BOWMýAN'ýVILLE, SEPT. 13/ 1923. THE DELINQUENT[ DrD. IlITAR The iJuvenile Deli Henry Balson, Courtice Canadla passed in il A well-estee zen of Darling ward on Tuesd peison of Heni Hol was bor wali, on Septe the second son Balson. At apprenticed to seven yeaxs, af mouth and in ada. For 45 Specialist in reinfocýced concrete. Egtimates furnished.' a George Chewrery aKig-st. Bowmanville e 49-tf ePARISIAN LADIES' AND GENTS'I e TAILORS , Fcrmeriy n Bowmianville,) now at 1262 'Yonge-st, stop at Simm-erhill Ave., ýToronto, phon>, Trinity 3217w. ,w~e can stli give you o&sr beut borvIoos. 0 Guaranteed ta fit and workmanhhlp at e pre.-wa~r pricea. y lice C( )t t.he ecitox PIAiNO IUNING. Having had 17 years practical ex- perienee as fine tuner withi the Do- minion Organ & Piano Co., I amn prepared to do first-class tuning and action repairing on ail miakea, of pianos. Ail work guaranteed. Prices reasonabie., Phone 314, box 384, «Bowmanviiie, L. B. Tapson, 75 Men's Fine Shirts, al sizes, Regniar up to $3.00, Dollar Day' $ Men's Coiubination Balbrig- gan Underwear, large sizes only, Regular $1.'75, Dollar Day $ Men's Lisle Sox, ail sizes, Regular 65c, Dollar Day 2 for $ Men's Flannellette - Night Gowns, smnall aines, Reg. $2, Dollar Day $ Men's liard Lin.en Coliars, sonie of Tooke's best shapes, Regular 25c, Dollar Day 6 for $ Men's Lined Dress Gioves, Reg up to $2.50, Dollar Day $ A large range of good Ties, Reg. up to $1.50, Dollar Day $ Men's Balbrig-gan Drawers, long legs, Reg. 85e pair, Dallar Day 2 pair for $ 25 Boys' Sweaters, ail wool, sizes 4, 6, 8 years, Regular $2.0 Dollar Day $ le. refore lUit the sbU )f a kind he, it that wisl. f a nlec ome e) onI'i i an unfont ientai iackï veakness, it mg to treai Ilie sI~ uri 20 Boys' Play Suits, Cotton, ages 4 to 6 ,Reg. $1.50, Dollar Day$ Ail Boys' Blouses, Reg. up to $1.25, To Clear $ Day 2 for $ Boys' Combiaation Wool, Faîl and Winter Underwear, ail sizes, Regular $1.75, Dollar Day $ Boys' Cotton Hosè, all sizes, Regular 65e pair, Dolar Day 2 pair$ Ail Boys' Suits Special for $ Day 10% Off Ail Boys' Odd Pants, Special for $ Day 15% Off lie was twice mar-ried. His firsti wif e was Mary Squires, who passedj away in 1912. On May 22, 1915,1 he marnied Mary A. Bunner of Bow-1 mvanvilie, who survives hi-n, also oneý brother, Mr. Samn Balson, Toronto, and one sister, Mrs. M. Richardson, Lincolnshire, Ei¶gland. The funerai took place on Fni- day, August 31, service being heid, Un Ebenezer Church, with which hel has been actively associated for soee years. Rev. S. C .Moore, B. A., B. D., Eowmanviile, conducted the service in the absence of the pastor of the church The pail-bearers were evs.W A. and J. W. Bunner, brothers-in- iaw, Mr. S. Kempthorne, nephew, and Mr Jos. Champion and Reeve W' R. Courtice. The floral, offerings were very beautifui and num-erous and we*re carrieci by Messrs. S. A. Burgess, Mayor W. J. Trick, T. E. Edmoadson and A. J. Wadhams. Ainong the friends attonding from Ia distance were: Mr. S. BaIson and 'îrs. S. Thomas, Toronto; Mr. and PRICES LOWEST A. BuniiJr and~ ering; Rev. anc and son and Mr. and Mrs. and many othoe inanville, Osha) -, lb she had toc, many beus-so the song goes--but you never will b. able go Iear too much of his fascnating fox-trot-for lts the Iiest in a long timie, brook. Johns and Hia Orchestra have adapted "Annabelle" to the new pppular way ofdoing the fox-trot. You can'tielpbutlike it! It's cQman4on selection "Blue Uloosler Blues" is equally allurisi-iet a fo-trot-liard ta beat! Ask for- "Hia Mater'. Vrnice"-Victor Record No. 19108 The-0e are thse others you're hearing everywhere Cui Yourmli A P=eoso Cg-lAnà Mae YourzelI at lre)F~xTot Jee-Pez.g~orMlody Nigs OD%=~ i "Hia Macler's Vore." Record No. 211240. 'Dirty Rends!l Dirty Fac!-Fo-rTn% b fy SW«t4C Wet Aiy-,xTroi j-a.Ray..en ~d Ris Otdmimmj ~~ "M8t Master'. Voice". Victor Icecord No. 19110 ,editaLry 4U11U UJli d. But in dea iate chiid bora c a consequentr socially fooiish ,h child as a c- Led to paternal t. It needs r body, rminci spirit such as it wii receive in anl industrial class in school or in a school givea over to the care of the feelle-mnded. Society is by itsi n)eglect respopnible f or the birth of t-vo-thirds of these lîttie ones! 1 Neglect and dependency of child-' ren is another fruitful cause of de- inqtiency. Families numtb'ering many thousands are left penniles and dependent through the death or permanent disability of the fathers. The mothers are compelled to go out and earn the necessaries of if e for theniseives and their families. The children unmothered in the day time get into bad company and bad habits, violate some by-law or statute and ttius becomie delinquents. Others ,would h be tter off if they had no parents, sad to say, and they more readily become ýdelinquents. So- ciety shoulci provide for such de-1 pendent and neglected cblidren by such means as Mothers' Allowances which is now done in the four West- erni Provinces and in Ontario. Many cases of delinquencyar due to the spirit of curiosity, enter-1 prise and adventure w%ýhich is found in evemy heaithy child an.d if socîety does not proviçie for the satisfaction of 'this spirit ia adequate facilities for organized an'd superviseci play the children will form 'gangs' aad proceed with out, supervis ory direction to finci satisfaction 'on their own' and wil ~t ito'trouble' with the f arm- ergroer et.,whose fruit or other prop erty 1 stoien in a spirit of i.s- 1 hief and adventure . XHpre again NESTLETON society nmust take thie princdipal share of responsibiiity for such deiinquen- The Womnen's Institute of Nes t- 1CY. leton met at MUrs. J. Gordon's ,vith! Society thorefore ought to provide thirty-three present. Miss Rey- for the care of deliaquents and if it nolds, District Pmesid ont, Solina, gaveI does not do so it will be cotnpeiled a splendid talk, on "The Work Ac- to care for them later as adolescent comnplished". Mrs. Suggitt gave al or aduit criminais and at an en-or- very inspiring paper on "Life's mously enhanced cost in moaey, la Problems". Our Intitute is grow- addition to ail the wreck, andi ruin ing and meînbers are very enthus- wrought in these young lives, which atie. A large order for fruit w,ýas -ight have been a splendid asset in- handed in for transmission to Niag- stead of a serious liability. ara Growers. Our genial hostessi served luach ' assisteci by her daugh. ter, Miss Jennie Gordon. Next The inereased cost of fine tons has meeting is at Mrs. R, Jackson's.- tenipted somo to try cheap, 'inf erior Secretary. teas to their sorrow. t is real economy to use "SALADA" since it yieids to the pound miore cups of a ENNISILLENsatisfying infusion and besides has i such a fresh. doudeous flavor. (Arrived one day late for hast week Visitors: Mn. B. Wamnsley an daughters, Ruth and Marion, aný Mrs. E. Johaston, Port Huron, Mich, and Mr. Gordlon Preston at Mr George H. Preston's; Miss Mar: Brunt at hier father',s, Mr. Davi( Brunt; Miss Isab elle MeKenzie Janetville, with her father, Rev. Geo visitwi Vilie sha-V ueila Stei n Toronto Mr. H. Annis, Solina; Iý e Oke, Bowmanviile, at hoi Lnd Mrs. John Virtue and fi oronto, at his father's, Mm. 'irtue. sic by choir Suaday ever endered in their usual gi Ler. Sermon by Pastor ie fromi Isa. 1:1 was very 'ive and iateresting gue Wedaesday evening ýe of 4th Vice Pros., Mm. 'V Smîith, Bible eading was tai Ir. Lloyd Ashton. Topic ,enship was very ably given H~arvey McGiil. Sevemal sel weme given by Mr. liowý n his phonneraph. A d1 ,dPeter Martin & Sons r Building Contractors id Plastering and coi.crete work a el specialty. 0* Blocking Machine and large n, ~.square tinmbers suitable for rais- ing houses. a We are also open to do Team- ing andi Trucking. Truck going daily between Bownianville and Oshawa. Phone 294W. SCARPENTRY WORK s DONE I amn prepared to do al kinds of carpentry work from repair jobs to con- Itracts for building houses, iletc. Es-timates Furnished Free - H. D. MOSES North Elgin Street Box 461 Bowmanville Seothe baby's mnoist, easily chafed skin witb. and Store First- is mlore thart hant. rnow. -, i ars of use hai bion. e,'-"' t- Yonge and Charles Sts. Toronto. Is weil kaown as the high grade school. Keen cleman'd for our Graduates al the time. Do not fool with efucation. Get the Best. It aiways pays. Our re- cord for placing students in posi- tions is unexcelled ia Canada. Write for Catalogue. Com- mience now. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. MEMBERS TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE STOLBIE, FORLONG & CO. il King St. East "Upstairs" Telephone 144 Oshawa INDUSTRIAL AND MINING Toronto Hamilton STOCKS Kitchener Brantf ord Phone Cails at or Expense 14* 1a* Big Sflaving-s DollarDay Electrical Appliances and Fiextures We are not letting Dollar Day go by without giving the citi- zens an opportunity to save a lot of money on Electrical Applian- ces and Fixtures. These prices only give you a sIight idea of ~bargains-you must see the display to appreciate the genuine values. AFTER DOLLAR DAY YOU PAY REGULAR PRICES -BETTER BUY NOW Air Heaters, Reg. Price $ 7.50 ..........$ Day Reduced te $ 5.50 Air Heaters, Reg. Price $ 7.00 ..........$ Day Reduced te $ 5.00 Majestic Heater, Double Unit, Reg. $15..$ Day Reduced te $13.50 Majestic Heater, Single Unit, Reg $10 .... $ Day Reduced te $ 9.00 Grills, Three Heat, Reg. Price $14,00.... .$ Day Reduced to $13.0 Fans, 12 inch, Reg. Price $32.00 ........$ Day Recluced to$22.00 Fans, 16 inch, Reg. Price $38.00 .......$ Day Rediiced te $28.00 GChafing Dish, Reg. Price $15.00,........$ Day Reduced te $12.00 Heating Pad, Reg. Price $8.00 ..........$ Day Reduced te $ 4.50 Sewing Machine Motor ,Reg. Priee $25 ... $ Eay Reduced te $19.0 3 lb. Irons, Regular Price $5.75 ..........$ Day Reduced to $ 4.50 Hot Plates, Double Unit, Reg. $25.00..À.$ Day Reduced to $23.50 Hot Plates, Single Heat, Reg.$ 6.00 .... .$ Day Rechiced te' $ 4.75 Hot Plates, Three Ijeat; Reg.$ 9.50. ...$ Day Reduced te $ 8.50 Oblong Toaster Stove, Reg. $ 6'.50.... .$ Day Reduced to$ 5.00 Upright Toasiter, Regular Price $ 7.00.... .$ Day Reduced te $ 6.0.0 Oblong Toaster Stove, Reg. $ 7.00 ....$ Day Reduced te $ 5.25 Westinghouse Turnover "Toaster, Reg $ 7.50 $ Day Reducedto $ 6.50 20 Per Cent Reduction On all Portable Lamps, Fixtures and Shades. Don't think of going home Saturday until you have visited THwHDRVSO J3ownianville FOR MEN AND B3OYS THE FPROFIT-SHARIG TORE At Your Service