f x - With Which is [ncorporated-The Bowmanville New~ PJ1VFNF~TTT1! UTTPr~AVnE'u -u - -i .-' '.2 V Y .LVL.L731'4 V ±J4.LJIJ.J, J. 14 L> J~,kXLJ11 J.5 .L'ILiU. ~U, 1~6 Cryvderman are glad to pause in th,-e rush of Christ- friends a real o-idfashioned Merry Christmas and a - Members of the firin of Couch, Johnston & mas business to 'wish their many customers and Brighit, Happy and Prosperous New Year. Gaive Siensible and Useful Gifts This Chrisema T his is going to be one Christmas where useless gifts wf.1 be passed up. 'Why not give things that will' give pleasure and comfort to the recipient? Ouir stock -is composed oif just such goods. You wiIl find these things displtayed so that you çan take plenty of time to make your selections., We will gladly lay away anything you may select and deliver when wanted. Shop as early as possible, This list may help you in malçing' gift selections: Ladies y and Misses' C oats and zDresses Now Clearing at 25 p,-er cent iDiscount' These goods are ail new stock ai-d good values at regular prices, but the miild weather finds us wit~h more goods tha-n we usually have at this time of year. So this is your opportunity to save considerable money on a new coat or di'ess. -Think of- the acceptable gifts they would make! LINENS FOR GIFT PUR? QSES What a grand array of beautiful linens sù¶table for gifts you will find inl this departwenit! There are White Fancy Towels, the new Colored Linen Tôwels, White with Golored iBorders, Centre Pieces, Runners, Doylies, Table iCovers, Tray Cloths, assortrnent of Maderias, Embroidered Pillow Slips, Tabale Cloth Sets witb, Napkins to match. - -., LINGERIE TO HELP OUT GIFT LISTS Everybody who has seen our Lingerie is very enthusiastic about it. It- has very attractive and beautiful workmanship and so reasonably priced.~ This display includes Camisoles, Boudoir Caps, Si1k Slips ,Silk G-owns, Embroidered Gowns, 511k Bloomers, Fancy Apronis, etc. THE BABIES' BAZAAR The darling little baby always cornes first and partieularly around Christmas tîme. You will find it easy to select babys's ift here with Bootees, Kimonas, Bonnets, Toques, Bibs, Knitted Coats, Comforters, Mitts, Veils, Hose, Pjillovers, etc. WHAT WONDERFUL WOOLLENS!' Just think of the many people who will be ma~de happy when they receive a gift of these beautiful new woollehs. They are all new and just in: Sleeveless -. Sweaters, Kiddies Woollen Knit Suits, Spencers, Jacquettes, Sweater Coats in Jaegar and Brush Wool. Lmas Spirit prevails. There S, with stripes or plain in id Chamois;ette; assortment for everybody, IN 1871 1wno were but in iha found 1 lwas n Camp at H nar. nonoruJect as iew îeae been. bonored in Cane Dr. Go ggin went Wes icipai, of Port Hope Publi somne ears. IN THE EDITOR'S M2 136TH BATTÂLION REUNIQN ST. PAUL'S ANNIVERSARY A CHRITA MESG Durhani 'Over-seas Battalion Associ-4 Presicdent Charles T Paul Delightsi The Christmals Season wýith) its ation Orgauized Two Very Large Audiences. feasting and mlerrimient is with us The Queen's Hotel w1as the scëne St. Paul's congregatiô-n has been neaai.W eeisi1lec e of one of the miost imipressive re- highly privileged in 'baving thie flectedi froim- the mlany happy faces unions that has or ever wil 'be heid brilliant schoiars and preachers of as they pass us by. There seemis to in Port Hope, when the ex-memibers the first rank who have preached onlbeauibtiele agic in the air that of the 136th Durhami Overseas Bat-' spec1a1 occasions in recent years. I talion C. E. F. sat at a banquet oni worJhy succession to these camne is epese y erte ancaP Friday evening,, Dec. l4th, and aj Sursday the Rev. Charles T. paul, ani a warmer weicome. royal reeunion it w-as. MV. A., F. R. G. S., President of the What a joyous gladsone 1ring there Officers, o.Cmisoe Offi-Colege of Missions, Indianapolis. is to that good oid-fashioned wishl cers and m-en of the Battalion gath- Indiana, to preach on the occasion of 1o MryCrsmstltw e ered together fromr points scattered the eighty-inith aniniversary.f"MryCitea"thtw gt ail over'the Province betweven Ring-I fromn our friends. "The sanie to YOU s~o an Ln.dn o clerate nd -i Psident Paul, learned sholar,lad any Ltewecerul ganize the above "A;ýssociation." accomplished linguist and worldj Battle4c'arred warriors and wa- traveler bas the1 gift of eloquent aswer back,,witb -a spairkle in the riors who were fortunate enough to speech as notable for limpid elear- eye.aso bie left on service in Canada ]nnManly ness of thiought as for charmn of For Christmias is the one seao cases, met for the flrst time since the graeful diction. The strength and that takes us awvay from the bicker- battalion was deleatedi in 1916, and earnestnessof bis personality is dis- nsadar obuieanfls talked of their experiences and of coverabie beneath the well-fitting îg m ae fbsnsadfL fond memiorie-k of coniradeýs who mnantie of gentle winsoi-ieness, IIowl our- bearts with humian lc>ve andi un- were left in tfle fieids of Beigiul, lbe delights to recaîl that ]ownian- derstanding and sympatby; and poor and Flanders, baving miade tbe ville is bis native town andi isists indeed is be whfise beart or purse supreme sacrifice. thaît the comlpanions of bis boyiiood desntr.pn oît ai al Lieut. Col. R. W. ýSmiar, Cn-shall caîl hbu by bis first name *To dosntrsodt t ai al mander of tbe battalion, fifiiled thel one who so cheri.sbes tbe meniory of Truly, althtis season, "Tbe Bethle- office of Chairniian and -Toast-Master other days it lmust have been a pleas- hemn Message", is a living inspira- la bis usual able and efficient manj- anit experience t.o h greeted by lion. lier, iliustrating the old "*Espirit'ýd brongs tbat filled tbe cburcb to over- W elw antbte. xrs Corps" by discarding ail ranks, and flowing and listeaed inteintly to every Wefewecntbeerexes issigt ai al officers and Ný C. word. our feelings and wishes to our maay 01'b dressed in the informali friends in more fitting v7ords tban ternis of Bill, Tomi or Jack, andj His miorning sermon on "Jesus the thoef orcipdTi imn wbic ordr wa cariedout to tbe i World's Authority" was a thorougbly oeo orcipe iyTml brmit by ail present througbout the convincing treaîment of the them- Dickens' delighitfu1 ats, " evenng.thea treatmient itself possessing an au- Christmas Carol". After teToast to The King bad tbloriety not uledtawhic ben 50 od BlesUs Every Onie" been drank in reai sparklîng Dry 1'i elou ntlypitr wbnotenfod Ginger Aie, two miinutes silence withmJesan ithrynu psd ligbits out was ubserved very ap- froni outside but whicb they pereeia'-J MINISTERS AND ÇMURCHES proptiately, in lionour of our falîsu ed lna Hî.- conirdes.st. Paul's Ghurcb, Rer. D. W. The budsins f raiato His evening discourse on "Christ-. Best minister. il a. ni.-"The ,?aiyi h erEe"wsa l Song of tbe Angels". 7 p. m.-"Tbe thon commiencedl an'd it was propos- lum'înating accounit of preserit conidi- Wise Men anXd the New Wisidom". ed by Major A. C. H. Long, and tions anmd rmovenients, social an'd re- Special Christma.s music". 2.30 Lieut. "Pack" Harris tbat tbis organ- iigious, in the Far East, based upon p. my.-Sunday Scbool. Special ization ho k-nown as tbe 136th Dur-1 an investigation altfirs, hand wbicb i musical Christmias service. bani Overseas Battalion Association, lha bas carriUo~dout during tbe past St. Johin's Ch-nrch, Rector, Rev. G. dtooiy on the administration:rya. I a mosbete n~-Postlethwaite, M. A. ~rait R.W.~iar rei e t.a o, »oaly report tbat theadcies witb is Avn Deceinher 2rd. 8 a. M.- H. C.Smang; VcPresidents-Hjon . "wealth of knowlege, tdeas and aîîu Holy Commnunion. il a. m.--rMorn- H. C Lo g; V ce resdeiis-- on.sions wa.s 50 luniinoifs as to delig'ht in . y ra d srm n .0 p r. 1Col. Ro4,t. Mulbiolland, Port Hope; the muost cuitured and fascinat tbhe Sin ayer and srnl9n.p.80 p. en.- Sgt. R, N. L. His, Port Hope; Sgt. sidaySchooof p.ts -Earasoa Cliff -Sainis, Bowmanville; Capt. G.,ipat fhsbt r.and. sermon. Speciai Christmas R. Browning, Toronto; Capt. A. V.! The mnusic for 'the. day wa- orthy nmusiec onsistiflg- of carols, anthems Thora, Millbrook; Major H. W. Dud- of the occasion,, worthily I4hhdered by- and solos. ley, Newcastle; Cpi. B. E. Moise, the weii.-balanýed- choir. The an- Young Paopie's Guild of the Pre. -Newcastle; Lieut. Chas. Venning, theins testifled to the weil known byterian Church met on Wednesday Blackstock; Bandsnian Reith~ Sisstrn, goût! judgmlent and skill of M4r. H. J. eveiing. The meeting was in charge Betbian-y; Lieut. G. E-dmurids, Osh- Kgligt, director. Mrs. Alexander of the M~issionary C.~omimittee w%,itb awa; Capt. W.A. G. Spriggs, Ring-,Colville's always beautiful -voiée Miss Ed>aa Jewell in the chaik. After ston; Lieu.Co. Wmi. Farrell, Ty- showvs constant iniprovemant under the opening bynin Mr, A. R. Scott, rone; C. S. M. Robt. Webster, Lake- careful cultivation. Uer solos were B. A., read the seriptui.re -leseon. field; Lieut. Col. C.,IH. An~derson, very inuch enjoyed. Mrs. C. Artýhurý Master Wilfrid Carruthers gave an Lontdon; Association Chaplain-Rev, Cawker sang "Thera is a land of purej adLress on "The Patbfinder of North <Capt) J. A. Elott, Port Hope; Delîgbt" by Prindle Scott,, in the fln- Formiosa". M'eetinag closad 'with Secretary-Treasurer...R. S. M. Geo. ished style that Bcwnianville people the Lord's Prayer. -Adkins, Port Hope. always excpect~ of her~ Mr. Asa At League Moý1(nday evening ini the It was then. proposed anmd earried Huycke's singinig of "Abide Witb Methodist Cl-urch tiiere was a Rally of unanimiously that the Second Re- Me" at the ee'ening service wa Tail ether oysours the u i Squar es u unionBaniquet bc beld in Bowman- beautifully imrTrailad Ranger . . T Te oroups, n hegilou te ville during the week of Septeinhar througbout i-the say wa 'bis halp C.GIT Te olwgyon-ei ~tbadaywas*armlyap-too'k part ina the derotional rart of' the 26tb, 1924, wbich is the anniversary preciated. ' Miss Reta R. Col pre- service, representing the differelit thebatahin eavng anaa.SQiares-Mr. Stusrt R. Jamies, Mr. Ken- ofte atlo evnCaaa siiled at the organ rery eflicently; nath Foster, sUr. ilarold GilU and Mr. This Bowmflnville coimittee was al of bier work 'was pleasiag, some Cecil Belîrnan. The iprogr'a-n waS then to lok fte th net ba- o be~ Acomaiflen in eparn1hcharge of -Nlss Gertrude C. arnleY, appointed t okatrte etbn1o ie copnmns bei arand rmusical numnbers wieregiven by Mrs. quet: Chairmian-Sgt. Samis; Mem- tieularly artistie. T. Wesley Cawker, MUiss Reta R. Cole, bers-C. Q. M. S. Perey Greenfield; - Misses Mabel Conich aa milidredl F. Cole. C. S. M. Geo. Ilumpage; Pte. Piper, The special off e$ing for thbe Reno- 1 A Chrlstmnas reading wasgie yMs Dr. . J HalewodMai Wi- vaiof Fud ws gno10t4 meBeatrice Crydermnan, ropreýsenting the C. Capt. D.B .HzevoMj i ainFn a eiru. TeG. L'T. The topie -Dickens and Christ- hert J. Hoar, and Major Dr. G . C. 'services wýýere broadcasted by theanias" wiaý'-ven by Mr,. Bruce Ingzhamn, B onnyastlo., Bowmanvihle Radio Club, and nncs- M. A., and was very enjoyabJe and pro- Tire Chairman refrred . to the sages ave been received 'froni Tor- fit -able. Mlethodist Church, Rev. S., C. Moore, good work of the cominnittea in onto, Oshawa, Coborg anrd aany B. A., B. D., Pastor. ChI-rPstmias ser- charge of the prasent banquet, ywitb otihar places gaying that tbey were vices on Sunday. Suibjects: ii a. in.- spacial raference te th~e bard work- clearly beard.- The Siit of Chlstmnas. 2.30 p. rn.- lng Secretary in organizing and Chstmdays Tre. . . W .-Seanley, roundipg up) the memba'ers of the bat- organiist, and choir have prep)ared,,the talion, an-d wbo thougb at prasenti olowing musical progzrani: hodn-a Comlnissi*oned ranik in tha AntheMni "TY BOY Mornlflgt Dhmding DURHAMulCOUNTYysBOYS Chrei stmastMorn" t'.Wwton/j DuraniRegmea, wuldalwys a - -- Solo "The Virgin's Luilaby" Mer'edli known anmd rem-iem-bere'd by theanmen Tbursday, Norember 29, a noble i Miss Margueritýe Joness of the 136tb as the popular R. S. M.' tribute was paid to a Durbani stal-1 Antl'henil to the bLord's Annointed" "Garge" Adkins. He spoke of the wart in progressive education. Dr.1I Mi Evening: good work the Battalion biad done D. J. Goggin, a Cartwright boy uiow Aitntem "!nihtest and Best- iKinder un-der bis commiand, and that hae Was of Toronto, was the giest of bonor i Solo '0 Litle Town of Bethilehi' Kndr preud to associata with the.men-bers at thehrtehaninivarsary of the IMr. C. S. ialliman on such an auspiciouis occasion. opaning of the first Normal Scbool ut 1 ýNight of igh"Vander-.vater Gýapt. Dr. Haziawood, Bowmv.ian- in Saskatchewan. Dr. Goggin want JMs H .otr r,_W B.Tapot [ville, who witbi Capt, Dr. W. W. Mc- to Regina in 1893 ta take charge of e Solo Thiere Were Shiep)herds Prindle Sot Kinley, Port Hope, were attached as, the teacher training of the geat 1 ,Mrcs.o.tWeaiey- a'wkei' Medical Officar~s to the Batttalion,l Not1hw'est 'eri'ories. lis work i Mlss "V , Ur. oiectesit reo spokie at somi ength ha a veryý_ inter- there profound.ly afi'ected the whola Messrs. Tapson anid Poilard. sig mne of the madical efle-, educational developmrent of the West. Solo mO iht Dfýiin ias icncy of the memibers of the Durh ami It would take colunins to record the Mis LonbQin Battalion as comlparedi with other a uhdgies of Dr. Goggiai's work and ia- Soo - 'in Qld Judea 'eie M1r. IR.M. Mitchaill Battalions lie bad been privileaged to! flurence as set forth by Sir Fredrick Antheni "Chr11istins Awal<e- maun(ler examline while _n Me dicai Board. Haultain, Chief Justice of Saskatcb- He~ found +hat + fi n ,t-1, 'Tl .ý" '.00 a Year In Advance 5c Cninv' With Which is Incorporated The Bowmanville News Mn M