Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Apr 1923, p. 8

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SENDING AWAY By J. Edw. Tuffl±s, The Cheerful Plowman. The gent who runs our village ý3tore is imad, disgusted, sick and sure, and more so every day. "It's up- hill work", ho says to me, "to handie sock-, and prunes and tea, for f olks WILL. SEND AWAY! Each ùian and wona'n and thir dog now b as a mam- moth catalog and order g'oods by mail! They send for harnesses and prujnes, for bannockfiour and dancing tunies; it makes me fierce and pale! Here is my store with evrything that's noodeci for a tr<mip or king, a widow, or a kid, yet 'olks don't come-i to mea and buy ,. of the stuiffi.ng f or their pie 'r ormneily thcy did! I help support uie village hoe; I pay good taxes every year; 1 live right here, 1 do ! Mail order foÏks, wbat do they pay? Do they heip ont in any way? Thiey-do flot give a sou! It isn't fair, that's what 1 say, for any man to send away foi, Phone 1096 Limited Ihonest, local boys, are selling sugar, ~aything on earth, whilo meichants, gloves an~d toys for wliat they're really -worth!" "Well now", says 1, "1 do not dlaim to know oxactly who's to blame ia this big fighit that's on between the mann who seils by mail in basket ,bucket, crate and pail, to Henry, Dick, and John aad ho who souls as you do hore a-,,ross the count- or, cheap and doar; but one thiag 1 do know: 1 know you'll nover get the trade by wbý,ininig like a sick old maid who neyer had a beau! Mail order bouses, they are there, and here are YOU this very dayý, and there is trade to get! Spruco up and get it if you can, go after it just like a man, be cheerful, game and square! You can- not, suroly, hope to tell a man wbere. ho will buy or seli-that can't ho done, 1 swear! Go after trade, with honest zest, seil goods you know are of the best, ~and throw thàt grouch away! Mail order, business may hibe wrong, but you just help theIthig a'long by poutingl every day" I STOP WE HAVE THE CAR YOU WANT Wonderful Values In Used and Slightly Used Cars and Trucks EVERY ONE A SUPER VALUE Prices in reach of everyone! Ail the way froni $P50 m to-m$1500 Used Car Dealers' KLING ST. WEST Oshawa, Ont. Estab. 1888 36-38 KING ST. E., TORONTO The dependability of our advice is guaranteed by aur replitation as dealers in bonds onîy, for over 35 years. Dominion Stores' Ltd., CANADA'S LARGEST RETAIL GROCERS FLORIDA "SEALDSWEET" G --RAPEFRUIT 1lOc each LARGE SIZE Finest New 'f Machine Siliced 1 Canadian Cheese2 9 iu reakfast Bacon 3elhCii "FIV ROSS" LOURIN TOCK Ail Siz-,es Choicest 4c~ evi Crop Creamnery Butter Mss25Leos~1C Large Size California Na.vei- ORANGES C WE STIILI 1 0 F E>EST The 1Newvvcîait1e IridEýpericd2nt THURSDAY, APRJL 26, 1923 N~EWCASTLE Mr. Robt. ibson, Toronto, was ZIrs. George Gray has purcbased a new Chevrolet Gar. A very bad springhole has develop- ed( on Mclntosh's hill MisJanie Singer visited friendsi in Bellevil!ý last wee1ý. Miss Fraiýces Gibson, Oshawa, was homne for the week-end. Mr. E. Middleton, Oshawa, was homne for the week-end. Mrs. P. O'Neil, Port Union, visitedl friends in town last week.» Mr. T. M. Gibson is the first to re-l port wok n a the land. . Mr. ITerb. Tomis, Toronto, spent the week-end with his famnily. Miss Irene Adair is vîsitîng with her grandmother in Goodwývood. Mr. John Doug-las bas been sick, but is able to be around the bouse. Dr. A. Frncrieom-b accomnpanied Dr. Bail ta Toronto on Monday after- j fon. The Canadian Statesmian is $1.00 for bala,,ne of 19'23 ta a new suli scriber. T. H.,'Race was in town last weel in the interests of the Muskoka Free Hospital. Miss Mabel Haskill, Newýýtonville, spent the week-end with Miss Sadie Robinson. Mrs. J. D. O'Donnell, Hearst, is spniga f ew days with Miss A. Kenefick. Mr. W. G. ITay, Toronto, motoro' dlown and spent Sunday at Mrs. F. Bennett's. Mrs. Coulter is bavlng ber homec remiodelled and a fine vorandah built on the front. Miss Hilda GibsQn, Toronto, speni the week-end with ber father, Mr, Frank Gibson, Mr. George Bull an-d family motor- ed down tram Toronto anrd spont Sunday at the Lake. Mr. Bon. Moise is adding ta the beauty of John Doul-las' hlouse by giving- it a coat of paint. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Herdman, Taronte, motoi'ed down and speat the weok- end at Mrs. J. E. Matchett's. Mrs. Whoelor and daughter Diana, visited with her parents, Mr. and 1Mrs. D. J. Galbraith last week. Dr. and MNrs. Carveth and dlaughter, Mrs. Campbell, spont the week-end at their sumlmer cottage. Mr. D. J. Galbraith wiil occupy "Elmhiiurst" for t'he summllr, and ex-1 pects ta have his new homo ready for the Faîl. Mrs. John Lewis and two c1lden have returned to Hamnilton afte aý pleasant visit witbhor rmother, Mrs., John Robinson. Dr. Bail accomipanied by Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Wright naotored down from-i Toronto and spernt the week-end at Harris Lodg-e. Reeve Butier lias purcbased Mrs. W. Mclntosh's house on Ying" Street East, and intends to have it rem-iod- eled and fittod with modera ayn lences. Mrs. Tuif and two daugbters, Mis-r ses Hilda and Mary, also Mr. Jack Tuf and dauglter Sybil motored down from 1Toronto and spent Sun- dlay with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bran- ton. Clarence Allin lias forsaken Fln- aincial life and returned ta bis firat love, and in, future will devote bisý einerg-ies ta making, two blades ofi gýrass grýow where thero formerly was I but one, on the good aid farmi. The Secr-etarv-Treasture, o1t B3oard of Education is apparently I aiwake ta the fact that theo achool re-1 Port is of imuch interest ta parents 1 and as a result wve had the pleasurel af readîng- the laat report in The Ii-1 dependentî.1 Priends in town received the sad news of the dîeath of Mrs. Thomalýs at ber home in Cicag"o. Mrs. Tho-- as spent the summner'bore latyearl wvith hier daugbiter, Mrs. S. J Ug-l Iow, and was ývery higblyrspce by aIl who came in contac t withl ber.j a'a Furniture and Household Effects Josephl Coulson, Auctionleer, bas re-1 ceived insýtructions from MIr, & Mrs. D. J, abat To sei by\ public auction at their resýidc!e 1 Kin- St., East, Newcastleý oni WEDNESDAY, Commneacing at 192.30 the contents ai thei home, as fori -Mahlogany Pianlo, Oak Il MAY 9th o'clock slharp. commiodious lows: NEWCASTLE Mr. S. Bonathan is seriously il), with pneumnonia.l frins W. H. B. White la visiting frindsin ortHope. jMr. AI. Otton, General Manag-er! of the Oriental, is iil. Mr. Wm. Sa-insburýylbas gone ulowni to the aid farrm f or'ý1a visit. ,Mrs. E. E. -Middleton is spending! aloew cays with friendsis n Orono. Miss ds Robinson of MIontreal,. is guest at -Mrs. J. Cunningbam's. Miss Mni Barrett, Boyvmaniliville,i was guest of Miss Emima B'eman over! the wleek--endo. Mr. and Mrs. Wmi. Jennings have returned homne after a pleasant visiti Withfr nlaToronto. Msr.J. E. Rinchi and Fredi Fligg- have reýsumied duties with Pr-ovincial Highway Construction gangs. Mis ,Ga4ds atchett returned homie fromn the hospital on Sunday and 15 making splendid progress. Miss Ida Hancock feli severely in- jurinig herseif and her injuries are, cýausing bher friends grave apprehen- sions.î Mrs. W. H. B. Chaplain and daugb- ter Mary, are spending- a few ýdays with Port Granby and Port Hope friplnds. Fridtay vnig April 20, in Par- isb Hall of St. Gýeorge's Cburch, a S farewell roception -was tendored Rev. and Mrs. Jamnes E. Fenaing by a, largo assemblage of the coagregation. 1 The Wardenis, Mr. D. J. Gibson and Mr. J. E. MAatchett presented ta Mr. Fening i--anadrs and a purise ai gold, the formner conveying the re- bitrts ai tbe eQngregation nt the svrance ai those tios whicb lad benired during the Rector's il yTeavs incuibency and earnoestgood wý,isbois for bis future welf are ln lis new parish at Sutton. Mrs,.' Farn- comib, on behaîf of the Women's Auiliary expressed simiýilar- feelings of regret and goodwill. The Rector in repling warmly thanked the memn- bers of , th-, congragation for this m-ark of theýir affection andi goodwill toward$ bimself and bic, f anily, and for the patience wbicbhLad been shown 'duX-ing peiriods aifnecossarily lessened energy following bis illness. Tbe fact that ho had spont the four terrible vears af th~e war in Newcast- > Ie would always ho a close bond of union between bîm and the mem-. bers of this parih. Ho expressed the hope that re-unions migbt beo very irequent since in these -days afiiotor cars, distance betwee1n Newcastle and Sutton \is not very groat. Lad- ies of the congregation served ro- iresbmierts and ia,,hýappy evening was~ brougliht ta a els witb the singingl ai thle hyn 'G"o dlbe with you til we mooet Againo".- NEWCASTLE MAr. Il. K. Ra-vls the new accouat.. an t at the Standard Bank, in succes- sion ta Mr. Clorencte Allia rosigned. The regûlar migrations, on an in- creasing scal, a ur lak~e frontI summoiir homes have comirenced in earnest. Amn the week's visitors 1have been Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bal aaidMr Ernest Bail at Harris LodIge with Dr. W. H. aWalton-Ball and son rc;Mr. aii(lMrs. R. L. Wright and ~son, of Toronto and -Broadlawn at Harris Lodge; Mr. and Mrs. Austin Campbell and' 1daughiters at Dr. car- veth's; Mr. and MUrse GeQ. Bull at their niew summrrer homne, soutb of Copper Beech. Epworth Longue af Christian En- dea:,vor has been broadlenied out by the taclio-n of lat year's General Con- ference now ta ho knowai as Youig' People's Longue. Monday nigbt Rev. E. B. Coolçê clearly explaine.d the ideals and constitution. Officers elected were: Prest.-Ernest Gîl- bank; lst Vice-Christian Fellowýýship, M0iss Mlinnie Selby; 2ad vice-Mis- sionary, larl Osh)orne; 8rd Vice- Christian Citizenship, Miss Lillian Clenrence; 4th Vice-e-Literary and Recreation, Barniett Harris; 5th Vice -Intermediate, Missý Lilliani Colwill; 6th vice--Junior, Eric Pearce; Sec'.-EartClemence; Roc. Sec'y. -Miss BEertha Cowan; Treas.-Clar- once Allia; ?ianist-Miss Irene Bas- kerville. Dr. G. J. Trueman, M. A., Pi D., Assistant Secretary of the Education,. ai Society of tbe Methodist Churcb preacbed excellent sermnons i .n aur Methodist Cburch on Sunday. In the mnorning Dr. Trueman spoke par-; ticularly of the mnany young mon for whomn a higher education wouid ho an impossibility wore it not for the. financial assistance readlered by our educational society from- conýribu- Lions given by the ran1k and file af Methodism. Dr. Trueman also spoko af the bjghily crocitable and honor-~ able position of Victoria College among theological and other institu- tions of bigher learning. la the evening Dr. Truem-an dealt with the broader theme of education la rela- tion ta aur people, churchea and col-- lele's. At bath services ho spoke- iEn plain, simple, unadulterated Eng- tish in a mnanner'void of ail elaborate- imsa or oratorical display. The Sundav Schoal Board of Man- agoement met in the Board room on Wednoissday ovening and re-officeradj itseif for the onsuing year. Ail presont teachers and îoficers were re'- elected or appoiated ta fili vacancies as f ollows: Mr. Fredi Graham, aI- tbou--h urgently requested ta ho ro- lieved, wvas again eiected as Super- intondopt; Assiat. Supt.-Mýr. J. J. Uglowv; Associate Relieving Supts.- This is the se s3snn of annual buai- Mr. H erb. Hanc ock, Mr lNran nes etig adelci-r- ficr Rickard, Mr. W. H. Jackson; Sec'y. nes metigs ntielctin o oficr -Mr. John Douglas; Asst. Sec'- among the manyt organisations af Mrs. J. R. Fisher; Treas.-Mr. rl the M1ethodist Churcb and Sunday Pee; L1ainMia legs Scbool. it woulfil a newvspapor As at.cDoMi.ra . Paksr; Supt.; ta report ah tbhe business transacted, PrAry iasoMrs r. Char.eH;ncock; the inaugural speeches and the many PiAsst a,,-r.Ca. acc; excellentî reports b,, offiçers o te A .t-Miss Minnie Selby; Junior De-' years ativiies Suffice it ta Say partm-ent-MVrs. J. _R. Fisher; Teach- yoar' tW.M.t teiadesAi o rs ai Girls' Classes-Mrs. S. Bas- thate W.'a M. &, the adiesAide kerville, Miss Lillian Coiwill, Mrs.1 thes Ju.y c H.te ditBbl lJose, Mrs. Norman Rickard, Caaand the X1lelame Class oaifiMiss Alia Çolwill; Boys' Classe-1 yauag rmoln have .,eld theair elections, Mrs. Mark Allia, Mr. Law7rence ($ry- an(, comnienced work for anotber1 derman, Mr. Ewart Clemence, Mr,. J. strenuoua year.' The Adlult Cla"ssi1-I. Jos;YugMnsM.I.R met by at he Parsona e c.rce; Adlult-M,ýr. J. MW. Bradley; wbere everyoaç was graciously e, Pianist-Mrs. J. H. Jase; Assistant- comied and givea the 'ireedom aif Miss Beatrice Bragg; Tomporanco their homoe by the pastor, Rev. E. Sec.'ckr, ucéd B. Cooke and Mrs. Cooke. Wive's in~-Mr. . . ickard, Msucc'eed- or bhuabanida, as thie case mighit bho, '_ W.H aksn isnr 1nst1ruction in charge ai W. M. S; a;1imemi-bors were also pýresont a-.dý Tend'cer Training Dept.-M,ýrs. E. B. en.joyed the hospitality ai the par-r Cookc CaeRolndHi Dp. sonago nnd aofi te cla'sa. [hoeo- O rdeRi niHm et tolg ficr er letd rr- Miss Pearl Cobbledick. lected,: President-Mr. S. Jase; The Canadlian Statesm-ian la $1 «0 Secretary-Miýrs. Wmi. Iockini; Trea- I for balance of 1923 ta a new sub- urer-M,isa O. Warren; Teacher- sacriber. MIr. J. W. Braio$'; -Assistant Tý_eae ________ -Mr. Ed. Thnckray. Aiter ashr prog-ram in fSpeeches bey Mr. Jase, _Mr, LAKE SHORE Bradley, Mr. Grahiam, solo by Mrs.« Biranton,, readhl by Mir. Norman lï1 SundaýY Sho niesr ud Rîkrvocal duet by Rev. andi Mrs. i prlil 29at 2 ïlm, Rev. J1. C. Wilsoni, E. B. Cooke ati reading ' by Mrs. '1orc1nt, w\-il pec...i.ss .Geirnde -L1inWecoehome for tuieweok-ý Fraiank Rickaxrd, th'e reireshmnent coim- e1d .. Mr Jim Mein nd Mlis.s Ers-1 mitee ervd lnchaisand-wiches , n, saa:"dae t on ed cake, tea, and tarts. y1 of hecccouin, Mrs" Waltrs Oshawa, an and Treasuror reported a~ mem-ber- Mr.RihrWatOhwa visite, his ship ai 80 with an nnun budet!a siterst ( k ..r.WaIllace TIalmes atbout $ý85.00 fo1r this on'- cas. an akvstdBwavl'ic rinds reý- _Welcome Organizýed Claý-sa aiyoung! mon beld its aalrt business mepeting j an lection of officers on Fri'day Idbt ah otg tm" nlight wîth thbe usual accompiments I aid LtleJckR er ofai avarieti progmam and imaple ' Sy-1 "For being g-od(i't gots n iicking; r-up and pani cake supper. Officers, Andc is put in a cornier" L-ectedl were: Prest.-Earl Osb orne;I Cobb X. Shina. Vice Prest-Eric Pearce; See ____________________ Arçchie Glennry; Treaa.-Orville Os- borne; Teacher-H, R. Pear7ce. TheltFEC Churclh Choir, Thep Young_ La dieý,S' Sunshine Classad other ld red FRANCS were ,guests ai the young moiniafter the purely businiess session. Pro-; ITALIAN codling the supper, the ciasa ente-LR tained with a f ew literary,, andmuiLR y, ,oneç fown ta ýt of Pa ei -gS, ~votes ai ap- aald he-arty SODAS 15C l In BtrIlk DUTCH GUILDERS GERMAN- MARKS AUSTRIAN KRONEN We bave arra-ngod aur facilil- ties sa as ta masure satisfact- ory and econamciicai service ta those whlo, wish ta ýdeal ia foreign choques or, curren- -e of cies. Write for, turtuoer in- 0lay formation andi pricos. give h-e Sirbie, Forlong & Cp. OCIfls Motbers Toronto Stock Exchange g its 10 KING STEE EAST isb- TORONTO :arY Hamilton Brantford Kitchener NEWCASTLE CHURCHES The Proshyterian Church at New- castle, Sunday School and Church service 10 and 11I a. m. Subject- Eyes to see, cars to hear, heal'ts to tnderstand, the Lord is the maker 'of thene aIl. Evening subject- The Lie of CJhrist, an introduction to the gooci news. M{ethodist Churchi, Rev. E. B. Cooke, Pastor. 11 a, in.-Morning Worship. 2.30 p. m.--Snday School. 7 p. m.Eeig évc canicelled in view of the tinanimousi acceptance of the invitation to wor- ship with St. George's congrega'tion. Monday evening-Choir Concert. Wednes'day evenng-Prayer service., METHODIST CHOIR CONCERT A grand concert wfll ho given in the Methodist Churcli on Monday, April 30 at 8 p. in., when vocal, piano and organ. solos, 'duets, quar- tets and choruses, will ho givon byT mienmbers of the choir. Mliss GlalwT Jackson, Toronto,, readler, wil as- sist on the program. M-iss Jackson 1a a7 very popular elocutionist and la sure ta delight ail who attend . Don't mniss this great miusical treat. Ad-' mission 35C. J. W . B r ad ey-- General Jnsuranci. Agent Clerk of 2nd Division Court, Con missioner. etc. Coal SUMMER PRICES NOW IN OPERATION See me before placing your order. ýGeo. Jarmieson Newcastkr MEDICAL ALFRED FARNCOM13, M. D., C. MU Graduate of Trinity University, alt of Royal Colloge Physiciasa Edin- burg. Speciaty-Diseas of wom- en and children. Office-ýParker'a Block, Newcastle. J. A. BUTLER, M. D., C. M. Honiar eradaate of Trinity Univeitity, Fellow çf Trinity Medical College, Licentiate of the State Uniiversity of New York, Matriculate of the Pomt- Gradiuate Medical School and Hoa- pftal of New York-and FelIow ot the Toronto Academy of Medicine. Office -Mrs, McNaughton'u Rosidence,. Newcastle. Hours 8 to 10 a. m., 1 to 3 m. m, and by appoixntment. The Full SM arket Basket It is, aiways aur'aim ta render aur customera a service wbiih wîll ho absolutely satisfactory by giving: FULL WEIGHT FULL VALUES FULL QUALITY Ail we ask is an opportuinity te show you that it pays ta deai haro. H. S. Britton Bqjre & ~oe ,e Newcaatle id THE F OOD IS GOOD- THE PRICES ARE LOW .That's always the situation in this Grocery Store. Because of these two great factors we have buit Up an enviable " business. W- both ]ose when yôu buy elsewhere. R. WALTON GrocerNewcastle THE SUPREME AND POPULAIR DIURATCR PRICES: Star $710; 4-cylinider Durant Durant $2335.- $1395; 6-cy¶1indýr DEMONST1RATION: We wll gladly give you a deonstration of the Durant at any time. INFORM1ATION: Free information on operation andi care ot car. IMPORTANT: See us befare buying a car. W. J. MOORE & SON Lt Dealiers Newcastle NINETY DAY GUARANTY This is Your Chance REMEMBER! SUMMER WILL SOON BE HERE ROBINSON BROS. BEFORE JNVESTING CONSULT THE OLDEST BOND IIOUSE IN CANADA Undlerwritinig and dealing exc! usively ini Government, Municipal and Canadian National Railway Debentures. G. A. STIMISON & CO. Hard,.re Store * MAPLE SYRUP M'Y LET US -17M a Tools to Makè1 Spring Work Easy Yes, we have everything a well equipped hardware store should have. And say folks, be- fore you send your mon-ey out of the village for hardware come~ in and see my stock and compare prices., We make it worth your while to deal with WM. JAMIESON Newcasth-

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