Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Dec 1923, p. 9

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(BOWMANVILtJE, flEÇ, 20th., 1923 tttttyLt t HA UNN'S HABE4RDASHERY SOLVES MIS GIFT M~rs. G~ordon VanCamp, Bse Ti, 2visitcd with 'her mother, Mrs. Geo. SUephens. 'W i la % ebMr. a nd Mrs. Lorne Robbins, Les- M a y W e: Su g ge S krd, visitd with her sister, Mrs. W.e ï,yJ. Virtue.t The Bazaar held uindtr aus-£à f "AiL pices of the W. M. S. and the Missionjjr t¶iP Û rIra I'w VT~ irele was a great success. Electr cWanU f ta W people of Toronito hv purchased frorn Mr. ~R Goode the Hanipton Creamery and4 take oses sion on January 1, 1924. The missionary sermon Su.nday CffI~ and we will explan and show you the Imrnpoved National evening by Rev. Mr. Morgan a re- Electic Range Burners that have revo1io înizd Elctî cookng turned nmissioflary froi China, was much apprecia±e J. also the duet sung The>se arse onl a e of by Mrs. Geo. Barron and Mr.1 T the niany beiefts: Element Salter. i ias eas'iy chang-ed a lamp; Elîrnînates costly ser- TRN vieing; The inediunm heat is Mr,. Amos -Nicholi, Roseneath, tvis-1 the~ top of the element- ited at Col. Wni. FarrellPs. concentrating ail the heat Col. Wm. Farreil attended a ban-1 tte the cooking t ensil. Pro- quet given tu the 136til Bata1on at vision is muade for liquids Port Hope last week.- Mr. and Mrs. Wnkri MuDonaid, Co- ioiù~goverint bow to bouirg, visited her parents, Mr. and dran armlessly through in- Mrs. W. Stewart, last w ek. c 'to a~ drip pan; Electrie cool,- Mr. Wallace Souch and Mrs, R1.1Abi akyso gd.W'v Iaé h a i~is as revolutionary an SoVBwn~vlIvstda r improveÙieut as EIectric Mr,. and M~rs. F. L. Byanr andJ Doer-WMà lighting, and the New Na- een, vis-ted his rnether, Mi's. C. I t'onal is as f ai, ahead of -Byam, Bwinll, nS~dy older-type electiic stoves as R.W..Mrgn tue1ris T o S u cceâs-sfull G i«ýrir F o ~h~yw~reahea of as, eai ionary f£ron Ch Dà,, occiupied tii» theywereahea of as, oal pulpit Sunday rnorniing and pieaelhed an wio.a ec ll sermon. Mr.d next.n 9%J Astonishment, pleasure, wonder-want to see ail PRICE~~ ~ ~ ~ $8.0 AN P1Sadro wl rac ucayn- these in the expression on his face whent fie discovers en by Tyrone Young People on Fr-wht3ugaeimfrCrta? -day iiight last proved a great sac- htyugvhi frC ism ? *ces. Everyone took the part -re- Electricell YOU Will, if you choose froim the gift things we have Uerfl narabl weI. Mrs. T. W. Caw-~ l~1eL.N ~ker, Bewmanville, ia her usual win-audaty iovdd sorne mariner, sang between acta to W ahe t'ne delight of ail. 8 bnat rvdd Xt~ ~ru ~tu~e not u ~leerie SOINA Tis withassurace et isea-Astonishment that you choose "Just what lie want- Cos uhawi-nw v wr, yotu as~ payiug for it You xuay choose fir these ed' pleasure because you "guessed" so well; wonder- A notacpal it jutth anie. You pa when Mr ush Nyo b benqu l ng hil, for perfect taste is xic>w on earth yoUu f t". brand as Fr~"~tl ~~~~~~vdn ine alpl n Rre air asnqh guaranteso uityai(t you 5sen youlr wash out, and4 sick with heart trouble. eikent naitted, tam Feaut you~ py wben yeu wear your -Miss Lucy Brown -la home frornmo ntted rn clte cubngte vrOhawa for a few -daay, 50 50eEEN TIE> 1I6?-- r tb~ erb~lg h~rnerMira. W. J. Langmaid, O~shawa, vis-. $45> .$4 the wash board. ited4frs.- R. B. Micel ho is -quite --Ties nheii pref er-Ydu imay choQse from tihese Ties e Why net tal<e thie advantage Mrs. R. J. McKessock -entertained >wvith assut-rance of pleasing hinm, for parfeçt taste îs e- -. of te -o brc fth er Suuday School Class on Satur-1 MMeti ùdll Giveil.L dent in ail of them, whether briglit iu coIor or sbud ; Eletri and Power Washer- Mr. and 1VWa. Victor Wilson, Osh- and, start you saviugs now? -- a-wa, were recent visitors at Mr. W. G Hardy's.-60 LKEBES RT A C Aiço, 6 shet Electric New Only $T18.00 .àr aM 600. LIeasL Arnot am ~O#e11ttoi, - -~e~t~Eletti ~' ~I~.0ê - cildenM&veiVs- 5ho~, vsitd iusy Santa Cliaus heads stralght for iur shirt sec- - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r J. Bae C atrtebot lereNo ui T-è0- t~~nded an Exscu- tin Knows how to "play saf e" when in a hurry. ~ tj~uithug t ine~k50 udth> sonr enl~esi- tire meeting at Guelph iu connectrn, Knows lie can spend little or m~'ore and be -certain of a- gat thea soer you can stant your savingsý 1 with the Experiniental UJnion. He 'ilMappr*îpte niço yet- netra - t - ~Rev. W. E. Mo4rgan, B A., B D, gie ofl qualiaty"oes.~* ~ , commoupeenn -'-~ t - - gave very iterestin ~ we'ee sure, for you cau choose gitoqaty gaeavr neeigades lte poper oues, for dress, muilI»rspretra opr ElýadSudayonChnaandit ft-J drvig r sret ear acod-tunities frtoese~n Fre tro or -Mstrir. J ad u o iidnt u ed.~ ~ practical peaig gt. Fr~ Ioù orTQ SIr1 - rs J.d Suudy n son& ami on it ung seeds w ea od- GIFTS FOR MEN Sulk En t l and Misa Bernice Emm>eiaon, tLind-~ 1 1aes ' i 1 b Outer windows, coite and shelve r ugn u t -- ~say - vied~ at Messrs Isac 'and un ined oruer lind1gmrm Wit ever~ Elrve Hsdyi, 7e t *250with gitsuggestions for menw and bo~ys whîch mnakes :Sange or iarlie Lanc visi-ted at Mr. S. E. so- fenA QWah ~ M-~su m E CIFo~ n shopping exceptionally easy here There's Bath R~obes, I sl rmnow utlCrs- Werry'a.r. Flory leavea. ahortly -1Gaer 1110 -ilive free an to viait relatives iu Eugland. 4 Bets Uats, Caps, Braces, Arm Ba~nds and Gatr n-el -Messrs. T. Baker Siia& WiiarsgftoIto ~Icti To o estn f and J1. Baker attsnded .banuet to gf oeto yo-r o'~ chies ithe Hon Geo. P. tGrahami at the King Ed-ward tlotel, Toronto, ou N t j eoay W. Wish Our Patrons A Merry Christna A Reguiar $'7.00 Iron .... ,.... 'New For $5.00 Th -mste nTusa A Re.gular $6.00 Irorn....... ..New For $4.00) eveuing Decenuuber 20, le the 'great Fre~e estimfates given on ail ids of eletricaI *ork. Distance lento ~t eek San t Celus o n~o uject. gram to surprise every persofl with O -h lon ewilcke h - ct hoiee guts. Admission: Adults h b-"w~ I iono seae The sale of Messrs. A. Ayre amdi eîou uwthyth nvFrligsanmtrug 2O~ hidren10. itant0 lace in th stn tha For pik frhules - a o b ' E 1eetr 1c Sh p Darius Gréen, despite the bad weath- lnWortat plae lu thmat o5 BaJ fl4nrIB W VI~ruving, ~rtng wue er, was weil attended an-d pices hngteiv ma. 15 -PHONE fil Oppo3ite Ban ofJ s-nnsmen. tOMIN wvere very satis-faetory. Mr. tAyre rnges to choose frein 4t and.u-Y Tfwo Joors east of Standard Bank s ovg i fetVoM.Geu'a - 5<c Qui.4ity Higb.st rcsLwt PKongs say 63Ngh owmaiville farm and Rae Bres. of Welland, wil tç akepaesia - ~DIAMOND ________________________ - I'r. andi Mrs. George Taylor, son) and other guests. A reading iBlantyre. by .Lsveruie Stokes (great grandson) BURKETON was muh appreciateld._____________________________ -r. and-41rs. W. J. Ci-emens, Dar- Needlss te say Mr. and Mrs. Tay- There wi'il be -ne- Leagae to-nigit lington, -were -present wit th 1er were the. recipients- of -i~any -ýýy çwing -te rprto large - ompauyv of rela'tives and ih-andsome aud valuable gifta. Amonig fon our, Chriatmas Tree sua ocr

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