BOWMANVILLE, NUG. 23îd, 1923. APPLE CRQO, REPORT Report on the apple crop for this district: Oshawa-Cro-wing conditions have been favorable, apple sca.b le devel- oping raIidly, especially on Ben Davis and Staîks. Spies are cdean and will be a heavy crop. BaIlwins, Bellefleur, Greenings light; early varieties light. Newcastle, Bowmanvile-Apple crop is equal in quantity to 19922 but sliowing scab exce'pt in orchards -which were carefully spiayed. Spies, Balidwins, Starlcs heavy, Mc- Intosh, Fameuse and Gîeenings f air, Dresses DressesI Diresse! Cleverly designed in SeothZphyr Ging- hams, Chambrays, and Prints, sizes 16 to 48'. Regular $2.25, $2.50 $13.00O....Sale Price $1.95 Extra lot of Children's Ratine, Palm Beach and Gingham Dresses, sizes 8 to 14 years. This item constitutes the balance of our Summer Dress-. es f or Juniors. .Regular up to $5.50I Sale Price $2.95 Canton Crepe and ¶aff eta Dresses, guar- anteed in every particular, f orm a remiarkable lot for Thursday, Friday and Saturday selling. Sizes range from 16 to 42. Colors: Navy, Black, Green, Brown, Coral, etc ........ Sale Price $1 5.00 HOSIERY Extra value i Silk llosiery ineludin'g Black, Brown an-d 'Polo shades, madie of pure Thread Silk- with smock seam and double toes and heels.........................Sale Price 98c pair Dry Goods and Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Phone 106 Bowmanville To nvite You oneen and see our newest offerings in Furs. This Seasoni's models are more thai usualiy at- tractive and beeoming. We feel sure you will like a comfortable CHOKER, SCARF OR COAT ai, very convincing prices. LET US REMODEL YOUR FURS We can give your every order prompt at- tention and we are ready to tell you ail about next season's styles. G. N. THURSTON Bowmianville's Up-to-date Haberdashiery and Fur Shop. ENFIELD Visitors: Miss M. Knox, Oronio and Miss B. Sargent, Peterboro, at Mr. Russell Ormiston's; Messrs. Rus-~ sell Lave(-r and B. Laver, Toronto, ati Mr. A. Ori-iiton's; Mr. and Mrs. E, W. Pascoe and Mîss Grace, Brook- lin, and Miss Lena Niddery, Toronto, at Mr. G. Ormiston's; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Page, Toronto, at Mr. S. Page's; Mrs. Thos. Sargent and Miss B. Sargent, PeterhDro, at Mr. L. C. Pascoe's; Mis. M. A. Abrahains, Harmnoiy, at Mr. Johrn Kepburns; Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Ashton and Jean have been visiing at Bowmanrjârville. Mr. John ~tsher who ks employ- ed by Mi. Elmer Bradley fell fiom the mow in the bain breaing his hip. Mi. Thos. Cole, a native of Devon, England, wbo lived for a time in Darlington township, but who for the past fifty yeaîs bas lived la Kep- peIltownship near Owen Sound, pas- 'seçi away Tuesday, August 7tb, la bis 92ad yesr. Tbîee sons and five daugbters survive. 1 HAMPTON The meeting of the Young People's League Friday evening was in charg-e of Miss Laura Virtue, social vice-president. Alter open- iag exercises the Scripture lesson was reafi by Mi. Ernest Gay. The Topie whicb was in two parts was taken by Misses Lottie Horni and Sache Virtue; a quartette was nicely sung by Misses Bernice and Eileea Staînton and Frances and fleatrice Jones. Ahl engaged in a swoîd drill. Mi. and Mis.. C. P. Spar- ling-, Mi. Gordon Spaiing, Toronto, Mi. and Mis. El! LeGuerre, Mr. Levi Elliott, Woodbri.dge, were recent guests of Mr. and Mis. Thos. Elliott. MAPLE CGROVE Mi. and Mis. R. IVcWiliamns, Mr. an'd Mis. Arnold McWilliams and family motoîed fîom Peterboro and visited their cousin, Mi. R. L. Woi- den, and other relatives. . . Mr. and, Mis. Russell Osborne, town line, Clarke, speat Sunday at ber uncle's, Mi. R. L. Woîden ...Miss Mary Sewvaîd bas retuîned home after two weeks spent veiy pleasantly withi Oshawa and Whitby fiiends....1 Mis. James Courtice, Town, visited bier niece, Mis. W. J. Snowden, last week. . Mis, James Pbipps, Mani- tou, Man., is visiting ber sister-in- law, Mis. F. Swallow. ..,Misses Maîjory and Doîotby Stevens have, ieturned after a pleasant visit with friends la Uxbridge .... Mr. snd Mis. Franli Everson, son Wm, Courtice, visited bis sister, Mis. W. J. Snow- den on Sunday. .. . Mi. and Mis. Wil Seatteigood and Iwo childien, Miss- es Mayme anid Margaret Farewell, Oshawa, visited their cousins, Messrs. H. R. and Ernest Foley, on Sunday.... Miss Edna Swallowv en- tertaiined the Busy Woîkeîs Cases at bei home on. Tuesdlay afternoon, in honor of Misses Susie and~ Annie Laird, wbo are leaving for Toronto this wveek. .. Rev. W. T. Wickett, Tyrone, will occupy the pulpit here on Sunday. TYRONE Ail membeis of Tyrone League are îequested to be present at re- ular meeting on Tbuisday, August 22id, when Blackstock League wilI visit us and give the entire pio.giam. Refresbments will be seived. Miss Marion Hlooey, Toronto, spent the week-end ut Col. Farrell's.... Miss Berta Hodgson, Lindsay, is vis- iting Miss Annie Gardiner..Mr. and Mis. John H. Mutton aie visît- ing bis sister in Chatham... Mis. T. Smith and Ivan with lier mother in Oronio.... Mi. Bruce Iloneywell, Toronto, spent the week-end at Ms W. R. Clemens'..Mi. and Mis. Levi Skinner, Olive and Harold, Sun- dayed at Mis. Geo. Scott's, Osbawa. ... Messrs. John Mutton and T. Scott attended Cobour<g Horse Show on Wednesday and report a fine time..Harvest is about over ln this vicinity and the farmers repiort a very good crop. -..Mr. and Ms 1Robt. Blurgess and Leverne spent Sunday ýat Mi. Howard Stevens', En- niskillen. ,. Mr. and Mis. Allia An- ais, Toronto, are bolidaying at Mi. A. W. Anais'. ... Miss Jean r'bomp- son, Toronto, is visiting Miss Veina McCoy .... Master Lloyd BaIl, Les- kard, is visiting bis grandmotier, Mis. Wmi. Virtue. . .. Mis. F. Bam- bridge, Dekalb, El., called on friends here îecently. . .. Mr. an'd Mis. Al-~ bert Goyne and bis mother, Oshawa, called on fiienda bere Monday. Another chance-aIl white canvas sýhoes clearing at 1*11, Copeland Shoe Store. SOLINA Recent visitors: Miss Ruth Tamnb- lyn, Orono, at Mr. W. J. Cryder- mian's; Mr. and Benson Dunn, North Oshawa, Mr. and Mis. Clar~- ence Vice, Columbus, Mi. and Mis. Geo. Gibson, Oshawýa, at Mir. Walter Vice's; Mi. and Mis. L. C. Pascoe and Miss Bessie, Enfield, at Miss Mary Hogart's; Rev. Mi. Meruner and Mis. Merner, St. CatberinCe, Miss Florence Luke, Miss Bernie Werry anîd Mis. R. J. Luke, Kedron, at Mi. A. L. Pascoe's; Miss Louie Annis, Toronto, at Mr. flugh 'Annis'; Mr. and Mis. Sam Brooks and babe, 'Oshawa, at Mi. W. VanNest's; Mi. and Mis. Claie Thomas, Orillia, at Mr. H. Aigue',s; The Misses Annis, Dunbaîton, and Miss Trull, iari mony, at Mi. Jas. Gaifat's, Mss t DARINGTON Mis. N. Moore and daughter, Mary, AMrs. Jos. Bel! and daugliters Dorothy and Josephine of Wipdsor, 'visited with their cousin, Mrs< D. W. Downey, ....Miss Edua Phillhps and Miss Rilda Cooper, Toronto, are hol- icIaying with Mis. Grant Bennetiet.. Miss Rowena Stephens î- visL ing1 her sister, Mis. Gotdon iVanCmp. .Mrs. E. J. Burk with Mrs. Wm. Coiy, Oshawa, who is il ... . M rs. J. W. Hyncis called at Mr. Roy Van- Camp's on Sunmdaýy. COURTICE Miss Irene Oke, who undeîwent an operation for appendicitis last week in Oshawa Hospital, k 'doîng nicely.. .On Satuîday afternoon the funeral of the late Mis. J ames Rundie took place at Ebenezer church. Mi. and Mis. Rundie had removed some five years ago fîom the commi-unity to Oshawa, where 'or the last two years a fatal illness seized her. Uer death occurred at the home of her daughiter, Mis. Wmiý. Found, King St., wheîe a shoit ser- vice was conducted by Rev. Mansel Iîwýin, her pastoî. The regulai ser- vice was held in Ebenezer chuich and inteiment in the ceineteiy there. . .. .Rev. C. C. Washington, B 1. A., retuined to Baltimore lasit Thuisday to attend the funeral of Rev. W. C. Egan, a son of Mis. Jereiah Egan of that place.. . Mr. and Mis. W. J. Rowcliff e and çaugher Jessie, Balti- more, motored to Courtice and spent a day at the Parsonage on Wednes- day. ENNISKILLEN Visitois: Rev. and Mis. Harold Stainton an.d Misses Rets Ashton and Myrtle Sweetman, Scugog Island, at Mr. E. C. Asbton's;' Mi. and Mis. Daniel Burgnmaster aie visiting with friends in Buffalo; Mi. W. G. Rob- bins and daugbtei, Bowmanville, with bis brother, Mi. Frank Robbins; Mi. and Mis. R. Ormniston, Enfield, with Mi. S. Tiewin; MiT. and Mrs. A. Stainton and Cliff or '. Toronto, with her parent,Mr. anclM"s John Pye; Mi. Cecil Siemon ar- Miss Vera Slemion, IUsydon, at M John Slem- on's; Miss Laveine (<fn Town, is spendixig the week a hom-e; Miss Muriel Everest of Cat"~t, is vis-' iting with the Misses Wlc;Miss Knox, ,Bownianville, vtigwith Miss Alima Weiry;M and Ms Loge, Mi. and Mis. Frank Alsworth1 and Mis. A. Nesbitt and babe,, Ber- nice, Oshawa, at Mis. T. Gilders'; Mxand Mis,. C. Sanideison, Burke- ton, and Miss Eva Sanderson, Toron- to, at Mi. Wilfied Sandeisoa's; Mi. and Mis. Jos. Duig-ess, Tyrone, at Mr. H. Stevens'; Mi. and Mis. J. Avery and littie daugbteî, Mis.1 Buckirngham ahd family, Toronto, and Mi. W. Cowling and Mi. and John Cowling, Hampton, at Mr. Wmi. Oke's; Mi. and Mis. J. H. Weiry, Misses Florence and Alice 1Weîry, Mi. and Mis. M. A. Jame'-, Mr. and Mis. Geo. W. Jamnes, Williami and 'Rth , and'Miss E. E. Haycraft of WBowm11h Mr. and Mis. Jas. A. Werry. League Wednesday eveng i charge of 2nd Vice Pies., Miss Myrtle Bient. Bible reading by Mi. Wilbert Smith; 'Topic on "Mission-j aries in Japan," Mis. Theo Slimon; voc al duet wvas sweetly sung by Miss- es M,ýabel Beecb and Veina Trewin; reading, Mi. Eugene Beecb; piano 'duet was nicely îendeîed by Miss Maudie and Master Orville Ashton; reading, "Oui Real Mission," Miss Lillie Wallace. Meeting closed with Mizpah Benediction ...A large congiegation greeted oui pastor, Rev. G. T. McKenzie, on bis retuin fîom bis holidays, Sunday evening. His text was "The race is not always won by the swift, oi the battie won by the strong-." The sermon -was veîy instructive and appreciated by aIl. The music by the choir was ,reatly enjoyed! as was the quartette by Messrs. Howaid Stevens and Herb Stainton, Mis. Tbeo Slemon and Miss Majorie Smith. NEW SHIPMENT PRINTS 1 -_D Cliearance Thursday m Friday il SALEMI Harvest Home services of Salemi Church will be beld as f ollows: Sun-1 day,, Aug-ust 26th st 2.30 and 7.30 p. mn., Rev, C. C. Washington, B. A., Courtiice, will preacb. Collections in aid of chuici funds. Music by the choir. On Monday, August 27, a program of sports will be held comn-, mencing at 3 p. ni. At 5 p. nm. a cbicken pie supper wil be served. At 8 p. m. "The Sunshine Class" of Newcastle Methodist Sunday School wiIM present their play, "The Young Country Scbool-Ma'm.-i" Admission: Adults 65c; children 35c. PETTIT'S POINT, LAKE SCUGO<G Bowi-aanville visitors: Mi. Alex.1 Elliot, Masters Douglas and Ted and Mliss Girvin holidaying witb Mi. and i r. Jas. MeDougal.... Miss Doris, Foster witb Miss Jessie McDougall. .Mr. and Mis. W. H. Carruthers and family snd Mi. and Mis. W. Quick Sundayed witb Mi. and Mis. Jas. Caruters... Misses Ethel and Helen Morris and Margaret Trebil- cock with Mi. and Mis. F. R. Ker- slake .... .Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. James and fainily, Mi. and Mis. W. ,WallaCe, Mi, and Mis. J. H. Bate.. man, and Miss E. E. Haycraft witb Mayor and Mis. H. L. Quinn .... Mis. McGiegor and Miss Helen Mc- Gregor are occupying Mi. Jas. D. Carrutheis' cottag-e... . Miss Doiothy Kiîkton spent last week with Miss IoaieQuinn. School Supplies Publie and Hîgh SchooI 1 Text Books-~- Seribblers, Exercise, Drawing and Writing Books, Pencils, Erasers, Compasses, Artists' Paints and Crayons. Secure your wants in good time for the opening of the sehools. P. S.-Scliool Supplies are strictly cash. W.0 T. Allen Big 20 Book Store Bowmanville Sale! -Saturday August 23rd, 24th, 2,5th. We are going to fil these three days full of bargains. 'Many of the things listed are in lirnited quantities therefore it wiII be necessary to corne early to see, that you get your share. Don't forget Thursday, Friday and Saturday. MEN'S WEAR Men's Pure Wool Batl-ing Suits, one piece style with skirt, ail colors and sizes, to clear at ............$2.75 ea Men's Gothamn Athletic Combinations tailored from fine mercerized bastiste. Sale Price $1.50 suit Boys' cotton jerseys in ail colors with long or short sleeves, 39e or 3 for $1.00 Men's fine Broadcloth Shirts, manu- factured by Arrow & Forsyth, Reg. $5.50 .............Sale Price $3.95 ea Men's white sport shirts, ail sizes, Reg. $1.50 ............ ....Sale Price $1.0 Jnterwoven Sllk Sox in ail shades 98C Pr Men's Balbriggan shirts ,and drawers, fine quaiity, Reg. 75e each 'Sale Price 59e per gar. Any cap in our store at $1.48, formner prices up to $2.25..... Sale Price $1.48 Police Braces made from heavy web- bing ..............................39c pr. Fine cotton pyjamas, , ail sizes, Reg. .3*0 ..... ........Sale Price $2.25 Men's Balbriggan Combinations with long legs and short sleeves or short legs. with long sleeves. Sale Price 98c suit. Boys' Balbriggan Combinations, short, sieeves and short legs, Reg. 85e Sale Price 59e Men's Cotton Hose, natural shade only 4 pr $1.00 Boys' long Khakçi Pants, fine quality, Reg. $1.75 ............Sale Price $1.48 Men's Hatchway 'No-button Athietie Combinations, fine quality nainsook, Sale Price $1.35 suit LADIES' WEAR Ladies' Pure Wool Bathing Suits, only small quantity ieft, Reg. $3.75, Sale JPrice $2.95 ýea Ladies' Cotton Middies, white with blue collars, aiso some plain blue, to clear at ..................>...$1.39 ea A few pieces of fancy voiles, ail are in dress lengths, Reg. 60e Sale Price 39e yd Pure linen glass toweis with red bord- er only a iimited quantîty ... .23ce eo One piece only of white Terry towel- ling, heavy quality, ,very fine for bath towels, Reg. 65c for ...........49c yd .HOSIERY ' Fancy Silk Hose in white, navy, grey, sand and brown ............. .98c pair Balance of Chlldren's Socks, ail assort- ed colors, Reg. 50c, to clear at ....39c "Holeproof" Silk Hosiery in ail the new shades and styles, Reg. $1,85 Sale Price $1.69 pr DRESS GOODS Fancy cheeked Ratine with grey ground, blue and mauve c'vercheck, Sale Price $1.19 yd Ratine in plain shades, blue, white, mauve, yellow an-d rose, to clear 79c yd One piece only unbleached cheesecloth, fine quaiity, Reg. 10e yd, to clear at 4 yds for 25e Ladies' fancy coiored handkerchiefs i blue, mauive, yellow and pink af 20e eaçh Ginighams,,.all otur remaining stock wili be put on sale. They are ail the wide width xith extraordinary wear- ing qualities, Reg. 35e and 40c yd Sale Price 25e yd * 4 1$ GROCERIES Large Cooking Onions ......3 lbs 25e Pickling Onions, 13 sizes, Pure Malt Vinegar .......80e per gal 1lOc, 12 1/2c, 15e lb VEGETABLES GEM JARS Beets, Carrots, Turnips, Cabbage, New Quarts .................$1.40 per doz and Old Potatoes. Pints ............. ...$1.30 per doz Mct-%M-urtry & Co., Ltd. PHONE 83BOWMANVILLE THEj GIFT SHOP For AIl Occasions Alex Elliot Jeweler Bowmanville .......... .......... I A. E.Jennings, Hampton Ontario 4l'à PHONE 83