, oný Mancrh 14, IEliz, widof Alfred Puit-i mnai, laged( 84 years. GRAHAM-In Ohwon Marcb 11, atl -I21 Celina-st., of hatfïïilureSanmuel Heonry Grahlam, in bis 56th year. FRASER-At bis!late rsiene,23 IVifth veOtawMardi 13-, wý. A Fraser, fornly of Whitby, in bis 771h TIFFIN-At Letbbridgeý, Alta., Marchi! 12, Marga ret Grac, dealy beod dautghter of -Mn. amidMrs, J. J. Tiffiin, aged I10 monthis, 15 daye. î RAY-At the residieceof Mr. "W. E.i jilhanký, Kngto oadEast,' on Wd nesday, Mnh12, 1924, VWilliam Hnr ayd . aged 84 years. In ,err d at K i- DYM ON 0-General Hospital, Toronito,ý Sundlay', Mr 16, Geor-ge yonsoni or Ilie laie Jamnes andSarah yod formenrly ofr leach iTownehlip. Brother of Mns. joh owe, Satlem. HEU DE BOURGK-On March 1, 19-24,1 ail Vashan Island, Washinigton> U. S., w., Hl. Heu de Bourck, onily sonI of the" latO, Rev. W. H-. IHeu (dn Bourck, of Tiven-ý top, ]Englandl, and formern paster of Trin-1 ity ogegtoa Churchi, Bowmnanville., IIN MEMORIAM 1n loving memiory of Mrs. John Luxton, Sr., wbo passed away Marchi 17, 1897. WVe watched y-on suffer dlay by day: And could not ielp ili an-y way, ut just stoodl by and saw y ou pass l ILoothe Saviour'e arme at laet, Sons and 1)a u gters. Ini loving memrory ofElzbt Cowling, beloved wif e of George Cowling, ' who0 passed awa-y on 'March '20, 1923. Gently she is s1leping. She bas lhreathced ber lasi While we ,are weeping She to Heaven bas pase '. Husband and Son.ý In loving memiory of ourcr father,ý ,John Luxtoni, Sr., who pse awayi 1 arch 2 lst., 1920.1 Dear is the grave wbere our father isý la id, De)aný is the miemony which neyer shal fade, Sweet i l th hope thiat again wve sbail Kneelïing together at Jesue et i ~Sons and )auýgbters. In loving meuonory- cf William Afe Se.ymour, who dlied Marcb 13, 19220 ,agell .22ý yeýans, -, monitbs. 1DIeanesi WiU b1owý we piles you No toague nion poil ca ever 2e11 But we t'rust wi! e ave iweepingz .1 Witb ounr loved onie ail is oveil. For to know hlm ovi as to love hm JBut neither love nion tears could sa ý,ve SThat manly fo rm 0 f our beloved one Fromn the, coldl and sileut, grave. Inserted by bis Mother, Father, Sitersý and Brothers.f because somneone had beein unexpectedly kind to you? You can make to-day and4 the co*ning days of this year the same for yourself and somebody else by calling and securing some of those wonderful $ day bargains being offered at Thurston's. Read what he says: Cioth Caps, Extra Spec.ial, only 5 dozen, Regular $2.00 each, this week 39e each or 3 for $1.00 Ail Combination Winter Underwear ieft in the shop, as high as $ 6. 00 and flot 1iess than $2.ý2 5, thi s we ek al one price $1.89 3Only, White Flannellette Pyjamas, each $1.00 4Only, White Cotton Night Shirts;ý each $1,00 Bow Ties,, Regular 50c, Now 29c or~ 4 for $1.00 Ties, Regular $1.00, Now 69e or 2 for $1.25 Silk and Wool Ties, Oxford Crepe, unereasable $1.50, Now $1.00 Mý,en.'s Gieey Flannel Pants, Reguilar $4.50, Now $3.19 Khaki Panits, only a fewý pairs left at $1.69 Men's Braces, 75c, 85c,$1ONo 39e and 59c Hosiery, Pure Silk, Limited Quantity, Regular 75e and $1, Now\ý 39e or 3 pair for $1,00 M.ercerized Cotton Iron Sox, 50e and 60e, Now 39e-or 3 pair for $1.00 Black Cashmere Sox, SPECIAL 59e Heather Shades Cashmere S'ox 639e Extra Fine Hieather Cashmere Sox 79e Collars, Arrow and Tooke, new shapes, reguilar 25c, Now 21e or 5 for $1.00 Hanidkerehiefs in packages 25e, 110W 5 for $1.00 Bordiered Handkerehiefs, Reg 25c, Now 6 for $1.00 Initial Handkerehiefs, Irish Linen, 50e and 75c, Now 39e or 3 for $1.00 WTool Scarfs, up to $2.50, Now 39e and 89e Few Wooi Sweaters 'Left at $3.49 New Spring Hats $2.69 Couple Bath Robes and House Coats, Each $7.95 2 Overeoats, al that's left $12.95 and $16.95 Silk Shirts, just a few left $3.69 6dozen Shirts, Special at $1.39 Furs Down tbo $2.00 These priees really seem ridiculous, but we are bound to clear .out every piee 11W 1in stock. In many cases the raw skirs eost more than we are asking for finished article. 1 Chîld,,'s Set, Blue Goat $8.00 ....................... ...... Now $2.00 1 .Man's French Seal Cap, with peak $5.00 ...........Now\ý $2.00 8 more ,Muifs up to $25.00................. While They Last $5.00 1 Large Marmot Stole with collar $20,00 ........... Now $5.00 1 Large Marmot Stole $18.00..... ...................... Now $5.00 1 Marmot Caperine $15.00 ..............................-...Now $5,00 1 Brown Opposspm Caperine $9.00 .............. .....Now $5.00 1 Black Wolf Stole $15.00 ........................ .........Now $5.00 4 Large White Combed Thibet Searfs $10,00 ..........Now $5.00 1 Black Coney Caperine $8.00 .....1............ .......Now $5.00 At these very Iow\N prices we'expeet ail of these furs will be snapped up quiekly this week-never such an opportunity will corne your way again. ~G. N. THURSTN Haberdasheiry THE SHOPTHAT LEADS Bowmanville P JJ Path Suddenly Turned Sunshiny Because of a Cheery 'Word? I Have youi ever wondered if this could be the samne old world Some Candyl Sold in Town by wJ, r. Mason Goods and Ladies' Ready-.

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