Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Apr 1923, p. 7

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emb 14 W you cai~u mke. cIpus-Just try it. Deposit Your Coupons XYHEN You cut the coupons fromi your Victory Bonds ~~or other securities, the logical place to put therr is inta yout saving.9 accolint. Savinge Departmnente are maintained nt aII our branches and Victory Bond coupon. wiII ha received for deposit or encagIi ment witbout chIarge. Let the inteeat from your investinent cain more interest ii the "sandard". TIIE STANDARD BANK97 TOTAL ASSETS OVER EIGHTY-THREE MILLIONS SBranch, - H. W. Lapp, Manages 3raneh, E . A. Preston. Mpnagey iid Neoîiville Branches J. Scott Montgomery, manager A Wise Builder USES THE BEST MATERIALS Rogers Cernent makes the best foundation.. Ontario Pîne-B. C. Fir-and Quebec S4ruce make the best superstructure. B. C. Cedar Shingles or Vulcanite Roofing make the best covering. Beaver Brand Hardwood Flooring is more dur- -able and sanitary than any other, therefor~e it is the 1best flooring. Beaver Board Pl1ain or Beaver Board Grained make handsome, walls anld ceiling. Pine Doors, Sash and inside trim make the begt finish. IF T he People's Fuel and Lumber Depot is the best place to buy. Prices reasonable and a square deal for every- fl and me-us. McC1eIIaii & Co., Lintited IlKing St. East Office Phone 15 Bowmanville Hlous Phones 228, 274, 218 Econo mise One hundr2îed brilliant, lasting, waterproof shines for 15c. A tin of -NUGGET" and a few minutes "ehc morning does the trick. or sof, SURPRISE gives iick, lasting lather; and pet Is the wisest purchi Pure, Fresh and o D port to the dliscredited doctrine of re]ativitýy, than whîch a greater piece of humnbuggery lias not'appeajred lan any age". He explained that a fundamental postulate of Einsteilii-,-, that eth- BOWMANVILLE, APRIL 26, 1923.1 THE EINSTEN THEORY By Chas. M. Bice, Lawyer, Denver, Coloradlo. Perfraps the most 'discussed figure in intellectual circles in the world to- day is the Jew of Germian birtli- Albert Einstein, the Zionist. But it is not as a ,Tew, nor as a Zionist, that we find himn so much in the linwlight of public observation to-çLay as it la his revolutiona-ry treatment of tume,j space and gravitation, which iuater- ially affects various branches of ac- cepted science, and thereby threatens to throw certain portions of our school books and other scholarly works,- into the discard. The world in this twentieth cen- tury is paying homnage to the .god Mathem-atics, that enables man to measure the stars at one extreme aind the atomi at the other. Great la the science of exactness I Another. triumnph has been accord- ed to, Mathematics in the announce- ment recently made by Dr. Williami W. Camipbell, President of the Uni- versuity of Cahifornia, and an accept- ed auithority on astronomy, that t he Einstein theory of gravity's influ- ence upon light has been demonstat- î6 d as physically truc. During the war period, when men's thoughts were ail upon how; to 'des- troy human life, this Jew Mýathe- matician stated that the stars near to the sun must have their h ght bientE or defiected through thé ±force of gravitation. His déiductions and in.- et ductions were those of a mathem- *~atician, not an astronomer. But soon after the war ended, as- Stronomy took up the challenge, and during an eclipse of the sun photo- graphs were taken for the purpose J of' proving or dîsproving the so-called Einstein Theory. These photos, ow- ing to clipaatic conditions, were not perfect, but they lent evidence as far as they went in support of the 1 nlew theory. Last September at an- other eclipse of the sun, the whole world of astrononiy joined in thel eff ort to secure unquestioned evi- dence for or against the startling declaration of the Swiss Jewvish Pro- f essor. The "stars in their courses" fav- ored man on this occasion and the California leader in astronomnical fields la able to state authoritativlly, based on the photograph material re- centIv developed, that what th e math ematician reasoned out by fig- ures and symbols years ago, was so- there la a warp in space and light benda as if it were matter. Weli, "what of it"? asks the co-nmon plodder. The, stock ex- change la not affected by the scien-1 tific proof adduced for a mere theory. Theearth wiil continue to rotate as usual. Our time-pieces, even, need not be altered. Yet there is much to it, bcause it is a nilestone on the rond to the ultimate goal of humanl knowiedge. We are learning a lit- tîs more of Nature and her myster- ious doings. Prom Newton to Ein- stein a long roadl and a captivating ne, ha~s been -raved. Newton contended that lighit wa in a sense matter, and his theory was_ known as "the corpuscular theory of of attenuated matter were constanit-l ly emnitted by the light-mnaking oh- ject. This has been demonstrated to have been a mistaken assumption. Light la not matter, made up of corp- uscles and possessed of density to be affected bxz the law of gravitation, as Newvton ciaîmed. But while the reason for its being affected by gravitation given b y Newton was incorrect the fact that it la so influenced la now fully es- tablished, though light la occasioned solely by the undulatory or vibra- tory action of the atmosphere or medium throughi which it passes. This la the acceptedj theory of light by th<e scientific world. Now the question arises, Is liglit matter or force? If it la not one, must it be the other? What is the difference? There are many things about light. which are not found, in mnatter ns the latter is comn- moly understood. Ligltit l a con- stant; man mieasures 'everytin by light, which travels at a give see under all conditions as far as known, anad this la about 186,000 miles ai second. To many people, the fact that Einstein, through mathemiatical cal-ý culation, wns able to demonstrate what has. been provedl by physical exaimination, will be the greater mir- acle. Like Pythagoras, We musti bow our heada in meekness; to num- WThe lig-ht theory propoundýed byl Eistein, first broughit lm iibefore, Bowm anville 1 I '1 The Star Car Worth the Money We have opelied a new garage for repairs to ail makeès of Cars, trained experienced workmen in charge. Gasoline and Ois for sale. Cal and let us' demonstrate to you that we have the country~s greatest Motor Car Value. BARTLETT & MA WSON Durant~ & Star Sales & Service King St. East i8owmanviIle The number of peo- ple who buy Ford cars will set the price of Ford cars. CHADBUIRN MOTO R1 CO., Oshawa, Runabout $405 TburhIP-J$445 Coupe $095 Sedan $785 C'haqqk £%SMI disgrace to our age. Roads are in rather iincomfortable1 It is to be remarked anent tjiis dis- condition yet. cussion, that the Parls Acaýdemy of Iarnless your enthusiasm- and loy.1 Scien~ces o)n October 24, 1921, came aIty to local enterprises. out wvýith conspicuouF, proclamations Poica iha btenBw by Prof. Picard and Painleve against. rvnilHgwybtenBw the Einstein, theories end in favor of mianville and Toronto la in pretty the Newtonian miechanics.1 fair condition. Only a f ew soft We know that the celebrated Eng- spots. Iish physicist Henry Cavendish (1731.-_____ 1810) calculated the effect of New-, ton's theory that the corpuscles of, HE SAYS HE CAN light are bent towardthe sun in pass- ing niear it; and in 1801 Dr. J. Von- NOW DO HIS WORK .Soldner a German physicist of em- inence actually origlnated the f orm- IQuebec Man Used Dodd's ula recently used by Einstein. This was 122 years ago. But Einstein in Kidney Pills. his writings and! speeches, neyer once mientions VonSoldner. ! Mr. Aubin States thatthey have Made Capt. See contends that Einstein Him, wel and t1hat hi. Kidneys are is not an honiest investigator; and Wiîthout Pain. hie observes tliat the observations of the, recent eclipse in Australia while St Nicholas Station, Quebec, April ver3? important, dIo not prove the 23 (Special). Gaudias Aubin, a Einstein theýory, and asrserts that wýell kniow;ýn and respected resident "the refraction of starIight as showi, here il a sure friend of Dodd's Kid- rebounds to the credit of Newton ney Pulls. Hie has tried thent and and VonSoldxner, flot to Einstein. found themn good. A, further test of the Einstein 'I am nowv, very well and niy kid- theory will be made next September ney,S are xithout pain" Mr. Aubin at the total sun edlipse that will oc: staýtes. "Since the time I started cùr then, visible in Southern Calif or- taking Dodd's Ridney Pis, 1 have not nia. This will be under the super- had any more pain and I have been vision of the Wilson Obsery'atory able to get to my work". it is annoiunced by Dr, W. S . Adams fromt Mr. Aujhin's trouble came in charge. fo the Kidneys is .evidenced by the Dr. A'danisfavors the conclusions relief hie got fromi Dodd's Kiýdney of Dr. Campbell, director of the Lick Pilla. They are purely and sumply Observatory. The theory wilýl prob- a Kidney remedy. They heai and ably be settled at that time, if weath- streng-then the Kiclneys and put them er conditions are favorable for the in shape to strain ail the inipurities observations contemplated. out ofçthe blo od. The ideas which led to the devel- It is easy to see how neglecting opinent of Einsteini'a theory are flot them may býe the cause of serious iii- iiew. Ne-wton appreciated the pin. ness. Rheumatism, Dropsy, Urin- ciple of miechanical relativity and ary Troubles, Diabetes and Heart Dis- presented it in great detail. But. case are sorne of the penalties that it seenis to~ the present writer, that t folIow neglecting- the caîl of sick Einstein belongs the credit of coin-kidneys. pletely disentangling the idea of rel' Sound kidneys mean pure blood. ativity of mnotion fromi ancient or ah- Pure blood means good health. solUteness of velocity and carrying Ask your neighbor if Dodd's Kid- out the relativistic viewpoint to its ney Pilla are not the best remedy for ogucal conclusion. sick kidneys. New Superior Chevrolet IT HAS EVERYTHING Looks-Finish-Power-Comfort---Economy A Complete Car~-No Extras To Buy The new SUPERIOR Chevrolet answers the ever increasing- ing demand for a completely equipped qua ' ity car furnishing comfortable and reliable transportation at a cost lower than that furnished by any other make of car in the world. Sixty- seven new improveinents in the Chevrolet make it more than everthe world's grateat niotor car value. See the new Chevrolet, ride in it, drive it yourself, then compare it point by point wýith any other car. Some distinctive features of Chevrolet are: streaniline body design with hîgh hood; vacuum feed and rear gasoline tank on all modela; druin type hýeadlamps with legal lenses; curtains op- ening with doors on ail open models; ail closed bodies Fisher- built with Ternstedt çvindow regulators, sun visor, windshield wiper and dash ligbt. The Touring Coupe is equipped with auto trunk on rear. Ask about the G. M. A. C. Plan of Deferred Payments. Whir-r-r-'r-ip and over. You neyer knew an engine could have such pull1! Forty full horse power on a 115 inch~ chassis!1 Regularly and con- sistntly the Qldsmobike Four out- climbs everything inside or outsido its price class at hli climbing tests. No wonder its owners aeclaim it- "The Most Car f or the Money." OLDS MOTOR WORKS 0P CANADA, LIMITED Sabsidiary of General Motor, ol Canada, Lrmited. MOFFATT MOTOR SALES Bâowmanville and Oshawa $1375 O LD Froni the King of the Forest to the King of Floors Buy your hiardw,ýood floOring by naine and insiat absOlutelY On Seaman-Kent "Beaver Brand." See that the name and trade mark are on every bandie that you receive. The. name "Beaver Brand" la your guarantee Of pernmanent and cOzrplete satisfaction. If yen wish tO lay your floor youraelf, write us for a copy of our folder on the laYing Of a hardwood floor. The work Presents no nnuaual difficult- les, provlded that yen are us- ing "Beaver Brand," whiçh les so perfectîy made and m ac- ed that with ordinazy care fine resul maY b. obtained. -~1 McCLIELLAN & CO. Pho-ne 15 Bowmanville c tifItl fI t? fi t i t li t11111 The Worldus Most Envied Tire Record MAileage-Faultless Anti*skidl A183 S MOBIL E PURE Washes 'Well in any Water Wlth water hot or cold, ha Luke, ]BOYS, Limited j ý 1 1Phone 188 IRE

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