Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Mar 1924, p. 5

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LEt, M. PPE"ALEX ELLIOT Your Favorite Pattern In Beautiful China You will have little trouble in finding your favorite pattern from our large selection. We have LIMOGES CHINA INDIAN TREE CROWN DERBY Also a very pretty assortment of Odd Cups and Saucers from $1.00 Up. ALEX ELLIO T jewerIy Shoppe Bowinanvflle Fresh, Juicy, Tender FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY Try some of this pork and you will find quaI- îty is not sacrificed altho' prices are low: Fresh Pienie Elams or Shoulder (hock off) 10e lb. Back Shoulder .....................1......... .. 4e lb Sîde of Pork ................ ....................-14c lb Loin of Pork .....................16e and 18e lb Leg of Pork ................-...........18e and 20c lb ALL-MEAT SAUSAGES Special this week only, regular 20c lb for 15C lb YES, WE DELIVER ONCE DAILY G. A. Edmondstone Phone 21 Bowmanville Can't Eat Corbett' s Baked fresh daily-of a uniform goodness, ,ered to you in the same sweet satisfactory in which it leaves the oven. Corbett.-'s HigJb e Bread is making friends~ rapidly. It will gle up to your appetite in quite friendly fash- f you allow it. We Seli Wiîlard's Ice Cream Wedding Cakes a Specialty W. .Cobt (Suceessor to Thomas Tod) ýr and Confeetioner Bowmanvil' btrical Work- We instail and repair ail kinds of Electrical Equipment Our prîces are right, our work guaranteed Let us give you an estimate on your work. owmanville Electric Shop A. E. BROOKHAM, C. R. Proprietor one 289J Box 332 13, 1 924" sweet tender' s week only o Wear at PrI ' reacl.i. ston & Crydt VE 'OLDE JEWEL.RY FOR SALE-Fanm for sale or rent-one hundred acres iu the township of Dan- lington. For particulars apply te M. -AMBITIOUS MEN F. olis163 1Bleecken,-st., Toronto, Ont.______ HOUSESWFOR SALE-Double . rc $25.00 To $60.00 Weekly residence, witb al modern conveniences, seven r 0oons lu ea eh dwelllng. For ternis -h ok o mi ae çle an d atticuars addrcss box 340, Bow- h okfrsiaiwgswd o manville. 10-tf cati get the above mnoney casier? Our FreeEmtpîcynient Departnrients report FARMI FOR SALE-100 acres cholceî many posiions for mnen whio wiil qualîfy soul, eue mile fron iNestîcton Statio0n, I as l1fotor Mechanics, Gas Engincers, Cartwright Township, large brick bouse. Cha uffcirs, Eiectnicai Battery or Weld-, with furnace, barn- 150 feet long wlth I ing. Expýlerts. Aiso Barber Trade. State stone foundation and cernent floors, drivei nosition desirc& Wc train you foi shed, 100 fruit trees, 1000 bcrry bushes! ihese big nioney positions and guarantee bearing. This fanm is well feuced, andSsatisfaction. Special termenis n" on. in high state of cultivati on. f ail plough- Write quicir for full particulans. Hempbill ing donc. Possession and ternis an-I Trade Schools Ltd., 163 King St. W., Tor- j ranged.' For particulars apply F. wý,! ente. Ont. Branches and Employmentr Bcacoek, Exclusive Agent, 114 Croad- Service, coaISt to coast lu Canada and, view Ave., T'oronto. 3-tri United States. 1- , I G.N. Thurston Announces LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Read the adts-it pays. Miss Margaret MeMurtry, Toronto, spent Sun'day at home. Miss Mildreîd Lawrie, Toronto, spent the week-end at home. What is new here is new in Paris. Diiman & Edm-ondstone Mllinery. Miss Margaret Climie, Oshiawa, spent Sunday wtiMis. F. J. Man- ning. Miss Mary McCIelInn of Toronto U.niverstye spent the -week-end at home. iting her parents, Mr. and Mis. W. Wilcox. Miss Vera Beacock, Toronto, spent the week-end at her father's, Mr. A. Beacock. Mr. Otho Brorwn of the Royal Bank Staff, Toronto, is holidaying at home. Miss Gladys Weese, Toronto, spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. H. L. Pearn. Mis. W. J. McTavish, Toronto, lias been visiting lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Manning. Mr. Sidney Chartran, an old Bo-w- manvil1e boy, bas, accepted a position at fHann's Haber.dashery. Dr. F. C. Trebilcock, Toronto, spent Sunday with bis parents, Mr. and Mlrs. P. C. Trebilcock. rMessrs. Bert and Roy Webber spent the week-end with theî r sister, Miss Ethel Webber at Peterboro. Mr. an.d Mis. H. Vickery attended the wed.ding of their niece, Miss Pearl Thompson in Toronto on Wed- nesday. Mils. W. Mcbelland and Mis. H. J. Lawry of Hamilton, spent the -week- end with their sister, Mis. J. H. Cry- derman. Mr. D. Colemnan Warnica bas re- turned from taking Iieutenant's andr Captain's courses at tlie Mîitary Col-] lege in Montreal. His many fîiends in this district will regret to leain that Mr. W. J. Inch, Weston, is seriously iii at bis home fiom pneumionia. The spirit of Spring ia spreading in every depaîtisent with new goods. You are invited to inspect tbem. Coucli, Jolinston & Cryderman. Mis. J. Hamilton Batemnan and Miss Gladys Bateman are 'visiting the f oimei's sister at Rochester, Mînin. Mi. Bateman accomipanied them as far as Toronto. $1.00 spent in adverticing in The Statesman last week sold over 100 ham's. It paid W. J. Dudley to'ad- vertise and it always pays the subi scribers -Le read the advts each week. Copanions of the Forest will hold a St'. Patrick Progressive Euchre on Fîiday, Mardi 14 in the Foresters' Hall. Admission 25c. Good prizes and refresbmnen:ts. Everybody wel- comie. -Executive meeting of ]Bowmanville Chatnber of Commerce wilI be hield i Coiincil Room to-night (Tburs-, day), at 8 o'clock. Consideiaible business and plans for annual meet- ing will be disýussed. Mr. and Mis. G. A. Edmondstone entertained the members of the Bow- manville Junior O. H. A. hockey teami at Veir home on Scugog-st. Wednesday evening. Tic boys re- port a riglit jolly evening and a supper fit for a king. Miss Petrie of the Bloston Schlool of Expression, will be the reader at St. Patrick's entertainisent i St. Paul's Lecture Room on Mon'day evening. Good musical progiam1 by oir besu talent. Refreshments served. Admission 25c. Mis. M. A. James gave a birthday dinner at borne Villa on Wednesday,l Mardi 5, to the mernbers of lier fam-1 ily in town an~d a few friends. She also received over fifty messa]ges of congratulation firom childien, grand-ichildren and other relatives and friends in Canada, United States and Englanrd and desires tiîough hils medimi to sincerely thank one and ail foi their very kînd words and good wishes for ber future welfare. Two weeks ago mention was made1 lin The Statesman of G. A. Edmond-1 atone, butcher, Bowmanville, rcceiv-1 îng an order from Denver, Colo., through bis advt in hils paper. lin acknowýledging îeceipt of the parcel Mr. Richard Hoskin under date Mardi Sti 'writes: "The ham, bacon and cream 1 have îeceived ail in ex- cellent condition. The last was a fresh and swcet, to my surprise, asi the day it was potted, in spite of its delay in delivery after it reached Denver". tDingmnan & Ednmiondstone Hats wil 1 set tie Spring vogue. Haberdashery THE SHOP.THAT LEADS Bowmanville WRIGHT-In Cartwright, March 21d., to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wi'right, a daughter. GRIFFIN-In Bowniianvi!Le, Feb. lOth., to M1r. and Mrs.. Griffin, a daughiter. LUXTON-In nlowi-alnville, February 2,to M-àr. and Mrs. S. P. Luxton, a daughiter. STA RK-In Bowmanvilie, on Thursday Mairch 6,2, to M.and Mrs, J. Stark, a daiughter. H-ALWELL-In B3owmanville Hospital, Lfarch 5. to _Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ilai-, well, a daughiter. MATH ESON-Ini Bowmnanville, Fei). 22, 1924. to Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Matheson, C2arlisie Ave., a son. MARRiAGES DRUMM-HARRINc3TON-At Toron-' to, on Monday, March 3,at 1Lady of Lourdes Chureh, Anna Mercedes daugli- ter of Mr. Chiarles,1Harrington, to John Edward Driïmmij- of Cobourg. DEATHS LAWSON-In Toronto, March 11th., Joseph Lawson, aged 85 years. Funleral fromi the residlence of his son-in-latw, M1r. Jamnes Souch, Odell-st., Bowmanville, on Thursdlay, Mfarch 1I3th - at 1.30 p. m., to Orono Cemietery. FREI'JCH-lin Oshawa, Marclb 4 >1924, Carpus S. F0renchi, aged 78 years. McCANN-In Hopte, March 5, 1924, Thomnas H. MeCann, in lis n year. WALTERS-At Whitby, 3farch 11, Margaret, widow of the late Henry Walt- ers, aged 79 years. MAYBEE-lin Hope, ilarcli 5, IHannahl Mc(,Elroy, buiovedI wife of John W%. May-ý bee, agedI 79 years. BRITTAIN-At 4416 Greenwood Ave.,~ Chýicago, Ili., March 5, D12, Benjamin Brittain, agedI 76 yas WRIGHT-In Cartwright, on February ,ý 1924, joseph Ross, youigest sod of ittbs. AL L IN-mi Linldsay, at the home of bis daughter, 1Mrs. David, Stevens, on Sunt- dIay, March 2_, Jon Allun of Orono, ae 86eas GARRATT-On Sunday, March 2, at Wellington, John Garratt, aged95eal il. mlonthis, 15 days. Unilcie0f Ilr. S S. Edsall. BDowmaniville. REYNOLDS-At 92 Clinton eSt., T-: onto, March 11i, Rev. ChiarlesW.Ry nioids, in bis 58thi year. Brother of Mr. Edwýýin Reynolds, Bowananville. WIOKETTýzAt Little Britain on Sun- day, March 91 1924, Williamn Wickectt,: aged 77 yeas,4 ionth> Fat, o late Rev. W. T. Wcet Tyrone. MvANN-In1 Coboconk, on Monday, Marchl 10, R'ev. Jamnes R. Mantrn, in bis1 6rd year. Brother of Mr. D. Rl. Mann, Bowmianville. Inered atBaltimore, Ont., on Thursdlay. BRiMACOMBE-At the residence of, his son-in-law, Mr:-~ Thomas Stapleton, 823 Simcoe-st. S., Oshaw,,ýa, on Friday,l Mlarch 71, 1924, George Brirnacomibe, form-1 eriy of Bowmlanville, in is 911st year. OAV EY-At 38 Lower Union St., 1-Ming- ston, on Friday, Februairy29 Emiiyý Spencer, beloved wfeof ak DaveY, aged 69 years. -Mother of 1r. arry Spencer, Toronto, forinerl"y of BLowman- ville. Wl NDATT-A,%t bis late residence, 657 WTellington Crescent, Winniipeg, Man.,, March 5, 192,4, after a long illness, WVil-ý liamt Andrew Wlndatt, eldest son of thel late Richard W'indatt of -Bowmianviile, Ontario, aged 64 years. LOS T OR FOUND WATCH LOST-On MtondlayMch3 a ady's gold wrist watch. Rewaývrd for returti to Miss Raynes, . Weliagton-st.,l Bowanville. 12-tf TO LET TO RENT-PFurnished apartmnent, four roomes and bath. Possession May lst. Apply P. O. Box 342, Bowmanvîlle. 10-2w FOR RENT-Parm to rent or let oni shares. Apply to Chas. M. Deýan, Bur- keton, Ont. 10-3w* ARTICLES FOR SALE CHILD'S GO.CART FOR SALE-In good condition. Apply to Mrs. A. D. Me- Donald, Concession-st., BowmanvlUe. CAR FOR SALE-1920 Overiand Car, Ini good condition, cheapi. Apply Duncan Smith, Lovers' Lane, Bowmanville. 9-tf FOR SALE-Quantity 2-rowed Barley and Banner Oats. Apply to Howard Couch, R. R. 4, Bowmianville, phone 146-12. 12-tf BABY CARRIAGE FOR SALE-In good condition. Apply to Mrs. R. E. Ya tecs, 2 Liberty Place, Bowmanivîlle. 10-tf FOR SALE-Tw.o imulch cows. Also a number of barred rock cockerels. W. G. Werry, R. R. 6, Bowmanville, phone 160- 1,3. 1-1w FOR SALE-A few Rhode Island Red Cockerels. Guild's Laying Strain. G. Somierscales, R. R. 2, Mapfle Grove, B3ow- manville. 11-3w, FOR SALE-A Young Toulouse Gander or would exchange for a goose. Apply to Roy Truli, R. R. 2, Bowmanville, phone 176-14. 10-2w COWS FOR SA LE-2 good cows, 1 rbrindie, renewed March 11, 1 Jersey and Holstein >due to renew March 21. Both quiet and rella-ble. Apply t. Bert Cur- is, Wharf Road, Bowmanville. il-tf B3ABY CHIX AND DUX-Start right this seýason by ordering Chix froin our fanions -Niagara Strains wvith Hogan test- ed High Flock Average egg producing percentage back of them. 100% lve ar- rivai1 guaranteed. L. J. Stewart, Grims- by, Ont.« 11-1 FOR SALE-6 direct Ferris White Leg- horni Cockerels, 260-360 egg strain; 2 $Day IFBargains$ __For On ,eý. Week Business has been good, but o-ur stock must be cleared even quicker than it has been. So down goes the prices again, which should now compel you to buy. Ail thought of profit is wiped out-as far as we are concerned. Getting rid of the goods is what is uppermost ii- our niinds. If you've visitedour shop corne again. If you have flot attended this Selling Out Sale corne noW. Here are a f ew of the $ Day Bargains being off ered this week: Cloth Caps, Extra Special, only 5 dozen, Regular $2.00 each, this week 139c each or 3 for $1.00 Ail1 Combination Winter Underwear left in the shop, as high as,.$.00 ai-idflot less than $2.25, this week all one price $1.89 0111ny, White Flannelette Pyjamas, each $1.0 ,4 Only, White Cotton Niglit Shirts, each $1.00 In-%isible Susp'enders, were 50c, Now 9c Bow Ties, Regular 50c, Now 29e or 4 for $1.00 Ties, Regular $1.00, Now 69e or 2 for ,$1.25 Silk anci Wool Ties, Oxford Crepe, uncreasable $1.50, Now v$1.00 Men's Grey Flannel Pants, Regular $4.50, Now $3.19 Khaki Pants, only a few pairs left at $1.69 Men's Braces, 75c, 85c, $1.00,Now 39e and 59c Hosiery, Pure Si1k, Limited Quantity, Regular 75e and $1, Now 39c or 3 pair for $1.00 Mercerized Cotton Iron Sox, 5Oc and 60c, ,Now 39e or 3 pair for $1.00 Black Cashmere Sox, SPECIAL 59e ieathier Shades Cashmere Sox 69e Extra Fine Eleather Cashmere Sox 79e Collars, Arrow and Tooke, new shapes, regular 25c, Now 21c or 5 for $1.00 Handkerchiefs in packages 25c, now 5 for $1.00 Bordered Handkerchiefs, Reg 25c, Now 6 for $1.00 Jnitial Handlkerchiefs, Irish Linen, 50e and 75c, Now 39e or 3 for $1.00 Wool Scarfs, up to $2.50, Now 39e and 89e Few Wool Sweaters left at $3.49 New Spring Hats $2.69 Couple Bath Robes and House Coats, Each $7.95 D Overcoats, ail that's left $12.95 and $16.95 Silk Shirts, just a few left $3.69 6 dozen Shirts, Special at $1.39 Furs Dou-wn to $Z2.00 These prices really seem ridiculous, but we are bound to clear .out every piece now in stock. In many cases the raw skiins cost more than we are asking for finished article. 1 Child's Rat Cap with ,ear laps $5.00, .....Now $2.00 3 Child'sSe-ts, White Coney and Blue Goat $8.00 ....Now $2.00 1,Man's French Seal Cap, with peak $5.00 ...........Now $2.00 8, monrp ;IV'11QIuffs p6t"$5.0.......While .T«hey L ast $S5.00 Bell Work House>Wiring Electric Fan Electric Apparatus

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