Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Sep 1923, p. 1

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With Which is Incorporated The Bowmanville News DI. LXIX. M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, SEPT. 20, 1923-7 $2.00 a Year In Advance 5c a Copy No. 38 New Frocks Fo r A utumn Wear - THE STATESMAN A DAY , LATE SUCCESSFUL DOLLAR DAY Don't blanie the Postmas-ter or the Miss Rhea Gould Captured Th~e rural mail Carriers if your COPy Of Mysterious 'Bill' Dollar "The Great Famnily Journal" is not delivered at the usual thme this week. Ever-y nerson who narticipatedin j ND OTHERWISE Fur Lost. See adyt. on Fair Grounds con- Apply Alex El- . W. C. Ferguson, ent Suinday with lier VETERAN POLICE MAGISTRATEj en's Can iîle, was p.m1l. kind in, the mieý ii a 1 &DIAN CLU-B rmeeting of the iClub of Bow- 1on Monday at n of Mrs. J. H. -was hel'd iii ber ial way, the,. ob- Le mnembers of the opportunýi-Ly of about the nmany of interest col-. [rs. Jury on their s opened b-, the severai e 2St sing1-le The new Eall Coats we are now showing have the happy alliance of Style, Quality, Ijtility and Price. Most beautiful fur collars and cufs adorn these magnificent Coats, Beaver, Wolf, Fox -ail furs that Paris has certified for EaUl. Lustrous velvety ma- terials-Marvella, Velmara, Lustrah, Duveytyn, the season's new- est and most favored conceptions. Tailored and flnished wîth the character of a French model. The New Autumn Dresses are creations that eloquently ex- press the beauty and grace of f ashion's newest lines, in a versatility of modes that assure every woman and miss a type that will be- corne her. Developed in new satin weaves, soft crepes, poiret twill and beautiful georgettes.ý Navy, black, gray, and the wanted new\ý shades of brown and cocoa are sbown. MEN'S AND BOYS' DEPARTMENT 'The exceptional values we give in this department is bring- ing us new business almost daily. Just now we are showing a attractive range of new Eall Suits and Coats. We invite your early- inspection. Couch,Johnl-«ston,& Cryderman, Bowmnanville Phone 104 Limitea It IrE ug to Make Any Man Proud IA WELL FURNISHED HOME ased Deal numnbers by the Su ol, Mule Quartette and IV -tette at St. PauI's Church, Sept. 2ist, 8 P. M SEPTEMBER WEDDING Dick-Hamiiey MINISTERS AND CHURCHES Rally Day lu Methodist Sunday riiool on Sun.day, September 3th. ýev. S. T. Bartlett in charg-e. Church, of Christ Sunday service: 1 a. mn. only-Rev. W. H. SpaIrgo ill preach. Sunday Sehool at 2.30 face than Rb ce. Dollar captur interest was t] i'en away -iy sAIl day ]on, were dropp( luet of pink roses and asters. groom was supported by Mr Fred y of Oshawa. fter the ceremnony a buffet lun- n was served, after ;whieh Mr. Mrs. Dick, motord to Toronto aitch the evening train for New k, the bride wearing- a suit avy blue poiret twill with Mlue grey hat. On their returu they live in London, Ont. SOLINA arvest Home -services on Sunday 2very succesaful, the chureh be- filled at both services. Rev. sWallace, Newtonville, gave two did sermons. He will be wel- ehere again. The church was 4ing and eifectnve way the uses id customs of the varlous Eaýýtern ountries through wliich she had ýavelled. There were brasse,- and autiful lacque-r work froin Bur- ah, colorful embroideries, f'ans, and tive jewellry from Japau, China d India, and war trophies froma ýe Maorî tribes, altogether formIing wonderful collection of great: in- rest and educational value. A )ecial attraction was the wearing several native costumes; by reni- ýrs of the Club, so that ail could e just how the women. of thiese stern countries looked at l'ome, rs. Alan Williams appearsng as an dian woman, Mrs. Clarence Mason a Burinese, Mrs. Munroe Neal as Japanese, Mrs. M. G. V. Gould as a ly froni China and Miss Tighî-e as Maori girl. A very delightful afternoon was ent and a larg-e number of r-eni- rs were enrolle'd for the eoming ar, over eighty being present at emeeting. The Club feels deeply iudebted to s. Jury for her hospitality and, the cers and executive hope that this eting will be the commencement a very successful s"son.- TORO'NTO WEDDING Bray-Willmot A weddiz too .I.a ,.n atud, e w CAN BUY ALBERTA COAL IN BOWMANVILLE tious to the g Young people ir drama "An 1on Monday eN ýe and it was - Total proce (Dr.) Fletel with lier sis £yods LiflUt,'I ~Ms.E. Thom-yp- at cS. E. Werry's Iu Mfiss Aura Os- Mr. A. L. Pas- IY nNest, Toronto, go( s; Mr. and Mrs. seD dl, at Mr. W. T. ýeý iers have wr )f the year, but trade openedl iould be given -vr id our imoney w METHODIST DISTRICT MEETINi Monday, Septemier 24, i Simcoe st. Church, Osheawa. The financial meeting of the Bov manville District wl convene oý Monday, September 24th in the Sin coe-st. Churchi, Oshawa-three sei vices at 9.30 a. mn., and 2 and p. ni. Deputations from the Deparl mient of 'Missions and Eagla CLARKE FAIR Orono, September 27th and 28th Where -will we all be on the 28t1 t Orono, at the Fuir. rnj ,ntral to the County, nice rua froy oronto, new Pcsultry House, Ne) uyi, water for Herds, Increase, busîine. in, E. B. Cooke, aîrmran. Fin. Sec. bert Aruot and ber daugh- (Dr.) L. B.Wilas Tor- nded the fair ou Wednes- ,ere guest3 of Mrs. Jas. -Mc- Everyone can think of some article of furniture that would make their daily home if e more pleasing and enjoyable. Why not visit our salesroom 's? You will find exceptionally good values this week in Bedroom Furniture in Oak, Walnut and WaInut Finishes. due fox fIr ni. Apart- nd Mr. eld. t ery mother well dressed. ur store and Sand Overco ýh, Johastoné ;to see her ring your boys the new Pull just arrived. yderman. Vernon, Ilbank", THE BOY MAYOR W. H. 0F TORONTO . J. le fun- Alex. Edmison gifted young ,Mr. J. orator will speak at St. Paul's îursd*ay. Church on ed, was Friday, Sepitember 2lst .hoconk, onl er, Mrs. "The Game 0f Life"' *She ýrd,wife at 8p. m. s Par Co* Bowmanville bu a rose basket Will- were eP, A. Dur- ,Toomn, After hield amleS or 0- other 1, cor- ome. ï

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