flAKfLNUr,, .N.v a BOY time ger to ar 504L0V ume 14> go spelîs would come very nervous and and truly, this -oubles was niaking ut Dreco by some ho had rec,ived in it and fromn the treatnent 1Ibegan. y8,, fLL, Lruggists 1 ___________ 1 int a leading specifilc by n of wornis, Motbcn SI o Ik puts body d in Boi Kerslaký a good me. Only the uninfornied endure the agony of couns. The knowing ones aIPPly Holloway's Corn Remover an'd get relief.1 Té -ZUTOO TABLWr .»d la a0 ZUOO wm sqp 7 ne, jRo Nommee, O e «14.4-4 î miuhte.hytheel«k . e.ed ýes nori gathel ,died by Lydia- S Vegetable iound started with crampsý pains at tise ageo rould getso0nervous rin bedai-d 1had 3taken ham'u s nil tl-so Mr. J. W. Scott, Listoviel is a great pleasure to us to re îsh froin Listowel Banner thik ka part of the sketch it ga-vEî week of one of Durham's mosi essful's sons-Mr. J. W. Scott, n we have known by reputation 1870 through the Halsteads who mnew intimiately. Like the write:, Scott has travelled far and wide. by us, coveted trip Mr. Sco,tt Scott and daughter in the win- )f 1912 made thc Mediterranear to Jerusalemi, Jericho, up 'the to Assam, being absent four ýhs. Mr. Scott has outlived his :ation sand fn-w pensons nowý liv- n Darlinglton will rememnben hini. onlyV two citizens of Bowmnan- -who approach any ways near his ?,re Mr. John McMurtry and Mr. *. Couch, the latter stili active in less. The sketch of Mr. Scott's u- follows: J. W. SCOTT' IN HIS 89th YEAR, STILL ACTIVE IN BUSINESS Promissent As Ctzn Merchant and Banker-Enjoys Good Health. Mn. Scott was bora tItis side of Tooley's MHii a haîf mile on the nontb aide of the Provincial Hlghway opposite to what was known as the "Halfway HRouse" betwieen Bownian- ville and Osha-wa on the farnm now occupied by Mr. Hanry -Phair. The Listowel Banner of Fe-bruary 21st., gives a lengthy sketch fromn which we take the-se exccrpts: Mn. J. W. Scott, Listowel, no-w in bis 89th year, wvas re-elected Presi- dent of British Motgage Loan Coin- pany at an-nual meeting hcld in offi- ces of Company, 27 Downie Street, Stratford. Since the formation of the com- pany 46 years ago, Mn. Scott has continuously served as a directon, and for ten or twelve years has 'been honored with the position of presi- ssucceas wbich the Conipany attàined, is attributed i-n no meas3ure to the great intere-at n in its affairs by Mn. Scott, ,he confidience whicb he eujoys ýanicial circles. epast year bias been the bestb 2 company's histony, both as, toý ncrease in assets A~d in carn-c a man of bis age Mn. Scott is ýonally keen mentally and a a nemankaîbie interest la busi- affaira. The splendid health he enjova îa m-ost Inaussal and- carei ýxcessect eco rowV, r( i fe-w years ince Mnr. Scoi , He bas hat tume an, miany eu )c )NUMENTAL ART WORKS ESTABLISHED 1857 imrnPter direct of SCOTCH AND SWEDE GRANITES ansd oniy thse best grades of , a ine.,ns UJ. i thecoln- 'al more, chaininan of the boand for a nun-sen of a charter memben of the ade. -Scott cam~e to Listowel 1860, it was a pretty Hie was induced to lo- by an old. f iend Mnr. ead, aniother Darlington ýr of the late Mns. Par- ey wife of Mir. Thomas ter whoni Bradley's namced. These two ,usiness as parners in a 3t null and general store. years tb-ey scpanated Scott had cleaneid up a unm as a utenchant, and ont, cstablishcd a pnii- n Listowvel, and it j.,in ion that he has been more associatcd with the pub- he commuifl.,1 with wh'ich his son, Mr. N. L. ScoVt" s local manager. To the crecit of Mr. Scott it can be said that during ail his years a.si a.banker hie enjoyed the confldencel of the conrnunity, and while other private banks were getting into diffi-1 culties and closing their doors, faith f the public in the private bank of [. W. Scott neyer wavered. Mr. Scott also had private banks in Palmerston, Atwood and Cliffox'd, nd with Mr. Halstead, was interested In others at 'Mount Forest, Wingham -J Living mas,,difibig,,.o: &t Ir, Al~din lnakg Large c i ro,,duinng -oin, iitc hen. jan ry (bieebdo berooa Plan sih grade gel fWranc, gt ..e pi-J II have noticed that miany menm- a ' bers appear to be satisfied with thc ;t 9 1shadow instead of the substance, as though proficiency in ýsecret work was al that -was required to make a full - 0 >Ii ooii~ flcdged Orangeman. Pro-ficiency in' r 14c 22 iivsc r,-w.~rg sencret work has nothing to do with rngr~n, ~tc~o î ~ the outside public, who are watching ciorr, gad ceia-,c our c onduct and listening to our ex- pressions, nor -does it always affect1 e niorals. 1 would remin-d brethncn that the greatest value to our Order are r men of strong convictions who are S Duich clonfial for wide imress.ed with the necessity of an ât1aiS nsreo1 w a or. aggrcssive organization sucb as ours :~ ;îi 1~~ A n l n m e d E to u p h o ld a n d p e r p e tu a t h e r a eSdttance. n ciples whieh have been handed doçwn Price. laludfsaait luimber cu oft to us froin our ancestry anti purchas- urade lnterior woodwork. sidin,,e flori,,g, wirn. cd at such al price. Let us not tlows, dooss. glass, paint,. hsrdwàre, nails, break faith norplca ovlutn 7ofinl. ;th complete ianto,ud daw.plc so vlato 1ngs. Fr'lKht -'ada to -our sin Pe'.,,anent on our inheritance, for those who Hores-NO? P<ORTADRLE. Many etyles to have paid the price appeal1 to us toi ehcs. fromn. Write todey for~ FREEDuny take the torch and hold it higb. T i lg C aadin a ddi Ne, .. A271ite - W e have no quand lwith fthc in- Th adadin uldin?Cono. , Lîit dd al Romanisýt; we freely granti M ad i n uil i n g T o o n t , O t .h u m a il th e lib e 'rty a n d p n iv ile g e s ____ ______ that xe enjoy, and desine to live on the most friendly teris, but we will and Shelbourne. The ,,,ank In Lis- not tolerate ant impositionh ithier by towcl was -cstablished in 1872 andi hirs or his managers'. W. Bro. forlon yens id usiesswhe th Swain said the ad'dress of the Grand only other chartered n1 in Lis- Master of British Amenica in the towcl -was the bank of f iaitn ie last Gran~d Lo-dge report should be was one of the originiators of the read by every member; and the Morris Piano Comipany, (i-n whi ch Orange' Centennial Fund. somie Bowmaýnville tie5-wmm- terested.)IlwrIn Oriange History There is no) largen pruppertir holder W. Bro. Creighton Dcvitt, Counlty in Listowel to-day t han Mr. Scott, ertrgv i it nulr- whose taxes arc also the highest and port syiga27ecabisdsites annuiae- aniount yeanly to over $1800. He pontjsowing 2 cadidiate nitiatrein holds consideraible -pnoperty also i oin ed by ceL.Ntif915catead rein- Palmerston, and pays there close to statd. L.O. L.Ngeso 915 was reg- the sanie amiount in taxes. In Tor-.. id. Oraneism he aizd isorotet onito lhe has opened three sub-divi- ana poterotesane igfornth sions, the first fifteen acres in di- ,d efec ftePoetn eiin mension, and the others twenty- 'the maintenance of civil and religious seven andi fifty-one. The original .freedoin and the unity of the EWi- pnice of the second was $50,000. He pire. Bro. Devitt gave an ýexcellent stili retains fifty-one acres of the his-torical sketch of the Or-der, whicb more necently opened sub-di-vision oiginated in Exeter Cathedral, Eng- ~a~ha'i lao ',,asnho c,,,n.+ ý 1 land, iinediately aften King Williami un-drcd years >(w encircles r esidence of Mn. Bismarlc street, aud, and shielded SI was built-, andi bas been ocý lý even since. i Mns. Scott have y, includiug an several trips to auadi*an West. nily cousistsiof IM Pasadena, C(lifo PAIN IN HIS SIDE IS NOW ALL GONE Ontarîo Man Pleased With The Resuits- Obtained From Taking Dodd's Kid- ney Pis. Mr. John. F. Pain telle of relie-f from suffering and gladly adviues ,thea.s to try Dodd'à Kiduey PHIL. Minett, Ont., Marchi 10 (Special). _MIr. John F. Pain, a well-lcnoewn resident here is veny satiiallet with! - ite tae; - c - 11TOTI "1 had been getting very lo'w andi ott, barrieter of Listorwel, and Mr. feeling hardly able to do any work, *L. Scott, manager Bank of Mon- w th pains~ in my side"', Mr. Pain ca. Anotherr son, Waldron died states. "I got hold of one of youx hen seventeen. Alm-anacs and read it, then senti Mr. J. W. Scott is the only sur- foir six boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pilli. ving mnember of a family of zev-en. After taking three 'boxes mny pain _____________________left me and 1 can do a lot of work.J 1-- always keep some of your pills oni i'ou are 'lot hand". ouas h Mr. Pain's troubles came from the CZ M ~iae's Oint- kidneys. Dodd's Kidney Pillsa ct ment for Eczemna andl Skia Irrta- directlyo h idneys. They -put mtiolis. i relieves nt once and gradu- ail y he'als tle skia. Sample box Dr. them in shape to strain the unie as'e's (ýilltn,)ent free, if you mention titis acid out of the blood. Without uric peýr aifd s,>id t2o_ stamp for postage. Soc. acdn odtheca be o )x; ail dealers or Edmanson, Bates Co, * idinthef o sciatica en rited, Toronto. huaimoscti. Put Dollars In Milk Pail FEED PURINA COW CHOW AND LOWER COST 0F PRODUCTION This is no idie talk and many dairymen are proving daily that cow chow is mnaking big profits for them Try one bag and you wl be convin- ced ............................ .....$3.50 for 100 ILs. Ask: for bookiet "Profits from Dairying" Keep your stock in condition by f eeding them Woodhouse Stock F'eed, Fresh Fish Just Received 9IrARRF% PHONE Il# ALLIN EOWMANVILLE For One Cent jý - COUNTY ORANGE )LODGE j West Durham County Lodge at Orono At the annual meeting of the County ;Oinge Lodge of West Dur- ilam, a; Orono, these officers were electeil ony MscStanford Swain, L. O. L. 133, Biirkcton; Dep. C. Ml., Hartwcll Lowery, 405' Ken- dal; County Chap., A. A. Colwill, 265, Newcastle; Rec. Sec'y., *Creighton Dcvitt, 133, 'Burketon ;Fin. Scc'y., ErnestPatterson, 4t9, Orono ; Treas. Jam-ýnes Byers, 133, Blacksto-ck; D. of C., Col. Wm. Farrell, 764, Tyrone;- Lcct., George -Morton, 409, Orono; D ep Lect. for Cartwrght, WLm. i Hooey, 764, Tyrone; Dep. Lcct., fori Clarke, Ralph Stutt, 409, Orono. 1 These officers werc installed byý Past County Master Bro. Thos. Pat- terson, L. 0. L. 9)15, Orono. 1m Reports of County Master and County Secrctary show the Order toý be flourishing. W. Bro. Stanford Swain rcviewed the work of the year. Re said: BowmanivilleCBranch, i, icJcstock Branch, - - - - Wewcastlc and Newtonville Branches H. W. E.A. Pxc The World's Richest Man Can't have better Floors than YOU Can~ NATURE producca thse best of all flooring material--hardwoodl1 In point of beauty it is irreproachable. In convenience and durability it stands alone. Money canniot bey sny other material so suitable for flooring as hardwoad. SEAMAN-KENT HARDWOOD FLOORING givea you a floot wýth a smootis and eilky finish. It is perfectly matched-it ia scientifically kila dried-it is tongued and grooved on aides andl ends sa exactly that a perfect and permanent Boor results, If you are building sec that SEAMAN-KENT FLOORING la useri. If you have rooms in your house with rougis uneven floors-measure them-ask us for estimates. You wll bc delightfuily aurprised what little cost la ln-,olved ini transfonniing thtese rooma by the laying of hardwood floowrs. SEAMAN-KENT HA1RDWOOD FLOORING 15 made in Plain Red Oak, Quarter Cut White Oak, Maple, Birchi, Beech--and eac.h bas its own individual Character and beauty, SEAMANKrnT BMARDWOOD FLOORIl NG. 'Local Dealers McCIeIIan& CQ., Ltd. Biowmanvillé, Ont. .nrnuviuii .e ,A P I R I N Beware of Imitations! Unless you sec the "Bayevr Cross" on p'ackage or on tablets youl are not get- ting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe by millions and presýcribed by, rhysicians over twentyý-thre-e years for Conds fleadae Toolthiache Lmbg Neuritis 1,1heuni tisin Neuralgia Paý*in, Pain Accept "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" oniy. Eaehunabroken package coatains proven directions. Randy boxes of tweîvc tiablets eost few cents. Dru,,- gists also sl boUles of 241 and 100. Aspirin is thie trade mnark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaceticacidester 0f a 'i PMOSPHOD1Ný The OD Great Englisk Preparatiou. lEons and invigorates the whoe nervous system. makes new Blood in old Veins. Used for Ners'ous Debility, Mental andl Brain Worry, Oesp ndee os fs5e , Palpitation of ts Jlat iling Memory. Price $2 Pee box, 3 for $5.* Sold by ait druggiss, or saled in plain- plg, n recipt f price. New pamphitt mailed: rce. TuIE WOOO MEDICINE COTORONTO,ONT, SKATING Band at TAYLOR'S ARENA Bowmanville Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evenings CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Double Track Route Bteen Montreal Toronto Detroit Chicago Unexcelled dinng car servce.' Sleep. ing cars on night trains and parlor Cars on the principal day trains. Full information from an y Ganà Trunik Ticket Agent or C. E. D.oin- ing, District Passenger Agent, Tor- onto. J. H. H. JURY, Agent Phn. 78 B.wsaunvile obtain a fi. BOUNSALL BowmanvlHe,. -Vs Box 54 N NATIONAL RAILWAYS COLONIZATION SM HELP. y'ou mç&Y - A6 M J%6 'H4013 AskX for a trial package today. Delicious I Economnica1! Banking by Mail NYand varied are the types of men who conduct teir banking with The Standard througb the post, Busy men wh~ li e far away from any bank find thai Our plan of banldn5 by mail saves themn making special trips to town, a.nd îs satisfactory in every wa.y and quite simple. We pay interest at current rates on such accountg Write or cali for full particulars. Sq;TAé&NDARD BANK 0F CANAD