Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Mar 1924, p. 3

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IPE-dkWMAMN'VILL-. M.&RflTT .9,41,AAY OFOI<MTE TF CrNÈPRENiCE Eat Fish Daily FOR HEALTH AND STRENGTH Analysis shows, that Fish contains as mucli y-building food as beefsteak-is more readily 'sted than meats-and you can replace al r meat with Fish every day in the year, with J resuits. SMOKED IIADIDIE 121/2c LB. We also have Salmon, Herring, Halibut, ite Fîsh, Cod, Fillets, C'iscoes, Kippered Her- EAT MORE FISH ARCHIE TAIT 65 ]3owmanville 'ous Times These have been rather strenuous days dur- the recent cold spell. 'It is just possible your nace may be needing sorne attention. By having us look over your furnace now may be i a position to save you considerable rbusiness to keep your tly-we know how. furnace run- rteenaway & Elliott Consulting Engineers 18 day or night Bowmanville Elecitric the Speediest Heating E 30D __________-__-----__ - Educational Society Subscriptions ECONOMY IN SCHOOLS Last Coiiference Year. Bowwmnvi-e Boy Addresses Alber9ta We have read the 339th annual report School Trustees Convention of the Educational Society of the Sleth- odist Chureh in Catnada for tue last con- (From Calgary Daily Herald Feb. 8.) frecuyear and find that Bowmnanville Dititagain heads the flst in the Bay Mr., Bertrnam F. Souch, Druggist, of Quinte Conference wlth the Bowmnan- Medicine Hat, Alberta, a son of Mr. ville C2hurchl holding second place, Cam- Mrs. Samuel E. Souch, f ormiirly of ri rI-s., insay, heading the list of Bowmanville, now of statie, ýThe 12 districts gave as follows: Alberta, and nephiew of Miss Eva Bowmn11ville,.................. ý.5ý888,79 Souchi, Beech Avenue, and Councîllor ýindsay ........................ 758.26 C.~~~~ W.,uh aitn samme Peterboro....................... 657M5 C.W.Soch Hmpon i amei iCampbje11ford..........587.U2 of Medicine Hat School Board, A Believiiie............. _......... 526.416 dispatch of February 7 Vo the Herald Brighton..................... .. 60.76 says in part: Cobour~g ............................ 345.20 Pi t . . .. . . . . . .. . . 8. 18.50 Schemes of economy to be prac- CanningtQn .... ................ .2)4 8. ,5 tised in schools of the province Whltby................... ... 234.75 should ho carefully selected so as to aPalee .................... ... 216.36 interfere as littie as possible with..............175 efficiency, said Bertram F. Souch, of Total less extpenses $5,329M5 ,Medicine Rlat, in ddressing the1 Sumei Given by the Larger Churches Alberta Trustees' Convention here on' Lindsay, Cambr-idg-e-st..,..... ... $477.00 Thursday afternoon. He suggestedi Bowmnaiville ....... 260.u0 that this could be done by various Oshawa, simcoe-sgt, ..... %..,225 00 methds numeati- th folowig-1Peterbaoro, George-st ...... ...... 2 7'2 5 metod eunertig hef l 'lig:Peterboro. Trinity ...,............141.00 Reduction in nuiuber of teachers, Picton ........................140 by increusing the enrolment in the' Port Hope ................ ...... 1(8.50 cl's-rom, cclraio o ppîs Fenelon Falls...... ...............100o.00 clas-rýonis aceleatin f ppil,ýCanipbellford.................... 100.00 elimination of position of attendancel Rawdon ........................ sq.14 ofiicers, su,perintendent of schoolS, Trenton, Wesley................. 80.00 miusic supervisor and art supervisor, Oshaýwa, Ring-st ................. 77.06 Hlavelock............. .......... _75.00 no free supplies, tuition fee for Cbre........................ 75.00 outside pupils of $45 and raise age Whitby........................... 7.0 of admission te six years. Stirling------ --,-- .....................67.75 Orono.............. ............ 65.90 Schemes Proposed woodiville......................... 60.00 Wellington.............. ........60.00 If these scheines were adopted 11n Tweedl................... .... 64.00 an average city of 10,000 lie estirs- Consecon................. .. .... 50.00 ated that the reduction in expendit- aastleton ................52.41 ure woul'd he $42,050 a year, made Trne ~l...............,.... 53.00 Tyrne....... ...*...........580 upasfolos:Hastings ........................50.00 Reduction in number of tsîachers.......... $22,ý500 Aceleration of pupils .... 4,050 Attendance officer..........900 t Superintendent of schools. . 3,500 FORMER BAY 0F QUINTE Music supervisor...........1,8001_____PREACHERS Art supervisor . ..........1,8001 Free supplies............. 3,500 4 Rev. Peter .Addi.son Once Stati'oned Tution fees............... 1,600 ini Newcastle. Raising age of admission,.. 2,4001 "The rnethods submit'ted to reice Froi a vale in Wetmoreland to ecoaiony have been chosen with that Canada came two yout'hs, one, Ed- idea in minid and have net been ward Cragg, who died at Calgary chosen with the idea of increasing last October, aged 94, and the other, efficiency," be said. "Since 1914 Peter Addison, who saw his 92nd taxes of ail kind hlave increased andi birthday ia December last. Both many new forms of taxation havel I re Methodist circuit riders- and been imposed, while týhe taxpayer 1hv preached effectively within the year after year hias becomie less able yeans. Rev. Edward Cragg hailed to pay. As a result of the action of from Kendal, the chie' town of the the governrment in reducing schl 1,sbire. Rev. Peter Addison was ýborn grans, he local district wvill have at Leven, eleven miles away, an~d of- to raise larg-er amounts. This wil ten came to Kenaal to market.. chiefly affect those districts carry-ý There must be somebhing about the ing on secondary education, as the Lsake Country climate, or about th'e greater reduction applies to Higb ftinerant ministry, t expa their school teachers."i lives. Ed-ward Cragg sang at the Are Not OverpaidY funeral service of King Williami IV, began preaching in Ontario in 1854, According to the speaker littie re-i superannuated in 1891, and complet- lief could be expected frein a reduct- cd homestead duties in Alberta in ion in teachers ' salaries althougb 1913. these had increased practically 50 per Peter Addsion, with mod'esty bo- icent. since 1915. 'The ýteachers did hefwr~ertU ohn not appeagr to be overpai'd at the coighi e years epr tcellinschoo- preenttua _h.wever, wýhen their houses and at camp meetings in On- salaries were compared with those taio, but was able to deliver a vig- paid in other vocations. He pointed oossrini oot nhs9n out that if a reduc'tion la sal aries borou sroni Trnt i 9n wa ndeAlberta wudlose birhday of its, best teachers, as castern partsi "h oeoigi a- of Canada were now paying morel en froin the Methodist Clip-Sheet ofi tlhan the west. iMarch lst. Both of these Nonagen- Dealing with the acceleration ofý arians were nienibers for many yearsi pupils through the -rades he ment-I of this Bay of Quinte Conference. rays. One miethed waz .iy one grade in a room he claimed that one d hanie 45 pupils, in- 'r of several grades with er results. This woualc umber of roomis an'd iired. , This means was ýon according to ment- -ill pupil would not thon ýht pupil, and hoe pointedi .y tcime a pupil was re- year it cost $81 in pub- )r $189 in the Hligh .third method was by pupils in good healil nbining Duties hat a saving could ho1 ýaralry of the attendancel 'ns and cities bhv roniii fcer, theiýby By makir. hi school reep( JPosition of .s might be ab( positions of n a switeh on a Moffat Electic Range, in- ;he wires, coiled l+u. the burner plate, be- at. In no time, they are red hot!I Without n, the elements in M1offat Ranges are the eating elements to 'be found on any range. increasing enroinient froln 30 to 45 expenditures for~ teach1ers' salarie, would be decreaseci by 33 1-3 per' cent. and a similar saving could alsoi be made in classrooins. Tuition fees was another method of equalizing the school tax burden.1 Municipalities -were called ïi, 'nt educate large numbers of pupi.ls froni outside the district ansd he claimed this was a duty which should be as- Sumed by the state. How~ever, the district could be afforded consider- able relief by charging tuition fees of $45 a year to each'of the pupils. Days Are Reduced sohea a ver, su~ tii -re-, ase E ,nal hu ýrdîna nce c aIlledu for L 210 uûteach- Ys in the year, this had been 200 in most places and now it rY difficuit to get in the 200. rgested that the department .0 examination -alter July 1. 1case the departmnent would psy for the examinations and sors, while under the present the destrîct pays for this. By the examninations in July the districts -would get more value ýi money. ugh the age of admission, aic-ý to the scshoel ordinance wasl irs, many scheols admitted at five an'd one-haîf ycars. A could ho made by holding t of admission as set eut in the ce.1 neen uone. ed! Jt's a treat to xwateh Moffat Element On the snap of the switch a faint pink ie black wire elements e\renly all over the ?he pin'k intensifies and rapidly becomes a red. Full heat alrnost before you know d can boil over or you cau spili water on a Aement without doing the least bit, of We will gladly demonstrate this to you. HYDRO SI 9, 359w.j GREAT SALE RANGESI To make roomn for spring and summer goods we are clear- ing out our entire stock of Coal, and Wood Ranges at SWEEPING REDUCTIONS The prices will sur- prise you. Corne in and see for yourself. .Mason & DaIe's Hardware 145 Bownianville Lf C. M. Cawker & Son E. F. Weekes R. Walton jPhone 62 Phone 226r4 Newcastle New things te wear at prices with. in every womian's reaeh. See theni et Couch, Johnston & Crydemman's. Coats show unusual versatility featuring sleeves, collars, decorations and fastenings. They cannot fail to win your mmmediete favor. N'ow on display at Couch, Jolinston & Cry- derman 's. EM~0ORRN 010$ Dontsuffer another daY with IthnBleeding, or Protruding H !5ies o r Heorrhohds. N surgical operation roqired. .Clhase's Ointmecnt %vilI relleve yoeu at once and afford lasting benefit. 60,- a box; al dealers, or Edmanson, Dates & Co., m i

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