WEDDINGS SOIUCR-1%MNNING On Tuesday evening, Sept. 4, at King Street ïMetho'dist Parsonage by the Rev. A M. Irwin the mar- niage was solenl*nzed of Mae ~Mann- ing yolxngest daughter of Mr- and Mrs. A. E. Manning, te Leigh-.,ton Maurice Soueh both of Bowýmanville. They were lIWattended. Iineitl after the cerem9ny M~r. aind Mrs. Souch left for an exten'ded trip to I the United States. 19 MotQ 24 AWAIT YOUJ ATJ DLLJ~IKS STORE Your Dollars will bave extra value Satuarday at this store. W'e always sell cheaper than otlhers and Dollar Day Prices takc anothar big drop. Rami every item or you may lose money. Ex %hibit ON, Dol~xDay, Saturcl4y, Sept, 15 We wiIl hold a Motor Car Exhibition at Our Shiow Rooms n KingStreet, Bowranville, to afford~ the people of Diurham Count~y an opportunity of leisurely inspecting the lateat models. We feel sure that ail motor carQowners, andi many~ others, will be interested in seeg thelae s: ngieeing mpov-mnts anid the mnaiy new equipr-ment devices of our cars. We endeavor to see that the public gets Réal. Dollair Day vairu, from us' at ail times, froqi the, sipalstacçes sory, or repair job, to the largest Motor Car. We are here to, serve YOU- Moffaâtt Sa t.ê ~j LIMITED. Bowma.nvi*,ll, Phone 248, evuue iiiuoor utrip to jyargiiam, ,Toronto and western points.. On their returnl they will reside in Courtice. PLINTOFF-COOPR A pretty but quiet wed4i'n to place Sept. 7, at King Stret Meth- odfist Parsonage, when Eazel An-, netta, daughtr of Mr. and Mrs,ý Frank Coodper, Qrono, was unitedl in ina;niage to cGien Longsdale Flin- toff, son of Mr. and Mrs. 'red Fliii- toff, Oshaw«a, The bride woreaa navy blue t$icotine suit, with dark brown fox fur and fawn and hanna hat She was attended by Miss Irmna Cooper, ister of the bride weaning black velvet with banna trimming. Mr. Ross Flintbff, brother of the groom was groonisman. Foliowing the ceremony the young couple motored to the bricde's home !n Orono whee a dainty wedd3ng dejauner was seryad to a large number of guests, after which they laft on the C. N. R. train for Co- b o urg. Alter a vis totQ-Rochester and Toronto M4r. an iMrs. Flintoff wllI reside in Oshai\a iwhere ha is a mnamber of F. Flint-off and Sons hardware f irm. TO BE GIVEN.IN The fil--t thing you 'do oni ai- riving in toýn on IDollar Day - lbould' ha to aaè the ,#prticuiars in our window as to hpw to Win the big cashprie. IN QOUR WifiQW You vvill aiso fin.d many Specials sncb as Kkovah Heaith Salts...... . i2 Palmolive Soap . ... .......Sc Seven Chocolate Bars..5 75c, Chocolates.. ........... 59c 15e Soap........1doz Vacuum Bottliesthat k1' p water hot or cold for a day or miore ............. ...69 12 PAIRS OF $5 SPECTACLES TO BE SO0W AT $200 PAIR Jury & Loveli J. H. H. Jury, Doctor of Optometry Graduate ofi Chicago Ophthalmic CoBé~ge' Nw Yorkc Scliool of Optics Royal College of Science When We Test Ey.u It la Doue Properly ANYQOF THESE ARTICLES FOR $1 1. Pair M en's Oxfords Lot of Childiren's Boots Ladies' Boots, ail sizes LADIES' ER Georgette Blouses, #nicely mriedan beaded, reg. $6.50,...... $Da $.9 Corseta, pink or white, guaranteed rust proof, sizes 20 to 30,- .......... $ Day $1.00 Bungalow AprQns or HIouse Dresses, light or darJk pnints, .. . ...... $ Day $1.00 Girls or Boy7s' Fancy Embroidened Romp- ars, reg. $2.0.,.......... ....$ Day $.00 Girs' ingamand Print Schoo Dresses, $ Day $1,00, Homespun and Plaid Skirts, embroidered inx novalty box pleats, wida variety of fali shades, Regular $5.50Q andl ........ .$ Day $3.95 O'verblouses in cJr$ae oriental an'd p inted silk, worth ý$.0 and $7.50,..$ Day r$4.95 BOOTS AND SHOES Boys' Sehool Boots, izes 1 to 5, ragular $3.00................ ....$Da>r $2.45 Anotheir lina of Boys' Boot, , ngular $3 50f and $3.75, .. .. . $ Day $2.95 Youths' Sehool Boots, 11-13, negulai, $2.7'5, $ Day $1.95 Men's Work Boots, black or brovvn, Greb Boots ine]luded, ..... ........ . $ Day $3.95 Men's Fine Boots, 1M'tKay Soles an~d Good- year Welts, black~ or brown, ail sizes, reg. ..6.00,...........$Day $3.95 Women's Shoas, black and brown, black and gray, strapa, buekies an~d oxfords, al aises, reg. up to $5.0,. ... ... $ Day $2.95 Wonien's le'dro ,Slippei's, 'black, bnown or x'ad, .. .. . . ..*'"* *$ Day $1.00 Men's (3arpet Slippara .......... $ Day 35c Women's Leathen House Shoes, reg. $2.25, HOSIE4RY Men's Wooi Work Socks, $ Day 4 pair $1.00 Girls' or Boys' Stockings, ail colora, Men's Fine Seaminess Socks, black, brown, $ Da 5 pairs for , É00 navy,..................$Day 4'jpaiis $1"~ Ladies' Si1k Rose, ail colora, $1,25 to $1.50, Ladies' Cotton Hose,..$ Day~ 5 pairs $1 $ Day 69c Battar Grade Cotton Hose, $ Day 4 pairs $1 15% OFF ALL NEW FALL COATS ,AN~D DRESSES. and any other goods not listed here. As rnany lines will be sold out quiiklyit is~l advisable to coime early. 1 Borown Serge Ikirt 1 Plaid Skirt 1 Silk Tricolette Blouse ST4PLE GOOD$ CranSerim, creani with colored border or ail white, wonth 30c, $ Day 5 yds. for $1.00 Crash Roller Towalhing, 16 in. wide, 7yds. for $1.0 Circular Pillow Cotton, 42 inches wide, close weave finish, . . ..... $ Day 2 yds. for $1 Good quaiity fuliy bleached sheeting, reg. 70c,..ý.................. $Day 2yds $.00 200 yds. F1'annelette, white or stripéd, ý3ü*t valu e,.... .............. $ »ay 5 yds. $1.0 Factory or Unbleached Cotton, good weight, reg. 20e yd............. $ Day 8 yds. $1.0 Ginghams, sold as high as 35e yd, $ Day 5 ycls. $1.0 Table Linen, fully bleached', reg. 75e yd.' $ Day 2 yds. $1.00 Bath Towels, extra lang-e, $ Day $1.00 pi MEN'S WEAR Men's Tweed Suits, extra pants, $ Day $16 Work Shirts, Blue dbambray, black an'd white, ail sizas, worth $1.35,.ý.$ Day $1_00 Men's Fine Shirts........... $ Day $1.0 Silk Front Shirts, reg. $2.50 $ Day $1.9,5 Silk- or Knitted Ties, assortad, up to $1.25, $ Day 2 for $100 Men's Pajamas, go'd weight, striped fiannel- lette, wera $-2.25,.............. $ Day $1.69 Men's Work Shirts. ...... .... $ Day 69c Pair Braces, Garters and Rubbar Baît ail for...............................00o Men's FaIt Hats and Caps, eacli on $ Day $1 Men's Odd Pants, light and dark shades, regular $4.25 to $5.75 ........ $ Day $3.45 Mien'a V-Neck Ail Wool Pullovers, $ Day $3.69~ A. ELLC Dry <Goods Clothing, Boots and Shoes LOOK FOR C~. WE SELL RED FRONJ~T CANADA'S LARGEST RETAIL GROCE1RS SATISFY INGlI ST. EAST 0F BOWMAN HOTEL SOME 0F OUR REAL DLLAR D AY SPE CIALS Campbell's Soups, Ail Kincls 7 Tins for $1.40 1 IL> Spec ial 1 IL Special Biend Tea Blend Coffe SALMON 2 Large and 1 SmaIl Clover Lelaf or Horseshoe for$10 20 bars Soap 10 Castile and 10 Laundry, Ail Kinds for $1.0 1 Dozen Oranges 1~ Dozen Lemons %P 1 Boule~ Orangeade or Lmnd "Perfection Bread Flour 24 lb. Bag $1.40 Pure Cane Sugar 10 ibs. $1.00 2 Tins Dutch Cie;pep L PackaeLux» 2 ibs. Soap hips 1l-Pckage Washîng Soda 6 Dominion Corn Flakes. 4 Packages Shreçlded Wheat for $1.00 1 IL Butter 1 IL. Brakfast Bacon 1 Bottle C. C. or Holbrooks For $1.003 Sauce TI4ESE RCSAEGQ FOR SAT ,ýDAY ONLY Our M4ot'to: ffighest <Quat4ty Groceriles fresh weêkly with Quick Service, Cleaidinessa .nd tivility 1 1 Bowmanville j $18