VEIrERINARY DR. F. T. TIGHE VETERINARY SURGEON. D87 o N ight Calls Pi.orptly Attended to. Office King-st. W., Statesmau Block, Bowmanville. Phone 243. LEGAL MI. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LL. D. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTÂRY moxney ta Iloan on Farin and Town Froperty Royal Bank Building, Bowmanville. Pho~ne 351. W. F. WARD, B. A. BARRISTE1R, SOLICITOR, NOTARY Money ta iQan. Bonds fortale.. 'OfEces~: Bleu]çey Block, KiIng Street, Bowmanville Ontarlo. Phones: Office 102, House 279J. FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. Complete Motet or Horse Equipment Ahl calls promptly attended ta. Private Ambulance. Bowmianville phiones 10 and 34 Branch Stoies-Ororno & Newcastle. WILLIAMS & C~ANN Embalmers and? F\neral Dirrctors. Caill given prompt and pers<onal at- tetpioIn. No extra charge for dis- tance. . Phones 58 or 159, ' ow- mavle nt. 8t D.S M. JOES Osteopath and&Chiropractor 86 Siicoe -St. N. Oshawa, over 14 years' sucë&4sful practice. Examina- tien Free at offie. Phone 224. 2-tf~ MEDICÂAP B. J. Il>ZLEWOOD, M. D. C. M. Gold Médalst f 4Tr$niy University Toronto. Fourýyears attend~ing Phy- sician and Surgeon at Mt Carmel Hospital, Pittsburg, Ks. Oflce ad Residence, Wellington Street, Bow-1 nianville. Phone 108. C. W. SLEIMQN, M. D., C. M. Graduate of Trinity Medical Collgs, Toronto, forxmiey of Ennisklljen. .Office and, resjdence, Dr. B.ith's, former residence on Church-et., Bow- manvile. 'honz 2,59. 44-t ÀIJCTIONEERS TJ*EO M. SLEMON Atifctloner Farm and HoiÔu;e Sales a SpaeciaIty. T.inis modèrate. Enniskillen P. 0.1 Phone J,9'1-t. 1-tf JAMES BENNETT Auctioneer 10 years' ,xpei4ence in farin, furni- ture and nouse auction sales. Ad- dress Jas. Bennett, Hardware Mer- chant, Ki'ng-st., Bowmanville, phone 131. box 33: 'OEHCOULSON Lcense d Auctioneer Valuiator & Real Estate, Newcastle, Ontario. 1'22-tf PIANO TUNINCG Having had 17 years practical ex- perience as fine tuner with the Do- Iminion Organi & P'iano Co., 1 amn prepared ta do first-class tuning and action repairing an ail makes of pianos. Ail work guaranteed. Prices reasonable. Phone '314, box 384, Bowmanville, L. B. Tapson, GENE1RAL CONTRACTOR & ENGINEER Specialist il reiforeed conerete. Estimates furnished. George Chewery King-st. Bownlanville 49-tf PARISIAN LADIES' AND GENTS' TAILORS (Formerly ln Bowmanýville,) naw at 1262 Yonge-st., stop at Summerhill Ave., 'Toronto, phane Trnity 3217W. WVe can atili give you aur best aervlces. Guaranteed ta fit and workmansfilp at pre-war Prices. SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING BOOKKEEPING Camplete Commercial and General inmprovement Courses. Studenta accepted at any trne. Good posu- tions 1for ail graduates. CANADA BUS INESS CQLLEGE Oshawa. and Toronto DENTAL DR, G. C. SONNYCASTLE Jonor graduate la Dentistry Toront University. Gra duate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Or- t&rio. Office Iing-st., Bownman'4flie Office phone 40. Houa. phone 2Z ,-R. J. C. DZVITT Asitant-Dr. C. W. Lyons Gradu~ate of1Royal tDental C0.11081 Toronto. Office-, ring-st. East, Bow- aianville. Offlee hours 9 a. mi. toe p. m, daily exeept 8inday. Phont joa. ouse phone 90b. DR. Rt. E. DINNIWELL ilonor Graduate aof Toronto Unt ýrersity and member of Royal Collegi ,f Dental Surgeons. Licel3bd tc prgetice in Ontario and the Dominion Dentistry in ail its branches. Offici -ring-st., Bownmanville. Oppeaiti Bank of Montreal, Phone 301. jYonge and Charles Sts..Trno Is well known as the high grade achool. Keen cleand for our jGraduates ail the timie. Do not fool with edueation. Giet the Best. It always pays. Our re- cord for placing students in posi- tions isý unexcelled in Canada. Write for CIataogue. Coin- i nenc-e new. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. r; Il JUST TO REMIND YQU That we have an excellent assortmn1t of CHINA AND GLASSWARE When choosing gifts don't forget that China and Glassware are always acceptable ai-d make excellent gifts.' Our prices are always reason- able. Il s THE EDITORZ TALKS 'igns point ta anl-'early wvntér. Is have gone south earlier thar al. Mr. W. Brach's birdl houses le dSerted boy the blue-m1,artens August 16 and the robins lefi town- about the samîe date. se migrlatoryý birds do not usuaIIv e thieir departure this e-arly. The p in temiperature ai-IC early frosts ast week gave us ail théc, shivers BOWMANVILLEI, AUG. 3th., 1923ý THE EDITOR TA1KS i Holidlays are about over for teac'h-' ers and hbigh ancd public sehool schol- ars. Tuesday next these sehlools andj( mjany othecrs xiii open for whiat la kniownv as the Autumnii terni. To us the openiing of a school terim is a time for personal introspection and resolutions-really serions event for bothi teachers and pupils. Teachers shôuld enter upon the, new term- withi reniewed vigor andl a strong eslv to put fcrth their ve2ry best endeav- ors daily to help thýose in thieir charge te gain the very best resuits from- their teachiing that it la' pos- sibe for thiem to secure. Keeping school and teacing a- chool are two very different occupations. Un-1 f ortunatelly there are some in charge,( of schools who belong to the schooi-keeping c1ass. Every schooi teacher s'hould feel his and hier per- sonal responsibility for the jprogress andl welfare of every scholar under their care and direction. To the teach'er we say: B3e your beét self both in and out of the schoolroom-. You have in your keeping and direc- tion the deveiopmnent nd general welfare of every seholar andi you can exriea wondlerfui influenice for his weel or -woe. You can insipire aýn direct a boy or girl w success- in their hearts a real desire te pro- fui .achieveien-t if you xiii. It 'is vide suitabie miaterial to burn, then true that the schooi viii be whbat1let these pessimistic weather pro- the teachler mnakes it. GO into your phets do their worst, and more pow- s chool nie,ýt 'iuesday mnorning reseIlv- er to them. The public can stand ed 'to give the very best energy that prophecy btter than cold. is in you to your scholars for theï,r e * * future ýwelfaré. Whatever nmay be advanced as the chief contributing cause or causes, May we offer a few words of there have been an unusual numiber ýo counsel, too, to thé boys and girls. of deaths teps umr-rn c ÉYouth is your golden a ge-thie per- ecdents ath eras insummesfro ac- - iod in which you devote most of yOUr have not been f atal. The daiiy e. wakin-g hours to -work> and play. Lit- aesernthvepbied n 2. tle cidren i-ay, yes, should play ýiamn uie fftlte n arynore than wr. Athough we accidents, nuer ofnd atalies an o behlieve la assignîng quite youi 9 ail parts of the country and amnong chiidréf certain light and orderly all classes of pensons andi kinds of ~duties about the home. Parents occupations. In this iecaii:ty there r hould iieach thém te have a place are many sad homes and sore hearts *for everythp1g and te hav~e every-_ as thé resuit of these misfortunes le thing in its fface. This rmie appliés and regrettable occurrences. Re- alike te pérsons of every age in 1f e. frigte tiiese accidents on farmns When a boy or girl reaehes 10 te 12- ertcrlyteingn derie yéears of gethreshuldu b a les-. reeently said: Another thig for jsening of piaytimie and correspond- which this summer has been remark- * n nces i oabie' ée lake is the number ef accidents, ;days aire far more valuabie tien most soe of themn with fatal terminatien, n. peeple think. A lot of bosi ,15 which have occurred te farmiers ~ takedabou hoé-sudy. Anyboywhil.é engaged in their daiiy avoca- .0 r ir o 12yersan uwards,' tions, Perhaps the most cemmon s'houi aesvea oedu ost f thèse mnisfortunés took place dur- perfermi, Nwhethèr nîch or poor, a"" ing the haying seasen, when f arm- amiong théni should hé soeéhomie' nte o f h stuç1~yiers Ifrbest osnitseareptefbtheid otadined Iftbschoôi som e tsubcs e . fell tethe grounci and rèceived obaied attenion omsbe. sserious bodily injury. It is just must receive attninahoe The as important that if e shouIdl be pro- adv,\ice we have given te teachérs, w ectdo h ama ntéfcoy age. Givé y'our very, bet efforts this respect, se far as the farm la te your scheel work. Aim as far as concerrned. Prévention is bttér' yen pessibly can te have perfect les- tancreFn"hee peasteb èhr. Reolv t nthan cure and thre a ,,,,,,j, ai sns ver da. Rsole t pu __f- ". .,,t is' ntri, wýYora. univer a stre If ye' and -, Werk et i Wiat do <anadian farmèers thinlc the proposai necently made ta ited States farmiers te, store their Leat instead of séling it with the ject of forcing up tie price ia for- n markets? Were Canadian ,mers te join their U. S. nieiglibors the scieme thé resuit would un- estionabiy prove more eýffectuai. ie proposéd plan as we unýderstand la forniulated by the Amierican rm Bureau Federation and aims te hdraw 200,000,000 bushéls of thé rrent wheat crop, store it on farina in co-operat've elevators, and fi- rce the scheme by monéy made ailable by thé new Inteximediate ,edit Act by whici farmers can nd their wheat and borrow,, money ta, three-quarters of the value of wheat whiiché coilld hold tili ce§ advanced ta a satisfactory int. The président of thée Feder- [on believes, it la atated, that this in would raise tic price ta $1.40 $1.50 a bushel. The fear is ex- ssed that wére se much wheat sxrded that farmers would in an- West Durham EXIBITIO BOWMANVILLE T-uesday and Wednesday Séptember 1ifi1x, 1923' PROGRAMME First Day--Tuesday, September l8th 7P. M. CITIZENS' NIGHT Ail exhibits in Main Building and Poultry 'Building Open. .Good Lighting. BAND CONCERT By Bowmanville Band in front of Grand Stand. MOVING PICTURE SHOW From Stand (rain or shine) COMMWNITY SINGING ALSO MUSICAL RIDE By Royal Canadian Dragoons 20 HORSES - 20 MEN ADMISSION 25c-GRAND STAND FREE Second Dat' Wednesday, September 19 Ail departments open-ail animais must be-on the grounds by one o'clock as judges will comnmence their duties sharply at that hour. SCHOOL CHILDREN'S PARADE At 12.45 p. m. sharp, Ail children in parade admitted to ground>s free. For information appiy te Secretary. The Boiçmanville Band wili give concert onl gro'unds durin'g the af ternoon. Musical Ride by Royal Canadian Dragoons. Industrial exhibîts, excellent stock exhibits. Make this day a success by your attendance. AppIy to Secretaiy for Wembership Ticket and enter your stock, fruit and ladies' work and iiêprove the' exhibits. ecarriage 25c; Grand Stand 25c. EVENING A High Glass Concert will be given in the Town Hall at 8.1'5. Watch for further particulars next week. M. J. ELLIOTT, President, ARCHIE TAIT Phone 65 Bowmranville I PiklngTime WE CARRY MIGHTY GOOD SPICES .White, black and red pepper, cinnamon, nut- meg, cloves, allspice, mace, turmeric, curry pow- der, mustard, mustarci and eelery seed, or mixed spices, wlxole or ground. Mighty good spices, irndeed, because of extreme freshiiess ProiSer spices are best for cooking, canning and preserving. Lay in a stock now. High grade v'inegar. always in stock. VIIARIIV ALLJP PHONE 186 s< low évery time we for it brougit to our dlislike of hoe- ýding carrots and alene when a boy~ i these days farms largéer ai-d moreI réd on the average it work, on a farm] d or a orown mani i. lËaii, LIInepiew 01 1 urtry, who has madle su of thé position hé hs it xiii hé a ifflculty a s;uccesser la thé Go oyment Service. copy of thé JapanA îly 27, 1923, contains tch from a wi-a 'ie old boy, Dr. C] ,Président Coillege of Inapolis, Indiana, U. Mrs. Paul 'bas been itiens lu China and despatch is over a c -Il n. ,-, .,na r ce if requiî )many mee ès when onl t,. wagonc ery village 1 This féeli one of the r léave thé c, and cities. SAméi d Iiis loy if hé dislikes working alonè at Iny job requîning atuci time in its )erforinance. Cleopatra' s Beauty Secret, C1eolatra knéw that te have a fresi fiac siu, thorçough cleansing was neccss-ary. Shé knew that the gen1tleýst means miust be em- ploycd. She uiséd Pahan and Olive euls. Thé cruche cox»bination of thesée ois whikh was thé béat créan royalty could command, is today bDroughit te perfection in Palmiolive. Evéry girl can have thée rdianit healthy skia which is thé founidation of ail beauty. Intelligent caré is thé secret - thoreugli ciéansing the basis. Unléss thoroughly ecansed witi soap and water, the sicin becomes sluggish and inac- tive. Thce tiniy pores clog with dirt, ail sécré- tiens, perspiration, rouge and powder, aad blackheads and other blemishes résult. A pure mild soap causes no irritation. Women' wio f ear it have beein uslag thre wrong sioap. Palmolive, witlh its crcaniy iild1 latier ia cleanses; it fresheas, revives and stimulates andi leaves tic skia delighfifùly fresh and rosy. You oan bey Palmolive Soap at all fiist., class dealers, Made ini Canada Palm nduolive .12. -pothia* ise-livt galure'. green color to Palusolive Soa> Volume 4 Efdec Prouce25r 10e 1' .\~ k: K 6 see f or siouai sonie 'E 4' "N.-"' ç 44 W il 1 of r that a lot WoLrK single J. G. MCCLELLAN, 1 Secretary.