Whispers of Sprîing Like a Breeze From theHis On a Balmy Sunny Morning- These Earl- iest of Spring Apparel Whisper the Correct Mode for the New Season Fast Approaching. Spring Coats Spring Suits Spring Dresses While official Spring is in the distance the new fashion season has arrived With Spring's first ar- rivais. In their typical Spring colors they present a Welcome relief from Winter's sombre shades. The modes are varied enough to satisfy those dis- crimin'ating women who dote on wearing the very new as soon as they are stamped as correct and released from fashion headquarters. To see them in this advanced shoWing is to be correctly inf orm- ed as to the trend of the mode, color and fabric and to be assured once more of our fair prices. An early inspection of the New Spring Styles is invited, S.W. Masonl% & SoÉjn Dry Goods and Ladies' Ready-To-Wear Bowiuanville Ontario Harbingers of Spring The New Spring Pootwear has arrived and -many are already looking around f or the new things. Your inspection is invited any time and we are sure we have the goods that will please the most discriminating buyer. A f ew suggestions gi'ven below will give you some idea what we have Ito offer. Men's Blaick or Brown CalE Boot as shown la eut, with welt- ed soles and rubbei beels at $8.50 pair Sanie shape la Oxfords la Bllack or Brown, $7.80, $7.50, $8.00 pair Black and Barown Boots, with round tees, the kind you always like froua $4.50 to $7.00 pair Women's Brogue Oxfords, Black and Brown, witbhaavy weit, soles $5.50 ta $7.75 pair Black and Blrown Oef Ox- fords- foi street or business use .....$4.50 to $5.00 p 1air Sandal eats andi cut eut pattern-- la stiap lippers in Patent leether endi black kid with hlandi lurned soles, extra 9ood - value -.. -, -.$3 *.00 pair Low beel Slippeis and Ox- foîda in real serviceable calE or kid--- S5.0,t,*7.50 pair Pay Cash and iPay Less I W. CLAUDE % IVES ,Cash Shoe Store Bowmanville fi C. M. CAWKER & SON [eats and Groceries Bowmanville Mv the Noble farim formerly occiipied byl HAMPTON Mi. E. Farrelli.... Misa Clara Wood- ley, Peterboro, spent the week-end The prograni for the Young peop- \;ith bei mother, Mis. E. Woodley. les' meeting was prepared hy fiast _______ vice-piresident, Mis. H. Peters. Scripture lessoni was read by Mi. HAYDON Rmoa Tenity5 Tospic,"Fnd nMr. Recent visitors: Misa Dora Mount- F. J. Groat in bis usual pleasing mnan- joy, Osha'wa, visited relatives hei-e; ner abiowing the Leaguers the value Mi. F. Glithio visited friends ln Toi- of baving somnetbing to live and strive onto; Oui teacher, Miss E. Coulson, for beyond eaithly thinga. Miss Noirah la under the doctor'a care, and Mis. Horn favoied wvith a piano solo "A F. Glbert ofE Enfield, la teacbing un- mielody ofE Sacîed -Songs". Miss tii Easter.. Mr. and Mrs. H. Asbton Berthaý Sargent gave a reading. At royally enteitained the mlembeis ofE oui meeting this week Mis. W. W. the "Homre Departmient" on Tuesday Jones will give a talk on tbe mission- evening, and the young people on aîy work of Dr. Eby, the last ofE the Thursday evening.AI report a Pioneer Missionaries to Japan. Don't splendid time. Committees are et forget the collection for oui Forward work prepaîing foi a, oncert to be Movement. held at Eastei or nr't that season A very enjoyable evening wasUnder ausPices OfiE-, orth League spent in the basement of tbe chuîch ... . League on Sunday n iigbt wes on Tbuîsday, Februaiy 28tb, under againi well attended. 1 r gam Was the auspices ofE the Wonen's Insti- prepared by tbe Presi len1t. Aýfter the tute, a large number being in atten- devotional exercisea, the f llowing dance. Tbe îmeeting was opened by took paît: Bible lesson, Yr. E. f ommunity singing led by Miss MarBadley: topic, Mi. C. Avery; îead- Soucb. A recitation was given by ings, Mr. H. Ashton a i Mrs. C. Miss Mary Niddery followed 'by a Aveîy,; duet wýas splendi ully endeîed piano duet by Miss Mary Souch and by.ý Miss Mabel Beech 'and Mis. Miss Helen Johns. Mr. F. J. Theron Mountjoy. Groat, tbe chaininan for the evening, introduced Col. E. E. Snider wbo f gave a splendid addiess on "Consoli- MAPLE GROVE dcated Schools", wbicb was mucbh ap- Miss Hilda Foley spent tbe week- pieciated. A social time wes tbenen \,t.frndin0-sa ..Mss spent and iefîeshments served after edwt red l saa..Ms whicb ,lhe meeting closed by singing Margaret McKessock, Solina, visited "God Save thbe King."ý Miss Hilda Foley ........ Misa lrimra 1 j Power, Kendal, spent the week-end The _Maîch meeting ofE tbe Wom1- 1 et home .... Rev. E. B. Cooke, New- e n'a Institute was beld et the homnecastie, pîeached imost ecceptabliy to of Mia. R. Avery, about twenty be- a large congregation lest Sa' 'bath in Iing in attendance. A splendid the interesta of thre Educa.ional So- ppper on "Community Work" waa iet. Mis-ulMro, obu given by Murs. Lewis Allin also an spent a f ew days wit h er aunt, Mrs. addieas on the same subject by Rev. Snowdn. . .. Mrs. W. J. Snowden W. W. Jonies which was very much visited her son Raynond ln Toronto appîeciated by aIl. Rev. W. W. tbis w. .. . Solina Leag-ue visited Jo'nes also gave some good suggest- Oui League on Monday evning. ions for community work tbrough Splendid attendance froua both the teomiing summer. Oui nexýt Leagues. Good programi waa gîven mieeting will be beld at the home Of bv the visiting League: Bible îead- Mis. Niddery. Ail ladies eordiallv ing, Miss Ruby Dewell; îeading, Miss invited Vo attend. Loretta Naylor; two violin duets, Messrs. Norm-an and Jess VanNest, SOLINA accomipanied by Miss Annie Wi'liama; îeading, Mis. Roy Lengmaid; vocal Mi. and Mis. L. C. Paacoe, En- duet, Misa Lyda and Mr. Elgie Tay- field, visited at Miss Mary Hogaitb'a f loi, ccoinpanîed by Miss A. Wii- ....Messrs. Walter Rickard and iiamIs; Mr. Cherlie Shortîidge wasi Wesley Ashton, Shaw's, inspected 1ebairman, after wbicb oui League Bekers Sebool and visited Mr. H. E. seived refîesbments. AIl bled a good Tink . .. .Mr. and Mr§. W. T. Taylor timne. -...-Mi. John Aldworth and and family, Mr. and Mra. A. J. Bal- Master Wiifîed spent -Monday in son and famly visited at Blackstock Toronto. on, Saturday.. Mrs. Ettie Mcflougali, Bow,,ýmanviIle, viited at the Mesrs.EN SK LN F. and S. Hockaday's... Mr. P. ________LE Whitney, Toronto, spent the week at Mis. Jno. Reynolds'. ý..Mi. Jack Visitors: Miss Winnie Ashton, Reynolds wàs in Toronto over the Toronto, and Miss Reta Ashton, week-end... Mi. W. R. Westlake Scugog Island, with their parents, vlasited bis sister, Mis. L. C. Golacott Mri. and Mis. E. C. Ashton;- Mis. A. Saîm.. . i. ianReyold wet' Taylor has retu.ined to ber home in Toronto on Mondey. .'.. Mi. C. Hl Blackstock afteî a lengthy visit at Scott visited e't Toronto ...Miss ber daughtei's, Mis. S. Tiewin; Mi. Irline Argue, Toronto, 'wes home and Mrs. A. Herring and Mr. W. O. over the week-end... Mrs. Frank Heiiing spent Sunday at Mi. and Westleke bas been under the doctor's Mis. F.5 5nudden's, North Oshawa; care ... . There bas been coniderahie Mis. J. Spry bas gone to be with bier eontroveray in the Oshiawa papeis iaotbeor, Mia. Windsor, Ringwood, lately over the proposed Radial rail- who la very ill; Messrs. Roy and Bert Iway wbhethei 't will be a îeaîity or Wehber, Town, visiting theur aunt, jnot, We would suggest to then, Mia. W. 0. Herning; Miss E. Abbot; n ow that tbey bave become a city Fenelon Falls, and Mi. A. Thurston, and wish to broaden out that they Dunsford, et Mi. W. Lamnb's; Misa buy it and bave somethinz ail thei Mary Brunt, Oshawa, et home; Miss ow n instead of wenting te take away Florence Brunt visited et Mr. John the only îeilway that serves tbe cen- Shackleton's, Hamnpton; Mi. Clarke tral part of this township. Doîlend, Toronto, spent the week-end Eidad Chuîch will hold an "xAt 5at home. The sermon by oui pastor Homae" on Tuesay night, March 18 was on Patriotisua. The music by wben addresses will be given by choir was well enjoyed. At the Messrs. W. T. Taylor on Sunday cl"oseof the service a trio was given School work; Chas. S'bortridge, the by Mis. E. C. Ashton and daugbteîa Epwortb League; R. J. MVCKessock on Wiýnnie andi Reta. The choir as, Aduit Bible Class; Mis. J. Baker on well as the congregetion appreciate "The plac-e ofE the choir la the the singing ofE the Misses Ashton chuîeh ;" ?&is. I}obson on the W. M. whea tbey come home ..League S.; and others. The question of~ Wednesday evening ia charge of latý havie gan annîversary and arrange- Vice-President, Miss Aime Weiiry; ments will be considered. The l'ad- Bible îeading by Mi. Milton Stainton; les will be asked to bîiag rofresh- îeading "A quiet boni of Succeas" moents and a social tlme will be en- was given by Miss Mary Wallace;ý joyed. Everybody la invited and solo, "The Clock" was sweetlIr sung expeeted to be present bol, yong by Misa May Lamb. Ail joined la and old. the bible study on the Old Testament Report ol' Solina Scbool for Feb- Characters. Leegue closed by Miz- ruaary. Figures ýdenote percentage: pnb benediction . .. The Ladies' Aid Clas V-Ei-nest Hpckaday 78, Ruth and Choir are giving an Eastei Pag- l4IcKessock 71. Clas 1V-Noie ent "Tbe Firat Easter" (to-nigbt> Kerslake 87, Allan Beaon 83, Yar- Thuisdeay et 8 p. ni. Admission: guerite Wright 79, Audrey Short- Aduits 25c; childien 1 Se.... Mr. ridge 71. Si_1-ereKxs and Mis. Alynmer Herring enteýrtained lae76, Edgar Wright 70, Tom West- a numbler ofE their fiienda on Tues- lake 69, Helen Baker 62, Arnot Van- day evening. After enjoying theni- Nest 61, Norma Wright 60, Muriel selves to a splendid supper all an- Baker 58, Evelyn Tink 57, Madeline galged theniselves at gamnes and jokes. Truli 54. Jr. III-Ileen Balson, The pa4t~y brok up in the large1 Margaret Scott, Frank Westlake. Si. hours of the aight ..Last weak's II-Maurice Baker, Bruce Tink, cor-respondance wbicb airiveti too- Theluna GieBa, George Werry, May late for lest îssue will be found on Westlake. Jr. il-Vera Keralake, eriothai page. Jean Hogarth, Ralph Wilbur. Jr. J_ . Mr. and Mrs R. J. Luke, Kedron, Fred Wright, Stuart Hlogarthb, juby vîsited bier brother, Mr. Jas. A. Weî- Parker. Si. Pr.-Perey Westlake, ry, on Wednesday- Russel Balson. jr. Pr.--Gordon 13 Fui-Collared Coats et exactly- Wilbuî, Roacoe BakerU.halE pce. Co-h,1 Jo ston. THE TALLEUR SUIT Ta Suit Women and Mià;ses of Every Type Decidediy new is the 0'Ros- e>en type ofE suits in loveiy riaterials of Englisb Tweeds, French Tricotine and Poiret Twill. SPORT COATS Beautifuil soft mateiiais in Plaids, Checks anti 5Vripes, developed la those new Boyiah Form Sport Coats. Wonderfui assortment ofE Imiported French Twill and Tricotine Coata, la splendid range ofiecolorsaend variety ofE styles. WOMEN AND MISSES UPSTAIRS SHOPPE Phone 25J AN INVITATION You are cordially invited bo. caîl, see and try on, without any obligation whate'ver, the new modela in Spring Ap- parel now being sbo-wn in our Exclusive 'Upstair Shoppe. A remaakable collection. We are truly proud of thîs collec- tion ofE smart apparel for women, misses and chilidren. Over one hundred distinctly different models froni wlieb to choose and ail marked et sensible prices. A remaikable collection be- cause it joins the new faah- ion features with an unus- ually low price at the begin- ning ofE the seas'on. Pleated Wool Crelpe Skirts with Camisole tops at .......$4.98 Children's Coats 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 years, good assortment at the right price. C. S. MASON WaIk UpstaýIrs Pay Cash S.,'. Dollars BETTY BROWN DRESSES Snarst saappy styles for school girls, 8, 10, 12, 14 yeaîs, all new shades' in Broadella, the season's most popular Broadcloth finisbed flannel. We Specialize in Stout Women's Dresses Young Womnen andi Misses Dresses ln Crepe Satin, Flat Ciepe, Canton Crepe, al newest meterials la practicai styles et sensible prices. EXCLUSIVE WEAR FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN Rest Roozu on Same Floor BOWMANVILLE, MARCH 13, 1924 BURKETON League to-nighit (Thursday) at DARLINGTON 7.30. Missioinaîy night, in charge ofE 2nd Vice-President, Miss Florence Mi. and .Mrs. Percy Haie, Darling- Avery. Everybody, welcomre.. ton Station, were pleaaantly surpris- Next Thursday evening our Leaguers ed on Fridlay evening wben a large are to be favored with a lantern nuxnber of neighhoîs and friends met lecture entitled "Rural Cad" at their home to show%ý the esteem given by our pastor, Rev. G.]Iï.c in ýwhich they were held, before tbey Kenzie, whicbr includes sone splendid departed for their new home in 'Col- colored views of Canada. Kindly lin's Bay where Mi. Hare bas a posi- kceep this date open as th,;a lai going tion. Mi. Hare has been station to be a real treat.. Mr. and Mrs. master for the pat four years at Jamies McLaugblin visited friends in South Darlington Station. After the Pontypool on Sunday.. . Miss Suiee comnpany was assemibled a nicely Curran, Oshawa, visiting ber parents -worded addîess waa îead by Mr. Wil- over Sun'day. son Abernethy andl Mr. Angus Truli made the presentation of a Silver Tea Set. Mi. and Mis. Haie expressed TYRONE their appreciation of the guEt and kindness of their friends. The re- Miss Routley, Brooklin, is visiting maindei of the e vening waa apent in hier aunt, Mis. H. Hilîs.... .Mr. ýcontests, games and dancing. Re Moore ofE Toronto, will assist Mr. M. freshmrents, were served and an en- Sanderson at the evening -service joyable time was spent by aîî. Sunday next .... .Mr. and Mrs.- L. F. Glad to welcome 'Miss Sarah Jones Hooper entertained a nuinher of back in oui neigbborood again. She their friendc at tbeir home on Fi- la now with Mis. Roy Mveteaif...... day evenin .... Mr. and Mrs. F. Mis. E. J. Buîk bas retuîned home Moore, Bowmanville, visited at Mr. from visiting frienda in 0sbawa.. L. Skinneî's.... .Mrs. A. Sniith, Rag- Mis. J. H. Power is witb ber daughter lan,_visited lher parents, Mi. and Mis. in Rochester ... . Mr. and Mis.orn- T. Scott .... .Mrs. Wickett was calledl don VanCamp is with beri mother Îto Little Britain owing to the deatb Mira. George Stephens, Hamptn. oe br fathei-in-law, Mri. William Mi. Levi Bartlett îs visiting fie ids Wýiekett on Monday lat. .. . Mi. E. in Cartwxright. Farrell has nioved on to Mr. W. J. EBENEZER Mr. and Mrs. 0. O. Worden and cdaughters, Toronto, visited 2r. John iWordien at Pleaýsant Knoll. .... .Mîss yL.vja 0Osbor-ne oif the Italian Mission Workers1, Toronto, recently with her miother M-rs. J. Osborne ... . Mrs. A. J. Oke spent a few days with Mr. Gus Okýe and o ther friends in the city. .ý.. Mir. Jack Pickell, Michigan, at home aind with bis oister, Mis. Jack Brooks, Oshawa .... .The girls of the Sunshine Class were glad to greet Miss Lillian Hillier of Oshawa, again on Sunday ... . The educational an- niveîsar-y for this conference 'year was heldion Sunday wben Rev. E. B. Cooke of Ne-wcastle, gave two very appropriate and inspiîing addresses. Pastor W'ashington was at, Newcatle for the day... .Mr. Thos. Bickie ha purchased ýthe orchard and gaîden fari adjoining bis own property from Mr. Grant, formerly the Wm. Everson homesteaid. Mr. Bickle will occupy the stone house ... Mi. John Edgar has bought and inoved into the bouse lately occupied by Mr. W -S. Oke i/2 mile west of Courtice. j 1 Looking For Spring's Newest? New Spring Coats, Suits and Dresses For Women, Misses aïnd Children JUST ARRIVED AT C. S. MASON'S EXCLUSIVE UPSTAIRS WOMEN'S SHOPPE Announcement We have added to our staff MR. SIDNEY CHARTRAN A native son of this town and a man who has had 15 years' experience in Men's Furnishings and Haberdashery in Toronto and elsewhere. He is, therefore, qualified to render special service to regular as well as new customers who patronize this store. Mr. Chartran will be glad to meet an-y of his former friends at this store. H ANIN'S ABERDASHERY Opposite Bank of Montreal Bowmanville Week-End Special Everyone of these items are up to Cawker's shop high standard of quality. Specials for this week only: Fresh Pienî-c Hams .........................c.....1elb. Smoked Hams ................................25e lb. Peameal Back Bacon, piece.................. 30c lb. Breakfast Bacon, piece ..................27ec lb. Home Rendered Lard ............18c and 20e lb. Home Rendereci Shortening ...............15c lb. WATCH OUR WINDOW FOR BIGi MEAT "The Florence Hat Shop" Wil l ot have a formaI opening Hats Now Showing Phone 345w Florenice Beilmanii "Balsam Grove" Centre St. Bowmamvile 1- api?ýs farm and Mr. Johnsto,» on to 1