- -, -~ -- ,pj. I_ IBOWMANVILLE, AUG. 23rd, 1923. LOCAL AND OTHERWISEI itil School Re-Opening m to c ____________m s. (Dr.) F. T. been visitin We will be pleased to telil you what system of heating your home should have. ESTIMATES GLADLY FURNISRED Greenaway & Elliott Consultiiig Engineers Phone 18 day or night Bownanville Mrs. E. Worden lias returned from a plesaant visit witli relatives iaOt tawa.1 Miss Muriel Hancock, Port Hope, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Louise Pat- erson. Mr. and Mrs. C. Robinson and son Clyde recently visited friends at Peterboro. Miss Anaie Cox is recovering nice- ly from hber recent illaess from pneum-onia. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Dickinson, To- ronto, spent Sunday at Mr. W. W. Dickinson's. Miss Neil M. Brown, A. T. C. M., of Lindsay, is visiting lier aunt, Mrs. T. Geo. Mason. Mr. S. F. Hooper, Toronto, spent Sunday witb bis brother, Mr. J. T. Hooper, Liberty Place. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wise an'd babe, Toronto, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Wilcox. ,Mr. Allan K.eth, Newark, N. J., was visitiflg old friends liere,, guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Elliott. Mr. Wm. D. Dukes bas been ap- pointed Clerk and Treasurer of Whitby town at a salary of $1,800. Mr. S. J. Hug-hson has returned Vo Toronto after playing with the 48tb Highlanders at Trenton and Co- bourg.- gMrs. C. L. Lynch, Penticton, B. C., and Mrs. W. Coulter, Port Perry, were recent guests of Mrs. J. Hamil- ton Bateman. Dr. J. W. Brimeorcombe, Marion, Ind., is visiting bis mother and sis- er, Mrs. H. A . Bird, 68 E. 24tli St., Mount Harnilton. Mrs. Mark Prout has disposed of ber furniture and lias gone Vo reside with ber daugliter, Mrs. (Dr.> V. E.ý Pound, Ridgeway. Mrs. Bath and Mrs. Bath, Jr., and 4augliter Dorothy, Pickering, visited the former's sister, Mrs. Rd. Bragg, Sr., on Wednesday. Mrs. Charles Grigg and ehildr'en, Winnipeg-, Man., and Mr. D. G. Mur- ray, Toronto, were wý,eek,-end guests of Mrs. David Grigg. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Taylor and dnughiter Gwen, Toronto, are spand- ing a few days' with bis mother, Mrs. A. Taylor, and other friends. Major and Mrs. F. C. Washington an-d daughter, Loreen, Weyburn, Sask., visîted bis uncle, Rev. W. C. Washin.gton, M. A., on Sunday. Miss Murray and a jolly bunch of girls from 'Gopper Beech Camp, Newcastle, were ia town ýTuesday and gave The Statesman a friendly call. Mrs. H. Gomme, Toronto, visite'd her daughter, Mrs. Ashley, on Sun- day. They also attended tlie Decor- aion services at Bond Head Cem- etery. Mr, W. J. Bragg, M. P. P., Mr. W. S. Bragg and Miss LeVa L. Bragg were called Vo St. Marys on Wed- nesday Vo attend the funeral of their cousin, Mrs. J. j. Bragg. Mr.,.and Mrs. M. C. Galbraith have returned home to Kansas City, TKansas, after spending a montb veryl pleasantly wvith bis mother,Ms.. A. Galbraith at Port Bwavle Wa are pleased Vto note that Mr. Vernon Lowens, youngest son of. 4Vr. and Mrs. R. J. Lowens, Manvers Rond, lias secured a Supervisor's Certifleate in Art at the DPepartment- ai Summer Course in Toronto. Mrs. A. E. Bolton of Deatroit, Midi., wbo libas been visiting ber brother, Mr. Anthony Grant, Scugog St., left yesterday for Toronto where she will make an extended visit witb friands and relatives be- fore returning home. Mr. and Mrs. Jack BridIle of Tor- onto, wbo bave heen visiting Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Nichols, Prospect St., iartored Vo Cape Vincent, N. Y., via Kingston to visit bis sister~, ac- companied by Miss Ila Nicliols. Mr. and Mrs. Bridie returned home Vo Toronto on Sunday. A 2-incb advt in The Statesman last week brouglit a local merchant $300 worth of business. Business will be good if you advertise iu the right paper. Anothar local mer- chant spent $11.00 in advertising in The Statesman last week and sold «ver $700 wortb of goods. You can'V tell these progressive mar- chants that iV does;n't pay Vo adver- tise in this paper. On the other baud think of Vhe real bargains people get wbo read the advts reg- ularly. Miss Stella Wolfe-Murray, a well- known Journalist of London, Eng- land, bhaÈ been spendiug a few days wi*tb brUold ieuA s Ms -Bara -s. John 4Y.cGill, Toron- Tisited ber sister, Miss s. P. Laing, Clarke, with her sister, Mrs. F. icnic at Hampton on well gttended. Full. Mrs. Robt. Copeland and Miss MUargaret Copeland are visiting friends in Wirigham. Miss Helen MePherson, B. A., of Springfiel'd, Mass., is visiting- her aunt, Mrs. J. N. Lawrie. Mr. A. C. Brown and Miss Ethel Brown of Lyndhurst, spent the wýeek- end with Mrs. W. R. Cole. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Osborne, Tor-. onto, are holidaying with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. W, H. Osborn.e. Miss Gladys Vanstone visited lier sister, Mrs. B. A. Sisier and other friends in Toronto over the week- end. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kennedy and son HowardI of Detroit, Mich., are visiting Messrs. R. M. and H. Janiieson. Mrs. S. J. Hughson and son Glen have returned home after spending holidays with hler mother, Mrs. A. Taylor, and otlier frieudis. Mr. Gordon Pearce got his left band badly crushed while feeding a ~printing press at the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co., on Tuesday morn- ing. Mrs. Hathway, Misses Ada and Mary and MVr. Nornman Hathvay and Mr. Lawrence, Toronto, recently vis- ited the former's daughter, Mrs. B. Bailey, at Mr. F. H. Mson's. Mr. W. J. Ormiiston, Enfield, is re- ceiving congiistulatioxis froni bis many friends on bis Iinported Cly- dèsdale Stallion "Black Model" win- ning first prise for best groomned Nheavy horse on the grounds and second prize in the Clydesdale Class at Coboifrg Horse Show last week. CARI> 0F THANKS Mrs. Alfred Turner, Scugog St., desires to thank -ail he~r friends and neiglibors for their very _great kind- ness and symipathy extended Vo lier duringli er recent sad bereavement. NOTICÉ Mrs. Alfred Turner, Bowmanville, wisbes-o inforni the public that ar- ,,ange-nents have been nmade to car- ry on the masoïiry afiUenienit con- struction business of lier late bus- band. MONEY TO LOAN $80,000 to ]end ou farms-first, second mortgagas. mortg,!ages paid off, mort- gages purchasedl. Business private. Write or cali E. R. Rey7noldis, 77 Victoria St., Toronto. 3~5 HEL.P WANTED KITCHEN GIRL. AT ÔNCE-.Appýly at Balmoral Hotel, Bowmvranville. 32-t HELP WANTED-Experienced mn for farm l worlk wanted at once for re- maindler of se-ason. Highiest wages for capable man. AýpplIy to J. Il. Power, R. R. 2, Bowmanville. Plboue15r4 323-2Lw LOST OR FOUND LOST-Strayed from J. C. Dud[ey's, Bethesda, on Wýedlnesday morning, a~ balf-grown yellow and Illack collia pup. Finder please phone 196-r22. 3-tf LOST-In Bowmanville on FrIlday, August 10, lady's small greyý purse con- taiinîng a sum' of miouey. 'Re-cward for returu to w. iH. Dustan's Store, Bw manville. .3 -t[f ARTICLES FOR SALE COLLIE PUPS FOR $ALE-Pure Bred 6 weelçs old. fine sturdy stock. Âpply Geo. Jamiieson, Newcastle. 32-t FOR SALE-Two antique hall chairs, Aupply to Mrs. F. M. Souch, King St.' Bowmau'ville. Phone 315. 31,3 FOR SALE-Singie b)uggy and harness, iu good condition. Apply to Jas. Fl- lott, King St. E.ý Bowmauville, phone 157. 25-t FOR SALE-A quantity of fall rye suitable for sýecÈ~ Apply to Arduie Tbompson, R. R. 5, Bowiarville. Phone 131-r2. 31-2w CARS FOR SALE-So?e good second baud cars for sale at great bargains, Be sure aud see them before buyiug. A. W. Pickard, Bowmanville. 21-t FOR SALE-M/assey-Harris No. 8 cut- ting box, a mnmber of -white Wyaudlotte jiens, also a pair of pure bred Brabame. Wvallace, strain, Ottawa. Apply to0 Roy Webber, Liberty St., Bowmauville. 34-L* FOR SALE-Cecilian Piano lu good condition, only 7 years old. Bargain at $275 for quick sae C. E. Rebder, Scugog Street, phone 93, Bowmanvllle. 1 ~27-t PROPERTY FOR SALE FOR SALE-The best equipped Cdea- ing and Pressing business lu Oshiawa. Apply to liai. V. Bataman, 12%/, King St., West. Oba?~334W FOR SALE-Prame residence, contain- îng 7 roorns.lbath, halls sud ail modemn conveniences. Wired for electric stove; garage; goodl garder. Aprply Qn the prenilses to Mrs. P. F. Nawhouse, Odeli and Prospect Sts., Bowmsanville. HQIJSE FOR SALE IN BOWMANVILLE Seven rooni, 2 storey brick (cottage roof), witb pantry and closets and front and back stairs, with ail modern con-. veniences. Downstair floors of quarter cut oak, new three plece bath, Pease 1 conomy Wurnace, ilso large garage a nd çwork-sliop, situated lu a splendid loCaUl- ity, only '5 minutes walk from the Post Office. For qulck sale this property will be sol~d worth the money. Posses- sion and tarms eau becnmade to suit pur- clisser. Apply to A. M. Hardy, box 417, phione 269. 2t ýownuvill E 19th, 19:23,t i, .5 Burlingto MARRIAGES WESTAWAY-HEWSON - At Port Hope, on Tuesday, August l4th, 1923, by .Rev. 3. W. Baird, Reine Patricia Hew- soi) to John Charles Westaway, son of Mr. and M-\rs. J. L. Westaway, al of Port HopeC. DEATHS B EST-At Port Britain, August 15th, George Best, ini bis 83rd year. TURN',ER-4u Bowmianville, August l, Alfred Turner, agd13 years. WOODCOOK-Instaniitly killed in Or- ono on August J5, Garneýt Woodcock, of H1aliburton, aged 32 years. ST! NSON-At the Ross Memorial llos- pital, Lindsay, August 15, Mary Cairns, beloved wlfe of W. -W. Stinson of Man- vers, aged f3 years<, SCOTT-At the residee of his daugh- ter. -Mrs. J. Currie Smith, 23 Lauder Ave., Toronto, Aug, lstb, R. X. Scott, beioved busband of E. Alice Alln. lu- terred ln Pot, Hope. RUNDLE-At Osbawva. at the resi- dence of ber daugbter, Mrs. W1ým. Found, on Thursclay, August lGtb), Aninie -Martha Frank, beloved -wlfe of Mr. James Run- dle, lunber 1111,year, Interment at Ebenezer Cemnetery. IN MEMORIAM In loving iuewory of our dear littie Letat, Jeoved daughter of 30e andj Louise Kelly, wbo passed away August 2th, 1921, Far beyond the land of cbanges, Far beyond the land of care, We sball find our missing Ioved one In our Fatber's moansion fair. Mother, Dad, Brothers and Sisters. In ever loving memnory of our dear littie son, Wilfrid Ford Marsden, wbo was called to the fold August 24tb, 1922, aged 6 years. Do flot aslk us if we miss hlm, There is Such) a vacant pla~e We can ne'er forget bts footteps' Or bis dear, sweeýt smiling face.. Sad and sudiden was the cal To our darling, loved by aill Tbe loss was great, the sbock severe, Just to those who loved hlmn dear. God bas taken borne our darliug, Placed a, bud amnong bis flowers, For sleeping peacefully lu His bosomn Lies the rose that once was curs. Sadly missed by Mamipa, Paddy and littie sister Shirley. J~ OFF TO SCHOOL IN TWO WEEKS' TIME Lots of feet will have tQ be shod before school starts. So why flot corne in now and get that pair of shboes that the boy or girl will need? WATCH "OUR WINDOWS FOR STURDY SCHOOL SHOES Boys' Brown elk bluchers with bulldog leather soles ............................................ $4.50 The same boot in black elk at ..............$4.25 Youths' brown and hlack elks .............$3.25 Boys' caif bluchers in black only............ $3.25 Youths' in same blucher at .... .............. $2.75 For the older boy or young man we have' good sturdy caif shoes in black and brown $5.00 to $7.50 Young girls' and ladies oxfords and strap styles in black or brown caîf leather, priced frorn $3.75 to $7.50 Misses calf blucher boots, black only, at $3.00 to $3.50 Girls' 8 to 1O½/:ý black boots .......$2,50 to $3.75 W T. CLAUDE IVES CASH SHOE STORE' BOWMAN VILLE Style Headquarters Boys' and Menis Cloth- Wherê Society Brand-Jo lSt fS igad unsig Clothies Are Sold. SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK END Every day brings to our store some new line in clothing or II' urnishings for Fali. Every department in oujr store is being j astocked with merchandise that has been bought -with grea.t care, 'I 114 exercising at ail times the splendid facilities we have of buying _ in large quantities and for that reason w\e are enabled to givýe the best high grade clothing and furnishings to our customers at prices that cannot fail to satisfy the niost careful buyers. Our Boys' department is the foundation of our store, and this seasoni we have used every mneans possible to procure mer- ehlandise that will please the boys, and at prices within reacli of ail. We cordi ally invite you Vo our store, where every attention wýill be given, whether you buy or not. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIALS BOYS' SCHOOL SUITS AT $6.95 A splendid lime of Boys' tweed suits, ulce patteras, extra quai- ity, witb bloomer pauts, just splendid~ for school wear. Frn- day and Saturday for oaly $6.95 BOYS' SUITS AT $8.95 A liris of Boys' Suits with bloomer trousers, new patterns, well ined, regular $12.50, ou sale Friday and Saturday of this week for only $8.95 3 Doors East of Standard Bank On Friday and aâturday you may buy a beautiful. n~avy blue suit, la Vhs soft'fluîsb pure wool Irish serge, genuin indigo 1lue, lined witb wooi serge linings, tiree piece, for 5uly $20.00 MEN'S SUITS A iue of Men's liard finish pure wool suits, in eitber single or the uew double breast, indigo dye, three piece, aIl sizes, navy blue oniy. On Friday and Satur- day we wilielear, these suiVs for oufly $295 Johnstons -OSHAWA BOYS' SUITS $9.75 Very fine soft finish tweed suits, bloomer troueers, in thé popular lovatt sia-de%, reguaur $16.50, on Friday and Satur- day 'clearnag for only $9.75 SWEATERS Neyer before have we had sucih a beautiful collection of Sweat- ers and Sweater Coats. We al- ways try Vo have th.e best in these fines, but this season they are better than ever. We have a large stock and invite you to see themn. Phoneo 271 nville uoý 11923, tc i'rovidenc I BOWMAN VILLE L ,